Bids for Sewers and School BoardfAwards Propose CMBmnity C raM Yctani Lioss Ckb To Visit Men’s League To Get Historical Society Sidewalks Submitted Furniture Contracts Recreational Program Hakes Patriotic Taft: Boy Scoot Campers Early Fai Start Saving R. R. Pâtures

Big Variation hi Contractors' Equipment for Gymnasium, Lions Club Desires to Have Praises Secretary Kellogg .for,Invitation to Join With Camp­ First Meeting of- the Season Photographs ol • Cranford's Figures. Ordinances . for Domestic Science. Dental Available Place for Alliierte -Having Made Only Real, .era and Partake of Dinner Will BeTleld Next Miwith Railroad Station and ^ur the Proposed Work Are Clinic-. Manual Training Actiivities of All Towns* Advance in Yeans lor Peace’ and Amusements to Be Ac­ With Opening. Program of roundnitfs as \\'cll as Pro Adopted. - and Cafeteria Included in * pco'plel . . and Urges Alien Re-gistra cepted. Music. . . Krcss of Work Part ol Col- Contracts Let. lio n . ' IcVtion. . ______' At last Friday's meeting ol the Lions Tnamshlp nnmmill«. At ths m m in g -or th^-L tow -C lub - r,Ph»n*-ore «¿ready1 undet way hie-Uw night. adopted, orduiahc*;» lor the cun- The Board of Education Tuesday u .. ' . . . , iClub . an ■ UivUaUun. was prest'iiteli Uiulfr the .Iraterthtp ot J ¿HanUt) last Friday night, President O K. H errert 1L Wlocklrr ayaaoi ^"1 !mro Ulr ^ Broms Iloi .h x alu p at upiuiuig mreUng ol Uie Men » League •tftruvUon of sanitary sewers ui Meekei night'awarded contracts fur "furniture Warner presented the foliowtng reso­ * nun win be h«ui'in Lhe rie»u>u?riuri ViHuhre», piMkleut tW C ioutuia avenue and in Preston avenue, and loi and - equipment for. the new Roosevelt lution. which was unanimously adopt­ ' Sd<-r take Wai-ren County, to visit cnapeL Tnur»day rvrnuig, Bepmubei Hiftltirkal ’ötÄ-k'ly, ti^uuicira of Uie . sidewalk on Orange avenue. Bids irom and Lincoln schools on bids submitted' ed: .. , \ . • - 'Cr“ l‘urd lu,y“ C‘‘mp durmi' U,i *n',t JOUi. AUliougti-il I» over a muiiUt away «talkm aiiU »ummtulrng» are breiig pvr- , four contractors were received'for the in accordance . With advertisement. 1 ui August «ih Tìin iHvlutHm wax un nerveri by the sixttty a» pait ui Uie ' Difrtng.the past year, our Club en from W. ,- B- Sax fiacunkay cugiil intuxiukiy tu^rèpURl and a tentative Uic cnieHauuneut èummittee .hiu moue I sewers and irom two contractors loi There, was good competition on most oi doreed' the proposal to build a n ek Hit talk n * . iiimiiiinFnmly hnw lrtx ui 1 ungeiueiiu lor a* big tune and prac writleti ftnU pfeuwtal hiMory ul Um I . the sidewalk and on these there was a the Items. v ‘ date wo* «ri I,or Wednntda.v. Aug. 9th Um tv. Hrvreai iteUxirapii* were takrn tension onHhe Arthur Home for BUnd from 7S odvfr tUtxxa Uanghwl and unyUnng in cmmeiuon «Uli iltu ti« i this year, we should'devtfte our efforts StxAUmoftter Cattenoeh »pent the week luiilce lnu‘ arranged to have "them io L Engineer...... ■ ‘ the Osniun Cook Co., of Newark, for many of them have twen in:un b> neiul him a pim i (or the cuilretaer K<*- *1.229.25. principally toward rendering r*>d «Uh hia troop but owing to bu»J- ihu opening (ealure ol Uie oeonuu. Hie Ordinances providing lor the issue oi leading atalcametv tieaud» uò for Ute truvlee» of Uie cam p iniMt- eratiuiifi. TJie iratufumtitig u| Umori athletic activities, under the direction riafiun. Ronald Wltluuii. aaulntant lorwaid lo a very busy and a very de- | property on Claremont. Place,.asking u machinery tq Oliver Machinery* Co.; for and When cundrcurd/ta v k sisi yeuved MghllUl fteanoh fur the oigaulzaUtm avenue and Walmii «renur. lugrtiire *1,008.25; tools to John H.M attlack & of a professional director, supervised «'outma.HUT ui the troop headed by wlUr the approaehes ut .bolli ihrrclkau [ the Committee could not compel the !" ^ « v ^ ^ ^ i w m u n , IrrlJ,lld. u >|M „I ,u „, clU)lt> lie believe« in making an early start [ owner to keep It In better shape. May Son, for *884.25, and benches to E; H. Jointly by th e Playground Commis­ to the educwtamoi work b n o f coined!* to Uie prtwem grade sihI later to Um «aft axslfttant ramp director. last and planning well In advance. . In this ajLAlddcJisftld^; nojtuttwdLty^tQ Sheldon & Co , *564~ . ’ sioner oand Board of,Education. Play cm by th e Am ença n Bnawckwitui^ lly u r j imUer grade will prùdute toute Hi m ■ae in- d iarg e uf- i h e -p n ipr f ty am i I» he lit« well «imported, bv Uie. VMrluiiB | act in such case except as it concerns “'F o r Üïe ~~Cafeteria o f HooSêvelÏ property.TupeTyisedriTSìrii'Tekraeltrr Conunittee, of which Fred. R .U inüT cuimiiHlct’ member»; Qialrm an II, li T6ïïïlï^fapTS*"wTd~provc* o f gnniV Ürtrlp“ school. S. BHckman, Inc., bid *2,600 ite value in thè development of.char­ ; health, morals'or public safety. . The la the chairman, rsudosu* a lu. '1'0".’“*'’1'': ob ’ everything that Blftwiit ol the Enterlalnmenl Commit­ l i t Ui future tUlreiift and got the contract. h . • . . . Slut» to do wiUi the camp ai»d cam|K*i». 1 letter was referred to Asst. Attorney acter. Óur boys, and girls siiould re­ tee ha» hud u great, deal oi ex|*erieiu:e .Tlie.llext meeting wf Uir uatety will ■ Warsinski. • Notification , was ordered sent to the ceive the best that we can provide In Secretary‘ of • State ’ ’ ■■ *nve. iweftent contingent took potae»- be-held Heptentber 14Ui at Um hoove ot tCeUoèg ria& i ikUm loti Sunday. ^The .weather ao far Ui-uirujiging program« nml he. tuo lK1- Another letter from C. J. Leach com­ owner of the building on Union avenue leadership. This is also true of - our brought aboi it one of .ila? greoiewt : Kiumor K Artoma. in Unnsi Ave Flits . . i ... a. . a , . .lima been tin* f]pe»V Utu flrajMm uiul n lieve« that il I» the pail ot wUUoin. I«, plaining Of the way taxis are allowed to used as a school office, that the Board adult population.. Efforts have been do Inn etiixMliig early. * ■ . will he tho first Hireling <>f tlm fall avul declined to renew jjie lea,4*? which, ex *1« t*»n enjowd hy the Ikiv» wthler fw> M.m which prurute* to be a . . ... made,to prganiK athletic clubs^among. ine,wore.-ne~ca4 vOtrnmi*ar.rn .n irTx^^|){iV,Vj«ri--r1rx ‘T)t^V'>7nu-"atrrrfir -.ii..,IU.NlU'hME-ami-Cr-W f-’Irlpp: - w»h> 0 sis&Rttnam“ju f.' r ncwal for two years at *1,800 per year, Fire Commissioner Warner reported ...... been lacking to carry through.... the Ä agi* jfcod ¿afe egre^wtil Uw out1 Tbe gnu*' m fnmt «I. Hie lenti» -ho« Mm 0|Mm« everything ^ will b« lu rewdl- the memberolup cofimutiev, will be glad and th at the building will be vacated the death of Samuel Cobb, one of the plan.’’ 4 laving ’war When tte cry brêu mtiwed and une mbrê rent pitched, ni'i» Kieü J. Franklin. H. H ■le. Hitencer R sympathy was ordered sent to the fam- has had It up with > the School Board guments. An effort such as has been \ ^ lh * t ail of Uw U>>* wtuited to uc­ Warner, EU llndrnberg-, "Doc HraVey. yrur Hie purpna* of the wiciely u The Dixie Qlants won a hotly-con lly of Mr. Cobb. A...... Joint meeting...... was held to which ...... the pul forth by Secretary Kette« aad l! Ain.Micr army lent which had -and ||m ‘ ..HUI...... •. Hoffman, togrther WIU1 wiUi ,nf.'h* tin* ii'tine implle» and already a ' ' .- Tax-* Collector ^TeUer- submlUed- a list tested .gamc^.last. Sunday...on.J^he. local XQwnshlp.^Qmmittgg^-iras lm itgri ;am t jaMt^nfc^ia^ai^miyg^JoiumitiBarr^arg grea^~q.uaim ty...t>t..m1mKHablllar hare • -••••- - — - -- j TuUiiiTutiit ta u lisu Ktmwcir wMitc IioIps • • !_ of uncollectible personal taxes'amounts Mel37’-wTieri tHey" “deTeated tfie" strong llio .whole.plan.was presented-bjr..Mr. eftort against war __ . _ . ______liiccrim-für liargy.UUami and lus Lati ta'eii accmmilatrd which mdlcate^whoL in« to , *78ST>. This: was ordered ex- Linden A. A, by a score of 6-5. The Mathewson.1 Recreutional Director of -Every'm an whd has'*worn'"the' uhi eut and:i IxMWtliiK for the tiiggent year Cranfprd wiu m the post. The variety game-WUS. a thriller fromjttart tq flnlah pun««d-from-4he,tax duplicate,—f - - the Uplon - County Park Commissixm. form of' the- XJiuinl fitacea aad anon» k i f'TM ^ rehirn»!^. Ur the Ijeague has ever ex;»rrlrnretl' last W rlnlcm tcd in -preiiervkig the re re tte . Messrs. Harry A. Heins, Oscar. M. and It was hard to tell who was going It was agreed that such a community anything labout war wants to m u pom p and the boys will pwch ic making year was cxlmncly suiTesaful and the of prevent prugirtw which m Uie light to win. Dixie team , was on the abolished, W no man s im lias s u ra -* « » (H »» While tliv cunUii- it the future becianea history .' Hess .and Joseph Heuer were appointed wide activity was most desirable, but it membeifthip s I io w ik I an uppri'dable ;__commissioners. to condenm and assess a le rt; tjirelfgn¡out j the . game and cut was deemed (inadvisable to attem pt U. Ih. uniform and h alU -ro ro m n ^ .gain...... Added.... facilities aud a larger A humlier of purtufff* of Uie Rivet ■fkm.-n.-inaiift.a,. praMWitilpg.. rally.------afnte^to'dw'-'UikenMkt-'BooUi^aviuie -miro-.TUcnriTOr^f-xni-propis nemYCTi - r r ^ f' IVgCfMiL. making an easier curve at thè-Gar­ •taken care of by A. Wakefield and he 'phoujgrapte and it ta t budget, or the school and town. “““ ihai the'ero ad last Sunday would be ^ n,.is"go- may. express their wishes. If we adopt nation to risk war -with his country ;A Ulver cup has -biwti nffcred for the tfie Cranford Trust Cumiauiy wilt be lows; • ,____ j___1..:__"______4hi#„p?pp<*mi,-1* our—intention to rng lo have a busy ume_L(ib*-wlnU*r. _ Dixie fGIaht*-^Rahs6iiie.'' ssfz Harvey, a*rhetfifferehre~Bgtwreh":tA^-46idtfrTbiG^T»kkmg^riuF4Hrgm^num The Men'» League u fi nou^Bcctartan used Vr diffptgy xmn« or 4h# ‘triwyurH ‘ present it to the members of the Play­ and Secretary Kellogg on the one haiul '"points and< a medal, for the runner up. th at havc.-bv^n presented In the society ¿b; Jennlngs.-cf; Hurt, rf; W„ Wake­ ground Commission, the Board of Edu­ organlxallon mrellng at the 1'reabyter- field. Burgess, 3b; Ford, lb; .Onque, and the pacifist« or. th e other- 14. tliaijT he compeMLJon Is open, to iaU of the lan Churv.h and 1» op<'n Ui all m en in for lU cojlertioh af rellra. - ~ cation. And the Township Committee the pacifists preach a dartnne tiaaljboyft In camp regardlew* nf the troop If; A; Wakefield, p. a t a Joint meeting, for their consider Cranford. One of the. main object« of Linden A. A.—Byko, If; Atkins, ss: would make our country a prey ut any • to which tliey ..belong? : A ritord will the League in M> provide a mean» for More Applications for Tickets atlon. . jealous or ambiuou» dictator or gw-¡be made and wlirn the.totals ure turn- Bach, rf; Chuval. cf; Wemls, c*;-Barry, ’If approved, the next step would be men residents of th e town to mei?t iy- • Being Received Daily, and lb; P. Dt’rcska[. 2b; G. Voynick, 3b;, J eihmenL whereas the pdiion of the’|f«i in the winnerN will Ui announced gether and Itecome acqualnte make great eJIorU and U> re- way» intruded to urfn u> vbdt the Score by Innings: ‘ * be invited to listen to an address to everyone Ah adequate prrqpom ol!wilting in s.great «leal of frleiid!uy rlv_r. Visit Cranford In Fail plete for Big Evenk Dixie Giants ...... 010 210 02x— 6 miellngn amJeif enjoy It to apply be given by M r Msthewson, describing National Defense' a the btsft r k s nr Di-|i:!r y le.,t«ei'n the Uoopa~nini" lh e‘"tmll- to Home inembrf for an apphtuiion lo Linden A./A.:..... '...... 030 • 000 -Q03—8> the plan and scope of this activity and surance a country can poaew • vidual. «coutAi ...... 7 ' With tile Sale for the Uemy-flfth Hext; Sunday a t 3:30 p. m., on the Join Meuihef» uie urginj to bring Uieir Cnfididiilc for Vicr President " enlist the active service of these or “Nobody believes in a n a a murder or j . . _ -• ' -• frii lid* arid enpeUally mw coiner» Ho anniversary celebration of the Cran­ B . 6 .» field, the Dixies will have as ganizotions In promoting the plan. To burglary yet everyone does trin e in i | _M L S T fiE l.^ 6K4T.S FIlANFOIll), ford 'Republican Club still two weeks the! r 'opponentsr'the stTong Ford Jrngurfboa. miflned tu.tfforu strictly Expresses Desire to Speak _ be^¿om ptetq, succe*v7thlJ program police^ foref^. ab«^ ih g y y ^ ^ v_tLr'* ^ 4-Aj^iimilftUlJULtiauiuaumbutNz'itinUiittiAbix ot A jit- -must be- supported- by-*att th e cuisea* p olice" fares Huv-* New Jeariisf^ i Hfn^onrf'lnyrtotioieUjUiF-j attendance will gather at the Tower boyahd'NCW'Branswick. ^ is - fienr*iir7w»nfp“for nie~rnxTi 14 must not be labeled with any parti­ HlTninftbw enme The wesketung of the j «fiedule of l!it‘ 'Uiilon Cb(iiily 'Lcuim^ and dtx'K ,nol mix In town puiltetH or .iiiiniously Extended try Re- House, Long Branch, on August L5th. has a wonderful record, so far this sea cular organisation s name, t the t-i««» police power would hoe Im m furl Curnford Motor Spied, hu , Walter ities are provided ...with 300-feet of fiahing^that Is some do a little , while make moke it plain to any otter a te ’ ,R<-ore^b^ Inning» ** H Wlckman, M anager rnov**«! Lire Ir Ikan ticket at cording to a report made sandy beach , which will-be devotedeX^ others-do^ar.*hQle-lot^_HflweVfiri_.thiS- may ^ ^ eantemplaunt ^ ;.kavi2ar o f­ Cr*«rord ^ 000 000 î'OO^ I, »how^rnum t o d a y N o r t h avViuim at^ Uie Keimtollrjur Club iheeUng loot , ~ciusively~to the u s e o f the visiting 4fte- story relates-to .one who Just does fense ogoinit society u> bewftate~a ftp* y t r *tfield “ " - — h lg h t^ liU-ftpeokliig ^suf­ Cranford and meet the voters have than the one chosen by, the committee Club it Was drily natural that he.send C ranford will hold a regular meeting move will enable Cranford Auto Bales, ficient to a very large estc^idiprevent The new» of the possibility of his com­ on arrangements. . word fo -h is fellow-members o f . the House Permit tlii» evening 'Thurnday), at 8 15 oclock Inc, to maintain ah-up-to-date show Members of the Club who have not won^brful luck he was having with th e its commission.1 There i^B always tie ing here was given to Uie club by Wes­ outbreaks of crime tn communities and in the Township Room» room und atrvice »talion', v ‘ ■ made arrangements for transportation rod and line. At last Friday night’s ley A Btanger, vice president of the there, win always berots&breaks o* war should communicate with Chairman J. meeting of the Lions. Club vUnde Zoning Board Turns Down club, who has been in touch with him between countries: II the police porfcre ’ O. Beggs, of the committee, or H. R. Harvey“^ redd a letter from 'Hop”, who Lehman Application for in Woxhlnglon Senator Curtis con­ Wlncjcler, secretary of the Club. The Is great enough ta wtte coenmumly to firmed hi* desire to c6me in a tetter is vacationing along Lake Champlain, cope wltfv^ie'outbreak it will be «tori plans perfected, are for as many ns- telling of~flshing for perch In thirty, Apartment House .Zoning which wo* presented before the meet- have automobiles to have them avall- lived >«nd the criminal» brosagfd to In« Hon Roger C AJdrlch, Mayor of feet of water and of having landed a on Forest Ave._____ Unanimous _ _ _ _ Tfie .community, wtaj tte ate Cranfqrd* requested Mr. Btanger. to in. _ able, and where there Is extra room. n«h...... h r some- ^ ^ sort" or yothetitflat--was _ _ _ the “committee wiU assign thdSc^w^blh™^,!« W'"the boat and' said n ^ N ctghboFhood >P-r^o t- g V j- finafe-and well, rrCanagBg.pftgre fwre ii ^-«ret5fibfe~ ‘ 00L Thsy srtQ ieck tl* to o n (tef«u*Jaoi rangeinent* will be marie for a big re* take -care , of the transportation .prob­ As previously ■ mentioned. "Uncle Kctldos. The u s» tb&R s(9 (dxs .-w' ¿eptlon for him The club wiU doubt­ lem but will have a tendency-to make Harvey" read the letter and therelore There w u »'big tumouL-bMnterested nations. Tht cixmtrr timt ¡t best ixre­ less arrange a parade and make a gala closer acquaintances. ^ ' it Is presumed to be' a real true s^ory. psred to cope with an r o w p o cy in tbe day of R Those wlto know the Sena­ - While this Is a Cranford .affair and citizens at the: mceUn^'ot the Boanl Anyhow two .of the member» of the at Adjustment iZoning) last night to one least likely to he caOd s u to do tor oay that he has a personality that Is to be a round up for loyal active Club - gave the m atter considerable hear the Lehrnan .. application (or 1. 1 * . * , - is charming In tlie extreme and Cran­ Republicans, it has attracted a great thought and early this week decided to change oi ,tn n e (or part, of the old ’TThe esely days o t oar oooatry. ban­ ford will be especially fortunate to deal of attention from Republicans run up and partake of the Ashing. It Ford property on Forest avenue to al­ dits and bulk robbers used to attack have him spend some of hia time here throughout the county with the re­ Is ‘hoped that the “Dr. Yeakel—Mr. low . the building of an apartm ent the banka In small totroa and bold tip A number of interesting topics were sult that the^e wiU be quije a number Heins" duo have good luck and report hotue. The plot Ifes on the northerly wagon trains to rob settltrs. Tbey were discussed it the meeting lost night of fisitort who will Join in helping back a t the meeting tomorrow night of, side-of Forest avenue In the block be­ fContinued on Oarwood pacei which was held in the Board of Edu­ Cranford celebrate the birthday of-the »"catch that will outshine the tween Union and Cranford avenues. . cation rooms which are the temporary . local branch of the Grand Old party CRANFORD BART STATION landed by "Hop." . H. H enchbom for Mr. Lehman made headquarters of. the club.'pending (heir of prosperity and goexj times. - * . Tbe, faUowlSd fa tbe report _ for tin a plea for the1 approval of tbg applica­ •«curing a permanent location. One of It is doubtful If such a galaky hi Cranfortl; Baby Station for. the tncutb the most Interesting topics was that of CRANFORD YOUNG MEN’S CLUB tion. stating the advantage* to.'.the speakers has ever been gathered to­ ' DEFEATS''ITALIAN M. E. of July: 'Attendance J a tt n th . s i: opening a regular club house ’6^ club community froth this class of building, gether before for a Cranford audience. The Cranford-Young Mat's Club sub­ July lMh. S ; July Utb. B ; makint a room« where all Republicans con meet but he didn’t get any applause. total of l*. There were erdy tbrwe any time of day or evening. Several- Candidates of office as well as promi­ dued the Italian. M. E. In a Sunday For the objectors, and there were nent Republicans wjn be in attendance School League game last Saturday aft- clinic 'days aa no ettnie was held on locations were discussed and a eon-. about <0 present, T/H. Oltnn. of 7 TBE NEW DINING ROOM OF TRE ECBO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB and the speakers who will, address the emoon at Warlnarwo Park by. the «core July Stir. Remarki Nr hsprowunent is mltCee has the m atter in char«» heated of s' to 2. Both teams pliyed a bang Cranford avenue,, pry tented a petition 'tat all ttw bstdrr; The needy The remodeled and enlarged: ClubiCd, Its windows gHordtaid S' wide view by Mrs. F, X O. Wtoekfcr. Frw bolder diners, represent the best minds in the signed by .50 owners and'reddents of party in this section .of the State. up game- and very few errors were hare-been snppttrd wiBi 'eod lieer aO. Rome of-the Echo Lake Country Club, ot the gall course; where eppetlxtng Drcwrehor suggested th a t before Utt made. Tbe. batting stars for Cranford Union avenue. Forest avenue: Cranford mire, clotbinc, beby carrtacea and d a beautifully situated: atop the hlgbest meals are . daintily served to members next meeting be would bare an Inter­ Speeches wiU be short but to the point, avenue and Claremont Place, against tlltl ^ U afynr*^;ajfV lift*1*11*! ftppor- ware. JO U tt.: Jellowita autd_ WUmnder, Theststioo >» spent, taw.ot d y i r , «*• on the courte,__lJs white tnlls and their guests. esting announcement to make In-re* eazlmtakbigH»o-blta,-whlle-Hanar-aad any-lcbangeiof '-»oingjran; CDuaLA ag-oat-lB-iidld~.rellef~agiln»t-a ~LQn-thb-inaM,S~day~huC~«Mrat-othst pond-to^premanmlfeiFiart«^——-— - ' lunlty for HepubUcaaaT fcrnotTmfcrget residence.'- T o back up-this protest, acquainted with'each other but to be- Callld" batted bard for Italian M. E-, the PBp Boose, witb a tratawd norre tnckground of - verdant green: offers timed wbeu unexpected guests'arrive or The meetlng wms unusuatly_larie «•?_ 1IMIIMI th» public Qfll- with 3 and 3 hlta. respectively: Again many, bf the- signers and otbess weip and physician fat attendance. , . many attractions to Us members. . when s change of fa n seems dselrable, peclally for this time of year. A num­ h «i> »wj It is certain that a.m Berry. pitched brilliant ball for M the meeting and 'P. T. Wnsn. L. K. ' ;AB 'mothers are Breed to bhne their O n feature irblch Is growing ln pop- the members of. the Club ero: finding ber of public officials were present and - the whmen and reoelved eaceHent sup­ T. 6 ’Bitsn, .Mjrs. Klngsbury. Mlas Yan idadtr every day Is dining the new dining room (pictured short) Msyaf Aldrich spoke on the subject of Hon* Hamilton f t Kean,- candidate for (Oontlnnedoe man. tsslefnlly furnished end decorst- » source of great S|UlsficUon. (Ooottmmd on local pace) ' port. . ' (Oootlnosd on joeal ps«v> * w- a -cr

