••: in 1973 in £ose of ernergerjey The Zip Code More than 120,000 gallons of oil were spilled liejongsTio the spillef—irknowii ir^ne iource ;y Failure to do so te into New York Harbor and its tributaries from cannot be identified, or if the spiller cannol or Coast Guar* facility punishable by a-


\ ••' V -r : J'

I .• -••<• -.

2-Thursdoy, March 28, r974-SPRINGFIELD(N.J.) LEADER Service is hejd j SPRINGFIELD(N.J.) LEADERThursdoy, March 28, 1974-3 Increasing environmental problems Fire chief tells owners of fireplaces ^3r names cha irmeh for Mr. Friedman;, for its committees termed factors in^^fiudride opposition be careful with use of artificial logs retired educator r ' Springfield Board of Education committee Although spring has officially arrived, using more than one log at a time or adding a " —Starrwltlrart"6T)en dSffiper and a clean'flue. • Funeral services for Maurice Friedman of 94 assignments were"announcedT)y, "Michael C- BY DR.HJiNR YBIRNK- Mclntyre, president, at last week's board .and realestatism crowding the flesh'banks of The industrial flirt wilh.Jand is applied with . Springfield residents am still expect some firelog to an existing fire, he explained. - - —Use the right log for the fireplace: small., Redwood rd., Springfield, were held last SPRiNGFIEX|rrHE"AI,Ttt OFFICKR meeting at the Raymond Chlsholm School. rivers, characteristic of an expansionist- coercions, such as: "If we don't for the oil chilly weather, and owners of fireplaces "Virtually all the nationally distributed logs producing lower heal are accepta|)Je for Thursday in the Suburban Chapel of Philip Mandatory fluorldatitm may not make It In America more than of a nation with its back to (here won't be gasoline for your buggies.'-' probably will keep blazes burning for' a while brands of flrelogs put out as much heat as two small and free-standing fireplace;,. / ' Apter and Son. Maplewood. Mr. Fri€>dman, a They are, with the chairman lilted first for New Jersey. The state has pigeonholed the idea n each committee: the ecological wall. . . Or billions of American dollars may be ap- Township Fire Chief Robert Day, who last or three hardwood logs, and people can cause —Read the manufacturer's instruction.'^ and retired teacher iind Newark school ad- for npw. Too much of the public appears to be accidents if they ignite more than one at a time. ministrator, died last Wednesday in New York ' . Advisory school planning—Zachary ., against having fluorides placed in their People in New Jersey have become/hyper- plied Ip develop natural gas deposits on Soviet week returned to parttime active duty after follow them. • ''" : Adding a wax-wood log to on existing fire may Hospital, „ . ' Schneider, J. Scott Donington, George B. Doty drinking water. ._ ' sensltlve to. tampering. Whatever is ..now soil/which may sflmeday be used to blackball suffering a heart attack on February, listed —Place" the log al the back of the fireplace, 1 result in a flare-up or an excessivelyhot fire." proppsedfor the air or water, is suspect. American health and security, as Arab oil is" — among his hack,to:.wprk priorities a warning I preferably on a grate. . --—••' —— —"-A native of falerson and later a resident of : afid Irene Koppel. ' •• '"•'•.. Nobody seems to be •.listening "to Doc ,.-, , -. . , ,-„, being used today. ' ,,--'• fireplace users who purchase manufactured he warned. ,,.-^Don't unwrap the log. M"' Newark, Mr. Friedman moved lo Springfield 18 . Buildings arid grounds—Robert T. South- anypiore. at least about fluoridation In New -ft*??* whe"ever a land developer wanted lo , ward, August CapriorDoty and Schneider. build in a community he would slmplynay the - • logs. • .< ' . ' .' —Don't overloaijOUr_fir»;place. " ..' years agoTlIe was a 1934 cum laude graduate of, Jersey. The reason? Maybe the state, its ~~ Xhernedicinelyagon passed. How does that '"Finance; and audit—Caprlo..- James tit'!' building will lower lajfes, make money for the Noting that "convenience, economy and ANOTHER MISTAKE firelog users make is ' —Never break up a burning log; '"-, Monfelair State Teachers' .College, received a people, are scared*of what is,happening toth e cigarette ad go? You've come a, long time master's degree In soelajstudies from Mont- Adams,- Donington and Southward. town, and increase employment. The, reasons" ecology are causing more'and more consumers poking or breaking apar4the log. the chief , —Don't try to move a burning log-. i('can earth! We aremofe scared than people In other : dying, Baby2-_. ' . '„ to use Ihe wa^-wood. logs instead of natural noted. Trie,firelogs are-made of compressed break. . . ' ;.-' ; ' el air State in I!KU) and obtained more than I(K) Legislative—Mrs. Koppel, Donington, Doty states. The environmental problems of New do not work anymore. • ' firewood." Day advised, "it is Important that " sawdust and wax, and wheimhey -are poked, Never add manufactured firetogs tfr an -credits beyond a master's degree'at Hulgers, and Southward. - -•-; Jersey seenvto read like a National Geographic ."OrO- /' " .' .-..-. • Methods, became more subtle. Demands consumers read Ihe directions on Ihe bits of burning wax may stick to the fireplace" existing fire. However, a firelog or other fuel New York University and Seloii Hall Uniyefsity Lunchroom—Dotyv C'aprfo.and Joanne visit to- India. There are mind pictures, of modify necessities. High sulphur coal.may. soon 1 PKOPLr^USED TO hear something similar ' ...manufactured logs-because; like all fire • tools and drip on the carpet. Poking also may.' between lll.m and. 1958. . •„, . . ' Hajoppi. ' . . *!-• masses in white robes smothering a polluted substitute for oil. Air pollution laws "may "not"." - may be added to a manufactured log fire after* from the back of thtrmedicinc wagon when il — Products, the logs should be usedcarefully. and .break up,the logy creating a larger burning (wo hours. ... „ A teacher of Wontern eivilizalion and * Public relations—Miss Rajoppi, Adams and Ganges. ' ' • stopped on Main street and,"I)oc" crime out in apply. Radioactivity may bo needed to spin the theyrcquire a break from traditional fireplace surface and resulting in an Intense heat flare- Never leave children unattended near a'fire, orientation, and language'al Passalc County Schneider. . ' " the sun "with a bottlojii his hand" to sell power turbines. Where will we put the radioactive Many cnviro habits." up, •• .'-,.."'.« • To extinguish a fire in an emergency. doa*;e Junior College, PntcrsonTTCSsex (bounty Junior Recreation Dep;(rtm<>nt'rcpresentative— O»nental problems in . •amryoTJtralTcrscx, to sell energetic tomorrows- ^fu'! Wil! !h<*0 \]>e. .M^fM •'adioactlve l^iiiigtwir-wiUiSouUiward alternate. JcrseiL. are part-of—contlDual^lbreats to j g its? Voices call for an oil break- "Many things people do with a real wood fire The Togs are designed to burn for two or three the flames wiOi'sand, water or a chemical fire College and Diiiielleir High.School between. 193f> and, peac' e and. al. l (hat birth -~did.no. . t. provid..e -'.'. *.:ikc nntccirl*»n»c^ VnrpK mil fnr an nil kt-anl. School government—Mrs. Koppel, Adams whatever-is-hrftof the grecn.^The problems water off Ihe New Jersey beaches. Tankers will arc either wasteful or dangerous," Day. said. lioursHvilhout special ttttcnlion, he pointed out, extingiiisher, Do not break Ihejog apart, as (his and l!i-l\>, 'Fx.iedman.'v.'ent into the ,Army because Mom, Dad and the Boss, never Caprlo and Schneider. ., - lakc "> tne quiet encroachments. They take in leak,, permanent winters and the beaches will "Poking al the fire,'breaking up a burningjog arid the best method of tending such a fire is to tends lo sprend the fire." . r i '"Meilieal'Corps ancVwas discharged in,194fi. He Ulceconoml c dreamed right. laughl at . Atlantic City...High School! then TAB (Teachers. Administration-, Board)- diplomacies now trying to move .. . • ..uot warm. - . .. . . ' and building loo jargo- a fire are the most sit hack,"relax and enjoy it. • , • from HI47 lo 1'JSll, tons chair""1" of the foreign .Southward,; Adams aiuTMrsT Koppelr "VP '"« Neyw Jersey beach on thee backb s of gulls Opium and alcohol were oflei'i together In the ' ,„, .. • .. . „. -r..'- serious mistakes, these same habits also cun Mosl: importantly, he emphasized.- users . language ''department and administrative Supplies—Adams, Caprlo,'Mrs, Koppel and ;, , '^i" i'".TnT f laWS ar<1 " OIHJ-of-Jhc major Causes of difficulty con- should consider the following list of cautions for — Quaglia (from lefO.'eighth-Qrade students at the Florence K\. Gaudineer School, lesson in it, rejection Ts perhaps more" i£ • . nccrrisaTtty-nbout-hStr+miRhest In the potion. If Rajoppi, wilh Mrs, Koppel as alternate. (odl sumers experience wilh manufactured logs is using any manufactured log: will visit area as Until his retirement in I'.Mill, Mr. Friedman ' were members of the 'honor guard.!- standing watch over a display cabinet • ywrtant than the total shout and muscle against all slate pollution laws are to be nationally was vice-principal andlacting principal al> ' Policy—bflnington. Mrs. Koppel. Miss one', (onely gallon of fluoride to the million of containing an original letter from George Washington.duf-iDgrecent open.house ot Rajoppi'Vnd Schneider., , • . Buyers, now use more sophisticated outlets , minimized, New Jersey wllf have more to lose, South .Side, lie was president and secretary of water. The lonely fluoride seeihs to represent. than from the back of n horse and wagon. The/ than any other state. Or If pollution is In lip guests of Rotary the historic Gannon Bolt House. The restored colonial homo,-l6caied on Morria.- Township Committee liaison—Southward, the New Jersey Classical Association. , : FLOOD TALK — Springfield Mayor Edword N. Stis< the chemical and microbe dynamite in bottled, alcohol now has federal stamps. The ^equaled through four to tried and tested 1 avenue., is open to the public every Sunday, from2 to4,p.nv ; LUUU IALI\ — springfieia Mayor tdWord N. Stisd Jr. (right) and "State Senator wilh Schneider as alternate. Rotarian Iliroo Hhavnani and five presirienriiiid'.vice-president of Ihe, Newark. watercourses. It represents the hyper-industry cigarette shows a mild warning on the package, /preventive medicine; the panic may weir turn Vice Principals and Newark Foreign Language . Alexander J. AAenza go over map of Rahway River basin prior to-Ibsi^week's Union County Educational Services Com- professional and businesS-mcn from South Teachers Associations and belonged' to the . meeting of mayors sponsored by the Eastern Union County Chamber of Commerce. mission—Miss-linjoppi, with Doty as alternate. . __J " -•—.-'- into a medical witch hunt where Iho f^ood would India-are to visit Ihe Springfield area on :• board nf examiners and hoard of review' for. the Stiso is-supporting Menza's legislation which, If' passed, would establish_f[oDd ' . School Boards Associations representative— be blasted wipltlieTtlatr ~""'" . Rolary "Foundation Group Study Fxchangr Project. District Governor biuis Van7.andt,ha(l Newark Broad of Kdiication. .-.• ' . -, -coritrol-outhorilles throughout the state based on drainage patterns.' Caprid; wjth Miss K;ijoj>pl as alternate. ' Th/' degree nf emotionalism against arranged (his exchange as part -nf ,the in- Mr. Friedman is survived by his. wife, fluoridation indicates a scepticism against Careful management results ternational fellowshipj>f Rolary International. KsUier; u'son, l'.a«'rence; a daughter.' Miss environmental tampering, even though nnli- Lois l''rieiiman and two sisters! Mrs. Annc_K.__ Mrs. Brooner named nuoridatinn may he compared to erecting a Members of the team are Rhavniini. .-Ihi" 2 firms honored Ifook anirMrsTTTila Lawrence. . • ' » 1 wall in the wrong-place,—when walls are— group leader, a Rotarian from the Hotary.Chil^ in conservation oLresources p of Secunderabad, India: Prahodhh Deshmukh." ! generally Accessary to keep the security. for saying ehergy • By PENNY SHEHIN .-"".. . u pro'fe'ssior from Nagpur: Dr. Ruvi Karun. ;> .Total Rleclrlc UvlngSpcclolist You can help us continue to serve your Whether the/, people are right Or wrong abqub l medical practitioner from' Hyderabad: president of Yfci/sfees 'I'WII Springfield, firms nrc'miinng'thwtfi J. AAeisner, 65; " .;•' Summit was elected president YWCA since she moved to Jersey Central Power and Light Co. electrical energy needs- by scheduling .dish- fliKiridation, in time only the skepticism may Krishna Moorti.- a- professor from . Union County companies Avhich will be (irtlieStimmit YWCA Hoard of Summit from Bnrtlcsville, We used to think of our energy resouices as washing for after your evening meal. turn out .to be healthiest. ' . Amalapuram: Dinyar Nakra. an accountant L Trustees this week. Okln., in ISSUl'She hiis served awarded, citations.--from—Frederick- -B. Dent, from >Visakbapatnani. and-Amitava KaliQ; an' retired qs auditor 1 I'.S.. secretary (if commerce, for their par- bcinftlimltless. In the past few weeks, we have Mrs. Brooner has been, as chnirniiin of the YWCA's ' learned that our .supply is indeed sh,ort. (ixeculive from llvVlerabildT"all from Soulli Funeral services were held Friday for Jack. ticipalini) 111 the SuvEnorgy program. , • 1 active .'• in - community [immcc and. employed ' per- . Predictions are we can wealher this crisis If nil '•Injlla.' '•".•".. : : .: Mi'lsner, (!"il-tif-lUll-Sloiiii. Hill rd.. Springfield. ' Momi Tlie SavKiK.'rgy cilalioiis^wiIPIie'^presenled sonnel'' committees, (»s Reed jiorior They'wlll nii'ive li>-Springfield Sunday iind who died last Thursday in li'vjnglon CU'iieral lonighl. at the Klizjibelhlnwji Cias Co.. "of us practice careful management. Miison sccrctury' of the board of will stay with local Ri>t«rian,s. ThisH'xehanne Hospital Klizahelhl in, ceremonies co-spoiisored by Ihe As far as your rangcis concernedjU-does use xaids trusteeK^ and as the YWCA's "a fair amounl of electricity. The following tips to be given will provide a person, to person exchange'. The. YepresehTaTive jo~lhe United visitors will be herd for six weeks and stay will) Horn in Newark. Mr. Meisner lived in .in: will help to save energy,as well as result-in Campaign. •'• a different* family" each week, , ' , Springfield four years. Mefore liis'reliremen'l "'<• vuu .m.liluirii: votl'^own club's drive Ilivestnienl Casting Corp. and Victory better fasting "and m,orc nutritious food! three years ago. he was- an •audilor for Ihe During the YWCA's ex-» 1 at Y dinner The group will observe the ways "f life ol lluwn''- nr-.-ivy' ini'1,11 luililurs Chmtys A. IVwov, of ior» KilCineering Corp., both of Springfield. " Use the smallest pan possible for the food and \Vesliii|!li(|iise'('orp.. Newark. He was a pansion program. Mrs. put small pans on small cooking' units. Use the The 24th injnual Shiiail llieir hosts. They wili study Ihe economic, —.Vlin-tl -,!!,• -il rn mm .mi. JIcnshAu' iiyc,, Springfield, a- The citiltioiis-will he presi;nted by Clifford nii'inher of Ihe ll'nai H'rilli; llrooner headed a public in- Jiyist.amount-of_water, bring It taa boil quickly Heed Award for "social' and cultural characteristics of Ibe li.vlini'iii'. .urn Liiniluni'd wilh buyt'r foe Iliihiu* & O>mp;iny, UIICTIII rdff ecioF (if llurdepartnieni^Sewark" 1 1 formation campaign for the (using a tight-fitting lid) and reduce heat us "distinguished service to United States through travel and discussions Surviving-are his wife.'Florence; I wo sons. Ni'wjH'k, is mi«» >of • :ti i>ititriiTj.,., 1CU.«! firms being, honored tonight youth" will be presented to il YI.HI", HI L-lcisi-lv si'l i illi'iininlj new iiddilioiH aiiijiii 1%'.), soon as practical. Cook vegelables only until within-tlie- participating -Rotary, (listrlct. nmt exomlives; frorii husiMe.ts.iuul • organized their resources for energy con- IT. KiTnl'and l>r..Keimelh: two sisters. Mrs. '•>' winch (o lm|>,!lr.MntW'f_M^in\'' wiren the new facilities were local' citizen . a(. the Summit through the development of friendships. , iiwliislry on lo;in to DIP (IriNitoc servation: -conducted an energy audit,; tender. Since electric surface units retain heat, Sarah Bernlila.il and Mrs. Ann Miller: four , 1 (iccupied, she was'cliairnian of Area YMCA's iininiiirdlnner •I" |ll'(fl.l|l-. (Ill- llllVsl HIlOIUM Ncu'jirk Clianihcr of Coin* you can finish the last few minutes of cooking Ilhnvnani is serving as Ihe reprcscntalive <>l . l>r{)lhi;u«. Hen.iaiiiiii. llobcrl, William and • i the first winter market to be" nsvieuing all forms of energy used: sel tough,, to behold next Tuesday al 7 mcrop JIS Ji m< mb club fa .now Group Study Kxcbange is an educational ••'iiuiKli III linlil'riignMlii'liLiiirlu.'s- YWCA. Elecleii to serve with achieve them: and carried the energy con- As for the oven, you don'rtieed to preheat for Inn,I-.B BerkeleM y Heights,i : (.'onilui'lin^'Ji'drivr-wilh-ii'^oiil 1 aclivity(of Ihe Holary Foundation,thai provides - arrangements were made-' liy Ihe Mrs. Brooner are; Mrs.servation'message to cmployeiiK,—mippllei's. broiling," and with most ranges,: not for.. ' '.lirilli' ,HHI lli!,ii/(^li'llllni!!l ol $:»(),iitin jn new iiii'ni- trnvel gr.'llitfi"rflr"IlRreXt-ll7riiJ,'e7(«r teams be- AVilliam -Rosen, first ,vice- customers and the community. . roasting. Preheating is necessary for*baked The VMCA's highest award MU^IT, I i.i. l^llhftli'. Illooms. •.t'ls IwM'ships,.,;, " tween paired Kola'ry districts in_ different Irviniilon. president, Mrs. Gerald Hale;" goods, but don't overdo it—10 minutes is honors the memory of Sliuarl FAKING NATURE'S FORCES—JIm Vokral, employee at the Western Electric Purchased il IIIMW IIMII hihi'i, ,nnnc][oi Twu" enough. Once baking is started, don't peek.".. Jfeed, general secretary «>f_lhi« countries. Meals, lodging and travel (if. the -X\\e ^xoculivoK miike up 11 seeorjd vice-n'-esiilenl _Mrc^l 1 | Products engineering facility in Springfield, scrutinizes paint samples which have 1 T —group.-whiN'-in-llit-hoHl-districl-.'ire provider! hi AA7i?S^lciC < \-itlunlnrysales loro?^hm ^es.»f1y).ui.>}l,:iS. H,on-).Vit:)|-.),\i|s. who represent ' The Suminil jloiird ul.^Jenllh ' with "ilio Mrs. Alden ,Wesl, treasurer. Kniemer, Springfield artist, has been accepted Best, Dr. John Dougall, Airred T r things..ll|usiiiesis and .professinn's rimpermiDirnl Ihe Slate HeparlDii'nl ii| Health, the youngsters off to college next fall..that vacation you've always by the'jury for inclusion into the 23rd annual Aleshury. Oscar" D. Dennis. l nmi lcj,'isl;il]()n, Thaw meats before roasting lo shorten in the district sponsoring" (lie trip. j .. will hold a measles imimini/atiou elinii': /in • droamed about;.the car you've always wanted. n l»n itT.nUuia- of Hi, : _l(ome-A. Itplts.-Hamld -T. r pi'oninlloii dT Regional-Art Kxhibilion-Hponsored by the Art. cooking time. When practical, cook or'bake ~". siiuurthcprogf aitrrre^rifiin!ir>. irHre"r!(iTaTy" \)l ' Centre (If the Oranges. Graves, "Jr.. Stanley O. Whatever your dream/ It probably costs money..and ihni's where we leveldpnieiil juid help ciini double or. triple Ihe recipe and freeze (he Fduiidalion has granledl 51)0 <;roup Kliidv'' li||il(lilMi....7r.Siinimil ave. Then, uill be. no 1 • Morgan, Grant G. l.avery, come In; We are In the business of making dreams come true. We've iiunily ;i)i'Kiini/.>'ilions. -I'he ' ISutries were selected from iirlisls competing iiiimder . He sure to thaw before reheating. Kxchange. awjirds involving 2.7:15 ynunji niwi charge iif,r.lhe iuniiciilalihiiK. ' •> - got a loan tree/ where you can get the money you need to make your sessions jjive the men from New .lersey^New York.Cdiinecticul, and Because your dishwasher uses electricity lo Harold M. Perry, RoberrK. anduiore-thiui-fiO countries. The .-(Wards' are dreams como true. So c'mon In AND TAKE YOUR PICK FROM OUR 1 Kesidenl nf Spriii|;llel(l. whn have' mil Taken )[|elf|Hyiiiiul -Wrrrnsytxmilia., The show can he seen at the Art .operate and uses addltioriaf energy to supply -Woodward;""! )r." Murray ~1U. valued-al. more than ,$:i.mid.mm, :. \< LOAN TREE. WVII give you fast, courteous and efflclont service with Ross. Nicholas_C, Knglisb. advanlaiie ol Iheii own local inmiiinicilioii convenient repayment plans. . mini; the Chamber's goals fe'iilre's Gallery on 1(1 Wnshinglnn ave.'. Knsl bpLwattE-ltshould-bc run only when full. Fora Allen W. Roberts.. John N. program—irereligible id a!t(Mid in S'uniniil. i ml acei 'Oiange, through April 12. The galleries, wil] he familyy of four, this usuallullyy meanmeanss onconcee aa day: . May. Jr., Mrs.. Klizabelh Hdspeelive members. Open Monday [brough Saturdny from I to 4 p.in .for two people, less often. Passenger hurt Iliait, Allan R. Devenney, C." a l?th Century P.i. ASK ABOUT OUR RAINY DAY CHECKING WITH CASH RESERVE For imlsiandiiig s; and on P'riday nights from 7:110 lo O^.IO. It's comforting to know that the dishwasher Jack' Keyser.- TlWimas J. '..AND BEi SUHPRISEDI . is a'system ol it Two ol' Mrs. ;Kraemer's art works, an oil actually use's less hot water than washing Mrs. Shepherd, I''inneran, John P-. Rennelt, Special—^'Mary Janet in 2-car collision • wards, recognition and jiainting and n charcoal drawing, have been dishes by hand. A fully loaded dishwasher Uses 1 Alton J. Gasl and Dr. Howard (inorary life memberships. selected fin a show in which the Westfield Art 11 to 16 gallons of hot water. Washing dishes by A,21-year-old'Springfield man was injured P. Sanhonij for Easter • —is—ii- Association is collaborating with the Rake and bund can take nine- to 14 gallons each time, Monday evening when Hit' ear in which he was 88;funeral held 1(10,0(10 hi ni-w liliMilii-HK- Hoe Garden Club of Westfield. Hake and Hoi', depending 'on your methods and habits. Newly elected officers and a passenger was involveld in a collision ;il the •Services were held in Ihe Itrough-ftmcral d*i award winners for many of their shows, will Be sure dlshwiishcr water is hot enough—at directors will be introduced intersection of Mountain|avenue and N. Trivetl Home in Summit Salurday lor Mrs.-Hose lin display flower arrangements interpreting Ihe least 140 degrees. If the water heater is some iind retiring directors Shepherd nl New I'rovidenee. formerly .of art works. The show will be held on Tuesday, distance from the dishwasher,. _soni c wate„r may, •recognised at the dinner-.—] the Jewish Museum -^Buriiiii'd^Pcrhiiim-i if 1-1—N(U'Wly-l-rittiiy berooledTduringTICIivery.so It would lie helpful "Tvriieiriniirlc's the YMCA'slwth taken to Overlook llos| lal by Ihe .Springfield Nursing llomis, New-Providence. She was IUI "Ths Homelowh-Bink" • - (•reck Orthodox Chiirch,'Gallows Mill rnmi, to insulate the hot water pipes; years, old. ' • , anniversary in Summit ..There A work ol art in rich ivory tone china wilh 24K gold trim. l'"irsl Aid Squad sufferini a hiceraliid forehead. MAIN OFFICE Before loading the dishwasher, empty will be dancing to (he music of following Ibe 7:10 p.m.nishiipJ • •' Horn'ln llroiiklyn. she lived in Springfield for 13" diameter, $35. Limited quantities available for immediate delivery. HILLSIDE AVE. aY-RT. JJ, SPRINOFIELD" —-——-- glasses, scrape dishes free of bones, pits and Ihe Summit High School Stage Police suid IVrlman was- riding in a m>r- 15 years before moving to New. Provitkince'in BRANCH OFFICE _. .•/ ' f\- -.-•• With this sling . Band directed by Angelo (h hound car operated^ 19(19 and w'lis a meniber '(tf Springfield Pack 70 to Hold large food particles. If you must rinse, use cold "Hnlph' Wclnstein, 22. ECHO PLAZA AREA. MOUNTAIN AVE..SPRINGFIELD you'll be fashionablyperfe"ct water. : Merpla. Members and friends of 74Irwin.!il,,Springfiel] , when il collided with t'resbylerian Chrurcb. _ OPEN DAILY TIL i: SAT., .?' A.M.-KlOON. . . . whatever your mood. of Jhe YMCA may make a southhoilnd auto drivi by Anthony M. (!uy.- Survivinfi arc a son, .JoseplH-V.-a daughter. garage sale Saturday — reservations by calling the 29, of Newark, as Weil}: tuin altenipled a left Mrs. Nancy McGory; a sisler, Mi's^Max 379-6500 Mr. and Mrs. Briggs YMCA. 273-3:130, by tomorrow., turn ln't|>"N. Trlvett. Cub Seoul Pack 7(1 of Springfield will hold n Now througfi April |3trt, Sutler, imd'lu'o Krandehildren. garage sale at'the American 'Legion lloiiie, N.. rideonsteani railroad .TrlvetLuvenue, Saturday fromvioa.in. to A p.m.— our popular.patent Itfathor" Uteflrtde Deliveries can be made n( the Legion Home SummTt YWCA tomorrow from I to 3 p.m. and 7 to II p.m. Pick- Mr. undg Mrs, . Hurvcyy Briggs ougf Morrisoh forestns .. _—— "Mary Janos" in black, ups will lie arranged by calling 4(17-1792. oroadn th, eSpringfield West Coast', recentls oldesyt rodsteaem throug railroadh forest, thes llStS Slid© SHOW Roarinth gW Camt Ctp an' dld Big Treet s Narrow-Gauge California, from San bluo, or white, sizes • . ._ Railroad at Felton near San Francisco; - Black - White- y .are Urged to observe franclsco lo Los Angeles.Will Frldayldsas!Llrie_fbr.-olher.than-spot-now«, ThoBrlggs-vlsitedJloarlngCampaspartofa be the subjecj t of the slididee |2'/!.]o 4, roaularly 17.00- Include your name, addre5s_.and:phone tnreo^ay'Calirarrujrv^oTloFrtou''; operated by -^Program presented b y Marie 'number. • California Parlor Car" Tours between --Ii?"/VUlprla of Millbuxn ut ^tliL ~'HOW 13.90 Sizos"5 to 9,,-<:' Angeles^ind San Kranclsco.- ,. --Summlt.YWCA-Kaffeeklntsi h x '1IIJ" ''ZX" ' '• ' program Wednesday. The Y is TT'Oguja rl y 19^00 - now 14:90 ' .":"" mSl4IONS for --•Ipcalod : at—70T Maple st -Gn ApriJJ6tifc|bei^.: hirjy'1:ZZZr^}. PUNCH LINE Summit. _,"'. -- s from -—-:::OF-THM-E Elfci .-.""Kaffeeklatsch programs ~5rTcT6"s~wiir 7eturii to .; : *^-. meet, from 9:45 to. U:15

~^>^ell as non-members. While., Palm Beach introduces Spring vyjth a handsome Plaid r ...I2J_ . mnthers are—attending Kaf- Black :lof.d..&Jay"Lbr( PolvesterdQubleknitSpiort Coat. Never sags and stays—— feeklatsch, nursery care__js_ fa-daisv^ $6S.0Qrr-- ni~ntz!zr^~~~r~ '-Navy btfprtnfinitsIB '"•call 376-440O _ months and over andTByUmT Wine and danco classes for children ' -Slacksare maclflnp-wash & dry doublekrut. $16. 4 and 5 years old, all at a , nominfll fee. No reservations - are tieccssary^ '''" PAtM BEACH .

• ,:••.. ••,.',••" '•• ,^-\. '••'/', "- • ..,*:,'• Boys Sportcoat by Chips n'T.wigs in a smart houndstooth Get to ktiow the cc'(tnoiiiy of Florsltcim qualify design in easy care knit. Available in nav/Y/white, burg/ und you'll undcrxlund rcul v;ttuc , >v> shoes buill white, green/white. $35.00 . '. > bciier lo weur longer, actuiilly cost you Icssby .-.'-. i'> . . •:'-'" "' • Ihi: moilth or mile. .. "\OZQXt 100% turtlepeck $5.00. "Perrpa'press slacks'$8j50 ' ... have many styles Yes! We: have styles in tQsizeJ2. CRIATIVH 1998 MORRIS AV^^ UNION sizes to 13 : widths to EEE INTERIOR JOIN US FOR We stock Special DECOJIATING Stride Rites for every • ..JTMAT PLHASB...TO EASTER FESTIVAL stage ol your baby's growth • X P R B H » Y.O'U R INDIVIDUALITY AND TO FIT YOUR. BUOOBT.* ^ 'A Portfolio of Design'- "& Silversmiths since 1908 ,.'f 335 MIUBURN AVE, MIUBURN FlTTIffSSHCES Ml AUDREY SOBO Forlurther.lntormalldn calfwr. Claude (201) 376-7100 ' OPEN THURS. EVES. ' - PACING ACROSS THE STREET 335 MUbura Ave., H.S.I.D. 265 M[llburn Ave., Mlllbum, N. J... Open Mon. & Thurs. till 9 P. M. ,'. ., ".. y-.. H } - Bv ' Amertmn Express • Bank Arnedcard ' ' ',' '"•"'.'' j 677-0828 41"Maple Sitifeet, feumrnU, Nevyj^/fcly, Mon. & Thurs. 'til 9 P.M. . Master ChurQo BaiiJ< Amorlcard. ,• ,-, . _ • • if,;- i • i •.,..'__''.. '\'i•;.'." .-•.-." 6 ' liln1*: *Hi ».VUli.' • i-- • -1

, •' • •' •. • \ • 4-Thursday March 28, 1974-SPRINGFIELD(N.J.) tEADER Assembly will act SPRINGFIELDtN.J.j.LEADER-Thursdoy;, March 28.-1974-5 Pr0file--Robert EWillw^rth scuba i on 2 Wilson bills— Representing .ais. The Social Security system has grown in- , After a two-year stint with a paint company" on creasingly complex since its Inception before. - in Newark. WUlw.erlh joined the Social Security © World War. II. according to..Robert E. beg i n n i ng Apri£6' issues In__Washington Willwerth, the -newly-appointed district •I took the federal job entrance examination Two bills introduced by Assemblywoman , .1 A 12-week Scuba course providing 35 hours of manager of the Elizabeth office of the federal , because i wanted to enter federal service, bul I . Betty Wilson have been reported out of com- , instruction and leading to national YMCA insurance and welfare agency. had no idea I'd wind up at Social Security," he mittee and will soon be coming up for a vote in The Senate "We have to serve the public--tkcj i^our Scuba tertificationis now open for registration the State Assembly. • recalled. "There was a job available as a ,at the Westfield YMCA. - U- Clifloid I. Case, Republican ol Rahway, 315 Old mission," says the 54-year-old Irvingifci native claims representative in Morristown and I took ti Both bills, A-642 and A-774, deal with en-' who now makes his home In Somervllle. "The The class, which will be held on Saturdays vironmental issues. "A-774 would set > up Senate Office Building. WashingtoN,-D.C. 20510. it." • .-' , frpm 1 to 4:30 p.m., begins April 6. Moun- Elizabeth office and the branch In piainfield Willwerlh. who received a bachelor of procedures for the creation of joint en- administer benefits for 68,000 persons in Union _ talnslde residents are eligible to enroll. vironmental cdmmisijons by two or more rtarrisoh A. Williams,.Democrat of Westfield. 352 science degree in accounting ln-1950 at Rutgers County, and the people who work in our offices . All equipment, including use"of air tank, municipalities,"' said Mrs. . Wil4oa^.J^Ibis_ Old Senate Oflice Building. Washington. O.C. 20510. after nine years of evening school, was-later V regulator, air, plus the manual and Scuba test must know all the programs." ' -provision of,a'formal framework for joint transferred to Ihe Social Security New Brun- fee, are included in the cost of the underwater The 47 , Social Security employees in action would encourage municipalities to swick officers a,fleld representative. In 1959 he instruction. The class is op€n to men and Klizabcth answer questions and help file forms cooperate in solving environmental problems, — - The House was named assistant manager of the Trenton ' women of loth grade age or older. for more than 200 persons each "day. said office and one year later went to the New York which rarely stop atynunicipal boundaries," Willwerth. while the 16-member.Plainfield staff Safety as wel^atthe physiology of diving is "A*12 would eliminate a partial conflict in Matthew J. Rinaldo. Republican of Union, 1513- regional headquarters as staff officer, for stressed In the course which is taughrby Irvin assists about 125 persons each-all in person. ' J • existing laws which jias created a problem for Longworth House Office Building, Washington. O.C. management. ' Rubin, a certified Y instructor• for nearly 13, Telephone inquiries arc handled by a special many municipalities," explained Mrs. .Wilson.' .20515 •" ftenrtsenTT'Union. Springfield, Roselle, -0--O-- . years. • . • ./• office in Passalc. ••',.. / , HE WAS NAMpi)<\ district manager for the "Previous legislation,. which authorized '• Roselle Park, Kenilw'orth anS Mountainside "The water world is the last frontier left to "Ilie beneficiaries service joh' is getting . Jersey City office in 1963, where heserveduntil 'inunicipalltiesc-tu establish environmental '•- the average man to explore," contends Rubin. •. Edward J. Patten, Democrat of Perth Amboy,.2332' .bigger and bigger and bigger. The checks come appointed assistant regional representative in 1 commissions, required thai one member of Ihe • out of:lhe Philadelphia office but theTocal or, "The wiljl west Is gone', Outer space Is. too- Environmental CnmmissiorratstrbtraTnember - Raybutn'.'-'House Office Building, Washington. D.C. the Philadelphia office. In that job Wlllwerth !-expensive forthe average man to adventure in. _ficcs, in addition to answering.questions and commuted from Somerville to, Pittsburgh." of Ihe Planning Hoard," Mrs. Wilson pointed -.20515 . Represents linden. ' But three-fourths'of the world Is water and helping people with applications, has to keep up out, However, the Municipal Planning. Atl,v Although'his main office was in Philadelphia, most people have never really seen $hat Is In to date on the status nf all Social Security Willwerth was required to spend most of his forjiids. citizen members n( Planning Hoards In Trenton" recipients, in Union •:. said Mrft.':- Wilson. "A-6+2- would leisurely vacations." ^ Assembly, lolin J. McCarthy. -Democrat, 401 THK SOCIAL SECURITY system, he ex-' Wli.LWKKTII WAS, BOHN in Newark 54 month. ' ,, . • .- ' ~ eliniinale this toiiflicl and allow a private Brookside pi. G.arwood Q7027; Joseph, Garrubo, plained, first made payments to'retiree's in yearsngobut was raised in Irvinglon, spending. Wj|lwerth siressed tha t handling benefits and • cijizen who has the linielo serve effectively 1 . . ADVe-RTISEM r=;NT Democrat, 2587 Eleanor ter. Union. 07083. . 1W0. Two years later survivor benefits were most of his boyhood al n home on Stanley benefit inquiries isn't the only job. of district MEETING TrlElR CONGRESSMAN — Mario Aplcello of Springfield and Kathy Andorspn . wilhholh groups to do so.'" mlrtDaTiTffieTiystem- terrace behind SI. l.ep's Church, lie was : Social Security offices, ; ... anj. Gay Sellers of .Mountainside (from right) show^tholr-hand-crafted Easter .. "lloth of these hills u)ill aid municipalities iii. ; _ District. 21 "The first big breakthrough came in 1950," .graduated from IrvinKloiT High School in 19.?? ' "We have Held representatives who visit' . animals to . Matthew Rinaldo during the legislator's recent visit to the Mlllburn -solving their enviroimienlal problems and I alii said the. new district manager, "when the self- and took a job :is a mail clerk with Prudential persons who can't'come Into our-offices Avenue School, Mlllburn, where the girls are-students. . hopeful Unit they, will be passed by . the -_ - Including Linden .. • employed gained retiremehl benefits. Then it 1 in Ncwarji. , * .--y because of infirmities and we also provide" Legislature and signed- itjlo law by Hie — State' Senate-Thomas G. Dunn,-Democrat. 1120 " 1954 disability benefits Were added'." "Tin 1965 (lOvernpr," .concluded Mrs. Wilson." T Ills career w.lh the giant"trururtmcc company, referral service to people who justdon't know HELLO TO 'ON THE TOWN' r- Steve Legbwlec (left) and Mike.Stdub,are showh in a Applegale ave.. f.li/abeth' 0/208: ^' ~ ~" Medicare, for hospital and medical payments.- wherehe.beenmea staff assistant in the sales whereto go with their problems. The services • . Assembly John T: Gregorio, Demojcrat. 304 W. scene JicUJiwnT tho.Lebnard Berstein musimusicac l whichi h oopenp s tonighg t ot 8 at Jonathan was'added."' . ' •' .department before leaving in 1!I54. .was "in- we offer nre'for all the people,'' he said. . T Congressman visits facilities ' Curtis'st.. Linden 07036; Thomas J. Deuerin. Daytpn Rogronal High School, Springfield. Other performances of fho all-student The newest program, wii it'll was approvedby terrupted by fonxyears of service in the Navy." The new district manager, who lives in Postmaster gives production will be at 8 p»m. tomorrow and Saturday ana* at 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets,, Democrat. 28 Cypress St., Cartcret 07008. SYROSENBLUM Congress three years ago but was recenfjy-piir lie joined as a seaman apprentice andibefqrtiJ •Sfimervllle with liiswifeTlJils^ plans an active pricod at $2 and $2:50rrriay be obtained by calling 376-6300 between 11 q.m. and injoj'ffecf. Is supplemental security income, separation,in I*.l4ii was promoted to ensign. He of Millburn School for Deaf 7 - campaign lo Inform Oiiion Counly residents By alrplan* it It a ihort and pleaunt trip peopl e_a nswers - 1 p.m., or after 3. p.m. ' ..'—(Photo by Jeff AAarsriall)' '•'." . District 22, which takes over muc.h of the work formerly • served in. the Pacific with auipliihious < rafl about, tin1 .benefits under the Social Security from almost anywhtr* In the United |_ Congressman Matthew Rinaldo (,K-12th I.tinaldo explained varti4>us means of using the Including Springfield." done by county welfare boards. Under sup- throughout his active duty. After the war ho" system and the services the Elizabeth and Statti.td Puerto Rico. One* there, teif ninihtainqti.hisTiiffllintlon with the Navy as~n than thr«» houri will bring you to, -District) visiled Ihe MillbunfAyenuc School.for legislative process to Improve Ihe quality of on 10-ce,rit stamp .Mountainside. Kemlwortfi - ', plcmuiital security income, said WBIwcrlh. ._PIninfjeldii/ficesoffer. Herecently;addressed Martinique. Not a vary long tima to have the Deaf In Millburn. ,tlils month to,see the education and provide greater opportunities for 1 mouther of the reserve.,,and served wis com- State Senate-Peter J. McDoriough,' Republican, additional benefits arc provided for the ejdcrly. an Elizabelh service club lincl.sald'that ne~jiri(j~ to travelwhen the land of your destination program firsthand itnil to meet the parents of _lhe hearing-handicapped. - > ^ , IVopfe with i(iieslions- JIIMHII the 10-ceiil the disabled and the blind. Unlike the other manding office of Ihe Naval Kec.urily Croup his staff members hope to. speak before U io beautHul^The temperature uldom slairrjr-"deserve Ihe ;inswerrJ—lU-vliirrd 925 Oak^ood pi., Plainficld 07060. •",' • • varln more than 15 deoreei during the children who reside In his district of Union programs, where (lie money, comes from trust Division in Kli/ahirth from Illiil iiulil his veterans groups,, churches, business Westfield-Moiin|;iinside-I'o.slniastel- Doniiiiick,-.- Assembly-Betty'Wilson. Democrat, '4-Hampton retirement with the rank of captain in HUM. year. LIU Is easygoing and fun where no County. ;/ • R C dr., Bcrkeleyllcijhls 07922; Arnold J.-' D'Ambroa, LIBRARY funds utilizing employee and employer con- . organizations and civic groups.-' on* hurries and everyone enloys himself. Thieves 'cash, .1. ('iirdiHo7his~UM'k. The Jylil|burn Avenue Schoop Is a state- 1181 Broadway. Railway 07065. ' You can go swimming, water skiing, skin "All of us al your Posl Offi.ce. bear the diving, sailing, ana fishing. There Is operated duy"iK:hool for deaf children, aged Ti to •.questions about Ihe tn-ceiil stamp. Nobody dancing at most resort hotels plus plenty y,'who live in ICssex, Union, Morris, Somerset' P ! MASH People of the forest_ of very good food. All In all It Is i most coins in break-ins lilies In see prices go u'|(> me included. Still.'Tve satisfying place to be. . . /Iind Middlesex counties. The school has a found thai when we tell Ihe people the whole lly IIOSIC P.SIMON' lerminiitc1...his..career. ,In 1'aris,. although aii current enrollment oMoo. Approximately one- Thieves Tietted $547 in cash and nn un- -story, nutil-admit they feel a little better about '-• iThe Springfield Public Library lisls- Ihe cxeculinner remains in charge of the dreaded • •••>. /* third of the children enrolled reside in Union determined amount of gold coins, respectively, the now.stamp," said- Cardillo. The State We're In > In break-ins last week 'at a local luncheonette following titles ;mimu: (he re('enlly received guillotine, he is not a Snnson.' County. "YnTi knou'^ifs niucl\ about inflation as I do Larkey's Reg. #1OO Make your' reservations now through and a private home, Springfield police hooks r). , SPRINGFIELD TRAVEL SERVICE 2S0 Hut Ihere's a lot inori? to Ihc new slump than IN The Millburn Avenue School was established reported. . . .*. NOM-N'ltfiilOAI'ltK'ANS —"The School in the llnmc,"_l>y Thomas V1'- By David F. Moore, North Jersey Conservation Foundation Mountain Avenue...The Islands of the In lWill by the Millburn Board of Education to thill. The idea is' that the price of a stamp— "Pygniy Kitabu," by. Jean-Pierre. Mallei. Caribbean are all so close, you can hop shoulil pay ihe cost of delivering a leUer. Kvans. This honk aims to inslniel parents in from one to another''In a matter of meet the growing educational needs of hearing- The cnsh'wns reported stolen from Scappy's May In1 that's not an earthslinkiug idea .'Hut the 1OO% Texturized Polyester Several prominent scientists niainlaih thai the methods of increiisiiin the inlelligenee o.f Uncle Sam wenl lo Trenton last week iind "skimming off the fat in Ihe region's the paslures through which the track ran will minutes...Call 37?-«767.r.Open dally »-. handicapped children in New Jersey. Sandwich Shop at 169 Mountain ave. pn plain lad is that [Xislage hasn't |in|djh_ecost (if taller human races evolved and developed children liy teaching and guiding them durlni' found everybody in agreement. Knyiron- railroads." In ihe statement I pill in for the become housing developments, raising the -St3tt.-Wednetd«y evenings 'til 7:30 from small,: -pygymy-like ancestors, some of Saturdays Hep. Ilinaldo ipent llmi- in - ileMvoring Ihe mairtor a long lime. Knel.is, Ihe first 'five years of their lives. nienlalists, commuters, elected officials and •North,,' Jersey ''Conservation Foundation-" 1 need for rail mass transit and freight facilities. —hntldtnR wjis (;nill5d by lOrcing open a window. 1 wliqm s dtrcxlsL.aihouL2U.uuu)_i,,Tlhe lln,-, • •& | fif| ; A, ,f .„ , <. becoming 'itacquainted d with -the special your tax drdlaj's inaUe. up the difference. It ran . the Chamber of Comrr'-rcc, for a few; were argued Hint' "whalever. fat Ihere Is should be Hut more highways will get built because the .... The coin collection was reported stolen from W.rest of C, rltral Africa. They nntnTTIinl 111,' , ; i „,„„«,£ „„,, , . i,li«l..^l techniques and equipment needed for lielp.kecp .stamp prices down. Hut a lot of uks.,m.t|,e.ctlucatin,,'ui.!l,>,>r,,at:|,.lu,_UiiU,L ~in(f»*musclpr" shopping^centerswlll be where the "tr(iliis~pnc"e"~ llll _rWhen_yjs!tJng a.jwarinj humld_cl|mate ::iftcr_l)urg'lunL_Uainid_eiitEy_by—hneaking—a. 1 "thetr^phytftciH chjiilacleiTslie.s Iienr nn- L at—whlcli—hc-discu«4!d-With_repr,csentalive_- . _else.s maiTTWhen the Post Office caii regularly tINI- : YKAH A(i(V with his'own chil! count on your tax money to bail il out of the Hit. FKKI), I1AH11CII1N, Springfield lawyer and' 'tentjier. founrl many nf the Berie Comuiission on a scheme .to "hel|!_ '"nil il bos alropiiicd due to heavy Subsidies for travel will have undergone ils own brand of your closet. . .! lliillet. :jjtuliiWn sociologist anrl ngrnnoinist. which is currently pending In Congress. missing items. •hole. Ihere's not as 'much reason to watch what superinteiHlenl ol schools,, issues a sliitemenl procepis valitf.even today, so he revised and •by-abandoning the lines iiniler lernis 7i| Nfjie jnore enerny-wjislcful modes Of trausportntloi,i abandonment because of easy and well-- lived among these folk for III months. He found -thingscost. Your tax money shouldnVpay for (lef(;n'(lin^. tbe Imiiijinitios ijronrani-at Ihe simplified the texts as presented here'. Railroad Reitrginii/.at ion A(rt A f(-(h-rnl Ihiiii railriiiujs. The, Feds arc picking at the subsidized liigbwayiiccesrt to the former cow them to.be peaceful, pcietic.'.fnn-loviriRrhlglily other iieople's mail,'' he continued. —Klnrcntf (laiulinecr'School wltlrhjlmd conic ' ^ Modern* parents ean create Ihe proper al • computer has deemed the "odd" Irnckage ripe freight routes in New Jerkey and elsewhere country. The result is tin even more lopsided i moral and rcllgi'oiis. They*have a broad Applioation^avgiiable ,,.'11iL Postal Keorganizution Act,' nn'ler_.hi;.'ivy rrilicism from some locjiV - mospherc fur Icnnijnj.vwitliin Ihe family uriiiip. for killing. prnmpllni! New 'Jersev which produce Ihe liist,,revenues, tint I feel it" .development, with greafer-than-ever diNrcgiird knowledge of forest bolnny and pharmacology. linlojaw lo'straighton the Post Office out. he refidents during n rccenl. school 'hoard mcolhw; piM'liaps'nl Ihe evening mealtime. Berle con- Congr(^ssman l''rank Thompson lo wmider if il's demonslr.'iles "iflhls yenr only" altitude Whie'h. '! f'orslate land use'planning, if it's possible, thrtn for summer camp jobs :. Tfi.ey * avoid materialism jtnd lcchiinloi!y, tended that language is the "key" Ihe in 'explained, bul this" woji^.^uipjien overiijghl. ... The Spi'iii(;freld library's h'ojird nf Iroslees' the same computer which figured "ill thai will mean Ihere's no tomorrow for Iron rails. now exists. . . ..:'... .y^-.. -- .-.—Youtlis-intcrestod- in-sunjmer--pnsiliorlK' al "Brakes.Were put on the use of your lax money nnnies CVNTHMJ.ANnAUKH asjchildren's preferring Ihe natural simple life. slriinu'iil of knowledge. Parents shoulil speak —-_—The -Iriiekage In-question is prolwbly-un— Irdr.iw.Tpnrlless" •T-Tbe—glaring—holc~in~fedcral3^nil~trnn^ YWCA residenj Camp Wawayndii-lllrd'. tyiis tOKiibsidi/.e poslifge. That menus the price_nf —iiceiiralely. pronouncing words'cari'flilly. '• the profilnhlc in comparison to. highways", which 1 Ilirrariafi: fo SUITH^TIRI.KN ^ To most of us who 'entered sliitenirnts sportnlinn planning today centersdn the lack of • w((ek weri;_ invited to make appointments for postage goes up-liTpiijrihi real costs of the retired last month... The Sprmgfiold Corn- eoiiTparisons between Ihe legends and beliefs lie believed thai ' books should surround Mel fill financial backups nl the behest of the 'cnilmnting—from V'.VK itiie All-Father) and rntloniilc seems nonsensical. To Ihe • (IS. "iiny kind of foresight".-Thero-'should be close prelimiiuiry interviews with Peter W. A'ddicntt, mail. And (his is being done fairly.-So all kinds miniily IMpyers hold final c.'lstini* for Iheir next 1 children .in profusion llhe Bible, science, Deparlmeiil of TriinKporliilinn. abandonini!'» highway lobby, bul what will happen when the-- 1 1 . those of die "ancient Hebrews, (Jreeks. eaiiv ,, -integration with" regioiml-'land use plnnrlliij!. Summit Area YMCA director of resident of mall, whether.it'sletters, packages, business production. "A View from Ihe Hr'idgi ." ... Tin geography and history bonks, dictionaries, total of 7,01111 miles of American railrnnd lines is truckngc is abandoned'.' Some day.all too.soon,. After all—as should- he well known— mail or magazines,' will lie paying their own Spfiiijjfield |.(;i.ii;iMM)L\Vomeii. Voters prepares Christians, Kskimos'. Hindus and nlliers.Some encyclopedias, maps), that giirmw can be made camping. '.„.,'. of Ilielegends refer to Ihe (iarden of Kdmi, the transportiilion huS'dfctutcd where things have ,;way—without your lax money, ..There's no for its annual fund-raiuiiig drive, lo hi-gin this :i teaching tool,.that children should lie en- Applications for counselor. CIT," main- Messiah, the. giving of the law. been built. ,/. . ' profit on your lna.il. (lur job at the Posl Office is ucekeinl. - - •' ' • "courngod lo ask questions which shoulil lie : Icniince, kitchen, program and slafCjobs may. Contrary . to the ecological . and ethical We bave^to have subsidized mobility by mil, only to give you good sei-vice-at cost.'Most of answeredftilly aiid truthfully. as we'Vp had for automobiles. But It's essential he obtained, al the Summit YM, and further us who work here lire trying hard as we can to ('ommandmeril.s'of the pygmies, their land may Kvnns discusses the open school, the Head information obtained by calling Addlcnlt at 27:1- i.vvi:,\itSA(;o soon become part of the larger disaster area IhaJ/it be accomplished in a way that will MAY WE HELP YOU , do just that." ;. . Plans for n IIH-uii'it iip.'iVtmenT devclppnienl Stall program and the j-oiitribiilions in LETTERS -Unit- threatens Africa, hecnuso—nf—over- promole. both development and migration Ki'lH' constructed no K KXKfl'TIONKHS . Kvans and Djlvid (Jreene, If you're seeking any lire to appear. They should not exceed 350 Comniillce. and biiililin|> inspector meet to over and above Ibeamaunt permitted under the In our statement at the hearing, I urged that consider Ihe application by Mountainside "TliL'J,i;gucy of Death," by llarbara Levy. information about .—inejits -except for Ihu wordH in length und should bo,typed with IN YOUR POCKET? "Springfield rent ordinance. no railroad alignments be released to private^ '.('riirdens of Klizahclh ... The New Jersey High- This is a grisly story covering three centuries coiikiiui^process—you'll find it here. Since •-i.' _,, _jzJu-^leispa-^-n[-tot.WMilriSill=line«-(iiot-all-in— DA XIQbLDJSEAICK rnr 7 —ownW5hlp~~\vlthoiil~cIearancc by alf puEH'. \Vay.-!JuparI7m'Mi rejects- Ihe Township Com- ~tn-thT~hiKtinry"~nf~ ""' '""" ' (ireene had been a melil-cutter and a meal, part of the tenant who docs not re.'djzejba' t ou" r -cupitul letters, please,. AjHetter^mustbc • agencies^, with (lie state getting a firs.t option to niitlee's re(|itesl lo carry (Hit a-'-'promise". to SiiiiRon family was placed in charge of distributor,- and involved in consumer township has Ihe best rent leveling law in the signed, llio writer's narii to correctly buz?,r"yo-yor" Gcckcr, district secretary, jumped out. riTliisysent. Why? troduction of.a zoning ordinance amendment Nif the. Sansons turned to the lienling~nrl~ She tells how to pur.cliaKe, what lo look for,, Tenants Association'. ^ • ' v_i' . .. . all coma ^our bank.\Another is to buy U.S. Savings Bonds on i % !' proferritig their balms freely to rich'niid poor —Votlngrecords on major bills before the I9flth On March 111 Dayton's and Alan (leisl, senior class ""ncciiuso it's Milxwcll lloime. sport suit '; Miarrihg all "pony rides, car:ousels,-el( .'"'in'^lii best buys and bow toniake.best use of hones. JACK HKSNIK under these.cotergories. Don't be misled into alike^Bul there was no escape for the sons New Jersey Legislature" a regular basis - and here you'll find our Bond-arMonth juniors 'and seniors attended rcprcsciiitativc. ' . What is,>ltfo world's" most with solid township:— Similarly, she discusses-[>ork7hani, lamb, veal, President thinking thatfludrldation is just another step in whose heritage it was to conllmin the un- variety meats and sausage, lunch meals and Additional Information, on legislative ac- thi! annual Key Clua '.'college The "boysr dressed in honorcc).-watch? A Longincs. - •" blazer .1. . ' -O-ll" ". .SpringfieldTi-iiuMt»A«»09> 394-^304. ~~ —Pollowing—Ihe—format of a looked mildly nervous under ^Kather Dip, What president an inert-use of-$-lil,!lli!l l(i be raised by taxation A chapter oWliicat packaging, price, quality. I was shocked at tho article written by our everybody In the slattln order to give limited You'd probably be surprised at howirnuc'h'ofryauE: slacks. and seltiriH Ihe new lax rate lit >$5.4.Iran~in- official symbol of tyranny and Injustice the supermtirkel sales mid freezer plans Is a good, VOTING OODKry^VesTN- No.; A -absent; television quiz show, panelists the big lights. The^teachers'' was first born outside the --health-officer Dr.-IIcnry-^iHH^wftich-wa» •nrnnflt-to, a few people who_.suffer from a r Change to keystone of the revolution. ' ~ r ; NV ^abstain? . - . • displayed casual • coo1pflM._.;._.Q,riainaL..I3_..!!oJ:oiijils?_Abc crease of i)(l points, is approved '.i-2 by the guide. Kor the thrifty, .there-lire detailed iti- published in your paper'two wcekfl'ago,.Dr.-...noncontaglo.us, relatively minor cash disappears without a trace. Wjth a regular savings .pushed the buzzers before • Towhship" Commillee ... At a special eon- Many-incideiitH-lnvolving him are recoi-ded. structions-for_meaL_cul.ting nt home and Ihe , KXI'LANATION OK BILIJJ - ' them when they thought they - even when they were losing, till Lincoln. '" i . .' -„ its.matching Birnc was apparently expressing UiebeHef that 'dental) problem. program those odd~quafters and. dollars""wbuld be r fereiiee to. discuss toivn financial niallers. reminding us of'the.hor.rors_ot-that:pcr.iod. In:—storing of meat. The final'sui'gestion;; ""nrc"ror . S 6 (MerJinp, D. Dlst. 13) Provides that knew'', the - answers to the..•• to UK. •'.' ; •... '*..••• '. '" There . Were' iiumy. more- ~trousers , InstejvdoXprotectlng.ttie public from unhealthy There jire.other ways lo deal;. 1 kl questions jjosed to Ofembythe- - What-is Ihe moat commonly quos ((onS" on t o_r t a I n I n g ..,1AMICS M.' lUKiUIO. pvesTclenl. of the locul 1797))S5 Ihthe hlBh-officehlgh_office. of.. executioneexceiftlonerr was . • •- — — ... - '"". Impurities hnd additives'which,.are,io I " " accomplishing-sorriethihig for you iinsiwri r>C and It's d uakiHied.hufTioruntil'lR7(ldid tlielirsr^iins Inthe wucld'J A studbnt3-4iinEKuuity'alike -: — • Hoard nf Kdueatfon, lells^th' Th ison - celleilt appentiicTTsT in food and water, various departmen _ __^ --studentoiHsler.of Ceremonies, J . JosttheyLcLbe^^ bjuUding security:for-yourfut -Many ofihe questTons-were pgflTlrmy cliplfeliiherlT public health servlco could-use the presence-nt^dl'itHIjtiliiiii ol "faculty mcriilicr g'uesse"d ,!'ii" 7 "1 ' IT -, ; or..drqps;iolnB-r-=^.S ^ae-flVlarc^a.TD; Dlst! 4K Ucquircs that- — 7StudcntTr"l)av'd-~GoHob— hul a s.luili'ni'^irvejhe propp.r,: ,. devpted to sports, but_uo-_| zi.~t will- tfi>( aee'epi iiiiy voluntary salary rcduc- -IVsiich impurltles-and additives as a good e.S'cusc [uTHang.th.ejn. The free i tlon s stcm wa ^ _ : i§ _our .. tions tin's yeiirfjs-hiHJ been requested.by-tli(i flTYITlfl T _ to add their own—In this case fluoride.- tried "in Knmr. ,..v> -. -,--- y * appllcuUoiifora permit-to carry q handgurC iphflllSSSl-PP-• the scores pn" a .. answejci ^t : busijiess. Stop in "soon, and~Ief~'u^ show youBhow 1 iind few on literature and art. Roy(!rnlnc body•;.?75 cenb:-bu.VK-H-4w: star— |II -^-"proved" that fluoride is harmlessJqjILflnd Kw-itoS'n;. -S ^ >: ^t s^« 3-»«^^: ^hat "losing" streak. : ••••••.•;."'•:--—-:~~^--^-~-^= p orgag n "Memorial, corncclly answered tlM!_Stud<'iJiS; Chester Gould- some alid "flellglilei] ""idiol'sTDelighl'' atiui arealheater benofielal to the development of strong teqth In s music greefinK"the students become, rrjandatory we 'as "citizens °of ^~ rH»l"-unn~b—Dlstr"2IT -Appropriates .draws what famous cartoon TTcy-spelling" diphtheria L' 4V

