Luke 6 Resources

PreviousClick chart to enlarge Next Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission See another Luke Overview Chart by Charles Swindoll

Click chart to enlarge Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission


Luke 6 Commentary


Luke 6

ALBERT BARNES- commentary

Luke 6


Luke 6 Sermons Luke:6:1 -16 Sabbathtage & Team Eclectic Luke:6:17 -36 Christian Living is not always Comfortable Living Luke:6:37 -49 Modeling ’ Life

JOHANN A BENGEL- commentary

Luke 6


Luke 6


Luke 5:1-6:16 The Gathering of Disciples Luke 6:17-49 Jesus' Teaching

JIM BOMKAMP- sermons

Luke 5:27-6:11 Jesus Calls Levi, Continues To Heal, And Begins To Have Conflict After Conflict With The Luke 6:12-23 Jesus Chooses The 12 Apostles / On The Mount, Part #1 Luke 6:24-36 , Part #2 Luke 6:37-49 Sermon On The Mount, Part #3


Luke 6:19 Health in Jesus

GENE BROOKS- sermons

Luke 6:1-16 - Lord of the Luke 6:17-49 -

A B BRUCE - from The Training of the Twelve Luke 6:17-49 Hearing and Seeing - see Chapter 5

HENRY BURTON - Expositor's Commentary

Luke 6


Luke 6


Luke 6

RICH CATHERS - sermons

2015 Study

Luke 6:1-11 Luke 6:12-16 Luke 6:17-26 Luke 6:27-30 Luke 6:31-38 Luke 6:39-49

2000 Study

Luke 6:1-16 Luke 6:17-26 Luke 6:27-30 Luke 6:31-38 Luke 6:39-49


Luke Commentary

ADAM CLARKE- commentary

Luke 6


Luke 6

STEVEN COLE - - sermons

Luke 5:33-6:5 Avoiding Killjoys Luke 6:6-11 When Jesus Stomps On Your Toes Luke 6:12-19 The Master’s Men and Method Luke 6:20-26 How to Live Happily Ever After Luke 6:27-35 Radical Love Luke 6:36-45 Judging Others, Judging Self Luke 6:46-49 Why Obedience is Not Optional

RON DANIEL - sermons

Luke 6:1-26 The Sabbath; Praying And Choosing; The Sermon Luke 6:27-49 Loving Your Enemies; Blind Men And Lumber


Luke 6:1-11 The Great Sabbath Controversy Luke 6:12-26 Defining Discipleship Luke 6:27-49 Tough Love

JOHN DUMMELOW - commentary

Luke 6


Luke Sermon Series - Mp3's

J LIGON DUNCAN - et al- sermons

Lord of the Sabbath Luke 6:1-11 Poor, Hungry, Weeping, Hated Rejected and Blessed! Luke 6:12-22 What True Happiness Looks Like, and What Looks Like True Happiness , But Isn't Luke 6:20-26 Blessed or Cursed? Weal or Woe Luke 6:20-26 Loving Those Who Don't Love You Luke 6:27-36 Judge Not? Luke 6:37-38 You Are What You Do Luke 6:39-49


Luke 6 Commentary


Easy English Commentary on Luke's Gospel

CHARLES R ERDMAN- commentary

Luke 6


Luke 6:1-49 Live by Jesus’ Teachings


Luke 6


Luke 6


Lectures on the Gospel according to Luke - -8:21

DON FORTNER- sermons

Discovering Christ In Luke Vol 1 Luke 6:1-5 The Second Sabbath After the First Luke 6:6-11 On Another Sabbath Luke 6:12-19 , Preaching, Power Luke 6:12-19 Worship Luke 6:20-26 Four Great Contrasts Luke 6:27-38 How Can I Live Among Men For The Glory of God Luke 6:39-45 Three Great Dangers Luke 6:16-49 What is Your Foundation

A C GAEBELEIN Annotated Bible

Luke 6

JOHN GILL- commentary

Luke 6

FREDERIC GODET- commentary

Luke 6


Sermons on Luke - over 800 (most are Mp3's)


Luke 6:5 What does it mean that Jesus is the ? Luke 6:12-13 Why pray? What is the point of prayer when God knows the future and is already in control of everything? If we cannot change God's mind, why should we pray?" Luke 6:13-16 Who were the twelve (12) disciples / apostles of Jesus Christ? Luke 6:31 Is 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' a biblical statement? Luke 6:30, 35-36 Where/how do you draw the line between helping someone and allowing someone to take advantage of you? Luke 6:46 What does the Bible say about obedience?

