The Beacon - Central District Masonic Newsletter March 2012 page 1 March 2012 Issue #34 A Beacon is not a destination - It just helps to light the way Do you know this Red Deer Mason? He was the first Mason Initiated in Red Deer. He was initiated on Wednesday July 18th, 1894. The Lodge operated under dis- pensation from the Grand Lodge of Manitoba and practiced the “Canadian Rite” The initiation fee was $30.00 which included the apron. The meeting took place in Bruch’s Hall located upstairs on the NE corner of Gaetz Ave. & Ross St.. Dues were $3.00 /year and rent for the hall was $30./year with free light (oil lamps) and heat (box stove), max. 15 meetings. The last meeting of this Lodge was held Oct. 21st, 1896 How do you get to your See page 7 for the answer and more details Lodge? Well Done Britannia Inside This Issue Page # D.D.G.M. 2 Masonry In The Mountains 3 Hey, Reil 4 From The District 5 - 12 Open Letter from Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario 13 Masonic Musings From Hong Kong 14 So Mote It Be 17 Freemasonry & the P2 Scandal 20 The Apron 23 The Last Word - O.E.S. 25 Concordant Bodies 29 The Beacon - Central District Masonic Newsletter March 2012 page 1 The Beacon - Central District Masonic Newsletter March 2012 page 2 RW Bro. Grant Dixon Mailing address: Box 8957, Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1S6 District Deputy Grand Master, Central District Phone: 403-848-4333 Email:
[email protected] Grand Lodge of Alberta, AF&AM District Challenge - Each Lodge is assigned a Lodge to visit during the Masonic Year and present an