he says that the public has become suspicious. ' munization throughout the state (or all children Tailored doesn't the bank keep an extra drawer full'of water^.anyway-and b» on' .without Faculty memjjers on stage Vowing lie had Icarnedhls lesson, Henry got Too many mjstakes have been madri in ^Ih in public and' non-public schools. Passed For Boys * Girl* Ages 6 to 14 In a , simulated mon^y?)^_", h announced / with Marionni, science, *bre (hfo the .motion picture business and played name of progress ^nd tho public good. Our Assemb^r7» -18-74,77-p, •••'.' ta ke StbcR in Am erica * Sltuol.d In Ih. nfi dranchad Kills of Wa.l Kor an Imaginative bank job we must go to ar •«"^i!!"" " H" °s yet.If yQU texturlzeid himself Jn a Silent picture called "Debtor to tho environmental tragedies "havhave few rearl «. opposed tomondatory fluorldation it may A 532'tBarbour;D..Dist. 7) tjeslgnaied the ^Illord, Hfi, . ,.••'.. Chard, Franco, where a'lonegunnian wearing 1 * Faolurasi Fraili Air Outdoor ActrvllUt, polyester Law." ^ • "' ' '. - villains; mostly just misguided people. still not be too late to write either to Governor "Trails Sysfehi Act/'establishe^a State Trails Buy U. S. Savings Bonds -. Comforlabla Coblnaf Swlwmlfid. Booting & 41 Mounliln ava, Sprlngflild, N.J. 6)Ctl . a galnt false nose walked up to a lady teller. "\ Ini .1920, ho warned his son, who was The health services haveialready established Brendon Byrne or the the N.J. Department of that moves System consisting. of scenic recreation and Outdooi Sporta. C.I.T. and olaa Tho toller told the police the nose looked so graduating from high school, never to corajnlt precedent for their right to enforce health Environmental Protection; attention Mr connecting side trails. Passed Assembly 3.18-' with you, Phono: l»4:J700 , CilTlpar pfogramm \ I funny she started laughing uncontrollably. - a crime. "It,just don't pajr^j( said Henry; ' ' Solan, P.O. Box 2809, Trenton N.J. 08625, 74,77-0. • All Exp'arUncad, refuses . Second CI»H Pottagg Paid al Sprloglleld, N.J • When she reached a complete state of hysterics V L Just about- one year later Henry found KI.KAiyoil C.U11A1, Five Convenient Locutions in Union Suparvlalon towrlnkle:, Publlstlgdeadi Thursday by the bank robber, so unnerved wiitfhe, run out of A 818 (Florio, p," Dlst. , 5) Permits a' Take 3 himself bored and broke. So ho walked into this School lunchesn "~ .'•,". - OldCoach road .municipality to institute cpiirt action to collect • Madlcol Fpcllllx.wllh ^ Trumar Publlirtlna Corp. the bank empty-handed. • -' Telephone 6889500 . ' v • ^ndras on duty«ond^loc- It all adds up to a * . months little bank In Harrison, Ark. taxes unpaid for one year. This would makA' ratb/>r..cbl6rfdl bank j6b was'attempted'a Navy, green, tan, brown. No service j' MoncTtryI'Aprll/^!hiite,jsloppy Joe on buni Scrdpbdok properties available for "homesteadlng" in the Two Wttkt - Only 5 On . charge. Mllion Mlnll, publl»h«r seriously. ,. • . . . .few weeks ago "back ,e.ast. I forget exactly ' string beans, frjiit or cookies, milk. ' "'lies. Passed Assembly 3-18-74, 7M. DKC0UHT$ AVAILABLE w w ; Aihar Mlnli/aiioclaia pi/bllihar Henry Starr Was the last of the horseback where. A young stranger drove !mb town one' .All rna|or Tuesday—Juice, breaded veal cutlet, tomato- ;'. V'ATE .. .' sg,,'• i.i.- 88M Includaai 3«iaola_dgi.li, jnauronc*. Ironaportotlon, Sizes 36 lo 46, R, L. bank robbers. And one of tho most colorful. He morning and sat in his car casing a bank for i On March 29,1790, John Tyler, 10th President credit cards WEWS AND EDITOR IAL DEPARTMENT sauce, guttered rice, corn, fruit, milk. r\ 2ii Ale>iza, Alexander. • T '. .... • ••' ',. •', . oiriii •• Free ^Iterations. once led his gang in robbing two. banks at -the :''N,- Y accepted. . Abcifr OoM,,»dltor about 40 minutes. i Wednesday—Juice, pizza slice of cheese, B of the United States was born. V 21 Dunn.,Thomas,;!. . •""• -Y'- y, GIRLS' SB&UOH.Y-1 to 7-13 and 7-15 to 7^7 . ' KiranStalt: . ' same tuno in the same town. Finally, satisfied the time was right, he Texas was • readmitted Into tho "Union on relish plate, pudding or fruit, broad butter, 22 McDonough, Peter "• '•.'',Y Y «ob*rt Ulbklod . ' That was in Stroud, Okla., in 1915. Henry and donned a mask and lunged at the front door -o! March 30, J870. BOYS' SE$$IOM 7-29 to 8-10 arid 8-12 to 8-24 ,, Lt! Mllamul, director milk. ... Y A «* A 532 ' A 818 " two other robbers got $16,000 from the Stroud - The Eiffel Towef In -Paris, France was of- :i the bank. At exactly tt:50 a.m. •'' Thursday—Juice, hot dog on bun, potato '20 McCarthy, John ."• Y FOOR DETAILED BROCHUREE, WHITEHI ; BUSINESS DEPARTMENT State Bank and three other members of the Y' Y Robert H.'urumall,«dv«rWilnB director He bounced right off the front door and chips or French fried potatoes, sauerkraut, .t flclally opened on March 31, 1889. . 20 Garrubbo, Joseph ; gang took $4,000 from the First National ' '.•A A A' landed In the arms of a policeman. fruit, milk. V_ The British Royal Air Force was founded*on '2!Gregorlo,John - . 9am Howard '•'Y -. „••• Y Y . ABKE Hoary also got wounded and captured in that , Later he told the officer: "The all open .Friday—Juice, cheese ravioli or oven-baked April 1, 1918. ' . ' (AMP 0C4\ViSIViSI\ Publisher—Itl«-lfa7 , 21 Deyerin, Thomas Y Y «Y MILLBURN • 700 MorrisTpke. Job. He was sentenced to 25 years in the at 0:30 in MY home town." AJf/lsh, mixed vegetables, bread butter, fruit or Harts Christian Andersen, famous Danish 22Wilson, Betty • Y . Y .. Y P. 0. Bi*U4, PMUle.N,J,ITI58 uiiiiiriiniiiiiinitiiuiittiiiiiiuiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiui writer, was born on April 2, 1B05. . THURS. &FRI.'til9,Sat.'tll6 Oklahomu State Penitentiary. ,. Dum de dym dum..(Dumb, dumb, dumb!) '• i, milk:- ... . • . \, ., }.,. , '. % 22 D'Ambrosa; Arnold Y • V

••• - v-


'A: 6-Thurtdoy, March 28, 1974-SPRINGFIEID(NJ.) LEADER Congregation will observe two pre-Passover customs SPRINGFIELD(N.J.) LEADER-Thursday, March 28, 1974-7. Two traditional pre-Passover customs will be Traditionally, all firstborn males are rcqulwd Adult class observed under the auspice£. of.Congregation to fast the day before Pa^ajBOver because Jewish Israel ofSpringfield, 339Mountainave..corner firsHxirn were spared in'Egypt when the angel registration Bath Size . T 9-Volt Transistor T'' Johnson's Diamond Shunpike Iload. • ,*of death *'passed-over'f Jewish.homes on his The first is called "Mchlras chometi" (sale way to slay the Egyptian first-born. opens at Y JergensSoapl Battery I Baby Powder Aluminum | Chewing Gum al chometi). Under Jewish religious law no Since (his is a minor fast day, the first born Registration-is.open for the , chometz (leavenI or "chometzdige" utensils may avoid it by participating in a "§'udol * OUR DISCOUNT PftlCE I OUR DISCOUNT PRICE I OUR DISCOUNT PRICE I OUR DISCOUNT PHla OUR DISCOUNT PRICE new term of classes at the • may remain in (he possession- of'"Jewish Mitzvah"—a repast associated with ;i happy Summit YVICA; 79 Maple st. families 'during'the Passov.er\ Traditionally.' religious event. A "Siyum" is such a repast, arrangements are made for the transfer of title marking the completion of the study of a Teachers . include Jean of such items before Passover to a non-Jevvish" Talmud tractate by'an individual or by a group. Yuen, whose Chinese cooking •12-x 25' 1 owner. Knbbi Israel E. Turner,6f Congregation Tlie Siyum at Congregation Israel wil I* held class will include Mandarin, Israel, will provide that service for all who immediately following the morning service, on Cantonese, Shanghai and LiMirr'A .desire his assistance, whether or not they are Thursday, April <, which is scheduled for 7 a.m. Szechuan dishes;. Gene Rau,, memlHTS of the congregation. ." . ' .who will ieach ways of cooking' < 69 ' There is no charge for participation/ in the meat using new methods and • Itabbi Turner may Iff reached at the 3 DAYS ONLY Siyum. for memlwrs or non-members. cuts; Marguerlta Griscavage, 9 synaBogUe Friday morning, 7 to 9. Sunday morning. It to 10 and Sunday evening, (J to 7:15, teaching Spanish* for begin- : TO PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN: ners or intermediates, and Monday through Thursday, 7*to 9, and 7 to B; Prlcej good through Saturday. Christiane Forbringer, who rp.m. Arrangements may lilso be made. l)y Would you like some help in preparing' March 30. We tes*rvg the offers five levels oi instruction phone, :i7ii-($. , classes participated in the teacher'«_onnual Colonial Day program by Bniovina Those interested in learning llchorim" (repast "of the • first-bprn). square dancing In the Walton School gym recently. The program Included a spelling to play bridge or improving, bee and old relay a.anjes researched by James Guinea's fifth grade class . their game will receive in- iimmitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimmiiiiimiiiiliiiniiiRa sXruction ' from Gloria Anderson.-PhylllB-Zlatin-will- Illlllllllllllllllll IJIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIllllllllllllMIIIMIIIIlllNIIIIINlMIMiiiiiiiuiuiiiiuiL,- help you create your own individual pattern to your SAUSA<;K- measurements. Marie Welsh (H'ACOMOI.KDIl' will .offer various forms of H minted summer Knu^n^r, Report from Washington sculpting, Martha Gibb'ancT finely chopped Nan Carter share their 'ex-, I medium-sized ripe :ivoc:ion Irinoii juice and needlepoint with begin-" * tc!iK|iOOlLWuri;('Ster.sIiiri' jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiBy. Rep. Matthew J. Rlnaldo mm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiliiiiiiMiiiiiiiiil ENERGY CRISIS SPEAKER — Judi Hampton, one of Mobil Oil's consumer affairs tiers and with those with some saner ". representatives, >wlll discuss the energy crisis next Thursday, April 11, at o meeting . knowledge of these crafts, 2 drops hot sauce, If desired Il-is ii rcKrvltiilile, hut true, fact of political I feel that it would, be a' good idea to adopt the of the Springfield Democratic Clt|b at tho National State Bank. The program will 1 .life that •Ilic type of meuniiiHful campaign Speclalinew programs~in™ 1 te:u>poon ,drv mustard federal tax-free gift limitation of $:t,(loo. I can begin at .8;3Q, p.m. and the public is Invited to. attend. Ms. Hamptoh, a former reform leKisliiliiiii soli(iliT~l)y so imiiiy con- elude crdcheting,-taught by- '.» cup finely chopped onion see no reason why any individual or group community oarganlzor and school teacher in'talsslsslppi for the Congress of Racial JCsther • Crissinger, and eenied Americans-will not be Enacted In time to should give more (ban $;),0(M to any cjindidnto, v I medlum-sl/cd tomtitn, COLONIAL ST-YLE —Students ln Mrs. Ruth'H'eller's fourth grade social-studies classes . Equality (CORE), recently |oined a special commiifee of the American! Petroleum photography, 'taught by x affuel Ibis ye.'ir's Congressional elections. •The. Only permissible exception would be the .peeled and chopped' at Walton School model colonial style clothing. They are, from left: Larry Jqcobs, Institute concerned.with consumer affairs and women's Interests. She also has Nancy Ori.' Cut avocado, lengthwise, in In lighl of Ihis obvious ii|)(liealion of public 'organized political parties which have 1 rosponsibilily by Ihe Congressional leadership, Chris Cardinals, Marlon Jackson, Richard Kesselhout, Debbl Swenson, Sandra served as a special advisor to former Cleveland Mayor Carl Stokes.., -."'.. .:" . More information, riiay be • hiilf and remove seed. Scoop traditionally hefped finance Iheir" candidates' 1 I-•personally will sign a pledge of ethical campaigns. • •:— Sucre? nnH Rpvarly nilqnnA j_ ^ , , _ ---- -' obatlned by calling the YWCA "out avocado. Mash avocado at''273-4242:. •' ." with lemon juice. Add Wor- enmpaiRii.liniincinK. Moreover, I will ask my Therefore, I will accept, no contribution or ^•innjujriii tjjjMtn tjiniirrujJiiii tiuiiint ifin i u i it 11 Jl ri I JTI rtrim lirtu > JI n i r J i ii 111J < f J JI1ITI1M H J III Jl 11 ttu Iti IIUIJ J tf HI III I HI H u < 11 j< ri i rti inn mum m t rtjijg cestershire sauce, lint sauce! like:ininde(| colleagues in'..HiC-ConRrcss-to Join _ -total iumtributlonK from any one individual or (if desired) and dry mustard, me, and I uiluld linpe that all candidates could group larger than $:i,(KI(l, and I feel Hint other Oriental art Mix well. Told in lim'ly' find It-wilhiii Iheir consciences to do likewise,, candidates'should abide, by this limit. ".- L BUYING WISELY 1 L chopped sumjiier sausage, mid subscribe lo Ihe following reforms: In tlie past, sonic candidates have tried lo | °.^ "~From Better-Business Bureau " •• • ' — • ' | flmion ' and lomalo. Place First, there Is Ihe problem of individuals who -conceal thc_renl source.of contributions an?! §111111 i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilniii of Metropolitan New York, Inc.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiijl talk planned avocado seed in center of: • give huge cmnpnign contributions and then •circumvenl~canipaigii contribution limits,-: by' Dwir^ Larrie: -—----— ^ ^ manufacturer who gives you good service. Oriental influence (in Ihe —e\|MH!l-fnvoi's froni the recipient one*1 lie is • mixtiireTChill until ready to selling up n multitude of committees.- These A few days ago I relumed from a 'tou r of' These delicate appliances can breakdown, and derorntive nrl ., ol enrly CUSTOM "elected. Hig donations touched wff niajor serve,(then remove seed. many committees, mnlte an effective audil Kurope and was terribly disappointed wilh Ihe usually a reliable appliance dealer is-Willlng to Amerlcii will ho discussed.by controversies in tlie 1972 Presidential nice with Vield: II cups. nearly impossible. Asa result, it is difficult to so-called "first class" hotel accommodalions I exchangiT your hair dryer for a new one, or to .C;irl Diiuternuin on Wed-, ' Hie. ITT. Vexed, and the dniry industry gifts to determine who is really fiimncing a campaign. . ' had. In fuel, in one purlicular country I refused service it. If trouble occurs within the warranty nesday evening ut.H:!IO p.in- at OOTHBRUS FIGHT the Nixon campaign. On the other side, General II wotild'be preferable It each candidate agreed . to stay in the room that was offeredjne^l-asked period and if the warranty spells' out this the Oak Knoll.siUilitorium. 44 CANCER Motors heir Stuart Molt gave $:I55,(W(| to the In have One -cainp.'iigu commiltee which the name of some other hotels mid finally found particular contingency. The warSWy period Hlackhurn I'd.; Summit. AMERICAN a room I •fell was suitable. WITH A .. Mc(iovern campaign effort. The only way lo- cpllects all limds and makes all expenditure*:.---. for these appliances generally covers one ybnr • • Diiiiterman is a writer and CHECKUP CANCER • climiimlo Ibis problem woyld be the enactment'.' In this way, citizens groups like Comitioii Why don't travel agencies tell Iheir clients for parts or labor. . • lecturer in Kuropcan and AND A SOCIETY ...of a federal law limiting the amount of-' CjiOse'.-or indeed any interested persoiivcjin see w;hat to expect whcn.visjtiug foreign counlrics'.'- • - -0*07- Larrie O'F«rrell -Anu(u>i:ulivv-jirlK~.AK- donalioiiK from private individuals and groups.. *the precise source of all campaign con- Disappointed—t7cnr"lsirric: : - - . CUialor enierilus in Western T .Dear Disappointed; r As I liaye "hidic'aled. In. the absence ol tributions. . • I realI> meKse.fl my financial situaUpn up.— SANDMEIER THESPIANS — Members of Ruth Locianl's third grade class at the Thelma Kuropeati arts ill the Congressional action, I shall voluntarily limit .The HHIer. Business Iliircau has found this This idea .was embodied in Ihe bill lhal Klghl months ago I bought a car through a Sandmeier School, Springfield, recently presented 'The Good Old Days,' a play Metropolitan Museum of. Ai;t, Ihe size of Ihe donations accepted on behalf of problem to be a major .area of complaint. r 8-Pack passed the Senate, bill it is stalled in the House. .finance company and was able to mcot my -' about education in colonial times. The production, directed by Rosemarle Krosche, he is eniployin(i a computer ti> my candidacy. . -^ „'' Travelers should-'ascertain from Ihe travel I (In not-fce! Ihe public is willing lo wail while a(*enl just what first class or second class payments without difficulty. My problem learning lab Instructor7rstarred~(front row, from left) Christine Martlno, Brarjdt sjiuly Sevres \ por<'elain While any dollar amount wdulrf be. arbitrary. iR-gaTrwhen my wife insisted orTii new bedroom mamifacliiriim personnel Ihe Congressmen and Senators iiebnte Ihe means in each city or.country to be visitedr Feuorstein, Bruce Lefkowitr, Linda Seymour, Lisa Greenbetig, Elinor Sadin and Combs issue, I'have instructed my supporters that if set. I bought her the bedroom set she wanted ltHivrH^tnip:i!R.nr^")nring_:Jlie_;Wa!(ti_'paIe_.. served with a sunttnohs. Larrlo, who can I turn lollowed-hy .seieral Irips lo iMf!'.txiiiun—=—-•-•:- —-•-,—.-;.-i.';-—^r Clipper hearings, we lia\'e heard about huge sums nf ~lo~for-hclp? ... . - , .,, , . \'ucalon . to . father dial Ihe encrgy-crisis is over. --o-o--' 1-arrie (VPnrrclr Bonnet cash ehaiiuitig hands iii- cloak-and-(liigi!er , • - • -- Help Wanted ethnological niaterial on . Ihc Dear l.arrie' "Mow can Ihe President ro<|iiest. un: scenes. Cash is convenient lor those who wmil Uear Wanted: • '"'•"• Mava Indians. ' ' precedenlod Presidential power In cope with lo use ('ampaign contribiilions fo_r lhe'w'rnnn~" I have iio luck with hairdryers. I've lieen Whatever you do don't Ignore a summons. lie wiil use a douhle-slide through three hair dryers, with each one AMERICAN our energy needs one week and then tell us lli.il reasons because il cannol-be traced. While Ihe Otherwise the court will ho.vc-.no'choice but lo projection prcsonliition in his lasting not'nearly a year. I'm now confused as Hie crisis is over the flcxlT" ftiniildn asked limit on any-iontribiilion should be $:i.oiui. Ihe render a judgment agaliiRt you. Some people deserve discussion. Ihe fifth of Ihe six Hinaldo cited Ihe President's message lo Ihe limit-on any casli contribution should be Sinn to what kind of hair dryer 1 sboiild buy. When r CANCER American arts lectures co1-. my hair dryer breaks down I usually dispose of complain that they never received a summons House leadership on March 14 following his Any donajion over Jlflii should be made In , before their wages Wore garnished. In the city,— Duraclean -.sponsored hy. tjie Summ'it veto'of Ihe Kmergency Energy Ael. ' ' . U and buy a dew one; My sister thinks I'm . . . l(Ta BantU, [o«m"»lwufpllnn 2 POCKET money order ur rhec'k. which can be easily the term, "sewer ser.viee" has been used by rlMning m«thod thiLrtucn**. SOCIETY .hinior kca| crazy. She said I should have the machine illft uf*ly, *n& thoroughly, No Sunimlt ArtCenler. A$l lickel "The Prusidenl urged Congress In puss uhal traced if any questions should lie raised. those who said some process servers simply mj»klin; or MTubblng. Our t>n>- he called urgently needed legislation for Ihe serviced. I did ask a manufacturer to service rmlonil <>n Ucitlon Mtvlco re- iS' available al the Oak Knoll Tlie.polls generally indicate lhal public Irtist one of these hair dryers bill he wouldn't service dropped the summons into the nearest sewer. KtnrtM th* ItMllIy it( ill rarp*U future of our-* .nation. He sumamjirized ii Hiitl uphoUurwl (urnltur*. Auditorium Wednesday PORTFOLIO in politicans is at.an all-time low. One poll in- If you-c'an't afford a lawyer, consult Ihe Legal 1 package of no less than 17 major legislative il. so I figured that all manufacUlrers are the eveninfi or from tin Summi! dicated that politicans were held in lower Aid Society nearest you. (Look it up in the ^ or FREE iniliatives, and encouraged action." ' v same. Is this so? Art <'cnter<27:i-!M2h. regard than used-car salesmen. Clearly, ~' . Larrie (Worrell ", •" quotation Kinaldo declared lhal "Ihese bills "are slill Dear-Wed ; . something'must be done lo arrest and remorse Hotter Business Bureau, call coowisy is SUCH essenliiil amifilial we iniitsl not be lulled ,in!n Ihe erosion of public (.rlisl In tlie vital govern. All manufacturers aieuol the same. Yoii are 15 Washington st.,. AKAKE. C0MM0DI7V W UlYLtT BY DR.A.W. DAMIS I'omplacency by Ihe lifting of Ihe'Arab nil mental processes. ';..)• safest if you buy a hair dryer from a . Newark, OTlflZ (643-3025) . 399-7893 ' your week ahead .embargo. This Is L'ood ne-W.i;_bul—till :iirplmtirnhrtinn—^f-thrai'^hTmle-prnrmnils OURAGtfAN-BY-Mn'OMK— could ensily rcimpose thceinhiirgo al any linn . tUUIIIIABLE will not in and nf themselves renew public "iiur gfilTnViTrsI be nalinnal self-sufficiency In American Viewpoints ARIES -.'. According to-stellar patterns, Jtiany members inoel our energy needs." trust. There will always bo those wlm ace benl Mar. 21 • Al""- if* of your'siiin Have (,o fuco a financial emergency. on breaking the rule's no matter how tough So, keep speiidlnit nt n minimum for the next BAR-B-Q-GRILL lie added, "If IheiPresident-and Congress sil they may be; but they are ii step in the right •two weeks . ._..justJ_n_caso! _„ _„• back and say thai the crisis in o.ver, we can Bath Oil Beads direction. I call on all candidates for-office-in — TAURUS',- wind up with"longer lines and fewer stations Thin«K should ^o well, oxcoptionnllyjw.clI._.One.. New Jersey to adopMhese Ideas on a voluntary ARE YOUR FRAMES Apr. 20 - May 20 problem, however. You might face the "crisis. IKtVtNl TLAKE-UI", open than ever before. We must remember thai „ basis as a first step toward renewing Hie T)f over-confidence." Incidentally, in one.form LEGS FOLD. ADjUSTADLE\ l GRID. • ., \ some ^sections -of Ihe country had closed public's "faith in our great governmenlal In- DATING YOU? SPRINGFIELD AVE. or another," yo» Jl hit the, jackpot. . ' Gelusil stations and long lines this past summer before .Stltutions. ^ . GEMINI Overtures and trafficking with qtiesticnablc the embargo was ever .instituted," HEADING WEST? — USE PROSPECT OFFICE Moy 21 • lune 20 members of the,,opposite _scxK shows in _tho_ We- still have an energy crisis, no.mailer Put on the look of today . charts of many Gemini persons. So, work at Tablets what the President' says," Hie New Jersey Morris honored stnylnj: In'bounds. . • , LAWN CHAIR Congressman staled. He emphasized lh;il Ihe AT „ MOONCIflLD It's not often that "you steiTout of "choracter, Presi(leiirsjatcst_statemont represented, the • : June 21 -July 32 hut this weok,-you just won'tbc yoursolfrGuard' StJoseph 7 r same Kind oTcxpedient policy that contributed by school society aKaiiist being neglectful of loved ones^your pet, included. * ' • to the beef shortage, runaway inflation, us well John F. Morris, son of Mrs. Joseph H. Morris Children's Aspirin asniielnng gasoline Hut's. of 411 New Brook lane..Springfield, hml.ilie. lnle_._ , LEO- wnntji to . "It .is self-cvi(|cnl," Hinaldo said'.- "when we" . Mr. Morrls.'nnd a student nt .Jonathan PaytoYi" — —Ehtte—ts^-rwthirig wrong Ju|y 2i • - -.otr«r".you- o fliwiiolai-prdposltlon": Ahywax*. It's- not a good time to make any-major changes.. conxider-tho short-fall ikit-would result from n Uegional^Uigh School, hiis been elected to the with America tiiat-lhi- faith, J. _pitAbariIntliatEithisds-m>-tin) Society of Outstanding-HlgK School Students, Ibvc o/' Ireeilom'/irtielligence • At last!- In-the ijenernl scheinc-of-things,'It tmd—cjirri^rzof :.ihtrrTttiiiili' Au«. M• Sept. 22 : • seems-as thouuh your pas^efTorts-and perform. "__J.. l.(V,!|Ui|..Unl«ulJO-r.edouble-my efforts lo gel The groupis the nation^ leading high-school ' anoc .will be rewarded. One .other,thing, don't —— -3Sr5hi,; --_wi_lh' WOOjOOO 3 • Qct.. 28 ponklnR. It-jTiln _ ... __ said Kinaldo. "1,'foi: one.'doiiof intend io stand nvailable this year. '~:"~~.^.—-'~'-:—-ri..-~ J :fisllngs,as^ams tlm opposite sei-is coneerncC' er Baskets Brylereem M<>r ia i"• d! become -Involved in affairs of secret order. SAGITTARIUS This week, puk wishful thinking wherd "tf:be~. Novt 22 • Dec. 21 tongs. Don't be. led down any garden path by Hathaway's JTTast talker who wants to give you the "whole. world." SupeRx FULL SERVICE OFFICES CAPRICORN •:- Peler Cand Tal1 or Stripes Sharp! ciffqy and cunning; that's tHe, terms Assorted Colors ' 3V o 1 Af » - Dec. ?i • Jan.,19 that best describo most members of'your sign, Vitamin C This is the most versatile and* comfortublu Keystone Pocket Everf lash* OH BOTH SIDES OF So, put your persasive power to work, during • this, wqek's cosmic cycle. Easter Grass^ IT; Parsnip Pete tjusinoss shirt in our. stocks. Clean, crisp stripes P * .A SPRINGFIELD AVErv'V" thiit will coordinate wjth almost anything in your The only pocket camera with its oyvn V AQUAROIS Many members under your sign, will bo given fCuritySiipfcr business wardrobe. Thq collar is JHathaway's Jin. ai-Feb-ilB T the responsibility of handling someone else's money or1 personal'.articles. It's possible, too,, R,g|^f( lower and1 vary cortWoVtablo Wall. Sttoot collar. built-irtelectronic flash. 29c No'vor needs lloshcubes.... that you will be. "pinch hitting." Easter Toys I Egg Coloring Kit Soft Puffs Durabje press with button cuff. You'll want saVo up loiOC per tlaah. Jual dfop In ^mftPLBWOODBftllK PISCES If someone stresses-or Insists that they are a more than one of these";- . 110 (ilm'cartrlUgo and you're ready to shoot Indoor or out.' , Vt\.1» • M«. Id friend—beware! Advice? Just try to make it Chocolate , » ' • , .4A r ^ and Trust Company @ through the-week without getting Involved In Bauer & Black gossip.' ' . ."•••.'• Athletic BULLSEYE! Covered Marshmallow Rabbits IU Youth odSize.& EARLY-COI^Y Supporter sr I G SU.GG - Publicity Otalr/ntn ara urged LIST69*5 ' PHOTO SPECIAL To mpch- -EREXp|RES Summer Resident Camps ' "\ 376-3000 ' . ' • APRILV • CALL NOW DIAL '...... S*4 SPRINQFIELD AVENUE Pennsylvania Pocono Mountains We carry Cool-Ray Sunglasses! 16-oz. ra 16-oz. WiT§.T OPEN THURSDAY TIL 9 SHELDON oUMMIT . "273-3848 WT * WHtMOt RMipen'$1.50 686-7700 D_D1>CP SPplNGFIEtD AVENUE " I Ailc for Claialllad 303MILLOUKN AVE. MILLBURN, N.J. in-l«B- Horseback Riding MSTYEtttS 376.81-M Fro. PoikinalnRonr BERKELEY HEIGHTS -464,1162 in Tee. waterskllng c LW Cdntact: ...... *. (]>,•.: ]••: •.:..:.,' ^i- ^ ^-.- ^ * «<> P * SHOPPING CEMTER , 1 / M ' "-•" '. V JACK STEIN LOHIKAN RECREATIONAL CENTERS ' Painting Contractor 761-7378 BUI Ooody-201 J7O-0998-12 S21 St./Konllworth, Nj 07033 S- .';;:t -i .r,-.- .- .--.--; - .t . ; .- . • ,, •; • Mipi«wo«l •'•' • S^f-OII DRUGS ;i'W^'» DR (1-4134

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, • • t 1 }'• SPRINGFIELD(*M.J.) LEADER-ThOrsday, March 28, 1974-9 i:'M pin.; classes for kindergarten through 6 8-Thursdoy, March 28, 1974-SPRINGFIELD(N.J.) LEADER Senator Spring courses meet Friday afternoons. : The WATER Mrs. Dudley is a dance major graduate of the The New Jersey Shakespeare Festival will . CASE lioslon Conservatory of Music Miss Johnson is {UCKit HAMPU fourffi ^reduction will be Shakespeare's open its, third, season on June 25- at Crew for in modern dance ' a graduate of (he High School of Performing live-in^ swamp study (SKIPS ARE HANPV TO "Richard H." 7 : University, Madison, with "Meamre.fOr Arts arid .the University of Buffalo. Ashley PlACt ON TOOLS Measure," according to PauL Barry, artistic Tliefifth play for the season, said Barry, will THAT NEEP A FIRM orf's I tobegihatYAAGA sludied at the Martha Graham School, and director for the festival.Etveiilnys will he nf- either be Jasov-MlUw's "That Championship BETTER imiumiiuuitwuumiiiuiimuiimmHiWtiaHitiiirniiiiiiii mn mm 11 H m i iiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiuiuimwnuuimitiiunumuiii mimiiuins Paris is a graduate of New York University. Alt'. Class camping in S.G wilds fered this season, said Barry. ' Season," or Bruce Jay Friedman's "Steam- The spring sessions of \the Sumrnit^Area USING THEM. i(#e W- bath.'.' Final selection will depend on'clearance New Jersey and i|s people have a vital in- Commerce Commission is moving, as,rnquire(l YMCA's modern dance courses for t>(>ys. girls have continued their study with various dance is a very unusual evolutionary event which PR|««. PRUNING . Dylan Thomas' "Under Milk Wood" will be terest in the plan 6f the U.S. Department of,. by law. to gather public comment on the companies,1 are active performers and have TUe ecology and wildlife of the swamp and SHEAKS'ANP MANY . the second production of the festival .opening on of rights, said Bafry. •' LIVING "and women begin this, week, instructed .by -wasn't'previously known, and to specialists, a Transportation, to reorganize bankrupt 'Department's study. r . taught extensively in the metropolitan area. pine woods of Jaspar County, S.C.,--wer«— etwee TOOLS wu June 29. The third plav will be Archibald Season tickets, at 120 each', are available- Lori'tta,* Dudley, Frank AshIey. Agnes studied by; 10 students and three -faculty very Important and exciting finding.'.' railroads operating in our state sod region. At my insistence, the ICC recently held four • Johnson 'and .X.'yrl Paris. Non-niembers are Brochures and further information are members of Rutgers Newark College of Arts .. WUhoft further explained engineer* no longer The reorganization was mandated by-a-law days (•{'''hearings-'at the State Ijibon tintl eligible to enroll, and course fees are charged available at the Summil-YA and Sciences who returned this week from the buUd. dams or bridges without previous en- EASY OWVOUR Congress passed late last year. I voted for the Industry Building in Trenton to give our people for the 10-week sessions. :• ' • ,. ' zoology department's annual field trip to that vironmental impact studies to determine the HANP AND WILL B£ law because it then appeared to offer the best a chance to air their views on the DOT'S study- Ashley, '••—Miss-—Jolwwm—and.—l'acis. i JLoo.th iJJXIu sites that will dp the least ecological damage.. MUCH MOKt ' c area: ;, • Editor's Quote Book available chance of preserving essential rail cooperatively insh"uct the classes, for women He noted there is an increasing demand for £f f tCTIVE IN USE , . 'i'liu hearings, I ain glad toYeport, were well Dr. Dariief/Wllhoft, chairman of the depart- services. and- junior-senior high'school youth. Mrs. T\\f Koothill Club of Mountainside will hold people trained to do these'studieS, and added nli AN INEXPENSIVE The hill provides for a, two-year planning attended, with more than.130 witnesses from ment. Dr. Jame£ Anderson, professor, and WAV TO ITEALLV tditor's Quote fyok— Dudley instructs olasses for boys and girls its mojjthly meeting next Thursday. April 4 a! that one funption of this trip Is to provide process leading up lo development of a final government, industry,.uiict thf environmental Sally lit win, teaching assistant, shared the 6WA fiOOP 6«IP There it a loftier ambition grude.s~ kindergarten through G. Women's the Maplfwood Country f jufo..The Prograrnjjo^ training in environmental and faunal analysis. plan,which will, be subject to .congressional .and public interest fields on hand lo testify. ((living of three cars during the la-hour trip. ON VCHJK WORK , than merely to Hand high LIVIKGSYOM classes arc held 'Mondays and Wednesdays. he presented by Neil Vox, will be "StcK'ks for The students—six zoology- majors, three Tin- most'Mling-tcstimony. I believe, was ; The class camped for 1C days in the pine ROLLER RINK approval. , ' . . W 376-9199 Subfarer Program. T~ — ' . emerge at any time of day or night. "None of Mrii MMsgr . PoHardPjlddt. graduated d tthh e . " Ft»r a state'as heavily dependent on rail .i _l.l)c.lit!velli( DOT'sliulv iH-nrliifniry-iind Hit'. while the Hcv. Morisignor 1 Under this new program the NaVy guaran- this, of course, is possible in a classroom,-" he following year and joined his service, as New Jersey, this simply is not at -. l<''"s.!)fl1it'C-of.I-ulilic_Couust;Latjrees-v;l.flhjue- tees those young men who qualify, five and one- noted: 'i . . . '' colleague at. the Seminary. ceptahle. Kull. information on -the DO'l'- '•.Tin1 ncsl step is tor Ijit' 1'.' S. Hallway half weeks of schooling plus one week., "In our previous trip," Anderson continuedr I \JKJ% They wiTC ordained in 1940 proposalaJs essential for proper .evaluation.' Association, 'a . nonprofit corporation preliminary screening and orientation at the '.'•students observed a species of*%alamandcr and 1950, respectively, COMMONWEALTH' WATER COMPANY I have asked for written explanations on' csliililislmd by I ho reorganization law, lo Naval Submarine School, Groton, Conn. that lays eggs on land instead of In water. This Since then. " their several occasions hut to .date none-has been develop a pri'liniinary plan of tlu>new system. I urge the-'Association lo .(iisfegurd. Hie .DOT. :.i Hie enlisted basic submarine course is In- programs professional paths have forthcoming.'. • , . ' 44ESSEX ST., MILLBURN, N. - tended to prepare enlisted personnel for The Ballet Company~orthe crossed many times, In 1984, Whili' DO'i; drugs its foci.' the. Interstate sludy and to si'arl fresh. • qualification. H provides instruction in' sub- Field crop acres New Jersey Dance Theatre Msgr. Pollard succeeded his an' AMERICAN Water Works Company-System • marine systems und their principles of GUild Is devoting its spring frlend.as assistant director of Hjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiii]^ operation, organization, submarine safety and season to presenting bencfH . hospitals, for the Newark practical' training on.simulators jind training to increase in 74__j)er.formi\ncesQf_"The Subject Archdioce.se when Msgr. | Puzzle Corner 1 devices. Upon successful completion of this - New Jersey (armors plan to increase their Is Dance," which depicts with Murray becae director of the In the middle of a problem - si I By MILT I basic course, the- sailor goes on to nine months acreage of eight major field crops by 4.3. per- narration the tlancc forms U.S.C.C.'s Department of- Of practical training aboard, an operational cent this year, according to Secretary .ol from the classics to jazz. Health Affairs. From/then HOW klANV? submarine of the Atlantic or Pacific Fleet. Agriculture Philip Alompl. o> until 1972. Msgr. Pollnfd was it's easy to overlook a solution. Underliiu'- .Ihe ' correct' On_Sunday, the Itallct number. ••: When this phase of his tra,iningjs successfully • The annual prospective plantings report of Company will perform at-J.R, t.h e A re h din cost's means of espapo to dil- tor, canlightenyourday. completed he is awarded the silver dolphin The energy crunch is a |station schedules first— the New Jersey Crop Reporting Service in- Kennpdy High School, in Iselin representative^ lo the forent uconery. Hero too, But you know your life 1. I low many fishes ditl breast insignia of the submariner. dicates that, compared with 1973 ncrcugc, problem. You've prob- by phono, And when Jesus Use to feed the five constructioto help raisn e ofundsf th,e for—th Come- "department, •ably had to change your '„ you're thinking about the tel'ephono can help and' its needs b'eat. All there will be Incrcuses in corn, wheat, soybeans wo isuggest- \a (hat you' 'thousand? * . •_ ' .Jind sweet potatoes. Smaller acreages arc munity Garden for the Hlind in lilestylo a bit. You'r,o your weekly shopping, fill tho void. Just. lli«3 (One',' two. three I ~~ give ,'a' second thought Go n st r uct i o n~f u nd anticipated for HajTantrwhite potntocsrwhile - —lselin_BothJhc_p

