Community Association THE VILLAGE HALL . WEST LANE . HIGH LEGH . NR .

SPRING 2020 Issue 151

CHERRY BLOSSOM IN HIGH LEGH Thank you to Julia for the wonderful picture of the Cherry Trees in your garden. There has been a magnificent display this year HIGH from all the spring bulbs planted around High Legh by volunteers. Thank you to LEGH everyone who contributed to the Village Improvement Exercise – school children and NEWS older volunteers – the results of your efforts have been enjoyed by many people during This Newsletter is our daily ration of exercise. written, published by High Legh community This is an unusual e-version of the High Legh Newsletter volunteers – written and published by High Legh people to celebrate the wide range of interests and skills within our small Download from community and help us celebrate the good things that have happened and are happening. Thank you to all contributors. For notifications Deadline for summer Newsletter is Sunday 28th June. about High Legh Publication dates can be more flexible when we publish events email electronically, so do send me articles that satisfy the whatsoninhighlegh@ publication criteria of - articles about High Legh and/ or High Legh People that are likely to be of interest to a significant number of High Legh people. Our intention is to revert to producing and distributing printed copies once If you want us to publish people are able to safely go out and distribute them. an advert or have information about a You can always get a downloaded version of Newsletters local social event or from if you want to send it to friends news that might interest across the country (or the world). You could participate High Legh people ring by writing articles, taking photos or even updating the website. Thank you to all the additional contributors to this 756171 or email surprisingly newsy edition. jennifer.pearce@ Thank you to so many High Legh people for all the great work you are doing to keep us safe and look after our NHS. I have been told of High Legh people feeding cake and other comforts to friends and relatives working in Deadline for the hospitals including Rochdale, Liverpool and plus more local hospitals. It is acts of kindness that will Summer Newsletter is help us all cope with the impact of this terrifying virus. Sunday 28th June Jenny Pearce Editor Tel: 01925 756171 or Produced by Mustang Marketing 01925 754766 Email: [email protected] The opinions expressed are those of contributors, and not necessarily those of HLCA. Page 2 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • BEDROOMS • HOME STUDIES

Over the past 35 years Merilyn has been harnessing her skills and resources to bring innovative and inspirational designs to her clients. Her experience and that of her design team ranges from one-off pieces to whole house projects. Merilyn’s unrivalled passion and ability to understand her clients’ needs and aspirations is a breath of fresh air. BESPOKE | LIFESTYLE | INNOVATIVE | INTERIORS

64 Telegraph Road, Heswall, Wirral CH60 0AG T: 0151 342 2144/7 M: 07773 540888 E: [email protected] HIGH LEGH SCHOOL PTA

Back in February, before the virus came, the PTA were planning a ‘Tea, Cake and Company’ event in the school hall for school children to serve afternoon tea to local residents. A sponsored Colour Run was also planned to raise money for a new sports multi-use-games-area. So many events have been put on hold as High Legh residents hunker down in their homes, but it’s amazing to see High Legh community spirit still shining through.

Since the school gates closed on 20th March, a group of parents have set up an NHS Support Group to send home-baking, toiletries and uniform wash bags to local hospitals including the MRI and Wythenshawe. We’d like to continue donating over the next few weeks and months. If you enjoy baking or sewing and have some time to help, please get in touch with Emma Greenwood ([email protected]). Emma can give you more details of how to get involved. Donations can be delivered to certain drop-off points in High Legh, and local doctors/ nurses will take donations into work. Already the donations have brought smiles to the faces of many NHS staff who are working so hard and selflessly.

Page 4 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 We’d also like to thank all the parents and children who helped serve refreshments at the High Legh 10K Race at the beginning of March. There were many visitors to the school that day who said how much they appreciated the warm welcome they received. Here are some photos of the day - they capture the High Legh community spirit which, despite current social distancing, is just as strong.

Best wishes for 2020, Rebecca Booth and Emma Openshaw (Co-chairs of High Legh PTA) To keep in touch or contact the PTA: or email [email protected]

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 5 Page 6 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 7 HIGH LEGH SUNDAY TEAS Easter Sunday would normally see the start of the High Legh Sunday Teas season and we would be looking forward to sandwiches, homemade cakes & puddings, scones, pavlovas and many more tempting delights. Teas are an opportunity for the various groups and charities from High Legh and the local area to display their baking skills and earn funds for their organisation. Sadly, like all events and gatherings, Sunday Teas have been postponed, and will not start again until the government restrictions are lifted and life gets back to normal.

Afternoon tea was introduced into by Anna, the seventhSTAY SAFE! Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. The Duchess would become hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon and started to take a pot of tea and light snack privately in her rooms and then she started to ask friends to join her. It proved so popular that the Duchess continued this when she returned to London where it was soon enjoyed by all fashionable society. Afternoon Tea is still a very popular activity which can be served simply at cafes and Village Halls or extravagantly at the Ritz and Claridges. I hope that in the forthcoming months you can all enjoy afternoon tea privately in your own rooms as originally taken by the Duchess of Bedford. 200 Club THEWINNERS 1 £75 125 J.Young 2 £50 15 M. Henderson in 3rd draw on 3 £25 199 R. Jesudason 4 £25 175 Ann Woolf 5th March are 5 £25 66 R. Lancaster

If you are interested in joining then please contact me, Trish Adams [email protected] 01925 755983

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 7 COFFEE & FRIENDSHIP

To all supporters of the Coffee and Friendship mornings we would like to say how sorry we are that due to current government directives we are not able to host the very popular coffee mornings. We hope you are all well and not finding the stay at home rules too restrictive. Is this the time to take the opportunity to do some overdue household jobs?

For those who need help at this difficult time, the High Legh Street Champions Scheme is in place – see details in this Newsletter.

We look forward to seeing you later in the year. Best Wishes Doreen & Trish

Mike Walker

It is with deep sadness that we report that Mike Walker passed away on 20th March. Over a period of four years Mike was Chair of the Village Hall Management Committee and then joint Chair of the High Legh Community Association Committee (CAC) before resigning in September 2019 for health reasons.

