PAWThe Newsletter of the PartnershipShakes for Animal Welfare . Spring 2021 PO Box 1074, Greenbelt, MD 20768 .

Cats & dogs: patience, baby gates— and treats! By Joanne Goldman

’ve had cats since I was 10 years old. I had always wanted a dog but Icould never have one because we lived in an apartment, and I felt it was important for a dog to have a backyard to run in. In 1998, after two of our cats had passed away and we only had one, my family decided it was finally time to adopt a dog. And at this time, we lived in a single-family home with a great fenced yard. In our search for a dog, the first ques- Molly G and Alex Cross tion we would always ask was “Is the dog cat friendly?“ We were not looking up. We probably left the gate up longer for a specific type of dog. We simply than we had to, but we wanted to be wanted a dog who would like our cat. sure that everything would be okay. After searching, my family found a Once we took the gate down, Skittles PAW dog named Star, whom we fell in and Star lived in peace—together. love with. She was a one-and-a-half-year- Once we gained our confidence, we old collie mix. She was the sweetest dog decided to adopt another cat. Of course, we had ever met. The only “problem” we then had the dual challenge of intro- was that we did not know if she was cat ducing Skittles to a new cat and to Star. friendly. All we knew was that she was Again we used a baby gate but Lucky, given up by her previous family. We our new cat, wanted nothing to do with were lucky to be approved for adoption it. She was fearless! Star welcomed her Lucky and Forrest Gump by PAW and we brought Star home. with open arms. Unfortunately, Star After doing some research, we did not care for other dogs. So, after we Angel the cat. Once again, the baby decided that the baby gate approach had Lucky for a while, we decided to gate went up, and as quickly as it went was the one to go with. We set up a adopt another cat. Along came Clancy. up, it came down. gate at the top of the stairs so that our The baby gate went up again, and After adopting Angel, we fostered cat, Skittles, would feel secure, while this time, it came down quite quickly. many cats and kittens. Each, of course, giving her and Star the chance to meet Clancy was a bit apprehensive, but had a unique personality. We were safely. It worked! In addition to using Star’s gentle demeanor gave him confident of Star’s cat friendliness at this the gate, we always rewarded Star with confidence and they soon became best point. So, depending on the cat or kit- a small treat when she and Skittles met friends. Next in line for adoption was ten, we would weigh the need for a bar-

Spring 2021 . Partnership for Animal Welfare 1 Above—Anarchy! Clockwise, from lower left: Bentley, Alex, Clancy, Angel, Forrest

Left—Goldman Bistro, clockwise from left: Forrest, Steffi, Lucky, Clancy, Molly, Alex, Angel

rier. With some cats we did and with Many years went by, and Star cats. To this day, he is not always on his others we did not. Of course, along passed away. It was much too quiet best behavior with them. However, he with the gates, we needed lots and lots in the house without a dog. Over the is easily distracted and always rewarded of patience for both cats and dogs. Alex next years, we adopted four more for good behavior with treats. If you Cross was our last foster. Alex was a dogs: Bentley, Forrest Gump, Steffi, have never had a dog before but would feral kitten and was afraid of his own and Molly. We did know that three of love to adopt one and you do have cats, shadow. The baby gates went up and them were cat friendly, so introduc- the easiest route to take, of course, is to they stayed up a little while longer, until tions were much easier. But, just to be get a cat friendly dog. Still, my advice Alex gained his confidence—not only on the safe side, we used baby gates to is to take a chance, even if you don’t to interact with Star, but to interact ensure the confidence of all. And of know how things will go. Just remem- with the other cats. Because Alex was course, there were always lots of treats ber that you need lots of patience and so shy, it was difficult to introduce him for good behavior. an abundance of treats. A few baby to prospective adopters. We decided to One of the four dogs, Bentley, a little gates will help too! adopt him ourselves. Pomeranian, was a little feisty with the

