
~ ---. . Te mple Beth El lO TERPL"t BITll-[t us~.ii 70 Orchard Ave, Providence, R. I,


VOL. XLVI, NO. 7 APRIL 27, 1962 16 PAGES Detroit Jewish Community Council Helps Amend New Sunday Laws

DETROIT - Intervention by hen, "grants complete protection ta ins that the law should not be Professor Dovid Doube (center) the Jewish Commuruty Council to seventh day Sabbatarians." enforced. Under an order by here has brought about amend­ permitting Jewish storekeepers Chief Justice John C. Bell of the ments of two new bills passed by to stay open on Sunday if they Supreme Court, a former edict Oxford Professor David Dau be the Michigan State Legislature, close on Saturday. The hu­ by a lower court, banning Sun­ providing safeguards for practi­ mane slaughter bill was amend­ day closing law enforcement, tioners of the Jewish religion. it ed so that it recognizes speci.fl­ "remains In full force and ef­ Circles World On Sabbatical was emphasized here last week cally that kosher slaughter Is a fect." Berger said he will ask the By Celia Zuckerberg mer sounds like the blurb on a in a report by William Cohen, humane method. State Supreme Court to reject · A resume of Professor David particularly exciting travel fold­ chairman of the council's sub­ the new petition. Daube's travels in his year of er. committee on legislative issues. His appearanace at Temple The bill dealt with Sunday clos­ Court Action In Philadelphia Sabbatical leave from Oxford Duluth Postpones Action University sounds completely Beth El came about through his ing laws and with humane PHILADELPHIA - A new fascinating, and so Prof. Daube meeting with Rabbi William G. slaughter. court action has forced the city DULUTH - Action on a has found it. Not only that but Braude in Israel. He had read In the case of the Sunday clos­ of Philadelphia to postpone en­ proposed city ordinance, pend­ he can convey his feeling of en­ some of Rabbi Braude's writings, ing law. the amended legislation forcement of the Sunday clos­ ing in the City Council here has joyment and delight to the and after meeting him agreed to provides that business establish­ ing law. recently affirmed by the been postponed indefinitely after listener. visit Providence. ments must refrain from selling State Supreme Court. it was an­ the Council decided to experi­ Regius Professor of Law at He mentioned the "terrific de­ specified articles on Sundays or nounced last week by City Solic­ ment with a "voluntary Sunday Oxford, Prof. Daube is living velopment which he saw in Is­ from opening their businesses itor David Berger. closing" plan. Discount houses in New Haven at the Yale Uni­ rael. He had been there in 1949 "on a successive Saturday or The action was flied by "Bar­ in this city have made a "gen­ versity School of Law at the for the opening of the Jaw fa­ Sunday," This wording, said Co- gain City, U.S .A .. " which main- tleman's agreement" to stay present time. He will speak at culty at Hebrew University. The closed Sundays "unless forced Temple Beth El tonight and new University campus as well by competition to do otherwise." Sunday morning on "Justice in as the new Unjversity library, Meanwhile, a resolution adopt­ · the Biblical Narratives" and which he calls one of the most Ewing To Give Keynote Address ed by the Mounds Village Coun­ "Passover Haggadah and the beautiful of modern buildings, cil, in the Duluth suburbs, has New Testament." impressed him. At Center's Annual Meeting declared opposition to enactment In India he was a guest of an On the subject of topics Prof. of a Sunday closing Jaw. The old friend of his, Radakr!shman Bayard Ewing, chairman of resolution declareGermany - An ther. This fact points to the ab­ Greeks and the Hebrew-King drive must raise a minimum of administrative court here this surdity of anti-Semitism on .the Minos received the law from $66,500,000 during the current week granted a colonel's pension part of Catholics. We are the Zeus on a sacred mountain, as year for Israel's economic devel- to Franz von Papen, vice-chan­ spiritual descendants of Abra­ did Moses from God on Sinai­ opment. · cellor of the nazi government ham and the Jewish people." his conclusive proof rests on under Adolf Hitler. Leaders of the Interracial Identification of the common Mr. Holland paid tribute to In 1957, the Finance Ministry Counc!l said they hoped to en­ tongue. Gordon has shown that Mrs. Roosevelt as "the First of the state of Baden-Wurttem­ courage wide use of the Catho­ the laru;uage was Phoenician, Lady of the World," and stress­ berg, ruled that von Papen was l!c film and panels throughout one of the family of Semitic ed the appropriateness of a tri­ not entitled to a pension, on the the Chicago Catholic commu­ tongues that Includes Hebrew. bute to her on Mother's Day. grounds that in 1933, when Hit­ nity. The Anti-Defamation Ugaritic and Aramaic. His de­ Mr. Holland has Just returned ler assumed power, he support­ League helped to sponsor the cipherments of the Inscriptions from an extensive tour of Israel ed the Jaws including discrim­ special meeting. will be published In July. where he observed the advances Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt inatory legislation against Jews. American Academy of Otolaryn­ So Much More at The gology and Temple Beth El. Formerly he was on the· stall of St. Joseph's Miriam and WINDSOR Charles V. Chapin· hospitals. ;1.. ·1·· Besides his mother, he is sur­ vived by his wife, Charlotte p

- Full Coune Sunday Dinnen Why Not Start Now? The K ind Yo~II Like No Lffluor _ Open · 11 a.m . to 11 p.m.-Sat. and Sun. 11 a.m. to 12 p.111. "What happier reason for saving . .. than to ■ 102. W£STMfNST£k ST· NfKtt»A,.CAoE ■ gi ve your growing family t hat wonderful vaca­ OLD COLONY CONVENIENCE SAVINGS tion trip they've always wanted?" suggests Ben Thrifty, T he Old Colony Money-Watcher. "With Here's Real Security! a Convenience account, you can save a ny amount a ny time. Generous twice-yearly dividends help A joint Annuity Policy that pays you a monthly income your fu nds to build up rapidly. Stop in at one of 4o/o Current Yea,ly OIY!dends as long as you live, and then Old Colony's six friendly offices to start your compounded every 6 months as long as your wife lives, account this week !'' plus life insurance protec­ tion. CALL TODAY YOUR SAV I NGS I NSURED UP TO $10,000 • MEMBER, FEDERAL SAV INGS & LOAN FRANK LAZARUS INSURANCE CORPORATION. Life Insurance - Annuities 58 WEYBOSSCT ST.. PROVIOENC[ • PAWTUCKET • WOON SOCKET • W. WARWICK • N. PROVIOENCE • E. GREENWICH 635 Industrial Trust Building Office-GA 1-3812 Res.-PL 1-0716 Nebraska. His name at that time: Use Herald Classified ads. "' Benjamin Michael Zlflcin. • • • ~ In JOHNNY MELFI and Roger ..--e-e------, Perry previewed a rough draft of their new musical "Nothing Can Hollywood Stop Me Now" at Susan Oliver's u g house in Laurel Canyon and as­ I~~~,:;~;~ suredly nothing can stop this one jJ Time Payments - Insured Bt,I By Barney Glazer from becoming a hit. ~ 628 Brood St. lI ;; fl 24-HOUR SERVICE !I S: HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA­ The Jewish Herald serves a J; GA 1-6864 1J ~ To set rumors at rest, Dinah suaveness and charm. community of 35.000 r.+Q;..;;..JQUOU-o;.;o;..J;..J.s.:J,1 = Shore is Jewish and did NOT Like bourbon, Martin has aged convert to Christianity. George well. His vocals come In like a Montgomery is NOT Jewish but kiss on the breeze or he can belt ~ of Russian Christian descent. out a fortissimo of operatic INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS .!:i Their daughter Melissa, 14, (they lustiness. • FIRE • CASUALTY • LIFE "l call her "Missy") is their own. • • f • FIDELITY ond SURETY BONDS :,, Their son, John David, 7, is COMEDIAN Benny Balcer, my 6 adopted and half Jewish. long lost friend, has returned to ;,. Neither George nor Dinah dis­ Hollywood as a prominent mem­ Be Sure! INSURE .-< cuss their separation with prying ber of • 'The Music Manu cast With .,,;,. Engaged Mrs. Samuel newsmen. A reliable source of at the Cocoanut Grove, headed by :,, Kirshenbaum of 54 Warring­ Information stated: Van Johnson, Benny and his wife "How can they or why should SAMU EL C. RESS ~ ton Street, announces the en­ Edith, former Broadway dancer, AHOCIATID WITH they explain the dissolution of have rwo children-Jeff, 16, and _"'... gagement of her daughter, their marriage to outsiders? And Zoe, 11 . HAit.OLD HOLT & CO. Marilyn R., to Robert S. doubtedly, as in many famllles, Baker was a charter member 10 Dorrance Street - GA 1-7771 - Rn. GA 1-2652 Brody, son of Mr. and Mrs. there must have been a series of of the AZ.A in Omaha ana Lincoln, Ned Brody of 110 Lakeview disagreements over an extended Avenue, Haverhill, Mass. period of time which gradually Miss Kirshenbaum is also the unbalanced their happy marriage." daughter of the late Samuel Continued the informer: "No, Ziva Rodann did not come berween Ki rshenbaum. them. Neither was there any A graduate of Boston Univer­ Taylor-Burton film romance in­ sity College of Liberal Arts. Miss volved in Montgomery's latest Klrshenbaum also attended Har­ picture co-starring Ziva. vard Graduate School of Educa­ "Missie attends a temple and tion. Mr. Brody is a graduate of will be confirmed soon. Dinah Is Brown University. forever cautious and concerned about divulging the names of schools or temples that might Finds Most pin-point the dally whereabouts of her children to a prying public. "All mall addressed to Dinah Detroit Jews is delivered at a postoffice box. There Is no mailbox or slot at Native Born her home ... DETROIT - A third of the • • adult Jewish population in De­ BEN GOFFSTEIN, command­ t roit was born in Detroit or Mic­ ant bien-aime of the Las Vegas A Galo W eek of sales and savings! Once again we shore the profits with our customers in appreciation of valued patronage. higan, another quarter was born Riviera Hotel, scored a whopper Te rrific reductio ns on all fabrics. Don't mi ss it! elsewhere in the , when he snagged Tony Martin and slightly less than a half right from under th e noses of a were born abroad. it was estab­ dozen drooling hotel bookers. Re-upholster in NYLON lished in a study made public Every hotel owner on theGam­ last week by the Jewish Welfare boltown Strip wants Tony Martin for rwo very good reasons: (1) he w i ♦ h Foam Federation here. attracts a faithful following of Rubber Cu.1,hi ons The study, conducted for the hard-money men who frequent the Drapes-Slip Covers Federation by Dr. Albert J. May­ casino with an avowed faith in From er of Wayne State University, their patron saint Lady Luck; and ONLY $79· 1shows that of · 100 ·Jewish fami­ (2) he also Is th e idol of the nylon Re-upholstering lies in Detroit. about 50 are hose mob (over 35), who flock headed by foreign-born adults, unashamedly to succumb to his 40 contain parents native to the Custom Built U.S. but whose parents were for­ Jews, Christians eign born. and of the two re­ Upholstered Furniture maining families only two had In Model Seder grandparents born in the United NEW YORK Some 100 JUST PHONE ••• an d. without ob li gatio,,. a OU AL­ States. children from three churches IFIW INTERIOR DECORATOR w;I I cal l •I vou, "It can be said." Dr. Mayer joined 400 member youths of the home, day or eYenin;, with these new mattriali ,nd he lpful 1u99e1tion1. added, "that today the influence Steph en Wise Free Synagogue of European J ewish culture is h ere in participating in a .node! Carp.ting, ,. still strongly imprinted on the Seder. Color and Room Arrangt!ment. American Jewish community, The Christian guests included CHARGE OR Open Any E..,enin g but this period is quickly draw­ children from the Church of the BUDGET UP TO by Apc,,o in fment ing to a close. The Detroit J ew­ Master. the Unitarian Church of 18 MONTHS Thur,doy 't;J 91 ish community contains individ­ All Souls and the Good Shep­ uals born on all continents and herd-Faith Presbyterian Church. in all European countries. To­ I n a m essage to the participants. gether these persons of varied Rabbi Klein stressed the need to national origins make up over recognize the brotherhood of one-quarter of the foreign born." different races and creeds. The Jewish Welfare Federa­ tion also has made public an­ other study by Dr. Mayer. on the educational level of the De­ troit J ewish population. This survey shows that half of the New Year! men and a third of the women in the Detroit Jewish population went beyond high school. the comparative fi gure fo r the gen­ WICKFORD eral population being one in six who went beyond high school. Men. it is shown. are more likely to have gone to college. Point ing out that positions in family businesses attract the younger people instead of educa­ MARINA HOUSE tion, Dr. Mayer stated that, " It is highly probable that the Opening its 1962 Season younger people do have less edu­ cation than the middle age group." He denied. however, that NOW OPEN education is losing ground in the J ewish group and he suggested Wishes all its patrons a Happy Marina House New Year. further investigation into this question. Just pick up the phone and call CY 4-2401 to make reservations.

