Ireland As ' Seen' on the Air - 207
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ee first Page T. C. Murray remembers Youghal :-- 203 ---~-- "Thirty years since I rode a Bike" --- 205 ---(>-- Ireland as ' seen' on the Air - 207 ---(>-- Curiosities Around Ireland - 209 ~-- County Shoe maker never had Holidays 211 ~ere's always {)tl1ething in --~- ~e air at the Call Back the seaside Traveller -- 215 VOL. XVII. No. 11. JIugust, 1942.. COMPLIMENTARY IRISH TRAVEL A uf}ltst, 19-1-2. DUBLIN BANK OF IRELAND * InAaLlIBU 1711. FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS AT Head omce: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN BBLFAST :: OORK :: DERRY {{ Where North meets South" PHONE: DUBLIN 71371 (6 Lines) RTRIlY DK801llPTION or rORlIllGN IIXOHANGB RUSDiR88 TRAN8AOTRD ON ARRIYAL or LINlIlR8 Resident Manager ........ T. 0'Sullwan .Y DAY Oil NIGHT AT OOBH (QUlIlIlN8TOW)l) AND GALWAY DOOO. I CONNEMARA HEART OF THE GAELTACHT. I Direct Bus Service from Galway Excellent White and Brown Trout fishing I leased by Hotel-free to visitors-within easy walking distance. Best Sea Fishing. Boating. Beautiful Strands. 60,000 acres shooting. Donegal Inishowen Peninsula Best centre for seeing Connemara and Aran Islands. A.A., LT.A., RLA.C. appointments. THE FORT HOTEL H. and C. running water. Electric Light. Garages. Full particulars apply:- GREENCASTLE - Co. DONEGAL OVERLOOKING LOUGH FOYLE MONGAN'S Fully Licensed Garage Accommodation • GOLF • TENNIS • HOTEL • BOATING • FISHING • SANDY BEACHES - SAFE BATHING Carna :: Connemara Own Grounds and Martelio Tower for Games, etc. IRELAND OPEN EASTER TO OCTOBER Telegrams: Mongan's, Carna. 'Phone, Carna 3 Good Bus Service from Londonderry. A.A. R.I.A.C. CONNEMARA'S CHIEF FISHING RESORT TELEPHONE: GREENCASTLE 3. -= SUBSCRIPTION : Wholesale Irom the Irish Tourist Association 5,- PER ANNUM, and Irom Post Free. IRI H Eason & Son, Ltd. Retail Irom TO ALL MEMBERS R~~- all Newsagents and COPIES FREE I Irom the ASSO~I~T~~: AND \ T 'E l IrIsh TourIst AssocIation OF ITS ASSOCIATE DEPARTMENT. J 1--= Price 3d. ---'"~ Official Organ of the Association and of the Irish Hotels Federation VOL. XVII. AUGUST, 1942. No. 11 NOTES AND NEWS New Lake for Dublin. able neg-lect, but tnwelIers on the W?y to KilIarney or "AS distributions of electricity snpplies from the the Cork resorts will not easily be persnaded to top Poulaphollca generating station <'.re not to he off when .-neh hright attr?ctions lie ahecv1.. Just now confined to the Dublin <'.re? their interest is on tIle honsc \vhere he w<'.s born the people arc putting more nation<>.! th?n municip?1. Nevertheless, for these up a t<'.hlet to rommemor?te 1\1allow's most famous rc?sons, that br<>.nch of the POld?phouc?, lInt lert?,kinr; s0n's, Thom".s D:wis's, foumling of the " Talion" has a special interest for the citizens of Dublin. One n(;wsp".j1er :1 hundred yeus ago. Becl.Utiful Mallow, reason is that the Corporation is <>. p<>.rtner in the joint \\ itll its memories of Thomas D".vis, Canon Sheehcm, scheme; another is tlmt its pro.'imity to the city is [lJl and Willi:1m O'Brien, cert<,.inly deserves tlla t cc,]!. insumnce <>.gainst possible interruptions of service; amI yet ?nother is tInt the n~w l".kp, three times the Their Only Industry. size of Phoenix Puk, seems c1.estined to becom.e the A tra\·clIec1. reel.del' wl1(l knows Bermuda writes to centre of new health ami ple<>sure resorts for residents ns :-" • TO V Un t \;c h".\ e become so ambitious about in the metropolitan area." the future of our own tourist trade, we might t<'.ke a From The Lord M (/)'0"s IJmillboo!.', r 942. less,m from the Bermudians. They can grow neither wheat or l,eet, although they culti\Cl.te a few onions of Kerry's Bright Events. which they <'.re \ <,-stIy proud. The tourist trade is the Kerry will h..we m<'.ny bright events this llwllth. sole in(lustry. 'I he motor car is rigorously banished. Kill?mey regatt.." on the 2nrl. 0\ cl' the lower l.... ke cov.r:e Evorybody ridcs ::>. hicycIe or else rides in <1. horse anrl. must be one of the most picturesque in the worl(L carri''.g'e; nowhere outside of Ireland is the horse more M<1.ny people still remember the gre<'.t r?ce there between popul",r. Like the Swiss the BE'nnurJi?ns know their Pennsylvania University ?nel Trinity College, Dublin, hr ~<,.d is buttered on the tourist side so they endeavour senior cig-hts, forty yc.".rs ?go. '1 he three (by:,' Puck tCJ mnko Ylmr ·tay as pleasant as possihle.