Questions for Rosie By Bob Klein osie, you are being adopted! You have a big Sometimes dogs that best to interact with the Rbasket of toys that you rush to play with. Good paw pulls from shelters or dog, redirecting undesired luck, Rosie. Enjoy your new life. rescues from the streets behaviors toward desired Oh Rosie, what have you done? You lost your new are animals whose spirits or ones, and providing phar- home in just one day because they say that you did bodies have been injured, maceutical assistance. PAW terrible things—they were afraid of you, Rosie. How and we have no history tell- always provides full disclo- can that be? ing us how it happened. In sure when an animal needs Poor girl, Rosie, you are stuck at the kennel. You some cases, we can soothe a “special” person. There cannot be adopted until we understand what hap- the dog ourselves with love, are angels out there who pened, what you did. What did you do, Rosie? You patience, and stability. In have a passion for working other cases, we consult a with fearful animals and need a foster home. board-certified behavior- making them feel safe. Our Okay Rosie, we will foster you. No one else came ist to help us lessen the long-term volunteer Bob forward, or they did but you scared them away before dog’s fear by altering the Klein is one of them. you even made it to their home. Rosie, I’ll foster you surroundings, learning how and get you ready to be adopted so that you’ll have a happy forever life.

2 Partnership for Animal Welfare . Spring 2021 Oh Rosie, were those things they said about you true? You are a great dog and I see no reason why you can- not be adopted and enjoy a life of play and happy leisure. I carefully sifted through many applications—you were very popular—and we found a good fit. You seemed to like the folks and now we think you are permanently situated. Oh Rosie, what have you done? Again. You are back with us? The indictments against you include growling, snarling, baring your teeth, and lunging—luckily, you never completed the apparent attempt at biting your new family. Or is it all a show? Lots of bluster, but you don’t want to hurt anyone. Could that be Rosie and Bob Rosie waits for her special person it, Rosie? Oh Rosie, what are we to do with ior. I think we are coming around Are you worried about being you? You are such a nice dog with together, Rosie. abandoned? You don’t have to worry, us, but when you are adopted by new Rosie, you have been such a good Rosie, I will be with you until we people you do terrible things. Why do girl, what would you think of being find the perfect forever home for you do that, Rosie? adopted again? I think you might be you. That’s what I do. Rosie, you Oh no, Rosie, the whole world has ready for a forever home without us. Is and I are together because, well, shifted. Now you choose to demon- that a good idea, Rosie? that’s what I do. strate your fierceness to us, do you? Out of the blue comes a guttural snarl and the white canines flashing in warning. Warning for what? Membership/Donation Form for Partnership for Animal Welfare, Inc. How were you provoked? You PO BOX 1074, Greenbelt, MD 20768 • • 301-572-4PAW went away and hid. Is that shame at your actions or fear of reprisal? PLEASE CHECK AS MANY AS APPLY: Rosie, we won’t hurt you. ❑ Membership: ❑ Single ($25) ❑ Family ($45) ❑ Renewal (Please check here if this is a renewal membership.) Rosie, I cannot figure you out. I ❑ Additional donation: I am enclosing an additional gift of $ ______. think that you are afraid of some- ❑ I enclose an additional donation in memory of: thing, but I cannot say what. Am I on A person: ______A pet:______the right track, Rosie? I am familiar ❑ I enclose an additional donation in honor of: with your kind of dog—I can usually A person: ______A pet: ______tell what sets them off, but you are a Total Enclosed: $______mystery that never ceases to puzzle ❑ Volunteer: I am willing to help in the following capacity:______me. I watch you looking at me—do I Name: ______puzzle you too, Rosie? Address: ______Do you think a little medical exper- Phone: ______E-mail: ______tise will help you, Rosie? The doctor Please make checks payable to the Partnership for Animal Welfare says to take this pill once a day and and mail to the address on this form. The animals thank you. The Partnership for Animal Welfare is an officially recognized non-profit organization which is funded through donations and adop- tion fees. Donations are tax-deductible (Tax ID # 52-1979581). If you would like to help, you can do so by donating money, earmark- chill out. It seems to be working. We ing your charitable donations to PAW, helping with some of our fundraising activities, or donating food, blankets and other supplies. have been together for several months and you have been on your best behav- To access a detailed form or donate online, go to

Spring 2021 . Partnership for Animal Welfare 3 Happy Endings

One of our favorite parts of being a PAW volunteer is helping the animals find their forever homes. We love hearing happy stories from adopters and wanted to share some here.