I I BRITISH SCHOLAR :------New Private Dinin~ Room------I s N ow Avail- : LONDON - Dr. Isidore Ep­ : able For Your Parties, Banquets or Busi- l : Dates Available For That... : stein. noted scholar and former I ness Meetings. I : Wedding, Shower or Fashion Show : principal of J ews· College h ere. • • died last weekend at the age ·or ------· ------~ 68 . The Morino Hous2 is the ideal place fo r all your spring, su1t1me r and autumn e ntertaining. Enjoy the excell ent food and His published works included picturesque location on Historic Wickford Harbor, overlooking the ea st coast's most fabulous collection of yac hts. an English translation of the Babylonian Talmud. He was on the staff of J ews· College for 33• years - as principal for 16 years until his retirement last sum­ mer.

j ·------~ ' .~' f. ( wants, and they know it, Is con­ cerned about 'Jewish flshe,:,men catching fish near their borders. Egypt who Is separated from FROM FRI.DAY TO FRIDAY Israel by a wilderness, ls afraid lest Israel shipping goes through THf:: ONLY ANGLO J 1 ,' ,c H WEEKL 'r IN R I AND SOU1 HE AST MASS eR,AYER AT THE its canal-and the world ls quiet about It. Published Every Week By The UNITED NATIONS Jordan. whose territory ls in­ J e wish Press Publlshlng Co mpany tertwined with the territory of Is­ Box 6063, Provldenc~. R .I. - Te lephone 724-0200 rael, stands ready to defend her­ PLANT AND OFFICE: HERALD WAY, OFF WEBSTER ST., PAWTUCKET, R. I. By Beryl Segal self from an invasion of Israeli CELIA ZUCKERBERG Man11glng Editor Something I cannot erase from - does It go? Whither is it headed? children playing on the streets of BRENDA SLACK Editor my mind ever since I read it In Here Is the problem of Berlin Jerusalem. What If their ball they the dally press soon after the that drags on for years, and there are playing with does stray Into Second Class Postage Paid at Providence, Rhode Island Jordan territory? How can the Subscription Rates: Fifteen Cents the copy; By Mail, $5.00 per annum; outside Israeli-Syrian border clashes. Is no solution In sight. The far New England, $6.00 pe r annum. Bulk rates on request. An elderly Jew came Into the East-does anyone lcnow what Is chlldren recover It? They can't­ United Nations Assembly Hall. He going on there? What does China and that's the tragedy of It. The Herald assumes no financial responsiblllty for typographical e rrors ln And Russia-the great Russia advertisements, but will reprint that part of the advertisement in which the put on his prayer shawl, the Tails, want, and where does India turn, typographical error occurs. Advertisers wlll please notify the management and he put on his Tephilln, and and what Is In the future for the -plays around with them. Sends immediately of any error which may occur. proceeded to pray. He prayed, al- smaller nations, And Africa with them arms, sells them planes, teaches them how to wage wars. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1962 though a crowd of tourist gathered Its multicolored new nations, each arolllld him. He prayed even with its Jealou~ for the "terrl­ And everybody knows against though the· guards tried to tell him torial Integrity' and concern for whom these wars will be waged. that It ls highly unusual to pray Its "national sovereignty," but And If that was not enough, here. He stood with his face to- doing nothing against the poverty now comes Achmed Ben Bela, the 'IOUR MONEY'S ward the East and prayed. of the people and for the develop- Algerian leader of the F,L.N, and He prayed for Israel which Is ment of the land. There was a adds his word to the general con­ surrounded by enemies. time when the sight of "natives" fusion. He, who was freed only a He prayed for peace which Is dancing and prancing about In their month ago by De Gaul, comes to WORTH so far away, yet so near If only nakedness was pleasing. Today It Cairo to announce his intention to people wanted It-really wanted Is a pitiful sight. 'Their repre­ send JOO ,000 Algerians to the it. sentatives parade around at the liberation of Palestine. To Achmed by Sylvia Porter He prayed for mankind which United Nations In their native cos­ Ben Bela, the rebel, liberation Is ts tossed arolllld like splinters In wmes and the people at home only for the Algerians. When It a stormy sea and do not lcnow how starve for hunger and are deci­ comes to other nations, he is Just 1962's CONSUMER GYPS to get to a shore. mated by diseases. We are told as blind as Nasser and as all the The guards at the United that a person In the Congo that "nadonal heroes.. of the world. LAND PROMOTIONS Nations kept the visitors at a re- reaches •his fortieth birthday Is And together they sit in the 1962 will go down In the records of consumer gyps In the United spectful distance until the Jew an old man, and that children die United Nations and decide the fate States as the bonanza year of a generation for hucksters of desert finished his prayers. He folded because of malnutrition. And yet of the peoples of the earth. waste land In Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada, submerged his Tails and put away his Tephi- they fight. Fight for what? Fight Pray, old Jew, for that Is the swamp land In Florida, other near worthless real estate In areas !In, and went his way. whom? only weapon left to you in this ranging from the Big Islands of Hawaii to the Bahamas. Nobody knows who this Jew was And the middle East-the area tragic world and In these tragic and why he came to pray at the on the globe that our praying Jew times. Pray at the United Nations, "The southwestern U.S. now leads In questionable land promo­ United Nations. But the picture was most concerned with In his for there ls the place where pray­ tions ," says John R; Hoffman, vice president of the National Better of him In his Tails and Tephilin prayers-that part of the world, er Is most needed: Business Bureau, who has Just completed a tour of the region. He In the Assembly Hall of the United what Is to become of It? A con­ "Open their hearts to see the found some promoters are making good on promises to build modern Nations Is a scene that asks for glamoration of Arab nations that truth. Open their eyes to seek communities in the desert, but in manywidelypromoted areas progress the artist to paint and the poet to are held together solely by their justice.•• ls next to nil. sing of, and of every man to con- common hatred of Israel. And

SPECIAL MEETING The Jewish Community Center A meeting will be held by the and the Farband Labor Zionist Order Farband Labor Zionist Branches No. 41 and Ben-Gurion Branch \ present No. 41B, on Saturady at the \ The Farband Players Colony Motor Hotel at 8 P .M. \ IN A MUSICAL FOLK-PLAY A Kabolath Ponim of the Na­ \ tional Farband president, Meyer ' MINNA L. Brown, will be held. Our pafron:J and /,.iend:J "Hershel from Ostropol" BERN The committee Includes Al­ ter Boyman, Harry Finkelstein, AND A REVUE Albert Sokolow, Arthur Korman. are cordial/'! invited lo alfenJ Max Portnoy, Solomon Light­ - Thursday Evening man, Harry Richman, Charles Lappin, Abraham Grebstein, Is­ Open flou:Je /,.om lour lo :Jeven May 10- 8:15 p. m. rael Resnick and Hyman Gross­ I AT NATHAN BISHOP berg. o'clock Sunda'f, .Apri/ 29fl JR. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Elmgrove Ave. and Sessions Street MADEmA TO SPEAK REIZL & MAX HN The Annual meeting of the nneteen flundred and Sixt'! :lwo BOZYK BONUS Brandeis University National A riot of musical fun Women's Committee will be held featuring BEN BONUS - MINNA BERN·, on Friday. May 4, at the Ledge­ mont Country Club with a sher­ MAX and REIZIL BOZYK - FELIX FIBICH ry hour and lunch at 12 :30 P.M. Get tickets now and meeting at 1 :30 P.M. Quest speaker, Francis Ma­ 11 SO. ANGELL STREET - WAYLAND SQ. Gen. Admission - $1.50 Res. Section - $2.00 deira, conductor of the Rhode TICKETS AVAILABLF AT CENTER Island Philharmonic, will speak PROVIDENCE GAspee 1-4334 FELIX AND FROM FARBAND MEMBERS on 'The Adventures of a Con­ FIBICH ductor". ------·- -:U.-.

