The Night Sky 1 The Night Sky by Ron Jerome Done Dies and Gone... 2

President’s Message 3 The viewing opportunities a sparkling, star-filled sky. this winter have been sparse. There was Orion, and while I Observing Sites 4 Was there a Leonid shower in knew from a Sky and Telescope Upcoming Events 6 November or a Geminid article where to look for ... 8 shower in December? In this Machholz, it was not visible to neighbourhood, who can tell? my spectacle enhanced Members’ Gallery 10 The clouds did part long “naked” eye. It was 11:45pm by enough for Bill Ronald, Phil the time I arrived home (the Looking Ahead Morris and Dan Collier to only problem with astronomy Remember, you are always record the predicted as a hobby is that my day job welcome to attend meetings of Council, held on the first Tues- of (1477) interferes). While my body was day of every month at 7:30pm Bonsdorffia/(80)Sappho, aiming for bed, I knew that I in the G.S.O. although, in their case, it was a had better catch this Jan. 11: Bill Ronald and Dan “fly-by” as they were south of opportunity before the clouds Collier will demonstrate how to observe occultations. the actual event boundary. settled in on the city again. On the first clear “How was your bridge?” Feb. 8: David Halliday, VP and Director of Special Projects at December weekend I knew Anne asked as I stepped into AMEC Dynamic Structures, Doug Montgomery would the house. “Terrible,” I replied, looks back at successful phone and invite me to go “But I do have a chance to see projects like CFHT, Keck and Gemini and will discuss the viewing. I knew that because I Machholz tonight!” coming next generation of tel- had a dinner party to attend and Taking the binoculars off the escopes. my wife would not let me back closet shelf, I stepped onto the out. Doug wanted to see the front porch and pulled the plug Next Issue Deadline new comet; so did I. on all the Christmas lights Material for the March Nova The next clear night was before walking up the driveway should submitted by Monday, Feb. 28, 2005. Please send the following mid-week. I (yes, Chris, I know they are submissions to: stepped out into the parking lot light pollutants, but it is Gordon Farrell after my Wednesday evening Christmas…). Orion was ([email protected]) bridge game and stared up into continued on page 7 Done Died and Gone to Space Heaven! by Barry Shanko then had to fix a screw up with next few years. If the west isn’t Not quite, but this is as close my press credentials, I didn’t get careful, they’re going to not only as I’m going to get. From October to any of the lectures so I used catch up, but surpass us, and soon. 4 to 8, the International the time to check out the exhibits, A few weeks later, the industry Astronautics Federation (IAF) and there were lots of them; they magazine Aviation Week and 2004 conference visited took up most of Canada Place’s Space Technology paralleled my Vancouver’s convention centre. display area. There were two thinking in a major cover story on This is the largest gathering of types: government and industry. their program. aerospace professionals in the In the industry category were The second surprise was the world with over 2500 registered. outfits like Lockheed-Martin and effort they are putting into I’d read about these conferences our home grown outfits like MDA entering the launch market. They for years, but this was the first and MDRobotics, among others. are developing a series of time I’d been to one, mostly Lots of goodies to be had, ranging launchers not only for their own because they’d always been held all the way from CD-ROMs of program, but are selling them to in places far way and too MDR’s proposed Hubble rescue the rest of the world. Software expensive. to nicely done posters which now geeks aren’t the only ones who With my press credentials, I hang on various walls of mine. should be worried about job was able to attend all the events, But I was surprised Boeing offshoring. displays, lectures and press wasn’t there. For the public, there were conferences for free. Looking In the government category, free lectures every night as part back on it, I think I got more than there were the usual suspects like of an outreach program. The kick my money’s worth. The event NASA, CSA and ESA. The one off was Dr. Bruce Margon, was far too large for me to that surprised me was India’s. Deputy Director of the Space describe in detail, so what follows Two things drew my attention, the Telescope Science Institute. are my impressions of a very busy first being the dedication they Rather than go through week. have to Earth observation everything he said, let’s say Uncle applications. I counted at least Ray has serious competition. MONDAY three different types of satellites You can tell a class outfit by Since I showed up late and they are planning to launch in the continued on page 5