We have Mike to thank for a lot of the improvements and innovations at the Village Hall and our lovely kitchen is just one example. Mike had a vision for the hall that would make it an attractive and valuable amenity for the Village and supported by a dedicated team he brought these ideas to fruition. Mike was proud of what he had achieved and has left a lasting legacy for the people of High Legh to enjoy. Mike was a valued friend and inspirational colleague of all of us on the CAC and he will be greatly missed. From Trish Adams on behalf of High Legh Community Association

Doreen, Caroline and Lindsey would like to thank all our friends for the cards, flowers, plants, letters of sympathy, food and bottles of wine we have received at this difficult time. Mike was a wonderful and supportive husband and a very proud father. As we were only allowed a very small funeral, once the Village Hall is opened again we will have a celebration of Mike’s life.

Page 8 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 9 OUR VILLAGE HALL IS NOW CLOSED UNTIL GOVERNMENT ADVISE US IT IS SAFE TO REOPEN TO RESUME ALL OUR MANY ACTIVITIES

Here are some messages of support from regular users of High Legh Village Hall

PILATES Wishing all my clients wellness and to take care of themselves and each other. Penny Mind The Step are an Appalachian Dance team that practise on Sunday MIND THE STEP evenings at the Village Hall from 7.30pm. We dance in tap shoes to Blue Grass music. Appalachian Dancing originates from traditional English Clog and Irish dancing as danced by immigrants who settled in the Appalachian Mountain Regions of North America. We dance both at local events and festivals further afield to showcase our energetic dance form and our passion for dancing! When we eventually return to practising we would welcome new members so if you fancy giving it a try please contact our secretary, Catherine Jones at: [email protected] Look for us on Facebook: TANGO ‘Dear Tango dancers, Hope all is well with you all. Thank you for all your support in the past. If you feel able doing a little daily practice in the home can help to keep up your skills in Vals, Tango and Milonga. Also watching Argentine tango on YouTube can be helpful as well as listening to the different Tango orchestras. In the meantime please all take good care and looking forward to seeing you all once we are allowed to resume our classes. Bw 21st Century Tango team. BABY BALLET Joanne Elaine School of Dancing is wishing everyone is staying safe during these difficult times. We cannot wait to get back to our lovely classes and we hope to have some new recruits when we do so. If anyone has enquiries about our range of classes, then please do not hesitate to get in touch either directly or Facebook page.

DANCE EXERCISE (BERNIE) Dear All I miss your smiling faces and wonderful sense of fun, Friday’s are not the same since the lock down and although this virus has robbed us of our classes it’s not erased our spirits to continue to keep fit and strong. With this in mind I have set up an online Facebook fitness group called Bee-fit. It has lots of different workouts cardio, Zumba, dancercise, strength training, yoga and gentle stretching to name but a few. And for those who miss my music I’ve included dance tracks that you can either get on Spotify or YouTube if you are interested and would like to join me in a virtual class please let me know by emailing me [email protected] or phoning me Mobile 07758 733312. I look forward to hearing from you. Stay safe, keep in touch and wash those hands. Fondest wishes from your friendly dancercise instructor Berni x

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 9 RIDGEWAY IS STILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS BY EMAIL & PHONE. PLEASE CONTACT PAULA FOR PROMPT PERSONAL SERVICE” GET 10% OF SALE FEES DONATED TO HIGH LEGH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION To celebrate 32 years, Ridgeway Residential are offering 10% of sale fees to be donated to High Legh Community Association or your chosen local charity. Applicable on all new instructions with this advert.

Example: On a selling fee of £1,500 a donation of £150 generated for your chosen charity on completion.


Page10 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 11 GEORGIE’S PETS ’N’ PONIES GEORGEORGIE’SGIE’S PETS PETS ’N’ ’N’ PONIES PONIES Premium pet sitting service FIND Premium pet si ing service Premium pet sitting service ME ON *QUALIFIED AT REASEHEATH COLLEGE FACEBOOK LocalFULLY INSURED pet & CRB sitter CHECKED and dog walker Local pet sitter and dog walker Georgie’s Local petsitter and dog walker - £7 1/2 hour REFERENCES£10 full hour AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Equine services - from mucking out Pets ‘N’ Equine services - from mucking out to schooling Puppy care - Frequent daily visits to schooling Ponies

Holiday cover - daily visits and/or live in available Equine services - Including yard duties, holiday Holiday cover, schooling, cover - daily visits and/or hacking* All pets considered - even goats! live in available Holiday cover provided for all pets in their own home Prices available on request All pets considered - even goats!

Prices available on request P r i c e s a v a i l a b l e o n r e q u e s t

All pets considered, even goats!

CONTACT GEORGINA Mobile 07496CONTACT 653630 GEORGINA Mobile 07496 653650 GEORGIE’S PETS ’N’ PONIESCONTACT Email [email protected] *QUALIFIED GEAT REASEHEATHORGIE’S PETS ’N’ PONIES Email [email protected] COLLEGE PremiumGEORGINA pet sitting service RICHARDS FULLY INSURED & CRB CHECKED *QUALIFIED AT REASEHEATH COLLEGE REFERENCES AVAILABLE ONPr emiumMobile pet si 07496ing ser 653vice 630 *QUALIFIED AT REASEHEATH COLLEGE FULLY INSURED & CRB CHECKED REQUEST Email [email protected] INSURED & CRB CHECKED Local pet sitter and dog walker REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Local petsitter and dog walker - £7 1/2 hour REFERENCES£10 full hour AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Equine services - from mucking out to schooling Puppy care - Frequent daily visits

Holiday cover - daily visits and/or live in available Equine services - Including yard duties, holiday cover, schooling, hacking* All pets considered - even goats!

PricesHoliday available cover p onrovided reques for allt pets in their own home Prices available on request

All pets considered, even goats!

CONTACT GEORGINA Mobile 07496CONTACT 653630 GEORGINA Mobile 07496 653650 Email [email protected] Email [email protected]


©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 11 It’s been a very busy few months for us here at pre-school since the festivities of Christmas.