CLASSIFIED Headlines ·Of

NARRAGANSETT, 11 Perkins Avenue. BARRINGTON BEA.CH - 3-1-5 room Three room ap11rtment, nicely fur­ apartments. 15 minutes Providence. nished. One bedroom, one den for $160 up. TE 1-7983. 17 Lorraine sleeping, modern kitchen and bath• Street. ufn The Week room. Bochner, as Sackett Street, HO 1~561. On . premises Sunday af• BARRINGTON BEACH - Modern 3 .. ter 2. urn bedroom ranch. Furnished. Enclosed yard. Heated. For rent June TS.La­ Eliminates Israel to Train i NARRAGANSETT - 5.7.9 Perkins bor Day. PA 2-1951 • .,. Avenue, 4 and 5 room furnished Anti-Semetic Text 3 Tanganyikans cd apartments. Electric kitchens. Stall PRINCETON AVENUE - Fine 7 ~ showers. Screened porches. 1 Per­ rooms, first. Three bedrooms, sun ROME - Members of a com­ DAR-ES-SALAAM - The Is­ kins - Rooms, kitchen privileges. room, tile kitchen, garage. JA mission which selected a vicious raeli Government, in co-Opera­ Dead end street. Ideal location for 1-5398. children. ST 1-3739; GA 1-1268, anti-Semitic literary text for use tion with the United States has NARRAGANSETT PIER - Attractive by candidates taking state ex­ volunteered to provide medical apartments, rooms for rent. All aminations in Rome have re­ training for three Tanganyikans modern facilities. Call evenings ST 1--4803. signed "after expressing their at the Hadassah Medical School regret for the deplorable inci­ in J erusalem, the government of GENTLEMAN Orthodox, seeks FOR SALE - East Side. Modern, half dent," Lugi Gui, the Italian Pub­ Tanganyika disclosed this week. room with bath and board with nice brick Colonial. 4 bedrooms, recru­ orthodox family in good section tion room. Garage. sacrifice below lic Education Minister, announc­ The. medical course would take near downtown. Write deta!ls to $20,000. Owner PL 1•7167 - GA ed this week. Box · 638 the Herald. 1-2916. seven years and would be started The announcement followed a in November. An Israeli Em­ WOMEN WITH SALES ABILITY. strong protest by the Union of bassy spokesman said the cost Dr. William G. Braude - Steady Income, pleasant work, Robbi of Temple Beth El , will chance for advancement. Avon Cos­ Italian Jewish Communities. of the course would amount to 59 UPTON AVENUE metics. GA 1-2901. The commission, made up of about $28,000 for each student resume his to Iks on the COLONIAL three professors, chose from for the seven years. Psalms on Wednesday. thousands of available literary Applicants will be required to The group will meet in the Center Hall, 3 bedrooms, second. works an 18th Century state- hold a Cambridge overseas temple library at 8 P.M. every ORGANIZATION , ment by Gustave Becquer which 1 bedroom, third. Screened porch school certiflcate with credits in Wednesday during the spring the Union said was saturated 2-cor garage. Low 30's. ' six subjects, two of which must season. NEWS with contempt for Jews and be in science. The Tanganyika Rabbi Braude will read and likely to arouse hattred against Owner PL 1-5566 JOINT INSTALLATION Government will select the stu­ comment on each psalm. The them. The examination requires dents. public has been invited to attend. Cranston - Warwick Chapter a translation from the Spanish and the Cranston Hope Lodge into Italian. of B'nai B'rith will hold a Joint The three educators. in an­ installation on Sunday at 7 :30 nouncing their resignation, told P .M . at Johnson's Hummocks the press that their choice of the ORGANIZATION Niws11K Restaurant ,~.- ;~:t·~ . : ~ .· ~~ r~~:~·. Becquer piece was made in er­ . . .._,,.. ,, -,_.,., A buffet dinner followed by ror and that they were "support­ dancing will take place. Install­ ers of democratic and anti-racist ELECTS OFFICERS bearer: Alce Arden, patriot; Ro­ ing officer and guest speaker will ideas." Eleanor Rottenberg was elect­ chelle. keeper of the faith. be Mrs. Rita Chipkin. past pres­ ed as Worthy Matron and Dr. Guest were present from Links ident Women's District No. 1 Harry Goldman as Worthy Pa­ located in various nearby States. B'nai B'rith. Bar Kochba Coins tron of the Hope Link No. 46 Mrs. Shirley Lehrer will be in­ Found In Desert Order of the Golden Chain at an YIDDISH MUSICAL a complete collection of hand­ stalled as president of Cranston­ some wate r-repellent golf LONDON - A collection of assembly held Saturday night at The J ewish Community Cen­ Warwick Chapter, and Robert the Masonic Temple in Provi­ jackets ...... See it at Singer as president of the Cran­ coins and other objects dating ter and the Farband Labor Zio­ 194 WAYLAND AVE. • PROV ., R. I. ston Hope Lodge. to the period of Simon Bar dence. nist Order of Providence will Clothiers for Men and Boys For information regarding Kochba in the Second Century The election and installation present the Farband Players · in reservations Mrs. Lehrer at WI- of the Common Era, was were conducted by Anna Sholes "Hershale Astropolyer" at the 2-4961 or Marvin A. Brill at brought to light this week when P . M. installing matron-Bea­ Nathan Bishop Junior High WI 1-0331 may be contacted. a Jordanian Arab offered to sell tricr Rosenstein P.M . Installing School Auditoriwn on Thursday, the items to Dr. John Allegro, a Marshal and Benjamin Blau May 10. at 8:15 P.M. P.P . installing chaplain. other FURNISHING PIONEER WOMEN British archeologist currently working in the Judean desert officers elected were Frances DANCE CLASS PARTY Pioneer Women will hold their Priest. associate matron: Joseph near tlie Dead Sea, it was re­ The Jewish Community Cen­ HOMES next regular meeting at the ported here from Amman. Priest, associate patron: Irvina Sheraton Biltmore Hotel on Ross. conductress: Mildred ter's Tween Dance Classes will is our business! Tuesday at 1 :30 P .M. The collection included a end their current series with a number of Bar Kochba coins Weinstein. associate conduc­ The Annual Donors dinner will tress: Lillian Ludman, secretary; dance party at the East Side Visit Cranston's Bu si.::st Furniture take place on May 15 at Temple datable to 134 C.E.. various Center bullding on Thursday at wooden objects, a number of Ruth Hellman, treasurer. Dr. Store for Brand-Name Furniture Emanuel at 6:30 P .M. There will 7:30 P.M. at PRICES and TERMS you con women's cosmetic items includ­ Frederick Mushnick, trustee 3 be a speaker and an old-fash­ years. Theme of the event will be nfford! ioned Fashion Show with mem­ ing wooden dishes a spatula, a "Lil' Abner" Refreshments will bowl, combs and implements Appointed officers are Ida Fish bers of Pioneer Women partici­ P .M. marshal; Sylvia Factor, be served. pating. and containers for the applica­ STERLING tion of Kohl. a form of eye sha­ soloist: Frank Pritchard, organ­ dow. ist: Sylvia Tippe, chaplain; Wll­ TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL YOUNG ZIONISTS The objects. which have al­ liam Herovitz, warder. Adele Rabbi H . Joseph Simkes of The Young Adult Zionist Or­ ready been flown to Amman, will Bromberg P .M., historian, Ar­ Temple Beth Amin Randolph, FURNITURE ganization of Providence will be given by the Dead Sea Scroll thur Higgins, sentinal. Mass., will be guest rabbi at 829 PARK AVE. hold there next meeting on Sun­ Fund to the Jordanian Govern­ Appointed Jewels were Ce­ Temple Beth Israel, at Sabbath HO 1-4503 day at 8 P.M. in the Cranston ment. It is expected that they celia Fishbein. homemaker: Bev­ Eve Services, Friday, May 4 at " In the Heart of Jewish Center. will be included in an exhibit of erly Manekofsky, angel of mer­ 8:10 P.M. Downtown Cranston" Reverent Earl H . Tomlin will Scrolls to be shown in London cy : Phyllis Manekofsky, friendly Cantor Louis Blwnenthal will PARK FREE be the guest speaker with his later this year. sister: Helen Nemtzow, torch- chant the lithurgy. Rear of Our Store topic, "A Christian Looks at Is­ rael." CJFWF Urges Senate To Revise 3 Provisions To "Strengthen" Pending Welfare Bill NEW YORK - The Board of ered approach which groups Experiences during the depres­ FRED SPIGEL'S Directors of the Council of Jew­ throughout the country have sion years with Vouchers and ish Federations and Welfare been working for." payments-in-kind proved so un­ Funds has urged the U.S. Senate "In three important respects, desirable that these practices KOSHER FOOD CENTER to strengthen the pending Public however," he said, "the Bill, as were withdrawn. They should Welfare Amendments Bill of revised, now deviates from prin­ not now be reinstated." 225-229 PRAIRIE AVENUE 1962 libera­ to the States to reduce or elim­ This wide disparity is "ine­ FRESH _BULK lize the Bill's residence require­ inate residence requirements for quitable and unjustifiable," Mr. ments for public assistance: 2 ) public assistance have not been Kane declared, and may "dis­ SAUERKRAUT lb. 29c prevent • abuses in payments for retained in the House-passed courage the States from increas­ dependent children: and 3) cut Bill. ing their own expenditures for the disparity in welfare rates needy children to the level con­ between those for needy children "Residence restrictions do not ducive to dignity and health." ½ GALLON MILK 35c solve or eliminate problems," and those for the aged or disa­ Other apsects of the Bill re­ bled. Mr. Kane pointed out. "They on­ ceived the endorsement of the ly place them on the doorsteps Council earlier, conveyed In test­ RIB CHOPS These revisions were recom­ voluntary agencies which do not mended by the Council's Public imony to the House Ways and have the funds to meet them, Means Committee. Mr. Kane LINCOLN'S Welfare Committee headed by thus draining funds from other Bernard P. Kopkind, as a means noted with gratification the In­ needs which depend exclusively clusion of provisions advocated of "strengthening the Bill so as on voluntary support." PRUNE JUICE qt. 39c to reflect principles of sound by Council and by many of Its welfare legislation." "Protective Payments" - A member community organiza­ The Bill, originally embodying present secction of the proposed tions, such as: the· training of Sabbath Information the Administration's welfare Bill permits States to make pay­ qualifled professional social ments to children of needy fami­ WE GIVE Housewives . program, was revised by the work staff: the strengthening of House of Representatives before lies in a variety of Indirect or Aid to Dependent Children; the Light Sabbath , . "protective" forms. Candles passage, and now awaits action broadening of chlld welfare STAMPS! Tonight 6: 22 by the Senate Finance Commit­ The possible abuses of this services: Federal participation tee. provision, Mr. Kane cautioned, In the flnancing of day care pro­ GOLD BOND Next Friday a t The present version of the Bill, make it a potential hazard: It grams: encouragement of re­ 6:30 P.M. Mr. Kane explained, "retains the opens the door . . . to voucher search and demonstration pro­ vital emphases on rehabilitation, payments, excessive punish­ grams: and efforts to rehabili­ self - support, and famlly - cent- ments, and lowered standards. tate the dependent. ----- .. ProfessorCirclesWorldonSabbatical _Jee Baseball "' (Continued from Page 1) 12th century) who is 24 and a man takes to go Into any area ,;i Nehru. philsosopher and acting teacher of English in Manchest­ of public life. Season Opens =ti! president of India, during the er; Benjamin Jeremy, 15 and Considering the heterogeneity celebration of Indian Indepen­ Michael Matthew, 13. of American society he feels that The Jewish Community Cen­ § ter will open its 1962 Baseball 0 dence Day on August 15. Asked what a Regius profes­ the' legal system does very well. League season on Sunday at 2 t:, The sight of processions which sor Is, Dr. Daube explained that In England with a far more ti! included 80 to 100 elephants the heads of each of the ancient homogeneous society, there can P .M. at the Sessions Street Field .. 00 with the participants carrying faculties at Oxford are apPOint­ be more laxity. Prof. Daube and at Hope High School. torches and winding through the ed by the . He was ·ap­ POints out, for instance, that All boys enrolled in the Cen­ s: ter baseball league program have z mountains until they merged in­ pointed Regius Professor at Ox­ POiice in England carry no wea­ t:, to one large procession celebrat­ ford in 1955. pons at all. As a matter of fact, been attending baseball clinics during the past several weeks. ing the Annual Festival of the He finds that one of the dif­ he says, that a few years ago =ti! Tooth of the Buddha which he ferences between law schools in a full Parliamentary Commis­ The clinics have been designed ~ viewed In Ceylon he termed other countres and those in the mission was formed to inquire to insure that each boy who steps unto the field will meet "fantastic." · United States is the fact that into the case of a POiiceman who ~ As a guest of the foreign min­ it is usually given as an under­ had slapped a 17 year old boy certain criteria for his own per­ .., sonal safety and help to curtail ister he spent. five weeks in graduate study in other coun­ who had misbehaved himself. game injuries. Training clinics f . In that country, he says tries. As a graduate study, which He said that he had been t:, there is a community of about it is in the United States. it has treated very pleasantly at Yale will continue at the East Side > Center Monday and Thursday !< 120 Jewish families who are a more professional flavor. On University where he has an of­ well-to-do, but who are unable the whole, Prof. Daube says, fi ce and his rooms. They have afternoons. from 4 to 5:30 P .M., for all boys who are members of ~ to find a Hebrew teacher for the law schools here are very ~ been providing special kosher the Center's Midget and Tween their children. good. meals for him as well as special Guest Speaker - Benjamin i= His other stops included Ger­ League. The system in South Ameri­ kosher meals for Passover. The Center's Peewee League, R. Epstein, Notional Director ~ many, Austria, Persia, Siam, can state-owned colleges of stu­ One difference between Eng­ o f t h e Anti-Defamation ;,. Cambodia, Hong Kong, Hawaii, for boys 8 and 9 years old, will dents having a part in the ap­ land and the United States he now meet on Mondays and League of B'noi B' rith will ~ Berkeley. Calif. Mexico and the pointing or deposing a profes­ did remark on as he entered his speak on Wednesday at 8 "' countries of Middle and South Thursdays, from 6:15 to 8 PM .. sor. he thought quite interest­ office where the radiators were under the direction of Tony Fer­ P. M . in the meeting hall of America - , Peru, Gua­ ing. There was also the fact very hot on a warm, sunny day raco Assisted by a parent volun­ temala, British Honduras and that In a great many countries was "In England you shiver, Temple Beth El. teer group, Mr. Ferraro will su­ Mr. Epstein, an authority on Panama - were visited. In the law is simply a course which a here you smother." pervise a program of informal United States he has been in league play and baseball train­ problems of prejudice and dis­ New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Dal­ Israel, Jordan in Cordial Meeting crimination, has just published ing for these boys. his new book. "Some of My Best las, Chicago, Cincinnati, Wash­ The Tween League will play ington, D.C., Charlottesville, JERUSALEM - Israeli and capitals of Egypt, Lebanon. Syr­ Friends" which will be the sub­ Jordanian delegations to the ia and J ordan in the next week on Sunday afternoons at 2 P .M . ject of his address. Philadelphia, Princeton, New and on Wednesdays at 6:15 P.M. York and New Haven. He has al­ Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice or 10 days. The nature of his Commission met cordially last proposals is being kept secret. Center Midgets will play on so visited Cornell and Brandeis Mondays at 6:15 P .M. and ton Blieden. Mike Miller, Ben Universities and will speak at week. assured each other of their In the Lake Tiberias area, respective government desires to Thursdays at 6:15 P .M. Melhon, Sumner Pomerantz and Harvard University in the near there was also relative quiet last Arnold Kleinman. Commentator future. prevent border incidents. and weekend. Israeli fishermen con­ DONOR LUNCHEON will be Mrs. Reuben Karten. An authority on ancient, closed their informal meeting tinued running their boats on Roman and civil law, Prof. after the Jordainan delegation the lake and in one case. Syrians The annual donor luncheon of Daube has been interested In the expressed regret over the killing from the farther shore pelted the Sisterhood of the Cranston ,,- ¾~ universities which he has visited of an Israeli truck driver who the Israelis with stones, but there Jewish Center will take place on during his extensive travels. was ambushed by gunfire along was no shooting. Wednesday at 12 :30 PM. at the Born in Germany, Prof. Daube a Negev desert road to Eilat last Legemont Country Club. week. I \\\e " came to England in the early BOWLING LEAGUE Mrs. Selwyn Kirshenbaum. thirties, since, as he puts It, he Dr. Edward E. Johnson, spe­ The Jewish Community Center's chairman, will be assisted by \\et\\et\ ) had a difference of opinion with cial Middle Eastern envoy for Tween Bowling League will end Mesdames Richard Bookbinder. a man by the name of Adolf. His the United Natio ns Palestine its regular 1961-62 bowling sea­ Harold Sugarman and Sydney \ \\tOi\\ family did not go with him on Conciliation Commission. met at son on Sunday at 1: 30 P,M., with Gornstein. his travels since his wife felt it the Foreign Ministry here with a Doubles Bowling Tournament Mrs. Barbara Orson, vocalist. \OOl/ would not be advisable to take Foreign Minister Golda Meir. He for league members at the New will be accompanied by Mrs. the younger children out of proposed some steps to amelior­ Yorker Alleys on Eddy Street. Louis Rubinstein. school. He has three sons. Jona­ ate the condition of the Arab Only regular members of the There will be a fashion show See it at 194 WAYLAND~------AVE. • PROV., R. I. than Mahram