TeleVue, Celestron, Orion, Sky-Watcher, Antares, 1000 Oaks, ScopeTronix… [email protected] • • Toll Free: 1-866-537-6532 N3/05 2 President’s 2005 Vancouver About RASC Message Centre Officers The Vancouver Centre, RASC meets at 7:30 PM in the auditorium My wife gave me my first President of the H.R. MacMillan Space Cen- astronomy book, NightWatch, as Ron Jerome 604-298-3292 tre at 1100 Chestnut St., Vancou- [email protected] a Christmas present in 1996. I had ver, on the second Tuesday of every just completed an introductory Vice-President month. Guests are always wel- course to the night sky offered at Pomponia Martinez 604-215-8844 come. In addition, the Centre has [email protected] the SFU Downtown Campus. Over an observing site where star par- Secretary ties are regularly scheduled. ten evenings, I had become Brian Morse 604-267-6717 Membership is currently $55.00 familiar with the lunar cycle, had Treasurer per year ($31.25 for persons under learned some basic terminology Marc Verschueren 604-986-1485 21 years of age) and can be ob- and could identify a fair number [email protected] tained by writing to the Treasurer at the address below. Annual of . One of the Librarian membership includes the invalu- sessions had comprised a field trip William Fearon 604-939-1895 able Observer’s Handbook, six is- [email protected] to Stanley Park where the class had sues of the RASC Journal, and, of actually looked at the night sky and Membership course, access to all of the club Dan Collier 604-732-6046 events and projects. put our new found knowledge to CARO Committee Chair For more information regarding work. Another had been a guest Bob Parry 604-215-8844 the Centre and its activities, please visit to a monthly meeting of the [email protected] contact our P.R. Director. NOVA, the newsletter of the RASC Vancouver Centre. Director of Telescopes Vancouver Centre, RASC, is pub- Phil Morris 604-734-8708 Following the course, I lished on odd numbered months. bought a good pair of binoculars Public Relations Opinions expressed herein are not and had my first “wow” Bruce MacDonald necessarily those of the Vancouver [email protected] experience seeing the moons of Centre. Speakers Material on any aspect of as- Jupiter and a hint of Saturn’s rings. Barry Shanko 604-271-0615 tronomy should be e-mailed to the Next came the purchase of a 5" [email protected] editor or mailed to the address on Newtonian. As I learned to waltz Nat’l Rep./Merchandising page 5. the equatorial mount about the Doug Montgomery 604-596-7058 Advertising night sky, my NightWatch became [email protected] my observing diary, the dates of Nova Editor Nova encourages free use of its Gordon Farrell 604-734-0326 classified ads for members with my encounters with various [email protected] items for sale or swap. Notify the celestial objects penned in the Nat’l Rep./Webmaster editor if you wish your ad to run in margins. Not recorded were the Jason Rickerby 604-502-8158 more than one issue. frustrations of being unable to find [email protected] Commerical certain sights in spite of my best LPA Committee Chair efforts. Chris Dolman 604-707-0089 Rates [email protected] I attended some viewing 1/4 Page: $15.00 per issue sessions with various RASC Education Cmte. Chair 1/2 Page: $25.00 per issue Craig Breckenridge 604-437-3103 members and in all cases was Full Page: $40.00 per issue [email protected] Rates are for camera-ready, or struck by their eagerness to share Trustees electronic files. Payment, by their knowledge and instruments Sally Baker 604-324-3309 cheque, must accompany ad ma- with a newcomer. It was somewhat Karl Miller [email protected] terial. Make cheque payable to: intimidating at first because of my RASC Vancouver Centre. continued on page 6 3 Observing Sites

Dale McNabb Observatory in Aldergrove Lake Park (RASC Van- couver Centre's regular viewing site) Contact Mike Penndelton (604- 888-1505) or Howard Morgan (604-856-9186)

Site of the annual star party organ- ized by the RASC Vancouver Cen- tre

Site of the annual Mt. Kobau Star Party organized by the Mount Kobau Astronomical Society

Site of the regular Thursday night star party. On the dike at the foot of 72nd St.