The new year has brought a new project for pre-school and we were very excited to announce that we were launching a new baby room and for the first time in the history of pre-school, we’d be providing care for babies from six months old. Traditionally, we’ve always looked after children aged between two and five years old. There’s currently nowhere else in High Legh providing childcare for the under twos, meaning parents have to send their children out of the village and then bring them back when they’re pre-school age which can be unsettling. We’re thrilled to now be able to provide a safe, secure and nurturing learning environment for local children from babies all the way up until they leave us to go to school. We’ve been busy converting what was our Messy Play Room into a brand-new space ready to welcome the babies, complete with lots of lovely new resources and play equipment. We held an Open Day in conjunction with the High Legh 10K and were very proud to be able to showcase our baby room to everyone who stopped by. We’ve already had lots of interest and lovely families signing up to reserve their baby’s places. The Open Day was a great success – we were serving cakes and refreshments and provided some fun arts and craft activities for the children, and thankfully the weather held out so we were able to open up our lovely outdoor garden area for families to enjoy together.

HIGH LEGH PRE-SCHOOL ROSEMEAD BABY ROOM We have had a jam-packed calendar of activities for the children including an exciting trip on ‘Jeff’s Spotty Bus’ provided by High Legh Community Transport, where we visited a local farm during lambing season. The children learned all about farming and were able to stroke and cuddle the lambs and watch them all playing in the barns, which they loved. Like the rest of the world, in recent weeks we have been faced with the challenges of the Coronavirus. Our staff, committee and parents have all pulled together during this unprecedented time, and initially we remained open to continue to provide care to the children of our parents who are key workers. However, it was with a very heavy heart that we had to make the very difficult decision to temporarily close pre-school as of April 1, as a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a charitable organisation, run by a parent-led committee, and with limited Government support options available to us, it became financially unviable to remain open in the short-term. We are confident this is only a temporary measure and that we will be able to re-open once life returns to normal with the support of our wonderful staff, committee, parents and the wider community. We have been providing care for the children of High Legh and surrounding villages for almost 50 years, and when the day comes for us to re-open our doors we hope we can rely on the support of the community to help us to get back on our feet and enable us to continue to provide a nurturing educational environment for local children for generations to come. WE LOOK FORWARD TO WELCOMING BACK ALL OF OUR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES AND SEEING OUR PRE-SCHOOL ONCE AGAIN FILLED WITH FUN AND LAUGHTER VERY SOON.

For anyone who is interested in a place for childcare then please get in touch, we are still available via our email at [email protected] JENNIFER NICHOLLS NURSERY ADMINISTRATOR

T: 01925756061 E: [email protected] ROSEMEAD, PHEASANTS WALK Abbey Leys Farm Shop Fresh Farm Food at it’s Best! • Organic Free Range Eggs • Rich Brown Welsummer, Speckledy and White Leghorn Eggs • Duck Eggs, Pickled Eggs

Home Grown Potatoes, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Preserves and Abbey Leys Honey. Farm Bakery - Breads, Cakes, Sponges, Fruit Pies and Beef Pies. Farmhouse Cheshire Cheese, Butter, Milk, Lemon Cheese and Farmhouse Ice Cream




Page 14 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 15 Gas leaks or supply outages (National Grid) 0800 111 999 Water or sewerage leaks or mains supply outages HIGH (United Utilities) 0345 672 3723 Electrical mains supply outages LEGH (SPEnergy) 105 or 0800 001 5400 Directory of regardless of who you pay your bills to CONTACTS Village Hall Manager Helen Wright 07703 194052 or [email protected] Newsletter articles and advertising contact Jenny Pearce 01925 756171 Email [email protected] and Website Send your email to [email protected] to receive monthly “whats on in High Legh” notifications. Facebook High Legh Community Association Sunday Teas Trish Adams 01925 755983

HL Council Cllr. William Hind (Chairman) 07721 661 884 Mrs Doreen Walker (Clerk) 01925 754818 or email [email protected] Police PCSO Emma Darroch contact on 101 or [email protected] HL Primary School 01925 753713 or email [email protected] PTA Emma Openshaw 07867 831946 & Rebecca Booth 07884 028094 (Co-chairs) email [email protected] HL Pre School 01925 756061/07955 884 064 [email protected] St John’s Church Rev. Philip Robinson 01565 830595 Rev. Trish Cope 01925 754787 Coffee and Friendship Doreen Walker 754818 or email [email protected] HL Community Observatory John Anderson HL Women’s Institute (President) Jean Evans 755979 HL Bowling Club Jean Mason 753643 or email [email protected] HL Park Golf Club 01565 830 888 or email [email protected] HL Tennis Club (Head of Tennis) Emma Silcock 07985 605 565 or email [email protected] HL Community Transport 755394 / 07876 161 893 or email [email protected] Council Cllr K. Parkinson 07565 158989 or email [email protected]

Dancercise Bernie 07758 733 312 or email [email protected] Pilates Penny Fonteyn 07925 591 894 Appalachian Dance 07930 912 109 or email [email protected] West Coast Swing Dance Baby Ballet Joanne Turner [email protected] HL Bridge Club (Chairman) Jeanne Holden 01925 752361 Tai Chi contact via Trish Adams 755983 or email [email protected] Tango Classes contact [email protected] Hatha Yoga contact Gill Lewis 07764 826011 Mindfulness contact Dr Sheila French, 07811 357208 [email protected]

Information on this page about Emergencies, High Legh CA, Newsletter and Village Hall Users was checked at the time of publication, No responsibility can be taken for any errors or omissions

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 15 ST JOHN’S CHURCH Everyone will be receiving this newsletter under extraordinary circumstances that exist, not only in our own country, but across the world. As I write this on 26th March we are just a few days in to tighter restrictions intended to slow down the spread of Covid 19. So, I find writing this much more difficult than usual. Usually I would write about the many events and services held recently and look forward to the great celebration of Easter. But we are in unusual times. In fact there is very little of life that is remaining normal at the moment except that amongst most people, in this village and beyond, a true neighbourliness continues and in fact is extending. Many of us are concerned for elderly and vulnerable neighbours and in true High Legh style it seems that much is being done to support them all in a safe way. Of course, this is not at all limited to villages such as High Legh. Across the country and across the world most people are seeking to alleviate suffering, deprivation and anxiety whether as a direct result of the illness or as a consequence of the necessary restrictions on social contact. Life in the church is also different. St John’s church is closed and, like other churches, we are attempting to provide worship resources online and in other electronic and digital ways. We are also providing phone contact for caring conversations, lighting candles to encourage hope and perseverance and making our homes the centre of our prayer and worship. We are very much still the church of Christ. The church is not the building – it is the Christians who together form the body of Christ. Saint Theresa reminds us of this in her words: “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” Whilst this was addressed to Christians, compassion and charity are not exclusively Christian attributes though they are the primary being of Christians. In High Legh we see that the whole community is seeking to love our neighbours as ourselves. Even the children are playing their part as can be seen from the pictured rainbow message and the beautifully decorated pebbles left outside the church. The building of St John’s is much loved by many in the community and will be available again before too long for the celebrations of life – weddings and baptisms, the pivotal moments such as funerals and to participate in the many community events that cement our sense of community here in the village not only for now but for future generations. Revd Trish