r m m m -Bels* D aniels t m t - ~ r r YONDER th e Bi< By T. T. Maxey ABOUT THE PORCUPINE -» « • caiai»., Wo are * liul*«u>r. ■» ■ "^Tfh’t Tim t of lit S an dible then tod we rather like to eee ^A V A L observatory time Is taken IU JE BROWNIE bad asked Moth­ people camping out Is the great woods .from tbs slur* usually two or B er Nature if be could call on a We like to' est vegetable* sod bltsof RT three times a week, for the simple porcupine and bear something of the bark and twig» and frail so d oh, dear, . reason that this sietiiod affords the waye of -the porcupine family. He bow we do lore’ Salt I ' im»»t accurate standurd of time Dent” asked her to give him the power, that “Everything should be flavored with urpment koo\*b»-to modern time sdeo* day and evening to understood porcu­ -ssH^miU we even like salt ell by It*, lists. . \ ' pine talk. Aud Mother Nature agreed. «elf; or things that just her« .s’ salty in taking the time, observers use So Billie Brownie went forth to the flavor or teste. . -• • "ffil small telescopes. St ft» which cross dark woods and there he met a por* . “Sometimes we stay » long time at fe* -.« Uie oM/rldlao at a polui Tllrecily over* repines the, top of s„tree,.eepeclsliyrwhes It U - bead In Washington are selected for “Are yeo all atoner asked. Bllile cold.. We keen, to the top of s tree observation.. The exact time at which Brownie. ../■ ... » . then iu people will stay Indoors. I each selected star will cross Is defl- ““All alone,** aald the porcupine. *♦! was one of four little porcupine« and oltely known through previous cateu*. like to.Wonder about by myself I*ro It waa not so very long before I etart- . laMoos-uiude from imimnomtrfil ri»f^v not-sO-very-soelablej-^None-of-ua-arei- ■f points In the leld under observation; may as wnlk^e quite tnithful and ad- and we are born with gll oar splendid descendant of a royal «pania*. f4feh"i-tKtr«gf a ra ntre 1 ^ f 6“ tTri*0w our''qunr8ra n d that Is in* j 11.»o« fniiml *n cross the|merldlun, ac* corrects . « By John Blake cording to the clock, represents the. • i*Tha,t li pbout the only thing 1 have |H>rh»d of tim e’that the dock Is in known aboutvyour family,** said BUlle error. t Brownie. « INNOVATION. INERTIA As ft has been found to be |nnd "Well," said tlw porcupine, "the oth­ I vlsiihle, bVcuuse of their lextreme sen- er day I was preU/xmad. Some’ ode X T O NEW Idea evrr comes Into JjltlyfiUtfla.Jajilaturh.llia.ina*ter-clock*. - saldr40 f wh«r*ii:te . ’ • • • but that la not the way 1*4 speak of and powerful. Anti these older Ue«. b b k ^ ...... ^I* .of^any-gootL--"-—- 1* and the people .who -believe la tV n; - Av-get—Ifilttdtpisi tov p aiaiu eir” TpHE.'OUl>eil*»m'WlmfiSr; -irtthnnt'xe.ahRiEglsv__^ ___ , I cted problem of «»!,!„, sstlsfec Tm N oivirySSSbfcVery y 'y ‘ because they. are. This Is the simple One example of a new Me. ts lory and depeniinble public service In • 1 porcupine explanation. As we are not . Not m lj lu f -r :.r densely populatod-connnunltles-le-irell BOt l fsel sure - yoa ere* filled with great -talkers we do not i“dse“many but-thonsauds-of other -naRyn 'wru 7 exeinplltled In ■ gas.bnldei! which was wisdom. words, and as we don’t talk much we sacrificed U) the straggle to nuke litntvd In .service" In. Chtciign smnefinie *But there.are few who know much don’t have to think much, and. that ls thU new conception prevaiL • ego. as ■ part of the storing and die about porcupIneB. . as satlrfactory an explanation -as I ■ .«• comlngthrreatcued.ovher.riiitr trlbuilng jK ten^fsr furnishing - gas . *,NoW'«ad-afiaio-we'iqdear-ft‘bir dr haver thnnght^up.-^or * glFepyda**^^ | 7retIgtono.-TJ»nd the bsckeri of for lighting and beating .In Ihnr grpnl growl, but. mostly we hcllgy» m K0tne ...-‘jVyeHj** said- Billie Brawn)^ thlny rejlglons were- not ^willing »« » .r V elf j...... aJleat — .... _ that la a good one., it saUafies-ine-et- Idlf by, spd ..seethelr.adM ». »»ep . - JTflls colossnl reserrolr U aboul glKI - i*Our-. mothers r-never hpre - to * g$y any-rateg-And - now, that the ~nlght * b[ sw ay .------By ELWO SCOTT WATSON , From Hint IlHlc edition of llfioo In a-moro logical nnd, serviceable man­ feet In circumference nnil 2A0 feet ’Uosh’ to us. We are s6 quiet by na­ almost over. I must be off, for I have ia t o ar own .- time «volution bos ' F, WHILK ynu'r© rcitiling, copies iNsued In IkSH lu n e 'grown--illm ner timo iMtworth’s speller, the work . high. 8ome . B.IKKI (one of. sleel went ture. Ami our mothers don’t meet an engagement at dawn.** stirred up about as mucb oppitsitw'n ou ctfiue across a .^vurdrtlur -,miltlons r - of ’dleltoiHi-rjcg w.. «^«.hich m are . v. a.». io of an l.ii g IU h tu un previously uhiL am! ,nt.°Into Its -ts WMlniftlOf-Üisconstruction— Uie plateaplates .being being each other and chatter about the ways* „ MG°oJ-by,'' . said the porcunloe. aa aqy other 0ew .thepr7 . er Idr4.\Xt S TI,o cluuires arc Hint you of "Iniluy,1 ndii\. lincimut every «in.mie i.rof tliere I.HlS.tbe snles of Ike speller were This bolder Is a twin. Both tanks paratlveljr Insignificant ooea. "look It up iu the hlg'book" -trelgtit yenra-pf' lrta-itri!-npiì7 rn¥K: averaging SSUmu copiti u year. By afi conbeefed with an uiljncenl pumin _ __ ^-or to •‘fooaultJlr.-Wriistrr.^- Wblrli Ima eurlehm|_fj!prtaogiiagÌ!Jui.. ,YO-toey^Jmd ..rlmi-lb'-{I5ÜJAI0 «mie» log. »t«)l.<>; — ■Lst-ns-oee-lf-thw-iame-m ty-NrME- nieiommltly, AUTmÌfl, -"aie" wnfdr nniiilnllv, nml liy 1S1J .they wer» np: feet Id circumference. Ilolh were do ForMeditation lo their cate. “ 7 For thut Is wlmt Atnbrlcitta have hern 0 0 0 0 0 0 doing now for cxnclly u humircil yours. \\ itiRter" un,) "iltrttmiury" tire rvn- Id I.IHSUSit) n yenr. Aa Inte us ISSI) placed and built as (i feed their con­ Suppose, you' for example, »re s . —"looking It up In llio big hook" or utiynioiii III Ilio nilndn of iiKiot of II«, It *ns siili going rtning, and It bus tents Into; a glum distributing main— By Viola Broth et* Shore By LEONARD A. BARRETT" file clerk In an office sad -d e u ^ a *!ooimjltlng Mr. Webster." For It wus liuf few of un kiinw miieli nlioiit llie boon estim ated flint m ure Itimi iou,. Uie backbone of . tha city's gns dis­ new and b etttr way of filing dat* just one hundred yenrs ago this sum- itintt, ftnnli Wetinter, Nino ont ef.ten IHSI.liiAi eopltw..have been aulii aluce tributing -irstem—which feC| FOR THE OOOSE— cards. |ierliii|i« sv0111,| confuso film olili hi*, mcr thut (i scene of uuummf aotivlly 17M. Wçbsicr'a fume may real mainly In clreumfereneo hnir- » miles In A MAKER OF VIOLINS Tog tell your Idea to jo o r enipjojer wiU(4n4dng pluco In the print sh^i of illslnlil relnllvo. Il,miei Woliiter, ilio uiHin ills tUetionnry, .but In a sense length. U supplies lateral and smaller X EXT to harin' a calm disposition aod stand by for his immediate ij« iirulor miti «lutesuinn. Yet II Is-noi miitns, which In .turn lend Into Imll- ' the best luck Is bein' able to hide « licrrklnh Howe In New Hawn, Conn., (lie dlcilonnry owes Its eilsten.-o to I^JFFEIIENT things seem necessary provaL If he Is like the average •»- : nud Juit one hundred jonra ngo tblii loti 111 Iteli lo Buy perlmp». Ihtil Ilio een- the speller, for during Hie reinilnder vlilinil fnetorles. . - . that jou ain't ployer yoa. will stand by for t cos- itutulm there came ”hTriTi'Tlior"',flrHl UlJltulloii-of-fCoub - Welmlor- lo 'Amrrl«" •of -tvebster"» life.- nnq 'espiî;iûllÿ""[|ic ... -WbenlhepnmptngstnllorrnndBoth — 4 ?...p**?...people : happy. — Some Olderuhle UmeT “ " : ititi lift» ,,l|] ti,, im iiniiortunt mie long tanks are working full tilt, this plant people think they would be supremely rdllhin of Nonh WeUter s "American twenty years ho spout Id’ con piling Loti of times there's the noblest huppy If they possessed all the money He la very skeptical.' Tb« id« Dlctfonnry of the ICngllxli t.uuguiige" urte!' limi ut liiinlel-WeiiKter «HI tiare ■ Iliome imiieimry, iHctlmmry, most or o f mo tho Buiqort sum ori of |- Is -eiiimtilp-nf - »■ ousiniigpushing -gtis gas intoInto inoI'fie motives In back of a lle.nml' aothlb:, may he all. right, but after all. Hit«. lieen forgoiien enllrely. _ they wanted, other people are real J Ff r Ills family cuino iron the profits of *'•■* m"ln ** • folerale of iai.lggl.iawISO.ISKI.ISK) Np»* the Issuing of a Uletloimry- Is but vault*, lu back of tellia,ytha truth. ■mre they would attain real happiness carUa^have been - filed m, certain «a» unique e\v*it, hut Jbe Nuuli Welifler.wuH llie“smi of n jìoor Ihls llitlc.-bliie-bnetoi...... l^peim«W'(iviill) y book.- tniuik, «“hlc »eel ,e»ory hour of-the^^ day hiiit in the paat and,that way ha,s beva*a\ pTsiillyg oT'TiofiYi '\Yel»iterV'uf.OY|-;f’lli,rir: Tr»n»f< ]MW-he,gnrc:-|itrnTl'lilg'(ifh»f'--vvorlLIWW-he-'gnnriiiruTl’1ilirdfhgr!-vvorT£ t 'WIMî,t 1* *«M-rft*Tip-'frinVe‘’rina tToiip!nW» ’ or” unhil [ip[tie3s depen(is ij4hey-^oitl(J-juUj..r*(iuare--themselVek i&fkfiiorjr. Vffiy'""change i t l t Ù... than-Is used* In Chlengo, except dur­ wltfKtoe world, pay all their debts snd 1 l awnf imek there Iri 1R2S was » note- royd. Cium., wlm In 1771. wlien Nimli. to devote htiusclf lo hie dlcilonnry, much more on four disposition than that be Inviting trouble? ^sw(>rt^y event, mid In sumo rouped» Jr7, «un nlxlet-n yenrs eldl.liliirlgogoU Ills orlglnnl plan t u Jo correct the ing unusual, days when, for some rea on four fortune. But how many.peo-. ra aña V A ,maller firoup try It la sa eveoj bet Umt the .fell«»'. P :/ ..lil8..furin tu |, u.v li Is kuit'e ex | ,,M( «t‘s 1 In errorj.iind jj)iiUly the ohjiasloni In-old- son or-other, the demand Is abort ñ, fl^v.*UpplneBs ln ' ^ Wssesaloa of .... Hw-VH'l^lt^lf-wos-iUihjneri llerett»- plo pel» to work- acquirin' - a dispo­ friendships and the things which mob- -wiU opposw-yoo erew: though-th e «c* fore tho Fbgllsh tt'tNViklng world hud luto eoMego freni wlilt-li Ilio btiy,wn«' or dlctlmuirles, ef|H>e!nlly ivlinson-«.- normal. • • ...... sition! - - . .. . cesa of your device cannot passu*,*, Pr,:,: So he »pent a number of years col- , Ifib. Ilia. 'Wiit.ra N.w.a«D.r Union:) I’ ™™': buT- .«ere Is. what the dcp^uled upon Dr. Samuel Johmmu’a gruiliJiiieil.foiir jvnn Inler. L'|mn Die great Oerman poet. Heine, required tor harm him or teopardixe any of ¡ui w- lor nutliorltntlve spelling nnd dell* Ilny e( bis grniliintlnn: blu fallicr guve Icdlijg words.' Then realizing his own There's nothin’ solne people enjoy Jor conceptions. : .Inck lif.knowledge aa.lo tba origin of Keeping Honey,- ■ happiness: “A tiny cottage wlih nltlob of words...-But when the ~nK ...... -elgbi-tliillMl-- t'eniliieiunl bill better than a good scrap next door. a |Vlne over the dooV, plenty of fresa .. This sort.of.thing It.csHed-likJilA. .- lilen of 2.RK) ctqHe» o f-ih e new die« («oriti. uliniii finir ilntlure ut Ilio timo) words ho changed 111, plan. V'or tho Unless In a sealed package, honey It Is. an inherent teudeocy to conuna* limi lotti litui flint lio coniti do tm lmiro next ton years ho devoted hhnself lo a should he kept-In a dry place; other mill; and butter, and ¿ row of tall * -tloni ry, each ei>tisl.vtltig of two htilkv FOR THE HANDER— trqes leading down / t i the garden business la the same old wa.r.. AM. ■ q'pi^o volumetr of more than UlOtt. far litui, v\tilioligl, young Wolistor Inni ...compgratlve study of words,'and when Is likely-. to ' ubsorb moisture « -«od permitted him to of ^course. Inertia Is always M tapn:}1' - - Vft««rtc,vdMh, «ppenrod, noctor- Jolim JntCliileil lo b«-ot|H! n ttiwyèrr RiTTiSir -he wulv*li(y-slx ytVfh»tc*v’a book IImoiL dot)net nml p. that Held. lind to rgsori-lo tencli- hv this .country, be went lo France Ono ounce of temper'll- make- the H avpew Idea *ls good enough sad liig io iniiko. u living,while lie siiillleil nml Kgglmid lo complete Ills work. nro usually found together In* the luatiated with njiprojirlnte qu«dntlon* dumbest man a lawyer; but It’ll make Happiness to'rgely depends Opon If It Is pushed hard enough It *: denultlond which hml Tou'ro never as lucky or as unlucky things outside of ourselves we shall Anticipating Inertia Is half the t}»t- ticker before nppeured In-any diction« utile lowtilt for n pmellcb, however, a quarter-ccmury of Incessant lalwr frigerator. ' ■ • ’ ■ - JF« as >ou think. ■ > - ■ • surely meet with disappointment tie. If you expect to have people .oi*-. .-ary; of. the English .tongue. Most of so liyyiigiiln engaged In scliool teach­ on one exuding task, the sturdy old pose ,your best Ideas you will cot' be­ Yankee set about revising some vif his ■ Pioneer Railroad Ran Happiness does not come to a»—it the definitions. Wcliricr hud eolned , . Ibis limo a« (Iwslien. N. Y.. where A plnnt ain't got much chance In come discouraged when the cppO'?i.« IwluTe a~ernZ r a a w'OM w-lmse meaning you do not un­ • i» of the Inulina Boston papers Insurance Freaks Sings even In spite of lu captlvityi' • eler"eler” InatfuidInstead «fof "twve^rflvellor;"^' or ";? Hutlini »m.«...moro •....reader. und a grammar...... • The - 'speller V.,n expect to be more fortunate. . derstand, heroro -you ask somvboily wora halted to accatnpnny them and The flower puts forth all of Its crow­ th a n -tluti) hlj»/dlcHonnr.v-wus ulipovi ivi!» Issued llript. In 17KI, fdllmved -Ip Among.strange "risks’* which have, And remember, toot, vthat the t'r1* whnbi It menus, flilnk of the ndtueul- lhl% with a few other suoat» were Iu Ing strength lo become the most beau- an encyclj)jbtn!l»i In^whieli he set - n 17M by tliv grunumir, nud In 1785 by been colored by Insurance by a fa way you can make your Idea p w n 1 / tlon ef ene chronicler of Webster's IRMHosslou of the only car that mudo Uful flower It cat*. .itu n d n jd for neenruey nnd complet»1- -Ibe reader. The suecos» ôf tho now- mous company are a fiction writer U by pushltfg It and fighting for it. « Oureer—“If. there Is- one too lazy to the ruu. against loss of Imagination; a balry - .Happiness Is the result'of contení» (CoBTrOrSt.) «• nm ^of definition which coverm ’(hu fatuous -blue-buck Speller,« siili „fa­ lake, the, half-dozen steps necessary mem. No discontented -person can be — o------m iliar to the older gen eratio n ’ -of Bum ngalnst^ baldness; an actress lexlcagraplier^nrL-Af..this-data. -In -to - reach i the-dlctlenary, let-him plo “Foreito» Weefc” against the lots of her legs* and Imppr. Discontentment Is proof of the . fact, nearly, nil of ..(lie Inter Uletloii- Americans at today, was Instantaue. lure the-ConniYllcut scholnr spend­ -- „ fact that wa have not yet found our In the Idea ol deu»tlny n week timid man against a revolution. G ß U G J & f arie* bnve been btined upon Webster's ?us nud must hnve been ntuaxliig to ing twenty-lire years pacing about lie- true selves. annually to un eduoatlimal cuuipnl^u ------O------tho young schoolmaster. In prepar­ fure big huge wunlclrculur table, laden A famous maker of violins' Uved In work nud linee preserrjtl lite liletitk'iil In the Interest of forests originated in word» In n Inrye nulnbcr of their doll-. ing it,, lie hail, shown the same skill ,w»li dlctleunrles of nil languages frem that portion of a big city where prop, nud sound sense .which I'hm'nclerlxed the Pnclile Northwest' At first this -nitIons. . Arable to Icelandic, so Hint ho. ihlght erty was being sold sf large prices to his dlcilonnry later. It whs arranged give his great work to the world” *cek was cnlled "Forest Protection make wqy for the progress of basl- ir»eV*.w In 1021, I'TesIdent Harding ness. Denying himself the pecuniary bn>uRht the federal sm ern iaeo t be- advantage offered him for the sale of' hfllltant. prison house, It liquefies,and t’lneapple fiber la also employed In 1dnd the tdwii and Issued a proclama Bubble in a Sapphire lion Since that ti/re such a week has his property, he remained where he becomes visible as a bubble. ■' the manufacture of , hamlkerchlef) wa. and -continued to make violins. and oihor unicità 1 • becu observed each yenr. " There la cxlilhlted In the British mu- ' . . . Valuable Nettle 1 Why leave this place where I have labored many years? 1 am content sediu a sapphire wolghlng nine.carats , Nettles are usually associated' wlih Ait Siekneu Antidate Luminous Worm* . nnd containing a- bubble'that nppenr* unpleasant sensation), but a species Lain happy,. I,maker ot tlo-- and disappears with changes of ten)- • An apparatus, hut-tH'oti Instulled tt That cnrt/iwiiruis turn Into lightning ,of Hie pliint Is «ldt]y eyltlvuted ln Tempclhof Acht near Borilo, Germany bug» or tircllles Is a common myth prjralure. It Is .believed that heavily In Chinn for llie' manufacture of a soft th tail, Wt* rf.w.p.».r cal«.) , r 4he ' fcpio Inclose* a quantity of car- forlor passenpassengers gem «HTerln*sunertng frámfrom airsickairsick- Tbe. tlrvij.v 1« a .species of beetle which -•il!‘dlk.P_f!lhHc_,fsr._|.CJtlllB_purpose». -^Dg3:- A »¡epoMvani^FhcEfeflrr-ihjfi J95P1 fe*!«bJtlqrv*,aiaiccsAdnh*: “höhle.ScTd-gaa oniler_ great presaure. iB-strenrthr'hcanty-sBrTeifufo'ifls' - ÜYhen .the temperalnrà la auch aa to •aid to .compare favorably with the he may hecotqe airsick. ntayllnhale thA 2P.5«!, CFi»- -are all . luminous larn^Once Forested. cseorTtspond .wIlh fhà ''crlUcal jotat" antidote, which conslrtsln.the main of ? »¡Î s H Su' * ' K!»*w*worm^ ' «n euttm .X finest grades'la less cosh ly dlfi-eretii, apeciea. None of these Iu E p u e torests once grew-on the Sa­ w B^fthonOerlha parllcularpre«. oxygen and cinnamon. The mlxtara hara desert and a race of pedple-who ï c z a s a r i i . ly. The “r a w doth” of China has minoua creatures are In any wii.v n> - mbjeeted la Ita boon nied for mors than d.OOO year* has a . quieting effect upon the nerves subsisted by hnn(Ing snd tilling the of the dlaphraguL - i • • i> .. Isted, to .the1earthworm.—I'athtiurlei “Ths tnabls wUh tbs Amcriru " a * - Uagaifap, ...... : ■ ’ -1 ■ ■ ■ soil lived there) ■ says, the Dearitora home.” says M .’ r a r. if.irm., *u n« Independen^, quoting a . Chicago pro- -A* Ififcl- M«OWV. kWMMBM , nuay bshit, ts then that '-■iow ssd : hark,” , „ . ■ mm T T " • • •


I “ - ■'

o m w a n d a t a o r a c u s****« fl# D anieli y m s s m m i QUITS SOLTTUPK rOflCEREFUNPOUT motor boatruns liüeRutknâi •fl» ~------AFTEJt^nrEARS r WslAW iÊÉb"PATCH ~1J0T$AS1TJffiSHlEHT OF U N a SWINDLERS OF ARTHUR’S BATTLES ' in Newfoundland W dat«* Honan Back U Sw Lok« tor Fiaher Moke* U h o f .Exploren Seek Loat Plano o l Ar»eotina’* Madwd From ' W yura In th* uonatalsa of wuten. ^ gaprrm i'pwwi. 'Maigg^ TiifliiAr r !mwe;--nir-T»?^twfr-5c-Teyi' - l - L e s 5 o n J mou^«Bgto^wn«-wwced sad mk^ ■ittltt.'-m So ftno-katf-eoeifrfenilit#' **•' '-^^drado'af-'*- prtam w ,' th (« America now to rtady reform* torie*. big |h* early HOt, an.agent for a ratl- copper gasoline feed lloe cobnectlm commands magnificent views of » only to meet dinastrous head wlads »• and | kno» So» Vo road-tbat -wai bnlldlng ln tho Cen- ^..JX4l».Jlguro An-Quoodee-mast-bo -lho.-Unk-wUh the carburetor. ' countryside which is flih w|tft Tegvn'ds •and he forced vff tier «w m , 1 » -w u rm atA tiT T o r tc -p s u i »n.i tu rn - -«ttactwnea-rMenaythO^formcinip-’ added several hundred thousands of Ih ll I'rtkC# to I»« ||r« lt* n ' . be hoe bèlli oat of à teal penlteo- teonlal stale contracted with Aim to With no place within miles where of Arthur rendragob and hie Knights the Bremen, Doctor Nydegger says'he. dolían returned to/victimised dienta ' JI NtOir TxH’H'—Faul »e«1 H irniesa tlary b> tim o yrora. • . furBlab a large number of railroad be could obtain copper .pipe, with no of the Uaund Table* will explore. «Very mile of ttis Utiertur Pr*»< h «o »h« ||o»;h*n OOdlUy.'JòM ItiT .A a i. 1«C.' tleA For these ho offered. Dote a- through the activities of real touts near neighbors and with an order to Below , the cliff, and vrtthfa view of the Island, lie said: , ‘ INTtlltU Kl'l AI K ■etory oo leere, loaned to the Aryeo- good price. The young man labored commissions In the tea states which furnish fifty One lobsters at. BO cents from Its top, Is the. precipitous Island "My iuipreasliiu la that they crashed U'—l’sul 1,'Rmotel bf *i«i»«»r r- orer. be is • eort of bit brother to 530 the^gem came around ho had a con-' Merrlsm. .showed th at Yankee Inge-, ruins of an ancteot castle, by t>opuUr lost In fog. There wen» m doacn r«p- IC^—I'h« tteruiftio ui IVrklgn ll>i “bed boya* of bte chantry. Be hu sldofabie supply of ties on hand. But been Investigated and adjusted by the nutty sOU fiourUhee. belief ibe birthplace of th» afterward |u»rts Altai ponitaia had heard their «•«**. «rtl-kn>»ti > !l(, commissions administering real toUte He had a battery for a radio set In (i Dalla* (T«UI) 1 , ^ taken the Jurealle maleftctora of the. the railroad man rejected about one- celebrated King Arthur. Not far motor utong (lie coast. The tiuggeu- I. Stufane fiarnabss PreaeMng st license law.% the reports further show.' Amatine oat of chain canea into fourth of the tie*, saying that the-com- his .home, and tbla .he. soon‘cduneeted away i«v the stone marked .^laughter, lielni foundation >|wnt tTihusnnds of i ehe «tse cl«ims to te « $329.130 Refunded In 1927. with his motor. Iconium tv». IT). ' • * Borneo. • . pany would not take such’ poor stuff. bridge, Where many say the last bat­ doHsrs • a*»archlng( from the air' for * t. 'Ihctr fimnaer ot preaelitng rd during the year JfC7 alone In tbe ’Three yearn ach," (eld Seudr Amir and he declared on the ipot thot we hundred yards to. toe Seal’ ledges, toe last of the rctiilraguni. received Utst In ths tahlelands the wreck “»o'* In ver»«» I. They »u *p«ke that ■•Ir W « m : M u Dan. ..Rieren su te s where commissions kept where be found « .pleco of kelp or could hot tw seen front the air, - ® ^aa^aa talI, and wt,»*, too», “tbe inlnlater of education would never do another day's work- .bhi fatal wound. . ' s great multliM'l* heUrved lheÿ »era record of such refunds. Complaints devil's apron with an eight-foot stem . "The White lUrU jwouid jlUHjviwsr aaked m e=? b B | ^ A?. for any man. Thla vow he has kept- : Doubt Arthur Evtr Cxisticf, ' .. Vaa- Pffa*»«/.» .fîuiy-Ji^I «a. for-nearly e third of- q c e n th ry .'l~~ tn.-tho -adjusted’ -Varik^fm‘ndw ^.^akihiTiir&f"« t'y > T nts^tau r lir m raws’ •ptinaally *ood njei iwj » I dpNtoto^-i6éA*tiiiAwA¿.iatj.»itt.^siML-.JitUjSfceSai.^i.ui*.*j.9«i'r|wg!WjpB . erlmerlfomjjaeb- courts 'T hen they ^^BeJoteT^ognEKTidl«"of • tlea b t •-Tixisirey^t^'^inr^erTf^^ raiuarkst ‘-Who Arthur wus, and S tn tfiu dr «a « klgh-pooitrad met» the sevttred pfpe projecting froin 'hls de^'laions for t tirisi can t»e truly »old .. ' . wele nil htiHbd In one hnlldlnf and made a boollre.of It-ond with aome" estate comtuloolons which kept such whHhcr any Such perron relgneil iu frusti^d guide»-1 will follow- tlie-tlrstul to he t*reu«'hlng is'ttie.ltlM U's) seus.e. n numerical record. fuel tank and the oilier end left at Ot.Klury river Into ths dense woods of they were trented like prlaooera. They of hla belongings went back Into the Hritolu, hath been doubted heretofore, •-8. Their sttltude towarda • " . . were alwaye handcuffed or bit ctialna Rocklee, where he dwelt In a cave for* Commissioners In a number .o f the carburetor. S.nd .may ugutn -with good. «^«*0." (he Ulinid. . * . ' l|on-|V. ,1). - ' . ; . : states have been active- Id suppress-, wen placed on their ankles. So l more than '30 year*. ' . _ Wrapping them tightly many time« Scholars and hiatoriana huve polnicd ' **f eppMAtu.m - ground for revocation of license. Begin Clasiifying of «nj country. Theo I iosisted on run-, der of his days Be waa known m cord^r first by Nennius In the tatter wrecked plane. It Is a little « te r a .1. The l.or«t eroouiipnlf»! their The real estate commission of N elng my .own budget and last thaf I the "hermit of Hubbard I’arlt." . 7,200 Kind* of Plant* half of the Ninth ertr comes Imo ini* . ^oglem M aiden*_W it|,„...... -year~by-^UMUwui>-mo«W-pe<>eon>)!-*iuai>y senrch/ |*~^v»fflcfni»:^i^ettrThifriyi«"Tirtty'j lóetíon uPTroplcnl BowerA, ferns onTl -bnvsnnade^hwfigqres"iSTyii1~stn!'b«p: 4. The rtTcd ' of their prroctilng advt-st i*’ of whom were mAking their tlrst pur­ coontry.** •' Right to Inheritance plants gathered last winter In the lofty llevoble oS thuso of tbe more authen­ ’•Nungeaner’a mother hns .alw ays ied by bluer chase of property located In the state. <»* 4) ' It's a long story this'bright, black” Aleppo, Syria.—Mohammedan maid­ tic persons of history. . nlnlnlnlned that somebody wilt And The iDillfltiide of the city u n i di­ « y beginning * ce* «Jea . A very important service of the Cal­ mountulns and dense jungles of east* eyed young Argentinian had -to tell. ens henceforth will have ft right to era^-'Colombia, some of which have The proof'ot-this lies In the mini Ilio White Bird. I hope that I will bs vided., VVIti're men futtiifolly |*re*ii h rr, older idea» .wtilça ifornia real estate department Is It» the furiunntn mnn.M -. * . . In threé years.. for Instance, his In* share the Inheritance of their fathers her of ICnglin|r tourist»-who vUlt tho the:go»|v»'t t tier«* will >h>