Barney, the family celebrity By Diane Kolos hen this little fellow danced afternoon walk became part of our rou- Whis way into my life, he had tine as well because it made him so joy- Cash learns to been through four homes in two years ful—he is always delighted to go. I call trust including two stays with his PAW foster him my 11-year-old puppy because he is By Jennifer Driscoll always ready to play tug of war, go for a stroll, or (his personal favorite) take a have officially adopted three dogs ride in the car. Whenever I’m working from PAW in the last seven years: in the yard, he is out there “guarding I Beau, Koda, and Nick (his name is now the fence line” against possible intrud- Cash, as our son’s name is Nick). Two ers by tracking U.S. Post Office, UPS, were senior dogs. We lost one a few years and FedEx trucks as they go by. ago, and the other is still with us and In the past, it was difficult for me to going strong. They were and have been understand the strong bond between a wonderful animals. We adopted our dog and a human. After a few months third more than two years ago. His first with Barney, he had become a perma- few years in this world were not kind. nent part of my life and my family. He was left outside with four other dogs, Now, two-plus years later, I can’t imag- most likely to fend for himself. ine my life without him. Cash was with his foster family to He has become a beloved part of my get him through heartworm treatment, large extended family, and pre-COVID and they were the ones who initially Barney rests from his morning walk 19, he entertained the smaller children saved him by making the previous who came to visit with his cute tricks owner surrender all his dogs, including parents. He was part Jack Russell and and sloppy kisses. Our big family Cash, to the local sheriff. The foster had all the resultant energy, but he gatherings were a bit overwhelming for family already had their hands full with was also a wonderful, affectionate pup him at first, but then he got used to the who snuggled up on a lap every chance big influx of people. Barney can’t wait he got. As the first dog I’d adopted, for life to return to normal because we both had quite a learning curve, he revels in the attention he gets from but Barney made it easy. His eager- everyone who visits. He’s the star of the ness to please and sweet nature always show at every family gathering, and I’ve made any challenges manageable. He’s gotten used to family members asking a smart little guy, so we were able to about him before they ask about me. develop a routine in no time at all. Two years ago, adopting a dog Barney’s high energy level makes seemed to be a huge commitment. Now activity a must, which is a good thing I realize Barney has changed my life for both of us. What began as short for the better in so many ways, and I morning walks have gotten longer with wonder why I was worried about bring- time; the word “walk” always makes ing him home. The bumper sticker that him begin his happy dance. Soon an reads Who Rescued Who? is so true! Cash smiles, Koda snoozes

4 Partnership for Animal Welfare . Spring 2021 your storybook dog, but do know that mind, the only job we have is to you will get something so much better. play with her and pet her whenever Cash is the most loving dog, and he she wants—we work from home. We thinks the sun rises and sets on our are grateful for having this extra time family. Our other dog, Koda, merely at home with Molly so she can be tolerates Cash. He likes his alone time, happy and comfortable in her sur- but Cash never wants to be alone. My roundings. husband chuckles and says that Cash Our journey has had a few bumps has an unhealthy love for me, and I along the way. Molly was born with feel the same way about him. a genetic condition that makes her Rescue dogs take time, patience, skin very loose and easily torn. She and love. They need to learn to trust has acquired quite an extensive shirt again, but it’s worth every hour and month that goes by until then. My life