4 continuted from page 2 ASTROCOMPUTING MEMBERSHIP one thing: free booze. Opening night was the reception and the SpaceBase™ (604-473-9358,59). HAS ITS Affiliated since 1992 with RASC PRIVILEGES! booze and food were free! Chris, Vancouver, our link to RASC Net, Ken and I munched and drank the RASC Members only chat area. New members, did you know? night away. I was sans jacket or Future data distribution hub for The Vancouver Centre has 8 tel- escopes available for loan free of tie, so everyone else looked CARO Project. Features include latest HST images, current world charge! We have telescopes rang- overdressed to me. space news and astronomy pro- ing from 60mm to 10" diameter. For more information see Phil Mor- grams. TUESDAY ris, Director of Telescopes in the meeting room of the GSO after the Thanks to a malfunctioning LIBRARY members meeting. All telescopes alarm clock, I missed friend The centre has a large library of are to be picked up and returned at Chris’s lecture on the history of books, magazines and old Nova’s the GSO. The loaner period is for the Canadian Space Agency. To for your enjoyment at the GSO. one month, to be returned after the Please take advantage of this club next meeting. Telescopes are not ease my disappointment I service and visit often to check out allowed to circulate outside of these attended the other lectures. If I the new purchases. Suggestions meetings. You can now reserve 2 ever had an unlimited budget, my for future library acquisitions are different telescopes per year and dream speaker line up would look appreciated. use what is left at the end of the like this. meeting anytime. Phil can be RASC-VC on the Internet reached at 604-734-8708. The IAF’s format has or Your greatest opportunity as a multiple symposiums happening member of the R.A.S.C. is to take simultaneously. They ranged advantage of the company of other H.R. MACMILLAN from Earth observations to space enthusiasts to increase your knowl- SPACE CENTRE edge, enjoyment and skill in as- science to microsatellite tronomy. technology to new launchers to The Pacific Space Centre Society The best thing you can do to space history. I noticed space law is a non-profit organization which gain the most from your member- operates the H.R. MacMillan Space had their own gathering. Jeez, ship is to get active! Take in the Centre and Gordon M. Southam club meetings; engage other mem- even in the final frontier we still Observatory. Annual Membership bers with questions; come out to ob- won’t be rid of lawyers…. ($30 Individual, $80 Family) in- serving sessions (also known as The lectures were so densely cludes a newsletter, Discounts on “star parties”), and, by all means, Space Camps, special programs scheduled that I’d have to clone volunteer to take part in our many and lectures, Vancouver Museum public events. Discounts, and free admission to myself many times over to catch Observing takes place at the Space Centre. Admission to the everything that interested me, so Boundary Bay on the dike at the Space Centre includes: Astronomy south end of 72nd St. in Delta (see I had to pick my spots. It turned shows, Motion Simulator rides, map on p. 4). We are there most out not to be as big a problem as multimedia shows in GroundStation clear Thursday/Friday nights. Con- Canada, and access to the Cosmic I thought since all the presenter’s tact Jason Rickerby at 604-502- Courtyard Exhibit Gallery. For Mem- papers were included on the CD 8158. bership information, call Mahi given out with the registration Jordao at 604-738-7827, local 237 RASC goodies. This freed me from the for information. You can also reach 1100 Chestnut Street them on the Internet at http:// chore of note taking and provided Vancouver, B.C. me with contact information for V6J 3J9 follow-ups. 604-738-2855 At lunch, Chris told me about continued on page 7 5 Upcoming Events March May August 12 – Messier Marathon I at 13 or 14 – Sidewalk Astronomy 7 – Mt. Kobau Star Party ends Boundary Boy 20-23 – GA2005 in Kelowna 11 – Perseid Meteor Shower at Aldergrove Lake April June 9 – Messier Marathon II at 5 – Fraser River Festival October Boundary Bay 8 or 9 – Sidewalk Astronomy 11-17 – International Astronomy July Week 30 – Mt. Kobau Start Party begins December 16 – Astronomy Day 13 – AGM continuted from page 3 Committee to develop a workshop , Orion, with its feast limited knowledge but I began to that will encourage new members of viewing targets. Come to the acquire some “previously owned” to negotiate the vast reaches of a GMS Observatory, located next to astronomy books and my library starry night. Next, there is the the Space Centre, on clear grew rapidly. The occasional question of what scope to buy and, weekend evenings. It should be cloudy evening gave me a chance with that in hand, how to take some open, but call ahead. For members’ to read most of them, a few even of those spectacular pictures that viewing plans, log onto the twice. I decided that if I became abound in astronomy magazines. Centre’s website by Googling more involved with the RASC I There are members with extensive RASC (the National site), then would learn even more and that has knowledge and skill in these areas selecting 27 Centres, Vancouver certainly been the case. I am from whom we can draw to create and finally Observing. Postings pleased to have earned the some additional hands-on training will be found for planned opportunity to be the president of sessions. As always, these are activities. such a fine organization. group efforts and the more people I look forward to seeing as I enjoy looking at the night that get involved the more many of you as possible under the sky, the result of some good successful they will be. night skies. For me, it is as much mentors. So, in addition to our There will be many engaging about the friendships as it is about regular activities, I am anxious to sights this year, including Comet the inspiring views. work with the Education Machholz and my favourite winter – Ron Jerome !