· \Vhen you Fair at Killorglin IO-I2th, with b<>nd.s <'.nr!. bmlJ1.ers :m(l. < lc<'xillg, their speedy little motor launches escort ::. sort of general po"t of entert::>.il1ment will C~ITY on .pm out the harbour, while they cP.lI to you to come the oJrl tradition of the go::>.t "'.1l'1 the goin~s-on. l\.ttenJ <'.g".itl. .\ncl you do." at BalIylmnion, Knockn:'.goshel c.nll C2.sUegregory on the 15th, a reg::>.tta at Kelilllare, 16th, on ::>.nnther of August Events. Kerry's unique courses amI the two cl::>.ys' pattern at BallinskelIigs, 28-29th, give glimpses of typic<'.l regionel.l August events include: Racing-I, Leop?x(l.stown; festivals. 3, Rdcl('ylc; :Jl<,.lJow; 5, Phoenix P<>.rk; 8, Phoenix P:>.I·l~; Lj.-I5, TmlUore; . IS, n<,.Jdoyle; 20, Limerirk A Cottage by the River. ]n.: 22, Lcop:' f(lst(mn; 20, Curmgh; Regattas "A cottage by thc river" is not a f".miliM phn'.'ic ('1' 2, Kill<>flley; 3, Kins<'.le; B<>.llinure Tkrbour; C::>.rrick f::>.ct in a country like Irelellvl with e<'sy <'.cress to the (In-. h,'IU10lt; l\TO\ ilIc (DOllC~(1,I); 8, Skerries; I;'), sea. Our impnlse is to the co<"st, 'm.e! few peol,!e think (oh!!; .rull;'gh (C:l.\"~n); 16, Kcnm<'.ro: Shows-6-8, R.D.'C;. (B<,.ll-;bri(lge); 12, Sligo; 15, Ennis; Nen~gh; in terms of <>.n " old spot hy the rh·cr." Th8.t is str8.nge , considering w11:>.t delightful rivers offer thcmsch'cs, 21, B; 1l;1P.; 2(j, :\rohill (Leitrim); 26-27, Limerick; the Boyne, the Suir, <1. Imnclred others. Often onc J1lll!'t 27, Pony SllfI \', C"rn:J..; Golf-2-3, Buno.or<'n; 1-5, le<>.ve the high road to find tlwir ple8.s?ntcst wini lin~s. Rossl"s Point; 3, I.-<'.hinrh; 5, :\Iiltown (Dublin); 8, The Boyne is <>. notable cX·l.mple. Brc<'.k from thc ro<,.r1, Dunf?,n<,gh; lO, L<>.hinc.h; 12, Bnn(lor<'.n; 22, :1t Stack<lJJcn ,me! sce how dcli~htfl!l is the setting' '-'.s Dunf<>ll<'ghy; 2~, Blllvlor..'.n; 2.j. to Sept. 6, Tr<"more ; you make your \\<>.y <1.long the b<'.nk. 30, Bun· l.of<lll ; 30, 'tr;'ndhill; Patterns -IS, Dainge?n ; SI<'.ne ;RT.lly1>union; Knockn;\go~hel; C;l.stlegrcgory; Mallow Claims a Call. 25, Currac!oe; 28-29, B·'llinskel1igs. Other Events-3,Dog :\Ia!low has been (le. (rilH.:II "'S thc "hJ\\n th,l.t the ,hI v, Pnn 1 <,IIgh.'in·; 6, no" Show, Ellniscrone; thous8.n(ls 1'<'.ss by." It is :T. 1111).,t llnlI,critc 1 hut inc it- '3, . [1<>1[5, (;: lw;'.:. 201 IRISH TRAVEL A U[/ust, 1942. LADY GREGORY'S HOUSE PULLED DOWN COOLE HOUSE, 1941 COOLE HOUSE DEMOLISHED, 1942 eoole House, near Gort, where I.aiy Gregory lived and wrote, and Douglas Hyde, Synge, tlte Yea/s, Shaw, l\Iasefield and other poets, artists and intellectuals visited, h'l.s been pulted down. With it a remarkable local identification of a phase of modem Anglo-Irish literary history disappeal's. ....•...... .........•...•.....•••.....•..•........•• MlfOl1'lOlfS OJ' tlf1'Rt. 1 Entfarlts can enter. evefal photos under any or all tbreeseclions but tho) entered £55 in prizes for Photos under Section I will not be eligible for competition in Sections II or III and vice versa. 2. Each entrant must enclose with the entry, or batch of entries, a signed coupon ---.--- from O~E of the following is,",uPs of IRISIl TRAVEL-April, ~lay, June, July, August, September, October, 1042. The title of the picture and tbe entrant's name and address should be written on the back of each photo. SECTION I.-GENERAL. 3. Tbe closing date is Saturday, October litb, 1942. 4. Photos entered may be of any size or taken by any make of camera; it is not First Prize £5 (one award). necessary to enter negative~, but all entries ar~ accepted only on condition that th~ entrants arc prepared, In the event of belllg awarded onc of the prizes, to Second " Five awards of £3 each. relmqwsh the complete copyrigbt and negative, in its stead. • 5. Entries will not be returned unless accompanied by a sufficient fee to cover Third " Twenty awards of £1 each. postage and registration. 6. The judging of tbe entries will be doneby judges appointed by the Irisb Tourist The winning entries will be those most suited to the Association and their decision will be final. publicitywork of the Irish Tourist Association, depicting 7. No employee of the Irish Tourist Association is eligible to compete. characteristic aspects of Irish life-Landscape, Sports, Address all entries to: Types, Antiquities, Holiday Activities and kindred scenes. THE SECRETARY, (Photo Competition) IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION, SECTION II.-IRISH CURIOSITIES. 14 UPPER O!CONNELL STREET, First Prize £3 (one award) . DUBLIN. Second " Four awards of £1 each. IN.