L M GRANT- commentary

Luke 6

DAVE GUZIK- commentary

Luke 6

ROBERT HAWKER - Poor Man's Commentary

Luke 6

MATTHEW HENRY- commentary

Luke 6

F B HOLE - Commentary

Luke 6

HOLMAN PUBLISHING - well done, conservative study Bible notes Holman Christian Standard Bible Study Bible -


Luke 6:17-23 Practical Blessings Luke 6:24-26 Woes to the Well-Off Luke 6:27-29a The Hardest Love Luke 6:30-36,38 Give Like God Luke 6:37,39-42 Sawdust Inspectors Luke 6:43-45 The Tell-Tale Heart Luke 6:46-49 Rock Solid

HARRY IRONSIDE- commentary

Luke 6


Luke 6

WILLIAM KELLY- commentary

Luke 6 Commentary

PAUL E. KRETZMANN -Lutheran Perspective - commentary

Luke 6

LIFE APPLICATION BIBLE - Notes on Luke (158 pages) includes nice black and white maps

Luke Application Study Notes - These are practical notes which help you apply the text.


Luke 6


Luke 6:1-5 Jesus: The Divine Truth Teller Luke 6:6-11 Divine Truth Confronts Human Tradition Luke 6:12-13 Common Men, Uncommon Calling Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Peter, Part 1 Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Peter, Part 2 Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Peter, Part 3 Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Andrew and James Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: John Luke 6:15 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Matthew and Thomas Luke 6:16 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: , Part 1 Luke 6:16 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Judas Iscariot, Part 2 Luke 6:15-16 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: James, Simon, and Judas Luke 6:17-19 The Popularity and Power of Jesus Luke 6:20-23 The Character of a True Christian-1 Luke 6:23-26 The Character of a True Christian- 2 Luke 6:27-28 The Commands of Kingdom Love Luke 6:29-30 The Actions of Kingdom Love Luke 6:31-38 The Content of Kingdom Love Luke 6:39-45 The Danger of Following the Wrong Spiritual Teacher Luke 6:46-49 The Ultimate Religious Decision Luke 6:46 Why Do You Call Me Lord? - Question and Answer format


Luke 6 Thru the Bible Commentary- Mp3 files


Luke 6:20–31 Laws of the Kingdom Luke 6:41–49 Three Condensed


Luke 6:1-11 Confused About The Sabbath Luke 6:46-49 Jesus, Our Lord


Luke 6:20-26 “The “Poor” in the of Matthew and Luke (pdf)


Luke 6 - Brief Comments Luke 6:13 Luke 6:40


Luke 6

J R MILLER - Devotionals

Luke 6:20-26, 16:19-31 Poverty and Riches Luke 6:27-38 The Law of Love Luke 6:39-49 Hearing and Doing


The - 503 page Pdf

HENRY MORRIS - Defender's Study Bible Notes

Luke 6:3 Have ye not read Luke 6:9 Is it lawful Luke 6:13 twelve Luke 6:16 the brother Luke 6:17 plain Luke 6:19 virtue Luke 6:20 on his disciples Luke 6:22 separate you Luke 6:24 woe unto you Luke 6:26 speak well of you Luke 6:38 given unto you Luke 6:40 perfect Luke 6:44 his own fruit Luke 6:49 heareth, and doeth not ROBERT NEIGHBOUR - Living Water Commentary

Luke 6


Luke 6

JAMES NISBET'S - Church Pulpit Commentary

Luke 6


Luke 6:12-16 Luke 6:27 Luke 6:27-36 Luke 6:27-36 Luke 6:27-36 Luke 6:27-36 Luke 6:27-36 Luke 6:27-36 Luke 6:27-36 Luke 6:27-38 Luke 6:27-35 Luke 6:27-35 Luke 6:32 Luke 6:30-38 Luke 6:32-36 Luke 6:27-36 Luke 6:36 Luke 6:37-42 Luke 6:37-42 Luke 6:37-42 Luke 6:37-42 Luke 6:37-45 Luke 6:37-45 Luke 6:41 Luke 6:41-45 Luke 6:45 Luke 6:46 Luke 6:46 Luke 6:46-49 Luke 6:46-49