Past President Bill Ronald (right) presents Bob Parry with the Vancouver Centre Appreciation Award for his service as President during the tur- bulent years of 1998-2000.

6 continuted from page 1 Bellatrix or about 13-14 After a few minutes, I went striking—the four main stars of degrees. Using the inside, happy, the bridge game his extremities and the three circumference of my forgotten. belt stars were every bit as binoculars as a measuring Comet Machholz will be pretty as the lights I had just device, I moved to the area with us well through May, extinguished. The stars of the where I thought it should be. I rising higher in the southern trapezium winked through a lifted the eyepieces to my sky each night. It will also patch of white haze. To the glasses and was greeted by the become brighter until mid- northwest, another jewel box sight of a faint fuzzy cloud, an January, reaching an estimated sparkled—the Pleiades. My echo of Comet Neat which 4th magnitude—about as bright next-door neighbour always appeared in our skies last May. as the Orion Nebula. By asks me to point them out, even Although I knew better, I comparison, Comet Neat when they are out of season. checked my binoculars to make peaked at 3rd magnitude. While According to the sure they were not fogging up. it may not have the visual information I had, Machholz The views of are not impact of the nebula or the was about the same distance sharp and this was like looking Pleiades, it is still a remarkable west and slightly south of Rigel at a dim light through smoky treat. ! as the distance from Rigel to glass. Still, it held me captive. continuted from page 5 Pluto probe gave a progress circle about 20 miles overhead the morning press conference. report. She reported it is on track and would be the rover’s remote Chinese Space officials showed for a 2006 launch. For a brain. All transmissions to and off their first astronaut for public spacecraft that can fit on a from Earth would be carried out display. He described the desktop, I got the impression it is by a repeater spacecraft in orbit gathering as resembling the scene very capable. around Venus. This is a paper from the movie The Right Stuff For me, the most interesting mission, and is not funded. where the Mercury 7 astronauts talk was one on Venus That night, Canadian are introduced; lots of cheering, exploration. Inspired by the astronaut Chris Hadfield gave a the sound of massive quantities success of the Mars rovers, public lecture at the planetarium of camera flashes going off and scientists at NASA Goddard are about installing Canadarm2 onto you could almost hear heavenly proposing one to drive on its the space station. Good talk, but choir music. I’m sorry I missed surface. “Yah, right,” said I. But I wish he’d stuck around to talk it. after talking to the presenter, they to the people who pay him. That afternoon, I sat in on the may be onto something. The plan Space Exploration symposium. is to drop a very simple rover onto WEDNESDAY Jupiter seems to be a future the surface. Progress in deep sea Kick off was Cassini’s favourite target based on the exploration technology makes project manager who showed number of European and them believe they can design a stunning pictures of Saturn’s Japanese papers. The Japanese rover that can last 90 days on rings. This was a few weeks outlined a Jovian orbiter that uses Venus’ hellish surface. All the before the first Titan encounter. solar sail propulsion to get there. sensitive electronics would be If only the conference had been a carried in an aircraft that would Later, the engineer for NASA’s continued on page 11 7 Occultations Ain’t Witchcraft by Dan Collier record the event. star blinked off, returning to are gaining the Fifteen minutes before the view just over six seconds later attention of Vancouver Centre predicted time, we started the (Bonsdorffia, at mag 15, was members. Last November it VCRs and “locked down the too faint to be visible on TV). was Bonsdorffia, a 28-km dome” to prevent anyone from The event was so beautiful rockball in the main asteroid interfering. I had learned to do that I thought of showing the belt some 220 million km from this from my attempt to record tape at the next RASC meeting. Earth. Little Bonsdorffia an occultation by asteroid So I rewound it and cued it to ( no. 1477 in the Frigga a few years ago. Lots of 3:11 for convenient playback. official list) passed in front of things can go wrong at the Bad idea. That same night I a magnitude-8 star near worst possible moment, and succumbed to the temptation to Alpheratz and blocked out its will, as Murphy warned. view it again with my light for a few seconds. It’s not always the case that unreliable VCR at home. The event was witnessed at occultations come out exactly Needless to say it mangled my Southam Observatory by Bob as predicted. We use maps tape upon loading, and the Parry, Pomponia Martinez and posted on line by Steve Preston damage was exactly at the place Susan Nagy along with some of Seattle, who calculates where the occultation was bemused bystander who saw occultations daily for locations recorded on it. That’s why we that the dome was open. Bill all over the world. At a glance, recorded a second tape! Ronald, Phil Morris and I the observer can tell from his Occultations are mounted a Supercircuits maps whether an occultation is interesting because they allow closed-circuit TV camera on worth going out to observe. Our astronomers to work out the the 20-inch AMEC Cassegrain. previous attempt, an size and shape of asteroids that To focus it, we slewed to occultation by Simeisa in are too small to resolve with Alpheratz, a star bright enough October, failed because his telescopes or too far away to to be visible in twilight even prediction had a slight error scan with radars. They are also out of focus. As the sky that shifted the 114-km-wide a rigorous test of the methods darkened, we star-hopped to track from Vancouver to used to calculate the orbits the the target star’s coordinates by Seattle. Steve was observing asteroids follow, and of the picking up ever-fainter field that night too—just in case— catalogues of the stars they stars plotted by TheSky. The and recorded Simeisa’s occult. With Simeisa, the error target star, HIP 2421 (aka SAO occultation perfectly. We saw was only a fraction of an arc- 74054), appeared brightly on both star and Simeisa, but no second. It’s amazing that so the TV just where TheSky said occultation! many occultations are it should be. To document the Steve had posted a time of successfully observed at all! timing, we used Bill’s Navstar- 3:11:14 UTC for Bonsdorffia at The next interesting GPS and my short wave Vancouver’s longitude. Again occultations for the Vancouver receiver tuned to WWV. For he was in error, but luckily only area: safety, we used two VCRs to in the timing. At 3:11:26 the continued on page 10 8 Rivergems would like to extend the invitation out to all RASC Members to come and see our New Large Collection of – “Rocks from Outer Space”

