Consulting engineering for structural analysis Design and development of steel structure details Software Development for the structural verification The design studio of Eng. Sebastian Floridia operates since 1993 in the area of structural design on behalf of public and private clients, and in parallel, in the field of the realization of software for civil engineering, especially for the publishing industry. The studio operational structure is organized in two seemingly separate areas, but truly integrated and allows both the development of software for engineering that the resolution of and the resolution of problems mainly structural design problems, together with testing their software procedures. The studio, “handcraft mold”, is based on a great passion for structural modelling and its maniacal graphic representation. It has the the world’s best technologies to address any problem: structural, static, seismic, and linear non-linear structural steel, c.a., and masonry and next graphical representation. In addition to the details, tagged and file production numerical control DSTV metal structural work. Tools for daily MasterSap AMV – package to finite elements used for the calculations work structural traditional structures steel, the r.c., masonry and wood, according to reinforced concrete NTC 2008. Studio software AMV of Ronchi dei Legionari (PN) - ;

TeklaStructures - Steel Detailing “ProgettoStruttura2008” finite - versione 19,0, graphic structure element package used for structural package, for the work of design, and calculations of traditional steel and detail-length of carpentry, which wood ,according to EC3 and EC5, we also use for the production of written in full Eng. Sebastian Floridia machines for file NC DSTV. exchange with static and dynamic solver Tesys; data with simulation programs process of industrial installations He PDMS and Intergraph PDS. Tekla - Finland. Tekla – Visual Studio 2010 NET Finlandia Professional – Development package Microsoft Used for the realization Software customized for JointsForTekla - Checking the the structural calculation. connections in steel structures according to EC3, in TeklaStructures environment. product by: ProgettoArchimede Software - Siracusa - Italy;

MidasGen – Powerful package FEM finite element analysis seismic, which is used for the verification of steel structures and the r.c.of importance that allows us to make significant static, seismic, linear and non-linear push-over analysis of structures existing seismic zone, interaction soil-structure, as well as checks of post procession according with all international standards. We use in two-way link with TeklaStructures. Midas - Korea Some of the works in industrial environment

“Structural design of tank Seawater intake “SEA WATER IN- TAKE” in r.c. with the use of Wel- lpoint, site in the town of Priolo (SR) On behalf of the associations temporary business Co.Ge.Ital (Priolo-SR) - Italy -So.Ge.A (Gela- CL) - Italy Commissioned: Consorzio Snamprogetti - Foster Wheleer - Energy

