M1 NL.COUNCIL1995M Motherwell, 21st April, 1995 at 2 pm. At the First Meeting of the NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL

PRESENT: Councillors Barrie, Beekman, Brooks, A. Burns, E. Burns, Carmichael, Cefferty, Chadha, Clarke, Combe, Connelly, Cox, Craig, Craigie, Curley, Curran, Foley, Gibson, Gilchrist, Gordon, Gormill, Gray, Griffin, Hebenton, Hogg, Holloway, Lafferty, Leitch, Logue, Lucas, Lyle, McAlorum, McCabe, McCulloch, McElroy, H. McGuigan, J. McGuigan, McKendrick, J. McKenna, R. McKenna, McKeown, McLaughlin, MacLeod, Maginnis, J. Martin, W. Martin, Mathieson, Moran, Morgan, Murphy, G. Murray, S. Murray, Nolan, Pentland, Robertson, Ross, Russell, Saunders, Selfridge, Shaw, Smith, Stocks, Sullivan, Wallace and Wilson.

APOLOGIES:Councillors Coyle, Fitzpatrick, McGhee and Scott.

ATTENDING:J. Bonomy, Proper Officer.


1. John Bonomy, as Proper Officer and a Depute Returning Officer for the North Lanarkshire Council Election, took the Chair at the commencement of the meeting.

Election 1995

\*@M2 2. There was submitted and noted Election Return (circulated) relative to the election of Councillors of the North Lanarkshire Council on 6th April, 1995, as detailed in Appendix 1 hereto.

Declaration of Acceptance

3. The Proper Officer advised that all Councillors had signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

The Council noted the position.

Election of Convener

4. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, advising that, in terms of Section 4(1) of the Local Government etc. () Act 1994, the Council of each local government area was required to elect a Convener from among the Councillors whose term of office would terminate on the date of the first meeting of the Council held on or after 1st April, 1996. The Council resolved that Councillor Mathieson be appointed as Convener of the Council. The Chair was then vacated in his favour.

Election of Depute Convener

5. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, advising that, although there was no statutory requirement for the election of a Depute Convener, Section 4 (2) of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994 provided that a Council may elect a member of the Council to be Depute Convener, the first term of which office was identical to that of the Convener.

The Council resolved (1) that a Depute Convener be appointed, and (2) that Councillor McCulloch be elected Depute Convener of the Council.

Convener and Depute Convener - Titles

6. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, (1) advising that the Council may decide by what names the Convener and Depute Convener should be known; (2) pointing out that the title of Lord Provost was reserved to the Conveners of each of the Councils of the Cities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow with effect from 1st April, 1996, and (3) suggesting, if the Council decided to use the title of Provost for this office, that this did not happen until April, 1996 in order not to create confusion with the office of Provost of the existing District Councils.

The Council agreed that the titles of Convener and Depute Convener be used meantime.


7. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, advising that, in terms of Section 4 (8) of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994, the Council may pay the Convener and Depute Convener for the purpose of enabling each of them to meet the expenses of the office, such allowance as the Council thought reasonable, and pointing out that the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and the North Lanarkshire Finance Officers Joint Working Party had suggested that a decision on the payment of such allowances be deferred until advice was issued on Special Responsibility Allowances.

The Council agreed to continue consideration of this matter. Leader of the Council

8. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, inviting the Council to consider if the leader of the majority group should be appointed or formally recognised as the Leader of the Council.

The Council resolved that Councillor McGuigan be appointed as Leader of the Council.

Depute Leader of the Council

9. Arising from consideration of the item of business contained within the immediately preceding paragraph, the Council resolved that Councillor McCabe be appointed as Depute Leader of the Council.

Management Structure

10. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, suggesting, for the reasons detailed therein, that pending discussion with the new Head of Paid Service, no immediate decisions be taken on the question of the Council's management structures, both Committee and Departmental.

The Council agreed to remit this matter to the Interim Executive Committee for further consideration.

Interim Executive/Policy and Resources Committee

\*@M3 11. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, (1) referring to a note from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities containing advice on the establishment of an Interim Executive/Policy and Resources Committee to provide a formal forum for initial consideration of practical problems and, with powers, to authorise, where necessary, action being taken urgently, and (2) inviting the Council to consider its response to that suggestion and, if accepted, the size, powers, and composition of the Committee.

