Sex"Al Abuse'
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Points of view or.opinions stated In this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the officIal positron or policies of the National Institute of JUstice. ~l Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by 'Microfilming procedures used to create this fichecolPply with Child SexuaJ Abuse project the standards set forth in 41CFR 101-11.504. 1'"" United. Way of tower Mainland to Ihe National CrIminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). () points of view or opinions stated in this docu.ment are FUrther reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis .' thqse of the author(s) and do not representthe official sion of the copyright owner. ~.position or polici(Cs of the U. S.[)epartrnent ofoJustice., 'v <9 ,l''ft._ . u ~ m .' National Institute of Justic~ '" ", ·r ~ United States Department 0.£ Justice ic "'" Washingto~: D.C.,,20r)31t' (. ,~ . ," " -;:'1'.- ~ -~~: ) r,\ \ 1,;' " -,:, Child Sexual Abuse Project '0 1ii/26i84 ' (' .:~ -'--"'.",.-; ••• _- ".> Working Paper One. Second Edition" May 1982 " ,.~' D '. ,~ o . , C~ILD SEX~ ABUSE and INCEST An Annotated Bie!!.~graphy Sarahlawton-Speert with Atldy Wachtel Researchers, Selcial Planning and Research United Way of the Lower Mainland Vancouvrer, British Columbia Child Sf~xual Abuse Project .\ WO'l"king Paper One Second Edition - May 1982 ..-."".' ,'\ , , Ii ACQUiSITIONS o , 'Printing Courtesy of o The National Clearinghouse on Family Violence Social ~rvices Development and Grar'I~ DIrectorate Health and Welfare Canada o ,,'" ~-- - -.---~-- ---=---..,--~--~-----.----------~----------~-- -,-1 1 o SOCIAL PLANNING AND RESEARCH COMMITTEE Ms .") Audrey Soj onky (chai rman) Deputy Chi ef Ted Lister Dr. Julie Brickman 0 Ms. Gus Long Judge Douglas Campbell Dr. Ann McAfee D Mr. Michael Clague Dr. Chris McNiven Mr. Art Cowie Mr. Hugh Mill ar Ald. Marguerite Ford Mr. William Nicholls Ms. Sheila Gilmour Mr. Norm Rollerson Dr. Henry Hightower Ms. Pat Ross Ms. Marilyn Jeffery Mr. Hugh Shewell Mr. Gray Kyles Dr. Roger Tonkin Ms. Mish Vadasz CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE PROJECT STUDY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dr. Carol Herbert (chairman) Cpl. W.L.A. Hiney ;" 1/ Dr. Julie Brickman Ms. Karen Lamica j'! Mr. R~y Chapman Dr. Bill Maurice I', \1 Dr. Derek Eaves Ms. Mimi Rosenbluth Dr. Vera Fri nton Ms. Lorie Ross Ms. Frances Grunberg Mr. Mike Stockdale ~ : Ms. Wendy Harvey Ms. Coro Strandberg Ms. Wendy Young PROJECT STAFF ""!!:- ,-<,- .J_ c Research Sarah Lawton-Speert Research Supervision Andy Wachtel - Project Coordination Flora MacLeod Canadian Cataloguing.!n Publication Data Lawton-Speert, Sarah, 1954 - n Child sexual. abuse and incest ~ ~ , (Working paper I Child Sel<ual Abuse Project; 1) ! , 1 1. Incest - Blblography. 2. Child ; Thi s. paper was prepared wi th fi nanci a1 assi stance from molesting· Bibliography. I. Wachtel, Andy, I i 1947 - II. United Way of the Lower the Health Promotion Directorate, Western Region,. 1\ Mainland. Soclal Planning and Research Dept. and Welfare Canada. Views, expressed or implied, are not 1 1II.1:ltle.JV. Series; Workln9paper (Child necessarily those of the Directorate or of United Way of ") i , .) ,sexual Abuse Project) ; 1. ,47 , the Lower~ainland. ! Z7164:S42L38 1982 016.3641'536' C82-091156-'9 1:;" ti q U .- '1 "i! () '1 'I lj ti \' ~ '..,.' r? /;' ABOUT THE UNITED WAY CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE PROJECT e, In September 1980, a conference on Sexual Abuse of Children Within the Family was held, co-sponsored by The Justice Institute of B.C. and~the B.C. Ministry of Human Resources Child Abuse Team. Over 200 people attended who have responsibility to victims, offenders~ and their families. Since that time, both established and newly-formed groups have worked to create and implement preventive programs and treatment resources. The Social Planning and Research Committee of United Way has along-standi ng commi tment to probl ems of family viol ence. It has sponsored a series of research projects, the Task Force on Family Violence, subsequent implementation committees and staff and volunteer support for conference planning. \\ \\ The Ch 11 d Sexua 1 Abuse project is funded by the Western " Regiona\~,Office, Health Promotion Directorate, Health and Welfare ,"", Canada. Wor,~ began 1.n January 1981 with the establishment of a project adviso~ry"committee to support and hel p direct research and planning. The research will include a literature review, annotated bibliography, analysis of record-keeping systems and available information, present policy, and programs and models of ~reatment and intervention. The Advisory Committee hopes to facilitate co-ordination of a mul ti-.discipl inary approach to , the probl ems identi fied. To thi s end, working papers are designed to provide common ground for discussion Gof ~fssues am(}ng the various professions involved. And :; ~f ,.