-prodneed, too, one boy who^ ls-c er^ W tbé;.ubd!>1 f l c r ; J C n i L . i «Onmhü,: r tNeb,—Wlist'• ^ - In ------.a- tmmet ...... ' ------...... 1 ?le o t t j » w iu & .'ja': of-SVrla under i^raich -mandate. Mr.b‘u)ltU^cyllfltK>rttU*rJtiiUedlvlRloij _ iljp fîeùiile» onitrd ^talnìygoTnstòrrcpresenf ^IsHcòaniry Rereröfore^tho Koranlc law .provid’ retuiiir- —The—quesllommlre-Inquires fnñpd Cornwall;-“!« ^cronsliig^Tnim-' "MinTim*, perhnpK fo r Seth tlöseWs ler, Not soly lu franto Into financing, title, bow held, locum of plants of the natlunnl tnuseutn, Ht (linnning th h asviiolt. twtng mjk ^ . t o the ciimltig Olympic .games, and an­ Ing^lHat^yçrytljlng jhouId.jio_To the fiers the stinmier tourists hayo invud ..the se ven teen-year*,obi torn of Mr. and prlsrd of tfiU |'Îut, finui ami Itartint»»» i^efotber-TarTTTs^rrrt broncos and releases,: wntcr ^Bources «(M»nt -fnur-^nHmths-ln the éñ*lefi»-cor- other who has a pretty good chance sons of the famliy, leaving - the Virls ü«l ' lit«"qtilêt "country*af'Üiiv""«otiii»'^ ni, Mrs. (’hiiries Itosewruter of UM) Hiver- (ted io I,y»«tri» mtt• t tn-rl*«*. wl»rre th»’y toe struggle ro este und gtmeral adaptation to expectod diilcra of Colomblu north of the Ho- to do IL . • . to look out for themselves—or for Kngland teclmcn*_n'pre«e.tif.lui{--about lVrraVt|HitÜL^Vo .y Iwlt tho ftuuuua- tlo : ,-7i2öö> I áñ íd*r-tb»;btóe«'-óí T¿wT'"" eon»*Añ A* . who.:M. èà w\~ bullt«ai, II, liS Aouses n ,■ nn. for . .it.Ohem- n * _ ll o aa_'_- o...... *. '^Nj^signTr^ftf'The 3 ‘^i t n ^ ” nt»ttr^H«ïrtrrn^nVui'“t^mbrtrn^ e- oot wifiln? te tur.; ‘ have, a slice of tlie family financial Vmi ry, lilV TndTief ' nYild. ’ ijJo ^ Itosé’ j.-The o««-[i’tí*ii( (vv iJ . .. .lug4;rand^;.recprmiucfi(|ai|«r..dU'. These torltfded Mk) .,Vol|ertlng limn' r4ínO-.Ui--«aud-oiLtUkUíiT,gui*4^waU*^ía- -iwatrfÄitopmerty•.-rivwf Imre. Th^ u»im* ...... by:flTcñry: hers’* of ferns; «pu o f orehhlk. mnre' j ïr-WJti^fiVn tñ’aíirig'nrVfi.'’ uJUtaU':SYtpl:.? | ^'~mate^'r'?whN~gof^ a : chotf atfd'degk To' cusst^d with] the subdlvlderi ’J'he do- mous by the (ulb of Arthur l ’eudriigo», Is tMlit, of the juimg niun,’i .miitertla) T.ernery. sphntor from Martinique In tonn-ÎîüU-' oi j ho-* ml mwsa-mtd -eaioRto- ib.Ml't .grtji t*»i/,« |*mi*f Mu»«» >o ti*’»t- ^ “ TresHTerTtof the /PpubTfe—**at n •partmenti where necessary- brondcastr tn- the ntrrth. ------‘ '•••’------micio. AiiHiin W., lliieiriirilj’foniM’rly,* ( -1 • imm «i,..|Mi hi* 1 iy. ¡«nini» The French parliament.- It was ,isti” fsinillès, uhout 7r» morning glories und Ihg this Until or«-»itt>it)«’i| m iH’W nk . tíme evolutloa tu* gow! price, too”—for his use lo the written reports on proJ(»cts using In . Rulnsd' Casti« Draws .Many. (illU’liil <^f the 4Celierai. ' Dieci rie e»mi* ont aa much oppt^itwva mated that $3,000,000 were, reprer 100| pnsRloii flowers. Hots of the *|m*o dltllnilty. ‘Mie’ urntv *»¿i» « ' «unitiii*«**l official head<|uarters of the Argentine. sented by the. claims of women -that flnted adverttslng, moiling them to The ijilef Interest, ut Tiiitiigel, of. puny, . who diedd la et ‘y«’iir. Huclivjril. H'i'le. I!«»' luid t itlrvi’f « «lk»-,!>t i in ‘ new theory or MraXft .chambers of Commerce ¿and., realty >mi{ns- (mvo been distributed - ntmrng ' ' ' * 4MKf|u¿ g^*^I^.0TO3:-rCTRg3b;Í.^ ^nsrrvttifJçtiTrï^iTira ..... r,—-.’K ^ ^ 1-,lt:tTef*;ySfngs vi! r» ^ ^ three Thefrioh'df.'Syriàfia^ : , , (prfirffiSQ refif^T-nrnl to tvHtt'tsti»" '«•¡Tà'un d ITid 11TOt’/ITI ti*« V W- propOReil -TfiTlt: rrliirVi-rtelved^irmi The iflrt**i/-l- tceptíons or belief«, the. botanical ext>l.orallon of northern je o rr cbnrigeil the system of handling kindly, to the decisloL.: In order to l,nst year..the California depart­ Hekiirdles» of the trulh uf (tils eln(m.< SHU ÌMHonié' hì«r principiti heir, pr»e ed t'lirl*!, wllli it .volrv Umi alt samples of Ideas of cal­ ment 'stopped the snio of over .ai,000 Büutli America b<*gun in 1017 bv thé t>oy crlmlnnU ts that he knows so put women folk back In their the spot has g» tiiilno’'hlatorlc un^oel vlde.d ìie. ruke Ho» name of h«»r bus- CMtild -h«nr- lie-laid«.* Cite inni» .to *. Every day avs tbe acres being sold in ton acre ploLs, ud- New.York Ilotunicul (larden, the Crny nturh nboat boy a old places they have appealed from dilotiN of filler dati», though It I» puw ^.•'iiiid Mini tlms. perpeiunte tlov llurli' aprlafil. Im« vUre «rah U>»iaiilimni|ueror. * A few jfitHnr*^____.___‘______I //.. —IliitrJk_ctilLcd. ilunnhat.. Jupiter. ,au4 ..... TT^^iime^-rO F^nTPffie“ si ft r«^flt}d^r-:«f* ^aumcufrBCY^dQ^diiiu. andjruitnd irnkTlÌIP'wiIicrfl. ..huwcver' jmivut! 'tu / BicycIeI»M ainV ehicle‘-^^ M ound-Builder* W ere - -w«ii -■rihfr-.T- ■ ^ b iVUh ’ . the twys. ^ o t ‘ Diaices 'ihe'lnruls to'Tw^ser^i’^tirtired feet defctìTl tho Jogendif~of'tho- rendragmi. M‘ ' th " . iUmewaïer eiilil.- '. MÜe i* ' ipercly rldl'T S|M’iikcr. ’I lie prfi’nt of Jtt|iH«>r o '.fo r example, «re a friend*. \ ,. • . ' • ' for Holland’* Population elevation' above - tile highest possible -Mongoloid* From Asia fiitvu deelnred It posslfilo tliat thè cu»-; going to. car-y ou Ilio Itin fiacd tinine. tirotizlit m en »rid .«urlnnd»,ready • io in office and-devi** * » -T don’t xpreach' s sermon. I get • Leyden, Uollaud.—-Ilicyclcs are more point of canal- reqeh from tho Colo­ Qutncy, TH.—Hint the IIIIiioIn nuiutid tle» or nome niiinnlon or dwcdllng; imist Our mime will fio tarried on by our »(Ter «iirrlfl«'» unto tin*»« oten (v ft). rado river. A notherof 12.000 acres wus * r . way of filing data ont and plnyNwlth 'emv l pot tliem frequent In Uotlimd than automobiles builders ore to fie clussed with the hnvR eilRted (fiere fiefore (fio Con- oidi-ut son." 21, ‘Ifielr efforts fruaim trd (vv, _found to be* so ■ poorly financed that (piost; timi II wan In ter reNforml fiy on the.back and shake, hands../ *_i«: ■ In the United; States^ , There ' Is- a American Indluns, nnd thnt they arc MIH). . • they must depend upon sates with r Ides to your employer “I haven’t whipped a boy since 1 “rijwlel/* or bike, to every 2V4 Inhitb- not b mysterious Aslutlc race, Is the thè! ttielr own-parileulur .. 'ltd» nf Die lio't of Dttt R|H(«lloa ns ei- ' is like the average »a- : You cun Joke with a boy and get him den virtually every student, male or ments, Including ennuis, mods, etc. of the University of Chicago, here At nny rute, there must ha ve licei! Put in H arvard Library filfilled In Ihe kd«Ireiu of Ih» in-rs- U stand by for a cob- : to do more than you can when you .female, .owns, a . wheel. The stopping of thfese sales Is estl- .with-I’rof raya Cole of the.depart' soniti sort of ciiMtle o.u thè l»land of ,.CumbridgLY...Mu*a..>-> togli iy.*olgin.*iitu. «H«nr— matotTTo ~Kuve saveT"tlie’ "public the' force him: The great popularity of the bicycle nient of nnjthropolog^, to conduct es* llningel, or Tìnlngol, wiieti tieoffrey votóme* /UM.»n valilo wn» »’ailiiiul«-i_ (1| They denied ffitrl they wervr ttf loss .of .severaI„mlllIoh9..of dollars,* o t Alomaouth; #tfiu mo*t fioirevuhte "of skeptical. . The Uta - - --Wben.a*boy Is.a little^bad I deny la attrlbutabie to the fact that there plorntlotw. ^ - ' et f-l-W*») ntiw rrptaw ln ilio HnrTanl vine beings and «terUfeii aenliui -ttis g b t,b o t after oli. Djc. . him' the swimming pool. .When h r are,-practlcal!y no hills In Holland. .. Ths earliest real estate license lows It la* Krogman’s theory that the ln- thè early wrlter», recorded lils verelon- iiiilvernlly lllirury, fiavfiig fiepn firougfit w«»r»filp of men of dike |»n*«(«ns -wlin e n file d ^ c e r ta ia .way.;. ¿'-to':tfry-bnd::J/^.cttt>..h'J#>hair.'".^Tft«jL Tileimportance-of-tlie-blcyclerl» :>0<.*arae;elTwUye-lnj;J019. - finch laws, dluns wvre u inongoli4d people from of thè Arthitrlan legend, . «.fiont thè ber«*, from.’-New \ofk under «triued Ifiemselve».-- Whnl BW-fnl felly t» vmr» • are: In operation Jn . 1029 Jo 22 states yeur JI17^ At llie.clorv of tliat ceu ÌSùmy®iàs&iÉÌ^ A trig wfioiuqde tficlrw aytotoiicuun- “rtmyr'ir^ri'ms'T!Tti!enTr*Tri»'“i»(frrriirn‘ iy change 111 Wont ^em^roSst:* . - — ''• ‘ they provide separate *TlJwiel pads” try by way of the Aleutian chain- of . 'I In* volumes eonstlniteil -a pari-of •Dodi'-w-h« -crpftted slt tbincs 'Siii!’ Isí , t trouble? ’ . ‘ Let them plan things themselves. or blcycfe roads running parallel,, to »lands mid then gradually spread In fiunlly of: Oh llornaoot» seated pi Dia limoli** ITI 1 AtieDiiin collectlnn -of nfiov« all. spreading * out .IIU lHmrfl- llurnnóH. In Norifi IJanicrton. had flL b e t t h a t . the._feiliiK. l -.They-.ngnreouttbelr..own/TnenusT-for- theV-tpHomobUe- and- horse-drawn* ve- W idow ofTt«ly’g W «r •" many directions; ...... - Dm- luto -William Auguanni WtiH» of rent h an d s-tir; blessing ufOrt stl. is s eteerthonglrthe « r -tnstance:--They dth-whatever-kind -of U l^ fo o ili. “ ' - ...... The—migration, Krogman “ thinks,“ .grani _of...Uie_ nianor.of -Uossluney^. lui.. Hrfmklyn.-nnd-wpra"giv«m-trr*thnrnni*- "sveCI ng • rmo • wrmhtpert l— ------ievice cannot passTtvy. work they want to do. - ‘ he pedestrian In Holland * must Hero Given M illion Lire camo.-In successive waves, new arrl- fludlng, no doiifit, ilio Dlafid of-Tln- vcralty fiy ¿fis non, llnrrdd T. Wlilta* (2) They dlrertrd .them (n turn .tagel. 'lliey tlmreuftcr look thè.nume opardiia any o(-his no­ - *Tnk^ them places. T try to give toke for greater care not to be run . Naples,—LTbc widow o f Marshal DJox, vnls froiil AsJu, coming and pushing who ncted on Indiali of Dia fielr». away from the«« vntn (blngs umo o f-1 Intugli n» a puri of thè famlly' them Ijjfle outings whenever l cam** over by a bicycle thqn by an automo­ who led the Italian troops to victory la. the tribes that were previously here Among tlm. inoNt vnhmfil« o f' tilt ths living <•«»«! who tnsde. brsvvn and hi)ma. wfilch I»- thought to indicale thing ■4a..called~ln«rt!Ar - Jose got his training in .the. Y;. b i l e ...... : toe World war, to-to have a million further south, cast and west• fitHtks are tlm-lfiW edltlon o t >MRomeo earth, nnd Has teff wttneM of nini; tliat lliere wa» »omo cosilo or mitiiKlon it tendency to cornino* | - C. A. schools here. He’s backyito^ lire from'the country In addition lo The period of Inltiul migration Is nild J u lia ,’!, or tffifi.di orily 12 foptas self In that lie hs* stwsys d»me g«Mw|; -■ same old «ay;. Ani-, officially representing the,government a special pension and whatever other placed ut 10.000 yeurs ago. The flrrt on thè InIiiihI Cortocnr to rnsld£‘ffi, «re fielleved extant ; "toivd’s. .(.nbor W om an Scents .Thieves:/ giving rul/Vsnd frullfuf m-siúio. filling - a la always anustn;** to study refortn schools. pensions/ lie' enjoyed^at Uie time of, comers ha/1 the r NV/ilithlc, or_ late The i*lc of Tlnlugel n/id tlie rtilns toisf.” firn editila»: "Mudi Atto tfiptr fiuitrtii wMfi giada**« , - - \m.' ------i ___‘ _ . — ■p-by-Scent-TheyStole Tdra^in^iasr'wtoter■ -- lT - ^Fmitr ugp-'-cultunv using stone welt pons: upon II ow_tin|ung io- ttie.- priiire-hl. h h »mi! - ««hnnK-^ioniir--»—ftitnr-m«?- Itti' Ths/*“TJtûTifft9— “(Vt Mali*, a* ,|uk„ ,if rornwull. Muri, of ,„|lf ^ l m Ills .will,, wrlttenj on his deathbed, and ornanifuit», while the dog was Lfic Ut 221 < Influence’of'H ea, : Berlin. f-;'Thrco . bold gentlemen the other lurid of culm« lui note In t|ie ia *ia good enough sad wos patlictlc In Us siraplklty. ’'I huve nly domestlraicd animal. copy of "Kill# to*ar.” Wlfketl Jew s from *Aiitfmh end burglars, tli.-tr . puckets bulging with region I» fdmilnrly prole«led for pos­ ii hard enough It «nb ■ on Pra^ret* Studied nothing to leave my wife and children Centuries Inter* after the RpnnUh Ir«»uliy» pursued Haul with releotlcM*~ booty, werejjMsutaly descending the terity. Hut the nren along Church i over Inertia. Bo:. :he .Washington.—The history of health, but the house In Naples, which the came, tlie Indian» begun to use hm-ftes fiiiDt lo rfiU plut« where they silrrv«| statrense apartment house In cliff, will« fi fii ntaefied to ih« glefié -Uruguay Fruit Grower* illy hard won. ■ and .how henttlr conditions Influenced citizens gave inc; my swords, my war Krogmsn t^uced the formation of the uP, the very inopie who were wtlUng the Berlin ff-^irfi of Stcgllts "one land of Dm vlrumge of Tintngel, 1» merthi Is half the pit­ the progressusf Americans for the last decorations, and n few shares to an Maya, Artec und Inca ncttlemenfs in Win Government Aid 1«» worship Die »posile« s little wfiil« night when a s&.'fle, occupants of the tlio property of Dim churcli. and as ied to have people ♦NX) jeanL/fs being studied for tbe Induetrlul concern." North und .South America nnd which before 'I his hatred r*»r»it. r«»rm to the * apartment JusK ^ led, came ‘ wulklng such may fin »»Id st any time pro-, Montevideo, Urijgnny,—Tfi aid Di« Ideas yoa will cot' tx- first tlmp'th.I* summer. Tlie American up. fc -i " • -The shares proved to be of little developed a comparatively high clvIII country'* fruit growers the «««veni- .»toning of Until nnd dnr* n / Mm out id. when the opposition Histoxtfal association has commls- value and. tho war hero's widow und vide«! prop*r uuihority Is ofilnlried The Utieves ;ed .• no -¿suspicion zatlon. from the erdestssUrnl commissioners.' oji'iit of Uruguay lia» trcahrl n - (jSffaBBUtbBakes^a?. — ./^-hpDQC-Ql.ionner.JDnUed^tntea.SgnaLor- .iictun to.come la...... ^ ______irijw ‘fur’‘tRVtnts"of a"i‘ottIi^ntTtHvSvttt" »tcUnTly11 '¿vrnV ■ He r: a . ISlfswunl-“ ci^wOfigut 4 J ^ - j t o joj,.;------■" ...... ^ «qual to ^^u 'V y en r,‘-hat¿tlíírmnirán“ éfi-ïàùghe^tîils^tiriÂinér-ljy' Uirtiérirty ipet Idea could hardly eratiy dosed themselves from tire of Arizona biology students In (.in­ scutlfiUMital value of th e cliff front My' Die pro(»cf 7>re|mfiiDon ~ôf fresTî Tug» H» Dio liwt Th«» Chor« li Ir.ti Historians often mention spectsco- lire, obout $ü0.000, will, be given her m«M|* own w IDi »u« I, /« u „fM| ire fortunate, scent bottles In the woman's boudoir. junction with mi. Rnsfem chemical have horn alarmed lately lest on es frnlL, Uruguay noj only h«‘»fies *.» again l«r epidemics or strange tnedtonl prao at once.’ * ship to Argentimi, l»at slxo look» to ««MirriKi*. «n«l .su«’h » pn»*tnn fnr lit« : ir, t«v,that the «?■'? company. Haulers nnd other reptile» pcrliilly (Inc offer Induce» the rlnjrr!» tlce?, sod medical men recordIh’e" tech- Dlnz. who wss crcoted Duca della »nul» i»f lo»t mon tfiaf Di«*y »tff d» like your Idea prêta.! ill he brought to the laboratory for to »«II, allowing the cliffs lo full into' cirent lîriinla forjan 6uH«*t. ID’jcnt nkml progress of their science, but -Vittoria, left two pretty young daugh­ as l'iiut dfil * u and fighting for it. <■' toe final experiments. privato hands. Argentine rcgulntlons^ proved preju- icyrUrfet.) «- • none heretofore has made an attempt *. ’ - : . '.' y ters nnd one sod. who Is now wbrklug dirinl ff» um Insslflcd and tiir(>uck«:«J IV. The .Organisation 0f Churcn« Ir-O------•■ - to relate tb* status of: .the oatlooT»- L»vo-Tortoi*e*-Worn..:—.ï- •irr « bank ln-Romc.-” ------1 Uruguayan fruit*. to the Field ^vv ) health with Us eocIaDbackgroun^- ■ ' by-Tari* Women Plan Traffic Tunnel i;w»nxt*ll7iiD*>n with l’uul »tld n«»t a s p DoctQr^Shryock'wIII work this sum-, Paris.—tnanieled and bojew- Americans Buy Home of ■ for Hongkong Harbor UH'un » tiusty und »iijn-rfirlat i>r»»iMh- m er. among - Scholars'of Washington African “Blue” W ildcat ina of II»«» s«*»t^*l hot i#»»» mtufilUh- 0 and Philadelphia. . cled tortoises ■ are being sold at - Am pere es M emorial Honghung, -Chinn.—1The llongkung^ government Is studying ■ project to, Dog Guard* Grogging merit of it pi'rman«rw $3 apiece la one of the big de­ . Polpymteux,. Vrance.—Tlie u),l t«-,ne Placed in Jersey Zoo tv«»rc Appointed Iff evpry rhurcti | Im f partment stores of Part« The link the Island with the malnlnnij by of Andre .Marie Amper^, one or Camden, 'N. J.--A “blue” wild-' on Spanish Rarlrbad w«»rk of Dm missionary t* /not f|-«nw Lapii Lazuli Monopoly ' little animals are allveand t%re cat. raid to be the only one ever S, traffic tunnel similar to the f!»k France’, electrical nltnrdx. hqa'becu / Slonserrut. Spain,-^A dog nets nuDI self sovhntlng end iw*|f prw|M*nt- Is a large demand for them Re booght hr American* and 'f^ron into seen by a white man, and a gorll- land tubes,' which Join ftlaohattan is­ Given to German Firm cause' toe latest decree of the ; land to New Jersey. • , - ss guard of the'grade crossing in*; rfiurcfice are HKablUhctl On in* - Id tr, Q eruunr.—A* Brit erldence of the kenilng of.UM French Society of one of two .to captivity In flefij. - -. sorceresses la that the tortoise ..•Between Hongkong1 and Kowloon, over the cogslieel railroad to . the mudi benlded trade development Electrician*. ‘ ... • Aroeda, were among the collec­ brings luck. , •»: • . : tion of wild- anlmnls Jnlea (*.- Its mainland W iurtv lies a three- the convent of Morwerrat, to, with "Afghnnlafan expected to remit SosIhepn.Behn. prc^dcht of the W- wfilch thousands of pilgrims and ..... Fly to Him A painter goes over the back tematlonal Telephone company, and Buck, banter and animal trainer/ quarjer-mlle-wlde jitralt which • Is from King Amaoullab'e recent rlslr, of the tortoise « hnlt of meaauremeht ln electridtr. | ¡^ n d Ihe 'gertoQZsa frlfie* "•worlirtrTitpa'Taxall - Iddhd’ o r iracTi- ^'fF hee^ V rw1t8-fhrni^ri^of.-4ldiir , o r monkeys, captured! In central ' nnf • he rtctper^itopxarnnqg wee^ msl*» armor. The. tortoise. |i Dons of*; t(»e Loodoo *umlerground.M he heors a train approaching, he deluy*—Jobp c’ajvjfi. • *. ^ * ~good ouutttj M tn Afghanlften. td*f «rent, c ther*>-we* eelebrated rimnl- .Africie’also have been placed ip naturally tosy, and. bfloe bq hr Such'an:undertaking,- first of Its kind Jurats up and stand« fib fiTs filnd t* a email town on the Rleer ft’abe; a taneouifx the' Ingogurttlon oh electric ragea «t .ihè Buck menage. The fizeQ' -to -allady'a -bac or. tt- lo*. the. Far East, would relieve the legs, beorlng between one of hid trlbutarjr. of the Rhine, and ha* a •errlce tn. thla:moua(*ln-,fRlage, aeer famosa knnjar regarda a pigmy • A Vwraw From ths Bible . tsebed to. jr Jar.: neckpiece be ¿oftgttUofl of Hongkong end promote paws and hla breast. • red flag . «pedal Indnatrjr connected with tlie Ljoof, one 0», ihe few pUcee ln France mouse, «wrefly^ larger that, a,- «Uh tit isflictl stays there. , < the already rapid; growth of Kowlobo which ilgnsla roed travelers to I*et nothing be done thiouito strife < eettlog tad Boandnfe'af aeift-preclnu* th*t^»UU T*ae4 on cagdle* *f4 bm * bee,.es-oM ofJits n tm i prirra^ or vainglory ; hut In lowliness.of mloci \ ' to* ÌC atO dt *to "* and .other towns to British territory- ■ .. bem Uut maov tad Jet escb -ftaieem the other better thaa oa the Batolaad* ~~ »♦ft»» ft♦».»♦ » ♦ » » » » ♦ »* ♦T o | i ». tbeg^ftrivec—FhUlpplòn«. 2 dL‘ / .K K T • %

i s i m p i p WF;:;, „ • • i ” - ,a ...... ' . r _ .• . i . . ^ ...... V. - • i».’— - -ir’' ir ’ , ' îl

'S ' 'í " ''f í '.¡Z , ■’, t “ 'í < ^ r \ ’ tu’ki ^ \ <•" \ ^ ^ ^ TH E CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1928