Luke 6

PASTOR LIFE - various pastors' sermons

Building a Life that will Last Luke 6:46-49 Sammy Burgess God's Cure for Withering Lives Luke 6:6-11 Sammy Burgess

PETER PETT - Commentary

Luke 6 ALFRED PLUMMER- commentary

Luke 6

E H PLUMPTRE, D.D.- commentary

Luke 6

MATTHEW POOLE - Commentary

Luke 6

PREACHER'S HOMILETICAL - Commentary - Includes Germ Notes, Illustrations, Homilies

Luke 6


Luke 6:27-36 The Final Step: Blessing Your Enemies Luke 6:38 The First Law of Christian Giving Luke 6:40 Lessons From the Master Teacher Luke 6:27 Why You Need Your Enemies and Your Enemies Need You


Luke 6


Luke 6:1 Luke 6:4 Luke 6:5 Luke 6:9 Luke 6:12 Luke 6:13 Luke 6:17 Luke 6:20–49 Luke 6:20 Luke 6:21 Luke 6:22–23 Luke 6:24–26 Luke 6:30 Luke 6:31 Luke 6:32–34 Luke 6:35 Luke 6:37 Luke 6:46–49

RON RITCHIE- sermons

Luke 6:1-11 What is the Problem with Living a "Religious" Life? Luke 6:12-26 Where is the Life in the Living When the Living Seems Lifeless? Luke 6:27-38 How Should We React Toward Those Who Hate, Curse and Mistreat Us? Luke 6:39-49 How Can We Know if We Are Genuine Christians?

A. T. ROBERTSON- commentary Luke 6


Luke 6:38 Promise Giving Luke 6:39-46 Beams, Splinters, and Sawdust

J C RYLE- commentary

Luke 6 Luke 6:44 Tried by Its Fruits

ROB SALVATO- sermons

Luke 6:1-11 The Lord Of The Sabbath Luke 6:12-16 he Calling Of The Twelve Luke 6:17-26 The Message Of The Kingdom Luke 6:27-36 The Danger Of Self Preservation Luke 6:37-45 Are We To Judge? Luke 6:46-49 Building On The Right Foundation

JOHNNY SANDERS - commentary

Its the Gospel According to Luke - 205 pages published 2005. Well done


Link below begins with sermons on verse 1 - click arrow to advance to sermons on next verse. These are older, more "classic" sermons from the Biblical Illustrator

Luke 6


Luke 6

CHARLES - sermons

Luke 6 - Following sermons are on this page Luke 6:12, 13 The Apostles Chosen Luke 6:19 The Analogy Between Bodily and Spiritual Cures Luke 6:20-26 True Happiness Stated Luke 6:43-45 The Tree Known by its Fruits Luke 6:46 The Folly of a Fruitless Profession

CHUCK SMITH- sermons

Sermon Notes for Luke 6:36 Sermon Notes for Luke 6:46-49 Sermon Notes for Luke 6:46-49 Sermon Notes for Luke 6:47

C. H. SPURGEON- sermons

Luke 6 - exposition Luke 6:12 Special Protracted Prayer Luke 6:12 The Preparatory of Christ Luke 6:15 Zealots Luke 6:32-34 The Heroic in Luke 6:39, 40 The Choice of a Leader Luke 6:46-49 On Laying Foundations

GEOFF THOMAS - sermons

6:1-11 The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath 6:12-16 Twelve Apostles are chosen 6:17-20 The sermon on the plain 6:21 The bliss of a starving soul 6:21 Blessed are you who weep now 6:22-26 The Bliss of Being Hated for Christ’s sake 6:37-42 Christian – Do not judge 6:43-45 The Lord Jesus proclaims the inability of man 6:46 “Why call me ‘Lord’ yet refuse to do what I say?” 6:47-49 The two builders


Lord of the Sabbath - Luke 6:1-11 The Twelve - Luke 6:12-16 Kingdom Sermon on the Plain - Luke 6:17-49 Crowds - Luke 6:17-20 Blessings and woes - Luke 6:20-26 Love your enemies - Luke 6:27-36 Do not judge - Luke 6:37-42 Fruitfulness - Luke 6:43-45 Wise and foolish builders - Luke 6:46-49