LET US SHOW YOU HOW YOUR OUTMODED FURS CAN BE RESTORED TO GLAMOUR STATUS First of all, Harri;' master furriers will show you new fur styles to guide yo~ in selecting the current mode that's most becoming to you. Then, as specialists in both fashion and fur tech­ New England's Largest Exclusive Furrier niques, you will see how they can transform coats into jackets, capes into stoles! They're 400 WESTMINSTER ST. ready, too, -.yith other services such as fur storage, repair, cleaning, glazing, re-blending, re­ lining, shortening. Most moderate estimates! Come to our Salon or telephone us at GA 1-0198. 53 Years of Fine Fur Tradition A Herald ad always gets the comprise an active buying mar­ = best results - our subscribers ket. It pays to use the Herald. Argentine Jews Fear Risky Consequences Of The Present Neo-Nazi Developments / BtJ,ENOS AIRES The in this country was made at the olic, religious teachings are now AFTER PASSOVER SPECIALS Argentlne Jewish~ -community conference by Dr. Isaac Golden­ being impressed upon all stu­ girded all its forces to fight neo­ berg, president of DAIA. Mark dents. Jewish and non-Jewish, CREAM Nazism. "Marxist nationalism" Turkow, Latin American repre­ in the primary schools under and "dogmatic" Catholic teach­ sentative for the World Jewish provincial jurisdiction. conAGE CHEESE lb. 19c ings in the public schools under Congress, made a special report Professor Leon Duiovne, ad­ the aegis or provincial govern­ about the resurgence of neo­ dressing the conference. point­ ments. Nazism in other countries of ed out that, after ex-President MIDGET SALAMIS 89c The bolstered defense cam­ . Arturo Frondizi had introduced paign was the result of an ex­ R eviewing the changed poli­ the "provincialization" of the MIDGET BOLOGNAS traordinary. countrywide con­ tical and socio-economic situa­ national school system, the pub­ 79c ference of 's Jewish tion in Argentina, Dr. Golden­ lic schools developed the prac­ leadership which concluded a SPARKLET WHOLE- l lb container berg said: "Our problem is not a tice of obligatory Catholic three-day assembly sponsored matter of more anti-Semitism teachings. "This teaching, he by DAIA , representative body or or less anti-Semitism, but the said. "is unintentionally but' STRAWBERRIES Argentine Jewry. The sessions, fact that certain. fundamental strongly anti - Semitic." He ONE PINT held at Cordoba, were attended changes in the economic and noted that, while J ewish pupils by 93 J ewish leaders from 20 social structure of the country may. if they wish . bypass the 73c communities in this country. exposes the J ews to highly risky public school instruction in re­ SOUR CREAM An exhaustive review of the consequences." ligion. their only other choice situation now facing the Jews The leader cited the spread. is to attend special classes in CARP STRIPS lb. 33c throughout Latin America, of "Christian ethics and morals." "Marxist nationalism , blended These classes, however. be as­ BORDEN'S - ALL FLAVORS Present World with an aggressive posture." He serted. "are also dogmatically pointed to the spread of the Catholic" in their content. ICE CREAM pt. 20c Famous Artists Tacuara movement, which he "It is necessary," h e told the Richard Tucket, Metropolitan Identified as "a nationalist group conference. "to step spreading Tenor, will open the ninth sea­ acting similarly to other Nazi r eligious teachings in the schools WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF son of the Temple Beth El Ar­ groups in Latin America. small wherever it is as yet possible to tists Series on Wednesday, Nove. in numbers but motivated by do so. and to find means· to es­ 7. Presenting world-famous ar­ Naz! revanch!sm as a result of tablish courses in the J ewish re­ FROZEN KOSHER POULTRY tists, the series will include Ru­ Nazism's defeat in World War ligion." He advocated an ap­ • Chicken Legs • Chicken_ Breasts dolf Serkin. pianist. on Dec. 12 ; II." proach by J ewish leadership t