...c l e v e r p a s t in o ECHiBrnoff ■AK AMOCUXCC t m U t H «r. Mg»*»« On Saturday U*t a part jnate. «rula Ua* « (U A M I M» af h * t o m i r r i e s i a - U «TiMrsry i t X « r k l- •• .■ .*r y ,«u— t w m * .«^eBUitJMSMeirJRaf •A-,öwt*«gws4ahMak**aMt fhawcTar^debttrtinttif 'Of“ Tttt CItliw I o r - «■■■■I ■ ■ » / »»•■ witainf u i n-miiprtai pnt '«r **•-*«*■ i G k a s s i f m d an3“ C hr6iiii ie Toice" »Uttad^eat w i i W er,we'*Tti«ntoenN P*iw *'i»*az— ■**—*-— ■«*— **—— ». » wblHd br a» Tarakl» CnAAUAa B i virtu« of Uw aiwro'Msud writ of flavi crabbing and foiling npediUon, with Tlw «OMc tm u of * U» * Çr*»ford. A Um Oiuilr W fodss a M ' dlrpcMd i sttaU «ipeo* f*r aal* the Shrewsbury River, Red Bank, as M a m h a , ■ p « p « t«l m e b%m L'nlue i . . . • ' ' ' ' i>7 imMto-»«Bdiw.. aS Uw MwrUTs yflk« ia Uw Hut Uw TpwbAU of ersafortf (iMirt Uwua*. ie Uw riljr vt SiUtMta, 5 . 1. « k i c k . (Im plul U ptfpatwttl kr Hie point of deatlnaUon. Upon arriv­ _fsiloMtn« ewcrtlwd U » * u d Read forProftts ing at the . boat house the proper bait ■ PA or ««(tom. . - (or Uw purpoM of .wldMlag sad rt* WKDNJUIÜAV. Til* 15TM OAT OF •UntnS tuet uf ttoutk Steautf. to,wtl: AL0 L8T A. b., IV«. was procured and the boat set sail for trtac »tut WUc ln UM HivartU». af Crss- at t«o v riock Ui Uir «rtarSoon. ut Mid dal the fishing grounds. After a large * * tu Ui» («raair of Uokw, «ad SUU pi ibarUskt .tttvias ,Tisw), *èv«rtMse in t o tei» tea* ate es« ■■•:—r ' t «lt O tp OW f— trmfitfey- or^^-TO O T^n^naairir * Ai-ftitkur*. sod I* Iwreinsfur. .particularly •SMrHM*k’,ste«rut--'4y1af-,atoF',b»hW’ . . — fw w 1 pfopowyT 'b y • CrtnftfrtTr - leading ■W% dtrtknr tttjM riiM Tfb* W t* »ir.TC'rnm__ It M t«*r ,fc_ ,wipofaf_ tt_ m'lWMW—. ^ 2 : t- - frlr Uae of flvuth Af«tU( »nr U»e DorUwrly abip wf t.raofurd. lu tte Couuty of bwiutt sud fisherman tluit the party try Ita hand fcu n tra M fu moöDsrn! of mu bist« of-New Jar ary. - • • n/rttrt ut Mad* furwerly of Rscbri TVajiltioa WEIX-ROTTED est muore. r_. ,.7 -^ ut casting for snappers. Which are juat tor «pirita Now for dcatea.iM *bd from Mkf iMctealaf M at Uwoc« ruaaiac BROiNMNO al a pubil to the ttoutterljr Us« REÀJ, ESTATE FOR 8ALK uf Holly turret-«at to* Nortt»*i«rly curnw of Ä ï«i «SS, ijf* l u m i riorfnfc V o moot u l i «fi til «bat* riw •ouUwaswriy I In« of 8ouU) A»*- WOttLO you lite s Bice m v alt n__ starting to run. The-with. was com­ «1 prupeny nuw ur formerly owued by MsttUds F. . eve« anywhere. V i ' 1?®’' iiiif *ud ilii* uf iand* forawrly Rschrt Tew* . bouse mi the North Hide of Crasfard. si a Far*. M átem e Terrace 77* t ^ 1 plied wltlt and as the boat-wap an­ our miado to IL V« •bon ta n bo iAH*m in • •outttwcsUrlj' dlrwtlon 1*2.39 ImI tlanwi. sod runa In* at rlshl sugl«« with Holly . moderato prier—J 4.8H, Fay what cash you Htroet to a southerly lUrectiuq along ih* Wesp­ moro mea of f o s l u — Ttrtor ffofo. u, * la a n * hvmi; Uwae« ruoatus (X) bare, balance easily' bandied. Edward C- RIMED—**lkr chored in a suitable place where the Ui • tiurttmiurlr dlrertioo on s rurr*. cuff- cri y iinr of property uowr or formerly of Mid: MrMabou. 1192 Magbidto Alteme. Ellas tech, Hathiida f . Hsm*d lu laud, now u r fursw rly ■ £ S u *» water was good and deep, our devil, u«c toward ttw cast with a radius of U H M bn. #739. .••• . • T r •• . t'8 ttirtowh Elia* fltrock, iaads furwwlj of Badwl o f JU rrirt g Bourae, *s distance of. on«* hun­ better known as Charlie, wanted to M fICC or IBTIOTtOO T«uu»l*aoa sod Uada forawrly of U. F. Wb*«i- dred sud t*««»t> flve feet : tteoce Iti a Westerly WKHTriELD ’ wager a do llar that he could cast fur­ M a n ti W krtr *f ’Mr Fi -Wb*l«r In-a-wwMrty »dlMeti* f|‘—r, ».yT-hrhi-i frd wvr* -wr linei' ihvñoe kn 4W-iirwe‘9Pte • ri*^9t to tMbihhf ta* rffi*T»e — *4 «atea IvZSf.fiH« to Uj* plac« of BCUINNING, Uw a NorthwwtvrJy direction .tod alou* to* line of 82# Klmltal) Areoue______- Froapt a* tion winch terminated quickly, with him sag »Um ail | *1 *i *!■*# IwSi m i ta waikw and dUnavtsicos of which. lands, aad •eld orrhard Htrevt to the inutraecttou of Or- 259 Htoiei-a Fla> tlw laugh on Chartle or somebody j UT«t«l b MeS f e m n w i l r i k i a i f a prmilM, ar* shown la tktaU 00 tha u p ac- flt*fd and. Holly Street», a dUtauce of mie Easy Terms. . For full detalla > Mitn ^ ^ma] a u fil ^ n Hwît'Ateiiao n a Avanua. E . Fim* m t mtweMwd there!« viU ta gma u eewMtwtt# f«iBi! TTlig M l IM lI W Ilt ' NwUoo. 2. That nald lands tw acquired by feet mur* ur lesa ; toence to ah Easterly ' di­ - 139 Efftoffoaoi Iface (irt it purrbsM froa th* pwn*r tbavoof or Uw rection, slung th* Huulherly line of Holly Htreet MOVLND.«ti. an:Manga • As the old saying goes, " Aery story 'AN U|I)|>A.HI Ita «Mfgfliik Um> bum vf Tel.. Weatfleid 489. . . aad packing carefuiiy «um ll jaa_ae fur is* uuui „,•!**> *, w iii.» .uu. r«*H>«rilir. owner« of the «everal parts thereof, a distance'uf une hundred and Dfty-aeren and •d to. * Meätef»~ of o N. J. Forniiuf^ *|j. ■has twa-Bider-tirTtr'and this' oneto um N«,(Ui*rlj alii* »r or**«« im u f. u n ir « ur ii2m in f fotHfoaifiedT ' >'...... armiteni hundmithi 'reet'more ur lesa (o tte KIVThEN choice lota, all Improved. Ready for w assonnite the writer, had its humorous side ahd I taluittU* AfcOM* «Ad llfIM . «burr ttntlim a. That the aum of S7S9.N bs aad l'oint or -place of Ilegliiuhig : aald traut or par­ development. «5x1114- Also Hfty-ooe acre Fundar» W anheim» AssuùuitoîT* lh**> du (tot MW «IM, Ab U.» IvBbMiiÿ wf herri'r la appropriated to defray th* «spans«' ut brina known as lota fourteen and Itftcea . tract, suitable for factory, amueesarat park, hornier Jud^e IColx-il Cu{fy issued \ Its pathetic side. 1 will describe £ as i rauft*«). »«it h> •«Unr;w .tu« *uf uf mi acqulrlns asid land« and premia*. 14 ánd 15) as said lute are laid down od a or developoieot. (eatrally Itwatod. For i t o ü f S Ä JB!..***. Avw,u* ^ ItfflpAktta j Utftds (rt UM Tv*ba# «d UlllfiWi ttn'tJun 4. That to meet aald appropriation, «ruin map enthlnd Hap of property owued pricea, terms, and otter detalla, rail ■■ ' fclAiemenl today in connecLion with tin- It huppened: Charlie quickly picked up l the iieuatir* of temporary Buoda uf tha^Town* >y Uie Katate of John A Abry. deceased. Cratv, U> wmnA m U) »¡;p*'--‘frr'«*Srfn. his pole and in an endeavor to-show i tt* u urdatoed fcj lo* T.«****-ij. 1-«ub »nip of Cranford la hereby authorised in a sum . ia# Effing bats lisce. - nut 1« rtMed m i M tu mature In three years of aald I uuuty uf Luiuo. July 19th, 19UJ. - . A large h u jiilhtoI tin.- ptupic-wlio his skill said swish, as he started a [ Ui* t«j»u*ta-i» ,.( «» Um «J, . - Wntdeld. N. J. ' CLRANLNC aad Uystag. Fleatlng. Hrtenu* snd to k ir uiitreat at a rats not'to yxosad Being th* same land and pfomiaea conveyed T*b 689 if tag aad Buttas Covering. Mr» k 1 1¡?£¡2 ■upporUid me m Utc leceuLly held pri long Krml.clrele movfmem.of Id* u n i,: ^ i . .» j «•,, |mt annum - - • u» aald I tarty of the first, part by aald |«rty of SJTJÏ ml u“1“ /nary liuve u»ketl me where 1 fiUinU aim tinthNi'l«. Hits ordluancs shall taka effect the socuud part by Uvvd bearing even date wlUt m i ll tote un Manor Avenue fur sale reason­ and sliouIUers and 'swlslr' went the: u h*i«6r u ur •**?** ta* «p*«»* unmt*llately. ■ ■ - I Hu** presenta which are given to secure part " what niy uttllude'-m^the tamjwlgn ii. able. y. E. ( Iiesnut. 2Í9 Centre tttr*t, .Nut- top „1' s HIX.IR C ALDRICH - ut Urn purchase- money wf the aburo- incotluited ley "N J ...... - UELPWANTEU-rmul, ...~ .... to_ l>e,- My* (jjviuix. Jttid sui>ix>a<-ia, -to...... • #:haU-nlut . Township.. l*mmlU*s*„,. aud dwrRtHj .Uwt kiid premlaea_____ Pm of Cranford, and-tc landed |J\ the j» a , 5 ”j; XLVAV *t l»Jt-Nil»eiew;,'aBB9"Ì>tet?'.g^ih»i‘Tgff^f*?ItB,; r ^ u T T i X * : ■ . *-r * wlU never be found I. started to ililii ul ’litnr-jrif tv u 4 ít a**««/ W * ■ < HBKKllAN. fcIHHWKD. MoIVs- •• • tog room, breakfast room. Utod kltrtea, fcllad KpJAK . . .. . Adv. l't*ca-:-|2d.4«l 1 am a Itepuhlicun. I believe Un IArti in u u ì Bi*l fe < » .« W a Urf »ccri^»i« bathroom and shower; brick ganga. Tan Iiiuk)i ul (he fooltinrdy exhibition of OKlHNAMK -fur (h* i-oiialnu-lUkQ of NEAT «bit« gtrl for general boUkcHiil tuition and tile Aiuti» need the itepubil |Î W«g*H Iw^ltlS lÍ4U*«M »I • (*&* IhA Ut ri- arranged J. W. Buttavflald, 41S Cash Mlary u» right party. Fbutie t >m the !>oy. when I caught a glimpse uf i.rrU j •* | t r IUXl'-u*. Altai l u l « » 4 »aiuta 'J in Biitowslka In th« Towndifp uf Cran- HllEttIFFH HALE— to Cbancery of N«w' Jsr- Areuue, - Cranford ■ tf • Mrs. R. A. Milite. uui party. 1 um not louliilj enough Co • Ml* . aey. Between Victory Building * Loan Aaeo- the cuuntenuiice of the well known Ì. Tìl*l u,a. Mftita«b.T kh*u ULr Hi* it uril*liirii* hr the Tuwnililp Cummlttee e*i>ect- perleetton I mìni Uie JP'pubhi'un clation, coxopialnam, and Ousuv T- Jensen, et i HEAL HOMK—iltaralng - ttve-ruum bunga­ llhliermun my .smile (lied out quickly, IWllUliiAitb. tl.p Tumiitlili* of t.rsnford. Ui Uie GmotT- ala, defi-udanta FL fa. for tale of mortgaged low in new rvsIdeuUal center; two year» uld; WORK WANTED—ienuie party, but 1 do believe it-nliouJU live uj . t lllou : ' . for of all the dejected looks upon a ' AITA> R. PINIOX. premura. . lot 40x109; steam heat; Standard plumbing- Woman wauu puauion two ur uir«-«- Jij» , - . TWttMIS U iiL iwtlutt I That, rmrnt sldewslka .ah*U be fully screened; awulnga; smartly decorated: •*«k, washing ur cleaning; 7 TluiU a to ita. line tradUlous^ • 1 um pnietlcu. 4 .By-virtue of ,the above-itotod writ of flirt .human ■ Iwuig «..¿aAwvi-l^hmk-UUaaWtt*< ud.,lii »awfeiK»»suli: l»«Bi sad «soclfln. facto« -to mr-dtrectwrT"»a*n~iipoae~Tóf~teU :JtuQf*d-*4to-»ltowlng-addliloaat- rooms?-gar»- - tlsvwete"’1 ...... ,>^>Wt^.iMk*tod-«l‘y..M‘*i..TtiWiishly,rM#MUBlU«9. id ¡-«Km iMtrMUv.eis"iacdeKr-T'?-E«am*nBbto- 'fro*. lwni'” “ wTioll^uSmpe “^iF^'^iIntirr^ mn^Tr*1“^ — Elisabeth» N. J.» on ••MWBMr mitHNiw'mwtdôusnùitt fo tell whether he was Just' getting sea j ttOTICC Of mTCHlIBN At •»' ri-KuUr iimMIiis hvUl AprII 15t,h. 1924. sud -•a . - • u-KliVRHivav «ru» bomu of our |K>liticiuiui.'" . WEDNEHDAY, THE BTH DAY OF Sunday*; IJJ Ulllcrml Atvuue, Cranfurd pica* caU «42-W. .sick or was contemplating Jumping I MlTU t U h«r«hy a*««» that the TOwaWHp ttli-d lu tlie ufflrc. uf tliv Tuwiilhlp tli’rk. AH- AU.OUhT A. D., 1928« " ' tf. . "As a Uepublican. 1 waul my party niiid Hf.tN-inralhiiti fur loiirret« «Hiilmslks.*' overboard, and Charlie hung his Head it - * ttw TewMhlp Ruamti 'Mi Uie t;r*de litr«*ti»rorc «‘«tshllalted by urdln- at two o!clock lu the kftarnoon of Mid day. to elect u President tlii.s yeur, uiid|« t e IU, at UJusen «uil Uiruotci« uDk« u ^ must send a itepubheun to the Uniu a to vo»iAHl*r to* foOwwlng w a& i»*. «t which liuruugh uf Kenilworth. In tte County of Union Dumw Avenue. North, - the cool water, the heat qf the etas- lime and plaoe aU p*r*uan »mu* lands maj b* A«wuaMa| «r »b» war bt ——P.3 ------— ...... — J» “ ¡y ».i. « * ___ uoittiuautlon^of~thtrvinnTr,"Pi**gorrm^ -mtfrwt»röOT«ir'W‘cr T * " flff« ^ “ i | ^ m w — RlSMNN1Na-'ar*-pBTMnn“tte'Wett«-IjrU(H' 'BClLDlNO-iotr'want*!'" WlthDT'wtttoaf’im-' »«uld Cfad yi'urm. Adverue* u» jOc tiua» friends again when Ctuirlie strongly to tie SVard cna**rnm«| anali wpm «M m htM-timi 2. Ttiat aald ToWnililp Coraroltleu of .Avenue distant therein fifty (50) provemtuu. Felice A Dlfabto. 19T AhalLrhi»« iiia wnrk to Im dune and tlie cost sua Chruntele ,*w resulta. - u ' - . m e n t the Calvin Coolidgc mUniin.sUu- AN ORD1NA.M R .to Uw .*oa of feet Northerly from toe corner formed by the Aveuue. Phone Cranford Ttl-J. tf voiced the assertion th a t he did not do Uu-ii-of niUi InUfi-At slisll he. suesaml upon Uie Intereectlon uf the Northerly aide of Vernon lion 4uls given. 1 lie Kcpubluuu jm iI> |4.M««.iMi tor Ih* cun*!* ok tiuai «* ttosOarj )<>t iif luu of land In front of which aUlewalka l( on purpose, - Sever* ou terceto« Atetoer fie* BiiUrr* 'A«s- Avenue and Uie Westerly side of Michigan Ave­ HOOVER SWEECEKS . , . lias nomiigiU'd a ticket thut-sJumlu ap­ shall have (h-i-ii laid In accordance with tt« iiue dU.ut. Jîe • te* NiKW«Mm Ij at*d frum nue; tbcuce (1) running Winterly and at right FOE RENT HUOV kk «weepers repaired promptly i-owl . peal to every icd-blooded /Vmcncun, . As to tilt* distance of Charlie s cost, «ialtilc In such case tunic and provided. anglvk to Michigan Aveuuo ninety (99) feet to work..guaranteed. . Formerly »mi i u ,,, llurujid« A*euue abma MW (M \«rUt«e*aer)y, ttiN'tinn d. On petition of the abutting owners HE\ EN. rotiiu hou»«, alt Improvements. Oarage. ■ certainly Herbert Hoover is one ol tin1 we would say he cast a rod. and un Me*«* Aupiuw (n n Stooth Mn>«i« ta a puiut; Uieuce (2) Northerly and parallel with tumpauy; Hootw sweepers fur «tir un' vaymiiiu-fur such aaaesaiiiftit for aUlewalka may 59 Large m-rnened porch. Al condition; 985. 291 •« pulnt wf UiMvwrUu* oi R « ] Skr«y%, te the lw>. luitle. in iHinal annual Inatallnieuta. not hi Michigan Avenui ilfly ( ) feet to a point; Telephon«- Cranford Iö5-W. class cuudiilon; North Avenue Wm - finest bpcclmens of our ciU/.emlup.. Hjs .funuahUi.uf LranZoriLaaei .to -attedi*» 4b* ilivney (¡1). Easterly, and parallel with the. first ...leh‘Pbvo*..Lrstlf9td..J15-W...... it. .. ftroed five.-with 1ntcrp«»“thBre. lhrararlL Woruer^-w* ^efeass4^ *tu g isaíit¿evx»i wtaw lent! vB*miJtortratetei»iaMtoliitcw una**u«.-«:dif ir lilt* gunuimt-AmcncaniMn ; caiuwt be Ol*. TuMUAhlp s ? f f i fect no the point w place :or^rDIN7iP*cfi*i tTB^TLtfftgyiwm« w i tw'ftt ^eeH buSe ^IIXÍLX. r cwryeni«^-: i ^ r r r ^ " - left Pttiiv Saturday; Uie ^istr fut a ilslx- which :hiijfcalrri..hi whtrti in mate luijthruia. • p f - • Large print« modem ' home, op ' bua to ufd«r,- *u«U ...... yalaUng.'.ifun^-u- • io...... qucsUoiHKl by iinyoiK*.- lie frill make *1 LuiiMl.: Decree .aiwmnnIC ot Uto m • / <»a«a4ruttUts Heition 4. Tbla ordinance ahall lake cffe«*i Jglh. bringing with Uiem much evi­ H«nU*r| tt«««r» u*t- Vinta» Ai«*w ttad Ri^àn ■ " if there ever wits u llnu* when New uutHedtatcly.*' - M-itMHilkD- Two .. connevdug front rooms, LOADS WANTED dence to buck up Uie stones of the Avftiuv. sa suUuttttAtl *f UiA m m * l«sswd ««1 • ...... 4UH2KR C. ALDitICll: WASTED toad or part load of iiuuMhulJ . I . Jersey bhoulU be absolutely rut ut iJem- July Jlit. l»2tt .- ' ' H lIkU ilVH KALE—New. Jersey Kupreuic Court. flour, suitable-for bedroom and living best black, tKu>s lbdung ever. They went - . • • Uialrman Tuwnslilp tommlttee. . Michael A. LeeaUia. plalntliT. v*. Kamuet Dl room, six windows, etoctrtc IlghL Bus pavers goods or merchandise: J Itoi l too 2. Tbsi. to «WH « R s*|««««'UU«HkeIe<> JUdgm«tlt - j:«Kw;ap*re:- If .dmlmd— UroUenievc- -prtfetredu . .... TnlmtLt; «IhU. --- ...... ; Hemocrutle- jMirty 'Kewt Jefia^y ha* 5 -®1 4*atM r JntyrJli-'-lkSfr.-. ---- -...... Tïïe- trìp'wuji a liuge uccess"evenr war.- ~J^:-vlnue-vTif.vto*rabove-staled -w fitv/-' fieri Tel. 12UÖ-W. . ' , ImtiaaepolUs lnd. ------tug. ii -^e _ iJitivcr sunk 10 lowyr depths.» A barber , ~ , , , . ia*tl Ul sum* Out to ««u-*tt4 t* UUtom «ccr«c*»<«ccrtcsto * *** -Xllwabker. W tirc 11- -wa»- v-ongemol- buneli— who -h a d Iff.iMW.Mr-.lwsnag—a u »» * -«»—-R“r- tsi T« *~-»A4" vt ^ ilaa.iu ma .dlrv«hn| -l-.shaU-Hftpuœ-'fuv-te)«------lUChRtonA'th,— 1.1 poll* would,sufUce for i|b> piatfonu. Hu p<» smalti»,- uU attnjia«■tttdi; «lUii« AN ObtHNANt E for tlie ('oiistruciion fy publlu vendue, at the Khcrtfl's office hi (tie Vt RSIKULUi-tuiufortablv front room- nsxt to ^^TÀug.' Ii " their liln whatever hapiroucd- Cum- Sanitary ttrwrrsun l’rrsl«m Avenue and MeeaSr«8« l(> uf KllZabelli. N.’ ^.. ou ' ItaihrtMiin. , (c ry «HUivenlent lo tfo tle y .s t« - T«#--Aibsuy,-- N. Y... - ..... • i._„ .^iug — dom -hot- rtaptx*l--thr;-mliTtMty-: of -tHH .Juxesrs...... 4»---- 7m^ioTiri--|^rauir"wair tnertnasryeiir iLna 'Xvrauc. ------WEIINKKDAT.TirE-22M;'TT;iT‘O F"'"~ tom—and-bo*— Phone "CtiBford- W rr—t»l~ —■----:----- •VMUlaamiwitr. .|-*$- .,tt^m ■ to«- ttovUuo 3. Th*t UtA* UrAautow Aull u le North Avenue. E. -----Hyracuse.. N. *V...... ;...... Aug Courts or the ballot box. It .h ian l «ffiru iiumrUUXcly. . - . Hr lit ordaliMtl by tlie Township Committee . * A tt.U H T A. D.. 192H. h I his glowing account of the fishing was. «tf tor Township of trranford. In the'County AaheiUle,-,\. C...... tug ! . American characteristic. It u a tiuyrokl •• - ALVJLV R. DKMULN. at -two o i-Jm-.Ii In Uie »flcrnouu of u l d day. justiUed fully. As a guide and on ex- , !,'■'• . : TW»»ttUtt Citark. of I diun : ■ . • • tl>ajttglu, Havlug . Time). ... . - • -... . . LAilt>h furnlalted room,i three- wbidows, private Blaser Broa« Fla Infi eld or Boater? ill*. ... ngraiHtiilg plunder-bund pure and sun­ 1 * 0 nu L‘>JiU£r_i_K= A te-^fiU rani i5*tfiL±ßiJL-U, ÌSsSL-______tterthm !: That ttiS: foMowtng vUrin«t »VII lltti prciutaea bi Uie Towuahlp ut tra il •■ family.".... toiiTenlcnt lu tralh and'IrulUy SS f e .- pie, ii.: \* Jin...can^iiaU‘ - -Iot-.-Iii3vcniur/t'-AU- lnt of intersoclhm a width «if 18.75 feet • front and lO.Utl feet lu North Avviiuv, West. Telephone Cranford l-ura«uut4 lo Uto * 0** ■ * b * | t * Jtka- jK.*nd for Ins eUxtiou upon the Hague C itu m oillce took It out on Uie Editor ».f-Hory Strei'L All with Proper tuattoole* and the rear 011 a certain map entiUcd Lehigh l*ark. 3M»_____' - . 8-39 •tua, ttu/rocst« ut tt« ttoU f «f. tNil— . *aò« attinga, under the soiwrvlBlon of and according 4 a .machine. He either wont or cant *2 X. rkiifoni N. J.. ; |i. ham. L. k. Kurveyur RESTAURANT wline he was away. It Is all right; the un th* trrtt doy Jaly D.. IMS..« " to plant aod ■ p«‘clflr«llni>a prepared by the now on file In the Register a office «if L'hloli MCLLV furnished room nvxt to bath! 115 «lipUrsttoo of Um u A h Ri «*. s« j ALNT LVCÌ, 59 Unooln Aveuue: h t. ustwr ui tt* » u i* «f asid «toe«o»»C «*4ie* u »>- the TownaliIp t'lerk. - 2nd tract. Heg lit tying on toe ^outfu-rly side 099-M. . .tf •■ ■ Governor and Icglslature , \ ___ if-the-n^ t-got-a-blti1-—.— .....------toetiMliw to tt* tm lw t «f *U a*cis«rS HmaUssi frea.I lo 9 ; Lunches from (u SwITimi ~2. Thai (he U'iiclUs conferred by r LcntcnnUl Á iíüi NorUu-rly corner 3 ¡ Dinner from 5:39 to R. .Lvcryttiug a Morgan Larson must be .i^ectcxi to to «shlbu tu tt« «ttsettt* «tei* «otti w sf the I'oiiatrticllim of aald newer* -be auraaed 9 LAIU«K and small nicely furnished rooms. Five StuittMi -ttott «totes te d -dttossd*.ogstost ite f Lot -ifc- i *s laid «town on a man yntitli-d the_gott-rn-hip -i Tinvr-ïr^ii mn« TTrOwhtla-Kn«l K-al eatafe InuolfUled Uiere- rr.tafmlt lleigTita Uaiiivni. N J, Dlilih «9SU •—mtmjtck“to~"imion:—urexicraxnr- j*ired:' tiw », «t, «sk> itesssse Rrtttto.-Rto tenti« fr«rt 1* - t(ut«aaa|.4» «ial«U- lH»tM,ir.Vaia>«iii*v'linl Also -girxgej “t t OTSttiora-BImt, 'tnuirord. fairly closely for. a uumber of ytUrs. He. Record Plant Family *i'Ui««w- >■ «*»*-•■ Dl*-—In - L 'n n m - Cl»unty~'r' herlstcr^i th* tisi* of .«siti v vte. * Iter se i te for«««« Jifuildcd. - • . Office; thence rimiifqg. Koulhi fofty-ilve dinreca m' telephoiw Cranford 427.. tf . AUTOMOBlLELpANS is a n u n of ability and integrity, ana .is -The largest fmnlly of plants, con­ tsrr«d (ron protoewUBe o* ncMatai «te s o i 8«Uon-..4. Tliat tola ordinane« take effect 1 uiliriucs West along .vhe rear Unva* of .lots ■ Situât tt« Bttbanlter.. ' • - immediately.- . , • ■ CONFIDENTIAL LOAM). QUICK HE8VICK üistinctivcly a une. .clean, moral citi- taining about one-teutb of all flower^ -Imiwii mi aald map 2U0 feet^; thence N mUtuU-s ARE you lou king to rant or buy a homo. I ite amount you n«ad while car remaiu* 1* •• .. U l Etlfard Anaw , tune one five rooms and bath; also one eight your mm ernten, t e * ttan two hour *w- will, give our state compiete ¿atislac* this family belong the asters, golden­ ALVAN It. DENMAN. - Last -mi feet to a point lu the Mkiuthweatctly . O rasfw d. N. J. - . Township Clerk. \ aide of (.vniennlal Avenue: Unmce runulug rooms and bath; garage for each. James vica. EHxabett Motor Fioauce, 281 N; lhoaJ Uon as Governor. I twucvr he will rod, daisy end thousands of other* »9 - I t o H U t Dated July ill. 1929. - KouUt 41« 49 miuutea East along aald Malll, 1 Darden Placa I'booe Cranford rt-J. Btract, Elisabeth. N. J. Upeu evimlugi until make a good Governor, and wr sliould line to the point or place of llcglunhig. •• ' ’ . -- ■ «■ nine. Ba ss too 2382. • - ■ U . 3rd tract: Beginning at a point at the Sooth give him our united support. I cer­ westerly side of Ceiiu-nnlat Avenue, which point tainly mietici to support him.' My m- is 52.1 feel hi a Nurth West course frum tlie v NOTICE OF INTENTION latte omIUcd by the- Commute« on (.uuiiU 3 - N oUm - U-h«webr-given-that-tt-H--tli* intTOi ttoads-of-ths-Boirdtrf-Chosctr'FreetvHdfva------tentions liAte never bveu oUitrwise. NtirtlrVVMt nn« uf Lot m as UKTduw'u oil a map -wituied "Cranfurd Height*- Cranrord; N­ tlun of the Township Commute« of the Town­ That portion of the impravemeut lybig eih"» H t S m a m m i s u J., ahlcli map. li .011 lile-in • Lu^uu- County ship of -Cranford, - lu th* County of Union, to the 12 fed, wide section occupied by U)e-U«|-.... llrglster s office; Uieuce aloiig_-Uie BoutAwest- pttf • . ' . • ley tracks carries about 16,794 square y srvto J erly side uf V^dcunlal Aveuuo North 41 de­ AN ORDINANCE to accept th« dedlcatloo of cement concrete -pavement. -- TThe^peciair«Awytment,.a. legitimate grees 40 mftautcs Wext ~ 40~fw?f ru the piril* of A ^!.ct •*( .or-..near •the-iutereectlpn of South - Flans -and • specifications -with- .»ll-«M*«"! - fonn ui tojuuon when uicre 'is a direct rUliulTx; thence runnrñg* aloijg said side line and Walnut ATmuex.' Ul the TDWaahlh of Cran­ quantiUes for tfila work rnsy be eisniwnl *t Kotith 45 degreta d' tulnutea Weal 200 feet; ford, for-.the-purpoee- of-« -pubHe-strecC and tte olllcg of the 'County 'Engineer, Court Hou»,-. - “BwvsBt)tjfiiT',iti''hiWtn(rsftim,'twifimHHl- .that -¡‘g^-.aotasB to tile extent Uiat it has become perm- parallel. with .Ceufrfmlat Avenue 49 feet to a - TL'EBUAY EVBLNINCl. AtnnJBT'H; 192S -Each bidder must submit with the bid »'•«-* 1 point; thence .North 43 degrees 9 minutes East at 8:30 oclock F. M.. (Daylight Skiing Time) Uflcsto from a Burcty Company ststlug u,«i -cloua At the prescut Ume, cases.are ¿09 vfeet to the tkdnt or-place oI Beglnnlng. la the time and-the Towoahlp Rooms, corner of such;. Burety -Cumpaoy "*1B- provide the i-v« . too common wherejsiicciai ashcssmcntb AU those hfcDtlMS 'In Uie Borough of Uo- Dnion Avenue aud Alden Bcrket, ts the place tractor with a *»«m< |n tha sum and will« »uA ctHHlIUoni aa-arv-rvquIred'by- the-ftpwdhsUutaE.-.., have been. greater thaxi tho general selto.-N;-J:rL'nlon*Coumy;‘ -UH Map of We«: .where-.a^flnaL. hear lug eo.-««id lyn Borough of KoaeLIe I’ark and Cranford promised -tudlnauce, tte provisions of which are Ksch bid must he accompanied .wlUi s a ci - taxes and a great and unlutr hardship -Township, tiled Register's office, Uulou County, as follows! - . ; -. : ttted check for at least ten (19%) l>*[■ 1 ^ to those who miist pay Uiem. .V J.. ub August 2. 1905. , . - Whereas., by a deed dated September S, 1891. of tte amount of tt« bid. but uui lew l1*1“ UegUming-at the Intersection Of the North­ aad recorded in tte. UbIod County Register's |o99.99. ss required by tt« sptKlficaUuuv- . "Roy A. Knox, director of Uie bureau erly.. aid* Jlne.of._WumieJU..A>-Uioe..wllh.-Uie office In Hook 97 of deeds* at page 24. the Tow»* .. Iha.Board-ceserrea.jtte right to reject suy, .^ of Budget and Llliclency of Los An­ Easterly side. line uf Jerome 8im>t; themee ship -of Cranford acquired from on* Augustus aU bids. . ••-----. - runulug (l) NorUirely along the Mid-Easterly TutM-r aud wife a tract of land at or near the - - -JACOB L. BAUEU­ geles, lias recently-stated that relief to Hide line uf Jerome Street 148 feet to a point; Intersection of South Avenue and Walnut Are- . v ' » . . . - County -Eugtuvev-. '. * * that is w inning new iiue, .which team of Lahd or part thereof California" properly owners awl only theii«'e rtiimliig-'(3). haitorly -end paraUc) with Die ««aid .-N^U»-fly :ild^ UlU) of ' W i-StHeld AVO- jLicv. .foi .itrwLsurpoeeai and-...... -- PROPOSALS FOR "BHIOOf WORK, eopite Xronu luinuttiun j j f the iffhr4LM—f«w--toj-l>-toliiii^UitPw.,.Ttiunlaf erly tine of South Avenue, the Easterly' ftna of umoir-couirTT— ------amount of special asscasiuenU that can KouUierty and parallel- with (he Mid Easterly Sealed bkfa^wtt be received by Hrldg* side- Hue 4>f Jerume Btreet 148 feet to the Mid WaHjut Avenue and the Soutbweaterly.llne of be levied in a given period of tune. Mr. thousands every week lands now or formerly of. Walter W.- Mooney, mUtec No. 2 of the Board of Cboeuu >rter*<>U Northerly aide Hue uf Westfield Avenue: thence res of the fuuuty of liakm, at the Court IU-u«a, Knox said ,further thut Uiere. is nu running (4) along Uie aald Northerly side line a amail gore or triangular tract of land owned by the Township and ottf which a sidewalk Is EUxabeth, N. J„ st 2:30 1*. >L. daylight ^su»4 measuring stick provided by law where­ of Westfield Avunuo In a -Westerly -dlrcvllon now laid: and • '■ - ...... Ume, on .. . »- . - - 27-05 feet to Uie place of Ueglmilug. Being a ' MONDAY, AUGUST »13. 192». ; by n> determine if the property value rectangular tract of laud- 27.03 x 148 feet. Wheroes, .doubt exlatfl as to- wtethar or net said gore or triangular tract of land has ever fur the following described wurks; • • • is-actually increased to the extent-of -Levy amounting, approximately $U50. - (II New steel and concrete Uidge ou » s>v - 1 BAMCEL li. TUOL. BherUT. tw been dedicated for street purposes, end the the assessment paid. ■ •J - Towuahlp tunftntttee of the Towuahlp of Cran­ Ingtoo Avenue near Dlvlalon Street, (. r*i-!-rJ- THOMAS linUNKTTO. Att’y. New Jersey, about 89 feet long by 1« flff‘ KUJACC . Adv. Fees- $34.41 ford t»olng satisfied that tte public Interest will ‘A greut many clues In all stutes are be better served by such' dedication, therefore spaa-' ’ • ■ • . ' ■ . , undoubtedly in this position. It has U* It ’ <2) New steel.and cuucrete bridge ou »tr.-< been shown conclusively- Unit our lax Ordained by tte Townablp Committee of the harden Street aear Washington Aveuu«, a Mlhttll 1 B • BALE—tu Chancery of New Jcr Towfittlp of Crsnford. In the County of Union* ford. Njw Jersey, about «9 feet lung by >u tM burden is lire result- oflocuFuIui slate *ey- - Ut-twveu. llvulwti J. Holland, complain- Bcetlon 1. That the triangular lot or tract taxes, mainly tho former, federal eeot ff»t. A«d Jvbn„-1Vrxiii.__i-L_xlx,_deNuiLtota»- j)L-Und„ :Jownahlp-of_Cra*tford ^Ol- New sled and cuucrete bridge ou " ',’1 >L fa. for sate uf mortgaged premi*« " and bounded by the. Northerly line of South Bud 'Aictftw iiaUf—DrchartTHtreetr-t'**uUjr'1»-.. numy has been oil set by tremendous .,.lh...vlrbui. u¿.ih».aUtota»u(nl Ave nr l.n.l. _ Tteee— wocte ' . »Ül...... he-let laseparate w coiitrscts, S E S h i r ...... ” 0^«te.juÆ«Msdhc*1itnm_jtK u>* te'Kakafluacd"Ak’tha'' Office- must lead eventually to making home Section 2.-~ This ordinane* ÿtall take effet! necr. Court Bouse, EUxabeth, N. J. - . .• WEDNESDAY THE 29TH DAY (IF Immcdlately. Each bidder musi submit with the bid s irv owning unpopular. The siieciul usscss- : Al'tíDBT A. H.. 1928. ALTAN R. DENMAN, tiOrtit» from, a tfurety Company sULUig u-^ • m eat is one tux form that cun and at two 0 clock hi tte«aflern«N>ii of aald day, Township Qeck. such Surety Company will provide the o « . (Daylight Having Time). Dated July 24. 1929. tractor with a., bund la tte sum and with should be controlled. — Excluingc. All that- tract or parcel of land and premise« rastdltious As are the specifiLk^ “ ~ATSd_yTtnunp"umrsout~of,rtchrspe-: hereinafter particularly described situate, lying khch bid must t e accompanied with * ¡v. PROPOSALS P0 R, ROAD IMPROVEMENT. ciol assessments ure the result uf ahd twliig. lu the Hurouch of (,acWo«Ml. County tided check for at least tea per ceui- ' ‘■7« of l.nhni. and Bute of New Jersey. < ' ' -- • UNION COUNTY of tte amount of the bid. but not l * . , w special demand ou Uw part of Uie own­ BRtdNMMi at the corner foripeil by Uie lu- Bvalnl propuaala win be received »by tte $59.4»i as required by tha. specifications. ers affected. Very often, after having Ivrvvction of the northerly Una of Nortt Ave* (.tutuuluee oil County Roads -of the- Board of The Board teste r* tt* right to r«jej;i i -‘I uue with the westerly Une of Winslow 1‘laee; secured Uiu improvement.-complaint is Chosen Freeholders of the. County of Union- all bids. • »745 r. 8^,»,FU>,r v'..'. thence, .along aald line of WUiiluw Flace north­ at the Court House, Elisabeth. N- J-, at 2 *39 • ■ ■ JACOB L. BALER. . - mode as to Uie. cost alUiough every one westerly 92.21 tret to an angle point In (he F, ,.M., daylight aavlng Ume. on * ' • County BugUiite- um*. (hence nurthweelerly still slang tte Mid knew- long lu advance approximately . TUESDAY, AUUU8T 14. 1928. n g servi — together w ith the stamina nnd long life for Hue of Window Flan 31.53 feet to tte north' fife the following described • work: * . what this cost would be. : Krslerly line of Lot Nou 28. on * map entlti«»d ing example of quafltyr-of materials, o f de- which Pooltae is tamed. And none other lmpruvemeot uf Bouth Avenue or First Ave^ Map of Larwood Farit1* now on file In the nur. In tte Township uf Cranford, and Borough r o n o m o a j s u x u u s o ilgrt and of workmanship! • . . ■ icqjotf the advantage* of being bulk In the_ office of the Keglater of' tte County of Vntun. of Roselle, from end of present pavement ia: thence southwesterly along Mid line of Lot No. Rosi-lle Borough westerly through • HpeHIr Por- • . Soil Nourishment - N o other six so tow in price offers bodies by «otld’i show modern automobile plant; 28 .and along the northwesterly • Hue of'-Lot No. 25 00 tho afureMid map, 1,1.44, feet to the vufk and Cranford Township to or-hear Uw Fisher— with the high-grade coachwork and WhT tvot learn what such high, quality of '•*rwo«fd Borough line. . The work/being ¡0« Office» lair Rent Pbosgeue'tfl used in dye umklog, to point of Intersection with a line drawn north» cated in, the Borough of Somli«' and In the the fortn of farm ninodre, nitrogenous materials which the Fisher em blem repre- m atetulvdesicnandconstructlonm eanitoa erly at right angles to North Avenuel from a Township of Cranford. Union County, New point In North/Avenue which.I» 39 feet west of sent». N oneother offer« a lS6cu. in. engine m otoecarlW hynot drive aPontiac Six today? Jersey. The Improvement to consist.of cetaent fertlllters and green manorfl crops, tt» northwest corner of North Avenue and .>Vln* oKKrule curbing 49 feet to 4« feat apart ahd like clover and koy beans. -Phosphorus (Wfa>, S7f 1r Spur* KMtbiiT.f?«!)Ram a ,977HiCahtalmCW. >Pw* M * . MS4t5p*ft le atlw Snloa, 987S. Oalload AIL , •low riace; thence southeasterly and at right reinforced concrete pteament from curb Aa^I.'W.SbvtUMSttSItai.AU».!".«*»* *■ ‘—* "**“' * |»rta«y> C L t l H h t e J ywcrt— llwy ladiak la* angles to North Avenue 111,72 feet to a point in curt». ■ ' ■ : ■ • CHAS. DARSH may be added by applying phosphate ilkttiiiw T t e B iy» te flm e w A H te ia te a M w a *.', - Um northerly Uno of North Avenue which ts 39 The entire improvement ns planned la to- be fertilisers or farm mtioure. t*oUsslnio feet west of tt* beginning point and thence Id upon as one contract . - ,t may be added to e soli In the form pf along the northerly line • of 'North Avenue 39 The portion'of the IttprovesMOt 'comprising ... . . 'asA w rosD .. : ■. feet to the pplnt and pike» of BEltINNING. tte whole of the work outside of 'tte pave­ firm manure, crop residue* end pot Decree amounting-approximately 81,849. ment In tha K feet wlde c«mral portion of Ufr EDWARDGRAU ■ ■ SAMUEL U. TOOL,. .Sheriff. ■ rwMtwadr-oqMPled,Jau4lto.airoet,cac:Ara^te.*»a«. _11«» »bofil 24,8«! auuare yards ef a toch t i l « F ^ ^ R O l r F = EtrtkCC Adv, lW a -829^2 a N o t a a n caaiopoani«. 1 . ’nfarced »«meat concrete pavement and 17,992 , ’eel - feet - of concrete 'curbing. Also '■ all ex« ■ fioM boli U n ifo r m * ~ i ~ ~ - ' Wild Oatmtol cavsUod^.and grading, dralnsgw mnstructlOBa. Cupentcr and Builder rat ^baseball teem that wore ednereto. aidrwslka and othsr . Itoma ' of ' eon« _ WUi ostassi most asks a terribls »traction ax fully set forth la dstaU-oa tte JOBBING OP AU. KINDS > . - the Knickerbockers of plans and - in tha sptetflcsUonA Tte total i JS5L - /Tb* first to wes« noi» wkw It cooks la the doobls eagth of tte roadway to ‘te hapreved ta about »alatia» SNMttU*. boSsr. butas* of sarin* “plop plop“ 1.795 mUea. la that porttaa of tte tmprwre- - naUonn u wUfav, abort amnt,‘lytaf In RaaeUa Borough. tM o m s is a proksktr' fosrs “whoop wboog.“— curba'aad paremaam outaUa of tte tnOay IÏ PONTIAC SIX ». a »a* in csuMtoBD THF CKA>«CRO CTTIZEN À T O Q « C ^