Page 16 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 17 LITTLE ACORNS Babes & Toddlers - at St John’s

Starting on Tuesday 28 January 2020 10am-12noon St John’s Church Room, The Avenue, High Legh ... an opportunity for all parents/carers with young children (0-4) to get together each week for drinks, play, crafts, chat & a snack in a warm & friendly atmosphere, away from the busyness of ‘life’

Admission £2.00 per adult & child (+50p per additional child), which covers tea/coffee for adults & a mid-session drink/snack for the youngsters

For more information please contact Liz on 07905-741969 or Jane on 01925-754186

We look forward to seeing lots of you there J

The Little Acorns is a success, we have had between 8-10 babies & toddlers at our sessions with a mix of mums, dads & grandparents. We welcome anyone to our group who has a baby or toddler. Our sessions are £2.00 for an adult and child & 50p for subsequent children & carers 9.30-12. We have lots of age appropriate toys, crafts and refreshments for all to partake in. We look forward to opening up once again as soon as Covid-19 has past. Liz Marland.


©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 17 You may have noticed recently a bright star over to the west in the evening sky. It is not in fact a star but the planet Venus in all its glory. The Orion constellation is in the south this time of year. We have been keeping an eye on Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice), the reddish star in the top left. It had dimmed late last year but has now brightened again slightly according to the experts. We took part in the annual star count organised by the CPRE (Council for the Preservation of Rural England). For this you are asked to count the number of stars, visible with the naked eye within Orion, not counting the bright corner stars. The count is done after your eyes have adapted to the dark. Our count this year was 9 indicating some light pollution – a count over 15 is for really dark sky sites! We began our second Thursday talks this year with one by Pete Williamson, astronomer and broadcaster, on the Parsons telescope in Ireland, the largest in the world at that time. It was a most entertaining talk. In February Maurice Rushby gave a talk on the Solar system, describing the planets and the outer region objects and how the Sun’s influence extends out to over 3 light years. In March Colin Henshaw’s talk was entitled “Space-the final frontier” . Due to the covid19 pandemic meetings are, of course, suspended until further notice, likewise visits to the observatory. To learn more about the night sky, you might like to download Stellarium. This is a free piece of software available from and very good it is too. Once set up for your location, it will show you at any time or date, what is visible in the night sky.

With best wishes from the HLCO team and stay safe! John Anderson

Page 18 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 COVID-19 The Parish Council, in partnership with the Community Association have responded to the COVID-19 lockdown by working with Lymm Parish Council to set up a ‘street champion’ network right across the High Legh parish. The objective of the network is to ensure anyone isolating has a contact point who can arrange essential shopping or collection of medical supplies, if family members or others are not able to do it for you. This is simply people helping people to ensure nobody is left isolated or without support. You should all have had a postcard and information leaflet through the door with your Street Champion name and number on. We have had over 50 volunteers from the village offering to do this role and I would like to personally thank everyone of them! The community spirit that we all love in High Legh is showing how strong a community we are! The current list of Street Champions is listed at the end of this item… and if you need their telephone number, or any other information, call our central team on the numbers below. 07808 207342 - Julie 07510 749847- Dorinda Please go to the website for further information and follow us on the myhighlegh Facebook page. Cllr Gail Coenen

STAY SAFE! Road Safety - Work has started on the traffic plan for the A50 to provide safer access around the Village Hall and Garden Centre and CEC are installing traffic islands as a pedestrian refuge on the A50. The overgrown footpath on West Lane has been on our priority list with CEC for a long time so we were very pleased that they completed this work before the 10K Race. Many of you have commented on the improvement! Also, a reminder that it is your responsibility to keep your own hedges trimmed and neat, making sure they do not hinder public rights of way. Many of you regularly do this, and we would like to thank you. It keeps us all safe when walking around the village. No one wants to risk stepping onto a busy road to avoid overhanging branches. Plastic Free High Legh was launched at the Farmers Market on 1 March. We will be applying for accreditation and will be getting the community involved. Nigel Hennerley is the Community Leader. More details on Facebook.

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 19 Broadband with Vispa - Superfast cable free broadband is being introduced into High Legh and means for those not on fibre you might be able to get fast broadband speeds (around 60Mbps). To find out more and if it can reach you make sure you register an interest here Facebook page High Speed Broadband for High Legh. Vispa details - Police - Our PCSO Emma Darroch can be contacted on 101 or her email is: emma. [email protected]. If you want to speak to Emma the date for her surgery is on the noticeboard outside the Village Hall.

Subscribe to our email updates by emailing the clerk. Cllr William Hind (Chair) Tel: 07721661884 Mrs Doreen Walker (Clerk) Tel: 01925 754818 [email protected]

Page 20 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 21 HIGH LEGH STREET CHAMPIONS