CROCHETED BOLERO HUNDRtDS MORE, UN-ADVERTISED VALUES INVESTOBS .../••' .-•• '*' Thit, '$mQft-(aoking bafara wi long W#fv«i, Ji croch«r«di)n ilmpf«.'| y> EASY BUDGETTERM S AVAILABLE NSURED] if/fchti. ti will tlf min#« ofid imoK ''y^' IF'///'' woman .wearing f/x#i 12 to 20)"' I fofftrn No. 1217 o'v«* th» if\tUt} \j''J(- /? / '( /(/f-'l/'j MASTER CHARGE & BANKAMERIGARD ACCEPTED 0«COSTAOAWSON will direct y •aqh n**f"*wprfc RflNfra for mplU 614-W4 «*4.9IH lla-7173 ' loving*. Studant tololit* will Includa N.AINFiUD:4MPalD:40»P«j t AvtWM •$HOITHIUHTI»M»ll(lo«»rl«v«l) and honking) to AUDREY lAUS S ' 10 AM.».10r.M. Dally 10 A.M.»i3&M«. Daly »30J* JtEAUMl St*^mnl« Jack»on ol Irvlngton. Jh« • A , fr«» coric«rt l^g(>p«nr»o th« public^—

, ' i . '• • . •«

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• / 10-Thursday',. March 26, 1974-SPRINGRELD(NJ.) Seminars at Kean College will open Students qt Kegn SPRIlMGFiELD(N.J.) LEADER-Thursdoy, March 28/ 1974-11 to sing for elderly 'Die flecjermaus' scheduled AAaguire^tfiving Komich first to speak out Final exams before holidays Kean College TOusie students will perform a to get^tqte to pay third annual Higher Education We choral concert for senior citizens; on Wed- at Union ^ d Approximately 300 representatives from will l>e described in the seminar on "Education participants to compare notes and "e nesday. April 70, at the Union campus of the Five hundred former Union College ^.liiilcnts "yCxcs. Tlpkets to the operamay be obtained toy lated' costs for county administrator part of new calendar ailiC business, Industry, thccornmunity and Union as an Industrial Resource." That conference ideas./ *" • > - '. " school. ' formerly jgnown as Newark State and their guests are ex|ii*clrd to allcnil ;r copfactinR (he College Relations Office at * -Unloiydounty Freeholder Director William J. tlninn (-'i.ilh'i'r-tins udopled-a.new :ieaoared. before the charter commission said In 19GS Ihe county engineering department, L The Cultural Arts Series is offered wilhoul , they weresalisified with the present Kysltm in the bridge department and the roads depart- •* will end on 'I'ui'sd.'iy. Dec. '.'A ^ midweek recess will l)e held in mid-March. _County- .Technical Institute,- the . t^ree. in-. . Those attending the workshop will have the. as a community service In make the public Council.. Senior citizens groups interested'in charge to the 4ilumni and their guests as ;|, I'iin'paiiy is a nnn-profil orgnnization/that state level and thus reduce the impact of local which a department head reports to the inent Were consolidated into Jme department In previous ye;irs. I'nion Citllcge' sluiicnis '•• - - y aw,are of Ihe higher .education" opportunities aliciidini: the cunccr,! should rontael Mollny al sorwi la brinU 'he woHd of opera/to new property taxes." • 1 ." stitutions semnU-'"."'- higher education needs of _ojy*^rtunity_to__attend two seminars of ihoifr'* gesture of Union College's appreciation lor Ihe freeholder wiio-heads the-committee having -havui ended classes In-fore (!itrislhias hut 'h.ivi''., ,-rvnilablr-wilhinthi'county..'- ' . ... the college, ,./. •• ".-,' . ' .,. • « .•nulirniU'S. , .' under the county engineer but four years later Union County, will focus on "(>pen Paths to choice. An extended social hour wni"enabli-7lill~" supporl the'Association .has'rendered over Ihe Maguire noted that Governor Brendan Byrne • jurisdiction over-his department. Ihey were spJU.jnto three departments again always had lf» relui'ii ininiedinlrly utter1 Ihe Director Kdueaiion.V— • ,. >., __.,.- 'has already announced plans to call a special forunspecified reasons.'Umlio said he "wasn't , holidays T6r. filial exiiiliinaHoiis. "1'roi. Wnll"_ Higher Education Wttfc will f>egin' with a legislative session in May to consider a new lax Th...ce llnio.l>...,>„i. -...... County, ....I'ark« Commission- , :\n"_ forunspecified reasons.Um mitonorirons agency" of the county'.' operate!*^ privy" to the freeholders' caucus where.thahtht t said. ' . - • '.' " workshop for guiy the charter commission to change !ia$_been_ elected ,to the* board of ,-spinisor<'d iiy Hie Union County'Division of the Telephone film on (he slate and jt^s mountains, Valuable Trading Stamps its' status to that of' a,, department subject to Both Komicirantti-rmbo decried Ihe red tape"' . trustees of"Union College, Cronford.' "II.also provides greater academic roniinuilv National Council on Alcoholism (NCA) at. i. , Three seminars will Ik' t'onducUMiT "Nt'.w . 1 ment services demanded by our State Con- - cities, farms- and-tbi*'--<'ousI-.-is-th* -feature— uw involved in (he business end of their dopart- |or the sluilenls and lacully as well." p.m. in Tiiwn iind Campus, Kli/aheth. Directions iii College Admissions," will. ,ai stitution or by statute should be funded by control by a freeholder or an administrator. Maguire,, who served os mayor of _iiiunday_ut the Union- County^. fork. Com- .ments.-statlng-tliut. contractors^, performing — —l-rot —W4ilf~;iTM>'-|wm»U'd .mil-.thai- tin- neu. -bToadbascdtaxation-wiuVthcimpaet-oPtheSi'- —Ctork—for—eighr~years;—has beoTi Dr. Fagen is the director elf the alcoholism mission's Trailside N a I lire: and _ Science.Cent or. charter cominission have all favored an ad- work for Ihe county sometimes had to wait six appointed to the trustees' building ralendar enables students who-u:ant.-!u--\vurk. '. selors have ahoul post-secondary educational COMPLETE costs fairly and. equitably distributed among.'' weeks to gel p.iidi^The "home rule" concept unit.'at Mountainside Hospital. Montclair. He op|Mirlunities for today's high school student. Showings wilt he at 2. :i nnd 4 p.m. at the minislriitor to oversee county operations.. , and grounds c6mmittee. He succeeds in'er the Christmas recess nvonvtiiwe to do so. A BOOK IS the taxpayers. This is not the case todny with was singled out as a major slumbing block In" similar calendar I'onelud.inji Hie first semester wili be introduced by <;craldine (I. Delaney; Aincini; (lif Alina l.odget IMairstown. 'mission of (|un|ified high :Kch(>ol juniors anil Maguire said he supports' Ass['mt)ly('oiv iiliti it troetwidomni* on the board, whose bylaws call for.' Infonnalion on tickets is flvnilahlirlhrouRrtf" seniorsf 'cross" registration of \sludenls at- 'sday. Donald W. Mayer. Trailside director, will ON FOOD PURCHASES OF EXCEPT FOOD Many— municipalities- resist stroet-widomni* the director of the Union County Board' , College, Ihiion Counfy 'I'eclinic.'il Inslitule and present ahalf-hour nature talk for children at -t- current Resolution 3!) introduced.by Assiitn- Publication includes plans fiir fear thai thivimproved roiid 'would Seton Hall .University, which with I'niiiii NCA division,office.s-,.tl(«) Ni.rtli avi'., IKast). loiidini! Item College., Seton Ilal|-University.- 1 s!5 0RM0IR E AT • of Freeholders to serve ns a trustee. Wcslfielil. aill-BIIIO. T|ie public is invited. Union College anil Union County Technical ji.m . jrie*s*il>jH.-.rwin he-."Water Birds."• 'Sorry, we arc n*l ulUweil I* ^itt t torn pi or redeem blyman Philip M. Kecgon, which would Igml.to become a speedway. ._*' . ' .. College comprise the Consortium of Kasl Institute; ,CJ>;P (College 1-evel Examination The Trailsidi* '[*tan#tnrli.tn program < *SS ilamp b*«ki OR aUvhelk kt*rra|tt ci|*rtnr$'of liquid i the s|,i)te assuming all stnte-inandiiled Costs Baltic scholar at UC Wrogram) scores accepted by tin* ttiree in- Sunday ;ii -.--I p.m. and A p.ni" will In1 "The WJIV FOOD ANY 7^ G^i FOOD DEPARTMENT now borne by county government.- "This Prof, '(.lunars Salins, chairman of l|i< . hjitutions, and new programs. ,' / " Of A Planet," describing the 10 separate measure passed the Assembly In mid- ' Psychology-Sociology l)e'parlmem ,;iil Unioi Higher Education week mnlinns.nf the earth'. On Wednesday. April \\. al BONELESS ROAST BEEF SALE!! February and is currently pending-; in Jhr -College, is represented in "Ualjic l.ileialurt'~'~" ie Union County Board of •' appreciation to Kean College, —distom-di'siRned programs to meet ^Ihe GOVT. INSPECTED Chosen Freeholders, has'- Union College and .Uiijon Specific needs of husiness'iind indiistry^snch 11 \i.n\. ;i new feature will begin: "Journey IV> j PILLSBURY Senate," Maguire said.-"It deserves, the sup- and 'Linguistics;" recently published by "bio J|s management seminars, .courses,Iii. real Infinity," a fast trip to the edge of the universe port of all county and local officials who s'lale University. , • ' • ' .. proclaimed theweck of April 1 Counly/Techpicnl Instihile for As thc'planelarium. seats only M persons, i Bottom Round Roast LAYER bcliuve, as I dn, lharrcattox reform CnW only 1 The colleclion of alticles by lt:Utif scholars iis Union County Higher their services, their in- Jistate and insurance, refresher Wuises lor 1 1 Allied health personnel,and language cninses , •tickets issued ill'thi . Trails id* 'office are on a FRYING CHICKENS result with a'dramallc reduction In llm impact :ind artists includes a paper "on "Kpiphanies [education Week. '•• , spiration -"id '" tiieir' il.O., <,i. of Ideal property taxes." • . • New and-Old. inrhalvlan Letters'"'by Prof I''ree(iolder Waiter educational 'opportunities Cross Rib Roast easyTHE DOIT-YOURSELF WAY, U'/W PRODUCTS BY • Mngufrc said that nearly (ill percent of'lite -Salins. The paper.was first presented al Ihe .Uli'lch, chairman of _ the offered to all Ihe citizens of WHOLE neWly-lntroduced county budget of $4li million! . interdisciplinary conference on Baltic sludies board's l)e|iarlmcnt of I'tihlic Union ' .. County" . Tu».'_ LINOLEUM ^CARPET PASTA ROMANO SPAGHETTI 1 Choice of 3 campuses ••__. represents costs mandated liy the state. "If we in III72 al the University of Toronto. Affairs. ' initiated the proclamation also encourages (Armstrong Ajrn strong k all of its citizens lo paliiU ORIGINAL 1 4 THIN SPAGHETTI ZITI Q miss this opportunity to have thes( coKt(^ resolution- FRIDAY-DEADLINE :_: flooVfashiono -offered aWnion College! SgH^ MM -W8- ^~5t)lftcitT!nhirsrnrcrt"dnubt-ifiht'-ripTmrf(infty- ~TlHr|>ro-eiiiiiiiill«ii~r*W g^|i community service offerings SHOULDER STOLL SMOKED also will hc~;iv;iihihle at holh LAMB -f 39 BONELESS SWISS GIANT campuses. . - ll tU.AN VI?tH'TA(ll,(i, ( CHOPS LB I BUTTS LB. HANOVER SALADS STEAK— ^ .K mi/cii EREELAND The chef is the q Cushion^ backed HiJkes listed FreshHam „„,„ „ ,»99 ' ,. 89° Armour Star Canned Ha'rnT;.,,,™.,,,.. 439, TOMATO PASTE C •j 29 ' 6-89* carpe^yeu-eai only one to get Brown & Serue.Sausage w «,„„.„.,..,.: f.u 89 Schickhaus Famous Bologna MVI» IC' heartburn at on weekend Swift Premium Franks.^..un.,,,,,, ,.99C SchickRaus Franks.,,-,.,™.,,,,,, \.99C GRAPEFRUIT JUICE «'«.,, install yourself. A liimhle nnd n hike are 19 R! Swill Premium Sliced Bacon or Lazy Maple ,,,1 SwiltPremiurti Canned Ham 399 , listed for niemliers nnd (juests PANCAKESYRUP the ARCH... Steer Beef Liver siici ,»79° Franks .uCi'1",."., C when lie see< the low prices wo of the Union County Ilikinu .,«95 Parks Sausage Meat ,,,n,,,, ^45' Ai-mstrbng makes it (•liih tliis-XnUndiiy (ind-Kuiv 1 C for,hit creations. For example: Hygrades Sliced Bacon ..<>.,. .,»1 _° Park Pure Pork Littfe Links imiicl DISH DETERGENT "V, diiy.. Armour Star Sliced Bacon »ci>u 9 4i 99 —easy. We make it A no-wax floor MONDAY Dorothy Treiicy of Crnnford ,,,1' Parks Delicious Scrapple . I It. phg K>3 C Thanks to you, we have again doubled the As a token ,pf our appreciation, .we are awarding FREE, three Prime Sirloin Sle»k Special 'will condiict.il six-mile rumble TUNA CAT FOOD Baked Potato «.,.„ PRODUCEDEPT "APPETIZING DEPT 6 89 I ZENITH 1974 Chromacolor TV sets . . . plus twelve ZENITH AM/ inexpensive. you can install H99 I Salad Bar ONLY in Hie Wiitchuni! Heservation size of our IVY HILL OFFICE...for the second FM-9-Transistor "Wallet" radios. ™ ' THURSDAY —on Siiturduy, bciiiiniiiiK ,-il Prime Rib Special 1(1::io a.m. The m'eetinK place AJAXCLEANSER time In thirteen years! - Don'f-'rrilssduton^rhis^oppoTturiltytowin one of thesevaluable yourself. Soup • Salad Bar is the parking lol ;il the PER Paita of ' th' e Day Trailside Nature -nnd Science N6W, with the Interior of the building thoroughly modernized and TV sots or useful transistor radios. There's no cost, no obligation Sundial cushioned no-wax doors. SQUARE Baked Potato . SQ. YD. YARD Dflttert and Coffee ONLY . Cenler -beautified, with more .teller statlons~and-double-the amount-of- and you neednjbe a depositor or open an account to participate. l2'-wlde floors that shine far longer On Sunday, paiiicipanlswill 12' WIDE than ordinary vinyl floors. , FRIDAY ,: -lobby space, we are able to serve you better than ever before. J meel al 9:1R- a.m. nl. the WHOLE CORN, CRfeAMCbRN Just fill out the coupon, at. the bottom of this ad-and-dopoBlt ltr Fisherman's Delight* Howard .lohnson Iteslaurant, NAVEL ORANGES Now you can gave time as you do your banking; in a setting that Soup dU-Jour Rich's Chicken Roll, vi w during regular banking hours, in the receptacle provided for that lit. 22. North Plainfield, and 89 79 : 1 (ENTREE) . ORVACUUM:.i. c \i nnc provides greater comfort, convenience and efficiency;' purpose at the Ivy Hill Office. Vou needn't be present al'.the dra NO-WAX _Lpbifer Tall _li_olI)=i; proceed-lo Clrlii^slown loxilLV C Stulfeo Clams JASIXCARROTSJE Swift Premium Hard Salami ing to win. Winners will be notified. oystett Rockfellsr eiuht-mile hike tt/l'rineetnn 2 29 Because you, our neighbors, have ojven us the opportunity to Potato and Vegetable $C95 5199' -• aloiiH', the-. Haritan-. ('anal Deiiert and collee ONLY « ^J CANS ^M mJ serve your banking needs, with arTever-lncreasing volume of Clip and complete your 'Lucky Coupon' now. Then, bring It with tnwpath. I.illian Deene of "a?-. Delicious Apples— - 3,98* Plymouth Rock Ham Bologna ,,, 59 Solariari transactions and a grpwing^number of'accountSj the expansion you next time you visit thejbank. Coupons submitted by mail will Duo t(»(th« (ttrl Rltnrta. South I'liMnfield will lie Ihe ( tlu> Arch will uptMi on leader. of our Ivy Hill Office has been made possible. not be eligible • '.. .•"—". - SALE QF- - SumlttVK Mr cut^rvd Yellow Onions. ,,^-. 2^43 Creamy Muenster Cheese _(unctlqiw only: (w/t'ddiniiB/iihowi'rii/ Information about ,lhe ARMSTRONG Place'ii Press i'ni!»K<'inrnU/ftc,) Cull I)untt> for . Hiking Cluh is jivnilable : G^rapefrujts •«s,' ra • t)nou(jli the Union County ! t 8-99' HormeL QUAKERTONE VIMYL RUGS don't get barned dine at Park Co m ni i ss i o n ' s f FROZEN FOOD OEPT Tile recreation department IB NEW! FAMILY SIZE —y Thoro's-nover-boon a better, vinyl-valuo. VALUABLE COUPON The tough, clcar-uinylsurfaco moans long wonr... -B EARLY COPY GOJTON ... . wltli oasy Carb. And. It. wipes clean so easily. . HRCH Publicity Chairmearn arc,arc,urgedu - ' li.iVlMpC.i'uu.i'' "II : . 'Choose from floral prints, tile -and-carpet • t o observb e ththe Fl FrldaydeadF|ndaydeadF|noo : 'SA'VAHIIN'• — II ^The First Db-ltwYourself f thth """offects, marblo doslgns. Qo right over any — othor^than- spot news. -CAKES • COFFEE -J •„. • „'.',"": splld^slibtloor, No adbesivo noeclocf. Include. ;VQur.;:namR,. address— .,z^j-Ct«mnilP0N_u.i4_| I —• Floor Tile and phone number. That Shines Without Reg. $16.99 JLO1 CLOSEOUT IRMY VAlUABlt COUPON 19 "ZENITH 15-SIZES AT SIMILAR SAVJNG^ Solarian Place n:PresS tile keeps its just-waxed and . ii(dihtrM(iiui«i I , MAXWELL HOUSE 3 BARS J CHROMACOLOR TV Let us Show you thfe revolutionary; nevil floor WEIGHT WATCHERS ^~o1 CAMAVSOAP~~. Qn& .oXthteetQ be., mstrong REGS.50Z,BAR I .-today awarded at drawing COtTAGE I to be held 3:15 PM tMllhitflil.HM.M. III). ' Friday, April 5th m pwiciinnuimii, CHEESE; one UL EXCELON TILE VALUABLE COUPON It's so easy to Install Place 'n Prose, \\\a yourself. You don't have to buy ' • CUSTOM STUDDIN consent,-or special tools. Just peol off Rich, lush carpet ?•••• •>•.?•. "•-•".H-H-""-- LuxtiHuiD : I •the:papef baoklnp-and-press It down .-;-;:-^—-(-^- DETERGENT^ "io'siay; Place'VPrflss^tsa"sturdy fcegiO Banking Hour«-lvy Hill Ollice vinyl astiestos tits that can really — tiles^n s^ -take It.. . ' . ' ' BAKERY SPECIALS! Monday: 9 AM-7 PM. Tuesday thru Friday: 9 AM?4 PM Fill out tha coupon and deposit It, In person, In the special con- ^^^M ^^MW MMH^ lt^^mm i^HHM ~rainer provided at the Ivy Hill Office..That'a all there Is to It. Cou- adhesive squares PER STUD IVY HILL OFFICE ••* '" - pons musl be depoilled not later than 3 PM Frlday.Aprll 5lh, 1974. Offer fiood Thru April 13, 1974 MIXING BOWLSET 72 Mount Vernon Flaxe, Newark • ,'•. Only one prize par, family. Employees of the bank and members so you can 12"x12" 'ASSORTED COLORS VALUABIE COUPON oMhelr families not eligible* . .-.HEAVY DUTY• PLASTIC NEST?tE :, -I UNITEDSTATES SAVINGS BAffK dp it yourself. COOKIE MIX .1 'Create your pwn Design 12"xl2" •4lhiul*t Mil 30 MM • j| OMMIMMItltlulMMt. " •• UMTBDSWES IVY HILL O.FFICE-72 MT. VERNON PLACE, NEWARK Corrto over and Select Something ^-r-K ——'id I ^BuSajl °*w/JiiHit£' ; ill , •' •. . ...> OR Bring in your old duds, Name______•• "' NEWARK SPRINGFIELD 81 CLAY, ST. and Give them a Different Look Address. ROUTE 22 .: TJSWWWKiai'iVjffv We rosorva.Ujgjight «,o limit quantities.' , BANK (On* llocMrom trood SI.)., lOoonWutoltMU FOOD DEPARTMENT , POD >»L»I ALLbWID »¥ L*W Not responsible ilpr typographical errors. ' ARrt • ORANGE Zlp. 48S-0600 376-5220 666 MORRIS TPK. SHORT HILLS UNION Rt. 22 at Morrrt Hvenue ROSELAND * CHATHAM TOWNSHIP^ MON:. win., in. »-s, run., num., !»i. «-t OffN DiUH 10 • Ml, Ut. <01 tM. -Britos effoctivo thru Sat. Mar, 3Q, 1974 ASBURY PARK MOO AMURY AVI. 7743817 m, m t«t. not. n«. w. ui.. erf • Phone Number. Across from Firestone • 467-0086 DENVIUBjlOUTI46iiMh>-».i-iu« UMIOI m«i.«».M.t TOMS R|VER ROUTI »7 341-3333 MONlihnj5AT,tt


"•'H\ • -. '"• '1 - ' 12-Thurscj.ciy. Marfch 28, 1974-SPR1NGFIELD(N.J.) LEADER; Mrs. H. Brown • • SPRINGFIELD(N.J.) LEADER-Thursday, March 28/1974-13- elected president Avt0~traffic in park Lectpre set Women Antiques show and sale ends bpokreviewer ctf Mrs. Miskewitz of visiting nurses remains curtailed' Felix Fibich, _., regular meeting today at Springfield church elected president Tfie board of directors of the Visiting Nui oe •^ ...... • -., , - - - -i - -. ~ J~^ --•.--•, preliminary specifications for- choreographer, lecturer and and" Health Services has iflecled^Mrs. H7 Echff'take TarkrTVfoun-- economical replacement of authority on Jewish dance, Alice W. Holland, who is known for her book Today is U>e last day pf the 32nd annual an' Henrich: bake table, Mrs. Raymond Kolster Harding Brown of Weslficld president. tainside and Westfield.' (Iques Show and sale, sponspred by the Ladies2—and Mrs. -Herbert Miller; dining room, MF«. of 2004 Ladies remains available for the bridges and dams thai will appear at Temple Sinai, reviews, will entertain the Springfield Kleclion of pew officers was held at a recent 8F Also elected were*>Mrs. Leslie M.Lifson of s Benevolent Society of the Springfield Charles KeV-linger and Mrs. Gustav Hupp: - pedestrian and bicycling use meet requirements of the Summit, on Sunday,-.evening,, Woman's Club at its meetfh g next Wednesday Hillsjde as first vice-president and Mrs. D. Presbyterian Church. The show opens at noon flower booth, Mrs. Herbert Wipfler: posters. meeting of Ihe 2004 1-adies Club of Ihe from one end to the other, but State tDivislon of Water April 21,' in conjunction with ' evening at 8:15 at the meeting room pf the Thomas Andrews of Westfield as correspon- and closes'aHip.m. at the Presbyterian Parish Mrs. Howard Heerwagen; publicity. Mrs. Springfield Hlks Uxlge. 2(KM; al the - l-wlgc. vehicular, traffic is still cur-'. Policy; and also are drawing the celebration of a Week of .. National State Bask, 193 Morris ave. i dujfe secretary Three assistant treasurers House..37 Church Mal.!. .'• '. »•'"',''. Frank. Richards, and tearoom, Mrs. Godfrey Home, ltd Springfield ave.. Springfield. iip documentation of these Yiddish. Culture. -. Miss Holland Is a graduate of Columbia x reelected were Robert S. Barnes of Cranfbrd. .• tailed, the Union'Counfy Park SiffnTSSlOn to the show, which features ap- Durand and Mrs..William Wood. " The 'following officers were elected: cQsts for the Federal Disaster. Fibich was born and raised .•University where she majored in music and and J. Carroll Dolan and Frank J. Nulton of Commission has reported. proximately 30 dealers;-is $1.25. Luncheort is president, Mrs: Frank Mlskewlt?. "of MotQr vehicles cannot Assistance Administration. in Pbland,- the home of the , history, For years she was soloist at the ' THK STORY OF the French Huguenots, the Springfield; vice president, Mrs. Itoherl" Hillside. Riverside Church in New York City. After ' served from noon toc 1:30 p.m. and a tearoom Mrs. Brown, a board member, for several travel through, the park The Union County Board of hasBidnrrrte1iastoiiredthe French Protestant .Church, including its Roessner oPSpringfield; treasurer, Mrs, Alvi 'dibsen.Freeholders has made USA and Canada with lecture , teaching school for a few years she became a will be open from.2 t6 5, featuring sandwiches, years, has served as chairman of its public . bccauseiof extenslvjntainage^ and homebaked desserts, served by waitresses background as wcllas the role it played i.-: the Dembrfz of Spnri(!fi<'ld;~ri'cordingh>secretary. a partial allocation of demonstrations and dance , librarian at the Elizabeth Public Library. , founding of the United Stateswill be featured at '• relations committee for the pasfyear. She is a to three bridges In the heav.v dressed in colonial costumes. Mrs. John Mikelson pf Cranford; rorrespon-.- 'reconstruction funds with the performances. Her Interest in music led her to. start the .the meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent Society former president of the Women's Division at storm of . Aug; 2, 1973? . ' In addition to the antiques displays, a ding secretary,. Mrs. (lus Kern of Springfield. —library-record collection which she built to the , Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in the Parish House. Shackamaxon Country Club and a member of necessitating replacement at expectation.of reimbursement BLAST- THOIB BUOil boutique, bake-tablc and- flower booth offer CommitleesNnclude'Mrs. Kiciiard- WiMKiwHid bridges-and dams. with federal funds. ' point where it numbers in the thousands, and Mary Virginia Kiehl of Summit will give an the Sisterhood of Temple Ema,nu--EI' and 10 lnm 1 of New Providence, sunshine, and Mrs. Henry i? » ' .she became the head of the music department. iterns for sale. This event is the ;inain fund- illustniled talk on the third international lladassah iniWestfield. , . Picijicklng_,wilt be permitted Cubberley- of Springfield, hospitality ' and ~ She has now retired from that and does.part- raising project for the year of the Ladies' reuih'tin' of Huguenot descendants in Fon- .trading slamp,s. - —Mrs.-KobwtjBo.wman of-itu&oHe-waKrWpcted— In Ihp pwk l>i|t without ,-j't- Society and enables it to contribute to missions 'vance reservations. Two ""» UmeTfbrary work with St. Elizabeth's Hospital, tainelileau, France, in' 1972. Some 2B(» Following tiie installation of officers on April recording secretary of the board. Also elected A Zenith Hearing Aid insures ~ devoting the rest of. her time to community on a Ipcal, national and worldwide level. to the board-were Mrs. Jatries; H. Carroll of ' Softball fields near Mill lane" % descendants from 12 countries gathered there 10. there will be a wine tasing party, conducted ^* work and lecturing. '.'.„• Mrs. Emil Meyer is manager of the show^ to honor Ihe memory of tile Huguenot leader,, by Glenn iiliwisc of Hliwise Liquors, Moun- Mountainside.; Mrs. John Squirell of Roselle" ' will be reserved beforehand, •with Mrs: William Wood as assistant manager. but other fields will remain Quality - After-Purchase I / At Wednesday's meeting Mrs. Henry Wright, Aihnjral (iaspard de Coligny, who was killed on '' tainside. All women interested in the-club who Mrs. Arthur Kalkin of Springfield and the Hey* ; > hospitality chairman, will be assisted by : Mrs. Thefollowing.choirmenareservlng: treasurer, Silas Hudson of Linden. : •. open for users al will. __li ; the .eve of the St. Bartholomew's Day woultt'like lo attend, the party were invited. ; Protection - Satisfaction. • Walter Anderson, Mrs. Walter Lessack, Mrs. Mrs. WlUram Meliek: admissions, Mrs. ' Massacre, Aug. 24, 1372; The slory also take's They should contact a member^ of'the cjiib. „ Because the park drive is Charles Maskiell; boutiquo., Mrs. Robert .'"' ' F.RIDAY DEADLINE' •', URBAN VA'lR — Freeholder Wllliom MoguTre (feHJ^cfiVcussej arts and crafts, tropical fish and cooking. It wlll.be held June " closed between the ruined ' C.V. Mentzer, Mrs. Arthilf Moore, Mrs. Frank • JOANNE ROVAI/ the viewer bftck to (Jeneva, Switzerland', the The Springfield Kllcs Lodge "ind till.' Indies 14 through 16 at Kean College of New Jersey, Union. We start with a complete evaluation ' Phillips and Mrs. Charles Quinzel: Mrs, Janics center of the Keformation, with an accounting Club recently entertained 4.r. veterans from All Items other than spot news should be In our plons for'4-H fair with 4-H aides' Edna Evans, Sandy Clark .bridges, parking facilities.fare 1 .^oirice-by-noon on Friday.---—:— : ~artdylriC6ntVlt«ll07Th8 fair will, include exhibits on sewing, to determine your need.Then we help • Cawley will be in charge of decoration. ;. Mrs. Lyons, Veterans Hospital lit a dinner at the '•',.. MKJj.STANI.KYKAISII -•"'".'•—•• -' "-'•-•, :-'• -f • '•'.• " • . ." • reduced by about 50 percent, of the impact of John Calvin on th'e life of the .select ttje aW that's right for you." with relatively limp-space for '; Frank McCourt will preside. koyal-DeNardo cliurcli-in-that-ilav '•'•-. Ijxlge. Entertainment was provided by Lou. vehicular U-turns. The park Choose from a .complote lineol Puorfii of NevJaik and music was by The Kiiiin— Zenith instruments priced trom Itwidililinn 'lo the story of the-Presbyterian . B'nqi B'rith plans commission noted, that many troth is pledged ,-i group of Lodge members. Arrangements Benefits increased $?5.00 to $390.00.••The prlqein. 'Careers Mobile' Church in France, Mrs, Kiehl will,tell (lib story -.-.were—marir—.by— nhn" K. Snyres, veterans commuters formerly used the 'eludes all the consultation and.after- of-lho-French-miRrantirln thelludso'n Hivi*r~ installation, party park for jroveljind tHat^ it isji.n Mr. and Mi|s. A'illiam no'yaj_"of 40B_'Hqllin£ chairitian of tliA' local Klks. and Mrs. Itic'hard purchase adjustments nocetGary to— Valley in this country. .... Scdwei'dt, |ifesideut of Ihe Ladies Club. ernertjency iri~Trt<~~~~artcry'" 1 Rbck~"?d., SprthgneI~~~~~'h'ave"Tinlh"puh~ci~d~U~ liiganiitalions in England... Shalom', Springfield. Chainpap.ne cocktails ;ind reliremeiil, jiiiyments will oT New Jersey. She is employed by the .Robert K. Willwerlh, Social requirements other than HAROLD SIEGEL The van, staffed by Overlook'nurses; con- . Mrs.Gerald Brenn, president of .the I.adU's' hors-d'oeuvres will ,ln.' sei'wd iii 11, lotlou-fil by FITTING Security district" manager in increiiSc from $JG7 to' $1.79 a Hawthorne Supply Co., Newark. ' : - recreation Is being prepared, ; tains illsplnys and information-on some 300 Society, has exlendeii<"aii invitation lo those inM;')ll:ltion-ceremonies, tlu'-pi'ogram, dessert month siarling with payments 1066 SPRINGFIELD AVE., IRVINGTON • 174-1700 Her fiance attends Hrookdule Community 1 'Klizalfeth, .. . .' • rlno Aid < hospital health careers, many open to holders and coffee. Tin. .installing (iffji'.-t—will be Mi:.: flic, commissioTi said optlel«ni i Hearing ,Ald Sarvlca College in Lincroft and is cniployed by outside the local church lo.attend "if they are • The overall increase" will in April—an<( to $lll« : consulting ungjneers are I SPRINGFIELPRINGFIELD AVE,E., , JHVINCTON "JHWOO ; of high school diplomas, ft is under the interested in this particular phase <>f the David ,'Weinstein. first, president ol'• tin- amount to 11,percent for'most . with payments in.July. BATTERIES AND REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES ' Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune. L Mcdk»ld'Accepted direction of James Savage of the New Jersey ecumenical cluiruh." Springfield.cliapler, pas! prirsidenl of Norlhei-n preparing designs anil A May I!i75 wedding Is planned. beneficiaries. Seven percent Average social security, " Hospital Association. . Neu' Jersey Council, f*tfpans,inii chairman ot tin- of that .will be included in disability; payments will in- 1 Morthern New Jersey Council and district • crease from SIIMTto $11)7 a The Dayton program was conducted by •I'liMiiniinily and Veterans si'rvti'V' <-l|;lirnian .other four percent -will he month slartini! with paymojils Springflelii-liealth—career—chairniaiii—Mrsr-r^— Edward Porteri.assisted by Mrs. Fred Brown. Officers Jo lie installed lire: Mrs."Sljinley ' "in April-anil In'$201!'starling Kaish, president: Mrs. Abe I.evinc. Mrs. with 'payments', in • .Inly:' ~~Mrs. "Joh~trivJoore"~Mrfl, Arthur Moore, Mrs. in July. '' Edward Kackowski, Mildred Schneider, Mrs. 5COC#F V»©©IC Bernard . Karp. Mrs. Alex Blafer, vice "People gelling social Average survivors payments Passover meeting Donald Sobin and Mrs. Michael Tatiisku. ;• Springfield Junior Girl Scout Troop.583, with The April meeting of the Sisterhood of presidents- Mrs. Philip Gerher, . treasurer- security don't have to , .do loa widowed mother Avitlilwo- Mrs. Ifoherl Weltchek, financial secretary; anything lo gel tlie hinder. children in her care will in- Mrs. I^ec L. Andrews Jr. as leader, observed Temple..Belli Alun. Springfiekl^will lie held on • CHUBBY Oirl-Scnul Week March Itl-lfi hy'emphasizing- , Monday.jit 11:15 p.ni.at.the (einple. Mrs. Eve Glass'ner..recording secretary: Mrs "'paymenj-," • Wlllwerlh said. crease from $:i!H to $4lti Harry Stein, eorri'spnndini; sei-ri-lary - - \li-~; daily a Girl Scout activity. Monday's themo- Mrs. lljirry Ijice, program vice-president, "Tile increase will be nddei) to .starling with payments in Latter-Day Saints Morton .llerger and-Mrs. Martin liolh, sen checks automatically. April-and In $-l!W starling was the home; Tuesday's, citizenship; Wed- bus planned ;i Passover meeting. The program nesday's, health and safely; Thursday's, in- -• . I)AKV1,M.(;AHM:II linels. i|(lcLMrs;._EllioLAxelrad.-Mi:-S—Kdward- "The increase will enluuice with payments in July.- • ..will he a ninliilii entitled "Let My People Go ternational friendship; Friday's, the arts. On Hollander, Mrs. ' Kli 'Dorlort. Mrs Joseph FASHIONS the financial security of alioul The- percentage rate of plan conference or -The History of Soviet Jewry Through Song," Saturday, - the Scouts had a picnic at Tennenbauni ;i|id Mrs. James Neileld. If it's made in n half-size, VI million people who gel ° social security deductions Elder S. Dilworth Young, a memlier of the Gorner-Russo Dauc,e"anil Headings." This will be performed Truslees. Mrs. Mern Sliat'iuan will sen;o H-; Nomehcgan Park as (heir outdoor activity by Ihe Young .ludea group of Temple B'nai . • we have it! from covered • earnings' First Council of 70 of the Church of Jesus Christ counselor .to Ihe chapter. ' •• remains 5. 115 percent each for of Kottcr-Day Saints I Mormons), will speak at The girls are now making Easter egg trees Abraham under Ihe leadership' of Mel - Aeademic-cost- NEW CAMPAIGN — The Union Center National Bank by decorating eggs and attaching them to engagement told Heisfield. The Young Jmlca's; have been —- The Spi'ingfleld Coninuinity t'layers v.ill- —employees mid employers--* is the New Jersey slate conference Saturday ami present ."Up With People."' a musical trip An ui)l)('li('v;iblo collodion of; ._• has scheduled an advertising campaign branches, «, pei'forihiiig cantatas for eight years. and has been reduced fromil Sunday'at Summit High School. . • Mr. anil Mrs. Leonard W./Jiirner of S. Aiidlcn. around the wyxld. The presentation was written Chubby r.ishioTisinTalhhe latest Wbrkshop,topic percent tii 7.11 percent for self- high>llghting employees of long startdlng with-the Mrs. Andrews' Cadelte Troop 27H anil Mrs. lerraee.' Springfield, have announced^ tiw Mrs. Keymnur (Ireer" .will conduct Ihe : institution. Roviewlng the plans are, from left, Klder Young was an executive <(f the Hoy Joseph Carroll's Junior Troop 501 are making and directed by Evelyn Orhach and has a cas! Spring styles that'll make you 'The Nalloiiiil Council