have as - truly I M t H M I M I I

- • 3*»}tgreft tc^Ju fieu t* ******* SEEU5FQR.COMPt^PROTlCT10N. in Hie Cranlorti ehurches tó a i ihll n w ti» premi und» reg) gre, M r t r i , WTUI t a t e te a taw, < 1 tal ire tUot whm » good arar at HE LAW" ... 1Ytngikw, n , W c d h ir k w in out (te motaro n tere illu n i M a dart i was prsashed chorehaa and dnwliii ■ u Mil. when tt wia sUU be carrying on Ha work ]w a t th e V t m B e stes s t Wowfalp tn the «ittw grain trw* to inaka the other emise of the Inherent righteousness ef us purpose- ' wanu ol both UTVC H-OM that.,! nmwwm’muuuusui» wavmrt Ofe«wÆ pw inr''or^â^ 'P S i Ih a lT u y to "eliminate each otfwr. 'tfie^XkigdcM-^^HaH^ett'-sarti^'-sre that each shall espreas in the fullest these who in. HU spirit are here to In the beghu^ag of the fifth chapter measure poeelble the life th at was in serve. Let us as Chruttan men and Securities of the goepel : according to Saint H u* Hlfit . ■ women stop thinking about our rights thew we have a pactum of Jesus, out . A New Aceeat Let us under Ute banner of our Christ OO the wvtewtMt—te*o Mated Hi the In the days of Jesus one could find move out aitarne thorn who know Him W o u ld midst of His discipka He Is dtttvenng plenty of rvligtoa such as U was. The not and wm them by a ministry of to them what ww »11 “The Sermon on Jewish prtaste had worked out an «lab service. Let us lore them Into tlw ríf H ^ * e * r t* don -™ the-Mouni" We would get a truer pic» orate program of worship which was Kingdom. „ POST & FLAGG turn this morning. I think. .If. an this primarily fprmal. Certain sins requir­ MmtwiiofihtWYaA Stock EecSeee* occaatop, we y»** of Jesus as a ed certain ottering*. The promt was UNION «KftVICK o r W ORSHir „ 3 - teacher rather than a preacher, la one never at i loes to M l one the price, and There-will ti* union- services *>f wor* %90 BROAD STREET ~ ship in-the First Methodist Episcopal . NEWARK, N.J. seated in the midst of his pupils deliv­ it must be paid regardless of how poor ering to them great, fundamental the offender might be. Hard as this Church next Sunday. The morning service will be at eleven o clock and Uie A w n L Dihhu. JCmJm Ammt truths, and then In answer to their system was on the poor it had some Realty & Insurance Dept. questions, amplifying and Illustrating seeming advantages. Folks felt that evening one at seven-Uilrty. The ttev. tb e m ^ T h ij approach je a n s repreteUy when .sacrifice.Jisd..been, made or Boyd Raymond Greenwsli, pastor or applicable to our test: “Think not X the formal nte had been completed S a i n t P a u l 's Methodise Episcopal am come to destroy the law, or the they had cancelled their sin. That was Church. %U1 be Uie minuter in charge* Cranford Trust Co. prophets; I am not come to destroy, too easy a solution to suit Jesus; He but to fulfill” and the reran that fol­ was not in the veneering business; He FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH low i t » • . • • must get Under the surface Of things. was glad when they said unto me ■■ Criofonl, N.-J We sometimes bear people say that -There are people in the world today let us go Into the house of the Lord. ’ they have no use. for creeds and- and 1 dare say some in Cranford who The union church services this Suit* TBLKraom CRANFU.U 111. ' churches, that they can get along with still have the same philosophy of reli day will be held in the First Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Qrrenwalt. pas* Oauult y tu Iu w u m ^ , , 1 u you wauld yaw tewyat ar daatat ^ ^ IN - ^ ^ ____^ nothing more than the “Sermon on the glon. . A trip to the House of Ood once Set M ouht^ ’Thfr-loKfcs who talk o p t a l a a « e k - « f 11»BabôatÉv^ay-te-eroiftted M i t t > » i M t t »» « » « tttitttttt* «M = ; - ~ ...... r - iadse.,Aave.Bither*jg»cOsa. 4 ...... ^tg .gangglLaii awtaUSUiuxh: .xULjidim-tiiy.Krjiiuii. of that sermon which we shall consider gataons. After that Uie day Is their ït both'insiulive ' àn d u ’Milng'Krrvti'ê: FIRST MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES this morning, or they fail to under­ own. As for Uie other six days in the stand the ftal functions of creeds and week the question of Ood never enters. FIRHT PRESBYTERIAN i’UURCH FO R SALE : . Guaranteed Principal and Interest by churches. Jesus here recognises the Jesus says to these folks as he said to SCHOOL The Hummer Hesslona of the Sunday Crey Hun«,la« (or m u ll (unity...... :...... $ 9^0000 value of creeds and law«, otherwise he those oUiers long ago, you must have Pina tlouM (or lama temlly...... »,«00 00 BANKERS TITLE AND MORTGAGE would have discarded'.them. Ho rccog your heart_ right with God at _ail times. School, which have been held in the • K y^i|f foityuin >■ m bwucr i«>-* Chapel Tjii^ing the nioniji. of July, alll L ann tlouM on river...... ll.ooooo GUARANTY~tX)MPANYr:"trr: n a A rtii ...... ______^ ^ lii.M o'as: our Creeds today, we would need to for­ tbe-Uihe U reaches Uie surface of your "?5l. K tHirilufr invTlaCfofn*“esu>häed (u Cholo» Lou, close in, are gelling wares, üuy une whlia you oau. ' paphal and Surplus $250,000 ■ mulate a new one-s tomorrow. Christ life U has> permeated it. Christ gave, young or'OM to |Mrtii'l|Mte. In thlit short hour of Ulblr study. Sunday mornings >. Investors now hive the opportunity to buy First Mortgages end does not condemn our professions of his hearers an example: if a man comes First Mmigsgo fYrtllYqtf Hfrnrr^ by real satate of approved value In faith: his condemnation comes when 16 Uie altar with a gift while ins brotii„- from 9 45 to 10 50. the International THOMAS MACMEEKIN Cranford, Westfield and vicinity; with principal and Interest guaranteed we slop at profession and fail to vital er has aught agaUist liihi lie must first lessons artrutudledr -The -life-of-Paulr Real Eitate and Inaurane« by this Company. * m • * lse our faith i go right Uie wrong before his. gift is the Great Apostle to the Gentiles, has POBT OmCta BUILDING . OIIANPORD, N. J. : ______The Offlrflrs.andJ31rectflra-arft.e^rleJ3tced,bapKera..aad. haYc..ani. ____ T w Types ef Falk* ' ; , [acceptable. The gift is all right but been ute topic ana will continue to do Intimate knowledge of local conditions. All real estate on which these On th a t'd a y ' almost'* two. thou&ancl' before it can . touch the heart of Ood thff^nWT^nr-patJbath’flimoot-“tntemt- -rtnme-Cmefent'lUt-— ------1------— iMrtdmcmum» ■ »»»- mortgages are placed Is valued* by the Company's- own appraisal com» yea/* ago. the message of Jesus fell on the giver must be right. for several weeks to come. mlttee. .. ■ the ears of two types of folks.- There • This teaching of Jesus regarding Iho The Main School in all Its depart This Company also Issues Policies Insuring the Title to your were! those , who loved and revered that content or .inner value has another as­ menu will convene on the second Sun­ which came from Uie past, that which pect which brings hope to llie honest day in September for Uie Fall ami had served their fathers and forefa­ Christian, yes us is not concerned wtUi Winter program. Philip Erkman, Jr. DIRECTORS thers before, them .. They wpre suspi what folks say or think about us, th at clous.ol>nythlngnew.. , _ There were_ also ia^with .our reflation. OUier ^olks HAINT I’AUL’H MKTHOIHNT EPIH* I MOTH atrVNÜB, BAIT TaUphout Orwlerd M0 ORAMroaD p ^So^asl^iffKPSvf na nify jrf Anaa »'AÄiiftTtONO- 1— ------~~UKbltCg ir. a i m those who were always ready to dU- U. Not so wiUi our ciusraclcr, what w "Buriaa7 r 9 :4a a rh u church Öen«»: JtOBUT. A. TA1UA1SM • ...._ h o b b it a.-cEAMa------OOHTRAOTOa v JOBBBK ' FBOMBTMBM - - IBB-TIOB TH CO DORK H. LTTPWIQ I1INRV B UEUKUAN . card the old for th e new. This divi­ are a t h eart Is a m atter between Ue and Elbert Vail Ness: fiui>t,- -Help Uu> chil­ MKDLKY 0. P. WHELPLBY • . WILLIAM J. MrKRB sion is still with us. Not only In the Ood alone. dren to be faithful in their attendance, church but outside as well do we find bring them. 7 p. m . Epworlh 'League Oírsete* iM U tisssI How It WerM. . Dlrsstsrs si Pssslss Bsak the conservative and radical. We hear It said by. some Uiat Uie Devotional-Service. 11 a. in., and 7;!t0 Bask sf WsstSsM . A Thwl C* *1 WsstSsU IM«»»*, »■«»♦♦♦♦♦♦•I -• g i o i u s n. otutchit . MALCOLM B. DUTCH IB And it is well th at we d a Tor both are teachings of Jesus were all right for p. m.. union service of worship In Uie a u b r iy b smith . CHIHTIR B. KILLOOO ...... necessary , for the sale and orderly ad* tb s time. In which lie lived, but Uial.Uiey First Methodist Church. • „ - ..itl)8W B U .-a MCIWLB,___ r _ Notre. - - * GRASSMAN & KKEH -«fflunpwir^- • LKIOII M. PBARBA IX vaneement of'-the’ Kingdom. Christ áre not’ pracucsble lor us in thts-age: cornea^ to ixiUrrtn aO-fai-ws- they are Tim Buy Bcoupr^ under iho leadership BMNMTL.MBTBB, la A .There'.^rareriolkr:tkmt-.dAy±.wiUt.iJesue . ______. . BiUtalUtal IMI ------;...... LLOYD THOMPSON; President“ ... . :------honest In- purpose gnd loyal to the who could not bellevX Umt h u u-ach* nf"8cnutmwtrr Ireland, iTci spending I KLM 8THKKT. WartlMA. W. J. ■ TtW phon. WeMflUdJtlM -Xiicy_.miU.uul>- two'wreks at camp. The Bcoutmastar _CIVIL_ENG!NEERS AND SURVEYORS ■ hopt‘s to brlng~back some ArsC^cTaiui wanted to know |ust what fuiniltnu the ■ ra l lteaat. B L U A B B T B B. J. , law meant, but also JUst how it would Bcoiits. ’ .a,taatttTti a.»«aianaia»,aaa»,t„„»»1 work out in every day pnfcUce. How. s3¡olY»er“‘wai‘, ‘t^nuítXer^t^cúñceni^tiY s ä K ä g -€SiX£Alf'’ them, tío Jesus takes a lew of Uie laws and Interprets. Lhefti in Uie light o B sr of his teachings. There was the mur­ derer lor instance, lie wua one who hud taken the life of another and Uuirclun* Obtain Uniform Low Cost Heat must pay wlUi his own as Uie law ruiid. But Jesus said he was a 'murderer when there • was- murder-'in Kis hrart'~cvcn though lie might be rnllcs removed ~ Eliminate Back-Breaking from his enemy. 'Then there was the matter of purity hi social relations. Outward decency was not enough: Shoveling and Shaking . Uiere' must be purity of heart. When ROASTED POULTRY we allow lust to take possession nf our heart and mind, we have already YVliat ■ «plendld treat; and w hat a sinned In the sight of Jesus. 9 ~ ...... A FTJLL SIZED ¿QDA, full .oi^the, finest.xluirged.water..^avor8., whulnoinf food- Roaftad Poultry fruits and Ice cream—a drink that s a splendid, refreshing delight— And then as the master spoke of go* mak^a (or both eUldren and grown tng the second mile, and of giving .nut that's our * • - (olka Wa are ready to te rr e je u only the coat Uiat was demanded but ICE CREAM SODA . with - tha ■ etioleast —Bw la-o l -the the- cloak.'wlso: he ..endeavored., to re­ You obtainTyour FUEL momijkTworfh al quality In SODAS. ICE" »•aaon. drcwM ready n r Cooking. veal to the mlnds'of those about him ,-_CBEAM3^flUNDAES. i û^jnLVB() ursir their ------The Eleetric Furnace Man & J. JANSEN Modernizes your home heating pldnt. . . - . '. C vpm tir »nd Builder Saves you from frequent Furnace-Tending. • G enuine C O A L Parquet Floors. Jsbbla* a Spssialty Telephon*. 88S* ft Gives automatiennd uniform temperature. - . BLUFF 8TRXET * CRANFORD C&nnel Coal Burns small, inexpensive (Buckwheat or Rico) Anthracitk . Wm. C. MARTIN SCHAFER Delivers coal to fire automatically. - . « — Lehigh Coal & Suppl Removes-ashes to-dust-proof- can outsida-of. furnoc«-automatically.. “of.U uion C œrNrJ Matera »ini Contractor - » i -«ntcAiuU«— IVfréíeínTqtrîêt:andrtefir.‘'- , ROBCBT 0. THOMSON. rtssldSBI OPTICIAN KsUmatos Pttrnlsbl on ell cIbssm it is the cheapest automatic heat. Office: ' 19 Eutnuui Street CRANFORD Telephone 429 219 Brtad Street ' CARL WARS1NSK1 A SON The Electric Furrt*ce~M*n u designed to II Is strong lu construction and simple lis save you from PurruceiTendlng U needs operation It operates economically - from Painting and Decoratine . attention never more than once • day, the 1 louse lighting circuit, and m aintains an ELIZABETH. N. j. usually less often. U delivers Uie coal to Uj|c fire and eliminates the shaking of grates even temperature throughout. the day and tu Basil A lai, OHAHTOHD and handling of Julies. ■ night. B. 1, EICHINGER TsUpbooa UM ISPIU N O S M O BaBU OBB CHAS. 3. GIVENS . 0U P F B D ' ■ S— it in operation on our' , ■ nrtBHIOB DBOOKATOB a n d d o s i ‘ MV CM AHYROOtt 'OHVYCM; : ■' - , - offico furnace.- ■

Batti—hip and Robb— Ctlahion Springs for Fonb «fs«~n i n sm a m r a ra ■ . n n W - B M HiQHsiBsrr .. .V Ttaicpbooe:i i m ' amaro—*it a U titani» A Mira CMAHTOKO >666666 »♦♦,04 >060>»6< BRENN AN&TOYE FLOWERS . T u t t l e B r o s . Schooler Concrete & Coostroction Co. 1 t e r so M M sitau ...... P H O N E 1 4 9 ¿ WESTFIELD, N.J. ~lM^LM"BrsUitacur1irAruias, - . taSWAHI,~N,''i.J, '‘^' PlumbingyJinning ttstM™ sta d i— Il •--D«alsA»-"l» tem oni Work »/»praslty : l t e r a t i o n s Sturdy materialsfor sturdy construction ’ A ' Heating ■ ■ ■: ,■ ■. * - i l lllO...... ; 1 '. i a »J«SSí°iSí2Sflt*r' SSiM Fisn0”“ *** WSowr»rá i u Riranidt Flo«rar S bop m im i tun 11 it ti...... T«L 1163 * J

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1 from 1 ~ ; i'^wesisssr - ¡t,. :.-,.*.■ ■ '^gar .js»?* - *•• •-“•. -■ ,-.sir.iv!rv ■zji.zz«;. i and » -•> r.^U3S::.:- -:=S: i.- Bluebir -¿yw» • -Xa-' t».. '.Zí:uiffia.jfufc- -• . .-¿asKJSiSfe: - -■'art.-s ....rsaBsaw:-'. • • • Vw.p •...... , - ___.¿agt— ju s^. >WMi. . ■ »rraniar, .. «ca~~~Í3S,Z~T:.. . '»■W*«wy ■sÍSaTft ’■-•! 'SSSiat -’.¿ S Z nsst' •• • -■•-rWHM.TP-- -. : . ')T3- Aviation fl SR • vA*.TOT. ^:Tr :'TSSlS.-’' J • i.pST ' "SX iJttBBfc." • \ repaired i* « - ^ ’j»gwaaan-. .ya-, -.^hbísj:.^ -.taaEtar« • ■ .A 3t- -*ra^s - j- .rni-m . — 7acgrm:J"T»ttfra’-: 33¡g.-~:r--i,:a F~~— ri~-* 225S856SSt ..w^St' tv. ‘17*;. ': *,• •- -¿r-n- all da; ?W*. jt;: :iiaBKSt '-'g . ': it^aat6v. -^psasíB,- -T^tMaO' • he lease i - rSM*am---‘^L..TOk.: tful if it ’ ■^SU.-T^r £. .•-v« -.-«s. ~..r. rx'tstscsBpe-: ~ «&• ^ and Mi --r.TES : '-“VMttS rretu m ed | . spent at. ~ p »*« i -«»t " “*3w«r"“- *wsxr J=|W«s. « ■ ‘ -- í c e .-Bit. rar- ^ ha many j ■ 3E £ j SHSUOL De . ---««i...... x*. «.M*ís¡e* ., «•nas.'-.'/.^oesps ■' aa.’marTr to het • a. - .¿5K*a»«. .-.- *.. --UtouaJ*. nt son, Fr . * -* .. - j , _ .^gnMfB.-.v^ .¿r.srtíaaL: l£r - v.t- - - ^ .-es-. . .•» -*st ■ ^rm m ^iunrsr {] he EKlzabe I-*.- ■- » - 1 ^ ■- C T I - a r i '^ .IT-WTBm---- - » . • -a ?-*m r ...-as. j- ; — . .^ .>CT. . D. Rob • *•• m 'W r . - ___ ^ -t -CJUU. . •«-».. «a. iw _ ‘^I5 -~*=-1 -ww - = -Tssacaar. JSJS- ^ ¡ ^ s h s nm. ~~v -"-aass f returned f •»•■ <'**•**.:• '— >, .Xa». ■¿***H. •..'L. ■ ■ r » . •7^¡a£ar .:;• Park>wt -rwwmgt; - .,^- ' 1-7 -. ^ “jübl. “ *ra.air. husband e • ■•*«•*■«■» • - V-*w»i>*tív • . j- 1 I A. pet *8, Miss pi ♦^3 » 1 1 " nd street, > '. bury Par t? te „ •“> & í ? v *-V I i s f 'i i T.í'H ndingJw m u ...... min ■mu» i ...... mi aaiulwuiwni'wwri».«|laiw»wiii«i'

[r. Jos. Shi (•Borough L to ' the the Uc era are. ■7.“KCTii/..■-a., ■¿--ñét.sis£sCZ.Z-^TirT: he-Ken'Uwi 1 left for irday nlgl utmaster V nue. TKLEP] LA1I gemtn / of teleph 1 New Jei 1 complete- lephone Con ation of a ilJ-axiu.'iw.j...-.te------i-,v-' of t h e j * » < » p e according [th e com pal cable ! Inches fr 1 1,804 wire! Btles In the ...tabes etween the E.and New ' bvernations , llpstaUed- taiitTHanlu ylvanla. : ylvanls 1 e t and Sevc opening a nd vehlci hone cablt ation in the ~ 5 ¡ e j a a c nee cable Reading • ' r ? . _____ *rr:2Bfc.'"a5=t* ’i*íib ..saaotec: ’.~xo>£iBcr^ contalnln * * * * * -x ^¿egua.t ^-««esw lSrS2 xiiiiScaciaes^R iileEr -.3 .1 : b ri 1 ^ a a á g e t s a a t - * . more tin -completed nteal New Ji '"< ...... ' V.ltt.'i.'l1*! 'lítiH*1!' 1 T|V|> 'I >; L^riVsr ff^tgESBrfi . .- . •.' . . . . . • ., dudf* point ’^ W Westchester Co gh the¡ I ■ / • iu"xs»iMua> «jaaar.:'.vsate-f» ^isaeg- « r r s ñ v - r Ifroad and ."'*•••* w ^MEKXl • sub-Huds ' .-W *• . V ■■ • t ^SaPSECTB»1 w a ss. ^ ** Ti «vfc- y ' 7* f m - >ní». -.'13..* IrssUW** •.*■".-• ; The foreign 'bos tree I r-tmuSSZ.-. _ar. H J'V's.-^sas, '¿tsatosaeii. . •>».. *...-./«,•. ..n:*3ws»erwí3>; • owe In Calif xlco; It has i used for bn

»• 3WU* '■■¡p.wiOsi.wrtit:.'.;-:;‘t í«í<3w»m*'.-T^r? ..• Ma-jliMr r-iit wtt-?w Nativa Lt -^Ntc. fiíSi. uJ»* * * S^vM M KM ika •^aesr rttaiinssatí.s ¿« b x .i x :: In all the ti Jí»'V •.•’S«- . ^• ace- our the -*2“ -¿suam. r native 'Ian i¿sm -va»«*• ♦ -*» e.7iBm^ , ./ love has Ills- '

n»-Jíc. J.ÍIL - U l U f - ia the malt dVér there >a , copper, n «Die, lead, c .sine

^2^* ^ ^


t j . %, ... .^-.Vr....^ V ¿“ y« ...... aaManassga^^WMiteK^^ \.:^-;'n;"'‘'*;; - : r ^ V\ ‘■ ■;;./:77S.;*.y¿: v-;^i-Vn - \ •' '• ;!'• 5 •'

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■ ■ ■ ■ —wmmmmmmmamnmrn ■ ■ ■ ■ — ■ m ^ i m i Äi3WWS585i| K e n il w o r th ..P a gè

* g g g * g g g g l" ,-ljB »li Mg MPA il* JP.MP.^ ■ ■ ■ ■ «fr*1 -

b o k o c g h u n n BOY SCOUTS HAVE OUTING . AMERICAN CAR» HATE LARGS £*nd .Mrs/ Arthur Culbertson, ol Troop 64. Kenilworth Boy Scouts, ' SALE ABROAD avenue. . are celebrating the "O verseas buyers are finding |ULAll built altogether In 1919. Although the JKKNKY U X C RKHORT ANI» AUISIOIEXT OKNTKH have returned from Cllftwood among these being Mr. and Mrs. Joa. expenses of freight, crating, taxes and *Im àvt I« uri ! • after spending a week as the Shallcrosa. Mr and Mrs James Ar . I..IKK HOIMTMIN«; *j«,t p«t»i customs charges often exceed the cost -, . . ' li r* »of Mr and —rx Fred Frost. thur, Jr., Knut Geo res. and his honor »•*»^■4 • K Jk U of the finished car In Detroit, the «and Mrs. E. Deilar and daughter. the major, Oswald Nitschke - • • • ìwia aoaesv. i m ava u n n - • • I James Weldon, have returned American-built car is still a better buy • • usrra cwv** »»4'mwt»..'....., .... . ' .. ___ ItM ■" Ui«Owh*4 I li A M ' " Lg week's motor trip through New for quality and price than the ’motor products of anytother-.^eountry. • k wvaoav »-JMfJ.-! u. - FLYING CtltUS TC»W W :' ijili*-*!*aLkhi-s. .»ut anffrMra.- W11 mpv Votr, OhtepJr: " Hudaon. flgorea a re typical, ten ,, ,T ...— people wllf"6uy motor cars today fit Boulevard, entertained. Mr^.and The Union CBiJfity Flying Club- held- Unloading crated. American cars on the toaterfrtmt of Koiferdam, Holland aa- IM« rami oiatJ« «n . bvcrseaa lands "Uf one" who could afford ^William Von Ohlen, Btv at" lun- its usual circus at the Kenilworth held A«* *•« Nm * «*• rim this luxury ten years ago. largely be ■, I92i is by far the greatrit motor export year ever known. • - Saturday In honor of their Jlf- on Sunday protected by a temporary NEW JERSEY CENTRAL [ wedding enniversary. After lun- injunction forbidding Mayor Oswald cause of the American efficiency In the party proceeded to Aldene Nitachke and the Kenilworth Realtv targe scale production. . Pittura Wiraa Form of Niòernefìoa , i. home of Mrs. J; Kelly, daughter Corporation from restraining them. “This export market helps, the Ptvtuire should In* tiling h? The won) hUtoniHi** carri**« (he Idea upUr”Wh»F0~a~*«irprise~ golden America r^buyeiy-tor-the-added-'i i if i tl wsraenr”CTttifficT'x~,,D tell ih» i-vaflnn • . ^ mdHIS BAND»M4 !i repaired after the accident of a cellor Fielder ordered ^he mayor and energizing brakes. Complete car equip­ nun»« you .funi ih»* Hein <»f w ay.- }. _____ ■ “_\__ _ - others-to «ppeartm-August -6 th-ta-sho«v m ent—-Color! uL lacquer-finishes...... — — inkLiUaibti.-_____ -______.w ; ^ P ro d u c in g ^ c i t n « ' all day Sunday. A parachute why the injuctlon should not be made, . “Today in the British Isles Essex ^OlYHPIC PARK-juiY30io ilK l5 i was also featured ^ _ai 5•permanents------* S Î5 Ï5 S T ------:------— — -— loads alt,Americanr:ers are. busily competing; E quipm ent he -Kenilworth TYoupeiof the-Bvy a t a J S o m in a l F ee !ii - -Reduces' uts left for their summer comp last fìltì irday night under the, care of ■ Labor of utmoster Worden Ebbets, of Newark Due. / W ashing TELEPHONE CABLE TO BE und LAID IN TUNNEL gements for another main ar? , E v e r since the telephone was Iro n in g of telephone communication be­ i New Jersey and New York have young,'our Central Office operators The new Thor Agualov aoiv.«-!« ih< doostid for a i completed by the New Jersey Bell have furnished the ' time ...o f d a y .. •mall siZril wathrr It t* compixtly built.41»J can. lephone Company. Work on the in- lake »are of 4 big wishing No frivtom* t* u*ed, al* ation of a new cable in one of the w henever you have asked for it...... A .27.% diatuunl tm ail lumps u».clfivtuv ii. w aud of the south Holland vehicular though, each, artule 1* wadirJ tlMknxiglily . ■ Bulky iV-UK-expected',toi'Start“in;jSept«H^ —bknfrn'rcttfif fr^lrr'tfar’Tt^r LlcJinud11 »w!jgkgortii smtitidi IjuLo bnoli from wlinh dirt initks.aie caul} is cable will be approximately grown in size and complexity here --removed.—-- *------1—— — ----- 1 Inches th diameter and will con-’ as elsewKere. Fumishing the time . U u r 8Uh.L~ lii'tludos ilrjor ami '.'uMeTi:Tnpi for the 1 1,800 wires. It will supplement fa- .pinosi formal of room» as well a. uul v.Ju,ili«rtLh - » feature Btlon in the Holland tunnel Is a long O n the Electric Qrill the hounstkeeper appreciate« days. Site has nee cable connecting New York For those who desire a “Time of only to «it before the mrchmc and guide each article Reading and points south and D av” service/by telephone, we have - The electric grill.can play an imporunt part when through, . — . containing 600 wires. preparing meals on hot summer days All kinds of ...... - The irunrr gyves'a* fine' finish t/> j-to-flgures-f urnlsbed • by-Mr established a “TIME BUREAU,” delightful dishes can be ¿.ooked on it at the dining n, more than 91.000 telephone calls r /A | • . . • matrful* and presses ... entirely , apart -from , regular tele- . .-loom..table,-or-Ht-Tnay he carnnj-tnrt 'to ihe ; porch“” * TV/ * ~ T ■ ~ail kind* of^diffuult ~ ntraLNeK^lerscy^cul.Nj;%.Yurk.City. - “¿mF-tiie Li'itiitfng duiif ifTii^*wTtuVris ^s^Xialij^on-^ Y r L - ' ‘ -i. _ "’"iKihga]îri:ngs. itsrts^Juflfling siud'frig points 'on Long'XalfacT and Tff phoneservieeandequippedtoFur-- 'vetr«nt’Wlfc7irmtSiîj;in?'^rïfi}-Tfm-fnFtfr>ôrï'- > * { 'M- ~~ feature liiaSes T rip e ­ [featchester County, on an average day nish the tim e w henever you desire it. . I ’. R s W i __: vullf: id i p le d Ui p te J ta ough the ¡Hudson and Manhattan «null h* xi tea or apart­ if road and the' Pennsylvania Rall- arrriy* m ents ■ ^ sub-Hudson River tunnels dally. -. A charge of five cents will be m ade “for "each” time the service of the Cash Price Is $175 f r a of thm DoMtrt TIME BUREAU is used. v ' ; The forei^r» wrrlcc sari tbat the On ^Tertts rWhaa (rea I. a deleft tree «hleh ewe In California, Arlaona and New : • *!«T.J0 ileo. It haa llgliL apongr wood and I need for bnxea add wrapping mate For Your Convenience s Call “ Tim e Bureau” ¡P ffasy payment terms oat T hor electric Natioo Land Rtmcmbered washer or ironer -Jf!i down, cightac^ In all the trial, and elclaaltudea of Tha (till illtmratwl sella for ¿12.00 cub months to pay the baiasse*.' . , and when age longa for a reatlng are, our thought! wander back to ‘ natlra 'land where the atar of onr . lore haa shed III beams.—James UH ' . -LUUrot-fMtythiitg -y ^NEWjERSEY^BEIX^raPHOI^CoMPÄriiP in the making of a telephone re ,ANn» Bmtiai ty Wart— I g ar there .are employed alnmlnum. —. copper, robber, flax, nickel, mica, ■etlac, lead, cotton, allcer. Iron,- wool, . Hoc and «dd.