Cash happy and safe would not be as full if I never got to be part of my three rescue dogs’ lives. a house full of dogs, so after Cash’s treatment was over, PAW took him to one of the kennels that graciously boards PAW dogs until they can find The little Molly their forever homes. that could He did not do well at the kennel, By Jessica Gebhart and I believe it was during the first night that he was able to get over a ast year will go down in history six-foot fence and escape. He was so Las a year that wasn’t the greatest, freaked out, but thankfully he was but our fondest memory from 2020 found and taken to College Park is adopting Molly, our little Boston Animal Hospital where he was housed Yorkie, from PAW. After relocating until PAW could find another foster. I to Silver Spring from Austin, Texas, heard his story at one of the adoption we decided we would like to adopt a shows and agreed to foster him. My dog so our miniature schnauzer, Jack, husband jokes that I do not understand would have a fur friend. Molly gives us her best smile the definition of fostering because all We came across Molly’s bio online three of our dogs started out as fosters. and could not stop looking at her sweet The first few months were a chal- face, pointy ears, and underbite in collection because we’ve found this to lenge. Cash feared teenaged boys (of the photo. I contacted her foster and be a good way to keep her skin safe which we have one), and if you were made arrangements to meet Molly at from things that could hurt her. She wearing a baseball cap, look out! He an adoption event that weekend. Upon also suffered from a torn ligament in barked at everything: bikers, trucks, meeting Molly, I immediately fell in her back leg, but after surgery and other dogs—you name it. As he was love with her outgoing personality and six months of rehabilitation, she has previously kept outside all the time, constantly wagging tail. Our schnauzer regained full use of her leg and is do- he was not interested in being outside. Jack doesn’t have a tail, so this was new ing great. The first month we had to pick him up territory for me. We arranged for Molly We deeply admire Molly’s resil- and take him outside to potty. I think to visit us the following weekend so ience throughout the hardships she he was scared we would not let him she could meet Jack and my husband. has faced. Her outgoing personality, back in. It was quite the entertainment When my husband smiled while the adorable underbite, and constantly for our neighbors to watch me carry two dogs played together, I knew Molly wagging tail have added a tremen- our dog outside each day to potty. would be joining our pack. dous amount of joy to our lives. When you adopt a rescue dog, you We adopted her the same weekend Molly brightens our world, and we are should know you will probably not get that quarantine began, so in Molly’s thankful she found us.

Spring 2021 . Partnership for Animal Welfare 5 What’s a “foster fail”? Do you know the term “foster fail”? This expression is meant to be humorous. It refers to a foster who becomes smitten with a dog or cat and vice-versa. They will not be separated, so the dog or cat is adopted! Below are a few of the many love matches made through PAW.

PAW foster fails, their “kids,” original PAW names if applicable, and the year adopted—left to right by row, from top: Bethany DiPaula and Jax (Jack) 2011, Bill Isbell and Sadie (Biscuit) 2017, Greg Pike and Mickey 2017, Martha Oppenheim and Harry (Abe) 2017, Bob Klein and Tiny Tim 2012, Dave Campbell and Shelby 2017, Hillary Stains con Queso (Lady) 2019, Karen Walsh and Daisy 2018, Jenn Wertz and Horatio 2017, Kyle Eisenhart and Bam Bam 2015, Julie Marks and Frosty 2016, Kate Puchek and Avon Barksdale 2019, Twyla Henderson and Dakota 2013, Rochelle Bartolomei and Cleo 2020, Natalie Cummings and Cubby Bear 2020, Mark Jaffe and Honey 2019

