DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT Lopham Road, East Harling December 2018 Prepared by: CSA Environmental Dixies Barns, High Street, Ashwell, Herts, SG7 5NT email:
[email protected] On behalf of: Gladman Developments Ltd. Date: Prepared by: Authorised by: File reference: First Issue 27/11/18 BT/SP SG 3997_05 Second Issue 07/12/18 RC RR 3997_05_A Third Issue 10/12/18 RC RR 3997_05_B Fourth Issue Lopham Road, East Harling Design and Access Statement Issue Date: December 2018 Doc Ref: CSA_3997_05 CONTENTS 01 Introduction 01 02 Planning Context and Design Guidance 03 03 Site Assessment 07 04 Evaluation 27 05 Development Proposals 31 06 Conclusion 51 01. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction This Design and Access Statement (DAS) has been prepared by CSA Environmental on behalf of Gladman Developments Ltd for a proposed residential development at land to the south of Lopham Road, East Harling (the Site). The Site lies within the administrative area of Breckland District Council. East Harling village is situated approximately 12.9km (8 miles) east of Thetford and 10.4km (6.44 miles) south Developments under west of Attleborough. The Site is located adjacent construction to the south eastern built edge of East Harling, to the south of Lopham Road. The Site measures 11.79 hectares. The submitted planning application seeks outline planning permission for a high quality sustainable RIVER THET development comprising the following: • Residential development for up to 198 new EAST HARLING dwellings. LOPHAM ROAD • New publicly accessible and attractively landscaped open space, including a children’s play area (Locally Equipped Area for Play GARBOLDISHAM ROAD (LEAP)), new allotments, a community orchard, (B1111) SITE woodland burial area, and new recreational routes.