• .t" " ' ?' 'S' * "- " '*,*"•?* *,J:vVi-t*- %•• •• •'• »*•*

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U-Thurgdoy. March ?8, m^SPRINGFIELD)^;) LEADER Group to sppnsor -Thursday, March 28>T974- LoisOsterhuber annual meeting on wed Saturday in Wednesday night S Your -Guide To Better Living church ceremony "Women end the Legislative Process" will be Emanuel Presbyterian Church, Newark, was the topic of conversation. Wednesday at 8 p.m. " the setting Saturday for the marriage of Lois when the American Association of University Ann Osterhuber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. u Women, EllzaBeth branch, holds its' annual ~ Joseph G. Osterhuber of Maplewood, to David meeting in St. Paul's Evangelical Church, SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MART Alan Yurkutat, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Gallpplng Hill road and.... Park avenue; : Yurkutat of Maplewood. Mrs, Osterhuber is Elizabeth. owner of Ann-Louis$ Corset Shop, Unioj). ' - Guest speaker will be.Mrs. Betty A. LltOe, a ' ' Tlie Rev. George Booker officiated at the • Gity •Suburbs # Farm Country •Lake » Snore business wapan for .25 years (14 as an double ring ceremony. A reception followed at Sit ands&ll week economist arid security analyst for banks and the Manor in West Orange. brokerage houses in- New .York and Denver, B offered program The bride was escorted by her father. slated By REGM __Col^fClld spvep n ypnry n lonrMng flpnpnnnpp' nn( ; Convenient transportation Adrlenne Elliott- served as maid of honor. The Ruth Estrin Goldberg MemorlaJ for Fairleigh Dickinson University and four years Bridesmaids were Linda McCa'nn, cousin of the Cancer Research will hold-its 25th annual Bit „ as an environmental educator). x bride; and .ipaq Geraghty' and Elizabeth and stil week, Saturday through Friday, April .-.- Mrs. Little, who was graduated from Oberlin creating service network' ,Mazyk. " •' 5. Among the chairmen are Mrs. Martin Levine College, where she received a B.A. degree in cited by Parker imperial A program ; offt'TitiK" real how.I" uncover- and qliu furnisli this type of service. "David Porlm'an se,rved as best man. Ushers and Mrs. Philip Zipper, both of Union. economics-and from Columbia University^—— 1 1 "In >»ur markt'lin^ ciinsultin^, wre Edward Osterhuber, brother of the bride;" .. More than 400 REGM members, will parr where she"received a master's degree in Gasoline rationing "un- of urban living," tile garage deck and health club estate brokers Ihe opportunity prospects (roin .their f' ^'"" how to search mil :nul follow- work, w«* screen dozens of Donald Post,- Edmund BurchardI and John licipate.in.Uie event, and they will see contest economics ^and finance, is a legislative derscores tho need for housing ' spokesman slad. facllltiea.at no cost. - - (o expand llicir services into; area has iip <>n other' piJispccbi. Ai. - rct'icHtioiuil and iwtiicnu'nl Yurkutat, brother of the groom. '• i. tickets in Union, Elizabeth, Watchung, "chairman for'the NeWJersey Division of serviced by public tran- . The trip by bus from Parker A dozen model apartments, nt'W and.Jut-nil iv,< by H-T" $250,00(1 advertising program, dt'velopniciils each month,"" _.- Mrs. Yurkutat, who was graduated from Springfield, Plainfleld, South Plainfield. AAUW, and recently completed a term as ' spbrtation, and a number of . Imperial to the Port Authority including two furnished by been initiated Louis M. Bromente, Inc., New .Associates, il.I/Kdi-based firm scheduled lo hreak"Stx>n, plus In* says.. "Obviously, we .run Archbishop Walsh High School;;- Irvington, Livingston, South Orange, Maplewood, national financial advisor of.AAUW. She has a " recent buyers at the 30-story bus terminal at 41st street and 1 '$50,0011 in travel- incentives ., act <»ss a number of pkiccs^wt* . attqnded Union College, Cranford. " Millburn, Edison, Woodbridge Mall, Colonia, grant to do an environmental quality survey~of • luxury condominium, the 8th avenue; is less J than 30 York City, opened recently on ing-* in recreational tho fifth floor of thchlgh-rise, co m in unit y • m a r k ct i n'g will fur'.hiT benefit par- wouldn't touch, with a 10-foot , Her husband, who was graduated from West Orange; Verona, East Hanover,'Linden, the Passalc Basin. Mrs. Little also is director of Parlfer Imperial in North minutes. A-trip to the Port r nationwide. (icipatiii'i; brokers. " " pule, but our- emphasis has Columbia,,High School, Maplewood, will bc_ Irvington and Hillside. •)...• the Education Division of the Passaic River Bergen, have cited this as one Authority terminal In the which is adjacent to North gruduated in-May trdm Grove.City College in Hudson. Park. All main; Initially, H-T Associates fs Most iinpoi-|a|illy. the always been on l,hc more, solid The organization has raised and donated Coalition, vice-president of Citizens 'Con- •of the reasons they selected'n" Washington 'Heights section of 1 Pennsylvania.' tcriaince~from~lahascaping tO inviting New -Jersey realtors pailicipatiiig broker never and secure typo of dcvelop- more thuri $325,000 entirely to Cancer seijvation and is a member of the Task Force on ADMIRE .DECORATION POSTER — Mr*. Doris McCormack. left, chairman, and Mae unit there. . Manhattan takes .'about the snow removal-will be has to, leave his. office. He -tnenl. when* (lie customer ' Hollowing a •honeymoon trip to the Poconos^ jieyiiiKh^Mrs... Burton Greenberg Environmental Quality of. the 'New jersey ... Fqrgione, president of the Connecticut Farrns Business and Professional Women's "The Parker Imperial.Is same time via public" bus to participate in .T£15 million of ^provided by the Condominium simply sets up ah appoinliiienl the couple will reside in Oovc City, Po. ' Springfield is prcslifehT-of the REGM7 , only a gallon of. gas-away from service. lol sales -program of Ocean , . .... s value for his.in vestment. Council of Churches. " . .. Club, Union, display poster for 'A Cruise. In the Sun' luncheonfashlon show, to be r -. Jacqueline White, chairman, will introduce . New -York City," said -a^- -Half-,of -the—302 -luxWy -Association.-.--,...--'- — ..... i_..Acres..a..shore.community, in l<>Lj'.'-i.. prospccls^jit (Icean^TheSi' ^< <:-..devi'lopini-nls.. wi-_. sponsored by this club Saturday at Galloping Hill Coterers, Unlon7The"affair"wlH be Vl the speaker. Helen Sutton, hospitality chair- spokesman for the developer, apartments have been sold ' Each -apartment owner Avill - Maii.-ib.'iwkin."at the gateway Acres and the stall Ineie -.-.;,,.,, plfori'l-.llii'-<-ml-ii|----V«tw-«1f-It-i' Associa'les. the In Voler's opinion. Ihr Mary piou, branch president, will preside. Union County unit to spbnsor- their cars. But there Is a bus estute "agent. A number of /his apartment and the mor- Ocean Acres project is (inly public would like.to iw ,-i.hU' to at St. M ich.de I's pa re nf5 u n if. the. publi£js-jn.vited. to. attend. stop right at tfio doorstep, so '"purchasers will be parking residents can bd in Manhattan their carts In the four-level tgage Interest, as well. More thiin r>(> brokers h;ive thr firsl step in building a rely on Ihrir local realtor "for MHS. I>AVII)A. VUltKl'MT ' St. Michael's, Home-School Association will State Human Sexuality Committee and ARTIST'S -RENDERING, of Schlabor Enterprises' proposed professln^inl condominium in cohesive "broker 'Network" all thi'ir real eslat** needs - in minutes." • garage at. Parker Imperial already signed tip (ov this elect officers for 497-1-75 at its next meeting, national chairman of the Marriage Preparation 'his and 'hers' fashion show •" Wcstfleld emphasizes .the colonial design to .blend with the town's coloniah.arcliiteclure-. which will iillimali-ly. include .primary residence-, SIMMIIK! : J Ttr Par.k'6f Imperial is at (one levell "belo"bl w groundd aniT * project. H-T -Associates tniins which will be held May 7. . ~. •••- — Committee — Washington Family Life Bureau. every lypt-.of iccreiilional :|ioine. .. retircrmrnt-:—nir The Union CoUnty Unit of the American special events such as -nursing seminars,, 79th street and Kennedy three above) and taking the Ihe broker's staff, ^hnws them A slate was presented by (he nominating He was introduced by Johnson, the program/ Deborah Chapter : Greenbriaf prn'pcily a prospect --*cotll(L,iw|ia|eviM— and' he.lhmksjhat Church to screen : Cancer Socjety will sponsor a "His and. Hers" fashion shows and benefit dnnces. Other "boulevard Kast, opposite, tho bus to work, the spokesmnn' committee last week at a meeting lw;ld in chairman.- ' : •• • : ' Tvisli'"for: mountain, .lake. R-T's program can add a new fashion show and dihncr-Uance at the Town and volunteers offer their services in day to day Manhaltari~B6an?asIirfir79tti said. — "" C" 'iirclfiTe'cTui'i Schia bin conjunction with an open house;, at which .Another' speaker was Philip Portnoy,. a p —slimvr-ski.-Wii~;il--D~p.m.-WwliniHtoy—;ilASI,—r.uko-K >iiiouiic.<>d>ihat-a-sporLs:award-dinner-u'iU-be— SSpM^U pr of ess/ onalcond ominivm n-lht'-lot'al-lovi'U^.he a IT 1 The society has announced that "if you have TTunnei;~aiJ~"cqual~dlBtancc—Apartmcnlcomplexesrare Episcopal Church. .Union. ... Vorg .! foV secretary and Robert Jarman. foiv field at.Sf. Michael's April 6 for students who W Propel avenues, Maplewood: ' nouncedlhanhere w.iraraun5inK from •) p.m. "careers" us newspaper points out,, "and,'and,. Ihe same dillates for ' recreational- nnd a morning or afternoon free during the week sduth—"so, the condominium Selling from $34,990 to $93,000, . Iripw to Florida, •'.where Ihe but . not" until Sehiahdr -although heavily involved in, Slurring Academy Awiird ^winners Anne' treasurer. ' _ have participated in s'ports activities and their " _J"J_1i!"' prizes will be distributed. Menu editors for a group of people at The firsl true .cesort con- v iiasic mechanics could be "properly, hi most cas.es. Ihi^se Mrs. Fan_Segall, president, will conduct a and would like to help tho American Cancer' is clow enough lo Ihe city to be with down payments starting resort condominium was ICnterprises did Hiis vie*1 professional condominium ' Bnxicr und .lnel<'vVbertson," "The liite Liz" . .Dolores Tower was chairman of the parenls. • fashions wilPbe presented by Natelson's Of •(ircenbrinr, the udult com- dominium in New Jersey, the applied—with some intelligent are opportunities (hat are brief business meeting; Mrs. Phyllis Plainer of Society In Its endeavors, call 354-7:173, or write convenient to work and at $0,588, which entitles the quickly, becomini'. com- become a reality. Just What is* dcveliipiiii'iil; is still ,, : nominating committee. Also serving oiv rlhe Plans for u t fiiuire dance to be held at the w Elizabeth, nnd women's fashions by Terry's munity rising near Exit 01 of. second, the third: all. three depicts the spiral descent of Ihe wealthy jLiz Irvington, program chairman, '" introduce cultural activities; yet Is also buyer to-oisc-of the outdoor * developing resorl. (-on- thinking lo the second hmiu' languishing away, when they committee were -Angclu-Kiurnnn and W;iltor school April 27 were discussed by Robert. House oflKushionlof 'A vend.-.-• > ."•.'' to American Cancer Society, 512 Westminster _lh« Garden State Parkway in sold'oQt before completion and m o n place.' S c li i a h o r Ihe |)rofessional condominium into udviin'ced alcoholism, three tragic Michael Pendergast, a Public Service remove!! from the hectic pace swimming pool on the upp«*r- doin iniuins. Schiahor and recreational land could lie easily turned inlo;a Kowalski. • • Loary. Proceeds will go toward*the repair of -- .Tickets-will bo.$12.!>0a person, and the public ave., Kllzabeth (072011). , Brick Town. niiw_ the. first professional discovcred that Ihere were jio , concept, as Kchiabor lOnler- marringes, Ihe aliennlion of her Iwo sons and ,'i representative, who willprcsrint a program 'Unlerprisi;? has revealed market." valuable source of "Pills During Ihe business meeting conducted by school typewriters, he said. He reported that is invited (o attend. Additional information •Residents of the U.S. Honic condominium building in professional condoininiiiins lo - prises sees it? suicide ullempl before she finds she ciin pick up including slides on the current energy crisis. lie fouhd.1), This lad led plans for il resort complex, Voter sees- H-T- Associates Business for any real estatc- Walter Foster, president, the association voted tickets may he purchased-frnm him,' .117-1170. may be obtained by contacting the co- Corp. retirement communify Ocean County. This' pattern Schlabor says: "Hasicall,v, Ihe pieces and.sliii'l .her life over. Members and their guests arc invited to attend. A girl, Jennifer Ann, f-ichlabor Kntterprises lo ilelCe Which will he situated alnni; as being ill a unique position to agency." Thp-prnnraTiris-npcrrto-tlu<-puhlic7-TickctR— ^to-leiiinus environmeiH." v Jenkinsof Wall Township. She joins two sisters, -new concept to most people. and boating. The New .lersey Sections of the National helpp . Volunteers , raise-th« money that helplps As the Oeenbriar Times businessman for , office while cimvcrliii'K pnrl-nf their d Mrs. Ide Vogelstein'"of"Ejlzuhclir biis~un- Mary licth, 7 and Melanin, JVJ and a brother, The idea of purchasing aunit 1 nion group Council of Negro Women wllliholda "Call for support the unit's'programs o( research, public embarked on il,s third year, of space," he said. business expenses into a. Kchiaboi is also involved in by Union group t >•. car,.,: A**.-*,., ^ nouncjL'd that tickets to tlje Ilroadway musical, Robert,6; ; '. and sharing In Ihe common. Unity", service at 4 p.m. Sunday at. Kcan and professional educations and "service Mo publication, the editorial staff "Businessman wi'i'i' always ina'jor investirfeni;'" a project in Ihe Boca Union The Union Chapter of Les Amis du Vin will discussed 'Huniiin sexuality — how to relate lo ' ""ver.Herc,"starring the Andrews Sisters^are Mrs. Jenkins Is'the former Patricia Cririi- -olernents of a building- College, Union. The observance will seek a cancer patients nml rehabilitation'' wus honored •'By' William attracted by buildini; cqhily Schiabor was first to in- area iu Florida. This proposed hold u wine lasting at the Holiday Inn in. :yoin- child the totalness of being a innn' or still available. The price of the tickets Jo£ the mins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. maintenance, taxes—is 11 commitment'from more black women and new Tiiere are volunteer speakers who_lccture at Stolnfleld, Vica^rusident of and demography liiiuros in- troduce the . professional resorl condominium is also Kenilworlh, Friday, April 5 beginning at 7:30 woman. lie is stale coordinator of the. New show (in.Suturday, May 11.-will include bus Crlmminsof Steib terrace, Union. Her husband 'carried on by, millions of affiliating organizations to the NCNW's banner 1 scluiols, clubs and organizations, others, who the distinguished new . marketing for jJ.S. Home dicated the rise in professional condominium concept as an anticipated for 1!VM and will'he p.m. ' • • ' '• ;' "'n. .lersey- Family Life Hureau, chairman.of the transportation,luncheon and an orchestra seat . • is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Jenkins of c o n d o mini u in - owners. "of-strength.through unity." plan and organize educational seminars and (tarp.'s New Jcrscy\division. mobility from lari'e cities lo economical syslem of office" • built with the Flori'dian The lasting will be-on.Hungarian.wines und West Orange. '_ community in Ocean County SlclnficUl, in luuding tfrv . Ihroughout'lhe countfy. Whut suburbs. Why then was Ihe ownership and .since ils in- ,, concept in'mind. will include ..a Tnkaji, Hungary's famous! pointed out the the TimeVjias is. new to Ihe American construction of 'pnifessional troduction ,- tho response—luis- Tlie fill lire looks bright, dessert wine. Assorted cheeses and. French Polish exhibition Catrvelol Woods o npluipl slop up in family living orxj homo .RANCHES, SPLITS, COLONIALS been a fine portrayal of businessman, however, is the condominiums limiled?' The been over whelm inK-.-^-T-lH'- -*—sUitcs—Sdiiaboi-- Enterprises. l bread will be served. . . ' • value Soven custbrtn/oci nyjdols Pricod-fioni .^39.W0 lo rtATUllNai,u.urt«hJ»-u^t,«mt.lt.uul *«!««.' '-- - l_'ncllve life' enjoyed by professional condominium. answer was simple. Iteing a reason for. this is obvious," ai> they are projecting gross , w^thdhlwutMr and l*nN ttatnfl a>u. PMM) lftm>W "wfn >tth .«U~ ^ . nslruclod wtlhold la^hiofw^d caro for pooplo yvho Wine tastings sponsored by Les Amis du Vin slatec) tomorrow residents , at GrcenbriBr, In 1971, George -Schlnhor, pioneer -takes'• courage." . • says Kehiahor. "Why rent sales in uxeess of $iri,(l(M,(HK) ' Iu tlMr iMjndn. 3 Ml 4 tM^wmtt. 2V^ hatM. 3 w rtucM t****M. WMdtd V* tu*, caro-' Abpul how thov live. h,pw they invest A community that M««M*Ujfei«tS0il«|accua«ACV. ,. » •are non-profit, events open lo the public. The Polish Association of University Womfcn which now number over .1,100, -. Schiahor • dcscrilu'd ii l.his when you can. buy an officcj for lor ltt74-ll)7S, C'.roundbieakinn^ IQCMIONt «W(4ltuHUtf> «t«MlkM In ««j*t rulnlM*. CwaJtulwrt-la I literally''stand?! op>oye> a" oTTiors to Ihe area With a unique of .^Schiabor ViHinhpr^ nnd SS /or no^' -Will present u>ro«ram and exhibition of Polish THE SEARCH FOR HEALTH ami has been a strong force in ^p sludicd .'"'the way: "T|ft' iilif' mnrki'lini!- appi-oxiin-itoly Iho • jiiimu will Fx.'iiin on four 'jcon-' '• XCHOOiSl 4n UMpllsn*l. FuW*c.p»h»lwo»i«»ot™« •••"—-,.,. , l ; "gtoen shield" concopt fo preserve natural boauty and,"', members should be madMembere by s writinand Sg5 fotor noLens t.,.af(S] lomorrow at 7.-.I0 p.m. at the Polish. »-«IPO«i l««M --•---!•• • cpncepl iif "satisfying needs attracting people Into'SBtttlnR possHtilily of professional money." ' . doinirliiiiils' this spring and mlnMlmm.Htlm4m»^ll*rt~rt°*. > ' ••_•'.•••'•• ...J. Amis du Vin, Union. N..I. Chapter,. P.O. Box National Home. Kith avenue and Bastern park- four levels of feminine JhsJwn in onion, honor your privacy Ideally located ladiacenl to Ocoarv 1 . THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH condonuimims. Aft*7!' many was meshed with our desire lo Conslriiction on the' lirsl two more by fall. . RBCRBATIONi. Pacllllln an plenty. 3 oolf couriM mlnulvt, from Jlfil Union (07(ll!:i). way, Irviiiglon. • County College) closo.to all. major shopping: schools and at Cireenbrlar." propvrty. Community pooli, numorous.p'arkt with lennll count And BdMSOl. UIB'IUNO build,"We knew the facts, we Schiahor is planning lo »ecfoalion Carnelot Woods is no "or o very family, but il could With a circulation of over professional condoniiiiium In playground laclllllei-for— children, . The group will hold its annual luncheon at the-. had Ihe knowledge aiid Ihe tr:ivuri<) California lo study )ryours . _...-_ _' • 6,000 copies .each 'Issue, the fered nt thpWnmunity.- Weslfieid vi'ill begin' this 2nd tract being prepared (or deyelopement. Prime lot! Coachman's Inn, Cranford, Saturday, May 4 at ' need. was.there. Basically, all Ihe design eoncepts_.,und on Lincoln HwhwM, 2 hWW U-' Dead line set Tuesday Times Is published four times "Amateurs \ll in ~thc March ..w.itli.__-nnlie_ipntcd IwaJmJaVWoe lL»::i0p.m.,al which time, officers for the 1974- - that was left- lo do was lo bfllOIONSi PMkw«y South urt 131, turn'luhl on LlrKoin Hi|h»*y. 2 U«cU M-: —(iAU.STONKS dcrtaken to determine the •nine fashions in weslfield. Soo it and you'll know why' u' year—winter, spring, newspaper .fleldrsthe nine completion by early summer. • markeHiiy,; paltwns— on- the for dinner reservations 75 year will be installed and a woman of the effectiveness of a modicutior choose thi1 location." West Coast, where Ihe con- litMIUfnon FOR INJPCCTION SAT. *3.~*i}H-)i*- year will he honored. ' ' Underneiilh the liver, in the summer and fall—-und is editors"" of Ihe TimW have I'aul llurgc'ss. director of new for gallstone dissolution and development, slated : domhiiunTiden was initialed. i Next Tuesday is the deadline for making The Polish Festival will he held June 2 at the Upper right part of the ab- CAMELOT WOODS distributed- froe to all tackled their new caroor^wltb .Schiabor ^Knterprises DHUCCIA MORETTI REALTY, Inc. - through additional research "Particular emphasis was "Said Schiahor, "I am deter- reservations for the annual spring dinner Garden State Ar(s Center, Holmdel. Tickets domen, there is u little sac, or residents. It is also mailed to enthusiasm and "enjoy I conducted extensive research Park Aue...So.>lalnlleld 7S4-0990 . to find out how gallstones forn Toms River, New Jersey mined In. make New Jersey served by—the Women's Association of Con- may be obtained from Mrs. Wanda Rabiak. , pouch, called the gallbladder, over a.OOO-peoplu who have endeavors. They keep into proper locations and when • placed on .-design of this and what causes tholr for Hit' professional condominium necticut Farpis Prebyterian Church, Union, it president, 2 Cresl-rd., New/Brunswick (08900). which, the body uses us a (201)1255-4437 - expressed an interest in the news, coming ill, aiid completed, the birth of'the condominium; in order (o temporary storehouse for bile, motion. It. is anticipated thai community, Is given to all capital of Ihe East Coast." was announced this week. She also has tickets for sale for a series of stage r mana(!in|> editor Krai professional con- blend with the town's colonial the study liiuy. ultimately cosi DIRECTIONS: Cordon Glalo Paikwov soUlli lo Exit fi2..con' ;'!1ie dinner will be held Thursday from 5:III) to performances, nl' the Mat-Arthur Theater, . a fluid made by the liver visitors to Greenbriar, und is Lumiirtin has (urned into a n in Ocean CAunly linuobasl on (}F 37 lo jloopor Autjnuo. lur'n luH. 2-1/2 milos lo 7 p.m. Tickets for adults ai;o $:i.50 and children Princeton, for the 1974-75 season. - . which flows .into the upper several million dollars. Included in U.S. llome'ssales. —iipro'lln piilliiit; II all together was afj&ut to begin. small intestine. An adequate The five year-study, In Camolol Woods (ad|aconlOct!lif-LCDunlv.Collogo) prospectus , on the single.- and lurnlnK out Ihe under 12, $2. Mrs. Paul Kraeuter (filin-7.'!t)li).and Prospective members ure requested to write Over llJlMiasI decade, many supply of bile Is needed for volving nine medical centers family detached homes of- newspaper, which ,he, other Mrs. Charles Campbell ((ill(il)il5H) are in charge to Miss Casmira Riclxkl, 255 Bridal'Path,' fenl~(.'state\)eople huve ex- normal digestion. and nearly 1,000 patients, wil! Greenbriar residents, and _of J:eKeryal ions., „ . ' ' Mountainside,-or-to tulHier at ZVZ-cm. • pressed Hie vlWthal the true .Solid muterial .culled tost lhe.'--dlssolutrqn_ of U.S. Home. Corp. pofnl to with lM'of_essional condominium gallstones usirig pride." * . •• . j "stones" sometimes forms In would" soon be eomh


!« & '^=M lintf room "allowed," 1 this is how it looks: wall to wall, arc the Iways three feet by six [>IITI are rneusured by t ee-mnt room or a srx- 'ou arrive in the day tl I.. W*»..J *fc^.. ' ^ ..J it-., i __ \ -, \

•Thursdqy, MorCh'28, 1974 Actor identified SPRINGFIELD(N.J.) LEADER-Thursday, March' 28, 1974-19 with mbyle role Public Notice Public No PublicNotice TOWNSHIPOF SPRINGFIELD Court A. Viola- ptrhour • - , compensittlon bosi?d upon the Public Holice UNipNCOUNTY\,N.J. tions Clerk „ Pfltrolm«n< Special I main of servlce-^of-SAld. oHlcers T O WN'SH IP FOR AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE Extra Court Ses- Services, ana employees according to the hereinAbovtf determined. The toreoDlng ordinance shall ! April 10,1974 to December'31,1974. in local tnetrter$ FINANCING SUCH SALARIES.- -OF ,' CERTAIN sions, per night following schedule; h. T(v* citortsald -addlflonal fclf t immtdlalel! y u APPROPRIATION. - ' Deputy Court & per hour" . •70t) co-mptjn\AlJon of •- longevity " * ""* ' " ' Biddtys must submit price for ' ''My name, could AB -easily- Uf^ OFFICERS AND THE PAY OR Special Police, and publication notti standard and high BE (Th ORDAINED BY THEC0MPENSATI0N~OF CERTAIN Violation* Clerk- . fun Time, - °\. ' ' Additional . payment^ tttolt become tffecltua Papillon, too," Steve McQueen said r TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF POSITIONS AND CLERICAL Extra Court Ses- Ptrhpur . Compensation av of JanHjar y 1, 1V/J and shall bu I, Artnur H. uuehrer, do hereby j BMs mu&t be properly sealed, RcuS THE TOWNSHIP OF EMPLOYMENTS IN THE sions, per night per annum added fo yw istarioi eboue Let t-eftily , tnme to Elmora TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD, of all i the members thereof HEALTH AND SWIM POOL per hour 5 years 7 per cent Department, who have Townsttlp of Sprlnolleld in the •-nail be-furnished with each bid. Maplewood and the Fox Theater, Route 22, affirmatively concurring)* AS UTILITY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF of Civil Defense accumulate d\ Ihe -minimum County ot Union ;. Director of Welfare ClerK, Police ,;> " 10 years 4 per cent n Union; . - 20th CentwjT-Fox's "Emperor of the North " iiisgr™ - SPRJNGFIELD, FOR THE YEAR . Department 4,072.00 15 years iber cent i umber of 30 lYedhs and provJded Jt-rbey/ held on I UeSdaV ,evening,' rtqu'irita to maintain a 7,000 gallon The Back," "King Cobra," "Dahomey Dance," .•BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Section l..Tbe Improvement 1974 Recreation Director Clerk Part Time, 20 years a nor r#*nl 'heir college f.rWili qualify under Morch 76, W?4, 6nd ih'at the Sold Morale lank, pumps and other 1 described In Section 3 of this bond Program Coordinator ""Nunya. ' "Easy Life," "Spindrift," "Strut HcQueeahas the title role jn.screel) adap- which opened «ndoublej>ll] With LTheS«Wen- TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF BE IT.ORDAINED by the per hour 25 years lOpercenl ! wSectlon"3 hai e . (en ) oAmls ordinance or ordinancv shall bu t.ul»niMbd. (or me idem al mechanical equipment THE • •' TOWNSHIP "OF if (or maximum of " ,"? i * ^JSfefi^**** o'"Ar»* oc •T^on5idcrntion~OT»d final passaow ot- nt the site of the Municipal Your Stuff," "L.A. Expression" qnd "Ver- tation of-Henri Charriere's International.best- Ups," at the Etaorvlheater, EUrabeth is en SPRINGFIELp. IN THE hlght-f d^-arte fro.m a fecognljt-d a regular mi; (-ting ot ^ald Center Street In good working 18,105.00 !st,250.00 ' accredited Institution of Hlyht'f" Townihlp Committee to bo held o*>- tigo"... . selling memoirs as an escaped convict from adventure drama of raHWding hoboes in the COUNTY OF^ UNION, NEW )eputy 16,223.00 whichever ! JERSEY (not lets than twothlrdi Education will bo« paid by -ihe April V, 1V74, In the Spf'lnofleld penal colonies in French Guiana and Devil's depression. "Emjxiror" st&»Xee Marvin and Captain 15,223.00 '• ' ' Is less) I townihlp (tddltlon^l .wlftrv In Municipal Huildlng <>t BiOOI'.M., at A ccrtitlf-d check In the amount Tom Scott, at age 25, hits achieved as a of all the mtmbtn thereof b. Police find. Fire Departments I of J100 00 must accompany each ' ".•^"natively concurring), AS Ut Class flccordanct' with the following which tiinu and plflCe any person musician what others work many years for: Island. ;'' . . Ernest Borgnine, and features Keith -A i Fireman . • - Additional • *• •'formula^- ' \ or persons interestfjd Ihefeln will Did. McQueen points out that while the late Carradine; Charles Tyher andSjalSolm l \ 1 2nd Class- . . Comoensatlon i' l)v givvn an opportuntty to b«J Thu YownshJp Committee recognition,' acclaim and a musical iden- • Section-—I,- • TtiO'~4mprovVHteiit $1.00-15.00 \i ' Fireman 17,64400 pw annum • •• 4300 for 30 credits tprnplHed hoard concerning said ordinance. ' rt-!,L-rvfs ihe rlgh* to relect any Charriere's nickname. Papillon, came from the ' Atterbury. t ' ^^V described In Section 3 of this bond fy of Union, the- respeofh per game 3rd Class ,-1400 for 40 •credits cymRlitlod ilp Clerk SrifaOLiMCk-r March 31, 28, 1974 circles Is proof positive jhat talent knows no said section 3, there Is hereby the Township previously adopted, officers, appointees to said offices, Playground Supervisor, .; Lifeguard, _per. B years • Bper cent nfiDflrliTiKtnT , .who-.. \ hsve .-.rJu^ kA-** 'in ml i _ McQueen-aa a youth resisted restraints which' ''The Dirty Dozen." . approoHsted the sum of 180,000, and In addition thereto the positions or clerical employment: per hour $2.50-3.00 3 years—— 10p«r-cent -j— confining classification, boundaries, age said sum being Inclusive of all following grants under the terms Chairman, Township RecordingftV Par r —t}lt— tnifVlmUwi- ultimately led him to minor encounters wjth the | Instructor^, pors- •\ additional compensation Tberpf j0 credHsnnd provided I limitation, or precise pigeon-holing,. ', , appropriations heretofore made of State end Local Fiscal Committee $'4,000.00. Time Clerical, SI V$-i 75 Snail bo based 'upon the"annual tht'lr cciJIege credits qualify under i TOWNSHIP OP f,PUINGFI[f LD law and then a period in the Boys Republic of "Emperor," was fUmrid in color in Oregon therefor and Including the sum of Assistance Act. of 1972: for the- . per hour Si.50-3.00 300 00 ' salary of each offIcor or employee. Section 3. (u) of this ordinance or UNION COUNTY, N.J. . TOWNSHIPOI^ SPRINOFIELD Born and bred in 1-os Angeles, Scott was both •>«4,ooo, as the down payment tor entitlement period of January 1, Members, Township Night 'Attendant, " UNION COUNTY, N.J: Marvin plays A-No. 1 the king of the hoboes Committee - 3,500.00 i Recreation Supervisor /joo j No employee who works less than who have jn A&Locl pf ArK or AN OliDINANCE TO AMKND AN Chlno, a local California institution for teen- said Improvement or purpose now 1973, to June 30,1973, In the amount per hour "$3.'00 e of 35 hours cuw-week In hlghi*r di^jfi*it ifQu\ (i rucognvied ORDINANCE (fNTITLpp "AN AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND Ani a "studio ,,brat''t and child prodigy -while and Borgnine is Shack, a sadistic freight train available therefor by virtue of Township Clerk . 11,605.00 ! PrograVn Coordinator 10/0 00 pwe agers. He then signed on a Greek Oil tanker, of 123,022, and for the'entitlement Deputy Township Clerk 6.634.00 ARD OF HEALTH -HeadLUeouard . - anv one ear n accrvditfd Institution of Hlmicr ORDINANCE TO CRL-ATt AND 'ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN growin.g-up.His father, Nathan Scott, is a very provision In a budget orCudpets of per loo from July ), 1973, to June 30, 5ecrelary UT U070 00 ! . y * a",b^ esensation eligible .fo Inr Education will be paid by iho l£STAIi^lSH A DAY CAMP ORDINANCE ' TO. REGULATE, jumped ship in the Dominican Republic and * conductor obsessed with keeping tramps off his Switchboard Operator j,87o:0O I Recreation Director l'vin'nn I said dditional compesti I CONTROL-AND ES-TABLIShl much in-demand film and television,"composer. TAYLOR SISTERS REVUE ^~ ir_slst«rs (loft to right), Kar«n, Kat», Mory Ell««n and ' the Township prctvlously'adopted. 1974, In the additional amount of Clerk-Typist 5,200.00 '. Registrar of calculating said additional Township .Jddltlonnl salary TACII/ITY AT THE MUNICIPAL train. . ... $26,3*7, for.a total of• $49,390,48* Vital SpfltK Pfrr pprsonnel ti id accordance with the (olio RtNTS AND CREATE A REN? returned to ihe United States where he became Secnomr For Ihe financing of Part-Time Clerk, •• I MariogerX i 1,700 00 I. compensation; the base salary of il low Ing SWIM POOL I:N THE TOWNSHIP And whenever possible; Tom would visit his Maureen,, who specializp e in '"' lies' routines and Imitations of such groups as the ovided for In the 1973 budget of Statistics • ' the calendar, year shall bo used for tormula: • • • .. O(ySPKINC.I/ lliLD. CdUNTY OI-' 1-fiVELING BOARD WITHIN w a roustabout in Texas oil fields.. Among his said Improvement or purpose and - • per hour- « $2.50-3.50 AND fOR THE TOWNSHIP OF father at the office — i.e., a recording sound- Ad S b h to meet.the psrl of said 180,000 KB Township of-Sprlngfield. .Treasurer Purchasing Deputy Registrar X? in"i such purpose. . • -. 1330 for ao-£r€fdits completed \ UNIONJNION, STAT13 01= NKW "The Seven-Ups" stars Roy Scheider Tony Andrew Sisters, are being held over form third week at the Coachman Inn, Exit 136 Section 2, For the financing of Sanitarian ~ JUHStY SPRINGFIELD" •••#•• stangv. TO complete environmental forces at haphazard jobs, he worked as topper in appropriation not provided for by Officer 6,600.00 I Cook, perti S1 85-2 "25 d.'Any. Interruption of service, W40 fpr^dO credits completed- Lo Bianco and Larry Haines. The picture . application hereunderot said down said Improvement or purpose and Plumblhu Inspector '*•'>• U 4Q1 as 'due.to a cause bo^ond the control IS50 (or 50 credits completed--. .. Np.TICE. that the TAKE/ NOTICE, 'that the Canadian lumber enmps, and as a barker with. on the-Garden State Parkway,'Cranford. They will complete their stint this PayrollClerk. 3,500.00 Attorney ( Counterman ntJ work on the young man, his'mother, Margery which was directed by Phil D'AntorU, and payment-, negotiable bonds of Ihe to meet thepart of said $150,000.00 Secretary, Board >e Personnel °' * officer or employee, such as W60 for 60 credits completed ' gO Ordinanccee was ,piisse,piissedd , foreyoinf) ordinance was passed " a carnival. . : . • . )l_- weekend. There are three shows nightly, no minimum and no reservations, with Township are hereby authorized to appropriation no/ provided for by PUBLIC WORKS ~~ "— .. ; military service, Jn|ury In line of 1770 tor 6B crodlts complotod or And approved .it S\ rc-gulal r rrieofinrii g and approved at a regular meetlno Scott, is a, well-known piano.tcacher! . application hereunder of said down of Tax Assessors 14.550.00 Supervisor '' > ' 12,650,00 n Vof-!b»' Township Cotnmittt'e of tht of trjB Township Committee'of the photographed m color, concerns a sub-rosa dancing between shows. *x '^X*- -/' be Issued in the principal amount Members, Board-* per hour \ Si 60-1 b0 ' *^*y ^ Illnos^i ^nHll-bg-CQntldOf'ocl -An—AuocJat«'-of. Arts -Degree, "Papillon" also stars Dustin Hoffman and of.(74,000, pursuant to the Local payment and said grants, of Tax Assessors. . Foreman-. 11,000.00 '•*• service for the purpose ot whichever is lesser. ',,/ \TowmhIp o' Springfield In theTownship' ol - Sprlnofleld In the In addition to the environment in which he New York police unit that breaks up brutal Bond Law of New Jersey, In negotiable bonds of the Township 'Equipment, Operators, Locker Attendant,. 1 County ol UUnioi n Andd StatStet of Net County of Union and State of New .Rqlnn-Assan. ' '.' ' • • .. . -•_ ' '. arehereby^uthorlzed to be Issued Clerk to Board • per hour \ ti.so-i.ao. determining tho compensation of c. probationary patrotmvp nrv^ Jersey, hold on Tuesday, evehlno; was deposited, a'great deal of hard-work, hoods without concern about ethics - anticipation of the Issuance of said • •• 4.54 Custodian, \ said longevity periods'; Leaves of probationary firemen -arc Jf;rr.(.'V, huld-on Tuosd.iv ^venlny, bonds and to temporarily finance i the principal amourii of - of Assessors., «•«•«»• •••G.'Sf^lf •'• "••- 9,800.00 absence grantedat the request of Ineligible to receive the-payments I March ?£, 1974. M.ircn "ib. 1V74. " perjodie'formal study; his'^nnate talents and - Trio will appear ~ said Improvement or purpose, urut tth Ll Part' Tim-• nee Clef -per hour \ »i0-7.90 \ •• ARTHUR HiUUEHRER ARTHUR H.BUEHRER- $95,601.00 pursuant to.the Local ' 'perhour •• to $2.50-3.50 Laborers, Watchman, per hpur 265 ; any officer or employee will not bo untH.permftnent appointment. I lots of drive were constantly bubbling over. By iuiiiiiutmituuiuuuiiiiuiutuiuiiiintuiiHiiiw negotiable notes of the Township in Bond Law of New Jersey. In Tax Collector ^ 12,505.00 Ror hourl_ __; _ Recreation • consldorod In deier mining lonU'h - d. A p.itrolnian or fireman must I \ • TbwnshlpClork • . Township Clerk the time he entered the University of Southern a principal amount not exceeding _ anticipation ol the Issuance of said i Clerk, Collectors Part Time HOIR, \ of sorvlco. ' ' attain a Qfadv of ''(-"-or-bcttur Ih i Splld Lu.idor, Miir. 2a, 18?J .»' SpfId Leader, Mar. 28, 1974 176,000, are hereby authorized to bonds and to temporarily finance -i-perhour. '*.— - Assistant.' i).3O 1.65 o. All periods of employment i for Recital Stage be Issued pursuant to and within Ofllce Maintenance. order to qualify fo/a credit and nil ' (Foe: vi'oAl California (as a "composition major), •hii'.'was ^Theater Time said Improvement or .; purpose," TSK Search Official POLICE DEPAR r.hall bo compbted from January courses must.br, accredited by the 1 the limitations prescribed by said Tax Serc Oca ' 595.00 Chici Assistant, ..1st of tho year of taking office, already a well-known "session man'" at The Alsop-Berjistcift Trio, chamber music ,' La*v. negotiable notes of the Township In Township Attorney 3,500.00 "lour SI.45 1.B0 State Law EntOrcoment .P.lflnnlng i a date was Enforcomenf Education Prflgram : ttEl Sorgeants subsequent to June 30fh, In which ' SP«\WGPIELD,NCW JERSEY -J cover" of. Jazz & Pop. I April 20 at B p.m. at Union Hlgh/School, In the J. hereby authorized and the purpose be Issued pursuant to and within rYfenoarjinhV.pnnlnBer (LEEP). /' A' PHOPOSAL FOR • Iiuiiiutiiiiiiimiiiuuiiuuiiiituuiiiiiiiiiuiiiil 5I a r First Class . enso the calculation shall bo e. If no add it lonal salary Telethon to seek for .the financing of which said'"' the llmlfatVons prescribed by said | ^°0^i ud^Rn? 'tngmeep r Patrolman. Pay camp /computed from January 1st of tho ' GASOLINE Before graduating from high-school,rTom led AH times listed nre lur- second presentation of,the Recital Stage Spring obligations a» to be Issued Is the Engineering Aide, Director" . provlticd for herein shall only be Sc.ildd bldr, will bo received by l H ..LaW. '••• ' ,K ' ' Class vcar following. payable' by fh'o Township upon G award-winning groups at tmNHLighllinuse •^Scries. These concerts are presented under (lie development, renovation, and Sections, (a) The'lmprovement . per hour Assistant Director v ih« Township -Committee .Of tho ' . nished by," the theaters. ..;"~ Improvement -of' playground ' hereby authorized and the pur pose-J Attorney! planning Arts & Crafts f. Additional compensation of - profk'C C'br ill lent Ion of successful Township •oli'.Sprlnn'IcId In tho I FOR A JOB a million pennies Intercollegiate Jazz Kestival itiid Ihe •-O--0- : auspices of the Foundation for the Performing ' - facilities, Including burno) limited- for the financing of which said Boara • Counselocs, • . .iny nature, Including' overtime, ' complotJon of Iho courses, which' ! County, \\f Union, at a regular • >• to tennis courts, and purchase and Attorney, Board per season ' will not bo considered In .salary shall bu pnId cither | mooting tpUu be Id In the Municipal ' Hollywood Howl "Battle of the Bam|s/NJt' Hi Arts. , . • • - .'*'-• '"-. obligations are to be Issued-isJhe computing, longevity 'payments. / r Phousaiulsof New-Jersey.children will cMne ELMORA (Elizabeth)- Installation of playground and construction and Improvement of of-Adjustment 7.. In ^addition to annually or snm|.annually at the j BuHfiing/ . »prinuM(.'ldl N.J., ; on In Ihe ICaster SiT^lvnmioVTrSnnTi.tv^-.'VfagdiJ' .I'e eomposedhis first film score nf;m ,-iwl The Trio Is composed of ta Mar AIsop, , other equipment,. . .. -anand the storm sewer drainage channels. Secretary, Board salaries for•"--"attic g. In order to computo tho/ discretion o~J~' the Townshlp-j Tuosd.iy, April V, 1V74, affl:30 P'.M- ' JIO[)B/ muy EMPERORQFTHE NORTH, 1 periods for said longovlty violinist; Kuth Alsop, cellist, and Seymour Appurtenances theretb, at the- of Van Winkle Brook, from the • of Adjustment employees, a longevity. for t_h'e furnishing, of .all gasoline ', 111. at the Saddle Brook • Marriott 'llolcl u) • filmingeduTlUluiKil film' *till srtrrr following existing playground and Rahway Valley Right of Way to Magistrate shall be paid AS herolntif payment, credit will be given for — I. It It-undorctood-ttwt -Hils-i-iJJ'at'miiv'bil'reflUlrmI l idr servicing Thur., Kri., Mon.j Tues., 7:30' recreational-facilities: Denham, Prosecutor all time served with Iho Township participate in '-the lefevised eoll'eelion of one elementary schools throughout Cnlifornia. Bernstein, pianist. They.have played togettier. ceationalfacilities: Denham, Wabeno Avenue, a distance of and d»termined. Such I •proornm shall bo cKocllvo only • Iho ,iulomollui> touiomcnl o( s»ld 1 Sat.. 8: Sun.,. 3:45 7-35- HenshawHhw w, HigHihh Point i , Irwlnl , Pool approximately 2,000 feet'and of pay to be considered is ~> of Springfield whether Irnm the dnli. (ll July 1 19» and" 'ho ,iuiomo(lui. i.quipm(,m of snld The first instrument be -conquered' was the for more than 15 years.. ' : :. consecutive or non consccuhvu as t t( —million |ieiinies SEVEN-UPS, Thursi:, Frl.' Softball Field, Alvlg, WoodsldeWdld , Bryant Brook from Its mouth to X;lariifet7"'His~fir'st l)iJJ'"ltlintTeiiu'e'"-r""iiaturally Tickets are available at $7.50,.$6, $5 .an'd-$4.'- .. SandmelerSdl , Smlthlldlltldld and Ruby, Mountain Avenue a distance of 210 On,hand In welcome, them will he WAHC's >Ion.. Tues.,.9;25; Sat., 5:45; ; and particularly, but not limited leet more or less, as shown on and enough — was Benny Goodmiin.Ile.knc'w.alljif Special 50 percent discount tickets can* be to. Jne construction of two new in accordance with the'plans and (Viusin llruce Morrow, t lie New. ..Jerscj' 10; Sun.,. 2,'5:40, 9:40" Sat Goodrnnn's music by ear while still a teenager purchased by senior citizens and students with tennis courts at Irwln playground, specifications therefor on file in i 'I'elellion '7'l ('eleiirity Host. Peter IOoliiml>o) "Mat., THREE STOOGES as shown on anov ln"accoroance the office of the Township Clerk of i by playing along with his recordings. He then I.D.s. Tickets and information ofe- available' with the "plans and specifications the Township of Springfield, *nd ' Kalk arid Mike Douglas are the r] National :30; KING KONG ESCAPES therefor on file In the off Ice of the hereby approved. All of the moved on to the other saxes, especially Ihe from-R.ocital Stage, P.O. Box 25, Union 070M ("eleiirily -Hosts and Tony Oirlis is the New 1:45. .; 'i •. ' ' ' Township Clerk of the Township of •forgoing work shall be ddno on soprano and.'nlto. then'later the tenor. And phone BB8-1617..?''• V "'-,.' Springfield, and hereby approved, property-, owned by the Union •York Ct'h'linly Host. The telethon will lie aired (b) ' The estimated maximum County Park Commission In the during this transitional period, he was strongly amount of bonds or notes tq be Township of Springfield with the influenced by Gerry Mulligan, John Coltrane consent and permission of said _ .E0X-.UNI0N-mt.--3l!)-. f*Bt1 ~ According lo Miss Patty Jenecke, tho Youth and Miles Davis. •> i •'-vfekSpSj PAPILLON, Thur\ Mon - purpose Is S80.00180,000 the excess and .permission granted "Bui mv real love," Sc,oll admisls. "-'if) the thereireoff over theth 4tfldld estimated Tpwnshlihlp ofl SpringfielSprli d to enter •lor Knsler. Seals 1 Y.I'J.S.J chairman, almost. £'£»Ji»V^ Tucli, 11:45 S:30; Kri., 7, 10:15; maximum amount of bonds or, Into and upon said lands for tho | .100,01111 pennies have hoeti collected so far by 'tenor sax. However, I've learned a lol out of." Sal., 2,-):H0^7,10:IS;,Kun.. 3. (• noiei.to be Issued therefor being purpose of future maintenance of offered at Park the amount of the said M,000 down v said Improvement within' tho . school children participating in the Kaster Seal playing a soprano nnd 1 also got iriot onl'of flute Trie Pdrk Theater, Roselle Park, is showing payment for said purpose'. boundaries of the Township of I Youth's Penny Sack Parade. work. " . .j , ' SCREEN MUSICAL — Carl Anderson portr^s Judas in •MARTY BRILL will share the spotlight Section 4. The following matters Springfield, for the express and "The Don Is Dead," and an associate feature,- are hereby determined,-declared,'. exclusive _T_ownshlp-_purpO3e of ' 1 Small plastic penny sacks were distributed to . In addition lo his studying and constanl_ a white fringe In 'Jesus Christ, Superstor^swhlch with singer Ldna Cantrell at the alovlatlng and eliminating JERKY LEWIS" CINEMA "Charley Varrlck." " '__ recited and stated; sio wnrk s arrived yesterday at tho Jerry Lewis ClnermvRye (a) The said purpose described flooding and flood damage In tho children through schoo„ l district„..s .an d youth *f " > <-'o(t has become (like fathei'r PoinLs, Union)—JESUS Meadowbrook Theater Restaurant, .Township ad|acent to up and down Points, Union! The film, based on the New Yorkv , Anthony Qalnn, Fred Forrest and Robert *» In Section, 3 of this bond ordinance nrganizalious' _ about: six week, s ago. --•—.-<• like son I.. a motion picture and television CHRIST. SUPERSTAR.. Cedar Grdve tomorrow and Saturday 'Is not a current expense and is a stream of the brook areas abovo J Forster star in "The Don Is"Dead." described. composer—aiid—arrangor-.-lIo-haK-lwo film • stage hit, which stars Ted Neeley in tho title role, evenings In the current 'Calvocade of - property- or Improvement which - n I'hur., Kri., Monr, Tues., Wed., "Charley Varrlck" stars Walter Matthau as the Township may lawfully 1 (b) The estimated maximum Two-piano concert set assignments under his belt—"Coil<|iiest of the will play through Thursday, April 4. W 7:15. 9:10; Sat., i::iq. < Stars.' The comedian has appeared In u former stunt pilot turned bank robber, whose acquire or make as a general amount of bonds or nbles to bo . A Iwn-pinno concerl will he given lltl.i'p.m., Planet of the apes" and "The Culpepper Cattle- ' Improvement or Is a purpose lor Issued for said ..purpose Is Sim., 1 ::io. ,r..-;MK-. most of the ma|or nightclubs In the trouble is that the stolen cash belongs to the which the Township Is authorized ' (95.601.00. \ .'' at the College of Saint lOli/.aheth liy W. Norman' Company," and many television series credits nation. Mafia. He finds himself running for his life. by law to make an appropriation/ (c) The estimated cost of said (irayson and Sister Mary Klisc Kahis, menvi -•• ..."Cannon," "Dan AugusX,'J__^C;ide.'s and no part of the cost thereof has purpose is S3M,000,00 Inclusive of been or shall be specially assessed tho sum of 1100,000.00 to bo paid _hejji_p( Hie faculty of the music department at County," "Barnuby Jones"and "The STreoTsoi CROSSWORD PUZZLE . on property specially benefited toward the cost thereof by tho the college'; _, Kan Francisco.'.1. thereby. UnlonCountVReglonalHIgh School dPAPILLON/iMj Matinee at- (b) The period of usefulness of Board District No. 1 pursuant to an i said purpose, within the agreement properly made and Kri;.'Mqn., nie.s,l8; S;it-^ llmltatlonsof said Local Bond Law " entered Into between the said !l::M); Sun., 2, 5, II; Sat, /At fiiand' ViaJiiion and according to the reasonable - School Boar.d and the Township of Springfield pursuant to and under FRIDAY DEADLINE ACROSS - , AND NOW, MJUUEL. 1, 3, Paper Mill fci a Quai/ei Hie thereof) Is, 10 years. 1. Hurt ' (c> The -supplemental debt the statutory authority of both Bto rut, udteanl u4 lauJo. Ad Iferhs other than spot -o'-fl"- statement required by said Law contracting parties, the excess *cQma Md Hsftaw in Mil uptit' news should be In our 6. NoKijin ^pllll) Playhouse, >! hasbetnduiyrnadeandilled In the thereof over me said estimated 10.Tonsorl.il PAHK (It'oselle Park))- MillbUrnTwill stage a special office of the Township Clerk and a maximum,'amounts of bonds or office by noon on complete executed duplicate notes to be Issued therefor being . service THE DON IS DEAD, 'TJuir.,' miitlnec performance of Cole LUNCHEON COCKTAILS DIHME« the amount of the said 15,000.00 Friday. —r— -Hrflat.hcr PWVATlPA«TieS 10 TO100 thereof has been filed (n the office Kri...'fcjon., Tues., 7:30; Sal., Porter's "Anytb^ngjGoes," of the Director of the Division of down payment for said purpose, 13. riofuiie II; Sun., ;t.-:iO, 7:20; CHARLEY US mi W 32 (CASTBCXAOI MOWIAlKIOt: Local Government'Servlces In the and the following sums under fho 14. WWII Sunday at 3 plm'lnlwUjitlon to Department of Community Affairs terms of State and Local Fiscal . VAHIUCKrThur., Fri,, Mon.. Assistance Act of 1973: for tho confer- its Sunday, evening ol the State of New Jersey, and entitlement period of January 1 ^Jerry Lewis CinenMi .TUCK., !):M; Sat., «,J0;'SUM.', • «oc h-»tatem«*\l-shows -thar the ence site formanc* at 7:; gross debt et The "Township *s 1973, to June 30,1973, In the amount ' 15. Before " of S23,022, and for the entitlement ' *. UNION S-Polnts 964J9633 l:,'!l), 5:20, 0:20; Sat., mat Thereaftcr7'unllJI Ma^ .., „.„ defined In Mid,Lew Is increased by period from July 1,1973, to June 30 . 1G. Bolivian . THREE STOOGES, 2: AND _ Ann Miller starrer, will play this bond ordinance by $76,000 and ,1974, In the additional amount of export ' that the said ' obligations $26,377, for a total ot 149,39V, as HI the United NOW. MIGUEL. 2:15^1 "JESUS CHRIST 18. Sheep will be seen Tuesday,' Wed- authorized by this bond ordinance provided for In the" 1773 budget of will be within all debt limitations the Township of Springfield. ' tick ' — 9. "Great MS. Pioneer nesduy, Thursday and Friday prescribed by said Law, SUPERSlARi: 19. Fine . at 8:30p.m., Saturday at 5 and • (d) The aggredate amount of not Section 4. The following matters Expectations'' 28, Horn 1 stiff Children's films - exceeding 140,000 for Items of are hereby determined, declared MATINEES: Sals 8. sun. heroine (Fr.) 9:30 p.m.; "Sunday at 7:30 expense permitted under section, recited and stated: — i net 12. Deprcs^ 30. Austoro p.m., and Thursday matineo 40A:7-20 of said Law has been (a) The said purpose described 21. "That — THE 17. Octopus' 31.Dls- slated Saturday at 2 p^m. Reseryatlp'ns may be •Included .In the foregoing In Section 3 of this bond ordinance KcellnK" fluld_.- charged.._ estimated cost of said i Is not a currantLjeKpensfl_and is a '22. Thicket """TrireiT locaT'tHcalcVs win" made by calling 379-4343. Improvement or purpose. I property or Improvement which i 20. Localities 35. Con- Sectrbn S. The full faith and the Township may lawfully •I of bushes 23. Extlrrcf structed feature kiddle matinees this credit ol the-Township are hereby acquire, or make^as general Z3. Symbol of Hawaiian . • 37. week. - - The musical revival,/which -_pledged.to the punctual paymont of— -Improvement or Is c: pur pose lor | adowbroot stubborn- bird whlM- the principal of and Interest on the which the Township is authorized i From Iho pipducor II IK MA ness - The picture, "And Now, opened yesterday, originally said obligations authorized by this by law to make an appropriation; w_ THEATRE / REST A UJfcV, V 24. Appear kensl , ' bond ordinance. Said obligations and no part of the cost thereof has ol 'Oulliir and Tho \\ tllNESIBOl 24. Throw Miguel," will be shown at the 1 called "Bon Voyage:" was f Frohch Connoctioo " l\ ' in 25. Ilal.Fostcr's 39. Nigerian shall be direct, unlimited been or shall be spec rally assessed j out prlnco tribesman p.m. and 3 p.m. screenings written by Guy Bolton and obligations of the Township, .and on property specialty benefited ' how to . •"» Koiioi." , "d EMPEROEMPE R MARCH 29-30 26. "Prince Saturday at the Maplewood P.G. Wodchousc. It features the Township shall be obligated to therebyJ THE levy ad valorem taxes upon all the >(b) Th,e perjod of usefulness of i iFiidiiy S Sa'lurdny) X or THE of Theajer In Maplewood, and at such tunes as "it's tieloyely " taxable property within the SEVEN-UPS Dork- said purpose, within the I 2 plm. Saturday at the Park" Township for the payment of seld~ llmltatlonsof said Local Bond Law T NORTH ness" ; "I Get A Kick Out of You," obligations and interest thereon and according to the reasonable . LANA _.Theatcr. Rosello Park. "You're the Top," and without limitation of rate or $1 ADULTS SI 21. Biblical amount, life thereof^ Is 40 years. travelers The Elmora_ In Kll/nlwlh "Anything Goes." (c' )' Ihe supplement*! - debt CANTRELL Section 4/The-flrdlnonce of the statement required by said Law I 28. Jules will sbow-,_iikinB-: JCo'nB- Jownshlp of Springfield heretofore > has been duly made and filed In the ' " WITH' " PARK *Wi&T Verno adopted * December 22, W70 and office ofthe Township ClerK and a ii^i- M •ANTHONY ' character Escapes" Saturday at 1:30 HEDY'S DINER RESTAURANT entitled ."A Bond Ordinance complete, executed-duplicate i MARTY BRILL 29. Dutch — p.m. in Elizabeth: IN aosEcmaEs Appropriating 550,000 and thereof has been filed In the office i Authorizing the Issuance of $47,000 of the Director ot the Division of I . APniL 5-6 -iFridnv-i Saturday) disease eLSraSTOKK. TO .AT" Bonds or Notes of the Township, Local Government Services In the i CHARUY TnnM 30. Dctonato Routt II« Bloy StV, HIN1I& for General Playground Department of Community-Affairs (2wds.) Improvements or Purposes of the State of New Jersey, and ' NIPSEY RUSSELL IB DEAD ^'BVERY SUNDAY NITE"" Authorized to be Undertaken by such statement shows that the 32. River the Township of Springfield, In the gross debt of the • Township as WITH TONI SANDS " (Sp.) DANCE-PARTY &SOCIAI County of-UnTonT New Jersey" Is defined In said Law Is Increased by 33. Viet- • hereby repealed to the extent-of this bond.ordinance by 195,401 00 APRIL 19-20 (Pricijy & Saturday) QLD_ J_: any Inconsistency herewith and to and that the said "Obligations nameso'' the extent, If any, that It authorizes authorized by this bond ordinance holiday EVERGREEN LODGE . the Issuance hereafter of bonds or will be within all debt limitations 34. Cratchit's EVERORBEN AVE. notes for the purpose of financing prescribed by said Law. JACKIE-VERNON said Improvement or purpose or sori SPRINOFIELD, N.J. (d) the aggregate, amount of 36. Moasuro - Route 33 To Springfield ' make appropriations lor, sqld Awe. to Evergreen Aye;.'.. not exceeding t)5,00ff.00foe(t«mi 38lGne Improvements . or purpose In of expens* permitted under section DANA VALERV ^ . excesyof-ttie amount hereto above. •4OA1S0 of-sald-taw-hwrtJeen- LTIemey JUnY'.WEUMKNESIIlt stated n» the appropriation Included In the foregoing -therefore, any such noteSV nnd his (ahulous " ihovlc" DANCE INSTRUCTIONS BY .estlmaiest_^_)C03i_ of v ailg "CARL""*.. MILDRED.SCHAFER For 10 Ytlrt « P»vP»vorHo « tor hftotote—Issued ~»hd now-JmprovemenJproveentt or.puraosaorpy» — I Pworlte Mnce Record! 7 to 1 p.m. ooufltulufltull M C6nlln.nliC6lllil Culili SUfttancttng pursuant to .said Section 5. The , lull faith and j— —SSSmfnSVtminSBny monlM-Ti We can scrajLanolhrir —extended snd obligations Incorrtd™ illusion. The greai"toHet In art aggcaaatQ amount not r otottmtlons^umorlzwt by thli -= MAVriJJ1ir-17-.)8 [ Wtd.thru Sat.) tissue and"paper' h&fU _ ' '' Bxcebdlna JSO.OOO, pursuant to- ^bond-ordinance. SattHobiigatlons SWEETE&T-BOUND THIS SIDE OF HE/WEfT ~- appropriation mado by aald shall bo. direct, unlimited Shortage 8caret lg over; : .ordlnnrteM"ormrw proceeding! obllgations-of the TownslHp, and .shall be accounted and deemed to the Township thall bt-obllgjtfcd to have been laueo, expended or levy ad valorem taxes upon al| Ihe -GUV^OMttiRDO 6h Well, George. letVij Incurred pursuant to thlt' bond taxable property within- the ' ordinanca. •. ..'•.•.•. Township tor the payment of said ANDHISHOVAL CANADIANS' .Interr up the flagpole. Section 7. Tbli bond ordinance oblloatloruJand ,(nt«r«st- thereon MRVINGION POUSH HOME ' shall take effect twenty MO) days wrthout .limitation' of: rate or '..••>* ...... after the first publication theraof ^ amounts La's give, a free hand to •_ HlPOimCPitER' after final passage, as provided by i section 4. This bond ordinance ' RE^AURANUOUffBE * ' saldtocat "Bond tew;— ~——'-shall take effect twenty~(M) days industry. Let's (ry try to . . NOTICEOF PENDING • : after the first publication thereof get more people to wotk [41546th AVE. IRVINGTON, after final passage, as provided by and get them off the relief • . ' ' • • .' f" ^ ^v^ • . ^ \*~ - • CATEBINO AJ,L OCCASIOWi]#| herewith was introduced, an Proudly Presents payrolls. • . • passed Upon first reading at a \ PENDING ORDINANCE meeting 'of ' 'Ihe ,, Townil The ordinance- . published the Township; The Femand Family of ..Sprlnglleld, Inthe^ountyof Unl herewith waa*' Introduced and Club Diana'offers so much passed upon .first reading at a DIRECT PROM LAS VEGAS mete to Business" Seminars., Dinner Meetings, ' Luncheons, Testimonials, Affairs, THE TAYLOR SISTERS REVUE Even- to- -Weddingsr 4SSSNS^SNS^S*.V Anniversaries, - Chestnut Tavern ngagements and NO. COVER.., NQ MINIMUM Birthday.Parties. All size rooms. Beautiful parking, ou park yourself. No raffic problems. No fljd or airport traffic, AWERICAN€UISIN ARTHUR H.BUEHRER TOP 5»0KIN6, CAU. Ofl Wftlt£ W* WCAt WJfT OPTOIg Infllde or outside. . .,. ._'• '•(;•'•." Township Clerk * i To Publicity Cholrmtni ' Would you Ilk. tome help