Following discussion, the Council resolved that an Interim Executive Committee be established; that its terms of reference be as detailed in Appendix 2 hereto, and that membership be as follows, viz:- Councillor H. McGuigan, Chair; Councillor McCabe, Vice-Chair; Councillors Craig, Craigie, Gray, Hebenton, Lafferty, Logue, Lyle, McCulloch, McKendrick, R. McKenna, Mathieson, Moran, Murphy, G. Murray, Pentland, Shaw, Sullivan and Wallace. Arrangements for Appointment of Head of Paid Service

\*@M4 12. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, (1) referring to the requirement by the new Council to appoint a Head of Paid Service; (2) advising that 48 applications for the post had been received, and (3) suggesting, for the reasons detailed therein, that a Recruitment Committee/ Sub-Committee be established with powers to be determined.

The Council resolved that a Recruitment Sub-Committee be established; that its terms of reference be as detailed in Appendix 3 hereto, and that membership be as follows, viz:- Councillor H. McGuigan, Chair; Councillor McCabe, Vice-Chair; Councillors Craigie, Gray, Lyle, R. McKenna, Robertson, Smith and Sullivan.

Arrangements for Other Senior Posts

13. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, advising that initial advice on the appointment of other senior officers had been provided by the Local Government Staff Commission (Scotland) in their circular 3/95, and suggesting that detailed consideration of the arrangements to be followed, particularly in relation to the question of an early appointment of Finance and Personnel Officers, be remitted to the Interim Executive Committee.

The Council resolved that the arrangements for the appointment of other senior officers be remitted to the Interim Executive Committee for further consideration.

Appointment of Interim Clerk

14. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, (1) explaining that his designation by the Secretary of State applied only to the convening of the first meeting of the Council and acting as the Proper Officer for the purpose of that meeting; (2) advising that since it would be some weeks before the new Council had permanent staff available, provision would require to be made to cover that interim period; (3) indicating that agency arrangements could be made with Motherwell District Council to allow him to continue as Interim Clerk or, alternatively, some other suitable person could be appointed, and (4) suggesting that the Interim Clerk be authorised to make appropriate arrangements for support staff and facilities from the existing Councils.

The Council resolved that J. Bonomy be appointed as Interim Clerk, and that he be authorised to make appropriate arrangements for support staff and facilities. Shadow Funding and Banking Arrangements

15. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, advising that the Secretary of State had allocated $1.911m to the North Lanarkshire Council to cover various items of expenditure as detailed therein, and suggesting that the Interim Clerk (1) be authorised meantime to incur any necessary expenditure, on the understanding that a report on the utilisation of the shadow funding be submitted at the earliest possible opportunity, and (2) be instructed to advise the Scottish Office that the monthly instalments of grant should be paid into the bank account of Motherwell District Council and to make the necessary arrangements for the disbursement and reimbursement of funds.

The Council noted the information and resolved that the Proper Officer's proposals be approved.

Members' Allowances

\*@M5 \*@M6 16. There was submitted report (circulated) by the North Lanarkshire Finance Officers Joint Working Party, (1) enclosing copies of a proposed scheme for members' allowances for 1995-96 and a provisional scheme of approved duties for travelling and subsistence; (2) suggesting, for the reasons detailed therein, that these schemes be approved, and (3) advising on various other matters which required to be resolved by the Council during the first few months, or on the appointment of a Finance Officer.