Structural design and architectural substation Electrical referred to as “LC01- LC02-LC03-LC04-LC05 “in c.a, site in the town of Prio- lo (SR) for account of temporary associations business Co.Ge.Ital (Priolo-SR) - Italy - So.Ge.A (Gela- CL) - Italy e Tecnoservice (Camna- go-MI) - Italy. Commissioned: Consorzio Snamprogetti - Foster Wheleer - Energy “Directing the work of foundations “Project of dismantling and remo- “Project for the construction of in the AC for the “Empty” plant Vi- ving rig and related accessory parts a manufactured in steel to use sbreaking (I and II step) plant “ERG of the platform A. Vega Modules: “Control Room” for an incinera- OILS” site in the town of Priolo D1-D2-D3-D5 Camp Vega - Vega A tion plant approved by Ordinance (SR) to account of the enterprise Platform Deputy Commissioner emergency Co.Ge.Ital (SR-Priolo) - Italy. Commissioned: Region n. ° 83/05 in the r.c. to Commissioned: IBR Costruzioni S.r.l achieve In contrada Punta Cugno in Snamprogetti south Ing. Iannò - Italy Augusta (SR) - Italy Commissioned: GE.S.P.I. srl “Realization of surveying, thema- -Augusta (SR) - Italy tic and typological analysis of the territory of competence, with re- presentation graphics needed for the study Feasibility dell’ETILENO- DOTTO AGIP PRIOLO-ERG PE- TROLIICAM PRIOLO - Italy. Commissioned: 4D S.r.l – Geom. F.Meli The Design for Construction of “Structural design of all steel struc- Metal framework on the platform tures necessary for the installation for attemperation located on the of a multipurpose platform integra- pipe rack PR \ April \ B between ted waste for special dangerous and the alignments PR \ PR-1 \ 2 into non- dangerous to achieve in Con- the 1800’s, situated at the plant trada Punta Cugno site in Augusta ERG RAFFINERIE MEDITERRA- (SR) - Italy. Project Architect: Aedilia NEAN spa in Priolo (SR) - Italy Progetti srl. - Arch-Francesco Pap- Commissioned: palardo IBR Costruzioni S.r.l Systems design: INCICO S.p.a. - Mi- Ing. Iannò – (SR) - lan - Italy Italy Project foundations INCICO S.p.a.– Ferrara - Italy Design for the construction of Commissioned: a foundation adapted to contain OIKOTHEN the installation of a plant incinera- tor approved by Order of Depu- Design for the construction of two ty Commissioner No emergency buildings in steel to be used as a Region Sicily. ° 83/05 in the AC to workshop / storage parts plant for achieve in a Contrada Punta Cugno solidification and storage of sulfur site in Augusta (SR) - Italy at ENI Taranto Refinery. Commissioned: GE.S.P.I. srl Commissioned: -Augusta (SR) - Italy ITING Ingegneria per ECONOVAAPULIA S.r.l “Design for the installation of a in- cineration plant approved Order by Commissioner delegate to the emergency Region No Sicily. ° 83/05 in the AC to achieve in Contrada Punta Cugno site in Augusta (SR) - Italy. Commissioned: GE.S.P.I. srl - Augusta (SR) - Italy Design Detail Engineering of steel Structural Engineering and Design Design special foundations, accor- structures to support “New Pipe Details of metal structures for the ding to the Ministerial Decree Ja- Smoker” for the revamping project “Plant regeneration sands” at the nuary 14, 2008, for the realization CTE - SA1N / 3 of the North esta- plant of TEKSID Creswell (NO). of AUGUSTA T4 PROJECT desal- blishment ERG-Central New s.p.a. Commissioned: Ing. Michele ter in the Establishment It s.p.a. Ita- Priolo (SR) - Italy. Fazzini – Torino per conto lian – Refinery Augusta - Italy. Commissioned: SF Società di FATA ALUMINIUM (TO) - Commissioned: SB Progetti- Fornitura Impianti – Italy Melilli (SR) - Italy on behalf Priolo(SR) - Italy Esso Italiana S.p.a. Design Detail Engineering of steel Design Detail Engineering of steel structures for the “shed Additives Structural design according to structures for the “Interventions “of the plant “Sicil Cal spa” at Au- the Ministerial Decree January 14, for recovery of effluents Liquid gusta. 2008, the structure of Steel and Desox “at the ENEL thermoelec- Commissioned: related foundations necessary to tric power plant La Spezia - Italy. Axedil srl Floridia (SR) - Italy the positioning of New exchangers Commissioned: 301a-600-E / B the project of “PO- Axedil srl Floridia (SR) - Italy WER VACUUM FROM STORAGE “ Refineries in the establishment ERG Mediterranee SpA – Refinery ISAB - South Plant, Augusta (SR) - Italy. Commissioned: SB Progetti - Melilli (SR) - Italy per Erg – Raffinerie Mediterranee S.p.a Certification of the fire element Structural design according to Structural design according to metal key structural of plant AREA the Ministerial Decree January 14, the Ministerial Decree January VACUUM 600 REFINERY ISAB 2008, to ADAPTING PROPERTY 14, 2008, in SAFETY MEASURES (South Plant) - (SR) SERVICES OFFICE STORES EX SEPARATOR HEAT D-154 in the of Property ISAB LTD NATO in the establishment ERG establishment ERG Raffinerie -Me Commissioned : Aedifico Refineries Mediterranee SpA – Re- diterranee SpA - ISAB Refinery S.r.l.—Siracusa - Italy – on finery ISAB - Equipment North Au- – Equipment North Augusta (SR) behalf Raffinerie gusta (SR) - Italy. - Italy. Mediterranee S.p.a Commissioned: PONTEROSSO Commissioned: PONTEROSSO ENG. Melilli (SR) - Italy on ENG. Melilli (SR) - Italy on behalf behalf Erg – Raffinerie Mediterra- Erg – Raffinerie Mediterra- nee S.p.a nee S.p.a Structural design according to Structural design according to Fire Protection Certification Fire- the Ministerial Decree January 14, the Ministerial Decree January 14, proof walls of the Local Made In 2008, for the construction of an 2008, the project “Noise Protec- Double Ups external staircase steel within the tion Structures” for the central In Plasterboard Wall Membrane, In- system Hydrogen SMR AIR LIQUI- Modugno Gas Turbine Combined side The Point of Sale “Brico Cen- DE ITALIAN PRODUCTION LTD Cycle Power Plant Modugno (Bari). ter” In Shopping Mall “Auchan” In located at the ISAB Refinery Equip- Commissioned: CMIS S.r.l. C.da Spalla - Melilli (Sr) - Italy ment North Augusta (SR) - Italy. Melilli(SR) - Italy – on behalf Commissioned: Brico center Commissioned: Alstom srl-Milano Arch. Massimo Power - Switzerland Bovo per AIR LIQUIDE Structural design according to ITALIA PRODUZIONE s.r.l. the Ministerial Decree January 14, 2008, from Project ENHANCING DEVELOPMENT of VAL D’AGRI DBN GAS PHASE 2 in the establi- shment: ENI Exploration Onsho- re & Production – Basilicata - Val d’Agri - Italy Commissioned:Consorzio BONATTI Sp.a.-IREM S.p.a – Carlo Gavazzi On behalf PPC – Power Project Consulting s.r.l Me- lilli (SR) - Italy