TODAY IN THE WORD - devotionals

Luke 6

JOHN TRAPP - Commentary

Luke 6

BOB UTLEY- Commentary

Luke 6


Luke 6


Luke 6


Christ Arguing with the Pharisees J. Thomson, D. D. Luke 6:1-2

Exemplary Sabbath-Keeping A. Barnes, D. D. Luke 6:1-2

Pleaeing Sabbath Impressions H. W. Beecher. Luke 6:1-2

The Corn-Field S. Baring-Gould, M. A. Luke 6:1-2 The Second-First Sabbath M. F. Sadler, M. A. Luke 6:1-2

The Lord of the Sabbath, and His Work R.M. Edgar Luke 6:1-19

A Spiritual Man Lord of the Sabbath F. W. Robertson, M. A. Luke 6:5

Jesus and the Two Ideals J. Ogrnore Davies. Luke 6:5

The Sabbath, a Saving Economy North British Review Luke 6:5

The Lord of the Sabbath, and His Work R.M. Edgar Luke 6:1-19

Christ Heals Without Causing Suffering Dr. Talmage. Luke 6:6-11

Christ Knew Their Thoughts Luke 6:6-11

Language of the Hand Luke 6:6-11

Not to Save Life is to Destroy C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:6-11

Promptitude of Faith G. H. Parkhurst, D. D. Luke 6:6-11

Saving a Limb G. T. Coster. Luke 6:6-11

Sin Disabling, Christ Restoring W. Clarkson Luke 6:6-11

The Ability of Christ to Heal the Withered Energies of the J. S. Exell, M. A. Luke 6:6-11 Human Soul

The Construction of the Hand Hours of Exercise in the Alps. Luke 6:6-11

The Power of Faith in the Saviour's Word Theodore Monod. Luke 6:6-11

The Withered Hand Dean Goulburn. Luke 6:6-11

The Wily Watchers of the Good J. S. Exell, M. A. Luke 6:7

Unsabbatical F. D. Maurice. Luke 6:7

A Night of Prayer D. MacEwen, D. D. Luke 6:12

W. H. Jellie., J. Parker, D. D., A Night of Solitary Prayer Luke 6:12 Hartley Coleridge.

All Night in Prayer J. Vaughan, M. A. Luke 6:12

All Night in Prayer Luke 6:12

Christ an Example to Us in the Choice of Seasons for Pray Charles Bradley, M. A. Luke 6:12

Jesus Praying All Night National Baptist Luke 6:12

Prayer a Preliminary to Important Steps in Life B. Wilkinson, F. G. S. Luke 6:12

Private Devotion James Foote, M. A. Luke 6:12

Special Protracted Prayer C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:12

Brotherhood in Christ Phillips Brooks, D. D. Luke 6:13-16

Disciples and Apostles Phillips Brooks, D. D. Luke 6:13-16

Our Lord's Choice of Apostles J. Thomson, D. D. Luke 6:13-16

Reflections Upon the List of Apostles T. T. Lynch. Luke 6:13-16

The Apostolic Band J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 6:13-16

The Call of the Twelve J. O. Dykes, D. D. Luke 6:13-16

The Catalogue of the Apostles J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 6:13-16

The Designation of the Twelve W. Clarkson Luke 6:13-16

The King Choosing His Ministers F. D. Maurice. Luke 6:13-16 The Testimony of the Apostles E. Bersier, D. D. Luke 6:13-16

The Traitor Among the Twelve James Foote, M. A. Luke 6:13-16

The Twelve Apostles J. Foster. Luke 6:13-16

The Witness of the Apostles Canon Liddon. Luke 6:13-16

Why was Judas Iscariot Selected as an Apostle J. Thomson, D. D. Luke 6:13-16

Zealot C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:13-16

Christ Healing Bodily Disease Emblematic of the Church's W. Dodsworth, M. A. Luke 6:17-19 Functions

Christ the Fountain of Health Bishop Woodford. Luke 6:17-19

Christ's Healing Power H. W. Butcher. Luke 6:17-19

Healing for the Soul T. Dale M. A. Luke 6:17-19

The Philanthrophy of Christianity Dr. Parker. Luke 6:17-19

A Description of a Poor-Spirited Man J. Burroughs. Luke 6:20

Blessedness, Rather than Happiness, the Want of Man E. A. Washburn, D. D. Luke 6:20

Christ's Paradoxical Teaching Dean Vaughan. Luke 6:20

Christ's Standard and the World's J. Oswald Dykes, D. D. Luke 6:20

Comfort to the Poor in Spirit J. Burroughs. Luke 6:20

God's Grace is the Source of Blessedness J. Oswald Dykes, D. D. Luke 6:20

How Poverty of Spirit May be Attained C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:20