The Council (1) resolved (a) that the scheme for members' allowances for 1995-96, as detailed in Appendix 4 hereto, be approved, subject to appropriate amendment in due course; (b) that the scheme of approved duties for travelling and subsistence, as detailed in Appendix 5 hereto, be approved; (c) that the mileage rates payable be as proposed in the Scottish Office, Environment Department's circular 5/95; (d) that where more than one class of fare was available, first class rail fare be substituted; (e) that air or other travel be reimbursed at actual cost, subject to the provisions of circular 5/95 in relation to travel by taxi etc.; (f) that entitlement to day subsistence, as outlined in circular 5/95 be approved, and (g) that conference subsistence rates, as outlined in circular 5/95, be approved, and (2) otherwise referred to the Interim Executive Committee for further consideration (a) the amounts of special responsibility payments and to which members these were to be payable; (b) a scheme for the reimbursement of telephone expenses, and (c) the allowances payable to the Convener and Depute Convener of the Council. Capital Expenditure 1995-96

17. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, (1) advising that it is was understood that the Secretary of State intended issuing Section 94 consent to the new Councils to allow them to incur capital expenditure during the shadow year; (2) indicating that the total sum to cover all the new authorities was likely to be very modest and that the first instalment of consent could be issued as early as May, 1995, and (3) suggesting that the Council submit an early bid for a realistic share of the expenditure, based on the strong case which the Council would be able to make in relation to its accommodation and information technology requirements.

The Council resolved that the Interim Clerk be authorised to submit a realistic bid for capital expenditure approval.

Financial Regulations

18. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, suggesting that, on a temporary basis, the Council adopt Motherwell District Council's Financial Regulations, where applicable, for the initial administration of its financial affairs.

The Council resolved that the said proposal by the Proper Officer be approved.

Interim Finance Officer

19. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, advising that, in terms of Section 95 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, each Council was required to make arrangements for the proper administration of their financial affairs and to secure that the Proper Officer of the authority had responsibility for the administration of those affairs, and suggesting, for the reasons detailed therein, that if he was appointed as Interim Clerk and Motherwell District Council's bank account was used initially, there would be merit in also appointing him as Interim Finance Officer utilising the facilities of Motherwell District Council's Finance Department.

The Council resolved that the Interim Clerk be appointed Interim Finance Officer and Proper Officer in terms of Section 95 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

North Lanarkshire Council Area Joint Working Group - Report

20. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, (1) advising that a number of Officer Working Parties had been meeting since January to examine the services provided by the existing authorities within the North Lanarkshire Council area; to compile basic data about the services; to identify issues and possible options to be considered by the new authority, and, where possible, to suggest a timetable for determination of these issues; (2) indicating that when these reports had been considered by the North Lanarkshire Council Area Joint Working Group at the final meeting on 21st March, 1995, the Group had noted their contents; remitted these simpliciter to the new authority for its consideration and attention, and agreed that copies be sent to the existing authorities for distribution to elected members and officers, and (3) suggesting that these reports be remitted (a) in the first instance, to the Interim Executive Committee to deal with any urgent items which had been identified, and (b) thereafter to the relevant Committees when these had been established.

The Council resolved that the said proposals by the Proper Officer be approved.

Insurance Arrangements

21. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, advising that the North Lanarkshire Joint Finance Working Group, following comparison of the offers submitted by Zurich Municipal Insurance Company and Bowrings Insurance Company, had arranged insurance cover on behalf of the Council with effect from 7th April, 1995, and giving details of the said cover, as provided by Zurich Municipal Insurance Company, at an initial cost of $100, on the understanding that the premium would be reviewed at a later date.

The Council noted the position and confirmed the action taken.

Accommodation for Council Members and Officers

22. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, (1) advising that initial bids had been received from Cumbernauld and Kilsyth, Monklands and Motherwell District Councils to provide permanent accommodation for Council meetings and members; (2) suggesting that this matter be referred to the Interim Executive Committee for further consideration, and (3) indicating that the Property Officers Working Party would continue to examine the availability of staff accommodation against the needs of the Council. The Council agreed to remit the question of permanent accommodation for Council meetings and members to the Interim Executive Committee for further consideration.

Advice for New Councils from Local Government Staff Commission (Scotland)

23. There was submitted report (circulated) by Proper Officer, enclosing a copy of circular 3/95 from the Local Government Staff Commission (Scotland) entitled "Advice for New Councils", and suggesting that this circular be remitted, insofar as relevant, to the Interim Executive Committee and the Recruitment Sub-Committee.

The Council resolved that the said proposal by the Proper Officer be approved.