Structural design, tagged and pro- duction of CNC structural ele- ments 3d model – detail enginee- ring & shop drawing in TeklaStruc- tures Environment – Plant Sulfur K70 - Milazzo Refinery Commissioned: KT Kinetics Tecnology – ROMA On behalf PC – Power Project Consulting s.r.l Me- lilli (SR) - Italy BIM – TeklaStructures for Smar- Design and production-length Design procedures for disassembly tPlants3D - 3d model in TeklaStruc- CNC structural elements 3d model and demolition of pipelines Turbi- tures Environment – Plant Egyptian - detail engineering Environment & ne. - Biomass conversion Project Refining Company (TAKRIR) S.A.E. shop drawing in Tekla Structures - (Lot 2) Centrale Thermique de - Mostorod, Arab Republic of Egypt Plant USINE de LACQ - Pyrenees Provence - Gardanne (F)Atelier de Commissioned: KT Kinetics – France Arkema – Sekomat Fos (ADF) Tecnology – ROMA - Italy Commissioned: SIM FRANCE Commissioned: SIM FRANCE On behalf PPC – Power ETABLISSEMENT STABLE ETABLISSEMENT STABLE Project Consulting s.r.l ACTICENTRE N° 14 PARC ACTICENTRE N° 14 PARC Melilli (SR) - Italy DE L’ESTUAIRE DE L’ESTUAIRE 76700 GONFREVILLE L’OR- 76700 GONFREVILLE L’OR- CHER CHER France France Some work within tourist Work assignment of structural de- hospitality sign Structure of the polyvalent use mainly concert called “PALALIVE” in town Fontane Bianche, Syracuse, consistent in plant discovered by capacity of 8000 seats in summer seasons 2005-2006-2007. Commissioned: Work assignement of architectural Di Grano Raffaele design, fire prevention and struc- Palalive srl - Italy tural Sports Facilities called “PPC” in the locality Fontane Bianche, Work assignment of Design va- Syracuse, consistent sports facili- riant and construction supervision ty in the capacity of 4200 seats At of construction works of a 4 Star the European Championship Be- with attached spa Syracuse “Hotel ach Soccer in Syracuse in Summer Livingston” – Via Nice n° 17 - Italy. 1998. Commissioned: Commissioned: Nuova Hotel Ortigia srl Di Grano Paolo – Venta Club - Italy Work assignment of Structural De- Work assignement of architectu- sign and supervision for the con- ral and structural design Structure struction two manufactured in r.c. sport called “PPC” in the resort for the extension of ‘”Park Hotel Fontane Bianche, Syracuse, consi- of the Fountains, “to be erected in sting of sports facility a capacity of Viale Scala Greca, 325 in Syracuse 4800 seats sit at the Championship - Italy. European Beach Soccer in Syracu- Commissioned: se in Summer 1999. Di Grano Eduardo Commissioned: Di Grano Paolo - Venta Club - Italy As a Technical Manager and Tech- Commissioned: Work assignment of Structural De- nical Director of the plant sector Congregazione sign with seismic retrofitting of a Enterprise A.R.COS. - Adm. Unique delle Suore Orsoline brick building to be used in tourist Mr. Forte Sebastian Via A. Von Pla- di Siracusa - Italy accommodation called “Villa of the ten No. 46 / g, - realization of all sy- Papyri” new and manufactured for stems (electric, alarm, fire fighting, Work assignment of Structural De- use as a restaurant Traversa Cozzo air conditioning and heating plant) sign with seismic improvement of Pantano in Siracusa - Italy. in the maintenance and restoration a historical building in masonry to Commissioned: of ‘Hotel DOMUS MARIE at Via be used for extension of the Ho- Assenza Giuseppe Vittorio Veneto, corner of Via dei tel “Gargallo” In Via Gargallo, the Tolomei, of property of the Con- island of Ortigia in Syracuse - Italy. Design, maintenance extraordinary gregation of Suore Orsoline of Commissioned: and seismic improvement of “Hotel Syracuse, project and c.m. of Arch. Assenza Giuseppe Fontane Bianche” site on the coast Spinoccia Giuseppe. of Fontane Bianche in Syracuse - Italy. Commissioned: Compagnia Gestione Alberghi s.r.l. - Milano - Italy Some work performed for public Structural design of the scales Steel safety in the Palace Sports in the commissioning draft of Fire Prevention in the area of Siracusa Akradina, on behalf of the designer Ing C. Paguni. Commissioned: Comune di Siracusa - Italy Work assignment of Management and design works of the consolida- Report for the geotechnical design tion on the Building sector No. 3 of the necessary works rehabilita- of the block between lanes 2 and 3 tion and defense of S.S. 122 Agri- in Via della Giudecca, the island of gentan affected by instability of lan- Ortigia in Syracuse. Coordinated dslide origin between the Km 59 by Prof. Mr. Braga and Prof. Monti +500 and Km 62 +000 “for sizing University La Sapienza University works of art. of Rome, Prof. Mr. Liberatore Uni- Commissioned: versity of Basilicata, Mr. Scalora and Dipartimento Mr. Catania with function of the A.N.A.S delle Sicilia - Italy. parent company in assignment with the Arch. Francesco Cavarra and Assignment of structural design The Geom. Francesco Meli and systems of work Restoration Commissioned: and conservation of the building Comune di Archdiocese in Syracuse on behalf Siracusa - Italy - Diparti- of the Presidenza della Regione Si- mento ciliana – Palermo - Italy della Protezione Civile