We have a large collection of Meteorites from 5 grams to 1250 grams! Different locations, and the last witnessed fall. A sight to see!

Rivergems has other products of interests:

• Minerals • Fossils • Rocks • Canadian Ammolite • Silver and Gold Jewellery • Megalodon Teeth • Dinosaur Teeth, Eggs, Fossils Located in Historic Steveston (2nd Floor) 220-12240 second avenue Richmond, BC V7E 3L8 604 241 gems (4367) N1/05 9 continuted from page 8 UTC (5:52 PM Saturday weather clear for these events, Eros: Jan 20, 1132 UTC afternoon) we will try to record them at (3:32 AM Thursday morning) Aida: Feb 2, 0441 UTC Southam Observatory. Call *Tamariwa: Jan 21, 1000 (8:41 PM Tuesday night) 604-738-2855 to see if UTC (2:00 AM Friday Times are subject to someone is in the dome. To morning) revision. Most of these are leave a message with me at the *Patroclus: Jan 28, 0744 predicted to be “appulses.” If a planetarium, call 738-7827 ext. UTC (11:44 PM Friday night) Vancouver observer sees an 230. *Kalypso: Jan 29, 0247 occultation, it’s by accident. Reference: UTC (6:47 PM Friday night) Events starred (*) are the most Kassandra: Jan 30, 0152 interesting ones. Should the !