1 8 1

'i.m *'*V *■' rin’ ..ii ÿ.Uÿri* j ■■'l ■4, • *• -V • - |v r* V — -* —. - î ■ 1 * ) f 4 » - a : •A,,. , - i - à . _ \ ' V“ -A ** I ; ^ ^ f . <; ' » . ' ^ ^ .. - r . , ’ * / è _ r », *• - f-’ 'y*- — ■*« L —•vi£l ,*w «*- v „ * f ** ^ r r v-> * r *— ^ : - .. iSf'S .-i' ’ j" ’ y ' ’ ~~ * ^ ‘ y’ ' " m "' R E I/ Tfär« -isl - - - ' ■r3^^g?s" ',i"-' ■* C-jfcW , «SH xs&m^ægflsrnmssmmi .Æ SSfciï WffËÊÊBmÊm » g l W- ..„...... ______t?H , t


vwiaoiS»aiinrtir « T O tV M PIF FA*K'-'-r*CnRAJfFOK©r fK T K M ff llA X U orkHy' ambltlduT rule? willing * alien ancTIhe man who' belongs here, t : teuton« and his bentf.wUl ««orfudr - PINE PATRIOTIC TALK to take the gamble, are directed by IP will be a blessing« to him to have it Require Funds •t-M-jr weeks eug wetxi*E».r a t Q l}is^e f Continued from p»ge l) clever. minds. Hundreds of American» done. Every nation Is jealous a t its Kunda> with m the able vo slegl only comparatively small citizens have been misled by the un- national honor and every citizen of ev- : For Celebration ‘ noon ; and two at oath! The baud ; amount* at a-tim e. Nei^ York and the trutha told by these communists and ery country is Jealous of his reputation • • nttrursm arted t thuu&uhitv d-ixuat the are a j i*jfe cities had. infinitely more money pacifists.^ Hundreds of honest citizens with the citizens .of other bounmes. arai the round» of appUux *as twr- ' and offered greater temptations for who do not really know what they are When discredit’falls upon the ditizen u; Committee Requests Contri* ,iu d Alt unread it, wws *** of u*- iwir rubbery but they were untouched. The doing are. openly aiding and helping another country, all citizens of that attrai tion* evtir at Clue rest*! tug centers were prepared and the rob­ to. finance organizations and.propagan- country suffer and fall under the class- butions From AU Citi/ens Kn<:ounmf4 by tlti? ■ «*c 3fejM*G bers knew it, therefore they let them da, the purpose of which Is to wreck iflcation to a greater or leaser extent ...«f tbe Borough- ..... j cm ihrt-v cent day T«eri?Ej _ pfmjjpftrd a2ooe. The country that Is unprepared this form of government. The-master A criminal act on the part of » citizen plenpy A Ouenther. rms«r »Eatf m n > is the dountry most likely to be .attack minds behind the world wide scheme of a farcin country is likely to brand . ■ ~~ !«cr (»f'the park io irutuguret* * DaUar r< The country ready for .emergency are located, for the ’most part, in Mos- all members of that national family . 'I ho Wa>s and OmumtU*« of i u ay It will take place Vh«£s**3a; *&d u safe. . Uie UurwtKxl g u a illf O titu r) t.rirb ru -, ,.U| h pttlrc>II. * uj r>*, vt+ ^ cttuptfes cow, the seat of the commurilstic move-, within our borders. If all aliens are ."During the past session of Congress ment of. the wogld. ’Thougpods of al-. registered, the reputation and honor of lio n O iw rn l Com m itter hu:, mulled tO|.gooiJ 'o h anythin* u j y v l e r ^ sb the, -»hen the question of ftsUonal’lDefense . ail Uurwood icffident« a- letter asking ; . . ' . \. . Jens are also at work to take the coun- the honest onls is protected while the »*as being rtlfeussed, millions of pieces try-away from the rightful owners; dishonest and criminal member be- .fui lonlrlbutioiLs to the fund to cover j *jiic ‘•dimming p ex|K*i:Uid t>io> addition to Mme Bedim th e re a re four J ! Vow National Defense. So Insistent and side defense we should also arm to de- is to have all guests registered, no nrat- piogriun will be one that ull citizens; men. *j horses. J ponies, i /d o p and 3 persistent were these eJTorU that there ferid ourselves against the enemies ter where found. If this were done', . nmy be proud of. 'Mils, will un hide a, ! monfcevs in the.three att-v »ere times when there was great dan* within our gates.-. •- .. - . . bootlegged aliens would sobn be round- :: ••■.: puiude-innw liiL h ull.'civlt hiidieii^juui;a busy wpek a t the peril for y r ^wt ^KWnhmrdment^-hi^ W r-*^- «hkb&JHir ÌQVewMtient to.pmp: M -UpandeUhjerjwpjtttottoenter the fevir ^iL?iiil faii^ aEt....aith^^ ^ >'picipi^ ^ ilCH6i£t^a3^ h k ^ lii.fl>kir^uii^ f f ^ ?^^ ^enaan^s pf tel^rsro ' wereTHak^ rt1,*"lhAfiF”Ti)lttir*1îtvTflfc,iTTÎiVi*7rKaYÎi‘eT Srwlfcî-jit]ïirft” iiîriiriuii ^ ""r \ va' "«-T. ,1 »Tl TX 7 TVTT.YT ’ muiucipul di-purUnrnis; tho unvehhi« j St.-»Michael» School, Eluabrth, wtU ro - ifnan all parts of the country to Wash- communistic, activities within, steps or if found undesirable, returned to ol the memorial In t.liow wiiu.MTVed in ! Jf>> rules anil attract*«*. O n jingtan by people who, either with full should bd taken to enact legislation the place from .whence they, came In ihe Woilil Win. ?.|>eakiiiK and a bhx;k r Monday the thange Lodge of ESk* wU3 ¡knowledge of what tliey weiw doing, or providing for the registration of all many ways tills would be a boon to .the The newe U o u tl Tho whole tlu illliig story of tha dume lb llu; eveiuriK; B .Mi to iToehK k.; he host, to 600 orphana. and on the|misguided by propagandlsta, opposed aliens. Those who are here for honest. international police and would lessen Silver Annirereary ;Dulck await* you a t our iluirk uther Hems to be included in the j/ro* j f*‘dne day the IrVuigton of ® k*|any action by this country .taking steps purposes make no objection to this sug- crane. Americans-are required lo reg­ ■iiowrootnl , .. . gium Will be unnimiiec'd luter will see to iit that thfthe «tppiwlcrippled ChildrenctaJjfan^|u» 11n properlynmnM-lv poUce-ltaeli Into'(Ive vlv* nmlM>.protec gestion. For the .most part, they arc | isier when they visit and no one New Masterpiece . Bod ^e i j Flaher ^-a Jtremciidoy^ ^ l^hr TOmnnttnrTOM-mnrirroroy-rST join to make the celebration the big ru«^ay--25&-thiklr*h--«tf--br-thr4^-^i -j3jU^ countrymen who are working to wreck! Allens In this country should be regis- alien far beyondjany previous s ta n d a rd . , . iliriw wo test event, in the .’history, of the^¡Kniiits «if the BetletUie Lcdkir of E 3 k s ^ communists and pacifists was a structure he is attempting to assist • tered and let us hope that at the next high-Ught features of th is m ost b rillian t and beeutJ« iJuionyh. an?l ut night the Walt« Ad&nr they would explode a bomb that In upbuilding. -Honest aliens want to ■ sessioh of Congress, sic|M wilt be taken fulof motof{care, . - « , elution will hold & recegUop^axKl dasxv j^m ild ^ tile Daughters of the know whether other aliens are hnnfegi i [n bring thty about ' r Visit our lluick showroom* See tho Silver Aunuer» ■ “ ■ ” _ •__• j Arorrican Revolution and shake the ______iUlUÜLüll-lllUKTi-_____ or whether thry »re cloak inn a dcstruc. I 'Oilrs u.thefirealcsL country It, the _ .^jant.B uicjkrr.tnday/,a.______rirnr?» *ua»e-«nd-thnr-htm ,e-*ounilT. - _-:— ThfiMr aavShced" cUvaizatiorr Slid..tlie ■ wuiiiir Uiuite ut Hwku h Hull hut I ri- tin* newest thine vrt. O il S aiu n iirT i___ ,j ..j effort to discredit the be a 'dud. "Bootlegging of alien, 1» a greater i nearest to .perfect Jorm of goverimient SILVER ANNIVERSARY - day evening that wu* well attended after the regular maem« at lb*. New members of that great patriotic organl menace than bootlegging whiskey and | ever conceived by man Let every inah Mr. uml Mis. Jtweph Seller uud'lum ' Cranford Theatre, the Rkanac«n»esit »ill cation which krs* strongly Ln favor of t, carried'on now on a very large wale, land woman realize that this Is a fact lly.ol CenU*r street relum ed lust week hold a "Mut Show. lo c a se sayone u. - hum u'htuy hi Uu^Cutakill Mmiiitains. National Defense did not succeed and Thouadnd, of alien» of a very undeair-1 and then Join together In seeing that doubtful a* wkswsl a mut show fea. it Ooniress did pass_.blUn_fQrdefense- - Mis* itu tii •:l5ufTy. vT»f' B rn.w rr I’lace-. able..type. Jire.bootlegged Into, th l, coun.: I nothing is permitted-to occur-that will is simply giving the u n -prdigm d dogs "The efforts to weaken ou( defense try every year. Foreigners,--wlio In aom eim any manner._however jU glit. jn tc r- BLICK Westfield, m.elved niHiuV cuts on the u chance Ui be glorified. No dogts Wlto - M »*r-3iTma -uml te^sjle on North uvenue,-Chu- professional thieves and criminals of I In being born Americans. Let us real- m only. Prize* wiU be awarded , to «logs BUS SERVICE other, types who esnnot get In through izc It at Its full valuation , - wood. A broken reur spring is given with the longest ears, thr fbortoi tail, us Die cause of the ucciUenl, - the open door, clltnb the fences; We Let us pull together for ope country, the best trick dog. Urgrsl dog. smaUcsf CRANFORD A fire slutted eutly Knduy evening in dog. etc. • _ . .•-...... - have no means of knowing who are en-1 one Hag and one language Let us Union County Buick Co. titled to the protection of our govern- [ teach our children and our chlldirn’s the . lacquer boolh of llie- Armour Here* a chance for the ,'ns«U' to XKWXItK.I-I.AINKIKI.I»— I IN ELIZABETH. N. J. 'Urorrzc.-'Corifpuuy- hut'v-was-v quickly klavWcvrT, TCe-ve Part oog Doc ahoasO . *■■■» l*s< .-rah*. » American Citizenship! __ the Ourwtxxl h ire bcpurtmenl*. Hie attinsi ! he gialli nm dar ~mvr sill ~ W «k - timi. Hip f»prv»ri*»o. "A «no lo * piemetf omimgtg or iourt, -*rhmee}£menom-»29QrMMUM >~ acrk* lime Co Hun-lhe tnoimy. . ; -|ljM ddi« »hopM *»i«i*KJoftbcT Ihe legnini imrlUiK bl Ihe Mrii.n |IIBpùro|ir|ll|e._\VoaiaD*o Ila » Qem i PUBLIC! [SERVICE Club uf ht Miuk» l'rolehtunt FpL-a.-o. pnulnti A-/H-B pul Clmrcli wius held liuti night in thè parlali houae. William’M. Beimi. m«>- or of Westlleld. wiu* Chi* (qm'tiker o t Uie rvenltuf und retreahmenta V 'ri' w-rved to all. - Mr and Mrs fcJmer Cuuell. ol Heutn Street"are \acaitomriR at Lakc Hopat- ionq. . w M rs John SUIT und rauiUv uf r e n i ti Street, urti hiwndlnq a allori unte ut Ham pton - L Tì >ìi&‘ T tu to u c iit -ttìhf i*iiéi)(d»ie fjhX - nanOc both of Brooklyn were pl>u under bonds of $1.000 cue li Monda} on . -a. charge uf-iMwimltnuami^DanapoiL- liiK alleged ukuhul OlQccr A'shtield made the arrest - Miss ltuth Dalv. of Center street, uml M iss M ildred Kuylor* of 1'u.urHi «venue, ure visiting friends 111 Conm'Uluii Mr. aulici Mrs. F. Thoinixson, <»f l,ex------thqton-avenurr'VW ifkendeth-tti.-NewUm, N J ,

• DIED * ; - - Thomas Elmor Dunn Tliomas Elinor Dunn died .suddenly Friduy from tieurulglu of the heart fol* lowing u collapse ut his home on South -Avenue. Mr. D unn, who- -was. in htx th is (ireatHudson . OOUi year, was enTplovt'd by the m a tc h e r F urnace CuintKUiy us forv- man of the mounting room at llte lime The great perform ance that m arks Hudson rjiJiL.UiUie):a,-N _ Y-i. Think of next winter Tacturjng execnUon that also stands atthehead "ar~ He. JiU, Yhe^ndustry: ------'^'~w H r RDbiirTs i\tki Gurnera v r "itnd n BSMÜE daughter. Eleanor M. ' T h e hand-m atching of al) pistons is a detail in this Interm ent won u-t Mannsvillc N Y W en Im U iiif, baying, or rrmodeling your precision m anufacture, that is typical of every hontr think forward into the winter season anti operation in building this greatest of all H udsons. WtUtarn Penn*» Colqny ask yourwlf if ¡war Isaac-w ill be heated always H250 Oo April luNi William Pent» to the degree that make* for comfort and heallk NEW HUDSON PRICES H udson leadership of m ode extends to çveiy. detail and proposed to tits colonlxi* itmf they Devide on a Tkmtrktr BotUr and you will hart „ flMKAOkwib m j ^ -™r — tu qvciy. aecau ana I1BS m anu a nnv Hudjpn mn»»»—.. ^ _ j r • • make their own laws Ills promise to tatidactoiy brat at a low rosL . -I? ? ™ \ n,cw H udson suprem acy, as definite as its m e­ the colonists was: Mon shall 1>e gov» ire The New “EUte” Boiler \ 1129 chanical dominance through the Super-Six principle, erned by laws of your own nuiklug Coech *■.,** U* and its com panion invention w hich set today’s standard and Ihe a free sober and Industrious n. , 127-étckChasM» It u a rrmarkabbr efirìeòt healing plant and Staedanl Sedan • • « » ISM for m otor perform ance. people.** - • CuMom Viclorta < - • • * . unusually besnifal ia desim because of. its Cim on Landau Sedan . • handsome Red Ena awl .Jacket. Its-low cost Custom T-PnMencer fl«1«n •' AJI prtrae f. o k Dura» Evfeiy item of finish, construction and equipm ent ex­ frfucofion in franc«., make* it available for ibe moia modest home. I p u f r r cars sul W k n u presses value as .tangibly as its great chassis^qualities. " Frliuury.educntlon Is compulsory for Sm i (or fn t Bm ì « 6 n y s a , tUrngn tir odiar awry sttiacnWy. /• * ■■nlhalt cnnrf jot Lwwn, : n—(iUna«"»n himrom - C om e and exam ine the new Super-Sixes. T hey vVill iriva * all French children from six to thlr . TUE TUATCUER COMPANY teen; those who do not attend the you an entirely fresh view of tW r ^ u e T • government schools are obliged to - M lftFnaa

T » V . T-}~

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- - , , ' 7 llif l l l l ..



en it w o r t h .....P a g e

IJjJi»WWIIWMIM8Jjg a ilMli9 mWKwaumii

BOROUGH BRIE» BOT SCOUTS HATE OUTING AMERICAN CARS HAVE LARGE , Mr.- and Mrs. Arthur Culbertson, of Troop M, Kenilworth Boy EASE ABROAD Newark avenue, are celebrating the relumed from Comp Kenilworth. Lake ' O v e r s e a s buyers ore finding Ï - t A birth of a baby girl. ' . American motor con»—at even double » Little Miss Ruby.Bqriyiger, of Michi­ Hopotcong. Saturday night Ju^y 2fcK Ö To record the loditridusT aetueew- American pncea—the best values in the gan Avenue^a** been favored in tb' world." ays J. S. Draper, general ex­ movie contest in charge of the N. Y ments uf each Scout would require a special Issue of The Citizen and Chron­ port manager xd the Hudeon Motor Cot American Daily in search of new stars icle. . V •••_ ' : - . Company. >"*• . . to feature in the famous "Our Gang Pictures. Mias Beringer is quite a weli Scout Philip Barrett was awarded a "Despne high ocean freights, ad- known'” UtUe dancer belcttiflng to the prise, . Scour pocketkhir«; for wetwe- •propaganda.'and, prejudices and Elsa Qreenwood troupe. She will be the greatest progress tn swunming/TS* n,vc howulr tariff taws at many paints, given a try-out soon w hkh we hope will Scoutmaster was assisted by. Cox. CS**- •Amesicap built cars are increasingly prove successful. ter Levandu&ky and Surfman ’ Jobe dwatnannig the world markets through Ur. and Mrs. C: A. Kosmutza and PnmmeL of the U. S. y. L. S sewnee sneer unmatched value. - Miss Lily Shallcros* are back from a tn teaching seyetx Scouts to swim and "So rapidly is the foreign field de- two weeks* vacation trip to Cllffwood every boy was instructed in swiokam^ veJopinf th at Hudson-Essex will ac­ Beach. ‘ - • . and life saving methods.. tually ship a greater number of cars etport this )esr than the company OO WIIEHJE ALL la .IN- TUNK WITH NATUItK THE I'OI'UI.AIl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morich. of Home The- Camp., had nume/tKis tlsuoc% JKKHKY I*AKK HtMOUT ANI) AMUHKMKNT CENTER . Avenue, have returned from CUff wpòd built altogether tn 1919. " Although the among these being Mr: and Mrs. Jo* ernes of freight, crating, taxes .and . -, tHii »u«o»y. .1.. ,»Uu )i. »irr. i ° Beach after spending a the Shallcross Mr. and M rs James Ar­ l.tkK HIII'ATCIIMI .11,1 ...... I, ...... li:i guests’of Mr. and ~»rs. Fred Frost. cniocnj charges often exceed the cast !.•••«> I Ithlotd I I l l ' l l ' ' ' thur. Jr.. Knut Geores and his hooor of the finished car in Detroit, the Mr. and Mrs, E. Dettar and daughter, the. mayor, Oswald Nitsehke. ; THIS SUNDAY. *l«s AUU. IJ. !•- 1« ; Mrs. James Weldon, ' bave -returned American-built cor. is still's better buy MAITH t'HIIMX and r*tum ...... , ...... 114# from.a week's raotor trip throtyjh New for quality and price than the motor •• . ■ ■ L#s«a Cranfitril a.ft. AM. eexjdbeta'of mny^other countiy, ;.’. v- — ...... „U.,; . ..THIS AtlSOAV^aUa *P(L-ta,..«t»r^l^, [^9tìySSÌiiJ»£i^^ ! m ¿ m r m \,u k h A xasm i^------hiftrsr^y^ iaui ' Von Ohlerr J r ., . • ’ >■ ' ‘*LSli» Klii*Iwih n i'a A. M. . people will* buy piotor cars today In of the Boulevard, entertained Mr. and . 'tlie Unioii County Plying Club hsid C/afoadixp erafed-/tmemun ra n on (fié wotsr/runl dt Rotterdam, Holland . Aik llikg Anal ar fka»« Crta.firg to» " oieiweas labds to one who could afford Mrs- William Von Òhlen. Sr., at Iun- Us usual circus a t the Kenilworth field - Ait 0«» Miar tar Oa»il«M Ttiaa . this luxury ten yean ago. largely be­ 1921 U by far the greateit motor export yrar ftv r known, - cheon Saturday in honor of their fif­ on Sunday. protected by a temporary cause cd the Amencan efficiency tn NEW JERSEY CENTRAL tieth wedding ennlversary. After lun injunction forbidding Mayor Oswald ttieon the party ’proceeded to Aliene Nitschke and the Kenilworth Realty Saige scale production. - Picture (Virn Form ot Nibornation . to thè home of Mrs. J. KeHy, daughter This expUrl market helps the Corporation , from ^reatragUTur... them -^IM Uurpa¿at>owld,J^¿JiunR._t>yr.twn. Tlif word hlhiTOHlr i «rrh*» tint Id»» ? ut1 the 1 couple.vyhere- a- surphae-goidetv _ iwjwr:Tcn',!bi« TgaffM'jv6mwir wfi^a JisiigtBg .gertjralii.. from i" n r^ im ^ r'^ ‘tni.vtrn rr.ri^vir,yTPtf^rfiHyir' rTrweddh^belcbatiim^na^h^c^ld& thraz; jstakawA | >ownbie^ioweT, ;prtcoi'ftg^'him i V ? J “TSS1 ■tdv~ eSfëa. VYriVnguOi f ' H^gtGg if**r'* Wsfrf-' Guests, from Roselle Park, Kenilworth. Vi ' ce Chancellor Jam es F. FirUJer axid Oocuader what quality features a car tracts from the plriure i*i«!a mu! 'jndiTgi' n jierlod of Cranford and Elizabeth were- present. is the result of several arrests made'by oke Essex has today. A balanced Super­ lnr|Mtr dtirlng tin* h«|i. dry . »»Mon Tlie Bluebird plane, owned by John chassis BoBocnv tires large enough K.enilworth police on complaints of low Aufontobilr Not9 When f«H*d la m-itm* imd rcmdsllon Is Sballerò». was in operation Sunday at flying and stunting over the heads of for a car BOO pounds heavier. A silent faking s rvat Thla la known sa t*sll the aviation Held« It has been success­ spectators gathered below. Vice Chan rugged steel body. Four wheel self- II Jot-siii iui|> mif. u in tell di> vaflon. ■" ' . ündHIS BAN Oof44 fully repaired after the accident of a cellor Fielder ordered the major and w rgtnng. brakes. Complete car equlp- nur»« you limi Hi»* rlyhi uf way.- '!.’ 'few weeks ago and was carrying pass­ others to appear on August Sth to Colorful lacquer finishes.. , Itlntle ' t"— — - jump was also featured at about 6;JO. permanent » . - f leads all American‘cars in sale». Hud- ' ■ iurulmfors wi r»*- Hrsi -used In . Ku icBmikJuiy30ui lln* t'hlnsMBiid 4 CONCERTS / 4 3 ST. \ NO E X T R A will moat probably be of short duration i American cars exported. and' today • Psrkwps tbv |»blh»iH*pky of b«ppl • Egyptlmi« iirHiiliiMl nrllltcJal Incuba as the lease • expires shortly and it is HELP WANTED -Fem ale-N eat white command *a position of leadership.** nsss mlghl bs. pul is on« vordi Mod i (Inn over '¿nun >vttra ago They oaed DAILY lIRVINGTONA ADMISSION doubtful if it will be renewed. girl for" general housework. Good «■ratlsa. . - • , . 1 1 I urge cgu iivim* of hriok ■ Mr. and Mrs. Kosmutza and family salary to right party- . Phone Ctan-s fTidwittw in TVs CUlaao and Obran- have relum ed from a two weeks vaca ford 724. Mrs. R, A. Milter. . a^spenU a£TJEff« p M 3 c » c ^ twi,^>; The. .many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Morrison De Armond will be 'deeply grieved to hear of the death of their tnfant son. Frank, on Sunday morning , at the Elizabeth. Cenerai HoepUaL # Mrs. D. Robertson, of the Boulevard, j. haa. returned irom ;« -week’s. stay, at : As« Housework is Performed in Comfort _bury„Pkfk where she was Joined by her husband ,on Friday. .... Mrs.- A. - Pettit* accqmpanicd by-;h^r For the Time of Day sisters. Miss Daisy and Lou Richardson-, When Elec tricity Does theTWork of 22nd street, will leave for a vacation • • 3 I• I • : • • ■ • • * " '• ‘ I .'I •' at Aabury Park on the 18th of August. I— Klppman; nf Jersey. City, .... —orN ight— _ jrieatlta» jml vb*. kussj ‘■Sit iiíK ÜDit of • Mrs.“ WmT Schubert on "the Boule­ The:Thr»fty^öm e-m ^^ vard. * . . T HOR Mr. Jos. Shallcross, president of the Gall“Time Bureau” Buys New Lamps NOW! Tri-Borough Lions Club, has offered a prize to jtlie first member who will L aundry learn . the • Lions Code through.- All A Convenient Service E quipm ent members are busily competing.- w Tlic-Kcnilwurth-Troupe-t)L.ilte.:Boy: __at a Nominai Fee .. _ r-Ri'iltUXS ----- ~Scouts"Tcft”fór their7summer camp loaf Saturday night under the - care of Lubor of Scoutmaster Worden Ebbets, of Newark avenue. . / . i W ashing NEW TELEPHONE CABLE TO BE . u n ti. LAID IN TUNNEL ■Arrangements for another main ur E v e r since the telephone was Ironing tery of 'telephone communication be­ PL tween New Jersey and New York have young, our Central Office operators . "I he new Ihnr Agitator insvvtM .the demand for a been completed by the New Jersey Bell imalL.sued..washer ..Il.js . luidpartly .built .and .can.. Telephone Company. Work on the in- have furnished the time of day fake tare of a hig washing. No ffktioii iH uaed, ah _• slallation of a new cable in one of the vliKMM.nt on'all l.iinj>f i» clit-i tjy^. nrw. arid . whenever you have asked for it. though each article is washed thoroughly. Hulky • ,y.9l^sL,tte the ia r sijjlifcJ -hunir thükur seli-. ts i'w l.ii 'p . ^ ic \m U 'tunnelis-expected tb^ s tart’in.-Septem­ •hlauktM tome Iih M) tlie JJmr AgUUnr as wtJJ yJiaued ■ Ntaid tu Iic fj/le fu in ^ ii Ju r inon s jji llu* ji..u m u 41 • ber, according to Mr. Span*' manager But the telephone busing has a« I lie-fine si Ik a and-Uce«-. 1 Jim -machine ha»-a -avcII a.i Ivitnpt für »ummer um m iii • for the company. . grown in .size and_cpmp|exity. here_ smooth Iiuto Lniili from winch dirtm arks are easilj -^~Thtsr-cables will—be*-approximately- removed. • . ’ three Inches in diameter and-will con*; as elsewhere. Furnishing the time - Our itoclt u k IuJ i -» Ouor am ! i .iMc i tnp% lo r t h e - tain 1,800 wires. It will suppletneoMa- most form al of rouiiii .is w ell ¿1 . mil iiJii.iliitU’ tyjv» Cash price .1» * 1 0 5 cllitles In the Hudsdn and Manhattan has placed an increasing burden with pottery lusts and p.m hnirit >nad>«,/itln-li lui*. Railroad tubes. n>ontjc.well: will»-th«*p«»rch'fvrnitiirc~T:"JfTiT-^ca5rvrir— . Between the Jersey metropolitan ar-_ upon our .operators. . O n term, Jl 10 ea a n d . New ..York. C ity, all .»telephone conversations pass over c*tole»cOnnec- In order that regular telephone . Every lamp in »lock is reduced 25% ;; tiona lpstaUpdrln the .waUs^pf thejHud-' _ __ r - . V '- • son and Manhattan Railroad tubes, the serviceinay notsiiffer^ itis necessary Pennsylvania Railroad tubes between Pennsylvania Station and Thirty-third to discontinue the practice‘of fur» T H O R Electric Iraner ; street and Seventh avenue and the Jer­ sey opening a t Weehawken? and the nishing time through the switch­ docA a Jug ironing m an lujtjr or two. As it work» Holland' vehicular tunnel. The sole board operators, effective August 1. Prepare Simple Meals tm any eleunc outlet andzrolls easily, it can he taken telephone cable connection now -in op­ tu t«j any room or moved out to the porch ... a feature eration in. the Holland tunnel is a long On the Electric Qrill the housekeeper appreciates on hot days. She -ha» distance cable connecting New York ■ For those who desire a “Time of only tiMil before the machine and guide each article with Reading and points south and Day” service by telephone, we have The electric Krill cin pl.yan impurt-int part when' through. • . ■ west containing GOO wires. prepanng meals on hot summer il.iy. All kirtds'of The ironer given a fine finish to According to figures furnished by Mr. established a “TIME BUREAU,” delightful duhet can he cooked im it at the dining - Efean.-more* than* 91,000-telephone calls r - ' ' - materiali and presses -entirely.,apart- from -regular^tele- - room-‘tablerOT"it -ma)r he Carried oiii to tin?' jaireh i f l R ; .... . ;...... r____.alLJu/jdi :of. difficult "m in tió “rii»ï)kTh^,',d^iIérTh'ci'é' ''lT}riris Tfietî^Iy“ tô(p,,J"J^r' 1 ■¿3SSSSss; tWirC’lTO'tilditi«-!; Including points on Long Island and In pheme’ 'service ‘and equipped- to -fur^* * veñioír whé7f íneaJi - » í r o - a .- featu re rnaies il »pe» Westchester County, on on average day' nish the tim e whenever you desire it c u lly adapted tu through the Hudson and Manhattan m ull home, or apart* Railroad and the Pennsylvania Rail­ m enta “ J road sub-Hudson River tunnels daily: A charge of five cents w ill be made for each time the service of the Cash Price Is Si75 f r e e o f thm O i m f . TIME BUREAU is used. . The forestry service says that the r / - O n T erm s Joshua tree Is a desert tree which grows Id California, Arisons and New $181.10 Mexico. It has light, spongy wood and la used for bozos and wrapping matei For Your Convenience—- rlsL ‘ Call “Time Bureau” Easy payment, terms on Thür electric i.' Nation Land Remembered washer or ironer—^(5 down, eighteen In til tbs trials and vicissitudes of I k gtiU illn u m ed sella for ^ÌZOO cuti months to pay the h«l«~~ life, and ifhen age longs for a resting place« oar thoughts .wander back to oar native land where, tbs star of-par first lovei has shed Its beams—James VUIs -

... ¿ title of Everything C o m p a n y . In tbs making of-a telephone ra. ceiver there are employed aluminum. ' Mfk, copper; robber« flax, nickel, mica* shellac, lead,; cotton, silver. Iron, wool,,

m em SI i-íS i

a«sa aæBttggE A.,..';! ÍK T i « * ’"r'l »p'V I' . .^V- ■ ^ +F ‘ |- -«re Eflp—»as -¡rep-*, J-, j’ a r t IT ; * ■ - ^ X \ *1 - V5, » • e ■> . 3 ' ' . , _’ 1/ <^ ’Vi s j f ' 'O'.,*''' y,: ¡ ^ f ~ X î ^ , J-- fi? ' V

. --;■ - - ' r


Array on Joyous Qiiesf of tf\e United States JL... darrvf^rtttrTniM tafaw. Many Lovers of Out-of­ •^• Statate tfesouncea A nalyzed By Gasses tff Assefe Doors to Secluded Spots. ■ ï § É- y » . . :fi ¿ - p y / S e ^ M , r n UMMER pedestrian campers •re, now in (be full swing of S r ---- .«•« * ■■ .. . * ’» ^ P ' • » ' • ' 1 p -" ^ 1 | ■ . their annual pilgrimages of m ecstasy to lb« hekrt.tif Mother Na­ e ft! ture. • • - ' f . \ , ' ■ ■ r ■PLANNING ■ ' ../.;• _ A PICNIC?' ■'.'■* f Clad In out-of-doors Apparel, with . . camper»' axe at- belt; -match«« 4n ^ t No need to spend hours over a hot stove preparing waterproof casing, or bandy pocket tilings for a picnic. We have will lighter available, the real camper swings along the green trails, f '■ ' need, all ready to serve, and the total cost plants his tent In woods, copse,, or •* -V- ELECTRIC* L “ is little if any more-than if you open plain, by gurgllng4streams or INDUSTRIES abreast the pine-fringed “summits /¿TC&cd/TcSfl gv f /Pyx . prepared them yourself. . of friendly mountains, far from the MpAntp&brTAt roads where the motoring crowds rush* by. Keeneyed,. sure-footed, be pften knowe every foot of the 3/s terrsln he traverses, for be has J. F. DOREMUS followed for years the country he they will consult with experienced ALU . ■■■■,. GROCER Is now In. However, to many; this campers, znAiry potential adversities FARM O T H E R w e a l t h will be spared them. ■ . • MACHtrsERY, UYÊ STÖC* ' $ 132, öüCVPOO r Phone 239 Eastman St. and North Ave; * Reside» nn nxti^and-matches, the' «CHOR» ON hand $<32.060,000 * *• • n 1H * - fm^aG«s^jT^w?-innTnwffP of course,-a flashlight. - a hand flasiiUKbt Is Imlispeusabl^ to tbe outof-doorH Jourih‘y«*r. / Such a The tfwUvUaaJ rw p e n tt of New Jersey people is Indicated by statlMlca showing that half light will suvo'inany u.stumblu and v i the Soli's total wealth Is In homes, lands and bullJlngs used In industry. -The State*« John W. Heins & Son often Its biMiip will' uncover for­ total wealth is in excess of $ 1^ 000,000.000. \ , ’ " - bidding or trt*ot-hiifuuH depressions 1 ^ 7Tf»iw?irtr5ifon^Tir»4 Vh^'botmdiVSs » * of the vnst'jiiTny of summer bikers Is best r*fA\\i(n\ by. the visitor lo Jersey by its provision of Electric, Gas and such eitlen us New^Vork or Sa» F»Äfcf^c(). From tlnW cities*dally ^ . -Transit Facilities. CRANFORD MOTOB VEHICLE BUREAU It whole companTes of young nnd nilddbt a«»*«! men and women, nl .North Ato. (oe^.Sietloa) .crossing the buys on the Market . f'lh e HMXrss of Public Service and development o f New Jersey are bouhd together," ftjBMKSg Oitmfsrd ------we«!» rn citycïïy and the Dytkin.m ami Fo,rt I.e« fer ries of Muuhnttan With the joy of untlrlpatlon In thrir hearts and ♦ooooSo»»»»»< tho light of (.oinjuiHt In tlu lr eyes, they sally forth Hjeklng r» lease season wilt be tho first lime they from tlty cates In the freedom . vt of PVBLI CO® SERVICE­ t~jkjyî==PJl< hud iCnnip_^-J!ha_Jatigf. -tho jipon road _jmd. tiisd eep »let* ISO­ GOOD DENTISTRY ggyraäjc^gi'iiiuyi —«annol bo valued In dollars and cents

Our Dentistry Is OOOD, . _ P a irile M ^ Our Dentistry Is Painless Extractions -A r *»■»■»■> ftwM/wHEw Painless Extraction Dr. Mallaa* "Bwast-AIF* _____ Our_i>rJrps &rc > 1OUJS RA'i £LuilU_w UlUii_ MX_tlie_1AIir_Mçthod__ ia*an' g »«f»« Ufle aaS psIaIms way ta■ ; I j reach of the ordinary wage eumer. Free Examination wkleb to da eitractlsg. Thottsaiida mb tasttfy ta 7 CHEVROLET thla Chart«« moderate fw all dmtat work. 1 I I - I - 1 DR. SCHWARTZ •Filling»ïB*'Kfï*»’»m f“' H R («ll‘8T ; ELlZARETlt,N.J, t ------> r“fâS^TnfiFta-M oiV r S A. M.— 0 I*. M. M on, Wed and K it Ull S,P. M Painless X-RAY YOUR TEETH Fred Examination and I s«1- Choice of the Telephone50S -----Advfee-Anytimeu- T.