Joy the Inheritance of the Poor Dr. Cuyler. Luke 6:20

Laws of the Kingdom Alexander Maclaren Luke 6:20

Music Chiefly the Inheritance of the Poor Luke 6:20

Our Lord's First Text C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:20

Our Lord's Love of Poverty Bishop Ketteler. Luke 6:20

Passive Virtues First C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:20

Poverty Favourable to Piety in Early Times J. Thomson, D. D. Luke 6:20

Poverty of Spirit Helpful to Prayer J. Burroughs. Luke 6:20

Poverty Runs Through Every Act of Spiritual Citizenship C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:20

Promises to the Poor in Spirit J. Burroughs. Luke 6:20

Relation of This Discourse to the Sermon on the Mount Dean Vaughan. Luke 6:20

St. Luke's Version of the Beatitudes A. B. Bruce, D. D. Luke 6:20

The Blessedness of Humility W. Clarkson Luke 6:20

The Distinctively Christian Character of the Beatitudes Bishop Moberly. Luke 6:20

The Kingdom for the Poor J. O. Dykes, D. D. Luke 6:20

The Possession of the Kingdom Dean Vaughan. Luke 6:20

The Reason Why God Regards Poverty of Spirit J. Burroughs. Luke 6:20

The Spirit of Gospel Morality E. A. Washburn, D. D. Luke 6:20

The Title to the Kingdom Dean Vaughan. Luke 6:20 The Upward Tendency of Gospel Morality E. A. Washburn, D. D. Luke 6:20

True Happiness S. Baring-Gould, M. A. Luke 6:20

The Legislator on the Mount R.M. Edgar Luke 6:20-49

Desires Meet J. Burroughs. Luke 6:21

Godly Mourners Shall be Comforted J. Burroughs. Luke 6:21

How Mourners Should Order Their Mourning J. Burroughs. Luke 6:21

Hunger a Sign of Health J. Burroughs. Luke 6:21

Hunger and Thirst C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:21

Hunger Fits Man to Embrace the Kingdom J. Thomson, D. D. Luke 6:21

No Vacuities in Mature J. Burroughs. ., J. Burroughs. Luke 6:21

Spiritual Mourning Luke 6:21

The Blessedness of Spiritual Hunger W. Clarkson Luke 6:21

The Blessedness of Tears and Mourning C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:21

The Blessing to Christian Weepers James Foote, M. A. Luke 6:21

The Folly of Men Rebuked Who are All for Mirth J. Burroughs. Luke 6:21

The Seriousness of the Kingdom J. Thomson, D. D. Luke 6:21

The True Joy of Christianity H. R. Haweis, M. A. Luke 6:21

Times of Righteousness Promised to the Church J. Burroughs. Luke 6:21

Bitterness of Social and Domestic Persecution Bishop Moberly. Luke 6:22-23

Doing Right Life of Fowell Buxton. Luke 6:22-23

Joy in Persecution C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:22-23

On Persecution A. Farindon, D. D. Luke 6:22-23

Principles for Suffering J. Burroughs. Luke 6:22-23

Protestants Separated for Christ's Name's Sake P. Finke, D. D. Luke 6:22-23

Some Arguments for the Helping of Saints to Suffer J. Burroughs. Luke 6:22-23

Suffering for the Truth's Sake E. de Pressense, D. D. Luke 6:22-23

Sustained in Persecution H. Burton. Luke 6:22-23

The Blessedness of Martyrdom W. Clarkson Luke 6:22, 23

The Failure of Persecution Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 6:22-23

The Necessity of Persecution J. C. Dykes, D. D. Luke 6:22-23

The Reward of the Pious in Heaven R. Hall, A. M. Luke 6:22-23

Why Persecution is to be Accounted a Blessing C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:22-23

Conjunction and Separation of Woe and Riches A. Farindon, D. D. Luke 6:24

Danger of Rich Men C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:24

Riches; Or, a Knife for the Canker T. Guthrie, D. D. Luke 6:24

Smothered by Wealth H. W. Beecher. Luke 6:24

The Danger of Riches J. H. Newman, D. D. Luke 6:24

The Perils of Rich Men R. IV. Dale, LL. D. Luke 6:24 Ye have Received Your Consolation J. H. Newman, D. D. Luke 6:24