6 Partnership for Animal Welfare . Spring 2021 Donations in Honor of and in Memory of. . .

In honor of people: In memory of John J. Baker, giving me 10 years with him. In memory of Lacy Dunn, a beloved by Martha Maruca, Faye Stark, In honor of my darling adopted golden retriever, by Deborah In honor of Drs. Montgomery & Linda Hottenstein, Shirley Baker, beagle, Charlie, by Iris Rainone Boettcher Moon, by Lisa & Peter Wells and Deb Taber In honor of PAW dog, Casey, In memory of Leroy, my beloved In honor of Al Dyson, by Ken In memory of my husband, James S. by Wendy & Jay Smith mixed terrier adopted from PAW & Cathy Dyson Young III, by Christina Young In honor of PAW dog, Jackie, in 1987, by Katrina Boverman In honor of Asa Doherty for fostering In memory of Suzanne Mattingly, by by Sean & Lisa Perry In memory of Luke, AKA Man Cat, cats, by Rochelle Altman Gloria Cottman, Dennis & Cindy In honor of PAW rescue dog, Zeke, & Zoe the Toe, by Skye & Daniel In honor of Asa Doherty, Cunningham, and Janice Bures by Giselle Bourgeois Chacon by Madelyn Altman In honor of Peanut, by Carolina In memory of Melvin, by Frank In honor of Ashley Blandford, In honor/memory Aguiar Cerrone Correl by Julie Blandford In honor of Piper, by Gina Shamshak In memory of my PAW dog, Billy, In honor of Diana Hodge, of people and pets: In honor of Rue, by Christopher by Catherine Stirling by Don & Adrienne Dripps In honor of the tireless PAW volun- Wilson In memory of my two cats, Blackjack In honor of Dr. Barbara Henderson, teers & their furry friends, In honor of Sadye, by Brenda & & Kemper, by Ellen & Judd Moul by Nancey E. Parker by Ginnie Maurer Nate Pooner In memory of Olivia, by Jackie In honor of Eva Doherty’s birthday, In memory of Ruth Cottman and In honor of Sassy & Rose, by Martin Threatte by Pamela Street our PAW dogs, Lady & Missy, Kwapinski & Una Murphy In memory of our beloved PAW In honor of Jennifer Mineart, by Harry Cottman In honor of Sky & Rosie, by Bob dog, Peanut, by Lori Lubin by Alvin Mineart & Nancy Klein In memory of our beloved PAW In honor of Michael Hickey & In honor of pets: In honor of Sophie, by T & Wayne dog, Tyke, by Kathleen Beres Robin Vinopal, by Linda Cronin In honor of Annabelle, by Lawrence Humphries & Miller Einsel In honor of Mike Backenheimer & & Beth Pratt In honor of Stormy, by Joan In memory of our dog, Cinna- Twyla Henderson, by Vicki Scott In honor of Annie, my PAW dog, Guberman mon Rose, by Donna & Brian In honor of Mrs. Louise Pike Short, by Nancy Galloway In honor of Tessa, by Ed Pastula Almquist Mr. William H. Pike, & Mrs. In honor of Atticus, by Jean-Jacques In honor of Tiger, by Gene Hinman In memory of our sweet orange kitty, Mary Maier, by Albert Pike Dethier & Shilpa Patel In honor of Whiskey, by Joshua & Buddy, by Kristin & Donald In honor of Natalie Cummings for In honor of Bodie, by Barbara Giddo Jennifer Keepes Greulich. He welcomed and was her contributions to Woofie’s In honor of Caleb (Cam), by John affectionate to every other rescue Legacy, by Michael Weiss Nilsson & Jennifer Knight In memory of pets: animal we adopted. In honor of Reilly Park, by Gregg In honor of Cooper and any other In memory of PAW dog, Coakley, Park In loving memory of Katie & Raven, animals who are waiting for their adopted from PAW in 2004, by by Wendy & Jay Smith In honor of Richard Browder, forever homes, by Cassandra In memory of Peach, by Eleanor by Peggy Bowditch Ms. Kyle Z. & Mr. Alan G.R. Bell Weiner In memory of Acro, by Linda Ward Glattly In honor of Twyla Henderson, In honor of Dallas, by Xochitl In memory of Radar, by Marianne by Michael Backenheimer In memory of Brooke, by Jayme & Zamora-Thompson Greg Leger Holmes In honor of Ernie, by Cheryl & In memory of Cassidy, 1999–2012, In memory of Reba (2005–2020), In memory of people: Patricia Johnson by Martha M. Sippel adopted 2007, by Maureen Dezell In memory of Barbara Benson, In honor of Espea, by Sharon In memory of Cheyenne, In memory of Susie, PAW rescue cat by Liana Corrinne Herndon by Charles & Charlotte Trainor & wonderful pet, by Jean Polatsek In memory of Debbie Breuer, In honor of Gretchen, adopted in In memory of Chip, by Joan In memory of the friendliest cat ever, by Sue Miller 2015 & still going strong, by Di- Guberman Buddy Greulich, by Linda & In memory of Frances Emmons, anne Thompson & Robert Kengle In memory of Cricket, by Karen George Uram by Pat Maslin In honor of Junie, by Joanna & Matt Drake In memory of Violet, our 15-year-old In memory of Janet Eldridge Wesner, Haley In memory of Jake, by Gordon PAW cat, by The Loftus Family by Carolyn Jackson In honor of Luke, AKA Lance, & Peggy Lester SAMPLE #3 by Rosalind Steere. Thanks for 20% LIGHTER WOOFIE’S FUND Continues! In memory of his beloved cockapoo, Woofie, Michael Weiss continues to generously support PAW in his name. We thank Michael for helping us save the lives of more companion animals than we could have otherwise. The PAW kitties and pups send Michael and Woofie their love, and the PAW humans send their gratitude. Woofie: March 4, 2017, one day before 12th birthday