•'•' l««isf.,Wr>» ..t(3tlr "*«•• . pqp«r anrfqsli fof oUrv"Tlpi 'on ^libmlttlni :WtWi-, Rr-

•u«»«V." •••.••• ,-:v'.:' ••• Rtl THB wsm

'•:\ <),"•

i •"•h 3tblhijr«day, March 28,. 197*SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER FIRSTPRESBYTERIA1V CHURCH Church Ghmkks'fayCARTWRIC.HT" SI'|(IN<;KIKI.I) KMANUEI. MORRIS AVENUE AT CHURCH MALL VNJTKP.MKTIIODIfiTC'IIUHCII USD A describes SPRINGFIELD CHURCH MALL AT ACADEMY GREEN PASTOR: REV. BRUCE W. EVANS.D.D.- REV. JAMES DEWART, MINISTER method^o destroy Thursday-3:3Q plm« confirmation .class. 8 DI RECTOR OF CHRISTIAN p.m., (ibanpel Choir, Trivett Chapel,.. . '-. EDUCATION: SHEILAKILBOURNE £i Wesleyan gypsy moth eggs SPRINGFIELD(N.J.) LEADER-Thursdoy, Morch 28, 1974-21 Thursday—Noon to 6 p.m., last day of .anv Service Circle.. tiques show. 7:15 p.m., Girls'Choir rehearsal: 8- Sunday—Passton Sunday. 9:30 a.m., Tr(ve(t " Now is the time for, homeowners in the p.m.,. Senior Choir rehearsal. .. • " • Chapel Worship service; sermon: How Many „ northeastern United States to-seek out and on spring sports OURLADYOFLOURDES COMMUNITY I'KESBYTKKIAN.CIIUHCII Sunday—9:15.a.m., Church School. Classes ; destroy gypsy moth egg masses, the U.S. for 3-year-olds lo Grade 7 are taught in the • Times?" Luke 22:47 65. 9:30 a.m., Church 300 CENTRAL AW., MOUNTAINSIDE MEETING HOUSE LANE Department of Agriculture (USDA) recom, VARSITY/JUNIOR 7 Parish House. Nursery service is provided on .School for all ages. 9:30 ajn., German Millburn Dayton nine REV. GERARD J. McGAHRY, '. '. MOUNBTAINSIDE languago worship, Theodore Reijnliriger, lay mends. . " . • VARSITY BASEBALL 9 •West Orange MINISTER. REV. ELMER A. TAI.COTT the second floor of the Chapel. 9:30 and Ua.m.'j Date PASTOR speaker, preaching. 10:30 a.m., Wesley Choir From now until mid-April, leaf-eqtlng gypsy Opponent Place Time 11 Suburban Conf., . ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR: identical worship services with Dr. Evans April REV. GERARDB. WHELAN preaching. The Church School "Pennx-fl=MeaJ" rehearsal.10:30 a.m., fellowship period. 11 moths are in Ihe egg stager-buff-colored, •lf JAMES LITTLE 5 REVT'JAMES K. BENEDETTO Lentcn'-boxes for One Great Hour of Sharing • a.m., morning worship; Sermbn: "How Many velvety egg clusters. On homesites, egg masses ,- Hillside H 30' 14 , Madison Thursday—8 p.m., Session meeting. 6, ... ," ASSISTANT PASTORS will be dedicated during the 9:30 worship •Times?" Luke 22:47-65. Noon, administrative appear on'lho undersides of tree branches' Brearley Reg.' H 00 18 Un. County Meet Hillside 1 n opener Saturday—10 a.m.. Chapel Choir rehearsal. 8 Sunday—Masses at 7,8, 9:15, J0:30a.m. and All-thildren will attend with their board. 4 p.m., Senior High Youth will leaVe for lawn furniture and attached ,^o stationary New Providence A 30 20 ,, Rosette Park. , 10 H> 12 noon. ' •'. ; . , preschool children-is ssion play in Union City. 5 p.m.. Junior High Dbjecta such, as recreaiidnaljtehjcles^ln the . Rahway 30 23 Roselle youth.••-••-»' ••--•-- — - - -IV - H Saturdays—evening Mass, 7'p.m. • if the Chapel. 7 .woods, they arc in' bark'.crevices or on the T -Mlllburn- -•-. -25 State Sectionals 15 West Orange- A • Weekdays—Masses at' 7 'and 8 a.m. meeting for all Wednesday—8;30 p.m., Search. . undersides of tree limbs, rocks and other ob- 30 June 18 Madison A First Friday—7, 8 and 11:30 q.m. high school age young people on the second "On the other hand, If you'd like umithlng to jects. All egg masses should be painted with 30 . 1 State Meet a 'new benefit to help rebuild the Appalachian South Imprets people with your humility." -•. 22 • Caldwell - H 30 8 Miraculous Medal Noverta and Mass'— floor of (he Chapel. . ""« ~ *"•'' »• • creosote or completely scraped off Into a can of Meet of Champions ll.vCI.IFKltOSS ,-•• gruduatltih r^ily ,-;|in- Confessions every Saturday and eves of Holy m K THE RADIO- : HABBI.'HOWARD SHAPIRO are feeding on the leaves in the spring," says . 2 :30 May Virginia KiehJ of Summit on "The Story of the REV. EDWARD R. OEHLING „ . New-Providence H 3 a The Bulldogs vviU'orji'n Jhc season with two ^paign last .year.i.Fjiriner Jay.vees Bill Bolirnd „ Days and First Fridays, from 4 In 5 and from •». "LUTHERAN HOUR'.'AND TV'S CANTOR: IRVING KRAMERMAN Leo GJC. Iverson, deputy administrator of 6 :30 Huguenots." . > REV, PAUL J.KOCH Mlllburn >-- A 3 8 David Brearley new outfielders as well as a new shortstop./ and Wayne Scjut'lirle willsh/ire the ai.signineiit 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. „ . ' ... : ' "THIS ISTHE LIFE") " ', Thursday—B p.m., duplicate bridge. USDA'tf Animal and Plant Health InspSctJon 8 „ Un.CorCath. • H 3:30 17 Linden thinl, baseman and pitchei-s. Following Ihe ASSISTANT PASTORS .,, Friday—11:45 p.m., Erev Shabbat service. in- right.field. A.I1 were stroirg hitlers last .year • CM FOUNTAIN AVI-;., SI'HIN(iFIKLI) Sunday Masses—7 p.m. Saturday), 7, 8:15, Service. (APHIS). . •...«. West Orange H 3:30 BOROUGH CHAMPS — Stephonle-Rino, Michelle Davis, Pdtti Schon, Mary King, -,MS .w.i»lf;is solid fielders' REV JOEL R.YOSS. PASTOR Sunday—10:15 to II a.m., Junior KVANCKIJ BAPTIST CHUHCII 9:30, 10:45 a.m. and noon. Daily, 7 and 8 a.m. Madison' H 3i:3-0 VARSITYTEJjl TENNI; S Sharon MfGurly and Lori Wrobleskl (from lelt), members of the MounttilnsidV /The infield graduated last yeaV's hesl fielder, ' TELEPHONE:-DH'J-4ri2S- MOUNTAINSIDE C.OSPELCHAPEL Congregation,choir rehearsal. *_ 242SHUNPIKE'RD./SPRIN«KIEI.D Hnlyday.oncvesof Holy day at 7 p.m. I on Holy "Wcrecommend .that egg mass hunting-be a" Whlppany Rark. A". 3:30Aptffl Falcons, captured tho borough Girls' Basketball League championship March 21 AAidget \A^r^stIers / shortstop Chris I.ehmaii._JlilUiiliizz.i_uiil , UEV.WILUAM C. SCIIMIDTJH., PASTOjlO Sunday^-UrHO a.m.. Solidarity Sunday lone lmospriuCEDR. *'• Sunday—10:30a.m., model seder, Grades 4, 5 neighborhood or area project. Otherwise, in- •16 with a 31-16 triumph ovor the Condors. Other tearri members (not pictured) were 1 days at 7, 8, 9,10 a.rr). and /p.m.. Caldwell A 3:30 , UOvaih A 3:30 . switch from third to short with K,raiik /.iiri'llo. combined service). , - '• • • (JUSTOFF CENTRAL AVBNDBT and 6." ' . • ; Thursday—7:30 p.m., choir rehearsal, ""'" dividual'homesites will be 'cloaned^upr but 20 Summit fl 3:30 • 3 - Rahway A 3:30 Cherl Swonson, Sue Mazzarella and" Caroline Gdfretson. Sharon McGurty tpssed In last year's lop reserve jnficlder, starling al " MOUNTAINSIDE . Confessions-Saturday, l to 2 p.m. Monday 1 ; Friday—7 p.'m.TTJoys' Brigade. 7:15 p.m.. Monday—1 p.m.,.('nnfirnwtion I. 7::]0 p.m., 'cater pillars will move back Into the same area. 23 . Verona H 3:30 9 Brearley RM. H 3:30 14 points and Stephanie Rfezo added 13 in the title-winning effort. In the semifinal a re e I i m i naJtecH n 'third. Jim Ijifredo.is back at second, hoping to Pioneer Girls. Kveninn^'ircle. - --R-EV-BADON II. BROWN, PASTOR through Friday,, 7:15 lo 7:45 p.m. No con- In the spring from adjacent infested proper- Union County tournament 10; ; - Rosetle A 3:30 round, the Falcons upset the league-loading Eagles, 26-21. The Condors reached .. . • •-. >ARSONAGE-PHONE-233-4544 fessions on Sundays, Holy days and eves of ' repeat his performance of latfl year. wlienjM' Saturday—ii:K0 p.m., missionary banquet; 'Tuesday--7:'M) p.m., board of elders. 7:;)0 ties," Iverson said. .•_•" -.. State tournament • 11,-^ Johnson Reg. A 3:30 "the finals with a 28-24 victory over the Hawks. The Condors were paced by Ihe stqte q aqtiedi na I s was one of Dayton's top clutclfJii^terh'. liev. Piivid \?irkler and team from Dedication p.m.. parent effectiveness training class. -.-"• J CHURCH OFFICE: 232-345G Holy days. • . . , CONGREGATION ISRAEL 16' Roselle Park . H 3:30 Sunday—9:45 a.m., Sunday School for youth ' OF SPRINGFIELD Gypsy moth egg masses now con beYound in Young sisters, Beth and Theresa,.and by Lisa Simon, who netted 12 points., Joe Pepe also returns lo slart'.'it first iind Evangelism-:' .-..•,.. . Wednesday—10 a.m., Morning Circle, 7:45 FRESHMAN BASEBALL 19 West Orange A 3:30 of all ages and adults (buses ate available; call the Infested'ureas of ^.eleven" northeastern The Springfield Midget Wrestler's officially pitch.-White on tlu-' mound, he wi]l be rcplacejl Sunday—OMS a.m.,.Sunday School. 11 a.m., p:in.. Lenten .service; ii::il) p.m., choir. '339 MOUNTAIN AVENUE April 22 New Providence H 3:30 .church for information). 10:45 n.m,, Pre- ANTiocii BAPTIST CHURCH -Klate«—Maine,—-Vermonl— New Hampshire, -ended tneii" l!(7;i-74 season with dis.tricl champs al first by Mike Meskin. Carmen Scoppetuplo missionary conference speaker: Hev. 'Brandt —MECKES ST7AND S;SPKINGFrELD~A"VE~T ' "' 5 Roselle PaVk A 30 24 Verona H. 3:30 ; • could bo t!»;_lop_iiifield reserve Iliis year: • ST,mi:i'IIK\"S KPISCOPAI.CIIL'RCII sorvlce prayer- meetingti . 11 a:m., morning Rhode -Island, Massachusetts. Connecticut, DaveSzymanski Kill) jmd heavyweight Itnnald Hoed, Director; Hi B.A.-ll a.m. Junior Church. SPRINGFIELD —T-|' RABBI ISRAELS.TURNER 8- New Providence H 30 26 Madison A ' 3:30 " Buliiman, compiling in Ihe AAD stale midget 1)1) MAIN ST", MnxiltlUN' *" „ worship service (children's church for grades . ..-New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, XqnsdS; 'iin.;pT)/. Fbrida Pitching ami. catching "could hi' Ihe slniilg . • ..Mftp.m,. Senior HiKh((iroup. 5:45 p.m.. Junior 1 REV. CLARENCEAI.STON, PASTOR •: Friday—7:15 a.m., morning minyan service,. n Mlllburn •A 30 29 Caldwell H 3:30- wrestling lournamenl held al IMiillipsburg Hilill— —points of.the team. Pitchers.Bruce Cohrni ;did REV. JOSEPH D.IIKItKlNG, RECTOR I-:);' nursery also available), 6 p.rrtr; Senior Maryland and Delaware.* ( 1S (fif^li Group. 7-p.m';,—closinK meeting «f .Saturday—3 p.m., Church School choir 7;(K) p.m. "Welcome of Sabbath" servicej,' » West Orange H _3a^..3O Hillside A 3:30 School last week.—-" ' ''• '-- •-• ' Dino Di Cocco-have griidualeil lint will be missionary conference. The speaker will be the - Sunday- II a.m.. Holy .'Communion, 10 a.m., Youlh Fellowship^;,7upjn., evening worship Saturday—9.a.in., Chumash (Bible) study, H 30 May rehearsal. Gypsy mold, calerpillars hatch In mid-April 18 Madison Both fifth graders pill in a good performance replaced by newcomers Clary Presslaff and Joe- Illily Communion and sermon, first Sunday-and—sw-V.lce,_ : • . • .. A ; r 'Rev: SulhCrlaiuLMacLean, missionary I" Sunday—9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., with Itashi inlerprctatlon; 11:30 a.m'^ Sabbath- -nnd-Mnyf-Irrthis'srage-thcy damage and kill 22 ••', Caldwell"' 30 1 Mlllburn T "H.. 3:30- win in Youth Basketball ,' (jespi't'e losingln" lln '(|UaVlerfinal round: JJave •Craziauo. Pepe imd Meskin un'.the returning France under Itic/Ulievangclizcd Fields morning service; sermon: ."Answering The • Summit — H 3:30 festival occasions; moaning -prayer and ser-7- •- W.eune,sday-inidw.cek_pruy.cr_scrvlce. worship service. 7 p.m., evening feljowsliip. trees by stripping them of Uwlr/tollage. The 30 3—. Summit A A disappointed California saw a super final overtinu- sessioji as lie knocked in four rltilch-' canuHiul on the short end of a 4-0 decision as he hnrlcrs. Catchiiig appears slrnii);. will! Tim . x Friday—7:1)0 p.tiiTr Chapel Mountaineers, H' : Mission. m'oii, second through fifth Sundays; 10 to J1:J5 Call"; Kiddish after services. 7:00 p.m., nf- insect pest was introduced into Massachusetts 29 , Verona 30 8 West Orange ' H " 3:30 period rally which brought them a tie al IhcVnrt "froe Ihnmv " •. • ' ./ losl lo"a solid opponent .from.llun.k'rdi>nJlills... Pimpliielli behind the.plate. .... •' Wednesday—7:4S p.m., prayer meeting.. H!i'>le ind cr'ifts for youths, grades 3-i). Wednesday—9 p.m., midweek service.,. am < hiiith School biuvsitlmf, it 10 mi terno<*n'service; shalosh s'udos repast; zmirot in inc.! and annually strips thousands of acres May. 10 New Providence, A 3:30 • of regulation lime go down the drain as Kansas •' In . aildilion lo his game-wiiiniM'. Kron'-rl.~J_nojiaId broiigh("lheSj)"nngfield fans lo their melodies; discussion; farowell to ''Sabbath" of trees in "forests, homei.-. parks and- 2 New Providence A 30 13 „• Verona A 3:30 gained a 36-35 overtime victory in the Stale pfayed well iii-llie back court3ant'(irtrd'seyeii_ leei as'he"helila Ml lea(l,afl('r the first period in services. ]s''' '.. - ' • ' •* *•'recreiitionalareas. During thesummer of 1973,- 6 • Mlllburn A 30 1'5 Madison H 3:30 Ixaguc last'weekend. A bucket by Jeff Kroner! pitintH. Tuny Circelli hit eighl pojnls lo help his match. Midway through the second period. Sunday--ll a.m., morning minyan service: about 1.75 million acres were partially or en- 9 West Orange' '• . A 30 17 Caldwell A • 3:30 Iced the nig victory for Kansas. Kroncrt.liit In Kansas into the finals. Circelli played a fine " ltmrgnrhlnfsL:iriirriroul)le and trailed s-2 iiu'llK' fellowship breakfast. 10 a.m., religious school tirely denuded. '....' 13- Madison " 'A 30 20 ',, Mlllburn A 3:30 overtime, to put. the game out of reach. floor game, as did Jimmv Blabolll and Tony ^ secojid period ended, 'I'he final'-seore of'lthn's model seder. 7 pirn., afternoon service; ad- 16 Caldwell H 30 22 . . Summit H 3:30 John Hiccardi played a great game to pace fiurgiilin., Jimmy hit four pinuls and Tony hil a ,, nialch was 7-2 in favor of his I.yndhursl foe. announces details vanced-study group; evening service. 2b Summit ' A 30 -0--O- free Ihnjw lo rjnund oil! the scoring. • ' The coaciiing staff has announced that eighlh 1 ' TKMI'I.F, BETH A1IM Ihe Kansas vlclory. Hieeardi did it all for The 131b annual Itosnry Bowling 'Tournament.' Monday through Thursday—7:15 a.m.. 23 Verona ' A 30 VARSITY GOLF h . Kansas, lie led all scorers with l(i points, California.piil on.a furious I'jnal period rally grader Dan Solazzi has heoii nam( d Ihe oul- al Garden Stale Bowl;' Union,, will be held on morning minyan service. '3:30 - -11:30 p.m. AN AFFILIATE OFTHE • , --O--O-- ,o April. • . * .' . • s UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF AMERICA played outstanding defense as he blocked marty. to lie Ihe game ;il" UuTfinal liuzzi'r. Ciilifornia slanding wrestU'r of the season. Dan placed April 2ll.nirMond.ay only, with two sipiads from religious school classes. 7 p.m. afternoon VARSITYTRACK-; 1 W. Orangge & Rahway H 3:30 HALTUSROL WAY, SPRINGFIELD- - X'nlifornia shotsand was the top rebounder in -hil III points in Die. final session, while holding second in this year's .AAll lournamenl and '(1:15 a.in. lo 1 p.m. Closing daje for entry is service; advanced study group; evening ser- April 5 ',. Summit A 3:30 ihe contest. Klccardl was also effective In the • RABBrKEUBKN R. LEVINE • Kansas lo five poinls: Craig Clielienger paced ended up.with a 12-2 rociW for the season. - April 25. • ' ' " vice. - ' . .7' •• ' •_ '' Gov. Livingston:. H 30 8 H -3:30 1 t Know Your • Mlllburn iJIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIlllllilllllllllUUIIIimiUlliuillllllllllllimilllllllllllllllg' Ihe final period rally a! both!ends of Ihe entifl' Dan's total midget wrestling record was 1!>-I in The lournnment will again hy ii three howler (•ANTOR I'ARID DARDASHTI "'"~ Wednesday It p.m., Israel Bond committee . 5~7['.. Johnson Reg. H 30 9 New Providence A 3:30 Frid.j'iy- 11:45 p,m,;_S«bbath services. . and finished with II points.' HiekMarech paced two years of wrestling. lca.ni event, hut there_ are, special prizes: meeting. , \? Linden A 30 11 Caldwell . A "3:30 The most improved wrestler honor wenl to • 1 Satiirdiiy-7-10.a,m,; ftibbalh services. ('aliforuia with l-t points. Marech also had a Irophy for hi-game, one for hi'Series and ont for 12 Hillside A 30 15 Brearley Reg. H 30 Youth basketball I'iflh grader Dave.SzynianSki al 00 pounds. •Thursday II a.m., (following morning Monday-11:15 p.m., Sisterhood meeting. good I'loin- ganio Hoy Zilonier was oulslandinM the-liow,|er who bowls, the most j^ins over her .13 West New York 22 VVeron a &8 UnioUi n • H 30^ Dave, in his first year of wrestling, posted a l-l> minyan service! slyiinibchorlm (Feast of the Tuesday—7:30 p.m., JJSY meeting. • in tin* California tiack courl, knorked in six -average. Kacii. member of the winning team . 'Itiui 11 lui^n'l l)t>i:n an lioui first bom I. (I p.m., Congregation board of" Mem; Relays • A 00 29 Madison & Caldwell H 30 I will epd tonight | record iind suddenly started putting'it all Wednesday—I1::1O p.m., executive board piiinl'. anil had a line floor game. On/ilin 1 will receive a, trophy anrLeash prizes are also 1 16 ' Un. Cty. Relays ' 30 May =3 , ' . • = ii I'ale! '' • ' \ diiji'clors meeting. I'lilli'iim also played well with' four -poinls and together in Ihe district lournamenl, Dave won given. 'The Uosary Society of ihe winners also mooting. • r--- ••'- ~~ 20 Mbrrls Hills or 6 New Providence H 30 | '" The Springfield Recreation Depart- = some liood defense, l.onnie Ihyorkin helped lwo-malclie.i;-on-his-wny to his district crown has a trophy. Money prizes go to usually one out 7 Mlllburn A 30 • g incut will conclude the..107-1 season ofXhe = : Highland Pk. Relays . California off Ihe.hoards. and pdt'ina fine showing.in the Ktate~lbUF~ of e.very six entrants. 23 Caldwell A .30-r--9-- Madison • A 3:30. 1 Youth Kaskcthall Program tonight with a | - nainent final, rounds. .:.._'. | triplo-heujler of basketball. The program J Any Hosarian may enter the tourney even if 25 ' Summit H 30 13 District-State Florida lield off sluhborn Arizona and scored The coaching staff thanked-"jJarents and § will start at n.an p.m. nt Gauillnecr = she is not a member of a .regular bowling 28 Penn Relays .18 Verona A 3:30 ii 17-11 victory? Mike Silver'wns'niiKlnmlinJ! for .. many friends who were so helpful during Ihe | School and will feature the championship | league or if the league she is with is not sanc- 30 Verona H 30 20 Summit H 3:30 I'lorifla as li(>4ullied II) points, lie alsfi directed season. Your cooperation in driving the learn lo 5 game of each league sponsored by the g tioned, hast year's rule of multiple entry will May June Ihe attack of l-'lorida, Kevin Coyle was strong nway matches and tournaments is greatly 1 Itecreatlon Department. :. | again be used. Enjry fee is"$3.50 per bowler and 2 New Providence A :30 3 Suburban Conf' off the hoards'for I'Moi-ida^uid liil-f()iir points in. appreciated by the coaching staff and, learn g At 11:3(1 p.m.- thev Small-I'rv C'liiim- H •from, liiis.ii donation is sent to the church of the- thet'ame. Jimmy Wni'k hit a liiial|ii'i'i

K^ .. if-

.-1, "X' '. ~ " - - —'• - ~ — •. ^.'.

' K." UC anniversary Thursday, Mdlrch 28, 1974- "Grandson, hpricl me the sparkplugs' dance to present Area Red Cross responded 22-Thur»doy. MarcKj8Tl974-$PRINQFIELD(NJ.) LEADER Peter ZiegeTvf uss; y Jets, Raiders gain Annual fund drive is planned Seniors l#c|rp^frade skrlt^at^echriKxrf h \\ er orchestra td 70 disaster alarms in 73 Tl)e image of grandpa sitting on the Jfont ij^tlQlen Miller Orchestra and the Big Band Uifibn' County chapter of the occurred during a two-month, period In the seryices are held ..Dorch In a rocking chair enjoymfThis well spring when the Mississippi River raged over L *P!W4of.the '40s will be Ihe featured attraction American Red Cross responded to 70, disaster tijje^match tonight by League of Women Voters Kunerul services for Peter Edwin Zlegenfuss earned leisure may soon take itsplaie wif " artfie tJrilon College faculty's 40th anniversary situations during 1973, spending ap- of its banks from Iowa ta the Gulf of Mexico. horse and buggy era,--a dim (Conflnu*Hrom.p«B» 1) " . iu current studies !Jf"l!..-o ,iiicfl«id ctemen- of 387 Morris ave., Springfield, were"he)d celebration,, it was announced this week by proximately $20,000 to assist families tem- Scores of tornadoes, includTng one .in New W past. * Small Fry play candidates and ballot Issues prior to elections tarV »chool system and of on- municipal Tuesday at. Smith and Smith (Suburban) In Prof. Kenneth J- Hanselman, chairman "of the porarily displaced by floods, and fires, .ac- Jersey, added to the year's disaster totals. .. And helping to dispel thatrfmage is a group of anniversary committee. •.-.'• cording IQMrs. Vera S. Maierof Union, chapter Hed Cross assistance to families, said Mrs. The Jets and the Raiders won semi-final encouraged registraliDn and informed votings gfisemment;^nd by its member Involvement '.-. Springfield?. *" senior citizens who are-4elrning how not to bo chairman.- ,, ' . Maier, can- include food, clothing, household garries at the Caldwell this past Saturday and and helped generations of women understand on the various civic and educational boards and Mr. ZiegenfussdiedSaturday at home after a The faculty will hjost the celebration on "idle at the Union County Technical Institute Across the 'nation, she said, the American accessories, essential furniture items like beds ' will meet this evening at the Gaudineer School llyllll.l.WII.I) a tournament. Elizabeth was told by the league the structure and function of-go vernment; ,ahd agencies in our town; now^ therefore . . long illness. He was 75. ' ', « Saturday, April 20. to' mark Ihe 40th an- and Vocational Center in Scotch Plains. lied Cross assisted in 25,273 disaster situations and dinettes, down payments on-appliances, up in the Small-Fry championship.:' Now that the cold, snowy winter months are that the game was cancelled. Here we have the •WHEREAS, the League of WomenVoters of -.'. "B«4<-*eso»ved-. that I. Edward N. Stiso Jr..' ' A'Springfield resident for 50 years, he. was niversary of the college. Dancing will be to the same deal as witfi the midgets but the shoe was Under thdjwShqol's new policy of enrolling music of the Glen Miller Orchestra , under the at a cost of $37.7 million. In the G26 largest to 30 days' rent.for temporary or.new living "The Jets moved past the Pistons, 32 to 13. behind us we pick up the local soccer scene with New'Jersey has strengthened state govern- Ihe Mayor of the Township of Springfield in Ihe horn in Ferkasie, Pa., and lived in Ridley Park, senior ciUj^ens tuition free, there are a number Alan Berliner hit 24 points to pace the victory. on the other foot so th(! game was cancelled. County of Union and the State of New Jersey Pa., before moving lo New Jersey. He was baton of Michael (Peanuts) Hucko. Dancing disaster operations, the lied.Cross ..provided quarters, cleaning and fjrstaid supplies, home Elizabeth SC comfortably In first place in the ment in New Jersey through its work on such of ovep/65ers_ taking courses ranging from 1 Elizabeth SC has seven teams in the GAS1- proclaim the week of March 31 through April fi. and refreshments, in the college gymnasium emergency care to 98,234 families to enable repair materials, transportation for wage Alan's 24, was a personal high and the high for Southern haft'of the Major Division of the issues as equalization of opportunity In public retired from the Commonwealth Water ,,Co., Practical House Plumbing to Auto Mechanics the season in league competition. Berliner was and four of them are in first place in their as League of Women Voters Week In tji^s wil|:begin al 9 p.m. and conclude at 1 a.m. . lli<;!ii to return to normal living. earners, meijical and health assistance and German American-Soccer League.'They are education,, housing and employment: im- Summit, where he worked as a foreman. . and TV Repair. . ; ' . . effective in the final period as he hit 14 points several points ahead of the Philadelphia divisions,and nope are lower than third. The provement in state . fiscal policy: increased' municipality." Mr'. Zlegenfuss is survived by h|s wife, Mi-s. ; Tickets may be obtained from the -toih "Seldom in the -93-iyear history-, of tljc replacement of lost occupational supplies and 1 f "I sometimes wonder where I found the time" for the Jets. Jamie Brunny was the lop junior team is waiting, for the, outcome of a , facilities for higher education: water con-, Anniversary Faculty, Celebration 'Committee. Americ.in Hed Cross have'disasters of all kinds apparel—r,i_.,_i-,--: . : Ukrainians and Hellenic. The Greek Anna Kelioe Ziegeniussj.Bixsons, NormanE. of to go to work,'1 says Hans Nommenscn of 1443 rebbunder for the Jets and tallied four points. Americans are.in first pl.-ce in the Northern match in southJfersey.to see who they will have- servation; reapportionment; and com- ""SprtngfteldrRwriond-ProMrvington. WilliBm Union College, Springfield avenue, Cranford. pouhded so incessantly at U.S. communities, Kuss Waldman and Steve Kaisch both played to play in the New Jeftsey final for the National prehensive regional planning-, and Orchard rd., Mountainside. The former printer.. . 07016. ' • -.. '• ' " •'.•-:• and created such widespread havoc'," said Mrs. *. FRIDAY DEADLINE - Division. Summit Y plans of "Chatham, John P. of Edgewater'Park, All Items other than spot news should be in excellent defense. Steve Wright and Billy Junior Cup. ' ' ' . for the New York Times is currently enrolled in „ Maier". •- The Lancer's junior team recently defeated "WHEREAS, the Uiagueol Women Voters of Robert G. of -Chatham,, and Edward T. of three courses at the Vocational Center. He's Union College first opened its doors on Oct. our. odlce by noon on Friday. ' Ko'ppcl also played aggressive defense for (he the Pinelanders from. st>uth Jersey, which are1 Elizabeth_SCi.will play the New York .^ Springfield has further contributed to our Madison; three—daughters,'Mrs1. Halsey G, ' 16, 19X1, as Union County Junior College: The brunt! of last year's disaster 'onslaught Jets. . ./'.'. • • -Hungarians on Sunday at. Farcher's Grove life saving course .studying Major Home Appliance Repair, their greatest New, Jersey rival In the United —community- by its support of Springfield's Rome of Mlllington, Mrs. Rocco SperanztMf Electrical Fundamentals and Practical House Classes were held' in Abraham Clark High The Pistons were paced by,;Todd I^onard, ' gdmctlme is 2:30 p.m. This game will, be Stales Junior Ojien .Challenge Cup.. The Master Plan and Zoning.Ordinance: by its Spring junior and senior llfesavlng classes Madison and Mrs. Edwin Crump of.Lakewood; Plumbing. He's already completed a course In • School, Hosi'lle, in-an evening session only.. .who finished with 10, points. Jack Chin was proceeded by a reserve tea.m match between (Pinelanders won the cup Hya.times.in (he lasl active support of measures to achieve adequate will begin' al the Summit Area YMCA next a bYothcr, Harry of perkasle. Pa,; ^sister, . Engirle Tune-Up.'- . - ' ' Initially funded as a WI'A project, (he college EDIE'S HOUSE OF CERAMICS aggressive o/i defense for the Pistons. Butch ihree years. • '•''• . Ihc two same clubs. Newark SC who played physical plant facilities for the high schools In Tuesday and Wednesday. Both YMCA and Red Mrs.'Suzanne Hilmer of Sellersvjlle, Pa.: 2(). : Nommensen, who has also expressed in- became an independentv'non-proii! institution 'Jackson had a three-point afternoon. • to a 0-0 tic against White Plains last Sunday will Union County Regional District; by•••: its'* Cross certification, Is awarded, course fees The "mighty midgets" are making a strong grandchildren and four great-grandsons., terest in taking, some academic courses at in IM5.- A day program was added i 1941 and 1 The Haiders topped the Lakers by the score "play art away game. . „ publication of 'This is Springfield' booklet: by charged 'apdVnw members are eligible lo CERAMIC CLASSES HOWSTARTING bid for first place in their league t Last Saturday Union College, which has a similar policy for in VM'l tlie college movcd.to-its first permanent oi'l3 to Gin a defensive game. Jerome "Bubba" they downed College Point, 6-0. The 'midgets . enroll. : senior citizens, notes that he had nine years of home, (lie former Grant School in Cranford. • Mondaj Eve. 7 to 10:30 P.M. . . • Pullium paced'the Haider victory with four only have five points Inihc lost column. They J~ The junior, course, taught by Mrs. Albert Dr. Baruchin hetads- if. schooling 50 years ago. Now, he says. ""I want Union College moved to its present site In • Tuesday Afternoon 1 to 3 P.M. points and was aggressive 'on defense. Peter tied their first gome, 1-1, and lost their second Golf courses go Gocdde, Is open to those 12 years and up and is SJslEyER TOO LATE — Dn'Horo'ld BreTnnan of Westfleld-(loft) and brother Robert, 195U. The cariipus now covers 48 acres and - y- • Tuesday Eve. tWednetdiy En. 7 to 10:30 P.M. Ard was also, strong in -ihe Haider line-up, game,.2-1. They had lo forfeit a garde, to this Juniors set back • high school evaluators to find out what's going on." held on. Wednesdays,- 3:30-5. p.m. Senlor- includes seven buildings. Branch campuses arc same College Pbint team last September when * - RdUert Carkhuff of yr. Birchwood rd.. Lin- also of Westfleld (center) apply some of the hew skills they're learning in an Auto • -getting .four points. Larry Walker and Drew life^aving, led-by Joseph Gruber, Is open (p ;Under theco-chairmonship of Pr. Fred == | GREENWARE & FUU. STOCK OF SUPPUES-WHOUS/lLE-RETAIl they went to Virginia to play. Coach O'Donnell full time April 1 den, Is a retired technical chemist, whu. has_. Mechanics course at-the Union County Technical Institute and Vocational Center, ' .. located.in Klizabeth anil P-iainfield. ~l'-alor scored two points each while Robert Caldwell to reach/' swimmers 15 and up', and adults, and meets Baruchin Springfield superintendent of Informed me that he called the league ten days, Tuesdays, 7:30-10 p.mi The spring courses will " been working since he was 10 years old. He under the watchful tutelage of Herman, Colodin, Instructor. The two brothers are Fischman added a "foul shot. The -golf courses operated by the Union schoolsi'a team of 28 educators from the Middle From ^.initial enrollment of 24'.l men ami 253 W. WESTFIELD AVE., ROSELLE PARK ,. The Lakers were paced by Kenny Palazzi, before the game and alsoeaMed the team'at be the last offered at theJYMCA until fall. They . feels the Key to keeping fit is keeping busy. among a growing group of.senior citizens who are enjoying now interests and Verona title game County Park Commission—Galloping Hill in StaUis Association_of Secondary Schools amL_.. 1 ~ \fromiMi, the college has expanded to .serve the who led-.the Laker.attack wiHPan- opening Travel and study, are his answer Jo keeping -learnlngTiew skills under the.Technicol |pstitute-jind yocatjona^Xenter's tuition • OPEN-Tuej. thru S»t 10-5 P.M. • 245-3888 ' College Point to let them know they were not Kcnilworth and Union, and Ash Brook In Scotch "are designed for people preparing for water- Colleges'visited the TonreRiver High School -..—iMlucalionaUucedjs of.-4,u00 -full..and. period bucket and two free throws in the final l busy. He feels these tuition-free programs for ffee policy for senior citizens. , . •'""."," '•",'" J coming to play the regularly scheduled game ' The Junior Minutemen moved to the finals of plains—will begin full time operation on front Jobs this summer. :. North recently to evaluate all facets of the .period of play. Kenny also played aggressive that Satiird,'j\";md he was told It was Jill right. Monday. ' . senior citizens arc a rar£ opportunity for people the Verona "Junior Basketball Tournament , schoolls program. - .' "to fill in the gups or add to' careers und in- defense. Jim Mnherajso hit the cords forthe ' The Virginia game was even announced in the 1 by defeating Caldwell, 35-33, last week.. On weekdays both courses will open and start — Schools that are members of the Association ' Lakers. • • ' • . .league's official newspaper,>bul when they did Funeral services held - terests they may have started some years ago Eddie Graziano paced Springfield to vlttory, player registration at 7:15 a.m. Registration undergo a major evaluation every 10 years, to not show up in College Point (he team claimed and have been sidetracked from pursuing. Birthright office '•Eddie's.defensive moves kept Caldwell from will close at sunsot and the Rnlf_houses will •' for Mrs.Wolfawlt?ni2 ascertain that necessary standards to meet Carkhuff is taMnfThis~sccond course in Auto the game and the league-upheld-thc claim accreditation criteria are maintained. The Cranford youth faces scoring. Graziano also paced the team in . close one hour after-suhsct, with weather and Funeral services for Mrs. M.'ilhilde Blxorr Mechanics and (eels he will be qualified to Once again I say the "men at the lop" "are ...nssis.ts.and rebounding and scored two points. course conditions permitting. primary purpose of the iissocitlon is to promote for Union County discriminating agninst~thc~Ncv.'~Jci'sey teams Wolfowitz, 72, of 220 W. Jersetf st.. Elizabeth, maintain and repair his own automobile. He ' marifuana complaint Steve Geltman led the Springfield attack with' On Saturdays', Sundays and holidays, Ash high educational standards among secondary Dr. George l|. Jones of-Westfield was elected . -in the league and every, thing is in Iheir favor. were held Tuesday nt^ the Bernheim- would like to take courses in other areas in the 14 pojnts. Geltman was particularly effective In Brook will open and start player registration al schools and colleges. president of the Union County' Psychiatric Springfield police reported the arrest Friday II "s kind o.f sad when a group of ten-year-olds go Goldsticker Funeral Home; 1200 Clinton avc,, '_'. future. ' -i. ". - , . • Ihe final quarter when the Juniors rallied frornj T> a.m., and the Galloping Hill course will open of IV'ter A. Sienkievyicz,. Ill, of Crahford for all the way to Virginia to promote the gnme of Irvlngton. ; /^ Ho is also enjbyTntT lhc~cross-scctlon~of- "Clinic Hoard of Trustees Monday night at the'-- four downrGeltman-hit thrfcc buckets ln>'the at 5:45 a.m.^weather.and course conditions . • alleged possession at less than 25 grams of." -soccer, and their league,,and then politics in Mrs. WolfoWilz^dledMohdayln Beth Israel students in his class. ".People bring various clinic's annual meeting, also, elected were; final period and was effective on the top of the' permitting. Registration will close at sunset . 1 marijuana.t ••.-•• • • that league sets them back. All the other games Medical Ccnte1vaft4irub.rlef-illntss.-Anativep£ experiences and backgrounds to the course," fcSfs( vice-president, Gerhard Walsch of and both golf coijrses .will close one hour after Newark man arrested According to police. Sienkiewicz was ap- played by the mighty midgets were won by full court press- " • (dNew York City, she moved to Newark in 1923 he says, "and are able to share their knowledge Garwood;.^second vice-president. MilWn ; prehended by PH. Edwurd Kisch al B p.m. on shutouts. . Mike Clarke, tallied nine points. Mike kept sunset. . • • • and Elizabeth.in 1069. < on Springfield charges and skills' which provides for a greater' WaUlstcjnof Winfield;'secretary, Mrs. Martha ^lyingfieULiVjlie game in the first half with • Moran of Westfleld. «nd treasurer. James Ht. 22 after being stopped for a motor vehicle The senior team 01*11)1' Kllzabeth SC did not- —Union County residents ore required to have Surviving are'her husband. Morris; a son. .'education"through peer group interaction." . violation. He was released on $250 hail, pending four clutcii buckcls.'-Danny Pcpe scored seven Cerasa of Clark. '••""-- • play this weekend because Doxa had to play in an identification card which will be issued for a Golblr_sliortcle;inJhLiri: r CO., INC. SUB I, its new North I'liiinflcld heudquiirlerH, lit!* 22 Union County, Persons wishing tp offer their - bid, and shall be enclosed"Iri~a — (TwoHli!'ee~fourl — •in* WhoIauU-R Cadillac-Oldsmobila creases by a DcnmcTJilic administration. sealed envelope bearing the name '••',' ^and Terrill road, Sunday-from-2 to 4 p.m. The--RtirvicoK,- or to-make, u_..doimtioiiL-,lo._llM'_ I • DIAMONDS AlGHIlY 3. Mow many pr'ovcrhs did «l MORRIS AVE., SUMMIT J7J-IJ*) Httoittt-irisii-lnlrodtiM'd H -$150,- of the bidder on the outside and ::ADILLAC OLOSMOBILE| SHOP • .office,, mndo nvaila,ble hy Mount St, Mary's organization, may contact Birthright at P.O. SALES-SCBVICE-PARTi shall be delivered at the place and Solomon speak? • • M Biry »fX0GOLD PtICIS (linanre for flood coiilroi work lo lie dune..this on the hour above named. .' Academy, .will officially open.on Monday. Kox 303, Plainfield (17061, telephone - 753-2410. CgmpUu Body Shop Stfvic* (Two thousand. •Ihrec- NEW CARS 686-0040 • I1TATIS CATBRINO FOR *LL OCCASIONS SELECT USED CARS yoap along Van'Winkle's.Creek. The project is Plans and specifications may be ,'.. • Birthright, founded in 19611,'"offers emotional Judy lleatly und U>rraine Sullivan, hoth of Sxving Ih. Sobofbon A..a 40 V..~ seen and procured at the office of ihousund, five thousand) • F'.iris ' DIAHOW) • JEWELRV -.WtUIULS HOME Ol" THE 4-FOOT SUB being undertaken' lomlly with I In'. Kegional Walter Kozub, Township • and , practical support and -assistance to Westfleld, are °eo-directors of the North 4. llbw many years did Hie "Coni|)lt'/tt Auto ,Hody Shop" ••• High School Dislricl Hoard (if Kdiicatinn Engineer, Municipal Building, USED CARS 686-1373 Eip«it Clock & W.tek «.«!/ ! distressed pregnant women rcfiardlesK of aKe, Mountain Avenue, Springfield, children of Israel cnl Manna FOR FAIT DHLIVBRY CALL I'lninJIeld headquarters. Hlinner received approval for a resolution Now Jersey. Dial 273-1700 J race, creed or marital status,1' a spokesmun r r iii the wilderness?' 379-1595 ..urging thul the Hoard of li( altin>i formallv The Township Committee BODY SHOP 245-2425 491 Morris Aye.' > noted. Services include providing shelter, reserves-!he right to refect any or (Twenty, thirty, forty 1 376-9666 notified of all highway construction plans in or all bids, If, In the Interests of the 2037 MORRIS AV UNION ' Surnrnjl '. "~ ' clothing, furniture, education, help with ehi- Health insurant Township It Is deemed advisable to 5. How many pieces of silver 169 Mountain Ave. near Springfield, since they might affeel tho\ . NEAR UNION CENTER > ployment, mid' professional assistance ^of do so. ' " was Joseph sold for? (Naar High School) SprlnglMd wellbeing of town residents. By order of the "Township -',: physicians, psychiatrists, social workers, is seminar to _Comml!tee of the Township of — (Piftccn.-twentyi-tliirtyi- '- 312 SprTngfi«ld AV« —-Mayor Stjso called for ii-volunleer lo beiid-a Springfield, New Jersey. mi?* Liquors ' lawyers and clergymen durlnK and followini! 1 Inion Collciie will conduct a h^llli insurnni'i- local committee devoted to United Nations ARTHUR H, BUEHRER • ANSWKHfT •^— rowmmp'ctBrk IF ANYONE CAN "MIKAN" infonniition scmlnur f tlu'•jjfcncfal puhl - SUMMIT Day. next October. He also renewed his appeal Spfld. Leader, Mar. 2fl, Apr. 4,1974 SPRING LIQUORS Siiturdny at its ('rnliTn ffipu.i, nccording t(i 2253 NORTH AVENUE (Corner .lor men und women to serve on a municipal (Fee: S19.7B) 1 of community Now & Used Cars & Trucks • (et;: t' s8u|>| i) punsnouj YOUR featuring •> ER MEET THE NEW , Mauriiu Oooley, k on the aging, ;' ' -,services. Sales 273-4800 Service 273--4818 IMPORTED WINES YOU S.ilcs 4 Service CAVALRY The soii^inar,' wj>ftli w|)l (jot .under wuy lit To Publicity Chairman: 'Z :tLVH 't • STAG .BJ.TR 6 --r AND GHAMPAGHES " •OT *• •SPITIIME EARN EXTRA CASH I:M p.m., wiJI/focus on .flu- eight > differojnl^ Would you Ilk* "»o'mo help , LIQUORS '• BEER ,1,-ilioiKiI lumltlrinsurance hills presently before in praparinan«wspop«r fo- $4O.tovO per weekend laaioi? Wtlto to this now»- \oi>iiu vvr \D CAU. 379-4992 — tho Con(!i>^s, incliullnt! the controversial SfapmctA EDUCATIONAL Hill and President' Nixon's Offering the H!GHEST RATE on papar and ask for our ".Tlpi is i:\pi TO n,v<:i Echo Plui Shopping Center on Submitting Nawi R«- LINCOLN.MERCURY, INC. All Sized'Vans in Stock OPPORTUNITIES Hill. Mfss Donley Explained. .. .us i I'IIOMI: Dial 232-6500 Sea 'REX" the Van King Sprinjfiald CAcn (iersmehl,' who haii luiiuht. com- Now Formi ng • (U.S. Hwy NO.J3 ft IN CIVILIAN SKILLS jjvAenslve health insurance courses at the City DlaK> 377-M0O~ (iH6"-T7«« -'--. Mountain Aval ,. . I ARMOR /"CAVALRY Toilet"'' <>f New York, "will serve ;ua seminar MO MAIN ST. MADISON EXTENSIVE VETERAN • ji> Mirlln Lsvlnt'i Try-one policy • PROGRAMS , lender, "TlietnnrttTtin'RUrance issue Is ini|M)itiml to SPRINGFIELD CALL TODAV FOR INFORMATION (201) 232-42p$ REGULAR SAVINGS r WINES t< LIQUOR . • " > VISIT -.THB ABMbhY THIS -WBEKENp! lill citizens,betiiiise (if its'slihscnuent costs linil 174 MORRIS AVE., 5PRINOF1BLO MAX SR. » PAUL Warch 30* 31, IIM ' ' / benefits,". Miss Oooley commented. "SenTiir , ... Open gaily 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. " 5TH-SQlHnR0H, M7TH .CAIttlB^L. i'ltl7nnii. \\\ -pnrtlcnlitr. jihould he" concerned You . . .-- • . Slav at Hom» •(hop By Pnona or rxiw irne SCHOENWALDER Armory, 500 , . _.. becaiisoOf the" cffccts~thi!y infghHhart W«ntl«ld, Naw Jartay 070K> STATEJ5ANK „ FREE DELIVERY Plumbing & Heallofl cpfiirattou-i Medicare." . •--•-•- '.". ' Withd — i P.M. to > PS*. •; x--":r.- Cm wat«r H»»l«f« ~3laant- t(-l Haallns Iflt , 'un^pspHumtdtfln R«palr» «. AlKrall