Work assignment of Planning sy- stem electrical and lighting for Works of restoration of Ramparts Forte Vigliena and San Giovannello in Syracuse - Italy. Soprintendenza ai beni culturali ed ambientali di Siracusa - Italy. Design of prevention fires of the Sports Hall Syracuse ,Akradina Structural modelling for verifica- locality, in collaboration with Ing. tion the structures of the structure C. Paguni on behalf of the City of called the Bell Tower Church of San Syracuse - Italy. Pietro in Modica, in the Province of Commissioned: Ragusa - Italy. Comune di Siracusa - Italy “Consolidation with micro and Assignment of Arch. Enrico Reale, tie-bulbate foundations, wall side tecnico incaricato da Presidenza “Elimination of crossings flush on of the South-West-Castle of Fre- della Regione Siciliana - Palermo - S.S. 114 and realization connecting derick Augusta” in collaboration Italy. In assignment with Ing. Calo- roads Agnone-Vaccarizzo “in Syra- with Ing. C. Paguni on behalf of the gero Paguni. cuse in collaboration with Eng. C. Soprintendenza ai beni cul- Paguni, in the calculation works of turali ed ambientali di Sira- art (No. 2 bridges Steel light 40 cusa - Italy. m and n° 1 prestressed concrete overpass light 32 meters with its “Topographic surveys, geological foundation works on poles) and surveys and geotechnical for de- various supporting structures, on sign of the necessary works reha- behalf of the bilitation and defense of S.S. 122 - Italy. Agrigentan affected by instability Commissioned: of landslide origin between the Provincia Regionale Km 59 +500 and Km 62 +000 “in di Siracusa - Italy collaboration with Eng. C.Paguni for sizing of works of art on behalf of the Dipartimento A.N.A.S della Sicilia - Italy “Topographic surveys, geological surveys and for the geotechnical design of the necessary works the restoration of the riverbed and to Assignment for the extraordinary the defense of S.S. 115 “South We- Design for the restoration and maintenance Project and distribu- stern Sicilian “at Km 398 +150 m, maintenance extraordinary histo- tion function of the building owned (divided into three bays with light rical portal and the historic gran- by the Chamber of Commerce of of about 20.00 m and allows cros- dstand of Stadium “Nicola De Si- Syracuse - Italy. sing the creek Mortellaro). In colla- mone” in the Leo Cuella square in Camera di commercio boration with Eng. C.Paguni for si- collaboration with the Surveyor. V. di Siracusa - Italy zing works of art (Walls, shoulders Gugliotta. and bridge decks) for account Commissioned: Dipartimento A.N.A.S della Comune di Siracusa - Italy Sicilia - Italy.