Spring 2021 . Partnership for Animal Welfare 7 Partnership for Animal Welfare Non-Profit Organization P.O. Box 1074 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Greenbelt, MD 20768 Baltimore, MD RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Permit #5745

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PAW Shakes to. . . PAW Shakes • PAW’s ADOPTION SHOW HELPERS, • YOUR DOG’S FRIEND, Debra Ekman for Published twice a year by the Partner- DRIVERS, and FUNDRAISING VOLUN- offering free workshops, training referrals, and ship for Animal Welfare (PAW), Inc., TEERS for sacrificing many hours throughout more. a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization the week to help keep our group going. • DALE’S PET GROOMING in Laurel, Dale dedicated to the rescue and adoption • PAW’s KENNEL BUDDIES, who exercise and Martins for free grooming of PAW dogs and of homeless pets. socialize our kennel dogs all week. cats. Editors: Lisande Bissonette and • TRANSPORTERS, who take them to and • PRESTON COUNTRY CLUB FOR PETS in Jodi Koehn-Pike from the vets. The dogs and cats are so grateful. Columbia, owner Fred Wolpert, Quan Harper, Partnership for Animal Welfare, Inc. • PAW’s FOSTER and ADOPTIVE FAMI- Sarah Horstkamp, Tyler Crotty, and all our P.O. Box 1074 LIES—we couldn’t save lives without you. friends at Preston. Greenbelt, Maryland 20768 • VETERINARIANS AND STAFF at Beltsville • SNIFFERS DOGGIE RETREAT in Rock- (301) 572-4PAW (4729) Veterinary Hospital; Animal Behavior and ville, owners Hillary Stains and Laura Mathie- Wellness Center & Amy Pike, DVM, DACVB; son Green, for boarding some of our dogs at College Park Animal Hospital; Lake For- discounted rates, and all Sniffers staff for the 2021 Board of Directors est Animal Hospital; Veterinary Orthopedic kindness and energy they give to PAW dogs. President—Lalynn Kurash Sports Medicine Group Pet+ER/Columbia, • PARADISE FOR PETS in Beltsville, many Vice President—Julie Marks MD; CVCA/Columbia, MD; and Dr. Omobo- thanks. Secretary—Marty Adams laji Eniola at Petwell Veterinary Hospital for • LAST BUT NEVER LEAST, Maryland-area Treasurer—Robin Vinopal providing reduced-cost medical care to PAW’s PETSMART, PETCO, LOYAL COMPAN- Dog Coordinator—Dave Campbell homeless dogs and cats. ION, and PET VALU stores for hosting our Cat Coordinator—Heather Nawrocki • TRAINERS Beth Joy, Joyce Loebig, Sarah weekly dog and cat adoption shows. Volunteer Coordinator— Michelle Games Stoycos, Jen Boyd-Morin, Jennifer Owens, and Fundraising Coordinator—Vacant Jackie Moyano for their generosity, help, and Outreach Coordinator—Liza Malnik training advice for our more challenging dogs.