Environment, Transport & Development Overview & Scrutiny Panel Date: Wednesday 16 January 2013 Time: 10.30am Venue: Edwards Room, County Hall, Norwich Persons attending the meeting are requested to turn off mobile phones. Membership Mr A Byrne (Chairman) Mr A Adams Dr A Boswell Mr B Bremner Mrs M Chapman-Allen Michael Chenery of Horsbrugh Mrs H Cox Mr P Duigan Mr T East Mr M Langwade Mr I Mackie Mr P Rice Dr M Strong Mr T Tomkinson Mr J Ward Mr A White Mr R Wright (Vice-Chairman) Non Voting Cabinet Members Mr B Borrett Environment and Waste Mr N Dixon Community Protection Mr G Plant Planning and Transportation Mrs A Steward Economic Development Non Voting Deputy Cabinet Member Mr J Mooney Environment and Waste Mr B Spratt Planning and Transportation For further details and general enquiries about this Agenda please contact the Committee Administrator: Julie Mortimer on 01603 223055 or email [email protected] Page 1 of 4 Environment, Transport & Development Overview & Scrutiny Panel, 16 January 2013 A g e n d a 1 To receive apologies and details of any substitute members attending 2 Minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2012 (Page 1) To confirm the minutes of the Environment Transport and Development Overview & Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 14 November 2012. 3 Members to Declare any Interests If you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting and that interest is on your Register of Interests you must not speak or vote on the matter. If you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting and that interest is not on your Register of Interests you must declare that interest at the meeting and not speak or vote on the matter. In either case you may remain in the room where the meeting is taking place. If you consider that it would be inappropriate in the circumstances to remain in the room, you may leave the room while the matter is dealt with. If you do not have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest you may nevertheless have an Other Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects: - your well being or financial position - that of your family or close friends - that of a club or society in which you have a management role - that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward. If that is the case then you must declare such an interest but can speak and vote on the matter. 4 To receive any items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency 5 Public Question Time 15 minutes for questions from members of the public of which due notice has been given. Please submit your question(s) to the person named on the front of this agenda by 5pm on Friday 11 January 2013. For guidance on submitting public questions, please refer to the Council Constitution Appendix 10, Council Procedure Rules or Norfolk County Council - Overview and Scrutiny Panel Public Question Time and How to attend Meetings Page 2 of 4 Environment, Transport & Development Overview & Scrutiny Panel, 16 January 2013 6 Local Member Issues/Member Questions 15 minutes for local members to raise issues of concern of which due notice has been given. Please submit your question(s) to the person named on the front of this agenda by 5pm on Friday 11 January 2013 7 Cabinet Member Feedback on Previous Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Page 13) comments Scrutiny Items: 8 Forward Work Programme: Scrutiny (Page 15) To review and develop the programme for scrutiny. Overview Items: 9 Norfolk Economic Growth Strategy: Norfolk Infrastructure Fund Site (Page 23) Acquisition – update and draft proposals for the future use of RAF Coltishall. Members are asked to consider and comment on the progress being made to develop proposals for the future use of the RAF Coltishall site and engage local communities, to inform further detailed work on Master Planning. 10 Highway Capital Programme 2013/14/15 and Transport Asset (Page 43) Management Plan Members are asked to consider and comment on the contents of the report and the proposed change to the TAMP for 2013/14 to 2017/18 and recommend it to Cabinet for approval and to recommend to Cabinet the use of Chief Officer delegated powers, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation, to manage the two year programme, including the possible increase in the Integrated Transport programme to deal with any major scheme cost pressures. 11 Local List for Validation of Planning Applications. (Page 65) Members are asked to recommend to Cabinet that the revised Local List for Validation of County Council Planning Applications (2012) be formally adopted. 12 Environment, Transport and Development Enforcement Policy (Page 137) Members are asked to consider the proposed enforcement policy and comment ahead of recommendations to Cabinet. 