~- ultimately, both research and planning are directed towards , ! " i ~; fostering development of guidelines for integrated service delivery , Q and program operation. -~---~ --------------.---- " ~_~~ _"",~~. "'~)""~_"~.o<., ,,.,, _., "'~,."~ .... '-',.. ~.~,, ,~~_ •• ~. ".~_ ", ~. ~ "~_,~.__ ,~,~~"""_"".,.",_",._,«,,,,_,,~_,,",_~,,.,~ """"' __'""''''''''-'_~''''''''''''~''"''~'_',",,~~ _.~. __ '"'.,,, ..... y- ,. V'"~O -""., ~"-' •••• ,." -, .,.-~-.~.---- . --~~~~-- TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction I .~ 1 Organization of the BibliographY and a Working Set of Tenns II Definition and Gloss u IV Annotations General 1. "Incest: Sexual Abuse Begins at Home'! (Weber) 1 2. "Nowhere to Run" (Grescoe) 1 3. "A Message to Parents About; Child Sexual Abuse" (C.P.C.) 2 Incidence 4. Protecting the Child Victim of Sex Crimes Committed by Adults (DeFrancis) 3 5. "An Estimat~ of Nationwi de Incidence of Sexual Offenses Against Children" (Sarafino) 3 6. "Sexual Victimization of Children in a Nonnal Population" (Finkelhor) . 4 7. "Female Child Victims of Sex Offenses" (Gagnon.) 4 8. "Why Physicians Won't get Involved in Child Sexual Abuse ,I Cases and What to do About it" (Helfer) 5 ", D Trauma 9. Daddy's Girl (Allen) 6 10. Kiss Daddy Goodnight (Armstrong) 6 11. Father's Days (Brady) 7 12. Incest: If you Think the Word is Ugly, Take a,/.:ooi< at its Effects (MYers)" 8 -'" " 13. "Sexual Trauma of Children and Adolescents~ ,Pressure, Sex and Secrecy" (Burgess and Holmstrom) 8 , , , ' 14. "Childhood Molestation: Varialbles Related to Differential ~'"" (:- Impacts on Psychosexual Functioning in Adult Women" i (Tsai et al.) 9 Definitional and Theoretical Issues 15. IIIncest: Whose Reality, Whose,Theory?" (Butler) 10 16. "What's Wrong with Sex Between Adults and Children?" =_i r~ (Finke1;hor) , 10 17. Conspiracy of Silence: The Trauma of InCest (I;lutler) 11 18. The Best Kept Secret:, Sexual Abuse of Chil dren (Rush) 11 19. .Centuries of ,Childhood (Aries) 12 :, C~ 20. liThe Individual, Incest and Exogamy" (Schwartzman) 12 21- "Sexual Abuse of Children: A Clinical Spectrum" , . (Summit and Kryso) 13 /, j 22. "Psychodynamics of Father-Daughter Incest" (Cormier et al.) 13 ~q } -!~ --~--~----- .- Case Management - Medical, Social and Legal Aspects (continued) PAGE PAGE Definitional and Theoretical Issues (continued} ll 51. liThe Sexually Abused Child in the Emergency Room (DeVine) 31 23. IISexual Misuse and the Familyll (Rosenfeld) 14 52. IIKids with Clap: Gonorrhea as an Indicator of Child 24. "Sexual Abuse Within the Family" (Pizzey and Dunne) 14 Sexual Assaultll (Sgroi) 32 25. '!Family Dynamics of Incest: A New Perspective" 53. IIInterviewing the Child Sex Victimll (LA.C.P.) 32 (Dietz and Craft) . 15 • 54. Focus on Sex Crimes (Meade) - 33 26. IIIncest Offenses and Alcoholism" (Virkkunen) 16 55. IIA Review of Sex Offender Treatment" (Saylor) 33 27. IIIncest an~ Drug-Related Child Abuse - Systemic Neglect by 56. Rape in British Columbia (Goldsberry) 34 the Medlcal and Legal Professions" (Densen-Gerber et al.) 16 57. IIIncest" (Bluglass) 34 58. "Family Crisis Intervention" (Froel ich) 35 Etiology, Family Dynamics and Offender Characteristics 59. Child Sexual Abuse and the Law (Bulkley) 35 60. Innovations in the Prosecution of Chil d Sexual Abuse Cases 28. Betrayal of Innocence: Incest and Its Devastation (Bul kl ey) 35 (Forward and Buck) 17 ,- 29. ::Inc~st, A Family Group Survival Pattern"- (Lustig et al.) 17 Prevention 30. IITyp~cal Characteri stics of Father-Daughter Incesth (Summit) 18 31- Famlly and Couple Interactional Patterns in Cases of 61. "Conclusion: Aspects of Prevention and Protection" ll 37 Father/Daughter Incestll (Stern and Meyer) , 19 (MacFarlane et al.) 32. IISexual Abuse of Children (Walters) 20 62. How to Plan and Carry Out a Successful Public Awareness 33. "Mother-Daughter Incestll (Goodwin and DiVasto) 20 Program on Child Abuse and Neglect (O.C.D.) 38 34. "Adult