Members’ Gallery

M42 Brian Morse

3x30 secs RGB plus 3x10 secs RGB at f1.9

14” Celestron SCT

10 continuted from page 7 Pity. The photos were nothing The project scientist for month later… short of stunning! JPL’s Mars ESA’s Rosetta mission to Comet I spent the morning at a Reconnaissance Orbiter is 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Microsat seminar. Most of the designed to map the red planet gave the public talk that night. In papers were on Canadian with a resolution of up to 1 metre my chat with him, he said the developments, all the way from to search for water and find sites major difference between his control systems to space science for future landers. The project mission and one like NASA’s ideas to future missions. engineers showed how this Stardust was Rosetta’s Members of the Chinese program spacecraft should return 100 approach—speed was orders of outlined the difficulties and times the data returned by all magnitudes lower. This reduced methods involved in designing a Mars missions from the the velocity of any dust grains mission to land on the Moon’s beginning to now. One of the hitting the spacecraft, dropping south pole. A clone of Jaymie previous night’s public speakers, the risk of the spacecraft being Matthews’ MOST spacecraft was the project manager for the MER damaged. The trade-off was talked about by Allan Hildebrand. rovers, and the rest of his team existing rockets don’t have He proposed using it to find near gave a detailed talk on the enough oomph to send a Earth asteroids inside our orbit planning and the mission results spacecraft into an appropriate which are hidden by the sun’s so far. trajectory to one, meaning long glare. With luck, he’ll be For lunch I went to deep travel times, in this case about 10 dropping by to tell us about it in space. There was a panel years. 2005. discussion between NASA, CSA, In the evening, Jaymie spoke ESA and Russian space officials FRIDAY on MOST. I wasn’t there since I’d on the topic of NASA’s plans to Chris gave his AVRO Arrow seen him a few weeks before at carry out Bush’s deep space Canadians-to-NASA talk to a the Vancouver Centre. Those who exploration plan. The consensus joint space history/future launch saw him this time said he was his seemed to be: go to the Moon to vehicles symposium. Someone usual self. test systems; go to near Earth asked how accurate the CBC asteroids to gain long term, long mini-series on the Arrow was. He THURSDAY distance experience; then Mars. replied it was about as truthful as The project scientist for After, I returned to Mars by the Right Stuff movie: faithful in Europe’s SMART-1 lunar orbiter listening to Canada and Europe outline but inaccurate in details. opened the day. If it succeeds, this explain their missions or Then it was over. I may have will be an impressive debut for participation in other’s missions. been loaded down with goodie small, but very capable sensors JPL’s ’07 “Phoenix” lander is bags and tired from a full, busy that in spacecraft past would have graced with the presence of an and long week, but would I do it been huge suckers. For example, MDRobotics arm and engineers again? Anyone want to cover my the camera system fits in the palm from both organizations talked expenses to go to Tokyo next of your hand. The entire about the mission and the science year? ! spacecraft is only one cubic objectives. Later, I had a chance meter, minus the solar panels. to talk to the JPL project manager I spent the day on Mars. who complained about the ESA’s Mars Express mission is restrictions the State Department one that hasn’t received a lot of placed on him in order to work press on this side of the water. with us Canucks. 11 RASC MERCHANDISE Available for purchase after meetings: Calendars $14.00 Telescopes - Binoculars Golf Shirts $30.00 Microscopes & Accessories Sweat Shirts $30.00 Weather Instruments Centenary Mugs $ 7.00 Beginners’ Guides $15.00 Observers’ Guides $20.00 DEALER FOR Cloth Crests $11.00 ZEISS • PENTAX • CELESTRON • Lapel Pins $ 6.00 BUSHNELL/BAUSCH & LOMB • SKYWATCHER • L.E.D. Flashlights $22.00 OLYMPUS • STEINER

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New Second Hand Telescopes, Binoculars, Spotting Scopes and accessories by JMI NGC Micro-max (C8/GP mount) $ 300.00 MEADE Meade 4” Ring Tube C/Weight $ 45.00 CELESTRON Meade APO Universal Thread Adaptor $ 39.00 BAUSCH & LOMB OMCON-KOWA Meade 2080 8”SC + many accessories $ 2500.00 BUSHNELL Meade Pictor CCD Autoguider model 201XT $ 599.00 SWAROVSKI-STEINER SWIFT-PENTAX Meade 10” f/4.5 Starfinder/equatorial mount $ 1500.00 CARL ZEISS-NIKON plus accessories SKY WATCHER VISTA ANTARES

Assorted eyepieces, barlows, star diagonals 0.96” - 2” Now in stock: Pentax XL Eyepieces New and second hand Visit our Web site at e-mail: [email protected]