Arrangements for Future Meetings

24. The Council agreed that their next meeting would be held in approximately one month's time, and otherwise remitted to the Interim Executive Committee the determination of dates of future meetings. M2 NL.COUNCIL1995M APPENDIX 1 \*@M1

Election Results 1995

Electoral Ward 1 - Ladywell (Electorate 3,549)

Andrea Gray (SNP) 310 Michael Ross* The Labour Party Candidate 789 John Thomson Scottish Conservative 610

Majority 179 % Poll 48.2 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 2 - Calder Valley (Electorate 3,542)

Vincent Mathieson* The Labour Party Candidate 1,276 Ishbel Thomson Scottish Conservative 279

Majority 997 % Poll 44.1 Rejected Papers 6

Electoral Ward 3 - Forgewood (Electorate 3,177)

Patrick Connelly* Labour Party 855 Clare Hay Scottish National Party 288 Elizabeth Kiloh Conservative and Unionist Party 44

Majority 567 % Poll 37.4 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 4 - North Motherwell (Electorate 3,428)

John Chiesa Conservative and Unionist Party 49 Andrew K. MacMillan Scottish National Party 258 William Martin* The Labour Party Candidate 1,204

Majority 946 % Poll 44.1 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 5 - Wrangholm (Electorate 3,653)

Bernard Scott* Labour Party Candidate 1,291 Frances Watt Scottish National Party (SNP) 428

Majority 863 % Poll 47.1 Rejected Papers 3

Electoral Ward 6 - Craigneuk (Electorate 3,355)

James Foley* Party 979 Margaret Richmond Scottish National Party (SNP) 360

Majority 619 % Poll 40 Rejected Papers 4

Electoral Ward 7 - Stewarton (Electorate 3,160)

June Millar Scottish Conservative 93 John Moran* The Labour Party Candidate 839 Kevin Pearson Independent Labour 167 Steven Richmond Scottish National Party (SNP) 257

Majority 582 % Poll 43 Rejected Papers 5

Electoral Ward 8 - Belhaven (Electorate 3,692)

Colette Chiesa Scottish Conservative 100 Russell Ferguson Independent 225 David Frame Scottish National Party (SNP) 311 James Gibson* The Labour Party Candidate 861

Majority 550 % Poll 40.6 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 9 - Cambusnethan (Electorate 3,576)

Wilma Angus Scottish Conservative 521 Paul Kirk Scottish Liberal Democrats 26 James McAllister Scottish National Party (SNP) 388 Thomas Selfridge* The Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,034 Majority 513 % Poll 55.2 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 10 - Coltness (Electorate 3,375)

Sarah Bishop Scottish Conservative and Unionist 90 Ernest Holloway* The Labour Party Candidate 964 Richard Wolseley Scottish Liberal Democrats 49 Robert Young Scottish National Party (SNP) 529

Majority 435 % Poll 48.4 Rejected Papers 0

Electoral Ward 11 - Watsonville (Electorate 3,604)

Robert Burgess Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 177 Dallas Carter Scottish National Party (SNP) 290 Alexander Craig* Labour Party 954 Jessie Yule Scottish Liberal Democrats 127

Majority 664 % Poll 43 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 12 - Knowetop (Electorate 3,326)

John Best Scottish Liberal Democrats 53 William Millar Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 165 Annette Valentine Scottish National Party (SNP) 254 William Wilson* The Labour Party Candidate 1,083

Majority 829 % Poll 46.8 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 13 - Muirhouse and Netherton (Electorate 3,638)

Robert Burgess Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 95 Gerard McLaughlin* The Scottish Labour Party 1,179 Alan Valentine Scottish National Party (SNP) 380

Majority 799 % Poll 45.5 Rejected Papers 0 Electoral Ward 14 - Pather and Gowkthrapple (Electorate 3,738)

John F. McGhee* The Labour Party Candidate 1,301 Michael McStay Scottish National Party (SNP) 338

Majority 963 % Poll 43.9 Rejected Papers 3

Electoral Ward 15 - Garrion (Electorate 3,522)

John Pentland* The Labour Party Candidate 1,123 David Robb Scottish National Party (SNP) 428

Majority 695 % Poll 44.3 Rejected Papers 9

Electoral Ward 16 - Newmains (Electorate 3,426)

David McKendrick* Alternative to the Political Candidate


Electoral Ward 17 - Stane (Electorate 3,490)

