APRIL 27, 1962 16 PAGES Detroit Jewish Community Council Helps Amend New Sunday Laws
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~ ---. Te mple Beth El lO TERPL"t BITll-[t us~.ii 70 Orchard Ave, Providence, R. I, THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. XLVI, NO. 7 APRIL 27, 1962 16 PAGES Detroit Jewish Community Council Helps Amend New Sunday Laws DETROIT - Intervention by hen, "grants complete protection ta ins that the law should not be Professor Dovid Doube (center) the Jewish Commuruty Council to seventh day Sabbatarians." enforced. Under an order by here has brought about amend permitting Jewish storekeepers Chief Justice John C. Bell of the ments of two new bills passed by to stay open on Sunday if they Supreme Court, a former edict Oxford Professor David Dau be the Michigan State Legislature, close on Saturday. The hu by a lower court, banning Sun providing safeguards for practi mane slaughter bill was amend day closing law enforcement, tioners of the Jewish religion. it ed so that it recognizes speci.fl "remains In full force and ef Circles World On Sabbatical was emphasized here last week cally that kosher slaughter Is a fect." Berger said he will ask the By Celia Zuckerberg mer sounds like the blurb on a in a report by William Cohen, humane method. State Supreme Court to reject · A resume of Professor David particularly exciting travel fold chairman of the council's sub the new petition. Daube's travels in his year of er. committee on legislative issues. His appearanace at Temple The bill dealt with Sunday clos Court Action In Philadelphia Sabbatical leave from Oxford Duluth Postpones Action University sounds completely Beth El came about through his ing laws and with humane PHILADELPHIA - A new fascinating, and so Prof. Daube meeting with Rabbi William G. slaughter. court action has forced the city DULUTH - Action on a has found it. Not only that but Braude in Israel. He had read In the case of the Sunday clos of Philadelphia to postpone en proposed city ordinance, pend he can convey his feeling of en some of Rabbi Braude's writings, ing law. the amended legislation forcement of the Sunday clos ing in the City Council here has joyment and delight to the and after meeting him agreed to provides that business establish ing law. recently affirmed by the been postponed indefinitely after listener. visit Providence. ments must refrain from selling State Supreme Court. it was an the Council decided to experi Regius Professor of Law at He mentioned the "terrific de specified articles on Sundays or nounced last week by City Solic ment with a "voluntary Sunday Oxford, Prof. Daube is living velopment which he saw in Is from opening their businesses itor David Berger. closing" plan. Discount houses in New Haven at the Yale Uni rael. He had been there in 1949 "on a successive Saturday or The action was flied by "Bar in this city have made a "gen versity School of Law at the for the opening of the Jaw fa Sunday," This wording, said Co- gain City, U.S .A .. " which main- tleman's agreement" to stay present time. He will speak at culty at Hebrew University. The closed Sundays "unless forced Temple Beth El tonight and new University campus as well by competition to do otherwise." Sunday morning on "Justice in as the new Unjversity library, Meanwhile, a resolution adopt · the Biblical Narratives" and which he calls one of the most Ewing To Give Keynote Address ed by the Mounds Village Coun "Passover Haggadah and the beautiful of modern buildings, cil, in the Duluth suburbs, has New Testament." impressed him. At Center's Annual Meeting declared opposition to enactment In India he was a guest of an On the subject of topics Prof. of a Sunday closing Jaw. The old friend of his, Radakr!shman Bayard Ewing, chairman of resolution declare<! •h"t sue.h a Daube tells the story of the time (Continued on Page 9) the United Fund of R.I., Inc., his colleagues were annoyed at Jaw would "not ad~nce public and one of the community's ouL safety, health or wel!are." the fact that he drew more list standing leaders, will be the key eners to a speech of his than note speaker on the subject of they had to theirs-the reason Professor Gordon "Responsiblllties of Leadership" Urges Easing of he says was the subject which at the 37th Annual Meeting of Immigration Laws he chose, "Lawless Women of Links Cultures Of the Jewish Community Center the Bible." He adds that it was of Providence, at the East Side LAKEWOOD - An appeal to difficult to find any who weren't. Center building, Sunday, May 6, President Kennedy to "throw (in the Bible, that isl. Greeks, Hebrews at 7:30 P.M. the full weight of his prestige On his first visit to the United and moral leadership" In sup WALTHAM, Mass. The A former