PYTHIAN SISTERS The people who buy The Pythian Sisters of Cran­ ston Temple No. 1 held their meeting yesterday in Vasa Hall. >, what you have to sell Frank Calcagni, representing the American Legion, Auburn Post, presented the group with a pew American flag. read THE R. I. JEWISH HERALD The new members initiated at this meeting were Miss Doro­ ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN RHODE ISLAND thy Berry, Mrs. Judy Chorney, SERVING 35,000 PEOPLE Mrs. Adele Weintraub, and Mrs. L!llian Make. A subscription to the Herald Is who "has a good gift Idea for the person 724-0200.

PROVIDENCE CHAPTER WOMEN'S AMERICAN ORT DELIGHTFUL ■ : Lunchedn"And ,., ; '"" ,, DINING ,.. : . =0 Fashion Show Of Hand K~its Fabulous Dining room and Cocktail Lounge in O superb ;: BY BETTY SCHLOSS Shamrock Thursday, May 10th, 1962, 12:30 P. M. CI i ff setting. Serving Luncheon Noon to 2 :30. Dinner 6 to 10 p.m. ; AT THE on Famous ocean Everyday - a gourmet's delight. Private Dock. Dancing :z:~ New Les Shaw's Restaurant efk'in:•1-~~ Saturdays - Paul Del Nero orchestra. Cl IN THE WARWICK MOTOR INN 2011 POST ROAD, WARWICK C • R Our impression of the Isle of Capri hos always been one = DONATIONS $5.00 a pr! OOm of ca,efree ond happy living, with good food and liquo MRS. MARTIN DITTLEMAN MRS. EDWARD APPEL ST 1-5617 ST 1-2543 PA. 5.3550 We, in our own way, are trying to bring you the same ~ Samuel A. Penta atmosphere ... naturally, good food, liquor, and friend• '" your host ship being the commodities we con best offer. ; OPEN FOR LUNCH OPEN MONDAYS 9 Gautreau's "The House of Good Food" specializing in Rock Cornish ~ BROADLOOM CARPET SALEI Established 1,u Hens - R. I. Joh~ny Cakes - Lobster and Sea Food - Prime ;., I. Steaks and Chops. Cocktails Ser,ed. Open Noon to 8:30 ;} ALL WOOL Mrs. Milton Filler c.?;.~~~:~: Tel. LOgan ._7133 p.m. Closed Mondays. ..I:=' Beth Am Sisterhood Southern New England's most inviting Restaurant for ;.J WILTO'N ONLY s8.9s Johnson's better than half a century ... serving Ocean Fresh Sea ~ Food, Hard Shell lobsters and tender juicy steaks. The fj per sq. yd. To Hold Their. Eighth Hummocks fabulous "Prime Rib Room" for succulent Roast Beef. COMPLETELY INSTALLED WITH RUBBER Annual Donor Dinner 245 Allens AYe. Enjoy cocktails and ,._iano music. Five dining rooms. PADDIN Toi. H0 1- Open every day. Free parking for S00 cars. The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Am will hold their eighth LA FESTA will be held every Wednesday evening. Musk, Annual Donor Dinner on Tues­ The ROME gay costumes, buffet. Visit our ottracfrre new Cocktail day at the temple. Mrs. Milton Lounge. Banquet rooms available for parties. We are still Filler Is chairman assisted by Restaurant S?ning a fine Italian Cuisine, featuring "La Carretta." Also Mrs. Meyer Jarcho as her co­ Route 1, delicious Steaks, Lobsters, Chicken. Roost beef, Saturdays chairman. N. Attleboro, Mau. and Sundays. Open Daily at S; Sundays at 12. George at the ·CARPET-- CLEANING C~· 1-8086 The committee in charge of MYrtle 9-4041 console every Fri., Sat. and Sun. 40 ORMS STREET arrangements are Mesdames, Milton Pierce, treasurer: Meyer Jarcho, decorations; Bernard The Klemer, Jewels; Bernard Levy, program book: Albert Lichten­ berg and Rueben zeidman, In­ vitations and reservations: Leo­ CHANTICLEER RESTAURANT nard Goldman, telephone: He­ 1403 Main Rd ., Tiverton, R. I. noch Cohen and Ernst Schnit­ zer, gifts for sale; Samuel Ber­ ditch publicity, and Abraham KAS RE-OPENED Tobin, ex-officio. The program !or the evening for reservations call .. is a Chassldic Tale, a folk story in music performed by the Roger MAyfair 5-5088 Underwriters • Distributors Williams B'nai B'rith Players, directed by Mrs. Nathan Rosen. of Investment Securities Court Upholds SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ALLEN J. WHITE & CO., INC. Anti-Bias Law SAN FRANCISCO The 791 NORTH BROADWAY • SIX CORNERS California Supreme Court has Pf~licarl ,, ·EAST PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND upheld a state law banning dis­ TELEPHONE: GENEVA 4-S650 crimination by business estab­ QUALITY CUSTOM INJECTION MOLDING PLANT llshments of all kinds, including ALLEN J. WHITE, Pres. HERMAN W. LAZARUS, Exec. Vice-Pres. real estate firms. Now Under New Management - B. HARRY TA TEOSIAN, Reg . Representative The decision also held consti­ tutional the Hawkins Act bar­ LONG AND SHORT RUNS SOLICITED JAMES T. BURNS, Reg . Representative, Tax Research ring discrimination in publicly assisted 11ousing. Chief Justice 4 to 12 OUNCE CAPACITY DOROTHY A. SAUCIER, Office Manage, Phil S. Gibson declared In the opinion that "discrimination In CONSULT OUR ENGINEER ON ALL YOUR PLASTIC housing leads lack of ade­ to PROBLEMS WITHOUT OBLIGATION quate housing for minority groups and inadequate housing conditions contribute to disease, PLASTICART crime and immorality.'" In a related case, the court 474 WEST EXCHANGE ST. DExter 1--4922 ruled that a real estate broker who tried in good faith to flnd housing !or a member of a min­ ority group but failed could not be held liable if he could not complete the transaction be­ cause of the owner's refusal to sell. ' The San Francisco Board of Supervisors, which has before It a city fair housing ordinance, was studying the Supreme Court decision. The City Attorney was asked to determine whether the NOW NIGHTLY- TH RU JUNE 2 2 state anti-bias act upheld by the 11 RACES - POST TIME 8:00 P. M. • ADMISSION SO¢ Supreme Court preempted the DAILY DOUBLE - 1st and 2nd RACES . .. Windows Open 7:00 P. M . field and made housing discrim­ . . . Close 5 Minutes Before Post Tlme ... TWIN DOUBLE 6th . 7th . 8th - 9th Races ... Windows Open After 2nd Race ... Close 5 Min. ination laws entirely a state Before 6th Race Post Time. matter. On Route 138 Between TAUNTON & EASTON Approve Payment ------~=- For Nazi Victims VIENNA - The General As­ sembly of the Austrian Parlia­ Broadway Auto Lease ment approved by an overwhel­ ming majority last week the Austrian-West German financial Ask Your Business Associates agreement setting up a joint compensation fund for victims Who Already Do Business With Us of the nazi era In Austria. Under the agreement, West ANY MAKE ... ANY MODEL Germany will contribute about Rhode Island's Largest Auto Lease Company $80,000,000 or about half of the For Rotes total Joint fund for such pay­ ments to political and racial per­ Write or phone: KEN STEINGOLD secutees. A total of 157 deputies Broadway Auto Lease CHARLES WOOLF -all members of the Socialist and Peoples' Parties-voted for Buying or building a home? the agreement. Only eight de­ For expert financing advice, see your puties of the rlghtwing Austrian Freedom Party, known for Its Broadway Auto Sales neo-nazl tendencies, voted Industrial National Home Loan specialist against ratification. 766 Broodwoy, Pawtucket PA 3-4700 l ~ . ELECTED COMMANDER David L. Sugerm an, of 12 Al­ CANDID WEDDINGS "' hambra Circl<1,- Cranston, h as BAR MITZVAHS "'~ been nominated for t he offi ce of I Commander of the Narragansett EMBASSY STUDIOS .: 120 PARK AVE. • CRANSTON "' Bay Power Squadron, of P rov­ .. idence. Mr. Sugerman holds the ST 1-6769 ; rank of Navigator. He h as been II. a member of the Power Squa ­ < d ron since 1950. ;,.; Mr. Sugerman will take of­ < Protect Against Q fice on April 28 , at the Squa ­ ; dron's annual banquet, that will Moths!! fa. be held at Ekroth's on Elm­ Over 100 to ellooee from wood Ave. , Warwick He succeeds Q Ree.n.l.l.be4 b7 Muter Craft~ n William D . Lupo who is Com­ FREE .. Written cuarant.ee < mander at the present time. Buy tenna Ffte hl'ILIDI' MOTH lil Fala'• Bids. 128 No. Hain St. " Open 9-'S W ... 9-9 EL 1-811611 A Herald ad a lways gets the PROOFING =Q best results-our subscribers ON ALL z comprise an active buying mar­ DRY CLEANING < .. ket. ,:,_ .. ~~ f!l ClHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH!""(t::I~ ..... ~ lil ,VILLAGE CAMP FOR GIRLS Q ~ !,~ ~' -· 0 Millis, Mass. A unique g irls Camp tha t has every thing for glrls aged 7 t o 15 years, 459 WIiiett Ave. Riverside ~ w he re your child w ill enjoy a happy, busy, relaxed s umer. Dormitory accommoda tions. = 143 Reservoir Ave., Cran. "lil Two W eeks - $12S; Four W e eks - $250; Eight W eeks - $4S0 I DIETARY LAWS OBSERVED SEND FOR BROCHURE F Rontier 6-8456 1550 W a rwic k Ave., Hoxsie =~ ~WUWUW~UWWAWWWUUWU~WWUWU~ for Route SERVICE - RE 7-4567 Male - COUNSELORS - Female A SUMMER YOUR SON MUST HAVE ONE YEAR OF COLLEGE Visiting Israel - Mr. a nd M rs. Ho rry A Sc hwartz hove a r­ WILL NEVER FORGET! rived in Israel on a two-week visit during wh ic h time they wil l REGISTER NOW! Waterfront - Arts & Crofts - General observe the operations of agencies suppo rted with funds raised by the United Jewish Appeal. Mr. Schwartz is a texti le IN BEAUTIFUL For Co-ed Jewish Comp monufoturer of Pawtucket. Leo Weiss, Camp Director A subscription to the Hera ld is a good gi ft idea for the person MAINE 10 Overh ill R6ad DE 1-1070 Prov . 6, R. I. who "has everything" else. Call ORGANIZATION 724-0200. NEWS CAMP SCHOOL COUNCU.. The School Council of the Bureau of J ew ish Education will -JOSEPH hold its next meeting, on Thurs­ DEDICAT ED TO MEN TAL day morning_ at IO o'clock at the AND PHYS ICA L DEVELOPMENT Bureau library according to an /Jere's " 'Z'BPPBR Located on the shores of Lake announcement by the chairman, Mc Wain . Harrison , Mc. Modern, Rabbi Saul Leeman. fully equipped camp under able and experien ced direction. Full In addition to the business measure of J ewis h knowledge. flt11neless electric agenda. there will be a discussion Ca:ilP strictly kosher. Boys 7 to on ·· Approaches to the Teaching 15 years o ld. of Humosh.'" by Dr. Harry Elkin. AC TI VITIES AVAILABLE IN OUR FULL Y PL ANNED PROGRA M rdnge ••• priced to flt S HAPffiO TO SPEAK • Spo rts • Camping Trips • Nature St udy • Swimming Professor Nathan Shapiro of • Relig ious Program • Boa t ing the Rhode Island School of De­ • A rts And Crafts • Music t/Je MODEST BUDGET I sign wi ll be the guest speaker at • Te nnis • Golf • Li fe Saving the forthcoming meeting of the Hug Ivri. Hebrew Speaking Cir­ MAIL OR CALL TODAY cle, on Sunday at 8:30 P .M ., at FOR the home of Dr. and Mrs. J erome Illustrated Brochure L. Stein, 77 Elton Street . " Industrial Design in Israel" EXECUTI VE OFFICE will be the theme of Dr. Shapi­ ro's discussion which will be ac­ CAMP JOSEPH companied by a showing of slides 72 Franklin St. Until you have one In your kitchen, on the subject . Boston, Mass. you'll never know how pleasant Mrs. Solomon Bodner is chair­ Liberty 2-3880 and carefree cooking can be with man of the Hug Ivri. a flameless electric range. Your I kitchen will stay fresh, clean and ! cool. And fast, measured heats [· mean recipe-perfect" results every ! time. I I I I I s1&995 ONLY $5.95 DOWN permanentl y removed from the