series of classes, will-start CABERNET SAUVIGNO [. '-, *i* Cna»tnut St." ." Union— H Monday, April 15, at 1131 Eiis.tr 1973-plATB: 17 •Jersey st. ST. ANDRE— •«&.: ^ The classes wlll'include:- FOR MEN & WOMEN ; lEtC \ Savings & Loan Assns. ednietous Swimmlng instruction for Withdrawals any time-withbut losing jntarest provided you maintain a, balance"of $5.00 or more. 193 Morris Ave 376-1442. |1 1 ! beglniiers, intermediates and „• ' • >. ' '•• •' ;"'i' i' '•''••\* Vi ' • ' ' ' • STARTING MAY 6, 1974 THRU JUNE 22 Opticians CRESTMONT advanced, on Monday nior- • *Eff«ct!vo AnnublYlelct' Xfipltei When Principal and lnfor«it Romaln on Dapoitt for a.YoaK • ' • income tax help, nlrigs for housewives at 10:15, • «WHIMMM«HN» SwinpIt loin (liw. •'.•..'' >-.••••" . -Pick, the evening and time most convenient for you. Tvvo Springfield REASON 16. We'll try to do everything we and Qvenings at 7 >,for all" ' • . sessions mee* Monday, thru Friday eve.-7:OOtoB:~30&?*o 10:30 can to save you money. After all, we want ' others! ' TherevwUl b« ten ' ^v MAPLECREST \State Bank your business again-next yeer. . ' ' consecutive session;, for $l!). • $75 Por Session . ''_-,-•-• Physical exercises- fpr' fitJ AUTHORISED ^.".'.'Your Homttown nossw and ' .'ajt;^rcd [ LIMIT 4 Pfll COURT • SALES & SERVICE Bank" measurements,' Monday 8,1 Two Coqwnient OHk;es ' mornings'for housfiWiyes, at In celebration of our How Scotch Platni » CLINICS FOR CHILDREN • DIAL In Springfield to Serve'You '9:16, for ten sessions,, and office, wo an givingj^y/av q' 1^74 FonJ . MON DNT1OO •RMCRIPTlONt FILMI^I evenings at '.V :30,. for. others [ t>-., -RAIN OR SHINE .. •<• -'••• 379-6B00 ••'.. v Mountain A.w. Office* > -1 v Pinto Sqoira. Ir • fully equipped and ha> "Ml 7-:--- \eYfKUiA*n<$ RBPAIRCO" for eight sessions: Trie fee Is STARTING MAY 6 THRU JUNE 22 • >33 Mountain Ave. 379-W2: air-conditioning, -radio, luagafls raclu ' uk your dulir or wrll« "MORRIS AVE. OFFJCE: ' imily Savings Bank and radial tire*. - , DIAL984-7700 ' Hillside Ave. «• -•;• -...-- •-, | MONDAY THRU FRI. 4 5:30 P.M; ,5 ROCKLAND H'.; KSCS5 175 Morris AW.JI76-S9N . A, qoTnblhatlon, of slim; ; v \m Spririof leldAve. at Rout* 3 i «|MORR|«AV1. .' nasties., and swimming for Jo»t fill out an entry blank at any War- k' '4 CHILDREN PER CQURT < T< CHEMICAL CO.. INC. 1 J ' LIMITED TO 16 CHILDREN PER SESSION J ,- WSS*ICAVt.WfSTCAUlimt.H.J.' atMBHittEmub'Mj;';' '" .housBwlves, . oi\' Mflnday ' monlc< Saying* Battle office*. Yha drawing • Union mornings, 9: IB to 11:16, for ten 1 UNION SQUARE & 54d^ORRIS AVE—289-0800 •will be h»W on Friday, May Slit, 1974, FLOOR COVERING Party Rentals sessions. S"ee flB; • ' "• . 2.30 P.M. at tho Scotch Ploln» office. In SCOTCH PLAINS: "^^ -^ ' • ". • • ' , / -J ' j. :..;..- $75 • • ... • o . . "THE IM CO Mi TAX ' YWCA merhl)l?rshlp"ls;$4 for You need not be pretent to win. AjpafeaB jajajH IH^ ^^^M S^aaBB1 BSBBBV aflAtl hfeVBH^pBfeaj asaBBB ABBI BABSBJ BBBBBS. BBBBBI aBBBBk BBBBBI BBBBBI aaaBBj BBBBBV BBB^BB BB^BV BBBBV BBBBBT. BBBBB! BBBBB aaaBBf ^^^r adults and H for children, /^tivance -j-eglBtratlon Is 2253 NORTH AVIiWPSrestwood Rd.) - 654-4622 I MILLBURN TENNIS CCENTEN R " your lawn's best friend! PARTY RENTAL required. ,'• &~.,-\ I for those who want the best! RENTALS OF Ballroom dance^lhstr^ctlon . j jS6 1. Willow St. 376-3001 Millburn, and a" social, qre hpld, every MAIN OFFICE—UNION SQ' MO*RIS AVE., ELIZ. & SCOTCH PLAINS FINEST EQUIPMENT Ubdyi DoUy » A.M.IO J • & TABLET Tyesday evening .worn a to Vlobbyi Dolly » A.M. to 3 P.M., Thura. *TM. lo 8 r.M. U:3tl;for aduHs'bnly. No ad- ; v Prl«*.|n. Dotty I A.M. to • r.M, a r.M. Dilv*4lpi Dolly » AM. lo a rjM.j Tkiin. » A M. to • r.M. tnucKS. ' USEDCARV, Wolk4lpi Dolty a A.M. to • A^M.| ,FOR TALL TYPES vimce registration Is required, Wotk-Upi Dolly I AM. lo V AM) 13TM.I* t'TM. MEMOIR FtOIRAl OF PARTIES •"iT^iiH;...'!, -DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPOKATION i j lite desired - AdilL •OV MOCKtANO PRODUCT* ATl "' Oonutla'n per cveriing (s |1.50,' Hcfrishmi'iits nrc sorved; •_L__i_^— ^Cheekrtnua^ be enclosed • I • CARDINU LAWN I 6ARDEN OENTER Ave.. in Miiitwii n«.,(pnn«

;*i '•V

'./•I , J r •i ' • .:.• ^ ..-

24-Thursday, March 28, 1974-SPRINGFIELD(N.J. LEADER -Thursday, March 28, 1974- CALL an 'AD-VISOR ' 686-7100 TODAY! CLOSSiHED] DEADLINE TUES. NOON FOR THURS. PUBL

I |H7pV.ntedMe7&~Wom.'nT"'ri Hdp Wanted M«n JWomen^i, j W*??*---™i Help Wanted Men & Women 1 HdpWahtedJU.en & Women 1 Hap Wanted Men i Women 1 ,1 Help WantedMen & Women 1

WANT Riot Irom Morris A.ve.. Union lo Llndm Ave., Linden. ' CtERICAL Leave-*: 15-A-.M., -return 5-P.M. OPPORTUNITIES AT ""T. - 1.- HB4. SECRETARIAL AND LEAVING HA7LET Area 7:30 6 YOU GAN'T DO BETTER a.m. for .Irvlngton, returning lo INTERESTING "HOME" ;•' OFflCE POSITIONS Hazlet 4 p.m. Time reasonably variable, Call 371-3008 [•BEATTHE ENERGY CRUNCH BY WORKING '. Htc 3-28 BANKING v THAN CHUBB! : : AT KENILWORTH IN AN PAYING RIDER, Lady, leaving The best lobs around are at Chubb. Here you'll get every- INTERNATIONAL. ENVIRONMENT Roselle Park to Broad St.. WHERE YQU LIVE...WHY COMMUTE?' ' thlng-you desire: a oood salary, great company benefits,- Scherlng, a Wifllor" worldwide pharmaceutical and Elizapeth'at 6:30 • 9 a.m. and or POSITIONS ONbR ABOUT'APRIL8TH,WEWILLMOUEOURHEW JERSEY- return at 5:30 - 6 p.m. Call after 7, an Weal atmosphere and a" convenient location — plus health care fyoducts company where you havo an ' 245-2M3. many chances to orow. We now have Immediate openings OPERATIONS TO SHORT HILLS-60 MORRIS TURNPIKE. opportunity to work with people of va,rlou& international . " NEXT TO THE ARCH RESTAURANT. , '• backgrounds. ' n' . . ;; A^VILABLE for: . , . ' ( Help WanteTMen I Women 1 Our stall will bo expanded and we aro seeking P^plo^^^wlth or ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETAR|ES(2) e many 1 without Insurance (Properly-Casuajtyl experience to (III th • Anlrpal Health"' ~ACCOUNTTNG~S¥C Y~ , Two bllllpn-dollar First National State • Clerk-Typists: .'.".' : openings wo will havo. _ .: Bank has openings for ambitious Ropretentativo sampling o( positions ovallablo are: • Eihlcals Marketing Small, cor>Qonlal office, of growing (Full Tlrne^qr Part Time) 45r50w.p.rn. .company desires rrioilvatftd people^-«xper4enced:' In the .banking. . Individual with . overage' typing field. These positions are available ' ' .Record Clerks '.Gfeneral Clerk Typists ^BILINGUAL SECRETARY (1) skills. Must have figure work throughout our systems as well «soui—••;- .Transcrlptjon Typists - background qlono With pleasant : .Raters • Anlrryal. Health ' . personality tor phone contact. SUBURBAN LOCATIONS. . • Keypunch/ Key t^ipe Operators: .Underwriters . Send background and salary .Inside Adiysters required to Ms. J. DlPaolo or call: Mohawk. Unlvac and/or IBM experience •;. • ' .Stock-AAaU Clerk SECRETARIES (2.) :._.-..-i-— ; • Marketing Research . •• JOULE TECHNICAL" x Rt,MW.Unlon,N.J,94 FOR'.THE HOUSEWIFE-MOTHER WE OFFER PART'TIME . "'.' •Logistics ", ." - ,"'•. ADVERTISING .Good figure ability. " " .' EMPLOYMENT WITH HOURS ARRANGED TO FIT Y;OJJR High school graduate, ?-3 years'- typing experience. OPENINGS IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SCHEDULE. ' » Work In a beautiful new building, lunch In "gourmet" WEST mviNGTON-CALDWELL-LIVINGSTON CALL US TO ARRANGE FOR YOUR INTER VIEW IN'SHORT HILLSl dining room, Convenient location near Garden State CLASSIFIED NEW NEWARK INTERNATION AIRPORTv • Messengers: •. , •< ASK FOR MS. DYER OR fMi. HARTELI US AT 474 B4O0. Parkway and Route 11, free parking. Fine salary plus outstanding benefits package. Secure ]ob — pleasant conditions. ' Visit our Personnel Dopt. any weekday — wo're right a • PLEASE WRITE OR CALLi N . • . " ADVERTISING (Ml) 74S-SOOO, EXT. 1U7, . " •• v KEYPUNCH OPERATORS xacross from the Short Hills Mall. OR Call 4o7-o000 for a. THE HOME - ASSOCIATE PERSONNEL MANAGER, K-5-1, C,7, TELEPHONr dayor evening appointment. v,. -• GALLOPING HILL RD., KENILWORTH,.N.J. 07033 / DAY"AND TWILIGHT SHIFTS^ INSURANCE COMPANY: ,/ • 9 A.M. to 5 P:/v).-6 P.M. to 2 A.M. . CHUBB & SON INC. -An Equal Opportunity Employer | SCHI-.RINt, -COIU'OIVATION. SOLICITOR Mlnlrnum l.year experience required on 0-. 51 John F. Kennedy Parkway : Short Hills. N.J. 07078 [ I Fomalf.MaU Wanted by Union • 29 or VIP keypunch machines. Alpha :qu*l Opportunity Emoioyor M/f-' v and : '_ Numeric Necessary. • ,- ' Essex Counties Please contact our PersonneTDepariment *.• Largest &. Strongest •\ LIGHT FACTORY WORK Suburban Newspaper Weekdays from 9:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. - '" . LIGHT MACHINE OPERATORS . PACKERS Group CARDIOPULMONARY - .INSPECTORS .MATERIALHANDLERi . _ ._ POWER PRESS OPERATORS Telephone sales experience/ 500 Broad St., Newark, H J .'NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - - ability to typo and pleasant bul —TECHNOLOGIST^. DAY a NIGHT SHIFT OPENINGS EASE YOUR BUDGET ~ convincing speaking voice are HIGH RATES, MANY EXCELLENT BENEFITS. pre-reqolstes tor this position. POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE salary, commission j and benefits. Freo parking in our One of the world's- most' advanced -APPLY AT: 154 COIT ST..IRVINGTON,N.J. own lot, bus No. 94 stops at our jf irst Jtiitiona Top Pay Profit Sharing y AAedlcal Centers with an ultra-modern door. Steady Work BANK OF NEW JERSEY CARDIAC CATHERIZATION : ^ ~ REVLONINC. Liberal Benefits An Eqool Opjiortunily Employer "Permarferit Positions Air Conditioned CALL" LABORATORY has a career - - "-" IMPLEMENT DIVISION A Friendly Place To Work/ MR. LOOMER at X 3581 opportunity for a Cardlopulmonary \94 COIT STREET - ' ". IRVINGTON,N.J. 686-7700 Technologist "with at. last. 1 year AN EflWAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" experience In CardtacrCatheterlzatlon K b-2B-1- UNIVERSAL TOOLS & MFfi- CO. - .: " • . -. HTFI ALL AROUND (WAN FAST ACCURATE TYPIST At Saint Barnabas you'll receive 115 Victory rd. Springfield, N.J. "With driver's license, full time, steady employment In light FOR - excellent salary, top benefits and a manufacturing plant. Pleasant " NEWSPAPER OFFSET SHOP, charice to broaden your knowledge WHEN YOUR AD working conditions, ' days, ~ TOOL & DIE MAKERS WANTED 4Owith- highly , skilled full benefits, good pay. Apply In WE WILL TRAIN YOU TO OPERATE SOPHISTICATED Top professionals oxporlonced on prooresslvo dies, sotup and person. ' . . TYPESETTING- EQUIPMENT. MODERN "BUILDING, • .professionals., dovclopcmcnt lor 4 slldos. Excellent bonellt proamm and WM. KRATT CO. COMFORTABLE WORKING CONDITIONS. , wages. Currently working 45 hour ,Weok, _ 988 Johns6nPI.Un|on_ X-RAY TECHNICIAN =.CAtt=iWft=DV» hour woek executive secretary COUNTER HELP butnol required. ~- Cranford; , Garwood, • • Parking and lunchroom duties', are accur&te with figures, 1 MATUREDabv sitter wanted for ^ Must bo over IB. Apply In person 3- Monthly salary up to$12004-comm. SUMMIT, WESTFIELD, SCOTCH PLAINS, CRANFORD, Wlnfleld Park amicable, we havtfthe position for Experienced. Excellent steno A. -.KEYPUNCHH"^^ child-2 yrs old, Tuos. thru Sat.e Full benoflls, stoadv work with Complete trafnlnp-ln Life (acllltleajiroyldod. typing skills a must. Company A P.M.-Mon. thru Frl.' . call 3334880 you. Call Personnel eS89500 mall, congenial office of orowlho A.M. to 6 P.M- 1 evening* no -lavofls In ovor 35 years, Trust, Penslon,\AAutual Funds.etc, • Maplewood, Orango, South Call Mrs. Corvlno (or appt. between the hours of 9130-4:30 or paid benefits. Co. desires motivated Indlv. lor B34 Livlnqstonnrea, bus 145 8.146. Calf rogulor ovcrtlmo,_^good_. Call 687-7817 lor appointment. BURGER KING -.; —Tht*-ls one-of-the-moit-re warding Orange, West Orange write P.O. Box No.7, Union, NJ. ». 039 a, knowl of EAM equip.' Hrs storting salary with regular, programs available todav. Contact 2310 Route 33 Union 1 . , call 7317300 678-2100. 07083. j:JOSj3.MonPf|,Sen promotional and salary Mr. Plnnone or Mr. Mlnton flt CLARK & RAHWAY. alary requirements to: : X 3-38-1 ' Linden, ftsselle, Roselle 340SouthHairlsonSt. "^~ —Equal Opportunity-Employer. ~~ FLOOR CLERK MECHANICS PART TIME—Women & Mon, S8 • reviews. Call 272-573.* orapply ' Park " . — "FHastOrange NewJersev to 55 wlnans- Avenue, Cranlord, f 7 K 3-28-1 JOULE' TECHNICAL To Install dump bodies and .truck 19 per hr. will "train. Ovor 21' N.J.. . - - •". call 353-4880 EqualOpportunltyEmployiarAA-F PART TIME oqulproont, with -wdldlnq preferred. Call 399B555 or 3998532. Mountainside, Berkeley RT 33 W.UNION " ' 96^0110 EqualOppprtunltyEmpldyerM-F CLERK-TYPIST _ WEEKENDS 8. HOLIDAYS experience. Stoadv work,.full paia any a. overy day-after 5 p.m. .SECRETARY Heights, New Providence, . R 3-2&-1 — ~~^ ^—- R J-381 benefits. • / •'• X3-3B-1 Westfleld, Mlllburn, needed for our UNION, N.J. office. 7AMOPM or 3PM-11PM X3-2B.1 for salos department. Must b« Must be good typist, and have 2 Reception and clerical duties on INDUSTRIAL .PERSON NEEDED For light oood typist. • (N.o short hand or Summit, Short Hills, years prior office'experience. TRUCK & CODV'CORP factory work, clean light work In FOR FAST RESULTS YOUR AD WILL APPEAR IN nursing unit. Oood handwriting "PUBCKTMEAL-TH NURSE In the transcrlfalno rnoulrod), lloht f Illnq- Springfield ' * LAB HELPER EXCELLENT WORK ING 351 North Ave.,E.,Elliabeth .modern air-condltloned building,- and record keeping, liberal call 353-4880 and 20 0702 and ability to deal with people Diagnostic manutacturlno R 3381 Starting salary based on work Linden uonrd of Hoalth. Must bo a CLERICAL — CONDITIONS, PAID VACATION, essential. Must be available for 3 experienceStarting salar. Fulyl benefits'based .o Appln wory Ink benefits Includes profit sharing. -Union, Ellrabeth, Hillside, HOLIDAYS, SICK LEAVE-^8. aacflon pt medium she phar- experience. Full bfit Al I -Linden resident and must bo a Kenl worth week paid training, 7AM-3PM . maceutical corporation seeks MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST pet'son only SCHMID 4 5ON."10H -Ucsnsed-roolstercdj-nursqjrv Ino Our office 5 minute walk from HOSPITALIZATION. , Call or.appty Personnel Pept. 7, person to assist In manufact- ' pet'son only H un [Sprlno11eld~C«nter. Call- 37»B)00 v- --call 353,4880 ORDER ANALYST •ASCP.OR'EL'IGIBLE So Sp'rihgTield-Avc:-Mquntalnsl State ol New Jorsey and also meet Lbadlnp producer of electrical ufclnfl operations. HS SlplpmB- : •Civil sorylcerTBqulrerntntsrrTtnr ~ H 7 ~deslrecTbuy not required - '/ K 3-38-1 —^ ———' . R 1-28-1 "pTDducnf needs TOmoanatopnr ' OVERLOOK HOSPITAL•< PERMANBNItu.Ul_Hme_;;a hours are lrom-9-a.m. to 5 p.m., vide customw order analyili EVELYNSCHENACK permanent part time days help Monday thru Prldav.'Send res'jrrto SECRETARY to credit manaoer.- 9 SUBURB/ BEAUTICIAN MARTINO'S— 7 _,rnoSsrn_proore8slvo hospital. Th«" •end-entry.- Perwn-should-be-. ! LIBERAL BENEFITS v.'anted^for salesTpo5ltlon7ln n yarn to Linden Board of Health, City "mVINGTON—CENTER" HA5" 5 Equal-Opportunity Employer M-F IposTtlon oflers oood salary, liberal &-cr«atlve crafts storo; Must.havo CO. Unlgn, N.J. For appointment' OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED ' detail oclented wltti a good L -b»nofl!s_^nnu—.|daal_— .u/orkTno' Holl, Linden, NJ. lclertcat~'Dac((Di'ound.~-Good ™ ——-— -P-T-^-PTR R 3-3a-33a-r experience"" in .•..art. noedtowork, R-MIW >nd4nlervlew call Mrsr-aanlen «l AROUND OPERATORrj74 magnetronics^ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT conditions. ^— salary, alt benefits. Call 2S9-. FREE JEWELRY and olltm fof r Ap'plv Personnel Do. SALEST • UNION LEADER • IRVINGTON HERALD » SPRINGFIELD LEADER •VAILSBURG LEADER . LINDEN LEADER 8200 for oh .appointment, ^ hostessing a SARAH-COVENTRY —-**$" BUILDINO MAINTENANCE Jewelry party. Spring line U here I :: ' ORGANONrtNCr' COLUMBUS HOSPITAL WORKER (JANITOR) Janitorial A PART OF AKZONA INC. --495 N,o.~13lh 5tnNewark •— THE SPECTATOR (ROSELLE & ROSELLE PARK) >^UBURBAN LEADER (K EN ILWORTH) • MOU NT A INSIDE duties Include maintenance of ^-CLEHK TYPIST — _ and Springfield areas.- :: ^HTROif —fULLTIME CLERK--;-...-. 975 Ml. P leassnt Ave.. Wnt orange' -/ X 3281 classroomi-ft-offices,—Retired Interesting and diversified duties. Must have own car. Top:p»y. Call: ;•;; •"..•..:-• . •;" _.:"-••- .. -:': --~ - -- ; --• ~ "•/".:-; --atTd->hm~^iwyf»*^hf:'''1 T"-. ' -. . 7-v" " :"—•—-•• ~:-^ ------~r—'— person considered.-Liberal state Good stprfino salary and fur _ Apply In person *. • :.- "FQUalOpporlunllyEmplDVO'TvT.F. W4-2121 .:-•--: : : r ; : : benefits. Contact. Union County PRODUCTS of- benefits -lltotuumu JRARLINE'S-ORUGS .... -1 al_>j Day Training Center, i524 Terrlll Hospitallzatlon a_llfo Insurance,; MESSENGER "appt: — ; : : : Rd., .Scotch Plains. 332U41, Hours Monday thrb Thursday;! . 417 5prlngfleldAve.,Sumnill LIGHT ELECTRONICS Paul. Anfhdhy Realtor SERVISCQ ••.'. "'-/'•••' ^Suburbqriqirfe -.-••' -V -' •-•" : '." ... ,•".. •;--: •'-; . '.;'" :.----;/,: — n . . .. — X 3-29-1 J70 Mundel pl',,_H!!lsld» - . :— — • "K 3.38-) P.M..9P.M. Friday 1-6 P.M. - ASSEMBLE WORK. PRODUCTION 2104 Stanley Ter.v union &97-4»54 Amerace Corporation Call Mr. Oannon at 9647D0O to — For group of Sub- Equal opportunity erpploVer CAMP PERSONNEL arrange- Interview. Will train. Contact RoctKler REAL ESTATE SALES M-W 381 10-55FloralAvey,Unlon, Components Corp. 1112 Lousons Rd burban . news- ASSISTANT Full or part time. Licensed or wl I NEEDED GAL/GUY Union &B7 MU). train, car needed, high potential, "SERVICE TECHNICIAN Senior counselors, unit heads, NJ. papers. Varied Fabricator -of specialty for our-hearing aid service CLERK TYPIST "rr-, . K M8-1 plenty leads, draw plans, must live, 1 crafts specialists, nature S. EqualOpportunltyEmpoyerMF LOCAL firm •expandlno'rteles building products has opening In Union area. CALL MR. WHITE, department with knowledge of environmental specialists for day •Part l)m«,Full llm» . FRIDAY .hours,. willing . to for ambitious Individual to Accountlno/D«Rt, oxporlenco division, . souklng aggressive WHITE R.EALTY, 688-^100. transistor circuit. Hours Monday camp setting. Contact Stephen For a , leading producer of use own car, able to assist in -shop planning, thru Friday 8:30-4:30 Good Kllgler, Camp Director, Eastern desired txfl not necssary, Oood Individual. Commission potential K>3-28.1 electrical products. Must be Jl3,000 to S20,00O plus.•Unlimited scheduling and expediting. RECEIVING ROOM CL«RK benefits. For appointment: call Co...'YM-VwHA,' Green Lane, typlnp^sklll required. ' Equal arlve llgKt van, Drafting or mechanical v - CLERK ./ opportunity, omplover.' . prospect availability. ' For Full -time; .', oxporlencb "not Peter Dengtsson 6870483. Union, S89-8IU > v C a-l-l-—Mrs. onglheerlngeiperlence and . ^ OTICON CORP. ! ——r- x 4-iey MOUNTAINSIDE AREA •confidential Interview—send necessary; penmanship a plus.'' .rs«-a5ffi«a resume to P.O.. Box 953, Union. knowledge of building and Some lifting. Stan Sommer, 985 'W» Stone Street, Union PART OR FULL TIME • freeze Corp Inc. Wollenberg at 686- construction helpful. Able to CLEANINO WOMAN -.r typing required. Good salary, "M.H Must.be a lean and haVa own . 700 Liberty Avo. Union 'N;J./ ••, ,. / • • Stuyvesant Ave.; Union, 686-2600 Frl. night and Sat. afternoon. 12.50 all company beliefItsJ Call 28?. 7700 for appt. read • -blueprints: Good K 3-281 STBNO typlnb and genoral olf jo transport. Full cfayitbort — — , X 3.J8-1 8JO0 for an appointment, . opportunity for.-night Jchool work lln small office near Union , par -hr. Reference required. ' > HA.IM . RELIABLE- person with driver's Boauty salon, irylnQton, 373-2245. vnck, day or evanlqa^flilft. DRIVBR-FOR SOUTH OHANOH ,; MACHINIST Engineering student who wants Center. Excellent opportunity, R«gl»t»r n»y. • jS FLOWER SHOP. license fofor'alr 'all phases of factorfactory" • ' . X'3.28. Lathe liand Id start a career now. .Full work, parkinsparking, shippingshlpplm , phone 688-48°6, eves 687 can ' MUST KNOW AREA. -. benefits plus profit sharing and K 3 CONTROL Cyl. Grinder hand. l»t-3nd-3rd (4URSES ' maintenance production etc. full tuition assistance. Call 272-5734 time apply GEJS6EL MFG. CO., TELEPHONE solicitors wanted, R 3-7B-1 class apprentice, must have some or apply to 55 Wlnas Avenue, lull time, 5-5 P.M., Mon thru Frl. GREYHOUND flxpvrlence. staady, good pay, 600.SWenson Dr^, Kenllworth, This newtpeper doe* not - PRODUCTS -Cranlord, N.J. . . * ... • • ' Call M^-OOlJ.Mr. Phillips • " knoil^alv Kciat HelpWjnttd, DRIVER benefits. Linden . iili&l. . OR -DAYS EaualOpportunltv EmployerMF 1knowingly • .1 • X 3-M-J REFRESHMENT Adt from •mployermployers c*(»red by : X OPERATORS For parks. Must be ttieFKltriil Wage ana Hour Lew SSW; Make deliveries In station wagon DIVISION Telephone Solicitors If Ihey PLay. les— s thi- n Ihe »«-W for Linden Printer. Call U\-4SS3. CiiargVICU mature. Ideal for family group. No iimum wipe for ., Caldwoli Amerace Corporation .hourly minimum • :——7— • ' . . R i-SI-1 MAINTENANCE Investment ..reduired. Apply Work from home. Choose ^ 11P.M.-7A.M. ' ' UNION COUNTY PARK hours. Will train. Call R 3-241 . ORIVBRS • Owners, operators, 1065FloralAve.,Unloh, General plant maintenamaintenancen . . - RECEPTIONIST CLERK CLASSIFIED Electrical bsckgro-und COMMISSION, I Acme." St., CLBRK for druo store, full time, For busy personnel office! Must be mar round -worn - weekly, : Elliabolh Mori. Frl. 1 plm.'.4 p.m. r •xpsrlence preferred, Mies, stock settlements, experienced moving ."••'•• N.J. .. , •'• prefn-edprefned. Layout/ Install and NURSERY good typist and able to speak Telephone Solicitors' delivery. OREENE'S DRUO & storage. background, maintain a variety or metatl Spanish. Hours 9 A.M. -5 P.M. equalOppoytunltyEmployerM-F fabrication equlptment. Ability RETIRED MAN, tool crib, PART TIME STORE, 1001 So. Orange Ave. dependable. Oood driving recoF*- ALL SHIFTS FREE Blue Crou with Rider "J" attendanthelper. 8428620. Salary plus commission.Earn I1U Newark. 373 8597 - 'For Interview call South Orange XJ-M-l to diagnose and correct after 3 months, plus other problems. Knowledgledge of excellent benefits. Call or apply per week and more. Exptrlanc* R 3-M-l Storage Corp., 319 Valley St., So. Good salary & benefits SALESPERSON WANTED not necessary. Jaymor BglldsfS, Orange, N,J. 742^003, ClrCUltrcircuitry tielpfU.helpful.. Ooowuoud papay r anwdn Personnel Depl. . CLERK TYPIST SAIL-GUYiFRIDAY shiady work ptbl i overtimovtrllmee. -For costume lewelry line. W-mt, W|r. Frank after'1 PM. — —• K 3-M-l — Apply Personnel Dept. l DEADLINE Experlenctd, must ho accurate OenWal office duties Including Excgllant benefits, Oil 37J- ' ' OVERLOOK HOSPITAL Experienced In calling oji —-—•— -~i=i— R J-li1 typist, telephone wprk, some • DRIVHR WANT1D answering phones, good typing 5T14 or apply to 55 Wlnans boutiques & women's apparel** WOMAN- wanted!to tend 5 yr, old, dictaphone e»perUnc» necessary, Also light work. Part time, 9-2 required for sales office. Pleetaiv avenut, CronforO, N.J. OVERLOOK HOSPITAL 193 Morris Ave., Summit 171)100 shops, Car necessary, high 11:30 to 2:np.m.Vach day. Union. Il5e»l. employee benefits. Call P.M. Must be 18. working conditions, benefits. 193MorrlsAv.,Summit 373-8100 Equal Opportunity emplo^yir M.F commissions. Call ni-liil after 4 Own transportation. Cull 6»7.4«ifc Mrs. Cooper «74-24\5. M7-S5J9 IBqmlOpoortunlly|5(i[iploy«TM-F P.M. ' after 5 p.m. ' : EqualOpporNnltyEmployerMF- R 1-26 -' •• : '-"'• ~* ' K )•» ' .'.. K3.J..I __—: r V : ' R 3J11 • K4-11-1 DIAL 686-7700 ASK FOR OUR AD-TflKER DIAL 686-7700