Project maintenance, comply with Legislation Lega Pro and preven- tion system fire Stadium “ Simone De Nicola” in the Lion in Cuel- la square collaboration with the Geom. V. Gugliotta. Commissioned: Comune di Siracusa - Italy

Structural design of the cover steel of the main stand Stadium “Nicola De Simone” in Cuella Lion Square in Syracuse - Italy. Commissioned: Comune di Siracusa - Italy Some work Within Design for the realization of n ° 4 gre- Commission for the Project for photovoltaic enhouse structures with partial co- the construction No. 8 of solar verage PV, to be erected in Contrada greenhouses steel to support pho- Carrata, (SR) San Luigi s.r.l. tovoltaic panels, to be erected in Contrada Imperatore, Ragusa (RG) PROMEC s.r.l. - Italy, Property Agricultural Society C.da Fondovia of Arts Garden Energy S.r.l. 96018 Pachino (SR) - Italy T.I.Me S.P.A. Assignment for the design of me- Via Luigi Spagna, 50 tal structures needed for the cre- Design for the construction of Ser- 96100 Siracusa (SR) - Italy ation of a plant from 993.6 kWp ra with a partial coverage Photovol- photovoltaic Integrated Agricul- taic, called “OLIVE” to be erected tural Greenhouses On A Website in Contrada Albanello, Ispica (RG) Project for the construction of Ramacca In Contrada Iannarello - Italy, owned by Mr. Carmelo Gian- two types of Solar Trackers 6x6m2 Sheet 104, 315 Referred Part.Lla nuso and 6x8m2 to use for several wind “Elettronika” farms in the Italian territory. Sig. Carmelo Giannuso PROMEC s.r.l. Metal Tecno Service C.da Fondovia C.da Targia - Siracusa - Italy 96018 Pachino (SR) - Italy

Design for the construction of me- tal structures necessary for the construction of a photovoltaic plant from 993.6 kWp integrated green- houses on site in Ramacca Contra- da Iannarello called “Econika” PROMEC s.r.l. C.da Fondovia 96018 Pachino (SR) - Italy Publications Publications of ten texts structural calculation with related software for the calculation on behalf of Darius Flaccovio Publisher Palermo The titles are currently on sale in bookstores in the country. The titles are currently on sale in bookstores in the country. “Designing the wooden structures according to DM2008 “ “Structural steel lattice design and “Designing Steel structures second verification” DM2008” “Design and Verification of reticular “Connections in wood structures” structures spatial steel” in collaboration with Andrea Gioia “Connections in Steel Structures” “Designing steel structures” “Designing the wooden structures according to EC5” “Atlas of steel structures” “Designing structures in Masonry” in collaboration with Giovanni Conticello “Designing structures in the r.c.” in collaboration with Giovanni Trigili

Corso Umberto I, 39 - 96100 Siracusa - Italy - Tel. 0931.1965648 - Fax 0931.2099260 Partita Iva: 01077770897 - [email protected]