Road of Street Name of Street Road of Street Name of Street Champion Champion Champion Champion ** FLOAT Amanda Pemberton Mowpen Brow Marie Jones ** FLOAT Chris Moore North Drive Amanda Pemberton ** FLOAT Elaine Clare North Drive Chris Moore ** FLOAT Helena Roberts Emma Langman and Northwood Lane ** FLOAT Julie Worrall Ed Fish ** FLOAT Martin Roberts Peacock Lane Vicky Batt ** FLOAT Paula Smethurst Pheasant Walk Emma Dunn Agden Lane Irene Seaman Pheasant Walk Julie Rogers Arley End Kirsty Matthews Reddy Lane Dianne Leigh Beechtree Farm Close John Morris Rensherds Place Carl Smethurst Beechtree Lane Nicola Keeley Rensherds Place Katie Graw Boothbank Lane Irene Seaman Repton Close Ali Al Rawi Broadheyes Lane Sarah Wright Robert Moffat Jen Carter Leanne and Candelan Way Nigel Hennerley Robert Moffat Steve Shaw Chollerton Close Louise Allan Crabtree Lane Marie Jones Rowley Bank Lane Sam Woodhams Crowley Lane Lorraine Batchelor Shuldham Close Nigel Hennerley Ditchfield Lane Annie Cornwall Legh Somerville Close David Price Egerton Glyn Dutton Spurston Close Nick Gerrard Egerton Lindsey Neary Surridge Steve Ruddock Fanners Lane Marie Jones Swineyard Lane Karen Hirst Froghall Lane Irene Seaman Swineyard Lane buddy Lorraine Batchelor Gleyve Julie Rogers The Avenue Anne Hampson Gleyve Sue Edwards Thowler Lane Steven Spencer Golborne Lane Kate Thurlbeck Ulviet Gate Danny McNicholl Halliwells Brow Richard Cornwall Legh Ulviet Gate Shivani Shah Heath Lane Lorraine Batchelor Venables Way Howard Barlow Hobshill Lane Michelle O’Connor Venables Way Katherine Morley Holgrave Close Jane Burke Warrington Road Anne Hampson West Hall Court Gemma Thomas Sally Ann & Intack Lane West Lane Ross Thomasson Nicola Keeley (North of M56) Kay Lane Nicola Keeley Kinderton Close Marianne Dobson West Lane village hall to and including John Morris Lime Tree Lane Dianne Leigh Copper Beeches Mag Lanen - link with Sarah Wright Whitley Lane Sam Woodhams Broadheys Lane Whitson Close Becky brown Mereside Road Ruth Bucklow Hill Withers Lane Lorraine Batchelor Woodlands Crescent Ann Alderson Mereside Road Ruth Adne Bucklow Hill Woodlands Crescent Jane Ansell Moss Brow Lane Michelle O’Connor Wrenshot Lane Alan and Nicola Little Moss Lane Michelle O’Connor Moss Lane, Off Vicky Clark Peacock Lane

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 21 Mere – National Nature Reserve

“Joy of joys” is the first thing I wrote in my diary on 24th March. How could this be at this terrible time? The very day I was to “lock down” Rostherne Mere National Nature Reserve for who knows how long? But I did have a very good reason for my sentiment. You see for the first time in 15 years we had a song thrush singing in our garden. Of course we often hear them in the distance but to have one singing in our own garden was such a joy and reminded us of our first few years of living here in High Legh when we regularly had a song thrush in our big sycamore tree. Sometimes I would just stand and listen to that thrush for ages and I have really missed it since. Another sound to bring joy is the cheerful chirping and raucous squabbling of Sparrows throughout the day. House Sparrows have made a comeback in our garden after several years without. I attribute our loss to a regular sparrowhawk that decimated our “tribe” and caused them to move on. However, they have been recovering their numbers for the last few years and we are back to what I call a “full tribe” again. I can hang feeders under the canopy of a mature ivy and give these small birds the protection they need. We have purposefully allowed the ivy to cover an old fence and grow to become what is now effectively a large bush. Ivy is so beneficial in providing nourishing berries in early spring for the birds at an otherwise lean time of year and also blooms in autumn to provide a welcome boost of nectar for bees late in the season, so a double benefit. Please let it grow in your garden if you can. More joy too comes from listening to the dawn chorus and I hate to sleep in and miss it. Indeed I usually have my window open to hear it all the better. Sparrows are late risers but blackbirds are the opposite. They start their fruity song at the crack of dawn to be joined by wistful Robin and cacophonous Wren and then the hurried warbling of Dunnock. Recently we’ve had a Mistle Thrush singing its plaintive song by St John’s church in the dawn chorus - and also later at the close of the day in the dusk chorus. More birdsong joins the dawn chorus. Great tits shout “teacher teacher” and strident “caws” from the Rooks and sharp “jacks” from the Jackdaws fill in the background to build a symphony of sound. And you know what the wonderful thing is? No aircraft noise to spoil the simple pleasure

Page 22 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 23 of just listening. Only the distant rumble of trucks on the motorway rushing to refill our supermarket shelves serves to remind us of our crisis. Talking of shelves. When we were browsing the garden centre a few years ago we saw some neat and colourful bird boxes that looked like beach huts. We bought a blue one and hung under the eaves of our garage in a sheltered position out of the rain. To our delight Bluetits have nested in it every year since. The blue beach hut added to our mixed selection of homemade boxes and bought basketweave nest pockets spaced at regular intervals along the same eaves in a bid to attract different species. The nest pocket adjacent to the bluetits house is usually occupied by a family of wrens but this year naughty sparrows have moved in and started setting up home much to the consternation of the bluetits. Fights break out and Mr Bluetit is driven to perch on sentry duty on a convenient washing line, cringing whenever a sparrow passes. I am worried that if the sparrows persist the bluetits may well desert.

Sparrow hawk having a drink in the garden.

The word “desert” but in a different context reminds me that very soon Swallows and House Martins will return from Africa. We are fortunate in High Legh that we get breeding house martins in our village but sadly not in the numbers we had when we moved here 20 years ago. Then we had a substantial colony in West Hall Court and indeed we had their wonderfully constructed nests made of over 1,000 beak-sized pellets of mud on our house. Those nests may have gone but I am looking forward to hearing the martins twittering in the sky above our house. I am sure they have a collective memory of when West Hall Court was a working farm with welcoming barns and outhouses where they could confidently build their nests without disturbance. Do you have a home for nature in your garden, house martins or even swallow’s nesting on your house? Phil Dell

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 23 Janet Hasford 8.8.44 – 20.1.20

Janet Hasford was diagnosed with an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer in early November 2019 after a routine visit to the doctors. Janet fought her illness with dignity and courage until she was taken 10 weeks later.

Janet moved to High Legh in 1973 living in Egerton all that time – and is one of the originals. Janet, who was a hairdresser, started a mobile service, taking care of children’s and parent’s hair locally. Both Janet’s children Bradley and Caroline went to the Village Hall Nursery then on to High Legh Primary School, finishing their education in .

Janet worked at the perfume counter at Rackhams in Altrincham staying there for 12 years before moving to Broadbents in Knutsford, in Ladies Fashion until her retirement aged 70. She was often seen in High Legh with her grandchildren grandchildren or walking her daughter’s dog. Janet will be greatly missed.