The Dangers of Praise Dean Vaughan. Luke 6:26

The Woe of a Favourable Reputation Luke 6:26

A Persuasive to Love Our Enemies Luke 6:27-30

A Proof of the Gospel Being from God Luke 6:27-30

Almsgiving J. H. Davies, M. A. Luke 6:27-30

C. L. Bruce., R. S. Storrs, D. D. An Illustration of the Influence of Christian Teaching Up Luke 6:27-30 , LL. D.

Bible Precepts to be Spiritually Interpreted H. W. Beecher. Luke 6:27-30

Cloak and Coat E. Stapfer, D. D. Luke 6:27-30

Doing Good to an Enemy C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:27-30

Dr. Mather's Ambition Luke 6:27-30

Example of Origen Luke 6:27-30

Example of the Early Christians Luke 6:27-30

Good for Evil Luke 6:27-30

Literal Obedience; Or, Rules S. Cox, D. D. Luke 6:27-30

Love to an Enemy Luke 6:27-30

Love to Enemies Luke 6:27-30

Love to Enemies the Outcome of Christianity Ecce Homo Luke 6:27-30

Loving Our Enemies a Christian Duty Thomas Whitty. Luke 6:27-30

Mr. Burkitt and His Injurers Luke 6:27-30

Mr. Lawrence's Charge to His Sons Luke 6:27-30

Of Loving Our Enemies R. South, D. D. Luke 6:27-30

On the Love of Enemies J. Balguy, M. A. Luke 6:27-30

Returning Good for Evil Luke 6:27-30

Returning Good for Evil Luke 6:27-30

Returning Good for Evil, the Wisest Course J. O. Dykes, D. D. Luke 6:27-30

The Carthaginian Christians Luke 6:27-30

The Chinese Monarch and the Rebels Luke 6:27-30

The Difficult Commandment J. Burns, D. D. Luke 6:27-30

The Duty of Loving Our Enemies Stated and Explained J. Seed. Luke 6:27-30

The Good Use of an Enemy Owen Felltham. Luke 6:27-30

The Ideal of Christianity H. W. Beecher. Luke 6:27-30

Turning the Other Cheek W. Baxendale. Luke 6:27-30

Seeking the Highest Good from the Highest Motive W. Clarkson Luke 6:27, 28, 32-35

Do as You Would be Done By Dr. Deems. Luke 6:31

On the Great Christian Law of Reciprocity Between Man And T. Chalmers, D. D. Luke 6:31

The W. Clarkson Luke 6:31 The Golden Rule Taught by an Indian Luke 6:31

The Royal Law J. B. Walton, B. A. Luke 6:31

The Rule and the Test of Morality N. W. Taylor, D. D. Luke 6:31

Was the Golden Rule Original? A. Macleod, D. D. Luke 6:31

What Would We that Men Should Do unto Us H. S. Brown. Luke 6:31

Selfishness the Essence of Moral Depravity N. . Emmons, D. D. Luke 6:32-34

The Heroic in Christianity C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:32-34

The Moral Demands of the Lord Jesus Christ R. W. Dale, LL. D. Luke 6:32-34

Concerning the Perfection of God J. Tillotson, D. D. Luke 6:35

The Christian Aim and Motive F. W. Robertson, M. A. Luke 6:35

Handbook to Scripture A Condition of Receiving Mercy Luke 6:36 Doctrines.

An All-Availing Plea Luke 6:36

Are We Merciful as Employers of Others? Bishop W. C. Magee. Luke 6:36

Are We Merciful in Our Speech to Men Bishop W. C. Magee. Luke 6:36

Christian Mercy J. Burns, D. D. Luke 6:36

Christ's Mercifulness and Ours C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:36