/ See Me First!

Standard Lumber & Supply Co. v What I Have I Everlasting lied Cedar, for Fence Posts, tiarden Purnlturs, to Offer I drape Arbors, etc , also Chestnut Posts and Clear White our voli appo la tod and „thoroughly n o te| s oOew « «b it us to perform Pine Pull Slxc Window unil door Screens wired with 10 Inch Mesh UroiUc Wire any kind of doe tal work wttb oaao aad confort to tho patient sad a t , tho santo Una do U as quickly aa Cor. High and Chestnut Streets Cranford, N. J, .la eoaslstoat with food work. Dr. M[alla8 72 Broad .S t„ __ NE A. KJELDSEN ELIZABETH » A. M .-I P. M. Manda,. Wed. u d FrL till 8 P. ,M. Painter and Decorator ' TBLBPIIUNB Ut M PALNTH ' VAKNIÜHJCt* ROBERT THEISZ , ' ~S5 NORTH AVENUE. EAST. CRANFORD . PHONE 1023-V|r ' Call Emersoti 0320 or Epierson 9940 . Carpenter and Builder O v e r 7/ 5 0 ,0 0 0 Bigger and B etter ~itsìiN^B*oiipiLr-Ammite'-Te- / Residence and OIDcc^SCO Weal Orond HL* KL1ZAHKTU, N. J, Chevty>letsdeliveredsinceJari:lst! t huo v I Hollywood A O , ORANFORO Arrhlm fd brSuipdi«J,n#tiw»».»A. - • 1 P>°*< luxnriou* iow ^rierd a r . thA t h e McCa r t e r s c h o o l y jn d Better Cherrokt hu enjoyed „.ch trcmmaSw / jniL .oce on the part of boyen that today It «aado* ' ' ...... CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY / ant choice of the nation for 19281 Jacobsen & Persson ■ 1 ai-uooL ro i u t t l i, childkin 0,^750,000 newCiMvrolcti deUnend to oWnen Rlads^arton, Itrat, Bsooad, Third aad IWurth «nee January Im l The larEeot number of mutomobUca w d * la year by any oinglemanotctureri Never hi» ROOFING TeteolMM UM any Chevrolet enyoved suchoverwhebnlng pablic eo. _■ — ,»»«»»«< Painter and Dacorator -­ . J, T. LOWERY Lour experleoee anil earetol work Plumbing and Heating Contractor . . . eaittieo o a tM u to ry aenrleoi EstlmatM Ch.MtuIly Olv.n. M blif Promptly Attoadod to. t«L U « Oiutord - p 121 NORTH AVEM1JE, EAST Taltphoa« Oanford. 9S1 ’ Removal of War Tax Lowers! Delivered Prices Llacola Atoboo. * OXANFOKD WmOOOtWiMMOOt W tW H »»»to 000 H^lOK-OOM-TJtAOTOHI-X -FEL1CE..E.DI -FAB1Q- jM j^yJiuto Supply andLSexvkeXo..Rahwfly.N i. M khad-Difabiô^ôtÎir ~~a nrrBuia >Mpr SI HOMMXHrStoMd^t H iiiiL u lS r - -OoutrueUoB~of; ellH B aa ^ Ertlmttoo 'SUdlyrfataUheS." ' Owner and-Budder ' . ■ u BtoUtaa Btnsi. ‘ ' (Naatord SIA Ha^ao ltu. Workmom lilp and Matorlali QUaroatoOd. ■ Home* BWn to (M tr CRANFORD. N. J. _ MICHAEL ni FABIO * BBOÏHIH - . - 10T Uaoola Ave. Onmlord, 1 ,1 , Telephone Cranford 109S ; : ■ SIS Bnraildo Avaaea, OHAMTORD iiiitm wl^. e«a >. A-.a.' o r p. t Q U A ¿1 T Y _ C* v J A-T- L O W COST '■-'U "K. 1^ f OT* Æ É 1* i

¡¡g * .4 ' 111


THE CRANFORD CITIZEN A ft) CHKC THURSDAY. AUGUST £ ’ 1928 55 e= ounroiD -iott oo t o - - - -tB Sjnçiifw ii w ill M y r w J T . w n r w - —* " " - - - .^•í.rai„^™^»«=™»-1-*»OANOi>íAV<^r““'—-~rvtarprK.aivroiai’rrTATrf' "jn pHHiU5HTPWxik Four hundred wlected Amencmn I*rv-l ■ /K V m m ued frem ,m ,r t . «Continued frum svee 1- News of the Weéi paratory Schau uiya have toen mvtuvi \tix\q t tier Euembrnhip sud s the V- S Seriate and Senaun Morgan 1« rWiiwlk . N f i f ifi*tx <*is alW nn sn rr ■ h t* piîhln- " nfiu T“TSfwT‘w,nr'tsnîieTr‘ wtrh -s~~Ujgr and Swedish hornea. Thaos InvItaUons^ Bevml Udiffs w n present and offemi nuihber of other men uf equal import­ In and About\Town were extended, through the national various suntsU om lo( ihr best miài ance to the party; V W (^ipcutt, Mrs Women i Clubs and local town conyau aiterw i vi* snd Willis WUd are amotxg the Hepub JC &'£3KU«*U iOUndTV* Japanese T' / F U R IL T P E B S O W A l tubas -. could , hold bridge ■ partie» and Kean leaders who »re seemr (hat tie* I beetles on Sfiln street, last week, and Chester Lansing, of South Union ave friendship between the bon/d( the four (e»s in the rouma and biyld up Die ehi m tt distributed Am one of I k it them with Treasurer C. W. BurU* nue. is on a business trip to countries. The party left New York on membership among tlie l&ffies in (hu or any member of the general cortiroi1 [in the Township Rooms’ These were M l» Elsie Orf. of Retford avenhe is July 28th. and will return on Septan manner. . e tee or - ufficent of the Club aiU ■ the first Japanese beetles found in spending her vacation at Greenwo ber 23rd. It is undp^ the charge and Reports were recem d from i»rtou.a re«;rvationa for attendaixtA. The In ■ Cranford. - Lake. direction of Dr. Sveh V. Knudsen. with district^1 m to the aentxmrni concern- vital ion Is l>perv to all Kepubltcans , Mrs. Andrew, a . McFadden, of Miln ■fifteen assistants, including a medical ini' the nalionai and local Ucket. It ahether they belong to the Club or not Integrity Council. No. 163. Sons and street, spent the weekend visiting with staff; and Apierkan activities U) the «as evident that, a great deal of work siid-.-lC. -U-hopf^j that a large number IDaughters of Liberty, will hold but one her sister. Mrs. W. o. Anderson, of way o f athletics. music, debating, red- is being done and will be done by the latlonsVAiid talks., will be presented local Republicans to see that the en­ M *lhe newer resident./, will em brace I meeting during the month of August. New York. this opponunity to beirane Ak'quamted abroad. The voyage will take twelve tire ticket is fully supported. A mo­ K that being on Thursday evening next. Mr. and Mrs: J. F. Olsen, of South atth local ixilimai condmons Wed* (August 9th.- - -This meeting th e mem« Union Avejnue, will return Sunday from days,, and y*lr port on the other side tion was made to send out a general Will be.Oslo, the capital of Norway. letter to all rnidenu calling attention lU'sclaV aft«kttuAm. August 13Th. at four Ibqrs are urged to attend. • a two weeks motor trip through New n clock tlie reol acjtvifies will begin York and Canada. Four CranforoNtoys are now on the to the ticket in the field aiui-glving im­ rolling .waves, as members of tills party A line shore dinner wi,U be nerved and The Epftonh League of the First M Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Qoertx. of South portant Information regarding the These are Harrison ^Ruter. son of Mr. qualifications Tor votuig. date of reg­ tarlous amuMMneritx pioudiM by the |E Church will holA a peach festival. Orange, visited friends in Cranford last com m itter will i>e i*njwn»; wj tlw .W p ord?niXave bceh gl\cn Ui acw,Uua.U ut Dwer**fi**nlt* n_ot o.niyr_ among.üie__- ruant--- general?),!lr„- «TOT W TSaOTTTpe^rTRTtlK» re-¡ , olw hu. ~K«n«a cita the home of Mr. arulM fa A. Gf. Mc­ (you during thè . vacation period.- No of.V« the four dllTerenlillHaMni Atuinfrloacountries hiltbut mi«,,aUo rianllvcrntly Pw.Hr/Arr-drewsits If* III-.lula-*by-laws „mand l con.'iti-j ^{lf_ . . v ' Fadden. of 100 MUn street. . [cost. Just send In change of address of the widely spark led porllorik of the tutlon and It lsN(ell essential that ev ' Mrs. Frances Robinson Farmer, of ■ when you go, and when you get back. United Btatea cry member bi*. informed ».s to (heir Rochester. N. Y.. spent the week-end contents. with Mrs. M. O. Vandemark and family President Barrett' wbe in the chair Messrs. C. C. iseli, John W. Hems. at 98 Centennial .Avenue, EXTRA CIOOU ATTRACTIONS (Oeorge A. Luts and. D. C< N. Collins ^jaiLJLUt'.tickc. a iu llty mid yarlety.Uic and nude ^¿Innigjtlj.’u idr. the gieulesi * Jl-RuJ^Tfiland.,dc^6ftih.hai'£. tus. 79^* VT^TT»- aliov for Friday and Saturday Jriilh* -vSf iB sturday Tnommg'had'some good bttre- til the $txxi hr th e 1? » ^ if? ^cirrew d KíicWí?4 " weeks visit with Mrs. Oeorge Lawrence New Cranford can hardly be matched. ■ fishing out. on thé ‘‘ftîdge. They got the thomht that while the I>uhocruts •;VKNi>l Mrs: Oeorge Lawrence and son leave Be be Daniel, os a hall bad and hall are making a lot of noun* ihutH^icy I home Saturday evening with about 60 good girl In -‘The Flfty-FIlty Olrl." U today for a weeks visit at Budd Lake. have to In order to make up for ■very fine fish and lire pleasant memory Mrs. E. A. Hamilton and family of 15 as usual funny as they cutne. The co­ W cdiietday— Thuraday- -Twq Fealurr* lo f a very good time. ■ ^ * lack of numbera. fie called utlcnlioi^ Burchfield Avenue, are at Stontngton feature stars Fred Thomson and his to the fact th a t th e campuign will Conn, for the summer. horse "Silver ’ III a last moving and probably start out Under full head of On Tuesday of this week a young Mrs. W. R. Uatchclder. of Holly IhrUI filled drama of the West called aBqraftcjstaKKUNWRmeMfemvKBBsacLOUISE MYRNA Keansbuxg, • was overcome with cramps ular meeting will be held curly enough FAZENDA ~~ LOY where she will spend the month of feature called -Kings of the Ring m the month to make it possible *o (and sank to the bottom in 15 feet of showing the high lights of Uie famous August. > \ hold several Kpectal meetings during IN - (water. After considerable difficulty his big fights 111 ring history Is one that ■body was brought to the surface {ind Dr. F. L, Foster and family left yes­ the campaign. He stated that » num­ SvUive dulntv but . terday for on extended tyip through will please all kinds, male and female, ber of prominent speakers would visit W l,,lneitetidve "night-l |Dr. C. W. Macconnell, of Keonsburg. among the light enthusiasts. The News ■ was sent for. and worked for about 15 the South, and wtll spend considerable Cranford .and* Uiat the campaign coin- I lea ' that make It pos- time at Virginia .Beach. completes tile bill.. mittee..was going to make arrange- |-füble- t«»r th r'h ttle girl I Tillies Punctured “The Girl From ■minutes, finally- bringing the man back Saturday. Matinee_lor the Kiddles J to eomehmsneM. - Dnj. .’Mr. and- Mrs. Charles. M axfleld.of IW!-W?^«mWflW*»SP'‘l4ll Republlcan speakers •* would be assured every night WHÍk) I be remembered by many ox the older Which, will be held after the regular tended stay at their cottage in Mana- of good audiences. The locul Club Is heavy dntlu im 1 residents of Cranford, he having prac- performance. Only "muts" are allowed Itlced here a good many years. squan. . • : x v very active and the attendance last (Hireiital |aK'kr(U«)k Mr. Chas. H. Milton, of Brooklyn, to enter In this show, and any dog night was a good Indication uf the spir­ that has a pedigree will not be allowed "kvttythlna >for A Silver Tpa under the auspices of formerly a - resident; of Cranford, an­ it that- exists among . .Ha...members. . the KidÁiéiT nounces the marriage of-hisJiiughter, td eompete for prises,— This promises There U no doubt as to the solidarity I the Parish* Ctrcle; Trinity Church.--will to bC funny. / : - K be given at the Parish House oh Tues- Florence Marie, to Mr. Millard F. Ernst, of. the local RepubUean.-Mrnnment. in also of Brooklyn, on July4 24, 1928. at Monday and Tuesday/- attraction Is Cranford was m ade very plain hud THE KIDDIE SHOP Water In Your Cellar [day, August 14th, between 3 and 6 ode whlch has been eageriy,awalted 4 Eastman SL . jo clock The hostess of the afternoon the church of the Transfiguration (the night , ~ Dolores. Del lUo, newest and, o s some Cranford, N J — 6] ------Investigate Oi^ir New------, IIs Mrs Chos Littell. assisted by Mrs xitrte'Chunqh Around the-Com err.'- - say, greatest staN(n fUnis, star. In the __ Phone ¿10* ¿I I Geo Mlllett, Mrs Chas Slmmpi Mrs Mr and Mrs T. E Van Sickle. Earl REFUHE APARTMENT plcturtzatlon of theFlclen flint Jock- I IIOU8E PERMIT Electric Cellar Drainer IF W Finch, Mrs Irving Lay. Mrs Carl and Charles Van Sickle are staying at Hamilton Cottage in Ocean Orove. N J son novel. ' Ramona. "^-Mlss Del Rio In tContinued tram page 1> “ r' ’ ¡Hoe. Mrs Jas Parkins, Miss Irene Miss Marie Lawrence of this town* this has accomplished the most suc­ Syckel, Mrs Stanley and Mrs Me- AUTOM POSITIVE ECONOMICAL kWemple and Miss Vera Merriam. As cessful role she has yet been seen^ln iMyaiattto.^tqrmkf'jmctOf bTTrfmtyj ^lipJsjXta-yuig^i^pamp^ Ungampre-io -Orkyur apokw^a^fains4•^he-ctqmye■=^Mr^, MaiyUmd-.../. X^EeatdriuFIoye w Book—«* * Kriowiaff»sustM-MiMspnsseiHed:.*be»-Va ■ James G Beggs an d family of Ret picturc’TniprbvVd'' ‘upofir^'-A'"' CTiarlTc I. A with 300 members, all agalnnt ¡th a t date, this will afford an opportun­ ford qyenuc, 'are touring South Jersey Chose comedy, 'The Way of AH Pants.” apartment housed In Cranford In any n ÿ & W î d á s e c k " ahd the News complete the bill. I ity for any of the old friends to drop this week They will make a short location The ehtef argument ngnlnst uufMora lu John Doyle Wednesday and Thursday of nest Dr. i. B,. Engle I In and see them All are cordially in- stay at Atlantic City. PHONE 44 ‘ 7 N UNION AVE. UUANPOIU) week olTern a dauble feature bill of real the apartment house was that owners i Ivlted. Mr and Mrs Oeorge II Bal merit Louise Fazenda In "Tlftle> had bought property expecting U to turned Tuesday from a stay/at the remain hlglkclass residential pro(>rrtv J VETERINARIAN Harvey N. Ftske ha£ been Informed Punctured Romance' Is a riot of mirth Adirondack League Club. Middle Moose The co-feature star» -Myrila Loy In As one man put it, he had moved from! - “ TeLU-J .. - (by^thf-^Secretary of Princ-eton Univer- Lake. N ...... y* ^ the city*« get ri^bf-apartittem housei J. ? THE PLACE (slty that the record of Richard Hanna The tilrl Prom Chicago' ’ Mrs George Lawrence/' 121 Retford and now did not care to have them 3« BOULEVARD HUM1QT, N. J. h a y a s h f :J ” fÒ CETA If or his Junior year was very sails- Avenue, entertained The 'Seminole Club thrust upon him DOLL SHOW AND QUOITS CON I factory, and Mr, Flske lias accordingly yesterday afternoon^" After all had spoken Vho desired l TEST FRIDAY (awarded the Captain Newell R. Flske Thomas Kerwin, of Providence, R. I., the Board voted unanimously to reiusei G O O D D ÏPÍNER ■scholarship to Mr. Hanna lor his Sen- is spending the week with his uncle. The doll show for girls and the quoit old rvooaa MAoi to look .umc ncw (he application. The appllcaUo|i of I . . HpecUl Dinlog Hama for lain rartlsa lior year ending June. 1929. Mr. Flske Bernard Doylcy^r,. of Centennial Ave. tournament lor boys will be held on ihe Union avenue playground Friday St. Michael's Parish for approval's*! I ^ ■also says th at this scholarship will be Mr. and Mrs. Evcrard Keinpshall, of I*arochlal School plans also was n ' \ V l i l i 5 s (open for the term beginning In the Orchard »(reel, are entertaining Mr. at I p. m. In the doU show the girls Paterson FRANK M. HAYASHh. are dressing the dolls with crepe paper, fused. This m atter was up some weeks Ipall of 1929, for a graduate from the Kcmp&haUs sister. Mrs. Edgar H. Pin- ago and sertous objection was offered l''f.O Q R I.AYINc; .SCR AIM NG Tslspboa# U1 [Cranford High School. The winner of neo and her son Evcrard, of Elizabeth, which is furnished on the playgrounds, the prizes will be awarded to the best by. neighbors In th at the set back on sfccM try I this scholarship is .a.$10,000 at their- Summer -placo-at-Bay.Head, Mlln street Vvas hot sufficient. No other - -fi Mila ML a l Nartli Ava...... 4 .....CttANKORII, N. J. • ■scholarship during the regular four N; J. dressed dolls.' - - The winners In lost- week’s Jacks plans had been submitted os had been . Wc riniti» i|ic floors complete (year college course, provided however, Paul Gmeiizi and his son Alexander, suggested at the previous meeting, satisfies the University. as to his of Norman‘Place, will sail.on.Saturday toumaiiient were; Dorothy Lanza, first, TMepljone Trinity 1721 Grace HsgersLrom.: second; ■ Mary TVn: ofqth ' * 1 III U V -3 ling- and conduct:covertn£--schotarr Tor Lh?eipool~to-be "ftbsent-six- weeks pna "touT-orEnglIsn_cathedraltowns7- nesz, -third, - The-boys-m um bly-peg 720 Jackson Aie. «¿Rí^tíCTlt »^J- ■ships. ‘ ' T “ — ~~ • ■ ••______: ■ n . ’ Mrs- W. W. Johnston, pf Retford ave­ victors were; Sidney Chester, first, Region» of the tronwood Anton Tlnnesz, second; Uandalf An­ À Lot for a LHtle AT BROAD ST. THEATRÉ nue. leaves next Sunday for Tybee . Tlie IroQwood tree grows from the Island at Savannah, Oa. She will also drews,-third. ' ‘ ! Canadian line south to Florida, west A double event-of importance In the The tether ball tournament (or girls I theatrical world will take place- Mon- visit Atlanta, and the Tennessee moun­ to South Dakota, Nebraska aud Kan­ ALEXANDER BLAIR S. 6 AND"7 ROOW HOMES ...... tains before returning here In October. and boys will be held next week. usa This tree la from fi0-to_00 feet l day evening._August_0üu at . the Broad .The exhibit and sale-ul the reed and ------,^.-JltSL,AÌI^S01Ì.'C^t<--,-1-— ¡Street Theatre" Newark, when Oeofgle ■ Mrs/A. V tn&rke and Tier sohrAnan; hlffc,~abd bears V otrfow.liuceniiisped j/., of Retford avenue, will go to Sche­ paper craft will be held the last week lealf with scalloped edge. . . I Price, the former vaudeville and mu* In August. , • BUSINESS REALTY CO. Ideal comedy star makes his legitimate nectady, .N. Y . on Sunday, to spend CIVIL ENGINEER I gtage: debut, in. ^The . Song ...Writer,; -, a sopie tfpic wjth friends and relatives. JL-AND^UR.VEYQR^- ... DIED - ,^ 3 r!WtlniU-Aymue., »CrnnfonL N.-J. p ra y ^ 6 y crane "W ilbur,' w hich" come« T:iT O z^^treT i^:i -na^TreaROTrt^ftff: PHONE ONE TWO There for the entire week. Incidentally M- Yeakel of. the Cranford Trust Co., Saznnd Cobb . - . Cranford 1237 Samuel Cobb, one of the drat mem­ •- Phones | t i t is the opening attraction of the new. returned today from an auto-trip to Sailing For Europe? Westfield 24M bers of Cranford paid Fire Deportment [season at the Broad Street playhouse; Lake Champlain, where they visited of which he was a. member for eleven WE DELIVER FLOWERS OR FRUIT Itoom 3 F. O. Bldg, CRANFORD [ The importance of the occasion will Rev O C Hopper, who Is vacationing .there,. ■ -. . ■ ■ ■. ■ ■. - ■ . . years until his retirement by reason of [ be the starring debut of Gcorgie Price falling health last Winter, died at his TO ANY STEAMER, ANY TIME . Prompt land the initial production venture of home, 104 Walnut avenue, early Mon­ | Alexander Yokel, a former executive Trmatmmnt for Sick Fi»h day morning. Mr. Cobb was bom In Philip B. Keith Personal # i of the Sam H. Harris office. The bureau of fUhertes tayi that If the Portland. Me. 59 yean age and had CrocketV Floral Shoppe "The Song Writer" Is Price’s first been a resident of Cranford 21 years, Undvape ( ontrmrtor taiH of goldfish ara fringed or frayed Ido Unto« Avenue. N. CRANFORD Service ! ; starring venture In the legitimate field. ouL'thia la caused b j a fungus growth, coming here from Providence. He was, 22 CKNTKAL AVENUE . » i ...... t A. 4 »JA AAA All An excellent cast surrounds Mr. Price Telephone 832 AndJt.lajidvlsablf to_glve Umbi a salt until his retirement, driver of . the (Tsnd '^ iflt"p ^ g 'a n~Tmportaht'Tmrt:Trr Cruet~ln_.-lhe_-Qld_day a.,-When., horses JW'BfeSM JW j S ______CAPITAL etrttl SURPLUS imaufteaafflHj., .^re.-;W iiIJ^53n«tJ|Ee3egaztment. Was-'mCrtortzedr—H e-vras-K cretary-of •hould^be done two^or three Umaa a ■Solditri? Memorial» week, according to the aerlouioeaa of the Firemen's Mutual Benefit Associa­ the case. The folutfoo can be,amade tion. Mr, Cobb had been confined to n ited tat o r tg a g e a n d .. Underuuucr actaa ofox congress,coogress, Marchaiarcu. .8, ^ ■ . . \ r , ni*», i- the house- lor two weeks, but .death FOR QUICK SALÉ U S ^ | ^ 187?, the acereta it of war w ta co- : «tn>o* on«i U>« »*h «qulrma. TnU la come very suddenly, caused by heart " tborlxcd to fOrnlab aoltablo headstonea i * *^8° tbat-..the eolation la too atrong. trouble. He Is survived by h ls' wlte. BIX ROOM HQU6E AND OARAOE IN ONE OP THE UKST LOCA-' T itle G u a í m S y C om ía ny for aoldleta, aallora and marine, buried Margaret, who was Miss oicaaon, and a TION8 IN CÄANFORD—ALL IMPROVEMENT», fiARQAIN »7500. In national cemeteries Bj on. act oi i Wall Paper in America daughter, Eleanor. Funeral services ■ O F T«Í@ER BEY.' ■ • ' congreao, paaaed In 1870. tie order Wall paper waa importad b j the were held a t SL Michael's Church this waa extended to those who were | 9 7 2 D h o a o S / H t r r N c w a r k , N . J, m rlr aettiera of tbe Coloniea. The morning where requiem' High lfasa waa buried In private village and d t j cemfr l Interment was at 8L, Mary's THOMAS MACMEEKIN ' lariaa. . . ■ • .• ■ ■ Brat factor/ for making wall paper waa. eetabllabed. In tbla country ,.1o Cemetery, Plainfield. , , ; Rest Estate and Insurance 1790 b / John B. Qowell at Alban/, N. --- T . . . :|.i. . . 1 p o s t o r n e a b u il d in g ■ . c r a n p o r d , n . j . Repair and Alteration Work T , bat iba aecond on? did not. ap. U nited State* Naoy Pint Potato** Second Choice ■ Phon* Creeford 1217 ■ ; ReMtneePhon* OU pear nntll 1810. Onriog . tbla period Tbe Brat time an alrphm* was cats- m Cranford 1049 110 South Ave.» K; XoMl Joerat the ape of four, re tbe wealth/, people were to the habit pultad