Frank Gormill* Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,278 Malcolm McMillan Scottish National Party (SNP) 370

Majority 908 % Poll 47.3 Rejected Papers 3

Electoral Ward 18 - Dykehead (Electorate 3,863)

Malcolm Durno Scottish National Party (SNP) 375 James Robertson* Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,239

Majority 864 % Poll 41.8 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 19 - Cleland (Electorate 3,469)

John H Frew Independent Labour Candidate 796 James Martin* The Labour Party Candidate 970 Majority 174 % Poll 51 Rejected Papers 0

Electoral Ward 20 - Benhar (Electorate 3,013)

David Baird Scottish National Party Power for Change 185 James Burns Scottish Labour Party Candidate 735 Charles Cefferty* Independent 811

Majority 76 % Poll 57.4 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 21 - Tannochside (Electorate 3,529)

William Gilmour Scottish National Party (SNP) 306 Gordon W. McIntosh Scottish Conservative and Unionist 169 David Saunders* The Labour Party Candidate 1,129

Majority 823 % Poll 45.5 Rejected Papers 3

Electoral Ward 22 - Fallside (Electorate 3,953)

Charles Hebenton* The Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,193 Duncan McShannon Scottish National Party (SNP) 626

Majority 567 % Poll 46.4 Rejected Papers 15

Electoral Ward 23 - Viewpark (Electorate 3,957)

Anne Curran Scottish Militant Labour (No Private Water) 312 James McCabe* The Official Labour Party Candidate 1,583

Majority 1,271 % Poll 48.2 Rejected Papers 13

Electoral Ward 24 - Bellshill North (Electorate 3,762)

Henry McGuigan* The Labour Party 1,152 Duncan McShannon Scottish National Party (SNP) 882

Majority 270 % Poll 54.1 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 25 - Orbiston (Electorate 3,827)

Richard Lyle* Scottish National Party (SNP) 1,353 James Reddin The Labour Party Candidate 614

Majority 739 % Poll 51.5 Rejected Papers 3

Electoral Ward 26 - Mossend (Electorate 3,844)

Joseph Gorman The Labour Party Candidate 754 Kathleen McAlorum* Scottish National Party (SNP) 1,458

Majority 704 % Poll 57 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 27 - Holytown (Electorate 3,799)

James Coyle* The Labour Party Candidate 1,390 James McLeod Conservative 61 David Ross Scottish National Party (SNP) 430

Majority 960 % Poll 49.5 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 28 - Shirrel (Electorate 3,408)

Kevin McKeown* The Labour Party 807 John E. McLellan Scottish National Party (SNP) 757

Majority 50 % Poll 46 Rejected Papers 5

Electoral Ward 29 - Newarthill (Electorate 3,640)

Margaret Kelly Scottish National Party (SNP) 437 John Lafferty* The Labour Party 1,144

Majority 707 % Poll 43.6 Rejected Papers 7 Electoral Ward 30 - Hattonrigg (Electorate 4,015)

George Clark Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 97 Russell Cook Scottish National Party (SNP) 848 Harry Curran* The Labour Party Candidate 1,136

Majority 288 % Poll 51.8 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 31 - Townhead (Electorate 3,463)

Donald Brown Scottish National Party 443 Anthony Clarke* Townhead Labour Party 1,130 Ishbel MacDonald Scottish Conservative and Unionist 67

Majority 687 % Poll 47.4 Rejected Papers 9

Electoral Ward 32 - Blairpark (Electorate 3,926)

Gordon Lind Scottish Conservative and Unionist 358 Eric Martin Scottish National Party 465 John Murphy* The Scottish Labour Party 995

Majority 530 % Poll 46.3 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 33 - North Central and Glenboig (Electorate 3,632)

Alec Corner Scottish Conservative and Unionist 128 Arthur Fitzpatrick* Labour Party 1,080 Joseph Frame Scottish National Party 452

Majority 628 % Poll 45.8 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 34 - Central (Electorate 3,970)

Maureen Hagerty Scottish National Party 295 Robert McNicol Scottish Conservative and Unionist 213 Thomas Nolan* Labour Party 1,045 Joseph Quinn Independent 450

