Memo To: Robert Haché, Vice-President Research and Innovation From: Dawn R. Bazely, Professor of Biology and Director, Institute for Research and Innovation in Sustainability (2012-13) York Institute for Research and Innovation Date: Friday November 1, 2013 in Sustainability (IRIS) 349 YORK LANES Subject: Senate Rechartering Application for the Institute for Research and Innovation in 4700 KEELE ST Sustainability TORONTO ON CANADA M3J 1P3 T 416 736 5784 Please find attached the Senate Rechartering Application for IRIS, the Institute for the
[email protected] Research and Innovation in Sustainability, as a university-wide (Institutional) Senate- Chartered Organized Research Unit, which I am respectfully submitting on behalf of those faculty named herein. In submitting this proposal, please may I draw your attention to the following points: 1. The majority of IRIS Executive members and IRIS-affiliated and engaged researchers have expressed the opinion, that since sustainability research has such a broad definition, that the research interests of the university would be best served by a cross-cutting, institution wide ORU viz. IRIS in its current institutional format. This view was expressed at numerous Executive meetings from 2012-13, along with the concern that the shift, within the university to activity-based budgeting may be likely to create barriers to interdisciplinary collaborations that cut across faculties, and may also provide disincentives in the future, to the kind of signature collaborative research in sustainability, that IRIS has striven to develop, champion and support, since 2004. 2. The rechartering proposal concepts and ideas were developed by a core group of PIs, Executive members and engaged researchers, in consultation with, collectively and individually, members of the York University professoriate and the broader York University community (staff and student), who have stated, at some point in the last 5 years, an interest in sustainability research.