Arthur Hasford

Page 24 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 25 HIGH LEGH WOMENS INSTITUTE

JANUARY WELCOME BACK President Jean Evans welcomed members and newcomers to the 1st meeting of the New Year. The turnout for the evening was impressive considering it had been a week of heavy rain and gale force winds. The speaker for the evening was Eddie Terry. Eddie is Community Manager at prison. He links the prison with local communities; the police; probation services and others. In 2011 he was presented with the Butler Trust award by Princess Anne. The award recognises outstanding work and best practice across UK prisons; probation and youth justice.. Around 480 women prisoners are imprisoned in Styal. The prisoners have the opportunity to participate in many activities including catering; craft work and gardening. Since 2012, the gardeners have won 7 medals at the Tatton Flower Show. Styal provides a safe and educational environment. The wide-ranging education provided includes English; maths; hairdressing and beauty; painting and decorating. It costs £40,000 a year for each woman imprisoned in Styal. Sadly 48% of prisoners will re-offend within 12 months of release; the majority of their offences are drug related. However in 2014 Styal became a resettlement prison and thanks to local businesses, ex-offenders are given the opportunity to learn new skills and to find employment . We were interested to learn that former Lymm resident and Beirut hostage, Terry Waite, has a prison wing named after him. He is a supporter of the prison and assists in the rehabilitation programme. During the Greenham Common demonstrations some protestors were sent to Northern prisons including Styal. They were kept occupied making T Shirts. Ironically, some of these T shirts promoted British Nuclear Fuels. The prison is proud of “The Clink”, a restaurant open to the public. It provides high quality meals, cooked and served by prisoners who are working towards gaining their City & Guilds NVQs. Several WI members have enjoyed visiting “The Clink”. FEBRUARY WOMEN’S WORK IN WORLD WAR 11 Ruth Thomas was the speaker at the February meeting. Ruth works at Stockport Air Raid shelters; a system of underground shelters open to the public. Her interesting talk covered many aspects of the part women played in the war. Many organisations were formed including the WVS; WRNS; ATA and the ATS. Princess Elizabeth gained top marks while in the ATS as a mechanic and military truck driver. Ruth told the story of Mary Ellis, a pioneer aviator who joined the Air Transport Auxiliary. Her job as a ferry pilot included delivering military aircraft (including spitfires and heavy bombers) from factories to RAF bases. Mary had many tales to tell when she was interviewed on TV at the age of 100. She recalled how on one occasion, when delivering a Wellington Bomber to an RAF base, the airmen didn’t believe she was capable of flying the plane so boarded in search of the male pilot. Mary died in 2018 aged 101. In 2005 a national memorial dedicated to women of world war two was unveiled by the Queen. It stands north of the Cenotaph on Whitehall in recognition of the duties carried out by these amazing women.

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 25 MARCH CHESHIRE UNCOVERED In March, Stephen Shakeshaft came to the Village Hall. With the help of a photo presentation he took us on a tour of . Stephen is a registered tour guide for Chester and was born within the City walls so he can claim to be a true Cestrian. He has a vast knowledge of the City and he drew our attention to hidden treasures that even regular visitors miss. We learnt the history of the Cathedral (founded as a Benedictine Abbey in 1092). We were shown photos of a Sedan Porch (one of only a few in Britain) – just what you need when getting out of a sedan chair. The Bell Tower was the 1st free standing bell tower in Europe. We were told the story behind the Wishing Steps and the Eastgate Clock (the 2nd most photographed clock in England). He drew our attention to many magnificent buildings in the City and I am sure we will be more aware of these buildings and their secrets when we next visit. Sadly, some of the buildings of historic interest, such as the remains of a Roman Amphitheatre (the biggest in Britain), have been regarded as development opportunities to be sold off and built on. OTHER ACTIVITIES The County Quiz was held in February. The Darts team got through to the semi-finals of the WI Cheshire League. Book club members have been reading “After the Crash” by French author Michel Bussi and five hardy walkers walked over 4 miles by the Weaver in in the pouring rain; not to mention the excessive mud. The walk ended in a well-earned lunch at the Cock at Budworth.

CORONAVIRUS Monthly meetings have been cancelled until further notice Val Challis 754271 However High Legh WI members have kept in touch

WHAT HIGH LEGH WI MEMBERS ARE DOING DURING THE LOCKDOWN Gwen has started an email trail where we chatted about what we have been doing over the last couple of weeks. This is based on some extracts from those emails: Initially it was almost a relief to stop doing things, sit down and have time for a good think. Then it was time for catching up on jobs and tidying out of cupboards before we settled down to: MAKING THINGS: Knitting for grandchildren – hoping they will not have grown too much before they • have a chance to wear them Quilting – completing UFO (unfinished objects) even using quilting skills to make • facemasks in case we need to use them • Hand making Birthday and Christmas cards – to raise money for Cancer Charities • Needle felting “its amazing how much better l feel after stabbing away with gusto” Completing the needlework items that would have been exhibited at the Cheshire • Show – with plans to send them to friends as very special gifts Making cotton drawstring bags for nurses to put their uniforms in after their shift prior • to laundering to contain any contamination

Page 26 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 27 FOOD – Lots of time to try out new recipes – what can you make from red cabbage? • Cake making to cheer up neighbours and NHS staff • Golden Wedding Anniversary – celebrated in style with a La Boheme takeaway CHATTING – to neighbours on the daily exercise and to dog walking friends • Ringing old friends we have not phoned for a while • Facetime and Skype to family – even joining in an international Birthday celebration Family Quiz night via Facebook – great entertainment, particularly supporting family • members on the NHS and Care “front lines” – who need a break

Learning languages, renewing old skills, exploring concerts over the internet • Learning how to keep doing favourite things in new ways - Tai Chi using Zoom • Observing the wildlife all around us and rejoicing in the lovely spring weather Collecting items for the High Legh Newsletter and keeping up • to date Keeping fit with regular walks, cycling (indoors) and enjoying all the lovely gardens • which are brimming with spring flowers

High Legh external cleaning WHAT HIGH LEGH WI MEMBERS ARE DOING DURING THE LOCKDOWN Window cleaning service All external glass, frames, doors & sills cleaned every time