Gospel for the Fourth Sunday After Trinity Homiletic Quarterly Luke 6:36

Imitation of the Mercy of God James Biddoch, M. A. Luke 6:36

Importance of Mercy The Dictionary of Illustrations Luke 6:36

Man a Child of Mercy Crittenden. Luke 6:36

Mercifulness C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:36

Mercy J. Blair, D. D. Luke 6:36

Mercy Reciprocated Luke 6:36

Our Deserts Charles Kingsley Luke 6:36

Practical Manifestations of Mercy E. H. Chapin, D. D. Luke 6:36

Provision for Mercy Luke 6:36

Sermon for the Fourth Sunday After Trinity Susannah Winkworth Luke 6:36

The Blessing of Mercy H. J. Wilmot-Buxton, M. A. Luke 6:36

The Law of Love W. R. Clark, M. A. Luke 6:36

The Merciful Dean Vaughan. Luke 6:36

The Mercifulness of God as Seen in Christ C. J. Ridgeway, M. A. Luke 6:36

A Self-Denying Brother Misjudged Dr. Guyler. Luke 6:37

Against Censoriousness A. W. Mornerie, M.A., D.Sc. Luke 6:37

Christ Warns Us Against Judging Dean Vaughan. Luke 6:37

Christian Forgiveness S. Partridge, M. A. Luke 6:37

Concerning Fault-Finders H. S. Brown. Luke 6:37

Difficulty of Judging Aright George Eliot. Luke 6:37 Falsely Judged Luke 6:37

Forgiveness Bourduloue. Luke 6:37

Forgiveness, Human and Divine H. W. Beecher. Luke 6:37

Forgiving Others Preacher's Lantern. Luke 6:37

God Will Measure to You in Your Own Bushel Philip Skelton, M. A. . Luke 6:37

Human Judgment W. Clarkson Luke 6:37

Judge Not F. Jacox. Luke 6:37

Judging Others A. Watson, D. D. Luke 6:37

Judging Others Forbidden J. Thomson, D. D. Luke 6:37

Of Judging Charitably Owen Felltham. Luke 6:37

On Censoriousness J. Balguy, M. A. Luke 6:37

On Rash and Censorious Judgment James Riddoch, M. A. Luke 6:37

Rash Decisions S. Baring-Gould Luke 6:37

The Absurdity of Judging Others E. C. R. Luke 6:37

The Censorious Spirit H. W. Beecher. Luke 6:37

The Danger of Judging Others C. E. Drought, M. A. Luke 6:37

The Danger of Usurping God's Prerogatives Bishop Sanderson. Luke 6:37

The Evil of an Unforgiving Spirit Philip Skelton, M. A. Luke 6:37

The Folly of Judging Others James Riddoch, M. A. . Luke 6:37

The Judging Spirit J. H. Them. Luke 6:37

The Way to Righteousness Olshausen. Luke 6:37

Benefits of Liberality Richard Baxter. Luke 6:38

God a Good Paymaster Sunday School Treasury Luke 6:38

Happiness in Doing Good J. Beaumont. Luke 6:38

Human Responsiveness W. Clarkson Luke 6:38

On Christian Giving A. Raleigh, D. D. Luke 6:38

Penalty of not Giving to God Dr. Talmage. Luke 6:38

Reward of Effort for Others Luke 6:38

Righteous Retribution Francis Jacox. Luke 6:38

The Duty of Giving H. Whitehead, M.A. Luke 6:38

The Gift and its Return Phillips Brooks, D. D. Luke 6:38

The Law of Reciprocity Phillips Brooks, D. D. Luke 6:38

The Liberal Man is Always Rich Isaac Barrow, D. D. Luke 6:38

The Naturalness of Giving C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:38

The Reward of Giving S. Robins, M. A. Luke 6:38

The Reward of the Giver H. Whitehead, M. A. Luke 6:38

Blind Leaders G. Clayton, M. A. Luke 6:39

Blind-Led Blind F. Jacox. Luke 6:39 The Blind and the Ditch Bishop E. Steere. Luke 6:39

The Choice O a Leader C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:39

Christian Teaching W. Clarkson Luke 6:39, 40

Perfect as the Master Bishop H. Goodwin. Luke 6:40

The Disciple not Above His Master S. Cox, D. D. Luke 6:40

The Force of Example Bishop E. Steere. Luke 6:40

The Use of a Great Leader Mackay. Luke 6:40

Three Condensed Parables Alexander Maclaren Luke 6:41

Among Sins, Which are Motes and Which are Beams? H. S. Brown. Luke 6:41-42

An Eye with a Beam, and an Eye Luke 6:41-42

Beholding Others' Faults A Luke 6:41-42

Correcting Others' Faults J. O. Dykes, D. D. Luke 6:41-42

Fault-Finding Reproved Archbishop Secker. Luke 6:41-42

Goodness Essential to the True Reformer Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 6:41-42

Hypocrisy and Self-Ignorance J. S. Hoare, M. A. Luke 6:41-42

Ignoring the Beam C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:41-42

Keenness and Dulness of Spiritual Vision W. Clarkson Luke 6:41, 42

O Wad Some Pow'R the Giftie Gie Us to See Oursels as Ithers F. Jacob. Luke 6:41-42 See Us!