there be enough fo r them?

- plus many more: e OVERSIZE OVEN IS ALL Don't risk their future happiness . Be sure! I represent PORCELAIN INSIDE the Sun Life Assura nce Company of Canada here e LIFT-OFF OVEN DOOR FOR and I wo uld be glad to prepare an ana lysis of your EASY CLEANING e CONVENIENT TIMED APPLIANCE estate, with no obligation. Then you could see exactly OUTLET e ENTIRE COOKING TOP LIFTS UP FOR EASY CLEANING • AUTOMATIC CLOCK WITH TIMER how much there would be - for them , e FULL-WIDTH STORAGE DRAWER ELLIOT F. SLACK 1019 INDUSTRIAL BANK BLDG. DE 1-2422 NARRAGANSETT ELECTRIC • SUN LIFE OF CANADA IIIPiiliiiMM•JltlB!llllltlllillll:litlllrt;~■ - ... HERALD H(G)ME SECTION Devoted To Real Estate News Of Interest In Rhode Island

... "' "'

/ Above is the living room: Done in Indian moorish motif, the floor, is or white mosaic vinyl and the walls are or white silk. Two walls are draped in Siamese silk masked with moorish fret work. The windows are framed with onion arches. The room holds a blend of Indian Antiques with mainly contemporary furniture done in orien­ tal type fabrics. The mosaic vinyl runs Into the main hall floor. The golden gates are the original of 45 years ago. To the right is an interesting feature of the breakfast room which depicts the climb­ ing tree waUpaper. The floor, done in vinyl and beveled hexagons of white, pale blue and lime green, gives the feeling or a French gar­ den. The kitchen, bottom right, Is or Spanish motif. Dummy beams have been set into the ceiling. The cabinets are a combination of old brick and wormy chestnut finished to a dark brown finish. The floor is a vinyl reproduction of Dutch delft.

Masons Depict Global Decor With Unique Interior Design by Brenda Slack which runs into the main hall. The breakfast room, charm­ There is a staircase running ing with its climbing tree and Fulfilling a long - awaited from one corner of the living soft colored floor, resembles a dream, the Gilbert Masons in a room down into the cellar. As French garden. manner conceived through much yet the cellar has not been re­ The upstairs of the house is ingenuity have converted their finished but it harbors a unique still in the process of being re­ once Provincial dwelling at 264 wine cellar which stays at 45 modeled. The master bedroom Irving A venue into a diversified degrees constantly. will be Siamese, the guest room representation of past and pre­ The kitchen is in Spanish will depict the South Seas, and sent; corresponding to multiple motif. In order to obtain very Darielle, now fifteen months cultures. old bricks the Mason's gathered old, will choose her own type of Furnished exclusively from them from an old building being room when she's old enough. the Mason Furniture Company torn down in Providence. These The house itself, which Is 45 in Fall River the house is a went into the cabinets with years old, was furnished in blend of many countries. As one wormy chestnut finished to a French and Italian Court furni­ enters the front entrance there dark finish. The walls are of a ture when the Masons moved in can be heard the trickle of run­ washable material. 15 months ago. Today, with ning water from the Japenese The African library is not the balustrades on the walls dining room on the left and to only interesting but comfortable gone, the excellent interior dec­ the right are interesting golden as well. The windows are covered orating and designing on the gates which open into a living with split bamboo shades of part of Mr. Mason, a professions room done in Indian Moorish staihed walnut woven with mul­ al, has g I v e n the feeling motif. One small rug in this room ti-colored yarns. Toe upholstery throughout the house or the is actually an Indian bed spread. is covered with ocelot and zebra charm and excitement of differ­ Toe floor is of mosaic vinyl, skins. ent countries and periods.