Majority 595 % Poll 50.5 Rejected Papers 3

Electoral Ward 35 - Coatbank and Calder (Electorate 2,949)

James Gribben Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) 386 Elizabeth Leitch* Labour Party 934

Majority 548 % Poll 44.9 Rejected Papers 4

Electoral Ward 36 - Bargeddie and Langloan (Electorate 3,673)

Andrew Burns* Labour Candidate 1,243 Bruce McLaren Scottish National Party (SNP) 321

Majority 922 % Poll 42.7 Rejected Papers 6

Electoral Ward 37 - Kirkwood (Electorate 3,539)

John McDonagh Scottish National Party 252 James Smith* Labour Party 1,426

Majority 1,174 % Poll 47.4 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 38 - Kirkshaws (Electorate 3,780)

James Condron Scottish Green Party 164 John Gordon* Labour Party 1,495

Majority 1,331 % Poll 44.2 Rejected Papers 11

Electoral Ward 39 - Shawhead (Electorate 3,403)

James Brooks* Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,215 Colin Hagerty Scottish National Party 421

Majority 794 % Poll 48.1 Rejected Papers 1 Electoral Ward 40 - Old Monkland (Electorate 3,399)

Mark McGoldrick Scottish National Party 324 Thomas Maginnis* The Labour Party 1,284

Majority 960 % Poll 47.3 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 41 - Whinhall (Electorate 3,847)

Eric Burns* Labour Party 1,190 Alan White Scottish National Party (SNP) 647

Majority 543 % Poll 47.8 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 42 - Academy (Electorate 4,236)

Neil Douglas Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) 995 James McGuigan* Scottish Labour Party 1,074

Majority 79 % Poll 49 Rejected Papers 6

Electoral Ward 43 - Airdrie Central and Clarkston North (Electorate 4,374)

Campbell Cameron Scottish National Party S.N.P. 936 Robert Currie Conservative and Unionist 106 James Logue* Labour Party Candidate 1,268

Majority 332 % Poll 52.8 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 44 - New Monkland East (Electorate 3,985)

William Cox Scottish National Party S.N.P. 492 Thomas Morgan* The Labour Party Candidate 1,575

Majority 1,083 % Poll 52 Rejected Papers 4 Electoral Ward 45 - New Monkland West (Electorate 3,745)

Sandra Cox* Scottish National Party S.N.P. 640 Sam McCartney Scottish Labour Party 530 Ian McNeil Independent Anti Mafia 589

Majority 51 % Poll 47 Rejected Papers 5

Electoral Ward 46 - Cairnhill (Electorate 4,313)

James Conn Scottish National Party (SNP) 660 John Love Scottish Conservative and Unionist 323 Peter Sullivan* The Scottish Labour Party 1,230

Majority 570 % Poll 51.4 Rejected Papers 4

Electoral Ward 47 - Brownsburn and Woodhall (Electorate 3,677)

Hugh Lucas* The Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,231 William Walker Scottish National Party SNP 759

Majority 472 % Poll 54.3 Rejected Papers 6

Electoral Ward 48 - Chapelhall (Electorate 4,405)

Thomas Curley* Official Labour Candidate 1,322 Keith Gibb Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) 787

Majority 535 % Poll 47.9 Rejected Papers 3

Electoral Ward 49 - Caldervale (Electorate 4,162)

Kenny McGuigan Monklands Against Warrant Sales 279 Graham Russell* Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) 1,063 John Turnbull Scottish Labour Party 616

Majority 447 % Poll 47.1 Rejected Papers 5 Electoral Ward 50 - Gartlea (Electorate 4,341)

Brian Brady The Scottish Labour Party 978 David Stocks* Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) 1,035

Majority 57 % Poll 46.5 Rejected Papers 7

Electoral Ward 51 - Kildrum and Park (Electorate 3,263)

Douglas Gilchrist* The Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,048 John D. McIntosh David McIntosh Scottish National Party 812 William Munro Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 50

Majority 236 % Poll 58.6 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 52 - The Village and Westerwood (Electorate 2,780)

Gordon Murray* S.N.P. Scottish National Party 623 Elizabeth Roy Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 93 William Shields Billy Shields Scottish Labour 465 Party Candidate

