Eastern Province
EASTERN PROVINCE Eastern Province (PRE) Trunk Roads ABC Road Description Budget PRE Routine Maintenance of Bridges 7,928,125 PRE Operations of Provincial Resealing Unit 8,052,563 PRE Operation of Office 3,000,000 Meru Central/HQs Operations of Resealing Unit XII (Gakoromone) 4,239,000 C91 DB Meru - Maua 2,343,608 Machakos/HQs Operations of Resealing Unit III (Sultan Hamud) 4,266,000 Eastern (PRE) total 29,829,295 EMBU Trunk Roads ABC Road Description Budget B7 Embu - DB Mbeere 1,606,319 SUB TOTAL 1,606,319 District Roads DRE Embu Distict E629 MUGOYA -KIVWE 7,295,160.00 E652 Kanyuambora-kathageri 18,820,000.00 R0000 Administration Exp. 588,108.00 R0000 STORE 500,000.00 Total . forDRE Embu Distict 27,203,268.00 Constituency Roads Embu DRC HQ R0000 Administration/General Exp. 2,000,000.00 R0000 STORES 720,000.00 Total for Embu DRC HQ 2,720,000.00 Manyatta Const D459 DIST. BOUNDARY - E635 KAIRURI 3,575.00 D469 B7 MUTHATARI-KIAMURINGA 702,000.00 E629 Mugoya-Kivwe 2,004,000.00 E630 B6 Ena-B6(Nrb-Embu-Kivue) 1,536,200.00 E632 EMBU-KIBUGU 495,000.00 E633 Jnt.E632-D467 Kirigi 988,000.00 E634 kirigi-muruatetu 996,000.00 E635 KARURINA - KANGARU 1,001,000.00 E636 Manyatta-E647 Makengi 995,000.00 E637 MBUVORI-FOREST GATE 526,000.00 E638 Kairuri-kiriari-Kithunguriri 500,000.00 E639 mbuvori-kathuniri 502,400.00 E647 B6-Kivwe-Mirundi 1,053,000.00 E660 Kiriari-Mbuvori 700,000.00 UPP1 karurina-kithimu 1,000,000.00 UPP15 ITABUA-GATONDO 600,000.00 UPP2 MUGOYA-ITABUA-KIMANGARU 1,504,000.00 UUA1 B7 Embu-Cereal Board-GTI 637,000.00 UUF3 GAKWEGORI-KAPINGAZI-THAMBO
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