Shown, far left, is the Mason's library which is done in an Afri­ can motif. The floor, a combina­ tion or vinyl cork, Is covered with a primitive African accent rue. The Rhinoceros head ( a girt to the Masons) has been painted yellow, the most improbable color that the couple could think of. At the left Is the Japanese Garden di nine room. The walls and celllncs are covered with sliver crass cloth, while sliced bamboo covers the ra­ diator. The trim In the room Is or heavily grained rosewood. Against the far wall is a running waterfall, and the windows are covered with Shoji panel framed in dark wal­ nut. Furnishings in the room are Bakers Far East Collection. Excellent opportunities are in JACK CARMODY the H erald's Classified ads. .. OWNER AND MANAGER OF ... COMPLETE °'... .: J. F. CARMODY & CO. LANDSCAPE .. REMINDS YOU THAT NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE Also SERVICE PRUNING AND GRAFTING =Ill Jennite Darwin Santos WI 2-0443 ~ ASPHALT & CEMENT PAVING Seal-Coating 39 Aldrich Ave., Cranston DONE TO ~ < Q DRIVEWAYS-SIDEWALKS-PARKING LOTS -asPHALT- f 13 Hartford Ave. Free Olneyville TE 1-9599 Estimates VA 1-1988 DRIVEWAYS 9< Ill PARKING AREAS :• ill Visit ·our New ~ ~­ . = C. P. WATSON .• GARDEN CENTER EVERYTHING FOR GARDENERS ST 1,9291 Anytime '► ~ ► rlJ.. WE '► ill ( : Q ARE EXPERTS 0 t► On - Lawn Maintenance - Lawn Construction Buying ANew Home? > Ill= Patios - Terraces - Planting - Designing ► ill ► Bal Masque - a distinctive wall mural which depicts a trio of I Will Take Your ( =!-< jesters, is now available in Shiki silk weave embossed Ultron Old H~me In Trade ► LANDSCAPING vinyl. Each jester is handprinted on a gold colored ponel Take advantage of experience • and lntegrlty. Consult with me Is Our Business ... May We Serve You? which can be used singly on screens and narrow walls. The without any obligation what• t soever. Personal service given soft and flexible panels can be easily hung by one paper­ to all. Open . . 8 A. M. - 8 P. M. . Including Sunday hanger. SAM RIDDELL REALTOR "Conversational Rooms" GA 1-8814 1074 Hope St. Prov. _ Start With The Walls 'Do Business With A Live Wire' NEW YORK -- "Home" can be Today, thanks to vastly Improved all sorts of things to all sorts of beauty of design· and technical ... ~ .... people. For most of us, home Is know-how, washable plastic wall a lclnd of well-kept ga rden where coverings are decorative as well : Venetian Blinds : ► · love, hope and friendship grow as functional. ► . . .. and Just wallclng In the door A challenge to the secret yen ► ~ WASHED [ ► should bring a smile of pleasure in most homemakers to achieve . . ► and contentment. ► effects close to professional in­ ► But unhappily many young terior decorating .... one easy-to­ New Scientific Method CALL Oak lawn moderns have succumbed to the hang plastic covering ca II e d '► Sparkling Cl eon! ► SCREENED lure of clean-cut lines and the Fabritate is styled .with harmony UNSCREENED RE 9-2111 Nurseries star k look -- to the exclusion of in mind. both coziness and elegance. A You choose a pattern for the Only 75c ea. SHADE & ORNAMENT AL TREES little of this ultra-modernity Is baby's room, for example, in Average Size a good thing. But even the Jolliest "Gingham Dog and Calleo Cat," Homes - Factories - Offices personality can become subdued EVERGREENS - AZALEAS beguiling sketches of toy pets. The Commercial Buildings in a home with the look of a no­ pattern uses rwo shades of blue FLOWERING TREES & SHRUBS nonsense business office. on a white background. But -- and LOWEST RA TES If you foll ow the home decora­ here's the innovation -- you hang Re tape - Record - Repair Complete Landscap; Construction & Planning tor columns in newspapers and this pattern on only rwo walls . . .. Free Parking magazines, you've probably read covering the remaJning rwo with a about what promises to be the different, abstract design in co­ OAKLAWN NURSERIES bigg~st trend in 1962 home,~cor ordinated colors. .... conversational rooms. Can you picture the elegance 469 CENTERVILLE ROAD 494 No. M•ln St. (Blvd,) Prov. Just what are they -- and how of your living room lustrous from GA 1-3955 ON RT . 117-WARWICK do you transform a drab room floor to ceiling with a formal into one which could spark con­ white brocade embossed handprint Stonewalls RE 9-2111 Terraces versation from a sphinx? on white silk textured vinyl? The answer is all around you Maybe fresh floral stripes would WASHINGTON PARK .... literally in the walls of your suit your furniture better . . .. or a near R. W . Park home. For that's where true burlap texture. "conversational rooms'' start. Loolclng for a fragile type wall "It puts people In a good frame covering with the kind of elegance of mind:' states one noted New formerly reserved for the finest :, It's so-o-o EASY York decorator. "when they enter handwoven fabrics? If so, Shllcl a room where walls are lively or moire patterns will supply the with patterned or textured cover­ background you're seeking. to Sell Your Home ings. . . . and lovely, tradltional Pretend, for a moment, that curtains and drapes soften the you have invited guests to a for­ ------window lines." mal dlnner party.... table linens 159 CALLA ST., OFF BROAD Patterned or textured wall cov­ are polished snow. candles wink Two New Ranches, tree shaded streets, walking distance to Just Pick Up erings .... the key to a new per­ down on red, red roses and your schools, buses, and s hopping, sonality for every room in the most precious place settings. Be­ modern kitchen, built-ins, tile house, whether your furniture Is fore guests even see th ese baths. Your Phone! "ancient" or modern! glories, their eyes are held by $400 down Total $13,500 Further good news ... . hand­ what you' ve done to your dining some new wall coverings are tough room walls. Using moire you have WILK SUBURBAN vinyl plastic and scrubbable, even lavished upon them the look and RE 9-7234 the flocked ones that look as if feel of watered silk .... a glowing, Advertising Guarantee they've been snipped from the pearlescent effect worthy of train of a brocade ball gown: royalty. Mothers of grubby-fingered tots Your moire backdrop can be have used vinyl on 'kitchen and chosen fr.om a long list of solid bathroom walls for years . . .. for colors, includlng melon, parch­ these areas gee cne hardest wear. ment, gold, and pinlc. LADDERS All this delicacy is fine In its FOR HOME proper place ... . and Its place Is or definitely not the den, or where­ COMMERCIAL ever your menfolk set up camp. USE To warm the heart of 0 the lord of the manor/' use virile wall • fabrics such as a rough textured EXTENSION homespun. Add occasional effects or WARWICK, R. I. of make-believe marble or wood STEPLADDERS 1260-62 POST ROAD veneer panelllng for a truly mas­ in WOOD, NO OILltiATION FOR ESTIMATES culine decor. ALUMINUM or The amazingly real look of MAGNESIUM CUSTOM textured wall coverings Is a sure • lure for curious fingertips when STAGING guests arrive. Even the most ad­ DESIGNED miring touch might 1 e av e a • smudge. Lucky you! A quick wipe Fire Fighting A:::::MAWNINGS EQUIPMENT with a damp cloth, and yo ur STORES-HOMES-BREEZEWAYS "fabric" is new again. • Vinyl plastic wall coverings, ALL TYPES, -PATIOS-ETC. in fact, are designed to be durable. ALL SIZES, We don't recommend that you try ALL PRICES • OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 8 P. M. • these hazards all at once, but these vinyls resist scuffing, tears. oil, grease, facing and spots! COMBINATION Their durable beauty makes them tops In popularity with the budget­ LADDER COMPANY HASTINGS minded. All that's needed to re­ Corner Horris and Simms Avenues store rich embossed color and /Next to 8. I. F. Industries) preserve wall beauty Is occasional ~..,,""······ AWNIIII scrubbing with milk soap and GA 1-1330 HO 7-7750i water.

• Sam Rjddell, In cooperation APPOINTED FOR SALE Botkin & Sydney List Active with Rotlcin & Sydney, sold the WASHU,GTON - Myron E. brick Colonial at S45 Wayland Herzog has been named national >-l EDGEWOOD Sales In Providence Area Avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. chairman of the B"nai B'rith = Jessel, Jr., of Providence for Foundation. ~ Betsy Williams Drive Mr. and Mrs. William Clanton. Street from Drs. David and Vera Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Abedon. Fish of Providence. Gorgeous Jr .• of Providence purchased the Rotlcin & Sydney, in cooperation : two family residence at 116 Cy­ Also in Providence, Rotlcln & with Sam Riddell, sold the 6-room 0 Sydney sold for Mr. and Mrs. ASPHALT c:, COLONIAL press Street from Mrs. Ida Sand­ cottage at 209 Eighth Street to ~ Howard J . Amster of Chicago, Gracious Living ers of New York City. The struc­ Mr. and Mrs. Norman N. Gordon DRIVEWAYS ture is set on 7,510 square feet Illinois, their 9-room residence of Providence, for Mr. and Mrs. 3 bedrooms, bath, stall shower, at 133 Cole Avenue to Mr. and sundeck, living room, dining of land and has a 2-car detached Lester Seigal, also of this ciry. PARKING LOTS garage. Mrs. Lloyd M. Weiner of Provi­ ·room, kitchen, lavette, sunporch, detice. r ecreation rom, breezeway, one­ Dr. and Mrs. Earle F. Cohen of Providence sold their 9-room Mr. and Mrs. Albert Katz of LANDSCAPING car garage. Providence purchased the 5-room A-1 LOCATION split-level at 10 Brookway Road GENERAL ranch on 27 Magnolia Street in SERVICE EXCELLENT CONDITION to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Chase of FREE House Plant ASPHALT PAVING CO., INC. LOW 30s Providence. Cranston from Dr. and Mrs. Mel­ vin D. Hoffman of Providence. To Every Customer Appointment Only The residential home at I Ma­ REgent 7-5090 gellan Street was sold for Mr. and In Pawtucket the ff-room resi­ Coll ST 1-4566 or WI 4-0940 J & H Realty Co. Mrs. Daniel Robinson to Mr. and dential dwelling at 286 Hill side Mrs. David Brodsky of Providence. Avenue was sold for Mr. and Mrs. PL 1-8537 Fred DelGuldice purchased the Herbert J. Cohen of Providence, 12-room residential at 382Thayer to Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Sand­ man of Pawtucket. REAL ESTATE QUESTIONS? The residential brick Colonial You are welcome to come in far a talk at 75 Lorraine Avenue was sold for Mrs. Leon Bakst of Provi­ dence to Dr. and Mrs. M. Leo Pranikoff. JAMES Fl NE, REALTOR The Home Center, In coopera­ "Years of Experience" tion with Rotlcin & Sydney, sold the Dutch Colonial at 43 Slater • RESIDENTAL • INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL Southern New England's Largest Avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Seymore 832 PARK AVENUE, CRANSTON Selection of Window Treatment Winograd for Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Hart, Jr., of Providence. HO 7 -9226 ST 1-3062 Also In cooperation with Rotlcln NEW and EXCITING & Sydney , Melvin G. Rosen sold the 7-room residential at 75 Lau­ WINDOW DECOR riston Street to Mr. and Mrs. Shepley Shapiro for Mrs. Sarah Over 100 Ideas Krevolin of Providence. See Our Spring Specials See the Fashio ns Now Popular in How Is the Time For Planting New York, Florido and California Seek To Discover Open Every Evening 'til 9-Free Parking Ethnic Resources SHADE and ORNAMENTAL TREES 494 No. Main St. (Blvd.) Next to York Decorators NEW YORK - A nation-wide Always a Good Supply of GA 1-3955 search to discover America's ethnic resources has disclosed Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• more than 50 different groups to date. it was announced last week COMPlITT LINE Of SEfDS. FERTILIZERS, ETC. ' by Dr. Joshua A. Fishman. di­ Come In and Look Around 1 rector of the Language Re­ ◄' source Project. Serving R. I. for Over 25 Years The project is a two-year study 'l sponsored by the U. S. Office o·f Education to determine how the URBAN NURSERIES WI 2-1600 language skills of Americans of foreign birth and parentage may 400 Atwood Ave., Cranston, on Rte. 5 I j