On Censuring Others Owen Felltham. Luke 6:41-42

Self-Reformation the Most Effective Sword and Trowel. Luke 6:41-42

The Mete and the Beam James Foote, M. A. Luke 6:41-42

The Mote and the Beam J. A. Jacob, M. A. Luke 6:41-42

The Splinter and the Beam S. Cox, D. D. Luke 6:41-42

Sermons by Wesleyan The True and the False Reformer Contrasted Luke 6:41-42 Ministers

A Fair Test C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:43-44

A New Nature Needed to Produce Good Fruit Jonathan Edwards. Luke 6:43-44

Christianity's Fruits Divine Fruits A. Oliver, B. A. Luke 6:43-44

Christians Known by Their Fruits H. J. Wilmot-Buxton, M. A. Luke 6:43-44

Every Tree is Known by His Own Fruit S. Charlesworth, M. A. Luke 6:43-44

Fruits of Godliness Luke 6:43-44

Good Works the Evidence of New Creation J. C,. Hare. Luke 6:43-44

Judging by the Fruits A. Craig. Luke 6:43-44

Like Golden Lamps in a Deep Green Night Dr. Cuyler. Luke 6:43-44

Personal Effects of Christianity and Atheism Contrasted A. Craig. Luke 6:43-44

Reasons for Watching Our Actions Henry Harris, B. D. Luke 6:43-44

Reformation Must Begin At the Heart R. Cudworth, D. D. Luke 6:43-44

Religion Seen in Principle Before it Appears in Conduct Luke 6:43-44 The Constant and Legitimate Result is the Test of Every D J. C. Coglilan, D. D. Luke 6:43-44

The Fruits of Christianity Swing. Luke 6:43-44

The Fruits of Heathenism and of Christianity Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 6:43-44

The Testing Time T. Guthrie, D. D. Luke 6:43-44

The True Test T. Guthrie, D. D. Luke 6:43-44

Underlying Element of Moral Character Dr. Thomas. Luke 6:43-44

Being and Doing W. Clarkson Luke 6:43-45

Prepared Heart Treasures T. T. Lynch. Luke 6:45

Religion Seated in the Heart J. P. Thompson. Luke 6:45

Words Reveal Hearts A. Farindon., J. Mede. Luke 6:45

Obedience -- not Profession C. Short, M. A. Luke 6:46

Practical Obedience E. Garbett, M. A. Luke 6:46

Religion, the Doing of God's Will R. D. Hitchcock, D. D. Luke 6:46

The Folly of a Fruitless Profession Theological Sketch Book Luke 6:46

The Necessity of Doing the Will of God R. W. Dale, LL. D. Luke 6:46

The Sin, Folly, and Danger Luke 6:46

Good and Bad Building W. Clarkson Luke 6:46-49

A Solid Foundation T. Guthrie, D. D. Luke 6:47-49

Deep Life W. L. Watkinson. Luke 6:47-49

Designing the House not Enough Dr. Hammond. Luke 6:47-49

Digging Deep Gregory. Luke 6:47-49

Doing and Dreaming E. . P. Hood. Luke 6:47-49

Foundations W. W. Wythe. Luke 6:47-49

He Only is a Christian Who Does What Christ Bids Him J. Oswald Dykes, D. D. Luke 6:47-49

Hearers and Doers W. Cadman, M. A. Luke 6:47-49

Insecure Foundations Luke 6:47-49

Laying Hold on the Rock C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:47-49

My Sayings J. Parker, D. D. Luke 6:47-49

Neglecting the Foundation Luke 6:47-49

On Laying Foundations C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:47-49

Safe on the Rock Luke 6:47-49

Sandy Foundations C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 6:47-49

The Only Firm Foundation H. W. Beecher. Luke 6:47-49

The Rock and the Sand T. L. Cuyler, D. D. Luke 6:47-49

The Similitude of Hearing Christ's Sayings Luke 6:47-49

The Two Builders C. Bradley, M. A. Luke 6:47-49

The Two Builders James Foote, M. A. Luke 6:47-49

The Two Principles of Life George Low, M. A. Luke 6:47-49 The Wise and the Foolish Hearers A. B. Bruce, D. D. Luke 6:47-49

Two Kinds of Foundations Luke 6:47-49

The Greatest Ruin W. Clarkson Luke 6:49