13 Norfolk Rail Prospectus (Page 159) Members are asked to comment on the Norfolk Rail Prospectus prior to its agreement by Cabinet. Page 3 of 4 Environment, Transport & Development Overview & Scrutiny Panel, 16 January 2013 14 Environment, Transport and Development Service and Budget (Page 179) Planning 2013 to 2015. Members are asked to consider and comment on the provisional finance settlement for 2013-14 and the information on spending pressures and savings for Environment, Transport and Development which have not changed since reporting in November and the cash limited budget for 2013-14. Group Meetings Conservative 9.30am Colman Room Liberal Democrats 9.30am Room 504 Chris Walton Head of Democratic Services County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH Date Agenda Published: Tuesday 8 January 2013 If you need this document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact Julie Mortimer on 0344 800 8020 or Textphone 0344 800 8011 and we will do our best to help. Page 4 of 4 Environment, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Panel Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 November 2012 Present: Mr R Wright (Vice-Chairman) Mr A Adams Mr M Langwade Dr A Boswell Mr P Rice Mr B Bremner Mrs H Thompson Mr M Brindle Mr J Ward Mrs M Chapman-Allen Mr A White Michael Chenery of Horsbrugh Mr P Duigan Mr T East Cabinet Members present: Mr N Dixon Community Protection Mr G Plant Planning and Transportation Mrs A Steward Economic Development Deputy Cabinet Member present: Mr J Mooney Environment and Waste Mr B H A Spratt Planning and Transportation Also Present: Mrs J Murphy 1 Apologies Apologies were received from Mr A Byrne, Mr B Borrett , Mr I Mackie, Dr M Strong (Mr M Brindle substituted) and Mr T Tomkinson. 2 Minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2012 2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2012 were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman. 2.2 The Director for Environment, Transport and Development updated the Panel on the Councillor Call for Action brought to the 17 October 2012 meeting by Cllr John Dobson. He informed the Panel that Natural England (one of the key stakeholders) had indicated that they could not attend a panel meeting at Environment, Transport & Development Overview & Scrutiny Panel 14 November 2012 this time and they felt that they may not have anything to add to the views they have previously expressed. John Dobson had been made aware of Natural England’s position and had expressed his view that the meeting should proceed with Natural England being invited. 2.3 The Director of ETD invited the Panel to consider how to proceed, and highlighted the following three options: a) Attempt to continue with the panel decision as proposed b) Let the Modification Order run its course and then take action once the status of the right of way had been made clear c) The Panel could nominate a small working group to meet with the local parties so they could understand the issues and then decide how to proceed following that meeting. 2.4 Following a proposal by Mr White which was seconded by Mr Duigan it was RESOLVED that a small working group should be set up to progress this issue and the topic would be added to the Scrutiny Forward Work Programme. 3 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 4 Items of Urgent Business There were no items of urgent business. 5 Public Question Time No public questions were received. 6 Local Member Issues/Member Questions No Local Member issues/questions were received. 7 Cabinet Member Feedback on previous Overview and Scrutiny Panel comments. The Panel received the annexed report (7) by the Cabinet Members for Planning and Transportation, Economic Development, Environment and Waste, and Community Protection, providing feedback on items discussed at Cabinet which had previously been discussed at an Environment, Transport & Development (ETD) Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting. RESOLVED that the report be noted. 8 Forward Work Programme: Scrutiny 8.1 The annexed report (8) by the Director of Environment, Transport and 2 Environment, Transport & Development Overview & Scrutiny Panel 14 November 2012 Development was received by the Panel. The report set out the forward work programme for scrutiny and Members were asked to consider the Outline programme at Appendix A of the report and consider new topics for inclusion on the scrutiny programme. 8.2 The Vice-Chairman notified the Panel that a request had been made by Mr John Martin to add “Waste PFI Contract, the ‘second bite’ provision” to the ETD O&S Panel Scrutiny Forward Work Programme.
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