Garden Tool Houses I Cedar Screen--Ba,ket Weave Man)/ St)lles And Sizes! -Post and Rail- also Chain Link Wire F cnces I 1 Call for Free Estimate-No Obligation WI 1-1500 SECURITY FENCE CO. 925 BROAD ST., PROVIDENCE J . F. Dooley, Mgr.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• w.__ efcome . ... TO THE HOUSE OF LAMPS Dr. Joshua A. Fishman be utilized to help meet the na­ A "Conversation Piece" tion's critical need for greater LOOK! One of many unusual pieces to be found foreign language proficiency. The study is surveying the foreign in our extensive display. NOW THREE language media. as well as GREAT PRODUCTS schools. family and other cul­ from tural and ethnic groups, in an ♦ Cast I ran Pot Belly Stove rem­ effort to preserve its language iniscent of the old cool and HIGHLAND PEAT CO. and how it can be assisted and encouraged. wood days. tor "For the first time in Ameri­ A lso available as can history the U.S. government floor lo.mp. BETTER LAWNS and GARDENS ! has asked a group of social sci­ entists to study the question of CU• ft. $1,2s HIGHLAND PEAT 2 beg preserving non - English lan­ LIGHTING FIXTURES Rich, naturel, full-bodied ••• adds vit•I guages in the United States." Modern-T raditional-lmported organic matter to the soil •.• holds CUBIC $7.so Dr. Fishman said. YARD LAMPS and SHADES mohture . . . bu il ds 1oil to • rich, loamy "By its very sponsorship of the Floor-T able--Boudoir-Desk consistency. Delivered study, the government has indi­ cated its concern that the lan­ COMPLETE FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT BONNIE BRAE 5 lb,. &oi guages brought to this country Peat Ampfifier for Lawns and Gardens by various immigrant groups Book-Ends-Smokers-Chimes-Novelties should continue to be taught and A mi•ture of 7-7-7 fertiliier end agri­ cultural lime. lncrHses efficiency of 30 1b,- $2.so spoken. rat.her' than be permit­ We specialize in lighting for the home and office as natural put . , . Adds vital nutrienh ted to die out," he stated. well as electriciol repairs for all types Remodeling and fo the Kiil. In recommended mixture According to Dr. Fishman. the Con't'ersion of Old lamps, Vases and Antiques. Refin ­ with natural peat, it provides • com­ project will "accurately describe ishing of oli kinds of Metal Goods, plete 9~owin9 compound for lawn, and the language maintenance ef­ gudens. forts in connection with each language. and recommend what­ Member American Home Lighting Institute CUBIC = SUPERTOP SOIL-Ph 7 $J.00 YAR·D ever steps seem £o be called for PARK FREE A blend of highest grade, scrHned top De live red to strengthen these efffforts." Member Downtown Parking Plan soil end Highland PH ♦ , limed end "We must recognize the lin­ = fertiliied. Superlop is the ideal top guistic gold mine that we have dressing for your lawn •.• perfect for ~.J~ Open Monday Through fill ing low spoh and preparing garden in our midst." he noted. "It is bed,. particularly important for first. second and third generation y ,,~ 9Ai"~1°loPM HIGHLAND P.EA T CO. Amer!cians to be made aware of SEEKONK the value of preserving the prec­ 949 FALL RIVER AVENUE ious heritage of their parents At the Seekonk Interchange of Route 1-195 and grandparents. In doing so. - ~.~\'lf/Ml,IU EDisan 6-8644 they will be helping their coun­ E " WALKER LITES THE HOME" DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED try as well as enriching their own li ves." -...::.:.. ~ i

::: CONCERT Miss Barbara Levine, daught­ "' er of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Levine, :!l"' 60 Fourth Street .. and student of ,.: the New England Conservatory I! !I It "' of Music, will appear with the 229 Waldo Street ernment prefers to keep up their Conservatory Freshman Choir in Providence, R. I. dectatorial rule over the Spa­ =~ a concert of three-part choral nish people. II, literature on Sunday in the Con­ < Dear Sir: American aid should not be seravtory's Brown Hall. given to such a Government. :,.;- The thirty members of the No loans will be granted un­ Sincerely yours, < Freshman Choir perfect their less reforms are instituted. Such, Q Edward Planko [ sight-reading, intonation. and in brief. is the policy of the pres­ ;i diction under the instruction of ent administration toward the A Herald ad always gets best ~- "' conductor, Richard Rosewall, in countries of South America. Q results-our subscribers comprise preparation for membership in Such a fine policy should be ex­ .. an active buying market. !· < the Conservatory Chorus. tended to include other coun­ ~ t [al tries as well. I have in mind the country of =Q z . Spain is in great need ma'Jnificenl < i ALUMINUM of many reforms. .. DINING ROOM SET ~ The Spanish Government is CREENS now vigorously engaged in ar­ [al Q resting and jailing Spaniards b'i Baker 0 who dare to tell others about the Bible or even having one in their Buffet, table, six choirs. =~ ONE WEEK [al possession. Even American tou­ Sells $2500 ONLY $2.95 rists are forbidden to speak Perfect Condition. !-<= Up to 30x3O about the Bible to the Spanish people. Reasonable 'la~wd~~ Why is Spain doing this? Be­ PL 1-8750 494 No. Main St. (Blvd.) cause the present Spa nish Gov- GA 1-3955 Ancient Synagogue - The ruins of the oldest positively­ All forms of personal and business insurance identified synagogue in the Western world were uncovered recently near Ostio, 's port then the mouth of including - Life - Accident - Group - Fire - MOVING to the Tiber. Contractors excavating for the roadbed of o high­ way to the new Rome International Airp:irt ot Fiumicino come Automobile - Casualty - Bonds upon o red brick basilica-type building of the first century JAPAN ofter Christ and inside that o synagogue doting to the lost Murry M. Halpert years of the third century A. D. or the first years of the 800 Howard Bldg. or, across the street fourth century. Above is o general view of the synagogue DE 1-9100 Residence: DE 1-6949 ruins, showing the ancient Romon columns - put bock in MOVE WITH place since the excavations began - which evidentl y were CONFIDENCE, token by the synagogue's constructors from some earlier STORE WITH building . SAFETY CALL CADY ORGANIZATION NEWS MOVING & STORAGE COMPANY SPRING SPORTS CRANSTON JEWISH CENTER AGlNT Al LIED VAN LINE S .. I Final registrations are now At sabbath ser vices this eve­ DExter 1-7860 being accepted for the J ewish ning at 8:30 P .M. Rabbi Saul Community Center 's Spring Leeman will talk on "Taking a FINE SELECTION OF Sports Program to be conducted Stand" at the Cranston Jewish A a t the East Side Center, begin­ Center. Cantor Jack Smith wJ!l - FOR SALE -I ning the week of April 29. chant the liturgy and Mrs. El­ Classes will be offered to both lis Rosenthal will be the organ­ QUALITY HOMES East Side Center members and non-mem­ ist. Corner Freeman Parkway bers in every age group, includ­ An Oneg Shabbat will follow ing children. teens, young adults the Services. Brick Colonial - 11 rooms and adults. On Saturday, at 9:30 A.M. the EAST SIDE Sensibly priced ot $38,000 Classes being offered include Bar Mitzvah of Robert Dreyfuss Cole Avenue - Lovely quality half brick Colonial. Archery, directed by Charles and will take place at the Cranston Modern renovations throughout, 2 ½ baths, 3 bed­ Mt. Pleasant Gloria Sanders: Tennis, directed Jewish Center. Robert is the son rooms, sewing room second, 2 bedrooms, third. Finish­ by Jules Cohen: creative dance of Dr. and Mrs. Jack Dreyfuss. Elmhurst classes. directed by Ruth Rice; ed basement. Convenient to John Howland. Custom Ranch - 3 years old Swedish gymnastics classes. di­ LADIES ASSOCIATION Vassar Avenue - Charming, spacious custom built Built-ins including rected by Nancy King, and Judo There will be a meeting of the Cope with l ½ baths and 2 bedrooms. refrigerator and freezer Classes. directed by Richard Ladies Association of the Jewish King. . Home for the Aged at 99 Hillside Must Sell! Elton Street - Classical Colonial, some renovation re­ R egistrations for all the above Avenue on Wednesday featuring quired. Wont offer. classes are now being accepted Ralph J. Hartman, superinten­ Broad - Elmwood at the East Side Center building dent of Providence parks, and 258 Olney Street - All brick, 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, Cottages - Bungalows wherP information may also be landscape architect. Mr. Hart­ den, panelled recreation room-owner will consider Multiple Dwellings - Apartments obtained. man will speak on "sticks and renting. Inv.estment Properties stones", and landscaping for the ORCHESTRA CONTINUES average size home. Hillside Avenue - Attractive 3 bedroom cottage, l ½ The Jewish Community Cen­ A brief meeting will precede baths, finish~d basement. ter Civic Orchestra will continue the speaker when an election of A. ARNOLD RODMAN its regular weekly rehearsals on officers will take place. Chair­ Memorial Road - Absentee owner needs immediate 1032 Broad St. Monday evenings at 8 P.M. at man for the afternoon is Mrs. sale. Excellent 3 bedroom half brick colonial, den, the East Side Center building. Edward I. Friedman. chairman playroom, lovette, convenient Hope shopping, school. ST 1-6192 Ermnte Maiani, concertmas­ for hospitality is Mrs. Louis ter, will conduct this Monday Weingeroff. A coffee hour will Oak Hill - Ridge Street, 5 bedroom split level, 2 baths, Trustworthy Service evening's session. precede the meeting. 2 lovettes, beautiful interior, most unusual fomi ly home. CRANSTON It's Furnace Checkup Time! Mauran Street - Unusual custom built colonial, brick front, 2 large bedrooms, 2½ baths, den, panelled re­ creation room-many extras. If you love comfort-and who doesn't Woodridge - High on the hill on lovely tree shaded lot- - now's the time to make sure you'l l 3 bedroom brick ranch house with modern kitchen, hove it all Winter long. • Arrange to­ garage, breezeway, finished bosement-low"twenties." day for us to check your oi I burner and put it in top operating condition. RIVERSIDE • For SURE-F IRE heating service. Florence ·street - Corner of Willett Avenue. Moder­ nized 3 bedrooms colonial, recreation room, l full FOR TODA Y'S BEST BUY both and 2 lovettes. Ideal for family or professional home and office. IN _OIL HEA1' BARRINGTON Nyatt Raad - Outstanding 4 bedroom split on a 26,000 square foot lot. 2 ½ baths, family room, gorgeous in­ CALL PA 5-6000 terior. Middle 30's. OUR SERVICE Serving the Blackstone ROTKIN & SYDNEY CONTRACT Volley Area for • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Guarantees a Trouble-Free Over Cozy-Warm Winter 40 Years 11 Freight Street, at Japonico, Pawtucket 812 Hope Street JA 1-3446