State Representative port of proposed Congressional States, Dr. Daube's intinerary widely held view that Greek cul and present Republican Nation since he left England last sum- legislation liberalizing the im ture developed independently of al Committeeman, Mr. Ewing is migration laws was voiced here the Hebrew was exploded here an attorney, member of the last weekend by Rabbi Maurice Catholic Leaders Start last week by Prof. Cyrus H. Gor board of trustees of Title Gua N. Eisendrath, president of the don of Brandeis University, in rantee Co ., Old Stone Bank, and Union of American Hebrew Con New Effort To End a report on an archeological dis Impact. Inc.. and a leader In gregations. The Reform leader covery which he termed "more many of the community's social made his plea in delivering the important to historians than the service agencies. principal address ,.t the conven Anti-Jewish Prejudice Dead Sea Scrolls." "Spotlight on Leadership" will tion of the New Jersey Reform CHICAGO - New Catholic ef The report climaxed 17 years be the theme of the Center's An Congregations. forts to end anti-Jewish pre of research based on 3,500-year nual Meeting program and it will Rabbi Elsendrath declared judice were underway in the old inscriptions on a group of be borne out by the election and that the present immigration Chicago area following a special stone cult objects unearthed in installation of Center officers Boyord Ewing laws were "based on the repre meeting on Catholic Jewish re Crete, which he deciphered. The and board members, presenta hensible national origins quota lations sponsored by the Chicago inscriptions show that an essen tion of citations to Center lead in the Center lobby at 7:30 P.M. system, which declares that Catholic Interracial Council. tially Northwest Semitic culture ers, induction of a new "Past The business session will open some people are better, on racial Mare than 200 Catholic lead underlies early Greek and early Presidents' Council", and pres at 8:15 P.M. grounds, than others." The Uni ers discussed such relations and Hebrew civilization. entation of the Isador S. Low Joseph Ress, president of the ted States policy on immigra a panel of four Catholic and According to Gordon, the Youth Award. General Jewish Committee, will tion, he said, constitutes "the Jewish clergymen and laymen Phoenicians were living and The evening's program will express the GJC's greetings at most racist Jaw in American his discussed the topic. The session writing on Crete before the open with a "Dessert Reception" the program. tory." also featured the showing of a Greeks invaded there. He said firm on Catholic-Jewish rela Greek and Hebrew cultures tions, "The Chosen People," sprang from a common Semitic To Honor Eleanor Roosevelt At Bond Dinner which was produced by the Na heritage that spanned the entire Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the economic development of opment of the north, and that tional Council of Catholic Men. East Mediterranean from Greece widow of the late President, will the country. their importance will be even The new anti-prejudice cam to Palestine in Minoan times. be guest of honor at an Israel Mr. Holland pointed out that greater in pursuing the initial paign In Catholic churches was Gordon, who kicked up a sch Bond Mother's Day Dinner to be Israel Bond funds have been of steps already undertaken in the started by Albert Cardinal olarly hornet's nest when he ad held on Sunday evening, May 13 decisive Importance in the devel- Negev. Meyer, Archbishop of Chicago vanced this theory in "Homer at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel Reservations for the Mother's who Is encouraging priests In and the Bible," a monograph at six o'clock, it was announced Day Dinner may be made at his diocese to preach against published in 1955, stated that today by Marvin S. Holland, Room 305, 32 Custom House racial and religious prejudice the new confirmation of his general chairman of the Rhode Street, or by calling J A 1-8914. this year. Jong-held held hypothesis will Island Israel Bond Committee. Cardinal Meyer has told the put Biblical and Classical stud The dinner, Mr. Holland said, Germans Grant priests that "In the Mass, in the ies on a new footing. will inaugurate the 1962 cam prayer after • consecration, we Although Gordon cited many paign for Israel Bonds in Pension to Nazi speak of Abraham, as our fa cultural parallels between the Rhode Island. The Israel Bond FREIBURG, Germany - An ther. This fact points to the ab Greeks and the Hebrew-King drive must raise a minimum of administrative court here this surdity of anti-Semitism on .the Minos received the law from $66,500,000 during the current week granted a colonel's pension part of Catholics.