Majority 158 % Poll 42.6 Rejected Papers 5

Electoral Ward 53 - Seafar and North Kildrum (Electorate 3,328)

Annie MacDonald Anne MacDonald Scottish National Party 742 Stephen V. Murray* Candidate for the Scottish Labour Party 892 Alexander Williamson Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 82

Majority 150 % Poll 51.7 Rejected Papers 6

Electoral Ward 54 - Balloch South and Ravenswood (Electorate 3,125)

Matthew Davidson Scottish National Party Power for Change 690 Barry McCulloch* The Labour Party Candidate 947 Alan W. Scott Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 51 Majority 257 % Poll 54 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 55 - Balloch North and Craigmarloch (Electorate 2,524)

James McKenna* Your Scottish Labour Party Candidate 584 Margaret Murray Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) 542 Gwendoline Walker Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 63

Majority 42 % Poll 47.1 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 56 - Abronhill South (Electorate 3,757)

William Carmichael* Scottish National Party (Power for Change) 850 Irene Hanlon Scottish Labour Party 832 Kenneth White Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 41

Majority 18 % Poll 45.9 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 57 - Abronhill Central and North (Electorate 3,902)

Anthony Beekman* Tony Beekman Scottish Labour 853 Party Candidate Elizabeth Irvine Scottish National Party (Power for Change) 832 Alexander McKechnie Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 56

Majority 21 % Poll 44.6 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 58 - Carbrain East (Electorate 3,728)

Suzanne MacLeod* Scottish Labour Party Candidate 813 Philip Patrick Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) 659 Martin Welsh Scottish Militant Labour 209

Majority 154 % Poll 45.1 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 59 - Carbrain West and Greenfaulds (Electorate 3,854) Rahul Handa Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 39 Sandra McGeachie Scottish National Party (Power for Change) 810 Rosemary McKenna* Your Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,159

Majority 349 % Poll 52.3 Rejected Papers 7

Electoral Ward 60 - Condorrat Central (Electorate 3,094)

Michael Coyle Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 29 Thomas Hamilton Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) 384 Gerard McElroy* The Labour Party Candidate 1,086

Majority 702 % Poll 48.5 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 61 - Condorrat West and Blackwood (Electorate 1,950)

Balwant Singh Chadha* Bob Chadha Scottish Labour Party Candidate462 Ann Haigh Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 50 Fiona McGlashan Scottish National Party S.N.P. 341

Majority 121 % Poll 43.8 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 62 - Condorrat North, Westfield and Smithstone (Electorate 2,804)

Alan A. Caldwell Scottish National Party (Power for Change) 377 Craig Combe* The Labour Party Candidate 908

Majority 531 % Poll 46 Rejected Papers 5

Electoral Ward 63 - Croy and Kilsyth South West (Electorate 3,361)

Colin John Johnstone Scottish National Party Power for Change 273 Francis Griffin* The Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,379 Stephen L. Shanks Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 50

Majority 1,106 % Poll 50.7 Rejected Papers 3 Electoral Ward 64 - Queenzieburn and Kilsyth North West (Electorate 3,186)

Harry Brown Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 40 Catherine Craigie* Labour Party Candidate 1,114 David McCann Scottish National Party S.N.P. 421

Majority 693 % Poll 49.5 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 65 - Banton and Kilsyth Central and East (Electorate 3,219)

Colin Barrie Scottish National Party Power for Change 717 Tom Barrie* Labour Party Candidate 1,117 Eric Fairley Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 78

Majority 400 % Poll 59.4 Rejected Papers 1

Electoral Ward 66 - Stepps (Electorate 3,372)

Brian Wallace* Scottish Labour Party 1,077 David Kerr Scottish National Party - SNP 454

Majority 623 % Poll 45.7 Rejected Papers 13

Electoral Ward 67 - Chryston and Auchinloch (Electorate 3,295)

Charles Gray* The Labour Party Candidate 1,220 Kenneth Taylor Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) 325

Majority 895 % Poll 47.4 Rejected Papers 16

Electoral Ward 68 - North Moodiesburn (Electorate 3,128)