Windows | Gutters - Paving | UPVC | Conservatories

Please contact Gareth on 07305 839434 or 01925 879355

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 27 gh Leg Hi h


Well what can I say? By the time you read this newsletter, the outdoor season should have been well under way. In anticipation of the green opening on the last weekend in March, a dozen members turned up on Saturday mornings to form a working party which went about the task of tidying up the surrounds of the green, washing down paintwork, putting out the benches around the green in preparation for the new season. Other members carried out a spring-clean inside the Clubhouse. Thank you to those who gave their time and effort to complete these jobs by the deadline. The green has been well prepared for the outdoor season over the winter and we were all set to start, but the virus put a stop to all play. When it is all over, we start again as strong as ever, we hope, although the signs are that the end of the present restrictions are some way off. In the absence of information and commentary on bowling results and the other activities of the club I was at a loss as to how to fill out this report for the HLCA newsletter. Then the thought struck me that I could draw on the wisdom of other members of the club to help me in the quest for copy. Thank you to the ten members who responded with useful items for publication. I have tried to use their contributions where appropriate, although for various reasons, I could not find room for them all. In the midst of my search for contributions, I thought that having had such terrible news over the last few weeks a little bit of humour wouldn’t go amiss. So here is my first item for your entertainment.

asked Jack’s wife Tracy. “How was your bowling game, dear?” “Well, I was bowling well but my eyesight’s gotten so bad I couldn’t see where the bowl went.” “But you’re seventy five years old Jack” admonished his wife, “Why don’t you take my brother Scott along?” “But he’s eighty-five and doesn’t even bowl anymore,” protested Jack. “But he’s got perfect eyesight. He could watch your bowl,” Tracy pointed out. The next day Jack bowled with Scott looking on. Jack bowled to a long jack.

“Do you see it?” asked Jack. yelled Jack, peering up the green. “Yes,” Scott answered. “Well, where is it?” “I forgot” said Scott. Page 28 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 29 Competitive Bowling We had plans to run nine teams this year (an increase of one) in six different leagues. By entering a B team in the Knutsford Veterans League, we hoped, along with friendly matches during some of the Wednesday social bowling sessions, to provide more opportunity for newcomers to bowling to compete at an appropriate level. Unfortunately, all league and social bowling is postponed until further notice.

Indoor Bowling The year started full of hope with indoor bowling on Monday and Wednesday were all well attended. Wednesday night was the most competitive session bringing out the best and the worst in the players but it made for an enjoyable evening. Thanks to Jack Stant and his crew for their organisation of the sessions. Our team in the Cheshire Villages indoor league had a good season just missing out on the finals day. Norman Harrison, however, was in the final of the doubles but lost out on the last end He and his partner were runners up in the final losing 10-6. . Thanks to Chris Ashton for his role in administration of the team. Our team in the Warrington Indoor Long Mat league had a satisfactory season but, unfortunately, this competition was one of the first to succumb to the virus (not literally) and the league had to be abandoned before completion. Thanks to Dave Woolf for the work done of this team.

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 29 Other Business Our Annual General Meeting took place in February and was attended by a good number of our members. The existing Committee members were all re-elected and it was very pleasing to note that another member has agreed to join the Committee to shadow our existing Treasurer, Allan Burdett, with a view to taking on this role next year. Our planned Beetle Drive also fell victim to the virus and there is a worry that our planned “away day” in Southport in August will have to be cancelled. No doubt these events will be re-scheduled once the restrictions end.

Join us (but just not yet) As always, the invitation goes out to anyone who would like to take up crown green bowling to contact us. In the present situation, however, we cannot promise any bowling in the foreseeable future. If you require any information about the Club, you can contact our President, Jack Stant on 07831121735 or by email at [email protected]

Page 30 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 31 High Legh Robert Moffat Memorial 10k Race Sunday 8TH March 2020 at 11am 2020 – A Vintage Year for the Robert Moffat Memorial 12th Anniversary High Legh 10k Race

A tremendous party atmosphere, record numbers of enthusiastic supporters and almost perfect weather conditions (apart from a few early April showers) all combined to make the 2020 High Legh 10K a classic. The course itself was also picture perfect, having been cleared of several sackfuls of litter by Lymm Ploggers (picking up litter while running) the day before, while sponsors had donated bark chippings to make the muddy parts safer to run on. 2020 was also the year the Race made moves to reduce its environmental impact by using biodegradable goody bags, offering entrants the opportunity to opt out of having a T-shirt (which enabled us to contribute over £200 to the WWF), and using paper bags instead of plastic for the iconic gingerbread men. James Hurrell, Race Director commented ‘not only were we able to make moves towards reducing our impact of the environment but as this year the 10K coincided with International Women’s Day, it gave an extra focus on the women runners, especially those who have just ‘graduated’ from the Beginners Group.’ Nick Gerrard, Race Team Chair commented, ‘Lymm Runners and the High Legh Community Association would like to thank all the volunteers without whom this friendly and popular event would not be possible: this includes the organising committee, the goody bag and registrations teams and also the ever cheerful Marshalls who always have such a positive impact on the runners, and not forgetting those who helped to clear up. Our sponsors have also been very generous this year, and we would like to thank them for their donations of cheques or vouchers or in kind, including plants, water, fruit and other prizes.’ Our sponsors are: The Mere Golf Resort and Spa, Abbey Leys Farm, High Legh Garden Centre, High Legh Park Golf Club, Roberts Bakery, Sheldons Dairy, Knutsford, Moto in the Community Trust, The Jolly Thresher, Lymm Co-op in Heatley Mere, Lymm Wine Kitchen, The Bears Paw Country Inn and Restaurant, Samantha Foxall Sports Massage & Therapy, Sainsbury’s Rush Green Road and Sainsburys The Cross, Lymm, Road Maintenance Services, Mustang Digital Marketing and Cakes by Dominique.

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 31 We congratulate winners Chris Stanford who completed the course in 33 minutes 39 seconds and Alison Roberts of Lymm Runners in 40 minutes. Many congratulations to the winners of our new category for Veterans of 70+ won by Raymond and Susan Hall of Halifax Harriers in terrific times of 47 minutes and 1 hr 2 minutes respectively. And last but not least, well done to winners of the First Male and Female High Legh residents home – Amanda Pemberton in 47min 30 seconds and Will Morris in 36 min 41 seconds.