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w m «ildnff M Md «lac ft «MdM tend. • ' • y wwnottanoiwwKiuogoooi I HOLLAND FAVORS THE As they aped InlfM it bln. swift­ ly, iiaswervlhgly, toother wulL fuaitjt.!.. .Bov Stars for BASEBALL GAMB BRIM THAT DROOPS IS LATEST; . t have turned and fled;-This one moved T FINNE LONE 1 ^«rrwor-tJbwl^-bli^lieni up, CAPES ARE .SEEN EVF.RYWHerfI ->Tpùi*.i* it M lla ta a t/a a ia a . ñ.~S~Zr^ » *• «bowing ti3s teeth. ' -Je th o .rara^ et« bMkwoad,*feor-wto;'-nt'ftM-«gö ofWxtma, forts Being Made to Fopu* WOLF I C»t c-JoVa.. with tlw Ntw York Olmata on a lettor-of Introduction. But ta they mahed on to within • and wi lame American Sport T M M b that »ron» la th, lataat twenty yards, tea yards, five yards, — and who today, at tfca aca of nineteen, la standing ths baaeball |o th , ^ WorbLnaJta. baa it. wrllra-W—k.r»rm a> tnth » Chira«« Po«.- word tran Pirla. , Mapy.ot " (fi'liy U J. WtUki tmjrtnrWJVTHIedl fcva'Tor’lbe click* Characterlaiag honkbtl, or baseball, smartest bats are developing decided lag of their «kites, even the Lons II eouldn't harm happened very oftan la say other country la the world. M»e« on «"ñíSüaSr^J ’I! T* ■od It couldn't happen very often.. - - I f# rde..ldeala..somenq»oct^ (the Ideal bonnet lendendes» This-ln an. mm of ta^ralm ^laaöon „„ ^ £ iflEltK *M K titdiUni ef-Smam Woffs.-front began to waver....Hint - as (wo ftgurr* pushed ibt-ir way la bl|-leacaa baaeball. When • * I■ ,jrvi»sport ofV, inethe »uimiinsummer), /, iuvthe t/uwiuDutch eutatb* the^ew ■ twi,felt» mmu uIt wla wof wide-brimmed ...... ■' ■TS hl did It msani Ua.was. accustomed to t» -wlgh^ accepted' -with’ ______Ufaiu tici ttcur»w— . ttneful. »* a-w * ri .ion- & gtgf*». n h I.»frOft iv-pftprOj^isaAkacricâa tmiebaU —^b»b fitanp-m-.iwn -• *SJt* ef tt* UL^mJteTlW«1 Mde-ftehiAd trees or rocks And shoot ~-NoW--tte^acene"-ahlfts'toNcvr" irab « tb ta r--n m r« o d bsan, The bof$ h im * U Melvin OU. I vhapavawwherever Dutchhiitak Irala rauitf.i.spoken. Tli.The >.l,ralt.pitch­ . Sn»tor brim,hraima *to-droopa.^mm Irala ,rat mrarag, vhlcb •pauMMj to brush th* »till dinting at him. Hot tliesa did neither; they York, where the hard-boiled Mr. modera!«, ara dbdln, . mass«»» of wbile from their l#*zzings Bn cones irons the bayous of McGraw, who happens er of tbe Ajtz teem, which plfjed a uuuij of tba Frecch ebapeao arrlrala cxpnuloo for tbolr aiiUe![ ^ were rushing down on him as though practice game recently against the aro coorejln*. Tb« bau «bleb era- ■•»I lo fMtPh fh+Jr ftkitn Itrmlf and perfectly sure of the-result—as, of Lonlsltna. nu fatter U a laborer. to be ■ close personal , Mo oatw r bow d«Hb, Ihe JMdrln: wae__ • catcher on • American football eleven. Is even go­ -trd • ranratlott at tbo Chantilly raeaa. «*•< urely to their he«*/ &'>!&em*d* rvorae,. they were, otherwise they friend of tbe wealthy ff It ntrlpck, plaida, ^or,,, C i * * Ik» boyar; toajere’a. w „¿4*:Utilns,^a>bUr,ksp«~ J. , m u ^ l |> ^ » -twmtog-^wfra K ^ te ",frt owa ~ed-tlia.hliiftla£kataiA.plKji ithflm, It 1 sJ ^ flwaltaMLablkk^ -^nwra-^tweplge^^thatr-imy^yf-"—-■—i.ttflUM t-thay ,— , learned. baw^arhaH -...... e ^rt^diuiwrbr'f'^hi <•&?; left to peck hip > trailer, und even to th* half-breed at A mile was piased In title way—two; rookie I’ve seen In years;'? g h® “7 be p,tche‘h í r t ?í fc'j¡,lt'í' Çï.enÎ f’tpl' nr,R- l t ^ 'l w*r*“tbin'!lnt ;'w>''rw'nf’-ih rlr-o im m - "teabai for "a time balf.bremt,haíf-breed, had promlwdpromised foro eorwe.'iw .- ’ eai'w than „(he ■ „JlTr- wulfs.- ...... By tills time k ^ird^Re^^Wre-*aud-Jil<^e^wre^'b That^gav»' new lm­ and asked the man­ B ..." ... . U nutn«petus fn to '-liiknlrKnll"honkbpll," •• si*, so» tl-.tthat l._ by *_J__ today Side by side the hoja a;>ed on, the Aunt Itexy was too fur awny to be out ' wkth Injuries, a.nil * ager of the IVIIoans there are some 10 clubs In Amsterdam nilUw slipping away enslly tM*hlod: la danger; bekldes.- If the animal hud young O.U was sent, to for (»erinlfuilon to with 21 nines, one In Uanrlem and one Now and Ibeu a point of land ru*he*l md already forgotten her ecent, It llijnl base. Lie aturred up end pu Ht, dim and shadowy 1« (he work out with the.^ there. Recently In Hllversum playing baseball. ' would take ilnm lo recover 1L Onpe ,, team in the morn* . white.light of the .moon. ai;¡l c>nrr or or twice they slackened their speed, Andy Cohen was ■I A Dutch audience reacts differently £•' • Inge. iTbiit imi priviliprlvlloge to basebull from what an American twice In (he fur distance tltey .heard »lightly, thinking (o let mm Inerenae f out with the. flu,. '>MmK,*it3Ìaà* ' * ,,yrn»,. trnipypH , hi «araiirw^jirarak^L'a^ara-jWiaera*^ prowling animal. Hn and still ml decreased^ his de­ lionaireOne lumbermanday a u Mslvln Ott th.-a throuah- lh. rrlsp air ni» It.*- .! creased .also, ISI>, and,nu ,heythey couldlm see h|mhim W ttnhni»n Vn*i,kA.k. , there, *TiJb, It la an when a hall Is hit there, and men’ via «lion. d .k of otlu-r »UIM, |ura ,„rk hl, I)elld inVirlOKly. Tlirn niiinod Robert Williams,dropped Into Interesting story.* And here Is' the with one-another to catch It,*-every- the 1'ollcuns' park aoeklng umto- l»y the gllm|Me of a dim figure, which I they.n...... s[K-d..... >.J fomiird/tignln, « >7. . moro*\ 7 lm best p art of it. Young Melvin body lu Holland within apparent reach rlnl for a busebnll team he main­ rapidly grewpiulner as it appr**a(iied. ixd.uously than ever. Ills fear wna Ott's heud Is the same size now' of..the ball ducks as It approaches^ As It -came near one of the Imi/« tained nt one of his lumber Cunips, • ••• ...... - —* ..... a~v* tbHr ortfy nnfely now. ITJmt gone, they that It wus when he shuffled bu»hr_.,-i [ and thero Is great commotion. said •‘Anni Kozy” and the other add He s«w Melrln" Ott :WorklDg 'but fully up to McQrnw with* hU. letter $ «^(MîhH; «nd they wenV not ns eon nnd then lbs figure stmt pa«t, wag­ Mi-lvln a |ilncn on.lil« luinlior -entnp Former Champion Jockey fldent al^tit dlRtumlng him on skates ....jber niun. HO has developed nel- >■ ing Mh. bund and smiling brightly, and team nnd Melvin, with nothing bet- as they Imd Ihn'O. n*qy teroi»ernment nor temperature, Loses 100 Races in Row they ruinai (luir fur cap» and Bur Oir and still on, and nt hngth thpy SOME NEW MILLINERY MODELS otv. feiling a sudihn glow of pleasure * ******** ...... The champion Jockey of England for . . . saws^W (hethe faint glimmering 11light*1.t of a ninny years, »Steve Donoghue, has because they marked a decided Inno- other form of decorative modrrnlsm It... M II,* anPi,«i«.| .„„ilBg. L,*r, ,lrr )n |h^ lM„„mv lid vntlon, are cunning mtlo affairs whose bodybod* knew Midpint loved!<■%■•« Aunttm,t ir«.«*Ibviy.the t». V . . . * ‘“V““ struck n poor track this season. On -finds acceptance among "bench [I,. toward tt*ln rapidly: *lke the bend — Pirate Bitching Star ■ brims assumo.acquaint,,poko..scoop to. Tu’J«hlM*rlnM*i1 ‘*a»»ni “■ wb«v Weld Thmo -AprUrilthritt^lmlnghaittrberwinr-oir Tbs costumes -la the picture. Ml , - light of « ImNtmollve: but the wolf, ott d o te ^ oiise to liofUe doing sewing or rpirs 'DIAMOND Au ltevolr, nnd when ho was beaten tliq front, cutting "to the ..true story_of bench fashions ns ure si __li1« jnidjvjMV^In spite of Kf_ü.fÇï. wlfli Ida head turned bmk, fearful with Tactics nt York recently the crown, at. the back.. The crowtta are tills moment. Irbe'muik-l lo the u-ii n ' a»wj yet— suspicions -of titN-pufitai'rs, world-famous rider chalked up his .shallow, round and snug-Dttlng. They yenra could utili give Hip tioj« and PICK-UPS. a “Inst word” bench outlit. Ii Is » did h do /whep^h^D/ah^ wewent ... 1‘Ucher ilarvey lleese Ims-been-ptir— futurlstlcalty designed iersey i-ij aHde. A* lie rouh^d Hm» clnle of "Dilrlhg tlw* years 1ÍH4-23 Donoghiid thlnrln tlie"»uy oTlhe"fiow we have skating with lliefii Now-^slie was on clmrtuil by Uaielgli from Richmond of It la worn with a plniil llamn-l cui.e , light and **wcri««J sharply ot right headed the list of winning Jockey» in been wearing, that though tlieyl be­ her way to aptnd th*> holidays Willi ibu Mrgltiia league. • . • The red and white «Irlpcil >»>lm- angles to Ids course, thero »1» "rs-j««klh^ th^rm in^ *ILii!.niL*luuger-ho»rdr-T-be“orfgiiiator' eierylaflyeyerjlKjtly' HU^gludtat ^glad Jim!iimf evervUNljeVcrvUNly L.4>and~and^bOTrr'xer' they nt once cofnmand atleoifon.' •• wImIiit| they loulifbc th« re to see lire with Çolüinbus as u pitcher. " *of "that cntclr'phrage' ls' sain’ tb‘have at all surprising that (hvy hue mile liTeethig Ilonlesa. A »qcotul Inter the- boys been J. C, Galstnun« an Imlo-Arrne* Just the opposite course Is followed their appearance ou tlie'br.uh I«ij» came to a stop hesldt* him. nlan, who used to visit England each by other of tbe newest Paris shape». One lwe, flva utlnules pamed. and Chiirles Mart*, Cincinnati, will cap­ gully putterued capes «re at Ur- »tr* then ertme a long imnadng howl *« aldver l«v*4un- uexlreusou; He Ian »tur inlieider. the coolie coat which hirs ilom* m p*tr"now, I shot him" UIicik ns he Ibe model In the panel la the picture tufily'iuid land forward tp their much to odd a .note of g; ly culor 'uriil •* come forward, “lldlo. Ed and AJf . vfprk Tliey, Lulw^Owt^itai-e^ Kwrj. Wisconsin-U-to Build"— .suggests.-this, now-trend, r-Thls-type •trikln* design t jiiekknlfe/t .Thou ho told of Billy Multen, thlril bnscumn, has been applique 1» cut cut of the same flue UReresteU lo the model to the right their meeting with Aunt Itnxy, nnd purilmscd by the Kansas City Amerl­ *lto. \ Hut this Win* not one wolf of an ontl- the subsequent chnslng of the wolf. ta u iihsikIuUou club from the St- Louis Iho University of. Wisconsin Build- tmry piK*k, hut an -outrast from lia American*. • . IhR. corporation, a prlvute group with­ own kind, grown fiercer and more The man listened IncreduloUKly" nt in the university, will borrow $320,000 running through It» Isolation. All the first, then derisively, then-wit'll some­ thing el»c comine luto his deep-set 1’Id Durdy, who is playing h nlco from the state touchers* retirement ...... country. round bad .learned to fear rye«. . -. ■■ • gmno for the' Reds ''this year,' belonged fmul to pay for building material and - hint nnd to hunt him. and to lay imps John Mlljus, on« of tbe pitching to the White Sox once, but wusn't labor, • • / • -„for hliiH-but-wo far In vain. The boys‘ . .“lEs the craziest, most Idiotic, ftiol- elurs of the I'Risburgh Dlrotes, is moro tiioug[it much of, ^¡Vhen the building-Is completed It fuco» grew (enMo aa ibey hpe*l oa, a&d Ishest—r.. die. su*pj>ed suddenly' und I J*]*ced.a;: l}»od.:.upcm:JMirh:of.:ilio. boys' thanjiioKhig good ihla^ye4irr .hU-Bec- will ho leased hack to thA ■•fiA»ra«y:"yf llirjr ilatennl, vjlh halv'd vud,imi^D:Ja^imtTO«Dpany.;—"^-'---^ —"..liruulli. fur. Ule7-Awift-..-folU*wtog--4>f -aluwytdnw;—^rnTt-at^htns^rvo^CQimtf1 'Yaufig. Doe Leggotti*whonr th e Cubs- JOgeuU for sn approxituute^retitnl of (C^rrWHWït foulMlepa iH' ttrdinarily they aero»«. Tia glad Aunt -Uosy'a «l| -farmed'ou^a Readltíg,"l«'Htin‘bTiriÍíiT¿ $*o.a)(k—the-lease--running* Tor' fifty right. She nurse*] my little girl hack up the lutenmtlonut league, lie's yeurs. : - ■ would not have run fn»m* one wolf, leading the circuit . hut I Id* was different, 'almost a« dan­ *« Hfe «»wee. Hut come up to die llro gerous aa an entire puck. And, be­ and eat supiwr wllh me. It’« Just fporfflofes Louis Meyer Unknown in sides, they were unanueiL ready. Then 1*11 skin the wolf an’ Ty Colib, member of.tho Plilladol- aftcr tjjat go.-h.ick ^iome with- jr(»u„ I'hla AtlilcHir, la forty two yoara old J® 8 Own Hom^District sudden^ (liem—rrici) — Ilurvnrd was the 1im ^AmôrIcïiti"col-. MeH»e tber*>a-mere- wolves prowlin' and ima bpen-pla#loe:-maJor-|eaiue .-WIico iLouls .Meyer of South Qatc. . **Aunt Hoxy.r«and (hen IhHIi sunk loge to Introduce modem football. * their Hkato hecU de«*p hito the le« round, an’ It’s Je«t as well to have baseball for Z i years.' • , a .Los Angeles suburb; won the Indian, . nnd came lo uu abrupt sioj. A quick auiuclmdy along with • gtm. ;Oluiw.Ml upolls.- 5Iotor Sjicedwav race, he was \ fftcluff . and y cross-yoputry.; -gW. clean ..ncroML,: thfi^iakft- sJlffiiiitiWelahia,j6laiilat- «uf8«?llèl‘. "dimr’er. l0t"lly- utt*‘°11"-n -to„4ils. ham . wltHont^so muefi na a' Jrickknlfo i il'iii fiiH* hre slllTLtìie!‘1iifisr'popular*sports” they whirled and spetMiacX over the lu Heiglupi. . siili.carries «Uh him a card of inf-m . courHe Llu-r Uad jiml um'UtS :lu tUc It was recalled that lie had .entered aecund round . t(M> well..they understood wha| even on!* aud dUtanccs between 'nations, Outfielder Snead Jolley was the first as a driver In ,one Los Angeles raw that might mono.. Side hr «Ide, with pig^ins, and especially currier pig*'*»»«, Pallilo Coast league player to reneh and bad failed to qualify.- _ T 'C llrat sltH-l a nd pnn<-r.-f.i f-rnm.i. 0 ONT WOUtV ....heads—fumarU_.iuul-.*vd«iw«—^4^ -Uie-lOllatU-tnark-tlds-setMon:—Major A»OUT*flHCIkS lirussod . lb- tUdr.-sid**A, - tMr-sk«rtew .^ytdvd--tuakHrW'Of'(bVbirtl-fiimiry:'-~r':~ itOhd-th ■Ibhau^bas- v ..... I«h>i i ."built nt-tVa- ■ league-scouts are n-atrhlng- Ulta; '' : ' : ■" Rommel Seél¿q'Rpnnr^~. WiUW3. IU.A rosis^^^^msô5Bi$Bfc*Stiï5fiteBïôï5âoâ*rtKsal*iw 1 — -ih-nr n n -tu m n r rro funh, r (iuiucbt of test* the Ai«ertnm“3t iiwiizTne in tellluR Bennte'"0'OJ|dHramC^“Mlt-Hlgan"» ta- Itii iiimlu «. but only uf’ til* .«unutn ou •Ibe »tory **f how T h e * Amt," H'pL Dan Lonry, veteran pedestrian.: near- moos luoderu athlete, made tl-1 hita In WNK.rrHts. OU litT w ny borne to the hull.!*)«. gcs*n. mmmJ the renmnut of the Lost ln U the ninetieth mitratone of life, W lluiesjit hat for an average of 4SI) • Mu- wit* a «oimin »Itli lltu* bntmli ihelr .mliuN It was to ohiw fiy « pigeon loss than two years old the tryouts for llie Caiiadlaa Olympic known words In tlie English language, CAPES FOR BEACH WEAR Hit' u.ltnrk of tin- u’ntr. and tlu-n to for nith'S. Even today the Eu­ boxluu team. » * .■ except the ones used by baseball bflkou straw as the hat Itself, the . lead It uwny to some el tier [»art o f ropeans'would not do this» But lu. writers. , . . . " • . In this Illustration, than in the/cS'o- .tbo bibe...Itiojr arrre arrountn) the eiftçf befog almost as If the floral had ponlon cape shown. Chdoslug either, Clan Amvrlca U 1* nothing to fly thorn 3lk> Quccas university has advatu-cd a been embossed across the crown, -awlftost aknlora In all the rountry and 400 mller. and some youngsters plan to huvo all ntemkora of tbo Ca­ Cy Young, pitching Immortal. hurled one can moke no. mistake. : jrouml. ami on a fair lletd of Ire. »Ii^i b are,raced 6(>X" • . , Lice brims with straw crowns are Many beuch coats'are also' oidJV'ul nadian Intcrciillecfatc Athletic union ’em oyer the plate for IS years.,and axnoDg tbe seasoo's prettiest offering«. •no olwmcli*, frlf^th at they would WlH^n tlie position of the Lost Bat­ during that period hud three i»o-lilt, plaid washable silk, for plulil M.■"*** . pool, their football rocclpta It will be seen by the dainty model atnnd a fair rhanee nltli erea the uo-run games to his credit, and otte of the very smartest notes In fabric* talion was being shelled by the allied at the top to the left la this group -Lono W olf.- aa he was railed. I'er. artillery one pigeon. ♦‘Cher-Ami," re­ perfect game. - for bathing and-beach costumes. - , ha|ia they might outdlxtunre him and William. L. (Utile lllll) Johnston, that, when styled with a petite bonnet' mained in the basket M d by the bat- who hold tbo national tennis chant- silhouette, lace* effects are wonderfully Another Interesting material asvd: • hen circle/ bark and escape. Of talioa ofllcvr. He hastily wrote; •‘For Fred Francis, the Glauts’ new an­ for . tbe making of beach1 ciotiivs t* course'. If a skate strap should break plonshlp In, 1915 and acaln la 1011), attractive. * . heaveo's. sake, stop lt»,*.tled It to Clier hits doDnltcly retired from active com­ nouncer. at,the Polo grounds, devel­ 'white water-proofed creiie enln*- or any one or a possible doxen a rd - Ami’s leg and i^et him lu flight. He oped n strong vole* as a kld shnntlng - The lug* transparent hair hat to the petition on the conrts. ' right emphasizes the tendency in- brims Comes direct from^ Parir, a clever : dents , Happen—bat they . would not arrived with a buttlne-gun bullet In ilamrorith cxve, Ky.. just for the to widen at the sides and to droop. piece model of this* fabric appliqued. in Jhlnk of that . ' -■ ■ » wound In bis breast at Rampont, 24 fUD*'of hdbrlDg the ^çhocA JiafflMcl. race? nf tiU Phtladel- . Awlyplcsl_iclocho,-conclodee--thl* *..) modernistic fashion.; 'i And It hat Almost as the thoughts Sashed g te :■ y y s. hy»dquarters stopped.ti ~*«m

A ”i; »'libi

‘í X), f V

*. * rr* - . ..r-* . - » a i A * 1 --- i-.-; î .

VI. -*

■* v * K V

CrriZCM ¿ND ...... m ì ^ g à L A T E S T f^ ^ 1 FINNEY OR THE P n itn ? a.r—*. JU ctot Poney ■HNMpS M*M Scraps, Huamsl « M à i r « M IWMNO S i l i ^ r V K K W . IW W A | Lm» -- «BMt,.... co * to - ... ui, >"-.11'»--¡à* . MMK V » M 6 W tf BO 6tOU0 A*lk»M- rfdiNOABuawMaM , o f ■ ' T^”*®*^fc*ivirÇirri ■ fi'j 7 ' ”5 ® . i a. ml&ntmmer d«*~ At*¡^ l***nrton «i» pV, ** £ tw l- . b b o s T i u c s - SZS HMfiÜUPAN'WABUU, MtOUCLMAMor/. » « d jfth u ‘ U* A (SO MOMS A íiujrnó to tftta tft sppirvL' j]'.-..1'1-! u'Tk'ji |*.fluís, a |B ior th,lr wild,« * r ^,07.d,rl0« “>* panerà • P1**4*, »port,, dut,- of * NOT. MUCH TO SEE

fc ll*»rry \\ till, who « u hinmii In hi« ymith ft«' 'hint of H*.' «fudoR. ' Btntilcd una «prltirf uiortiln« on (tin ■>^i¡i¡¡í;;¡f* Motile t'urlo tom u* with Ii|n iliow doe atwl * N*«r York filim i ' "T lie w »v tho wonii'ii nr* droa'.lna — this )i*ur U ai*fill,’ aahl tho Now l Y crh tr "Such Ihtn, !run«tnu. in fob* r i» « } Hndi allori n klrU I I «H*h. ito rea the Tonni t'imnloMfl <'urnwnT Attilli^ A by the llorlloa hunt. Now Wutl. hon* TBETÈÂTHERHEÀDS The Treatment Wa» a Failure eat— l.uft timi •gown of bor n awfnli * , VooSSE-' \ .—. "I don’t know wbfthor lie awful MB.MiUOM HAS \ - or not.” And Mr. U nii chuckled and BEEN XkKMS SOME ( • “ J tUKticd et bln obffllmit« cliow doj(* Ininh. '*1 can i nt*e It wlion ■bo * nil» rSiOOMi X6 CUftlr / V y ' HOP ^JÛÛSEFEVEC/ V ling down.” — hMttAl'iirjib Irlcgrupli. ' g; -% N 0frA V Í ;>-A • VERSE s a c > .ì \ . /’S *v;



l‘oot — 1 eeldom ib’McrMl lo (be mors» Near the Concrete Our Pet Peeve ly l\rU*m1 — 1 write blank v

Th'i'ich hard !■ in* , m« tal árbol DELS IV htMi nota oift firurta atlirul* liimawlifri1, aoiiiehow ww alwAjra nml . Horn? tm« to inka Iba fitta. i)f decorative modernism. It • iQftce oiuoDg LenWi But Not to Him lunca^la,,; the*pic ttif e if beach fashions as ore at rgiuiiiTit'hfftF"lii»*eïi *tft lliow pa nldu (ot (Ini iiioMt of Ila nli,iit, I- ÍTUe inode! to tin* Mi 1« rd” beach -outfit. Ii Is » ■ IIN't liimVIi HU4 dIMllMUy r«d Up * ' ijhu VtM'ih' to “think « cold In Urn f designed Jersey suit ainJ_ 'i hunt rrntMi« nothing to n Himmu ' • iUh a plaid jlmmcl cupe: . Ahirimd lil* wlti ' I dpn I know of and w hile striped s anti* I nliyllilnu lumi» üiuniylrijf. * . # i) the. right Is also (nppciil N .=* . *$hówm'rimiTir¿;r .:r " iT ff - «feii- >«4kdPSVi*r£uil'". JO. islng that they have made ren*},~“Mtrl!” tio (iftmh'rnt, with n nfra fItlh1 nt nidrll. "How uImtUI Iho lock once on the bench. I.onx 1 Jaw ? ' * • lied capes are nt (in? t*r< Hanging the supremacy of boat which hirs done w O r a T/iurt(/«rsform |l a Jiote of gay color un

qffr s r 0¿>.

By Charles Sughros MCKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL CVm Hm h Um True Words

- o u ts 1 tUAS.IU A T O * « ¿MO 'I..TWE ÔAUAQC.POBSkÈr BÍUEVBJN 0<», ...... l m m c m u iu m d me wnawff s m >." i h . • itM t PuiLo oogflm o r B6 UEVC t h a t i*iiui Tflou*TtjAur*srrAD-RiNou«.W'S>s«.»M>s—- ' v jil l m u ât rr. . f o r . « e m u i u e s m u a y BOMf M AW SrOOOfc1 DOUT 8CUEVE Ul, • • BM B'.BEunn lu f a l s it i« » a u o d o u b t ed ■ -:dir^^CW^'‘ AMD 6 A » ,* « A W BOSS r r MATTER. VAierUEJL. O oes morr A F fE c r *tm« v a l u e o f o m o ,,! «.i.-■ ■ • ^ o u B o j s v e kj r r o a »x v t ? " , • Apvennaiua i " ^ J s ^ ' y M a & j * O O o l a « r a 4 imo Olrl frMidlng ItlMeJ — Mother, whn wua Mom mT ' Mother (HmiJKlilloimlyl—Why„ Moses whuT M'tW6 ÛU6STI0U IS, WILL ADVERTlSlUrSea ADMA DlDMl' 0ËUEMC tf MAÏTERED IP UE ATE coo6sv Aito -rue ahswer. is that o u r Vv|HE APPvC» UOAHS WSIOHSORS DtDMT Rough on Reggie BEST 9USIUES9 MEM »MB FPOVEM BEWOMQ Qoar woutv ecusvr iiaiHe wood. (Valileo's pwtuos 'I ^ t rne io MaM my thooKM" *nM h*, ASOUT dBHCIkS * *twe 6HABOW OF A DOUBT THAT IT WILL, Thru u m « • M thir l#nathv lull - WÓMT 8euEVe-.MH!.feARlM.W A S .R O U U 0 J. <*|-fykr^“ih» irtri »nid~nnirlty— — L" ■'■ "J twiUuts. IU A 4ïa>tviiA6uS’tW'Æt>^l**,t>-p6<:M,L6“WHo-t>towV-*.~ t a 58T ,~w npp i aff*: Wvrf t^:c»rwru.'tm '^eéOEÍñ^'SrtoOcD w i vlwSp '' «h SJÙaai “ WKK.rîHlS, OK ■■ . ■ . , - , WEST.” From Chagrin , & ly¿, • T ; • dotfkQcW04*^ Illn k s-\ M iy uro you *o eure loll« wuKi» t klNMcd when (In*/ turned out Ibu Jl^lita? ■ ■ ■ . Jinkw—^!*«>rirtis«t ehe . wnn the niily - Hey.yóiiDottri then dont i girl who wan tdijHhlnic when I boy went The ; . n Lurni'il on ujpiln! • ■ Ì / Ficht fair-ya USE IT FOR (nr me eaoi Her Happy Privilege utlori, than In the ‘com- TKe ecir. A COLEAR ■ ■ m - 1 used to be on it-y. «Irl » uown. Chdnslug either, Clancy Kids ynlmX «Il the timi1. but>- ido. mistake. .: . T ~ ------TT W ill- Jfut whnt? c o o tsa re also* main? of “Bill she. chnngcd her .iInd.”— it silk, for plulil U-nne . We'll Coll I t i Judge, \ tartest notes Id fabrics : a Draw • • \ 1* beach costumes. , \ In Command i Testing material ased The Oroow—1 underrt/ind •your ig of beach chillies is daugftter has gone out In servire. looted crepe de chine, H ie Uuifur—You have been ruinin' rom Parle, a clever wk: ■ formed, in y . nino, tìhe ■ has ncccpteik this fabric appliqued in the mauiigeinem and control of a pri* • sh lo o ^ A n d It has a vats household. nnvoi nna holng «"rob igular affair ilued witii ^appUqoed, In.nmnner Lucky Deùilt Holt with which It U • B y Aunt- Jane~\V'ell, Kth*i, I sew1 | / • . • . .•••-.■ you've londnd a^iiiun at lust • DL1A BOTTOM LBV. PERCY L. CROSBY Aogjer's Ounghtcr—Yes. nuntle, but wo K.WWW Union. 1 • J r f l * lUOw. W.lw,. i.r Ar.«i.«i. yotl ought to see the ones that got *wny.—Uostba TraDKrlpt.


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ÄNDCHR0MCLE~THUR5DÄY." A Ü CÜ STrT92r *i-t.4-î*Lï^'.Vié!Ç®Jr»r.'i* äs. w w w w w w m m ^ hr&ÊüFîâSSfer i loTiKXoa&iH tB U TT SALAD W H IT* MEAT TONA PBH Sanitary Arrangem en t hñ — — ‘ SHAD RÖE proved and All. Detail« of SWEDISH BISCUIT X ajm ~Jn... .Ship.....Shape Throughout. -

SÂFEIÏ-CLEANLINESS-ECOKOIÏ Cranford Bops’ Camp Association have Just received a report from J . h . McMa h o n committee on inspection which indi­ cates that the camp is in .nearly per HffbUrmda Crocce feet shape in every respect. The near latrine has been approved by the com Are the three essentials for your comfort, health and mlttoe and an expert on sanitation who M aaa HN-iou was employed to inspect it and inch cates that there is probably no-camp satisfaction., . in New Jersey ..where the sanitary ar Ni rangemento are equal to it The plant consists of 1,000 gallon chemical dis­ posal tank of the latest design with all SAFE-^it burns only when you want it to. necessary accessories. This particular system of disposal has been endorsed by- the state health boards of several Í 1901. ■ : ■ . states and Is said to be the best Obtain i w able. > CLEAN —no penetrating dust nor smudgy soot. The spring Is clear and while the first analysis of the water showed it to be ¡Experience perfect for drinking purposes« the trua tees , are .having another-analysiaf made ECONOMICAL—in labor, time and money. And will continue this practice while In Pharmacy U»«carap..i*.ln opstatton vaha. amalywf ■ sis of the wster showed it to be very -"I^^tten»"w w irw ê"are But,»“ THE ONLY ANSWER IS—ANTHRACITE boys who. camp there have an abund j prescription. Remember u ance of water, to drink that excels In | quire* time to- accurately weigh! the quality much of the bottled water that is sold at high prices in khe. citY^Tlie. i Ingredients.- mix them, wrii. drainage of the camp was 'also found Let us show you why with our own choice from to^be jjerfect fA Urge P J ^ l ^ c h e c k (hem. d t , fan^oft thereof On -this -aèCuftcÿ 'ih rf Sdlf; all the minea. made a puddle at-one side-of the build­ ing.* The trustees have hsd a leader and my reputation depends and gutter erected connected with an DOLORES DEL RIO /«.‘RAMONA? AT CRANFORD THEATRE MONDAY AND TUESDAY underground Ule drain, so that this v s ter now drains oil directly Into the lake. youngsters. Already the camp director On the property adjoining the camp is receiving requests for the use of the Additional Garwood Newt there Is., a temporary road which, is •with r* ™ r- frrtr» W nwfl t vf ~ « nfSffle*. •" TiiUf^g^yH h^ Newark, have moved Into their new established road but-practice has caus­ Last winter it was used considerably and it is expected th a t U wlU be useo home a t 109 Willow avenue. Mr John­ ed it to be used os such and this is low fully as much, during the coming son. Is jn. the.em ploy of the Thatcher In spots. A bad hole-within 200 feet of Furnace Conipany. • the c&igp site has been very annoying months. With a huge fire place and everything, else necessary for winter Several members of the Girls' Friend to visitors and those who took the boys ly Society of St. Mark’s Protestant up In-cars.—A-quantity- of stone - hss camping, it is sure to prove popular for 5@ all year around sports. The- High Episcopal - Church - left Saturday -for been dumped in it so that it is passable SchpQl. football tf«m m»v . their camp at Tom’s River. -, t4*nrtnwggt/,faU! site for their early fall practice, accord­ with the owners with a view to getting Lexington avenue, left Saturday for them to lay a 10-tnch pipe across the ing to the camp director. Syd SuWt. Who ts one of the assistant camp direc­ Vermont. They will be away for two road and All the hollow with gravel. weeks. 1 . •. \ This would give a perfect approach to tors. feels that It would be a good thing I. R. REAY the camp. Just when this can be done for the team to. have such a place to Us not certain: as :lt depends upon the get together and put In their fall train.- ' Anybody Can Hava It ' • Ing 15 Union Ave., N. owners, of. th e property-...... Adventure Is where interest- lap New screens have been provided for where cariosity, eager and enthusl- ■ . P ho ne . 137 the kitchen doors .and with 'the excep­ Additional Kenilworth Newa nstlc, leafs on to new knowledge. new tion of a fjw days this sunlmer. the The regular meeting of the Mayor experience and to new achievement— camp has been free of flies. -The pres­ and Borough Council Will be held Tues­ American Magaalne...... - ■'; - ence of files for a few days was due to day evening In the. W.l O. W. hall. carelessness on the part'of some campr -Martin Wilson and Jam es Arthur, J r K tw»ki»..WpWn(^.^hslness^ntl

Steel Bodies. Turre ted Tops. Armed Drivera. — r*i <-. r*^ r> rS ^ n Ä r i 'ti , |g" r, eJh» Why? Bandits

Twenty-live years ago tiro armored car wu almost unknown. • But th* CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH automobile provides such a quick get-away for thieves that armored cars have become a necessity for the'transportation of pay rolls and valuables. THE RETURN OP SUMMER WE ARE GLAD TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING I - t should be an. Incentive to all who ap» predate... the~,bencftts ...... of . -sanitary plumbing, t o , IntUalLncav-hiiUirooms -or •.‘“.^^■■i^V^'^^W r^HOW -ROOM-ANDSERVICE--STATION ^Sti.tnklddtauiVafadaterva^etyr'thi^e^ ^fañford1^^ by insuring health and happiness for the" hot Summer and the ever-in­ will sell you creasing luxury of a.perfect- bath.. But AT 21 NORTH AVE., E., (EHML1NG BLDG.) t \ -ft don’t pay out your money for ques­ tionable work. Have your Installation done by Hess Bros., and get full yalue WHERE WE WILL BE EQUIPPED TO Travelers Checks In perfect satisfaction retum ed\ by thorough and skillful workmanship. which can be carried in your car wltlyiut fear of robbery. The chscks can RENDER EFFICIENT SERVICE only be cashed by the owner. They must be signed In two places by the purchaser—one signature when you buy them, the-other when you oash HESS BROS them. Both signatures must agree. That Is the proof of ownership when Plumbing, Heating, TinAig, A FULL LINE OF CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH MODELS I - you cash them. . ■■ . I • / ' . . Telephone >U ~ These checks may be purchased In lsrge or snail amounts. The cost Is 8. union Avenue . . -CRANFORD ON DISPLAY ? seventy-five cents for: every one hundred dollars' worth. smaller' amount coats ftlty cents. -Stop payment" can be made on Travelers . Phona Qraatud UW . . /Checks 11 lost. Trsvelers Checks carry their-own Identification of the , Estímales OhsarfuUy Oivan owner, Oood In every pert of the United States and the raU . ■ OSWAlO.NrrSCHKE.4R. Cranford Auto Sale^ini». . Punter and. Decorator WALTER tí. WICKMAN, Mgr. latsrior DasorsUag a Spaolalty

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