William Hogg* The Local Labour Party Candidate 1,065 John Roy Scottish National Party (SNP) 360

Majority 705 % Poll 45.6 Rejected Papers 2

Electoral Ward 69 - South Moodiesburn and Gartcosh (Electorate 2,812)

Dorothy McIntosh Scottish National Party S.N.P. 315 Joseph Shaw* The Labour Party Candidate 1,000

Majority 685 % Poll 46.9 Rejected Papers 5 M3 NL.COUNCIL1995M APPENDIX 2 \*@M1

Interim Executive Committee

Terms of Reference

1. To give preliminary consideration to the North Lanarkshire Council Area Joint Working Group report and to consider any matter of urgency arising therefrom.

2. To consider the Management and Committee structure of the Council and make recommendations to the Council on this matter.

3. To make initial arrangements for Council accommodation and ensure the provision of facilities to assist members in carrying out their duties.

4. To make arrangements (a) for the provision of induction course(s) for new members, and (b) for the training of all members of the Council.

5. To incur and authorise expenditure associated with the start up activities of the Council eg. stationery, office equipment, advertising, interim staff and any such other necessary expenditure which may arise in establishing the Council's operations.

6. To consider and respond in the initial stages to matters referred by the Existing Authorities or New Councils relating to the transfer of staff and property and to consider any contracts referred in terms of Section 55 of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994.

7. To consider and respond in the initial stages to consultation documents from the Scottish Office, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and other external organisations.

8. Following receipt of recommendations from the Recruitment Sub-Committee, to finalise the short list of candidates for the post of Head of Paid Service and other senior posts; to conduct interviews, and make appointments.

9. To deal with any matter of urgency on the Council's behalf. M4 NL.COUNCIL1995M APPENDIX 3 \*@M1

Interim Recruitment Sub-Committee

Terms of Reference

1. To consider applications for the post of Head of Paid Service and other senior posts and make recommendations to the Interim Executive Committee on initial short lists. M5 NL.COUNCIL1995M APPENDIX 4 \*@M1

Scheme for Members' Allowances 1995-96

This scheme is made under the provisions of the Local Authorities etc. (Allowances) (Scotland) Regulations 1995.

1. Amendment of Scheme

Should the scheme be amended during the year, the entitlement to allowances shall be calculated in accordance with regulation 5.

2. Basic Allowances

Each member shall be entitled to a basic allowance for the year (as defined in the Regulations) of $6,000. The provisions of regulation 6, paragraphs (2) and (3) shall apply.

3. Election

A member may by notice in writing given to the proper officer, elect to forego any part of his or her entitlement to an allowance under this scheme.

4. Financial Regulations

No payment shall be made under this scheme contrary to the provisions of regulation 12.

5. Frequency and Day of Payment

The foregoing allowances shall be paid in arrears in accordance with the current practices adopted by the Council making the payment.

6. Statutory Sick Pay

No member in receipt of Statutory Sick Pay shall receive an amount (including Statutory Sick Pay) in excess of the foregoing basic allowance. M6 NL.COUNCIL1995M APPENDIX 5 \*@M1

Scheme of Approved Duties for Travelling and Subsistence

1. Attendance at meetings of the Council, its Committees, Sub- Committees and Working Groups (for the avoidance of doubt).

2. Attendance at any meeting or Conference to which the member has been appointed or invited by the Council or a Committee to attend.

3. Attendance at Party Group or Executive meetings.

4. Attendance at constituency surgeries, such attendance not to exceed one per week.

5. Attendance at visits and inspections arranged by the Council or at functions involving the provision of civic hospitality where a Member received a formal written invitation to attend.

6. Consultation with Interim Clerk, Head of Paid Service and Departmental officers.

7. Attendance at any meeting of any of the Council's companies or trusts, or other bodies, where the Member is duly appointed as a Council representative.

8. Attendance at the offices of the Council to deal with matters of concern to local constituents.

9. Performance of duties as a judge in the District Court, including attendance at courses of instruction authorised by the Justices Committee.

10. Attendance by members of the Council for the purpose of signing deeds or other legal documents.

11. Attendances in connection with carrying out the duties of Convener or Group Leader on activities related to their appointments, or their Deputies in their absence.