Nick Gerrard, Chair of the Race Committee on behalf of the High Legh Community Association and Lymm Runners Email: [email protected]

If you would like any information on the tennis at High Legh Tennis Club, please don’t hesitate to contact Emma Silcock ([email protected]) or phone 07985605565

Page 32 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 33 LOCAL SERVICES

ORCHARD SERVICE STATION SERVICING & REPAIRS MOT TESTING EXHAUSTS FITTED FREE WARRINGTON ROAD By the Bears Paw Tel: 01925 755516 Joe Randlo Donna L. Lowe M.Ch.S 07541827006 State Registered Chiropodist [email protected] Surgery: 17, Ashley Rd, Altrincham, WA14 2DT Telephone 0161 928 5033 HOME VISITS BY APPOINTMENT

LOCAL ELECTRICIAN LADIES AND GENTS NICEIC Registered HAIRDRESSERS Over 25 years in business From a fuse in a house rewire. No Job to small 1a HIGH LEGH ROAD Please ring Ben Entwistle BROOMEDGE 07763 400405 Telephone: 01925 754484

Fitted Kitchens, Bedrooms Studies & Fitted Lounge Furniture MAN and VAN Suppliers of Fitted Furniture to High Legh Village Hall • Careful, Considerate Man with Large Van • Courier Service - Full or Part Load • White Goods, Motor Bikes, Furniture MARK TAYLOR • Full or Part House Clearance • Licensed for Rubbish Removal 07966 421195 Phone Tom Ford 07747 415330 [email protected]

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 33 LOCAL SERVICES

GARY PERCIVAL TEL: 01925 419009 HIGH LEGH MOB: 07970 252 001 [email protected] PODIATRY PAINTER & DECORATOR Home visiting service for all of your footcare needs

Georgina Pierce BSc DPodM MChS

HCPC Registered Chiropodist / Podiatrist T:07845 678918 E: [email protected] WORKING FROM HOME During this difficult time we are still here to support you and expand our services to help To help you keep selling we have created our “Keep Trading” Package

Our “KEEP TRADING” offer is ONLY available to SME’s with under 30 employees at £49 per month to help them keep trading!

Key Features • Fully integrated into Facebook • The 3-page website from Only £49 per month* • PayPal/Stripe integration • Up to 25 products listed • Wide Selection of themes • SEO optimise content • Min 12 months contract

If you have any questions or queries please call 07823 550973 or visit to see exactly what this package includes.

Page 34 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 35 LOCAL SERVICES

Want to : reduce your stress, feel calmer, happier and more in control of your life in 2020. Try Mindfulness New Course Starts: Saturday January 25th Location: High Legh Village Hall, Cheshire To learn more or book your place see: Or contact: Dr. Sheila French email: [email protected] Tel: 07811 357 208

• Tree Surgery LESSONS AVAILABLE ONLINE • Tree• Stum Surgeryp Grinding • Stump• Fully GrindingTrained Staff • 5mil Public & Employers Liability Insurance • Fully• Es tTrainedablished since Staff 22 Please •find 5mil us on Public Faceb &oo Employers or isit our YLiabilityouTube c hannel to Insurancesee recent proects undertaen

True care when you can’t be there! • TEstablishedel 1925 75 27 since9 Mob2002 777 75 Small dog boarding Dog Walking Pet sitting Please find us on Facebook or visit wwwcheshiretreescou The alternative to Scheduled daily walks Home visit service kennels our YouTube channel to

Loving home in a rural Fully insured and Cats and other small see recent projects undertaken. location CRB/DBS checked animals

Covering High Legh, Lymm and surrounding areas Tel: 01925 75 2769 Mob: 07747 844675 See client testimonials on my website:

For further information and to book a free home visit consultation phone Anne on 07743325948

©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391 Page 35 LOCAL SERVICES


2019 TREND – SIMPLE IS THE Fresh local flowers for every BESToccasion delivered to your door Why not take a look at our gallery and discover all of Free delivery within a 5 mile radius our bespoke, LOOK BOOK wedding or corporate. 2019 TREND – Spring, Summer & Christmas WorkshopsGALLERYSIMPLELOOK IS THEVERY BOOK BEST POPULAR in my Flower Barn at 2019 TREND – Why not take a look atSIMPLE our gallery IS THE and discoverBEST all of Ring me on 07970927161 or landline 01565777262our bespoke, (ring before you comewedding just or in case I’m out delivering) for more information or pop in corporate.Why not take a look at our gallery GALLERYand discover all of our bespoke, wedding or corporate.


David Blake Window & Gutter Cleaning Mob: 07710 969327 15 Oakfield Avenue, Knutsford WA16 8JB

• Lawns and borders • Edges and hedges • Patios, drives and gutters • Garden makeovers

Page 36 ©High Legh Community Association 2020 | Registered Charity No 511391   With Spring approaching most of us are looking forward to warmer, longer days ahead. Why not take up golf in 2020? As one of the UK’s largest participation sports its a great way of meeting new people, making the most of beautiful scenery and is available for all ages and abilities to enjoy.

At High Legh Park we have some of the best practice facilities in the North West and is home to the American Golf National Golf Academy with 7 PGA professional coaches permanently on site. The club also has two stunning courses as well as a 6 Hole Pitch and Putt course that is free for Juniors under the age of 18.

Golf rounds start from £7.00 on the Academy course and £15 on the Championship Course.

6 Hole Pitch & Putt Course

9 Hole Academy Course

18 Hole Championship Course

Excellent Practice Facilities

 Starting in Spring, we will be holding Sunday Junior sessions and competitions every fortnight to help encourage Juniors into golf. The sessions are for all ages and include tuition and mini games for beginners to Handicap Quali ers for advanced players.

The Junior Sessions are £2 for non-members and last approximately 3 hours. More information can be found under the Junior section on

CALL 01565 830888 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR VISIT: High Legh Park Golf Club, Warrington Rd, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 0WA High Legh Community Transport Take the worry out of your transport arrangements for your special occasion

• Transport to and from children’s party venues • Shuttle service to and from events held at the High Legh Village Hall • Service available to support local events • Shuttle service for your family and guests at weddings, parties etc. • Transport to airports and UK holiday destinations • Educational Activities • Door-to-Dine Service School service to and from , collection from The Belfry, Rensherds Place and Park

T: 01925 755394 M: 07876 161893 E: [email protected]