•V- ., i!,

v"f— y\ '»,"• I

I. . . v" •X , -.1'.


lmport»,'5port»C«ni ... -Jhurscfoy, March 28, -Thursday, March 28, £*rp«tin£ 33 A UndK«p« GKdenint „ 6i Plumbing (HMtinj 75 Apartments lor Rent 1011 HousK-ipj Sale' 111 Public Notice l>a ALFA Instructions, Schools 9 Merchandi?* for Sal* MADISON - - . Public Notice Public Notice HtlpVfcntedMtflt Women L. minor repairs, free. CAR| Repairs,. remoae)lng, vtolallonj. TITWINOTON" 1JO» CC^JR, OT. Puhjjc Notice STEAM CLEANING for th» Bathrooms, kitchens, hot water, 3^ room FURNISHED Let Us Show You Best offir over «W Use IRS address label AiO lessons - experienced lowest ftr— rail Rich 731-»»1, boilers. . ttbam 8,^twt waler APARTMENT. $125 month + PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that the ordinance set forth below failure to pay the required wooes. . tiles. 'Check In the amount of 10 percent ' teacher, fully certified, B.A. mu»lc WAREHOUSE"' " systems. Modern sewer cleaning. Mcurlly. Near Irvlngton General. This charming brie* 1 frame cape TOWNSHIP OF UNION " TOWN Qf UNION The Contractor and Surety jhofl be REQUIREMENTS: of Ihe total amount bid or a Surety ! ed—private- studio. Rates very, ,:ommerclal. i residence. Oil on-oul*l--MFMl. .'•»•»- date to was Introduced at < meeting of the Township Committee ot the Township 1 PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby NOTICE TOVCONTRACTORS T£iP8MltPEI$WINEl PART** ACC«»» of Union in thecounly of union field on March >2», 1974, and that the said I liable tothe Township ol Union lor !• t. -Possession ot a valid Company Bid Bond for, 10 percent ., reasonable. 417-0494. Uerb Trletler, ES 24)460. transportation, schools U IMPORTS, SPORTS,': gl~venglven ~ fhaf The'Theordinanc~ ordinancee" PUBLIC NOTtCE I» hereby any excess costs occasioned | ol said amount ot the Bid: Ch«k or roposai& will be Plumbing inspector License of the Dti.voti nt«d •xtr# cMhr Fantastic-bargains, Sat. March 10, IrtJt nWMl. MriS* township Committee at Municipal Headquarters/ Frlberger Park, thereby. ., appropriate grade Issued by the Surety Company/Btd Bond Is to be . MlillC-CLAIMS—For bigtavi tr 'Ceilings 6 room; In new 2 family house, iw rrowruhfp .Commltiee at "Municipal' Heedq'ua. —,. . . M5l«i»d( and approved att a meeting received by the Township f made out to the T6wnof Irwington. . 1 junualiuii Lu identify eacti Ar« you bora* sttttna *round? »74, •« A.M" - - •• --- 1 oatnt,rtpAcloinctoOTf>«ffXceitent -Imported AuWCanter, MrinS The TowrahlP o Union reserves New Jersey Department of Health. • -Nit-w , Jersey laxpay^F^ •gn a to U. Classes begin April. >74, •« A.M.- 3 PJVi.f-aejIa, H6ATINO. Gas heal Insf. Repairs, Morris Avenue, Union, New Jeney^on April 9,1974, afao'dodc P.M. the Township Committee of the Commute* ol the Township of 1 New Jersey- Proposal Is to be Oo you r>M« any otflc* tklllsT redenias,. tat>1M. cflalrm/of all location, convtnlent station Morrlstown. 374-Mlt. . • ;. , . • ., MARYE.MILLER the rlfiht to relect any.and all bids, ' 3- Some knowledge * of the individual laxp.iyei's account, ta.ll for information ' and-or INSTALL NEW SUSPENDED Remodeling, Electric- sVwer u Townshlofn Union In the county 01 Union for the proposed unitary V problems and procedures involved enclosed in a sealed envelope and fxiwrtinji' ;i fodc.ral tiuouie ; kinds, filing cabinets, sdlas a. tratuportanon to N.V. & N.J. Townthlp Clerk sewer acrou Union Avenue and to 'waive, any- informalities AM thiM qu«|tIons c*»n b« eglstratton. 245-9237. CEILINGS Over Your CRACKfJD ; cleaning. 34 hr. svc. 374 48*7. Adult* preferred. No pets. Call 643- Owner transferred i, wanti off ar*. Union helo, March 26, 1974. therein, and to accept any whlcrf, In plumbing Inspection work to distinctly show the name ot thc l-ajil yciir . tin* refunds, of misc. accessories. W.B. Wood Co., •UGLY CEILINGS. CALL 1 : AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ' Union County Park. Township of bidder and marked:^^ tux rt-fmjf. can '.speed their eniwtrvd for you by vi»lttt*o ISO Scptland Rd. Orange, N.J. (2 —' ' ;_ _Xt-(-75 Mid 40't. Call now for prj» «. -The tveimty day period . of lp Itsludgment, serves its best. lllvInvolve«.,wd In th„e enforcement ot OUITAR LESSONNSS ' ^ +IARPER SPRING CLEANUP ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN OFFICIALS - limitation within which a suit, Union, Union County, New Jersey. • iflund v)wvk • by usin^ the several thousand Now .Jersey' blocks south of Central Ave.) Z3-2M01 details: _,; .•' ' Autos Winted 125 AND EMPLOYEES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF UNION IN THE Interests. relevant public'health"lii/s and ol. RENTAL OF UNIFORMS "For ' beginners, advanced, & K v 3413090 " • MonthlyMalntenance Rest Homes PLAINFIBLD ' ictlon or-proceeding Questioning The iaid bids will be received at -j By Order ol- the Township ,„„ broad Held ot public health, •" The successful -bidder will be tuxpiiyers wic delayi'd STANDBY ofesslonals. Any style In guitar 1—r- —' K l-f-35 PINEVIEW GARDENS COUNTY OF UNION," Adopted March 24, 1970. he validity of such ordinance can a meeting ol said Committee to be prt'addrrsscd . label on \\u<^ W* h«vt exciting lob* waiting for DININO ROOM SET, llvlrKTrool m 464-9700;: __ WANf«DfO»UV ! Commute*. ABY p , • •; 3. Ability to Jnler.pret relevant- required to furnish satisfactory hecduso of illej^ible ' r>r' in- . / professional instructor. Don for estimates call W 7th ST. BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Committee of the Township of je commenced as provided In the held at Municipal Headquarters, Surety ' performance Bond on a ionn tjiey reteived in (he m.iil you to. glv* you that air of set, ] marqle top tables,,fmported , ALL JUNK CARSITaUCKJ - Union In the County of union: • --MARY E. MILLER public health laws and apply them i v Independence. One visit & a- Jlccl Centlne, 687-5773. R jx 9 crystal chandelier, washer and .Ctmetery Plots 36 A.Mara &RE ltlSV\HLCStiioVtt!» IDEAL FOR RETIREES Crestview^Aeency Realtor local bond law, has begun to ryn.a Frlberger Park, Union, New ltrk Statutory Form In full amount of correct n;iriit*s." ;iddresst s »)f Aged and Retired home like 120 a, UP. 34 HR. SERVICE Section 1. section 1 of the above entitled ordinance be and the same Is Jrom the date of thtf first Jersey, on Tuesday, April 9, 1974, ,, i ,.*,M»,fc7 S! :l»'>li«»lt «ses, to work on the Form lU4l)oi' 104()A;they Mendlfc chat will start you on dryer, refrigerators • Excellent Oreenfurl Landscaping 3W room, 1 bedroom apartments CALtALSTOI A, 473-3501 Union. Leader March w. WJ ;. h>rn,onlously with/concerned the contract. socju! security nuinlHT^-- roclnng iota. W» jiwd all office atmosphere; Slate approved. ^00~ *20Q; _i!ii_ xoorn,- .-i. bedroem - 319 Springfield Av.,Berk.HtjLl3 hereby amended to read as'foUowst , [publication of,this statement, al 8:30 P-M- at-which meeting : 1 mail lo the Holisville Service NEEO-LESSONS? condition. Call484-»98after 3 p.m. Residential, Industrial- . -V Cherry si., Elli. EL 37657 ^ves:>«4-57D» or 453-9554 _£• —: —i- K-4U13J Section 1, The following named officials and employees of the they will be publicly opened and »|«.e W5.4JIJ" persons, to establish and maintain ' Bids must.be presented.In person skim. • X 3-28-15 HOLLYWOOD MEMORIAL apartments, $256. 6 acres of by a representative of the Bidder, li e teach oultar. piano, electric PARK Inc. "The Cemetery Commercial Maintenance plan JUNK CABJLAOUOHT- Township ot Union In the County ol Union shall be entitled Jo an annual MARYE.MILLER read. The work *hal| consist, of; Center. " Klinsrnan said lliiij_. (/' the ' ISS & drums. Call 944 0844 bedroom (ondsceped-ground, (10 tplnutes to Z3-M1" " "'proper relationships with, business. when called for by the Purchasing ( Beautiful" - Stuyvesant Ave., sodding. Free, estimates. 743-4873, 34 hr. service salary or within the range of annual salary as hereinafter set forth- " Township Clerk 1, 720 feet of 6" Sanitary name or~?T{TrIrt's~s*bo7the label R 3 JB-9 set, living >room end' tbltables—33 •748-4495 town, near l>ank, 'Super- market) PISCATAWAY housekeepers and other Interested Committee and not before or after.' '. "Hot urns 'with liiesc lalu-ls . Clerk Typists ; rJnion 1448 Stuyvesant Av., Un. Rooting t Siding Free parking; 5 available laundry • B.A. Tawing Service opposite each respective classification: ">" 5ewer At a regular meeting of .the BIDSWILLNOTBE years old. Olshwajher— 1 year old. MU8 4300 -—- - 80 944-1504 . Municipal Administrator , . . »21,0O0.0O AN ORDINANCE 2. Three (3) Standard and-or. concerned with the ( arj* processed quickly il ihey is incorrect, the preprinted "' Secretaries,, • / 3735303 MAIONARY . LANDSCAPINO rooms. Rent Includes gas i heal, Answer This Ad Only AUTHORIZING CERTAIN Municipal Council olvthe Town ol maintenance of public health ersonals 10 .. . Ht.f.34 Call for appointment. -~ ' . K t-Mas Township Clerk . . Sl4JX«.00to 17,900.00 Manholes Irvlngton, New Jersey, held the ACCEPTEDBVMAtL 1 incorrect" 'information should Bookkeepers-. -/—. - R 3.3815 4 SINGLE GRAVE PLOTS at DRAINAGE WORK.DRIVEWAYS If you need a well loved 3 bedroom Sr.ClerkTyplstlnofllceotTownshlpClerk. ' 5JJ00.on.lo. 7,070.00 REPAIRS AND i 3. One Connection Manhole to standards, to take a firm and are otheru'ise error free ;uid . GRADING.SEEDING9. 755-2979 JUNK CARS WANTBD . ALTERATIONS, INCLUDING . 36th day of March 1974, correct stand when needed, to The Municipal Council reserves he lightly lined our ami .the S-B& Machine Optrs DOUGHBOY-MUSKIN POOLS Hollywood Memorial Park, 1508 A pel wor R ranch. Loving care has made this Clerk Typist In off Ice of Township Clerk 5.500.00to 4.7)0.00 { Joint AAjseting Sewer Councilman- Gatluill Inlroduced ill! necessary .diH'innentK are ORIOINAL KXNO PUPPET / 50PERCENTOFF , Burnel Ave., Union.. (Trailer 48) SODI ' ^ 'r-\i? »P«lrs Gutter!- house a home. Large living room Also late model wrecks, . 4,190.00 THE- PURCHASING OF prepare clear, sound, accurate and the rioht to accept or reject any or HOWS. Laroe and smair for all SUQLJIMU Leaders-Chlmrteys.lniuretl. SDOTPH TW)T , Call any time Telephone Operator (knowledge of typing) 5,300,00 to FURNITURE AND FLOOR • 4. 30 Square- Yards Pavement the' following ordinance, which oil bids due to any defects or correct.- iiifonn,at!oii pjinied' Key Punch / ONDISPLAY MODELS __. ' K 3-38-34 FREE ESTIMATESTIA S 541-0444 Call 374-0627 (Dover area) Hemlltonlan Luxury with dining area, modern kitchen, | Replacement - ... ordinance was taken up on Its first' informative reports of inspections ..nit ached," Klnier II. Klin' occasions. PUPPET THEATRE full basement, stairway to future L^q 154-7414OT484-614^ Clerk Stenographer In office of COVERING, TO THE containing findings, conclusions Informalities snd'nol-Adhfirlng to above opihclow the label. ,, NEV^R A FEE-EVER OF .JOY, 3251570 CLIP &-SAVE !5'X48'..... 199-00 — R 44 4.64 3 Apartments, Center Grove Rd., off Townshl» Clerk -, 4,300.00 to 7,470.00 - MUNICIPAL BUILDING • Each proposal musi t» sealed In the specifications or for any swan, lUS District Director ie'«48'.-..(135.00 JOHNNY'S LANDSCAPING Cut. Rt. 10, ]'/> 8. 41/1.1 bedroom expansion, new roof, Low S570 CLEAN YOUR YARD FOR THJjl • an-*wiv«lope marked "Proposed ,-and recommendations, to act as a L 'XTFW Clothing-Household Gifts 37 Senior Clerk Stenographer In office LOCATED AT FRIBERGER reason, -... ;. 34'X48',...11»O.OO lawns, trimming of bushes, plants apartments, from J315. • air taxes. Wall to wall not) new 4,800.00 to 8,390.00 I Sanitary Sewer across Union Ave., convincing witness In court and to tor. New .Irrsi-y. said. MAGICIAN. Excltlno coiptdy Pre-Season Sale carpeting. Priced low J34.900. SUMMERJunk can, used of Township Clerk ' " PARK, THE RECREATION aunty Park, Township of CREATE A CERTAIN malntpln\nec*ssary records and DIVISION OF ;1 r & shrubs, seeding-& sodding. conditioned,- rievfry decoratear POSITION OF EMPLOY- ,• The,. I'llw-'li,--provided in- the STAND-BY maotc^or-schootjj chorchesr'clubs _- on New Pools ' ' "; - SPRINO "cLbTHINO arriving WASHINGTONVALLEYREALTY Clerk Stenographer in office of Township BUILDING,LOCATED AT 881 Union. County, New (lies. •''• CENTRAL PURCHASING 0,'all.occasions - Amazing Uncle Reasonable rales. 686 4069, 086- Including cooking gas; heal (. hot Clerk (part time -35 hours per week) 4,300.00 to .4,840.00 . STUYVESANT AVENUE j Union, Union. County, MENT FOR THE ADMINIS- Lawrence C .Freeman, Dr:K:rolltotalk New Lest Year Models dally I also end of winter bargalnsl wafer, swhnmlng pool, on-slte 4,500-OO.to 4,740.00 a-jersey,"-anI Jersey," andd accompanieaccom part ledi by a 1. Good health and Ireedom from forn^i mailed-to laximet>.at •TEMPORARY Personnel Ed. 748-3922. . 7 584V. 5 2B 968-6100 ,, Township Treasurer • ...' ' AND THE PUBLIC WORKS TRATION AND OPERATION Purchasing Agent' PELICAN POOLS . , Shop ana Save. Merry.Go-Round WILLIAM H. VEIT ' ° parking. Call 344.7015. -:--..--.-. 9.600.00 to 12,6».00 eortllfed check, cashler'vcheck or OF THE 3OUTH WARD disabling physical and mental, 437 Chestnut St..Union • ./ X-5-9-10 Rt. IB, East Brunswick Resale Shop, 4Vi Lackawwahna 398 Route 33, West Oreen BrooM AdmlnlstratlveClerk, Dept. of Finance BUILDING, LOCATED ON" defects. Irv. Herald, March 28MV74 . the ht^iruiinp, •<»!' eiicli year, about vblcanoes OSE WEIOHEIOHTT wl>t< New Snashappe • Roaring—Seamless Gutters ^— ,J._ 3-38101 Z 3-28111 Bookkeeping Machine Operator In office SWANSTROM PLACE, IN ', a bid borid duly executed by the AREA CODE ENFORCE- 944-7717 . Phone 534-3534 PI., Mlllburn. Tuesday thru Free estimates. Do own work. 4,300.0010 8,140.00 bidder as'prlnclp. * • - • Salary —19,300.00 (Fee: S1393) , contain all necessary iri- abllets & Hydre/'Waler Pills at Masonry' 66 SPRINOFIELD • SPRINOFIEEO- Motorcycles for Sala , ' 127 (^.Township Treasurer MENT PROGRAM PROJECT 1 ; Equal Opportunity Employer Saturday, 104. : N.J. Insured Since 1932. 373-1153 4 ,• rooms $300. call ANNE NO. Evil IN THE TOWN OF SECTION i. All ordinances or A seinirlai on ;ispis'' i ol loro Drugrugs: , /49O Boulevard, r- K 4-25-37 1 bedroom Ranch, living room with Clerk-Bookkeeper (knowledge of typing) parts ot ordinances. Inconsistent or :enllwor)h. CH I LD'S—white French Ht-l-eo SYLVESTER'S REALTY fireplace, eat-In kitchen, dining in off Ice of Township Treasurer -4.300.0Oto 7.550,00 surety, In an amount equst to at IRVINOTON AND SETTING volcanic aclivily in Montana. " S in conflict with the provisions of — X 4-4-10 provincial bedroom-dresser, • MASO(JCON'TRACT OR STEPS JEFF ALTE ROOFING CORNER Realtor 376-3300 room, paneled family room, 3 tiled "ITYCLEITHORTAGE- leaSTTerr-perJcrnt—tio-perc«nt )-of FORTH THE SALARY, mirror)' desk, bed, night table. >aders & gutters, general Sr. Bookkeeping Machine Operator In - the total amount of the,bid as a the within ordinance are hereby , Wyoming ,'md Idaho, will he TRACT6R TRAILER driver, r . A permanently Construction^ '38A Z-3 -28-101 baths, lull finished basement with .. office of Township Treasurer •• y,300.00to 9,100.00" DUTIES AND QUALIFICA- "by registered electrologlst. Free carpet. Reasonable SIDEWALKS PAT OS lairs, reproofing at moderate UNION HITS USA THEREOF • BV THE guarantee that In case A£ontract Is TIONS OF SAID POSITION,- repealed. •' Removing recycling tax .experienced, reliable , person, excellent cond. '3748204 after 4 SPECIALIZE IN SMALL JOBS* wet bar & laundry room, gas hot Sr. Clerk-Bookkeeper In otflce of ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND awarded to* him he will execute SECTION 5. Thlsordlnanwshall pi-CMMiled b'V Dr. l!ichard~ moving S, storaoe background, / Freecofisultallon rlcces.Callany lime, 241-9159. *4 niknicDe roomsIUUIIIS,, heaingti &a, honott waiowater water heat, wall to wall carpeting. 'Worldwide fuel shortage create* 6 500.00 to 7,870,00 BE iT ORDAINED BY THE weekends. ROOFING & REPAIRS Carpentry " /!67 RAY AVE., UNION, N.J,. . Municipal Administrator . . > 20.000.00 BOND ANTICIPATION] - tvuch—contract—and furnish j a MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF'THE take effect upon final passage and Kroll. assr;lanl profi'sscir. steady year round, paid vacation &' l)i Morris Ave., Union 944-3*36. 1 73 X 4 1180 «upp led. Business cuple, no pert. Upper 50s: 374-1018 unprecedented demand for .Township Attorney, ..-•-•• X S-J3-10 X 3-28-15 work, all types. Free estimates. 484-4815 or y "'^,;,.^ 15,000.00 satisfactory Performance Bond. TOWN ,0f= IRVINGTQN as %publication according to law. holidays. South Orange Storage CRAFT CONSTRUCTION Available Immediately. MU8 1368. Motorcycles (uo to 135 M.P.OI1 Assistant Township Attorney I ORDAINED by the No certified check or cashier's NOTICE trhercoy glven-theMhe- urged by advisory unit DcparUnt-iil of Karth atul Corp., 21? Valley-St.," Soutgh JALTJUSIE windows 2 triples, 1 Call anytime. Ask for Sal. 4875059. ROOFING & REPAIRS WORK v r CALL ME LAST, All -niasonry. SPRINGFieLD Many dealers out of stock. u TsxCollector' " • . - . 13,000.00.0,14,460.00 i ;^lp Commlltee o) thecheck or bid bond will be accepted Municipal Council ot tho Town of. Orange! N.J. 742 4003. single with screens. Good tor • — K3-28-38A , UARANTEED F RE E 1'lanelary. KnviroMtnenls. South ntiques 10A plastering, waterproofing, sell some'model' are no Tomer' TaK'Searcher • ' If the amount Is less than ten SECTION 1- There Is hereby Irvlnglon, Now Jersey will meet on liased oti c>C(kmplioiv•' TURRET LATHE / FANCY old parlor stove 1903 ~" warannjroTATN Cape. Delightful eat-In kitchen. Exclusive Honda Dealer still hat a 4,20O.00to 7.470.00 Itrttton and operation o( tho South Chamber—Municipal Building, campus in rtioni 1*1*7. "i' e, en.v iron in en I a I IT'S SMART TO BE A 12 offers dog obedience training UNION OAK RIDGE REALTY Parking Meter Collector and Repairman . .JlSSlffilS''MM •E,i ,5^?'m^b. n« .«5rv.SSd' prospective ..bidders a. -hodated December 10, 1MB. • " \ " Town Clerk courses startlng'Mon., April 1, 8 :__—=•—. K-TF 44 Bathrooms 5. Repairs Estimates W PT- «> M FT. TRAILER 1 ("onneclicnl 4 room apartment heat 8. hot water 373 MorrlsAv.,Spfld. 374-4832 Immediate occupancy, fully Parking Violations Officer •SECTION 3. Tho lltlu, dutlos, Ir.vlnoton, N.J.. March 1i~m'f~ prohlem. ac.corrtini; in SWA' order to altrarl huyers. OARAOE SALESat., March 30,10 P.M.al 39 E. Prlco St., Linden.• 8 JOHN POL'ITO -Licensed Cheerfully Given. 486-5550. supplied, available April 1st. (325. Z 3-28111 1 Mechanical Repair Man • Fire Department vlsoo!ooto wook course $30 all breeds.' Our Electrical Contractor. Repairs 8, MOVING — ^ — 2-TF-88 equipped. 1508 Burnet Ave.; onamplcs ol work, qualifications Irv. Herald, March 28, 19/4 • ". •in a summary of u repoi-l lo KELLY GIRL •> a.m.-4p.m._Amerlcan Legion Hall, Local & Lono Distance- Call after 4 P.M. 487-5114. -^ —Mechanic-Fire Department and salary. for the position of : . (Fco: J33.60), ' giiiuitiiiiipuiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiimiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiMiiiuiiiiiiMiiiig North' Trlvett St., Springfield 38th.yoar. For Information call.37s- maintenance. _ No job too smaM. -j _ . Hydrant Repairman-Fire Department - the conimissionetMif, the sl;tl<* 9119 alter a P.M. Call us for prompf service EL 7- Fr©o Estimated'' , 3 28101 ; cmploy/nent heroin created is ,is !across from Town Hall) 'fee Service VAILSBURO (UPPER) ' "THE NATURAL BEAUTY ' Clerk Stenographer, Police Department EMPLOYEE = : » R-3-38-17 .1445. • . .. lpsijj"pd_.'. .. _'...,'.... 89 "PROPOSAL DeparlmenI itf Knyironmenlal ^~ : X 3-38-13 (Keep us moving and,you save) 3 rooms, 1135-securlty, utilities 01 terraced land & large trees Is Clerk Typist, Police Department ' '"""pLIJMBINO INSPECTOR . LOST '• Co'' black, with white paws • : Kt-t-44 Included. Single. MolArc'ycles Wanted 1270 Principal Clerk Transcrlber,,Pollce Dept. --• SOUTH WARD AREA Pnileetion. " . . Because We^Care ' GREAT Grandlather's estate Is & underside. Wearing red collar. B » V TREE setting for this custom-bull* 1 Scaled proposal will bo • .oltted I Items too numerous to list, PAU L'S AA&M MOV ING SPECIALIZING IN TRIMMING Contact Realty 373-8874 owner 4 bedroom, 2Vj bath modern Clerk Transcriber, police Department )• "CODE ENFORCEMENT ,.: received by • Itio Purchasing 1 LAWN SOD % We will arrange your Vic. "of Edmund Terrace Union. .Entertainment ' '45 1925 Vauxhall Rd:', Union Building Maintenance Worker • Police Dept. SWAC-which i!; an iidvltjjiry ' assignments convenient to »omo sample;; ,ire: nntlquos, Reward. 680.1477 •' AND REMOVAL REASONABLE Z 3-28-101 split In prestigious Stone Rldqft CYCLEJi Call me for any make, _P R O.IECTNO.e-11 Committee ot tho Town ol glassware, china, crystal, 488-7768 '•"•" , VAILSBURO (tlPPBR) Park. 1st floor Family room, eat-In model motorcycle-new or used. 100 • Traffic Maintenance Man-Traff.lcxontrot Irvlngton;' Now Jorsov In thoaiiency of stale |>qvertihici!t in your hp/ne, pay you top rates t —- —•- ,-R 3-38-17 RATES. FULLY INSURED. Call Administrator - Municipal Court DEFINITION". Undur direction, and give you interesting lobs. :lotrtlncf.- bras^, copper & M Aol CIA N "with" Tlown^Hlr & • -^— , R t-t-47 436-7717 or 344 8513 5 rooms, Midland PI., JI85 kltchep, ' living room with percent flna • • , • 'n.ooo.ooto IMM.OO Solid'Wasle Advisory Council CRESTVIEWTREE SERVICE rolovanf public . hc.ilth-.lews; • In, accordancci with Kelly Girl' 3EAGLE - male", 14 mo. old. AKC Local & Long Dlstarice %LZBTH Crestview Agency Realtor Field Building Inspector. B.iOO.OOto- 13,650.00 red^lvcs and examines plans lor .specifications and form ol recoMimi'iidsasa first step (he eg. floods backyard. Call 341-3073 | 30 BLEEKER ST. MILLBURN g .ARAGE Sale.-Frl., Sat. & Sun. 10 ' 464-2673 CONDOMINIUMS—Elmora _ OFFICE OF THE Sr. Clerk Bookkeeper (knowledge of. typing) shall be assessed against property In Iho ovent that It Islound that - proposal'which can bo Inspected T leioro 3 P-M- 843-3(38 after 3 P.M. ' ACADEMYTERMITE~EXT7cb7 DON ALBECKER^MGR. Protect your trees 'from leaf 6,500.00 to 7.B7O.OO plumblnO work; when violations ol .implenvenlalion of an in- ADIVI3IONOF KELLY .M.-5 P.M. Car battery, tires, Section, being sold starting at 319 Sprlngfl«ldAv.,Berk. Hts TOWNSHIP CLERK Inofflceof Building Inspector .' - ' spoclally benolltted. ' '; any workmen" employed by tho rolova'nt sanitary, hi'iillh mid other and copies obtalpod at Iho Office ot — r R-4-4-17 All-work guaranteed—5 percent Union N.J. destroying Inch worm 8. leaf roller. S34J700 8. up. 1 & 2 bedroom Eves: 4445704 or 4359554 •6r. Clerk Typist Inofflceof Bldg.lnsp. 6.5OO.OO to 8,160.00 Contractor or the Sub'-Contraclor I DEAL DIRECTLY WITH THE GROWERS i ' ' SERVICES roller, lamps, clothing etc. No discount with this ad toward work. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY ." . Soctlon 3. It Is horoby laws are (ound, detormmos Iho Central Purchasing, Room 300A, cenlive syslem for-recyclinn ntlques^.lU - Soaton. Avenue, OST- Gorman Shophord, malo- 687O35 HH47 Get on our troe' spraying list now apartments available. Excellent Z 3-38-11 PROPOSAL FOR - Clerk Typist Inotflceof Building Inspector 5,500.00 lo 6,770.00 dotermlnod and stated lhai (1) tho Is paid less than the required Municipal Building, Civic Square, : ilxed brown'8, black, white cnosr —'—,—-'• 442-2294 • • causo and takes proper corrective 'oselle Park.— r— 1 before the season begins. <> ' financing. Can be. seen dally, FURNISHING FUBLOIL Shelter Coordinator* Civil Defense making of such Improvement wage, tho Township ot Union may. action; gives testimony In courl Irvlnglon, Now Jersey.-. USED CARS DON'T DIE...they S — AND BE SURE OFFRESHJCUT'SOD | paws, iri/lngton aroa. Reward. " : : a——H K.4.4.46 SHORTLINE MOVERS ' Z 5-23-89 Including Sat. «. Sun. GARDEN Visit Our Office 4,451.00 tcrmlnalo Ihe Contractor's right to 241-6011" : K 3-28-12 173 losr. >Sealed- proposals wllf be '. (part time,Ideys per week) (horolnaftor referred . to. as casos; proparos suitable reports;! Proposal must be accompanied 9iiiiiiiiiiiiaimiiiiii|ininiiiniiiiaiimiiiiinniiiiiMimiDiimiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiQ ' 58J D Rnrltan Hd., PACKAGING 8, STORAGE STATE APARTMENTS, 821 For These Specials received by the Township ~ Clerk Stenographer • Civil Defense "purposo") Is not a curron* procoed with.Iho work or any part maintains nocossarv records .ind by It Certified Chock or Cashier's Jersey Ave., Gorczyca- Agency, 3,913.00 ol the work where there has been a RojelleShop. Or-. Roselle,N,J. R-3-38-17 Furniture Repairs SO APPLIANCE MOVING.. —" 24 3 Family, ROSOIIB Park, 5 1.5 1—Commlttee ol the Township of (part time,3daysper Week) . .' expensoof said Township and (3) It ost & Found 14 HOUR SERVICE, 486-7267. Tutoring . 91 341-2443, S> Gorman Agency, 687> Springfield at the Municipal Sr, Clerk Typist In office of Street and ' . • V - R 3-281 UNION Is nocossary to finance said l!IMIIIIIIIIIIIII[||l!!lllillllUllllllllllllUlllllllllll|UII|llllll!llM[|||IIIIll|!llllllll|l|l[|||||IIIIl4 vVanled to Buy U POLTSTITNG • • • • RI-W7 soso. exclusive brokers, or 353- Building, Springfield, New Jersey, Sewer superintendent • 6,500.00 to 8,160.00 I purpose by Urn, Issuanco. -of OST i Bankbook No. 41494907 REPAIRING, ANTIQUES AFTERNOONS—EVENINGS TUTORING-Qunllflcd te.lchor 6 Room Colonial 5 Pts. on Tuesday, April 9, 1974, at 8:30 Street and Sewer Superintendent 17,000.00 to 20,440,00 1 Z 3-38101B 11,500.00 to 15,520.00 obligations ol the said Township uillllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Warehouse Helper loward Savings Institute, RESTORED. -R E FINISHI N.G. WEEKENDS v/li.tlbr, to! lulor (ir.uli. ;. J H. Mnlh. 7 Room Colonial (41,900 P.M., lor the furnishing of Director Of Welfare pursuant to the Local bond Law of B uyvosant.AVe. Jrv. Please return HENRY RUFF. CALL' MU 8S645.. Light hauling 8, moving. Prompt, Cape Cod 5 Room X40.«oo NUMBER 2 FUEL OIL for hea"tlng\ Administrative Clerk, Office of U.S. STUDENT -English and Rrmllng. Plcmu cill Split Level 8 Room Brick with exit the Municipal Building and the \— 6,400.00 to 8,270.00 , Now Jersoy, and 13) tho estimated ™ bank. Payment stopped. OtfS0 courteous service. Call 241-979V 276-1856 alters p.m. . Apartments Wanted- 102 Director of Welfare ost of iald purpose Is S30,000.00, = • Call -345-SOSS...- -. 'AYING 300 percent or tnoro HA T|i ?J on business lot 99x130. premises af 59 Caldwell place. Poundkeeper 8,000.00 to 10,570.00 md (4) SI ,500.00 ol said sum Is to B R4-4-1 • • r~... R 3-28-14 )VER face vatuo on any U.S. BIERTUEMPFELOSTERTAO 13,000.00 to 14,500,00 WAREHOUSEMEN ILVER COINS:' any amount; Garage Doors 52 OVe Rs N.J. Certified Teacher of English Married couple, teachers, seeking Bid forms * and specifications ~ --•Recreation-Superintendent^ lapguage 8, Literature, grados 7 minimum priced apartment Union 1941 Morris AV,, Union may be obtained at the of flee of the Clerk Typist In-olfIce of. FOR COMPANY IN' " Merchandise lor Sale ,--—'•—15- :asrr paid, allothors 8, better-coins LOCAL 8. LONG DISTANCE 4840451 484-4471 Recreation Superintendent ,5,500.00 to 6,770.00 KENILWORTH wanted also. 333.6047 ANYTIME. ,ith/u 13 M.A., 6 years' teaching area In-return for maintenance & Township Clerk In the Municipal GARAGE DOOR'S INSTALLED, Agent-NorthAmcrlcan Van Linos. experience. Call Mrs. Franks, 454- •pedal care on same. Call 688-8318 Over 50 Yrs. Continuous Building. EmployeAs'Under r^edersl Emergency Employment Act ol 1971 Coll345-505Sforappt. •- " R 3-38-1B Tho GENTLEmon movers • Service In Union A certified check In the amount Teacher 9,5X0.00 to 10.3W.00 ft-R 4 -41 I?E N TAT AYING 13 lor il.00 silver,'part •„' 382 1380 5922, Weslflold. liter 6 P.M. . 8,060,00 to 8,670,00 soryicr, ulcctric operators and ; Z- 3-28-102 1 3-3-38-113 1 ol $100.00- musf accompany the . Program Aide (youth) WELCOME WAGON cnl n WURLIT2IJR PIANO ,ets, gold 5. Stirling lewelry s. radio control! Steven* Ovorhpod • ^- R t-f-67 proposal. Secretary 5,530.0010 Openings In Irvlngton, Rosello 8. om sfl.oo per month. Applicable »ckot watches. DENNIS COINS, WANTED—Efficiency Apartment, 3i730.00to 1 • Dow Co Ch 1 0749 ! .The Township Committee Porter ,20 Stuyvosant Ave., Irvlngton, Vacuum Cleaners Union vicinity, for 1 adult male. We Specialize! : : Roselle Pk. (or onorgetlc self purchase Odd Jobs 70 94 >• Cook 4,400.00 to istarter. Greet newcomers 8. now 175-5499 or 674-6133. • Call 379-3614 after 5:30 P.M. Ask reserves the right Ib re|ect any parents, 'Mike your own hours, RONDO MUSIC -i~_ : : X-3-38-18 tor Ken. Mountainside & Westfield and or all bids and to waive minor ' Flro Chief • •• >. • - ELECTrToL Jx~ VACUUM J : variations if In the Interest of the Deputy Fire Chief sbme5olllng..Phono 256-200<*day or HWY 22 AT VAUXHALL BO. srLVER coitu a SILVER Home Improvement - 56 . ATTENTION" CLEANER 8, POLISHERS + '— Z3-2M02 TownshlO'f Ms deemed advisable to . Deputy Fire Chi el (assigned to Administration Dlv.) ove. Equal Opportunity Employer. • ' UNION 687-2250- 4 ROOM apartment Wanted for DOLLARS WANTED, by prlvato Sales, repairs and service '• only Fanwood & Scotch Plains' do so. v Deputy Fire Chief (assigned to Training Division) ^__ „__: K 3-28-1 K tf-l< party. Any amount. Will pick up. HOMEOWNERS! business couple, Union area,' for OOL TABLES-Dlsplay Moaols QUALITY Homo Renovations. Attics,'cellars, u<*rag,e& and vords from an authorized representative May 1st. Up to STB5. Call 383-5093 NANCY F.REYNOLDS -1 ARTHUR H.BUEHRER Fire Captain Ikcnew-lor-swo^elllna-lor-bolow Call 333-B43Q. Inside or'outsldo. Also Featuring con you purchase new Electrolux, ASSOC.INC. REALTORS Township Clerk Fire Captain (assigned to Training Division) our cost. Delivery and Installation kitchens 6, bathrooms? customers clnanod; atl dirt and' rubbish For prompt and efficient service after 5:30 P.M. •' .303 E. Brood St.., W«*tfleld,N.J Fire Cdptaln (assigned to Fire Prevention Bureau) .14,980.00 Hen romovod. Leaders and gutters spfld Leader, Mkrch.'2J,-2tV~Il-_ U, 9 B0.00 Experience necessary. Immediate arranged. Slate top and slalene BUY, AND SELL BOOKS always ' 'satlslfled . with (door -to door!' call _763.«946,. All ZJ-2B-102 '•'":' • (Feeitl5.1() Fife Captain assigned to Records Division) available. SEE THEM AT workmanship 8, price. Free cleaned] .i trucking,' Very Service repairs; ' • ~- • J_—WOHKINO -edicts' need 4-5 0" Firemen (assigned to Fire Prevention Bureau) 13,950.00 openings. Call 484-19W ' i1\ PARK AVE.., PLAINFIELD -reasonable rates. * ' rooms*—UniW) ' Sui tngf leld, 15,950.00 .. X 3-380 PELICAN, . Rt. 18, . East PL. 4 3900 estimates. 935.3566 after 5 P.M. ' : : ~ HA-TF-94 z 4Uil Firemen {assigned to Training Division) . Soctlon 4. It Is hereby Tuesday, March Fort Rd., Union, on Saturday, March 23. Memorial Home, 1200 Clinton Formlcholla, sfiiter of Mrs. Vlggo Brunswick, N.J. 534J534 . . : : ht-F-18 • • . R 4-18-56. •Call'763-6D54 Elizabeth. Call 9337909, ask tor -wismFLp^- " 17,650,00 dotormlned and. statod that Iptc.rmoni . in Presbyterian fiDWARO P. LASKOWSKI- \vc, Irvlngtorr.on Tuesday March Sylvia, 9-4 PM. PROPOSAL FOR THE Firemen'. 1st class „ " 11,500.00 to 12,450,00 AMoyors'A ( Flo.Flo, formerlfor y o( Bolfordld , FUNERAL HOME, 1405 Clinton Nlclson, Mrs. Andrew Gibson arid WELDERS —: ~. X 3-28-15 HIGHEST prices paid lor U.S. HANK PASKO — Rcmodollng, Ranch, 3 bedrooms, huge living REPAIR AND Firemen-2nd class . moneys Gxcoedlna 11,500.00 N.J., wife of.lhff late John nalas, Cemetery, SprlnoMcld. In-lieu o( Avt-., Irvlngfon, N.J, i6, 197J. Interment 0'nal Israel Danlol Panzano, also survived by VETTER — Louis's. Sr., on • With truck and body repair CAKE S .FOOD Docorallng orch enclosures, basements, Wajheri Dryer Repair ; 95A Z 328003 room ..with flreptaco, finished Firemen • 3rd class . -^ 11,400.00 to 12,250.00 appropriated for down payments (lowers, contributlonr. may be Cumotcry, Newark, • In. llou of our grandchildren.Funerol was silver, and gold coins. Storting1 JUNK FOR ... IMPROVEMENT OF THE • 10,400.00 to 17,050.00 ctevotoj i d mother of Elmor J., J6hn Friday, March T2, IV74,.of Union, experience. Steady work, (utlpaid Supplies. Pastry bags, paste color, sllvor, used and old lowolry. Ealhroom^, kitchen, roofing, Homuownors-furnlturo Urgently Needed- In Union, 3 basomont with fireplace, large BUILDING LOCATED AT 59 •Firemen -4th class • on capital improvements or for tho |, «>c. an* "«d «CornfcllusM -•.«...-. _. . —Balas ._. , .siste _r of niiido to Jotin £. PunnetI'J Houpiliil KELUY —Joseph, on Thursday, lowers, contributions lo.o favorlto ;onductcd from SMITH AND -N.J.. boloved husbdrid of Rosj> Benefits. ^ • siding, • leaders 8, quttors, block room Apartment, 1st floor, for (Mfted In yard. 233.2293 or 333-36S0 —10,500.00 VoluritoorsprwtctrFundr M.ircn 31, i«74, boloved husband o( :hvjri( v -wwould bo appreciated; novelties. Wilton Products, Sponco ANTHONY JEWELERS, 1033" removed. Yards, collars, garaot CALDWELt ,. PLACE. Firemen. 5th class - ' "capital Improvement fOnd_.lnJ_Cf~etmor-'Mincq--o;_Bnd_5pm6MusM( >ChechoslovakiaOaJas/^ster of, SMITH (SUBURBAN), 415 Morris Mar.io (nco O'Gorman)( dovotcd . •.--• INDUSTRIAL Enterprises. 401 'Woodland -AVc., Sluyvosont Ave., Union, 687-3364 'ccljlngs, ceramic tiles S, floors,- cleaned. Reasonable. 335-3713 retlrotTcouple, Union resldents-37 '"after 5 P.M. SPRINOFIELP, N.J, -Police Chief . 19.W0.00 budgots heretofore adopted for "' "* "'"* * CAMERON— AMCC' M., on Jean A. (noo Carlucclo). ..Reposed LOFPT*eDO--JuMn Vona of Short We., Springfield, N.'J., on (other of Louis G. Jr. .ind masonry. 399-9050, Irvlnqton. COURTESY APPLIANCE year*. Call Harold Mayland, 17,030.00 TRUCK & BODV CORP •Josello Park. 241-44B0.- Hrs. Mon. & Frl. 9-9 P.M. dally 9-6 Ask for Mr. Chlcholo. ___._^_ Z1-3JM1) Police Captain (assigned Detective) _. said Township are now nvallablejo "•-" . . .-.- . ,L- . . Tuosday, March 19, 1974,'.of nt Tho VICTOR J, LEONARDIS & Hills, suddenly on Wednesday, Monday, March 25, Funoral Mass Raymond J. Votter, .ilso suVvlved 351 North Ave., E., elliabolh - —: R 3-28-54 • WASHER S. DRYER 6860651, PM 686-4471. Notice - hereby_..„ given, that •"""" _ 14,830.00 Mlllburn, N.J:. wife ol tho laic SON HOME FOR FUNERALS,605 Ktf-15 "M. -^ • •. .'-.• X 3-38-70 Po Ice Captain finance sold purpose. The sum of Grandchildren-and-thrpo-, groar- vwirch 20, 197-J, wlfo of, tho \aio, St. Torosa's Church, SummitJ , by five arnndchjldrcn/ Rol.itlvcs . =- R 3-381 , CHEM CLEAN HAYES Homo Improvements, REPAIR SERVICE Houses Wanted to Rent 113 sealed bIda.wil•""l -b e received't-'Wbyth. e Po Ice Lieutenant (assigned Detective) 15,890.00 •^^500,00 Is-hereby-appropriated' pi'»ndchlldiion^ Rolatlvos and Albert Cameron. dovoto.d mother Snndford Avo. (Vnllsburg), M.J. Interment St; Teresa s and friends word kindly Invltrd to • WILLING TO' LEARN NEW, FURNITURE STRIPPING » —: R 4-4-la IRV CAN Fl"x IT Painting Township Committee of the of Mrs. Alice Orison,--sister ol Funor.il Mohdiiy, March 25: uter Loflrodo, mother of Rosoc WANTED Roofing; carpentry, teadors .-& Masonry, Carpentry, Electrical, Spoclall«lng In Whirlpool, Po Ice Lieutenant •• . 14'yyiort • from such moneys lo the payment -frlonds, also mombors holy Anthony, John Lolfredo, Mrs- omotory, Summit. attend '. the funoral from TRADE? Opportunity (or J35o.45 ' GUARANTEED SAFE gutters, storm windows, doors, Konmore, Speed Queen,. 6.E., Board, Room Care, Township or Springfield for the Police Sergeant (assigned Detective) j?wm ; of-lh« cost of said purpose. Trinity Lutheran Church. Zlvena Mrs. Florence Rolnhold, ^very; : . -ALUMINUM SIDING OLDER MATURE woman~wlth "4prlvate'offices + reception room. sealed envelope bearing tht name 197.1, George F./of 21 Long Hill Patrick, Frank, Carmen and the omW flowors. also survlvod by 37-grandchildren ol Angelina (nee Endozo),'father TORE,'494 Springfield Avo.; St., Irvlngfon: (Prlcos sub|oct to IB yrs. In Elizabeth area. oxtotilor painting, trlm~work 8, of the bidder on the outside and weekly. __ • _ \ . • > , not dotormlnod by this ordinance Lano, Chatham,. N.J., beloved lalo Louis Carloo, Mrs; R, John Rdttlivor. and friends wore Invited of Uonjamfln, Mrs.' Marlon • Situations Wanted chango.) H-ti-m corpontry. Also gutters. Free references to rent room In private Immediate occupancy, 10 months 1 to nltend tho funeral from tho MEISNER— Jackof-lOO Slono Hill, and 10 great-grandchildren, 7 ummlt. CR 7 2050. R t-f-lj. or..less (longer term^posslble If shall be delivered at the place and 'Section 3. Section 3 of the above entitled ordinance be and the samo Is shftlUwjlolorrnlncd by-resolutlons hysband of Iho Into Katharine ^Vdn ArnalQ and Mrr,. Walter Lanowny. ud,, Sprlngfleld.on March 21,'lv/J, Tokc|lan, Mrs. Rosalie Mclegh, estlmator-Fuily" Insured." Ploase EAST ORANGE homo. Call 6651177 i to b'c hereaffor ailfiptod. iFUnoral W^s conducted from KROWICKI-MCCRACKEN Relatives and friends wore Invited brother ol Anthony, Mrs. Rose TATTRfeSSES, FACTORY PRESTIGE - Z -3-38.105 desired). All utilities + air on the hour above named. hereby amended to read ai follows: \ Drlol), dovotod father of Mrs,-Ann FUNERAL HOME, 2124 E.. St. beloved husband of Florence to atfend the funeral services CALL'US FIRST for qulckost cash.,I call 3990883 or 373-8080 conditioning Included. Renta : Soctlo_n_.4i_To _ flnanctf 'said' M, Dangort, Mrs. KetherFne ^ AND SMITH Rallo, Mrs. Nellie Rallo, Mr,. BOOKKEEPER EJECTS: FROM 8.95 Bedding Wanted . antique lowolry, silver, HOME IMPROVEMENTS APARTMENT BUILDING IRVINOTON Section 3. The following named officials and employees ol the (Hirschol); dovotcd father of Dr, Saturday nt th KENILWORTH |n WISHES TO WORK AT HOME Ulnufacturors, 153 N. Park SI., l ( nn Exlcrlor & Interior pointing, X 4-11-73 Sleeping room for gentleman, Plans and specifications may be •Q-^onnn—,4 CUfno^QiJjood anllclpation notes of' _G DChfltLflntL WCSJ. ooniiLMO rahio L .Gcof-Ut'_ AYC , i_rtl_! ht? • £ !1?" *iolh ,„ Errol—MetBner-->i»nd-DfT—KenneJh. CflttlQL 9 Squlllnro, Mrs, Mary • ^^hlP^ri^hP11 i Tl' y fnrlt, t I-C-BKOORS i, CO. (lormorly-wllh - - 47 SO. MUNN AV. . -awn-afYd-procurcd nl Iliq urfke uf— Township of Union in the County of Unlotrahalf be entitled to an annual MlA F0W1ERAT :HOME7——W EVENINGS:CAtC3STT732— tO~3—aoToponv9T3rsoWW 5 DnportTaTintngrtpgttttt^tt T 1 Noat—rransportatton—References' r detalli l'soo'oo sala TownsliT^oroh^iogrCflaTtr brother of Mrs. AAnmloKlalbor, Linden city line, on Friday, March Molsncr, dear brolhor of Sarah • Cabrolll and tho™I3Te~"Annn 1 CaITScori or Janet 742-943B R'. Mulrl Paperhanolilg,ealntlno Harry Kolb, Building Inspector, ' .Ulflty.jis herelnatter-sBt^for.th-opposite each classification: also survlvod by four Springfield, on Saturday,-March Washington Ave., corner of N. 21st •AFTER 6 P.M. Front St., Plalnflcldl^ ,' tl$ anytime. Ireo estimates. Fully Insured. Large beautiful 6XU LAVENDER rug,'acoustical Guarantee. No salesman 485-4B6S insured, References. Reasonable UNION 4190 amount of notes hereby authorized Clinton Cemclerv, Irvlnoton. - (noo Soltyslk) ot Irving ton, Ruth Hngney. Funeral was Scala, Mrs. Doris Repke and Mrs. KTF18 Free Estimates G. HALL • 233-355: IRVINGTON By order- of the- Township MembersSecretary., BoardoShade Tref Adlustmene Commissiot n 2,600.00 to bo Issuod shall bo reduced by an bdoved wlfo of the,late Danlol A. the family •' residence. or apartment, call any of the .eallng tiles, crib 8, dresser, H 328M Nicely furnished- room for Clerk, Shade Tree Commission . 7,760.00 ~bERTHOLET— Martha *tnoo 1 conducted from . GALANTE Arrangements by tiERNHEIM Joan Meyers, also survlvod by. WALTER — On Thursday, March. followlno numbers: carriage, playpen & many more. TV SET WANTED ASA] WAY • Alter 6 p.m. Attractive 3Vj room apartment, Committee of the Township of ATtomey to the Board of Ad|ustm,ent amount equal to tho principal Froslg), suddenly on TuosdaVi Doony, mother ot Mrs. Gladys FUNERAL HOME, 406 Sandford seven grandchildren. Funeral was _21.1974, Charles August Sr. ol 2/44 2nd floor, elevator building. gentleman, utilities supplied Sprlnglleld, Now Jersey, Attorney to the Planning Board -.1,000.00 . amount ot the bonds so'Issuod. If • Mullody, Mrs. MUrlal Holllg and GOLDSTICKER MEMORIAL Bloomflold 748-9117 Call 233.7/73 PORTABLETBLACK&WHITE -HOMEJMEROVEMENT -+_ Xtf-7; References required. Call 486-8031 3,2 6a. 00 March 19.-1974, of Orongo, N.J., 1 Avo. (Vallsburg), on Tuesday HOME. conducted from .HAEBERLE 8, Morris AO6~urdon, N.J.rheloved DAN'S PAINTING Avnllahle Apr. lV. Call 3750B49or Bldn. for Rent Ltise 117A Arthur H. Buehrer Director of Civil Defense " . tho agoroaalo amount of wife of tho Into John Robert Danlol A. Doony; sister of Mrs. BARTH .COLONIAL HOME, 1100 husband ol tho late -iignes^ V. East Orange 473-2940 R 3-2815 8, COLOR CALL 4U7-4474 Floors, walls B, ceilings - 2 3 29105 outstanding bonds and notes Issued March 26. Interment Franklin MODRZEJE.WSKI — Max • ?"Vlnglon 373-2M2 .. LIVINS_room*-.dlnlng -room-and • , Call 434.1624, . AND DECORATING, INT. 8. EX 399-4458. • . " . IRVINOTON .-. ' -' . - • Township Cltrk Section 4. Section.4 of the above entitled ordinance be and the same Is Bortholel, sister ol Mrs. Mario Josephine Swlta and Mrs. Thomas Memorial Pork. Pine Ave,, corner of Vauxhall Rd., (Mohr). douotod fattier w Aurjusi xr.F .IB Z Spfld Leader, March 31, 28, 1974 hereby amended to read as follows: ' ' . , - - pursuant to this ordlnanco sh\ll at Preaerkl©wlciF~Qrondmother pf iMaksyrnllllan) on March 24,1974 Ni "ark 44Q-3B0O ' bedrooms, misc..Items. Please call —' — ' R 3-28-54 REASONABLE RATES. F, 22. Intormont In Hollywood McCullyv Chapter . Telephono Robertson, and Mrs. Robert W. 1 1500 Mprrls Ave., Union, on AIDE. IRVINGTON AREA. K 3-38-15 OF THE FOLLOWING LIONEL AT YOUR CONVENIENCE rfTlV — Z 3-38-101 ORDINANCE TO REGULATE Relatives and fr lends were kindly Thomas SchofftM'rnan and Borthn CALLAFTER6P.M. MOVINO . Must sell: air 3761483 MECHANICS ONLYIIIf , not < Houses lor Sale 111 Z-4-1BJ17A Section S. Section 5 qf the above entitled ordinance be and the, same Is Section 7. Each bond Memoria' l' Pat'k Pioneers of America were kindly (Chrlstlno) Twombloy; dear sister Invited ato attond tho funoral on Davldsoo Eunoral service was Monday, March 35. The Funoral ENGINES, No. 381, 9, 400E, 393E, IRVINGXON ( THE USE ANDOPERATION OF anticipation note Issued pursuant Invllod to attend the funeral from of tour:, also • survived by 10 Mnss Si. Mfchaol's Churct], Union, 3J3-WS8 conditioner, 14,000 BTU's, 1100. 4 5344. I WILL ALSO PAY 5100 mechanic don't apply. l( you aft SWIMMING FACILITIES^ hereby amended to read as follows: • -BIENKOWSKI—Boleslawa (nee Wednesda'v, "March 7T~frnm The conductod Sunday, March 24, 1974 Mns S ] M 3-38-7 wo will give vacation, holidays 3 rooms- in apartment building, to this ordinance shall be'datod on Tho FUNERAL HOME OF grandchildren. Relatives and from Tho nERNHEIM ltt Gt f Heaven r, old 30" gas range, S75, 4 yr, old CASH FOR EACH OF THE heat &-flOt water supplied. S1B0 + BERKELEY~HEIGHTS -Stoies.fpr Rent 121 Section 5. The annual retainer of the Engineer of the Tovwship of Blellnskl),onMarch74ll974rof Ft. -P_A.R^K,1W.iA_^. _JALP. Z_N I A K lntermcnt , of Heaven • MATURE WOMAN WISHES lamllton gas dryer, S7S. Hotpolnt benoflts,and htgrrstartlng salary ' LOCATED WITHIN AND OWNED or aboul-the-date-of-lts-lft&uancQ- Mevers,. FlaT, beloved Wlfoof the- -JAMES-F, CAFPREY & SON> «09 -friends- wero - kindly- Invited to- ftM rtt 1 FOLLOWING LIONEL security. May 1 occupancy. 375- BY THE TOWNSHIP OF and shall bo payable not more than' Lyons Avo., Irvlngton* on Monday-, attend tho funeral service at the WORK IN -DINER- OR Refrlgeratqr 575. Call 373-1107 PASSENGER CARS: No. 413, 413, Call 754-7465. JUST LISTED : late Anthdny, devoted mother of • then'co to So'crcd HO.MEi 1200_CMnton. Avo, RESTAURANT • AS COUNTER YdUR TAX REFUND' 7601. -IRVINOTON •" SPRINGFIELD. TO PROVIDE one year from Its date, shall bear Eugene Anthony ol Prospect, Ky., March 25, thonce' to St. Leo's SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME, 414,,416, 430, 431c414,-435,-436r -A real, cream puff-on-spadous GIRL, SOME WAITRESS PAINTING, Interior & exterlgi —; Z 3-38101 856 Stuyvesant Av., near RULES AND REGULATIONS Interest at a.rate_nfir .flnnum..as. I : Church whorojhe Funeral Mass - UA-E Second-Aye^RoJsfiUa-r&a. ~ m&L WURLITIER Baby^Grand plaiio HIGH CASH PRTCSS ALSO PAID_ IRVINGTON treed lot. Large living room with c n may.be hereafter determined. dflar., .grandmpthet; of_-four was offorod.~ >-...- Washlnqton Avo., holtG,vllle(- DUTIES. EXPERIENCED. with bench, Excellent -condition •FOFr-7«:M05T~A>JY LIONEL, Paper hanging professional work 'Tenn. marble fireplace,, formal , »n<:ellor. • Av., gdod location, AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES . weeKjy payroll of eac,h month;' . grrandchildrea n annd twd gieagi^eall - Monday, March 25. . Informant ._. _ . >menl mournlno <>t 1365 "North "Troravod—mratmml of Lillian • GOOD REFERENCES. CALL 944- CALL964-4861; '.•"* ' Local references. Monti, Mag!" 53-57 Linden AVe'., 3'room 13X47, Ft. Will decorate. Call 743! FOR VIOLATIONS TMBREOF" ' Section 7, Section Vof the above entitled ordinan.ee be and the.samo Is •wJthln-.the. .limitations proscribed dhltd Rlativ and FEINSETH- Nathan'of 76 Unlor Gracaland Memorial Park, .Gate ol Heaven Cemetery, Easi (Lnntcrt,. devoted- father ot S550.' (Contemporary love seat- AMTiRlCAN-'-^LYER; IVES, apartment & studio apartment dining, room.' modern oat-ln by law and mdy.be ren^wpd from, •rahdchildrenr . . Relatives 'an_ d 1 J| Elizabeth. >--/ Cbn\)e/1lble"S75. Kenmore washer ' ' ' 1 ..• HA-T.FT57~| Ave. 33B-4546. . . kitchen with new no wax lloor, 3 TAKE NOTICE, that" the hereby amended to read as follows:------' " - — Ave',, irvlnoton, on March 20,1974, Kenllworth. -In llou of flowers/ Hanovor, N\ - . •• - WastermohT-^Nflthan R,, DQRFAN, ETC. TRAINS. available, rent S350 8. J310. foregoing Ordinance was p __ time to time pursuant to and within irlends are klndlv IittiInvitettit o ttattendd 8I. 0(|avdrye_r_llk1 e new^^nth -JJOO, PLEASE CALL 467.0187 or. 467-0065 = — X-4-18-7; Carpeting, air conditioned,' off- bedrooms, paneled rec room with Z 3-38-13 thynirttitattonsrprgsiTiUeO byrttiy the *uneral on Thuradav. March 28, devoted brother of Xeil Qlermnr contrlbuUonsJii.i'iJur locaFEasMr.: •MQRRts'^AIberr' S.,"oh Monday .StHeaSf.i'Uncton. boloved husband lark 1': rind. Bernard'WlMef • AKo-' Tereph6hrefe e 6-9 p;M77*3nW7 NOW. __> - ' 1 INTERIOR « BXTBRIO wet bar. t71,500. Eves 233.7*27 and approved at e regular-fneetw and Morris antd Louis Folnseth March- 35; 1974. age —iDON E-AT-HOME— Interior Decorating 59 street parking. See_supt^ of +he TownshlpTOWmittM 0« ftie Local Bond Law. Each of said -»t"8A:M. from The PARKWAY SoalT)nve would be apjireclatedT ot Rao :(nee Storchhelm), lovlna survived by eight grandchildren :""" - PAINTING-. LEADERS thHJbeiBlgncd"tiy- t _ Funot'at servloe was conductec KRESS— Elsie (nee EMrhardOr -Irvlnoton, husband of the tat' father 6f-Bai-bara"tJmHratcv77tttcn: • WIL.L.PICK UP-a.DEl;tm SOT ,_ . _. .^x—.-;RicHA^to^;,—"•-•-— Township of'Springfield In m« notws such lorm as they mUy M^TTtormerly Df BlooMfluld, N.J- HAEBERLE 8.« BARTH -HOME poortnoa' tover ups;—tetTtBs;"*T. - 374--2490 K»^rMaTlDuV8,Bi 3.00 to 3.MwmoUI3.Mwm - adopt In ibnformlty-wlth law. The on .T.uq5j(ay, March ;19, 1974, Orange. • • • • - .-,-•• ~Church of Irvlngton) w.e,r«.<-Klndly Jeerffoid^fd. an,d, Acadomy Ter.,- -raildenco. "^ ;.V,- -.—*'---~.~ shirts. 410" Rldgewood~TRdT7~ .^.. .-*J— .Kitchen Cabinets 7—7——j. JAMNIK Z 3-28-11 mef'wheele, atlck console, M«ffi.Sanc«!M«n -Tralllc Conirsb Invltod to attend -the~tuneTBT FOR FUNERALS, 971 Clinton . - IC3-38-31A" Painting, decorating •_* IRVINOTON BROOK 3.T3to-3.50perhou350hurr power to determine any matters husband of the- late Josephine OIACALONE — (nee Glunta) or Ave., Irvlngton, 01 «B4. of flclaily attended Ave., Springfield, N.J.. on Friday, Fla. passed away Tuesday, March SIMpN—Solma (riea Stntnxan) ot 1 girl'sil', 1 boy'sb'. P.M. 579-9,337 SPRING SPECIAU . • Z-3-38-101 Section B. it Is hereby RAYMOND FUNERAL CENTER, Relatives and friends were klndl. 28 N. Derby Rd., Sprlnnflold, UERNHEI^-GOLOSTICKt'l-i ! - merchandise & the pf Ice Is always 1 1 lamllv housl, out»ldVTi75. FENCING 3.10to3.»5perhour March 22. Funeral Mass In St. , 1974. Camo to Florida 7 years )37 HickorHcory Rd. • ' . .K3-28-33 IRVINOTON 968-6100 « . k3-3«-13I Bookkeeping Machine Operator ].10to 3.S5per hour determined and declared that the 322 Sanford Ave., near ,Tremont Invited ' to attend tho f unera beloved wlfo of Marvin, lovlna MEMORIAL HOME.''1300 Ollnlon - . . right. Formica Maid Kitchens »3«. 4, »375. 6, $975 & Dp. Roor period of usefulness of said James Church, Sprlnafleldk N.J. Ave.,, on •' Tuesday March 26 ago~-trpm'Point Ploasarit,, N.J,, j_ wV|Ce at HAEBERLE & BA'rtT Avo., ' Ir'vfnotort, on .Tuoscl.ty. UnionUnion, 944389944-3898 3 rooms, 3rd "floor, recently 29> Route 22, Welt Green Brool Clerk Stenographer. • 2n95to 3.65 per hour Interment Mt. Olivet Cemotery, ; y mother ot 'LVnn, • Lisa ana 1 NOBILITY SERVICES . A New Era In K lichen Cabinetry hallways, stores, offices $25 & up decorated, supply own gas heaK CAHPBNTBRJ, . ATTBNTIONI All Types Clerk Bookkeeper : ' purpose according to -Its formtjrly ot. Union, N.J. where he • COLONIA— - L HOME" / 1100-•. Rl-n MarcH 24. Interment T;>lmud Wholesale Distributors • -4, R 3.38-1: . Asphalt Driveways 25 673-6400 . . . 37«-6439 Also carpentry.' trim ' wor* Z 3-29-11 Sell yoursolt to over 80,000 lamllles 3.B5lo 3.45 pet hour reasonable life, Is a period of five Bloomfleld. r : Lawrence SJmon.- dear sister of Torrtti Cemetery, Newark.0 Tht" v Rent SI 15. . Mature women IRVINOTON ClerkTyplst • 3.75 to 3.50 per hour terment fa Ave., corner- of VauxhaH Rd Prlscllla Kaplan, ,Myrna Olahan BS81Sth.ave.,lrv. N9-9318 HAMMOND organ, double key —r"*C , ." 3.38-6I scaffold, -comtncel*)- «i"V preferred. Call after 3 P.M. 374 with a lo^cost Want Ad. Call MA- years computed from the date of* BRADYr-.Albort of Bldomfleld,, aisi:schurch. "KS5Ji".^KSJ"a*i!: KSKasis;« 1 period^ of mournlnu ' will b.o - board, stops, base pedals draw CHAirhlNK-WOOD ClerKTranscrlber 3.TJ to 3.50 per hour Gate ot t • • Monday , i ASPHALTBrl7.'wVys7rJ?'^l™ir KITCHEN RBNtoDBLINO, reasonable. Free estimate, free NEW LISTING 7700/ . •• ' ••••—". Clerk said bonds. <> • - N.J ..survived by family pf Marlon observed Ot thevfonvl^y rB5U1nnCe. ' bars. Top condition. Used cablnots & . counter tops, minor repairs. Fully Insured. 4; .2.15 to 3.40 per hour Rlzzo and Mr. and Mrs.'John Hall OIANNBTTI—Andrea Flynn oU5 ' was Ille member end past exhal BEAUTY SALON Vallsbtjrg Area accordions, all sizes: Used guitars. lots.-All work done with power) I.hour service. 374-5436 Or 936-397: B0 lit to Impact thlf modamlxttd . ALUMINUM-PLASTIC Kay Punch Operator ., 3.90 to 5.eo per hour Section 9...-It Is . hereby Good going shop. Call alter 4 P.M roller. All kinds niasonry. James I lanMMtlng of existing cabinets. a. 5 room i (»mlly horrtt In Idas, -ShadaJCE99 Eoreman ' ,. ', 3.75 to 3.04 per hour determined end stated that the' and son, John Scott, Funeral from Blockbufno Ter., W«sl Orano«f' ruler ol Elks-Uodgo 1583, Un Best offer, all excellent condition We do the complete Ifib. R, Helnze X3-2BJ3 iVi rooms, adults only, heat a, hot The • RAYMOND FUNERAL' IIEOENPUSS-Pulor' Edwtn, o( 1 9943549 • , . . Call 488-4117; LaMorgese, 18 Palno Ave., Irv. , location, mar «orm • & • buut. Tree Climber 3.50 to 3.04per hour >SUppternentst*~0ebt' Statement 387 Morris AVO;, sprlngilejci, N.J. 617-3968. '. • ' water supplied. ' Very clean Atklno 15J.0OO. Don't •dtlsyl Tree Trimmer required by said Local Bond Law CENTER, 322 Sanford Ave., - . _. ' _._ • •' "Z 3-38:8 R-3 2B1 ES 3-3023' I PAPERHAKlOER-PAlMTING apartment. Available now. Call, Initallatlon Oudrghteed' 3.90 to 5.M per hour on Saturdny, March 23, 1974, PECAN$4arvest table 72 X 40S100 EVES: MttMS. Realtor. Street Foreman s 3.90 to J.30per hour has been duly mada and I Had In the Vallaburg, on Thursday 9 A.M. beloved husband ot vvnna Kohoo Floor lamp S10 • luggage 113' """ J, ! Kt-l-25 Fredrick W. Richards 371-6959. ." " Sewer Foreman : 3.80to ?.10perhour office oTtheroWnshlpXierKof said Funeral Mass-Sacred - Heart Zlouenfuss, dovototl .father ot . 1 . Z 3-28-101 Church, Bloomfleld, at 10 A.M. Insinjctlons, Schools Dress form 120. Call 6874584.' Carpentry . 32 ': Landscape Cardming 3515403 UnlonJ Quick service; OAK RIDGE REALTY Terms ^ StraaMnapector J.M to: Wiper hour' Township, and thai such-ttat«m«nf Norman 6., HnyitiondM., William 63 IRVINOTON' , Automotive Mechanic 3.75to 4.93perhour. so filed shows 4 hat the gross debt of Interment Holy Sepulchre T > K-3-3B.1. _i : :. i S rooms, 2nd floor. Children over 1] J7J A*orrl» Av.vSpfld. 37.1-482J John P., Robort.G., and Edward T. M INCH color TV-S150 ' -•3u»v IRVINOTON Equipment Operator (streets) . 3.53 to 4.15 per hour said Township, as defined in Cemetery* East Orange, Ziegentuss, Mrs. Halsey G. Rome, ART CLASSES ALL TYPES"OF""CARPENTRY \ - LANDSCAPE OAKDIN1K , - years OK, Call 399-4551. Truck Driver • 3.10 to 4.95 per hour Section 40A:l-43ot said Local Bond BROWN—Jean M. of Maplewood, Mrs. Rocco Sperenza, and Mrs. Lessons for children & adults 127 Hickory Road-- (Niw L.wns M»d» Monthly On Clinton Ava., above- , zcenter mm. 2 Dog Runs • Pool Enclosures Law, It Increased by this WORK, CABINETS, BLOCK Z3-2M01 family house, * 13. Ideal'IdeatioIdeal'Idti n Laborer 3.25 to 3.25 per hour NJ.N.J., , on Thursday,, March 21, 1974. Edwin Crutnp, brother.of Harrv week spring session. Beginners o Union. CEILING, PANELING', TILE *l»lnt«Sfni:«. Spring Cleaning, •latent herewith ordinance by 120,500.00 and that Mausoleum, Funerai Vine, HT., CIIIBU.III, uviuwsu 9443898 IRVINOTOI for any type JjuslrJjuslriesse . ES. . iMtO. p "r,Seasonal lelatlves and friends were kindly F"UNE"R"AL "HOME, Tsob i&orris Zlegonfuss, and Mrs. Suxanno advanced. Call 487 4481 > . fLOORING ETC, 3713139 I' 7- 'fhrub Ptaritlns and Pruning. Lawn urt!nn • All ordlnancm and Darts ol ordinances. Inconsistent herewith the Issuance of the bonds,and notes nvited to atrena.the funeral arranoements.Were by the Kraeer husband ot Paula (nee Goldstoln) . Hllmer, also survived by '20 * 1 f Ave., Union, on Monday, March 35. ', ••-•. - . • • i • , i —• • ' R 3-W R1-28-14, authorized by this ordinance will FROMHRVIN&TON KBNILWORTH- '. fV ar»V?hlr8>e hereb¥y re^l«*and"hraRaPrepealed-end this « thalHiTe elfecl as gl January service.at SMITH AND' SMITH I HAJJBBY — On Friday, March 71, Funoral Homo In Pompano Beach, The Funeral Mass al Holy Spirit Skurnlk, devoted father, ol Miss orandchlldren .'and lobr (jreat- ' PIANOICILLO IN1TRUCTION SMITH ORGANS-SALES 374-7107 .nfer»"Vl««rl6r, •xlerlor, lit,, lWirtterpubllcatlonil"wirtterpubllcatlon Inn tthe manner provld.edViy lavy, ' . be---within all debt . llmlfatfona Fla.Contributions may beimadeto Harriet Frieda and Ml» Bernlce grandsons. Funeral service was 3 KEYBOARD-13 PEDAL' ioNTI.ACTO« IY RHASONABLE RATES Kells pint JW|M» 4 bedrooms, 9 batht, central air, prescribed by aald> .Local Bond (SUHURBAN),* 419''Morris Ave.,-, 1974, Myrtltle (Vbtiden)(Vbtden) , of 1823 Church, ^ Union. Interment 'All levels, Janei Lemanskye BA 1 r Fully Insured/ Call anytime. "" pool! excellent-, condition. Union.Leadec, Mar. :s, 19/4 Springfield, N.J., on Monday, Ihe'Clks Crlpplod Children's H Moravian Cemetery, Staten Skurnlk, desr brother of Mr. Max held ot SMITH .AND SMITH Music. Linden studio. 484-0397 AUTO. RHYTHM ORGANS "")">''»llno. additions, Call C.MerK, T<]«J4 (Fee: S1M.M) Law. ' VauxtiollRd., Union,N.J..tioloved Skurnlk. Servldeswero held at The 534] or 371.9717 4 Z 3-28-10 Reasonable taxes. Mid 50'e. March 25. Interment Hollywood wife of Stephen Hajsev,, Jr., ome In N.J. Island. (SUBURBAN), 415 Morris Ave., 1 R4-4-' REG. SMS NOW W9S . IRVINOTON BERNHEIMGOLDSTICKER SNprlnOlleld, N.J. on Tuesday • Woodbro. Auct. Wed. SatvMl LAND1CAPAPB OARDBNBR— Prtnclpals only. J41e9«. Call For FREE Estimate Section 10. ThTs ordtnsnee*hall Cemetery, Union. devoted mother ofvMrs. •Linda LAUTBNBACH -On aunday. PHILLIPS—Entered Into eternal MEMORIAL HOME, 1300 Clinton . OUITAR LBSSONS 3roomt,neat Bthorwater vuppnea : take effect twenty days after the BURKR — On March 21, 19>4, Parsons,slitef ol John jr., George rest, on Wednesday, .March 20, March 36. Interment Hollywood [ven 1n~my home or yours, :—— — K 5«15 reparlr anandd put In new lawns, Near (lores (, • transportation March 34, t974, Ernst of. Ml Ave., Irvlngfon, on Sunday, March Memorial Park, Un,lon. monthmonthlyl . maintenance, claan up, Piano Tuning'' MOUNTAINSIDE - (201) 391-3111 National Chairman Peter Falk says: first publication thereof after final. James J. of Bloomfleld, father of and Richard Vohden, Mrs. Crawford Tor., Union, N.J., 1974, Mrs. Nellie (Saglfus) Phillips 24. The Interment McClollen Street -eclallilneclallilng In beginnersbegin . Call 'Carpeting Security required. No pets. 373 passage^ • . Mrs. Ellxabeth Borwn and Mrs, of 215 W. Linden Ave., Linden, Ian Novak 487-1984. Mediterranean Plaques 33 feeding. Urtlllrlng. put In sod, trim 0310. Florence Kennett, Mrs. Annbeloved husband ot the late Frieda Cemetery, Newark. The period of Nvak 487-1984. WITH SWORDS ; »9.50. ,' & plan) shrubs, tree service, put In PANORAMIC Dorothy Seneca, brother of Robert Boettcher and Mrs. Mildred beloved, wife of the late Alexander 1 R4-U.W Passed fc Approved,, MarcMarh 242* J. (Stanaek), brother of Mrs. Ella mourning will bo at the family V R4- CALL 944-3830 ' r drains. Reasonable rates. 376-4548 Burke, Mr*. Helen Hamilton, Mrs, CeiDerson. private funeral service Gagsch. Funeral service was held Phillips, devoted mother ot Vlbld residence. . CARPBT INSTALLED PIANOS TUNBD IRVINOTON ', , ALL BRICK 4 BONUS $25.00 \9UU AnthonAthyy EE. Rui«oRui«o , ChairmaChairman (Pete) Phillips ot Linden, Edward DRUMS—ON THE SfiT — - X4-UH 1 Jessica Marriott, Mrs, Edith Wo» "old at y*l* McCRACKEN at "The McCRACKEN FUNERAL Wall-to-wall. r?lu» repair* ' : R 4-11-63 .ALSO i '• >• '• • 1 nice roomi & kitchenette, heat a,' BEDROOM BI-LEVEL. Helping handicapped children, of the Township Committee of the- Phillips of,Sea Bright and Mrs. SMITH-Helen Krllchunias ol HOLLYWOOD FLORIST PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION TOMSPORMAN LANOICAPINO hot water supplied, Immediate Township of Urflon In the County of . Heckel end Mrs. Anne Schrader, F&NERAL HOME',: I5M Morris HOME, 1500 Morris Ave., Union, BEOINNERS OR ADVANCED- DININO ROOM SET, Frullwood. Experienced. Call Andy PIANOS REPAIREtT 1 orandlallur. ol Karen Santca, Edna Kraus of Westfleld: Sprlnglleld,on Tuesday, March 19, leg].1700, Stuyvuant Ave. table, 4 ctialrs, china closet, large SPRING CLEAN UPS. C. GOSCINSKi- ES 5-4816 occupancy. 3 Blmwood Ter. „. MANY EXTRAS. CALL ffhii brightens everyone's future. Ave., union, on- Tuesday. on Wednesday. Entombment Unlon-lrvlnglon RON • 4M0449 755-4781 • ANDGENERAL LANDSCAPING Rellv and, James Brown_ . Interment Hollywood; Memorial Relatives and friends were kindly 1974, wile of Arthur E. Smith, bulfet,server, sett offer. 3730492. _ j . K J.M.J, Hollywood Mausoleum, Union. Invited to attend the funeral'trom We speclallie In Funeral —, : • R4.«» ' 373-9643 1 233-2927. ; For someone, your gift to »,• Relatives, Irlends and employee* Park. In lieu ol flower*, fr ends so daughter of .Katherlne Krlschunas, X 3-36-15 •Vf' IRVINOTON . . .. z V ol Weston imtruments were Kindly LBMCKB-Robert R., of 'the LEONARD-LEE FUNERAL' sister of .Mrs. Mary Orband, Design and Sympathy-' MATH TROUBLING YOU BXHCUTIVBJ read our Want Ads R 4 PIANO TUNING KoiiLLa PARK *\\-)n desiring m»v make.contributions Elliabeth, on Wednesday, March HOME, 301 E. Blancke St.. Linden, .Arrangements tor the bereaved FURNITURH STRIPPING 4 rooms, all. Improvement!. 3rd EasterSeals will last a lifetime. Union"ijuMv.. M«r. Mj£**-- Invited to attend tht funeral from to the American Cancer Society. 'George and' Peter Krlschunas. COLLEGE BOARDS? The CHEM CLEAN way. No wale, when hiring employees.. Braq CERVONB • PATRIZIO , AND' floor. Business couple. No pen. , O»o, PATCH Auoc. The FUNERAL H6ME OF », 1974, husband ol Lilly Williams on Saturday, March 23. Thence to Memorial service was held at family. Just Phone: PHONE: 086-4481 about yourself to over' M,00g LANDSCAPING CONTRACTORS Aval able Immediately. - ' Raaltori MBOOEN-On Sunday, March 34, Lemcke. father of Mrs. James W. SI. Elliabeth's R.C. Church, ever used. Chairs from is. All work 1 JAMES F. CAFFREY J. SON, MV 1974, Larry A. of S4V Stratford Rd.. SMITH AND SMITH FIVE POINTS INSTITJJTfi, guaranteed. Call lor freeestlmtte. suburban household! I Call 686- AND MASON WORK 4)6 Che»tnut sL RoMlle Pk Lyona Ave., Irvlngton, corner of Ray and. brother of Mrs: Thomas Linden, where a funeral Mass was (SUBURBAN). 415 Morris Ave,, 6861838 . 99 7700, daily 9 to 9:00. 3796991 373«238 Give to Easter Seals BLAST THOJH BUOSI Kind an ' Park PI., on Monday, March 15. To Union, N.J., beloved husband ol ScottJ also survived by three offered. Interment St. Gertrude CHEM CLBAH 734-3011 x ,„ ,, Park PI., on Monday, Yolanda ,deyoted father Sprlngtleld, on Thursday, March 4+4 Exterminator In the Classllled st.Poullh-•-•'- e Apostleitle Churc( h where, grandchildren. Funeral service Cemetery, Colonla, N.J. A. Kindly omit llowers. March 1-Aprll14 SectlonI • - • Ihe Funeral Miu waswi - offered for ol Larry E. Hoogen, brother of was held at Smith 8. Smith • ^ i

1 •

i ,*./... ,. >,, *.1.,4^ffPflS*.^.-.--_-- •^•-* .: m ^ u 'Thursday, March 28, 1974- we< r ^Recycling blood studied Study throws light on stormy *'^ ^Society May help a patient in surgery Correlation with solar actiyMty irmed • Recycling a patient's own blood during In case of emergency - The Zip Code A Stanford ^UniversitUniversity team, has reportereported Administration,~and the Office ooff Naval similasirr r to the arc made from the water of a National award - surgery may her an answer" to recurring blood call -' -•'•* finding a definite correlation between solar Research. .-'..• • garden hose if lh,e noale is~moved fairly shortages according to Bruce J. Brener, W.D.,. for Police Department for Springfield is activity and the low pressure "troughs" which Scientists havefound that around its equator, rapidly in a circlfc. an attending surgeon at Newark Beth Israel;-'•-. .'.Medical Center. The process is known as in- or First Aid Squad • bring-stormy weather to the continental United the sun is divided normally into four magnetic . A few days before the boundaryTOf- a l3767670 for Fire Department States. ' . sectors. From two sectors on opposite sides of magnetic sector passos the earth there Is a traoperative auto-transfusion. 07081 The scientists said their wqrk confirms the sun, lines of force of the magnetic field are decrease in the strength of the solar, magnetic "In some elective surgery cases// pr. speculation of jnore than J00 years that solar polarized outward from the sun. In the other" field and In the velocity of thesolar wind.JDr. Brener explained, "this procedure can be an • enormous help by providing a supply of blood -— activity affects the earth's weather patterns. two sectors, the lines of force are polarized Wilcox said. After the boundary sweeps-by. the. PublUhad Ev«ry tfimsdoy by Ttumor PublUliino Corp. Their findings show that magnetic structure of toward the sun. earth.in a few minutes,' an upward surge In tlie for the patient, even if he has a rare'bltjod type., 41 Mountain oy.., Sp.lngll.U, M.J. 07O8I - 686-7700 strength of the now reversed magnetic field It also eliminates the danger of contracting '.,, the sun is clearly related to changes |n the These lines are blown far out in the solar and in the velocity of thesolar wind begins and . hepatitis from donor bloodl" earth's atmosphere.' • ' • system by a stream of charged particles, called Moiling kiifii Sub.clplIonRol. Second Cla«>'Poiloo* continues through a period of several days. VOL. 45-NO. 26 SPRINGFIELD, N.X 1974 the solar wind, flowing froi.i th#sun, much as a Th? procedure iiS" relatively simple. Blood P.O. Boi-69, Sp-ln8ll.ld, H.J. 07DBI J8.50 Y.ofly Pcld o. Sp.ingfl.ld, M.J. 20 Cents Per Copy The scientists' findings Were reported by Dr. long string would be blown out in front of a fan. Material scientifically equivalent to a which is normally auctioned away from thr%' John M. Wilco*. solar physicist and heaii of the Thus, imbedded in the solar wind is the sun's stranger from" a strange land' has beep iden- surgical field and discarded is drawn Instead Stanford group, at a recent symposium on the normal magnetic pattern of four sectors, with tified jn meteorite fragments by scientists at Into a plastic reservoir. Here it is filtered, influence of solar activity on the weather held " alternate sectors" identified -by fields lines, the University..,of Chicago. Robert Clayton, defoamedand treated with anti-clott[jig agenLs at the Goddard_ Space Flight Center in polarized a way from or toward the sun. A clear -,. Lawrence.Grossman and Toshika K. Mayeda before reinfusion in the patient. The blood re- Grcenbelt, Maryland. Dr. Wilcox's research is boundary separates the'1 sectors. As the sun announced the find. "It's not like anything- enters the. patient through a catheter in a Public hearing set April I & oh Arnvifloodcontrol plan funded by the National Science Foundation rotates, the long magnetic field lines sweep we've ever seen, from terrestrial sources, the' peripheral, vein In the arm. " INSF), the National Aeronautics and Space "through the solar system iq curved lines moon; or other meteorites.'^says Clayton^ The advantages of a readily available supply The Army Corps of .(engineers w'" hold a "Tt)e plan would provide full protection tirthe. At the hearing, oral Kfatenjents will he writleii and"oral., will become parl of Ihi-Mif1' This mysterious lituff, mixed in as a small • of blood can not be underestimated, especially "public hearing at Jonathan Dayton Regional "residential area between the Kahway. River permitted. But Col. Harry W. iJHnbaniLdjstrict lit-ial pul)lic rcrnrd. . K> • amount of dust grains, is an isotope of oxygen, In yfew of recurring shortages at blood banks High School in Springfield al 8 p.m. April 16 on- and Van Winkles Brook-against a 200-year engineer, urged that, "for accuracy of record, • • Tlie Corps ol Knginecrs official called on "all oxygen'-16,' in almost pure form. Ordinary ^across the country. ''These shortages," Dr. a proposed $7 millloA flood control project fnr- < design Hood, and would reduce flood damages important facts and statements- Ehoul<" ' inleii'slccl parlies'- lo attend Ihe hfiirinis. in- oxygen is mostly oxygen-16 with small amounts _. Brener pointed out, "are due more to the-ln- Ihe Uahway nlvc'r in Union and Springfield and that would occur as a resuH of floods occurring submitted in writing and in duplicate." ' • •, _ cluding • "representatives of federal.^ slate. •II iaill,r,,,,|i< Itlllllll » ** • l» F| • | « « *«. i »—• |«4r^<*t-t |#«»'"^"--"^» , j f »« .it(fi*>>'l«l^* t'l |||i f ' ' f t»fc« t >'« 1 * • f^ |,ir|l EARTH BOUND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- —of oxygen-l,7and oxygen-lB.all stable isotopes. creased demand for donor blood than to n Von Winkles Brook in Springfield. greater than the design flood. In addition, the Written statements may, be handed to the.. cininly ;jnd mtniicipal agencies; Ihosc of coming from till' slate, t'tiion Counly and the Mdcred hy Hie Army Knujnocrs ie|>orts~lh;i1 "The isotope in the meteorite is almost purt decrease in tho number of donors. In additfbn to 1 The hearing will be followed by issuance of a plan ^would reduce flood damages along the presiding officer at Jhe hearing'Oh mailed in cdinii'icrcial.. indcislrial. agricultural:- civic, Iwo lowiiships. lo he Jised for land acquisition: there would he l-l.Hon linear feet of channc Director,;.Ecology and Conservation', ':• 1 By JOSEPH TOBIN oxygen-IB'-- the kind of oxygen you'd find In scheduled surgical cases there are emergency . report containing the Corps' recommendations Railway ttlverin Union Township, a residential ; advanci*-tard at tho Office of the highway., railroad, IInn'd control and other 'ri'liiealiiiih ill "utilities iind bridges iexcept for i-x'cavalinn with an no -fool hnllom width alnii|j Wavo Hill Cdnter for Environmental Studies, 3 primitivcslar." Clayton goes on to explain Um . operations and- severe- injurles-whielMurther • hy^lunc :u). ,. • . reach between the confluence,with Van Winkles District Engineer, I'.'S. Army Engineer inlei'i'sts: prrtperly-owners and any other in- Morris-.-ivenue 1. - . die K.-ihway Itiver wiiicti forms Ihr botmdarv ; | • . ,• ,llow York, N.Y. '. ... ' „'• " I our sun js not a primitive star. It is a third or ^train the existing blood supplies. It's only inn I is .1 vi'UIH I. . Hit iiii[l\v.i> mvei , . ; In a.sumniaryreleased last week, the Brook and Rt. 22. and in the industrial park District. New York. Corps of Knginecrs. 2(1 dividuals conccivied." ... - Amon|i lhc wOrk .involved in Ihe proj(M-l between Union and Springfield, from Ihe point nliniiililililliiiiilllllillliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiintiiiiiiii in liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiijf,,- fourth generation star, natural to think about recycling a patient's RECYCLED BLOOD 1st'seen as'an ansvyer located downstream of Ht.'22." ,." b( Knginecrs said: " ' Federal pla/a, New York. All slfilemewts.. Tin' estimated.cnsl ol. tile pl»n Under con- Mtiiildhereiiliici-meiilbytheStaleDeparlnU'iit ___ ' . >• (Continued on P»fl» 13) Maple sugaring is one of tlie traditional' During the revolution In Americn, farmers. . Clayton Is a professor In the Enrico Fermi -blood." , ' \.v ' ' ' ». to the current problem of recurring T Kl.llOTT^FACllTMAN ncttvitlo:rof"this"senson~ a season marked.by short'on supplies from Europe, developed Institute, and the Department of Geophysical In ticasc of rapid blood loss, such as an Injury r blood shortages by Dr. Bruce J. weather conditions which are often. adverseT" maple sugaring skills and drew great qtiah- Klliotl Pachtman of Union has been awarded Sciences and the college. Grossman is assistant (he American,Cancer. ^Society's Bronze Medal, to an artery, autolransfusion can quickly Brener, an attending surgeon at Ihe temperature not -being'able lo make up Us tities of sugar from .their orchards to sustain professor'in the Department-of Geophysical the society>1iighest national award for service replacethevoluiii'cof blood lost by the patient Newark-Beth Israel Medical'Center. mind and chill winds .sometimes gristing up .to their .families during"this difficult and frugal. Sciences, find Mayeda isa chemist jn the Fermi within a state. ' . . • . without Ihe delays associated with typing Ihe " He is shown above ' wjth the 7f> M.I'll March has always been famous for time. . . "- y Institute. "•-.•, '.. A,senior member of Elliott Pachtman and blood and locating matching donor-blood. In autotransfuslon unit which can recycle •*J>ince this isotopejdoesn !t occur* in the solar its unpredictable,winds. _ >.'' JJ owJlma ple_Ji iiga ri nifci_Js__n_ sign i f ica ii I Co., certified public accountants, with offices in most cases, the age or condition of Ihe patient a patient's own blood during surgery, system in such a pristine state, Clayton and his • March also has been Irailitinnally well known • American industry in many'portions of the Union and'New York City, Pachtman hns been doesnot-prohiblt him fromTerPrvihg his own eliminating th.e need for donor blood for tin.1 seasonal beginnings of maple sugaring- country. II is done scientifically and ac- colleagucs-cone.lutfcthaUiHnay:predate the blood through giitolransfusion. - transfusions. ., "'" ~~'~ solar system, and may be a fragment of in- an outstanding ACS volunteer for the last IS .lolin Huri'oughs,-the naturalist, staled complished in great, quantity. It is considered^ years.Ile has served as Crusade chairman. One of the out-of-the-orduiary advanfagesis — board promises poetically sonic lime agn'lha! "A sap run is the and rightly so, one of the early American crafts terstellar dilst with.it'K"own nuclear history. that Jehovatrs—wCtncsses, who reject all viee:president and president-of (he New Jersey sweel goodyhyo to winter." WHI. Uu^sap!r.Unjs. •-iind has been classed with hooked rug making, Using a mass spectrometer, Clayton first Division,. Previously, Pachtman held similar standard blood transfusions, consent to con- truly.a.sigiroi spring and after so'mc warm quilting, iind - the resultant 'product recognized tlie material in fragments, o"f the positions in the Union County unit. Currently lie. tinuously autotransfused blood during an • — sunny March, days Ihe sap bcgins^lo Unvf "being well-used in the colonial home. Allende Meteorite, which fell in Mexico in 196!). is a •member of the division's finance com- operation.,/ yyj through'the branches and. the sugar-.maples Even after the passage of li»\e, Now Jer- The' Allende meteorite-is one of a class of mittee and chtiirm.ih of its nominating com- Autolransfusion is not a new procedure. Its i ss u es conic alive. , • • •* nelemites kntrwn a.4 cttHi ri7t f tile practical use occurred jr -JiatUn lB)II.I.j.jrhp Northern NcwJersey-Chapterof-ihc • Maple sugaring, as an industry, is a North eastern sugar maple and feel a link with ..their - formed ,in the early days'of the solar nebula', Amencm one - hrgun Ijy liic 'fiulians long Tlie iiward, which originated jn I!l4!i; Is'a '.'ul development of the idea was hindered by a Juvenile Diabote;, Foundation will hold a liv-AIWKKCOl.I) hancc in the rear of the crowded cafeteria -•-— ancestors who marked thij.arri.val of spring hy that highly stirred mass of gas and dust that bronze medallion depictini'SI. Ceorge sliivina ''J0'' °f technical knowledge and professional " ' ' bi'fnrt' tho white man arrived. The Indians meeting on Tuesday at I) p.m. sir St. Barnabns : Thi''griiernlion gi'ip extended for the greater rumored lo he a slre.-ik-in but not visible from 1 the flow of the sap in trees (ill., around Jhem. _ later accreted to form tlie sun und-planets. The Ihe dragon, international .symbol of viclory ' interest."Now'we have the proper equipment ~ liniled down maple sap and slorcd lh< syrupto : Medical <'c-nler, Livingston. parl "of Iwo hours al theltcgional High School- ' lhc press table. One ti'ciiilger carried :i sign. • ——: —. — primitive matter bus subsequently liecn found over evil and public calamity. The reverse side am) know-how to autotransfuse' safely and .Mrs. Marian Pctliboiie.. coordinator for "There is no freedom, ill Dayton.". . >' •flavor their cakes ol ina'i/e and their venison in other carbonaceous chondrites,,, . • " hislricl.Hoard of I'jlucation mecling Tuesday steaks Ihrmiglinii! Ihe year. , of Jhe medal shows the upright double-edged efficiently," claimed Dr., Brener. '*»» con- Monlclalr schools volunteer'tulojhtg program niglil" al Monalhan l>aylon Itcginnal in " . Mendelsohn', who outlined the case for .Ihe 'Hie discovery provides.a better kind of te*st sword, symbol of the. American Cancer Society. sldermg the current emphasis on recycling, the will ilisucss "What Is The Possible Relation- ' students, "slated that tho school is .pervaded The 'technique of removal of the syrup from Princeton theater for nucleosynthesis — how the elements are Springfield as studenl leaders protested Whal The m.edallllin was designed by Tiffany & Co. reintroiluctinn of aiitotrnnsTuslon to. tin ship IWWM Allergies alid Diabetes?" The Ihcy lermcd in.iuslices in board, policies and ,(with "poor morale aud a -hostility toward Ihe tree begins when ;i I'uiri/ontal incision in Ihe I , /• . i . i / formed. "Even If this- took place somewhere surgical profession, is rather timely." hark is made and a siirl ol funnel spigot is in- _ _ SIQTJSlS _L I.-ITI61 IQ OJ ' In- addition In his_ volunteer work for th public is invited to attend this open meeting. board nienihci'K proclaimed their rospon iwlhnrily." serlcd. direct inj; Iln1 s,-|p inlo a hanging iMickel. else.,._says_Clayion1l'alllhj^Hjnelmyshavp.to An\cric;mX'ailccr Society,J-'achtman serves-on —: ''Inns:for_doflr-to:diiar fund raising drive, to— He commented. "Wi- arc lierr not lo (Icin.iiid be obeyed - it's just a different recipe cooked thcilent I.oVeling,-Jl<>ai-7 packed Ilic l>;ry I on cafeteria consisted s 1 of ;ire nol a violent people; Ihcro are belter" mixture,it ' whichih loolk on an'increase'id lthicknes hik s ' is" par I""'t of th <'»e 'Chapli Chaplin n FilFilmm SerieSeries s aat j tthe Automohilc Association of New Jersey, is an formed at St. Peter's The Juvenile IMnbeles Foundation is a non- j^riniarily of,s(udcnts. and for ndlrly Iwo hoiirs- Mc.Car.ter_T.lieatei', Princeton. ' '. income tax assistance honorary director"iif ihe Union Chamber of • A group of St. Peter's College 'mathematics ;|)iofit organiziiliini -dedicated lo support and . Uiey and I heir leaders'Pressed for board iicl ion methods lo use. Bui u-c have no say in school .is Hie water evaporaled from il. 7 policy. Everylhiug is tilted toward tin1 hoard " "Limelight," tho'.story,of age giving way to Commerce and also serves on the board of professors and their students recently" formed' enlarge education and research In juvenile - on three Itiisic- issues: permission lo lea.ve the- yough, was released in 1952, just as iinti- for Spanish-speaking , •directors of tlie Nuw Y" presented • entry permit Ihe had remained-jui English, aiimmislration degree from Ihe same available to area educational. institutions lo of the Daylon senior class iind Student Couilcil. deny our'own feelings if they an unacceptable answer questions on federal income tax law in In authority. - • next month at Newark Cnllege of Engineering's citW.cn all the.years he was in the U.S.). As n Spanishjmd help Spanish-spc-iiking taxpayers university. , discuss important mathematical developments .They vyore supported by leaders from A.I.. campus theater,-323 High St..'.Newark. result, the film was withdrawn and not seen and- applications relating to career op- . ( "I'lON HKC ";i. M'heri' is ii high priority at all times on prepare their tax returns from 9:00 ii.ni: until Pacblman and his wife, Riith^have a son. and • .lohnson Hegiona) in Clark and hy many pupils conformity and-obedience. • Tlie show is scheduled April 19 . 20, 25, 'Jl'> iind again In this country until 11172. lie also features •4:IK) p.m. on the desigtiated 'I'hnrsilnys. diltigbter. ..••'" portunities, computer science and >wicial . Tin- United'Stiilcs produced .11.7 per cenKif Hidden Valley from .Dayton iind (lov. Livingston Hegioniil in 1 "4. Tlu'r<- is a growing alienation between 27 ili. II p.m. '.. and April -3'l al 2:211 p!in. (-laire Bloom. science. . - lhc world's' mitomoliilcs in iw Acjehcy admits adverse effect on park Herkoloy llcighls, as'well .as several ptircnls. ^AdmissionJf. f|-cc..(ri:(!ii|>_r(">ervalions.iiifiy be ... •-"- -.- (Continue on p»a« ") r Tickets go on sule at the box office beginning '__ Keplying for the oldsters were <'hiirles Vitalf . m,'ui<-'. by calling Ii4r)-ri;il. ). 10 a.m.', Saturday. will he jogic of lighting Division' VValdl and Sdiiya Dorsky. hnnrd memiicl s fr<>'" but can alternative to Rt;78 Springfield: Hr. D(inal "LiKlitnirtti IISIO)-: ICdison, KihiK'r. USAH struction-of Ul. 7« through Springfield. Summit, public use becauscTof the highway project. Environmental Impact Stud,v_musl be ap- Morgan Van llise. stale Bureau of Outdoor Recreation representatives consideralion ol ' Ilic student proposals, in voters an noun cecl w Divisioir' which fou(?hlin two ('enler.i!iii;V(i:i:ii Kand l-'m-t nix Mountainside and Berkeley Heights Is The DEI* Is one of more than 20 federal. proved by the U.S. Council'oti Knviconnienlal Special Discounts To Senior Citizens! • acting director of Civil Mountainside, Ib'y i to .discuss' funding • for acquisition of the cousullalioii with Ihc.school administration aiul Springfield Township Clerk Arthur H. ; world Wars, will emhark on its HUH—lilB-Sfi-IUI. necessary but has urged the state Department^ staleTcouriry~nod~localrgovcrnmenl-Bgeiieie ^•••' . • -^——H-- •; : "- spokesmen I'm- lhc students. "We Accept Medlcald" J|_Dofcnse-l)isnstor-enntrol, has proposed Hidden Valley Park in Springfield Buehrer has announced additional hours for, niosl. ainliilinns rcci;uilin|! of Transportation to rcyvaluate noise, waler "The board has'committed ilsolf lo study, Custom Made Earmolds. Ballorles a Repairs For All-- m 'weii elected president of the ments The state environmental protection depart- .and Summit. voter registration. • .. . ' ' • Mokos ol Hoarlng Aids. "effort diiriiiu Ihe month' of quality and flooding aspects of Its Knviron- Environmental Impact Study draft. The final your'proposal." he slated. "I urge, you again to-" aft. Th ment said that the draft statement's study of - Following is a list of locution's and times,for "Tho uolior Way -—Nali.onal-Assrteiation or Slate • April when the U.S. Arniy 8films booked, mental Impact Statement draft study on Ihe ~ version of the study will be finished late this The Springfield Township Committee last review your ideas with your principal. The • noise "is just not realistic." The draft 1 voter registration :~v BELTONE To Boiler Honrlno" ' W Civil Defense Directors. 'Itese-rvc celelirales its With' Interstate highway. ' ' . spring or early in the summer. II will include week approved a resolution urging the Union board pledges itself to meel with' student «11 BROAD ST. ELIZABETH • 353-T686* van iiise. who ,s also statement predicted thai a 70 decibel noise ('ouuly Board of Kreoholdors to appropriale All dist£icts—Daily, Monday through Friday, r anniversary. at state m use urn The environmental protection department all comments' from government agencies and > 1 leadership. We will'set a dale. foi\thal meeting.- ^ (Across Protn The Court House) - A director (if the Klale Office of level would affect fewer Ihan 10 homes by llji half of the ilo-acre tracl's appruised'value of II a.m. to 'I p.m., Municipal Building, lyiounlain ' 'I'll'' "»lh: Division Alborl Sh.iki9r.AI graduated from Hunter as soon as possible, and we will notify you of. '•jollrov P. Colno ; Mvr-on Calne , ' W l\Mr.olenm Allocation, 'lins Four foreign-film, versions Ht. 711 right-of-way. "While,the residents of a— $i;7-lll,(HKl before a May II deadline to apply for avenue. ' , • — in Ihiri1 hiq.career with Equitable after teaching state matching funds, He added, ".We are all proud of all of you. You • sinto oi H.J. lie r I siatooi-Nrj-tlc—l— A .been with the DITTST Division four movies about youthful Break-in suspects arrested (luring a particular rush hour," said thcOKI-' in • •-'.nW-roKolutloii-nntfld—HIP—freoholdors-had- -=—lunl-tl«> courage Jo come here and tell us about— a.m. to'.) p.m., MunicipalBuilding. for lour years. In 1967 he was named' its comment's on the study, "the continiiiilion of originally.inlemled to use money lo lie received -•youi-prohlenis. I cqilunit myself and the board '•''Mliitricls \?>, :iand 4—Wednesday, April 10,7 ' have two. sons. "XDT7 this level for extended periods of time each day rt.imi,ul-st,m«.,lt from the N..I. Department lo look as bard as we can for solutions." —to 9 p.m., Sar'ah-ftallcy Center. Church Mall. Tiinolhyrii-ret'oiit-riniduateof earnedmanv top Equitabln hon- is<|uituun!mpact.-The.prospcct ihaLthiS-lcvcl nf.,j, r( (- |( f (|

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