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Library Development 1966-67

University of Tennessee Libraries

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Recommended Citation Kramer, Lillian (ed). Library Development. Knoxville: University of Tennessee, 1966/1967.

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THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE RECORD Vol. 70 , Issue No.5, September, 1967 Published in January, March, May, July, September, November, and December by The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916. Second class postage paid at Knoxville, Tennessee

Jt)HN eUNYUS Ht)DGES 1892 ­ 19~7 Emeritus Professor

Friend and Patron of the University Libraries

Cover: Architect's drawing of the proposed undergraduate library. 3

THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE RECORD Vol. 70 , Issue No. 5, September, 1967 Published in January, March, May, July, September, November, and December by The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 . Second class postage paid at Knoxville , Tennessee

JeHN eUNYUS HeDGES 1892 - 19~7 Emeritus Professor

~...~.~j ~ Friend and Patron of the University Libraries

Cover: Architect's drawing of the proposed undergraduate library. 4 5

Dr. John C. Hodges: A Tribute never be really estimated. Whatever his particular project - and it was always connected with the improvement of the human mind or character - he embarked upon it with all his energies, and they were enormous. He was looking far ahead when he With the death of John C. Hodges on July 7, 1967, came to a plunged into the endowment campaign. Only his own unselfish close a long career devoted to the development of The University expenditure of what had to be the limited physical energies of a of Tennessee and the cause of education throughout the state. man in his mid-seventies , kept him , we believe, from completing Dr. Hodges came to Knoxville in 1921 as Professor of English, it. Let us finish the job for him. and in the next forty-six years devoted himself to teaching and writing, acting as head of the largest single department of the q;;::;:f ~~ University, inaugurating and guiding a state-wide program de­ signed to improve the teaching of English in Tennessee, and for Tom Q. Black, Chairman the past eight years coordinating the program for library de­ University of Tennessee Development Council velopment. THE JOHN C. HODGES LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND Through the several editions of his Harbrace Handbook, which first appeared in 1941 and became the most widely used college The John C. Hodges Library Endowment Fund has been es­ text ever printed in this country, he influenced the writing of tablished and a goal of $50,000.00 has been set to perpetuate the English in the whole of the . By his three books and memory of one of The University of Tennessee's most distin­ numerous shorter studies of William Congreve, the Restoration guished faculty members, and author of the English textbook, playwright, he was internationally known as a scholarly authority T he Harbrace Handbook. on a major figure. Through his personal contacts as teacher and head of the English Department, he affected directly the future As a special project of the Development Council this library lives of hundreds of our citizens and encouraged and inspired endowment fund effort is being guided by a committee of Dr. scores to follow in his own footsteps as college professors. Hodges' close friends. The fund co-chairmen, Tom Black, Sr. , and Kenneth L. Knickerbocker, are assisted by George N. Bass, In recent years, especially after his retirement as professor Jr., Nashville; Floyd B. James, Ruston, ; William H. and department head in 1962, Dr. Hodges , at the request of our Jesse, Knoxville; Philip W. Moffitt, Knoxville; Alwin Thaler, Director of Libraries, Mr. William H. Jesse, put all of his energies Knoxville; and Herbert S. Walters, Morristown. into developing the library. As Coordinator for Library Develop­ ment, with his characteristic enthusiasm and resourcefulness and without salary, Dr. Hodges found a new full-time position. Believing firmly that the heart of a University is its library, he embarked on a campaign for contributions of books themselves PLEDGE CARD and for money to buy books, for he knew that if his beloved uni­ THE JOHN C. HODGES LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND versity was to keep up with its neighbors it would have to find (send to THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE , POST OFFICE BOX 8880 resources outside and above state appropriations. Many of you KNOXVILLE , TENNESSEE 37916) know how successful he has been in persuading others to give, and how he gave so much himself. As his program developed, he saw that if its effects were to be lasting, what the Library I wis h to pledge total amount of $ .payable as follows: ______must have was a substantial endowment of which only the income Cash $ Check $ Securities $ ______would be used to buy books. The campaign for library develop­ Balance as follows: ment has been under way for some time, and it was Dr. Hodges' In addition I plan to pay: dearest wish that it develop to meet what he knew to be our $ in Augus t 1968 urgent needs. $ in Augus t 1969 $ in ______

John C. Hodges was a remarkable man by any standard. Many Please remind me when my payments ar e due. Yes___ No __ were the students he helped financially, frequently without their Confidentia l: knowing it. He was never too busy to listen to the problems of a I have included $ in my will for thi s fund. colleague, and his advice was always useful. The numbers of teachers and students throughout Tennessee and the nation who NAME DATE have been aided by his statewide program and his textbooks can ADDRESS 4 5

never be really estimated. Whatever his particular project - and Dr. John C. Hodges: A Tribute it was always connected with the improvement of the human mind or character - he embarked upon it with all his energies, and they were enormous. He was looking far ahead when he With the death of John C. Hodges on July 7, 1967, came to a plunged into the endowment campaign. Only his own unselfish close a long career devoted to the development of The University expenditure of what had to be the limited physical energies of a of Tennessee and the cause of education throughout the state. man in his mid-seventies, kept him , we believe, from completing Dr. Hodges came to Knoxville in 1921 as Professor of English, it. Let us finish the job for him. and in the next forty-six years devoted himself to teaching and writing, acting as head of the largest single department of the q;-::::t ~~ University, inaugurating and guiding a state-wide program de­ signed to improve the teaching of English in Tennessee, and for Tom Q. Black, Chairman the past eight years coordinating the program for library de­ University of Tennessee Development Council velopment. THE JOHN C. HODGES LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND Through the several editions of his Harbrace Handbook, which first appeared in 1941 and became the most widely used college The John C. Hodges Library Endowment Fund has been es­ text ever printed in this country, he influenced the writing of tablished and a goal of $50,000.00 has been set to perpetuate the English in the whole of the United States. By his three books and memory of one of The University of Tennessee's most distin­ numerous shorter studies of William Congreve, the Restoration guished faculty members, and author of the English textbook, playwright, he was internationally known as a scholarly authority The Harbrace Handbook. on a major figure. Through his personal contacts as teacher and head of the English Department, he affected directly the future As a special project of the Development Council this library lives of hundreds of our citizens and encouraged and inspired endowment fund effort is being guided by a committee of Dr. scores to follow in his own footsteps as college professors. Hodges' close friends. The fund co-chairmen, Tom Black, Sr., and Kenneth L. Knickerbocker, are assisted by George N. Bass, In recent years, especially after his retirement as professor Jr., Nashville; Floyd B. James, Ruston, Louisiana; William H. and department head in 1962, Dr. Hodges, at the request of our Jesse, Knoxville; Philip W. Moffitt, Knoxville; Alwin Thaler, Director of Libraries, Mr. William H. Jesse, put all of his energies Knoxville; and Herbert S. Walters, Morristown. into developing the library. As Coordinator for Library Develop­ ment, with his characteristic enthusiasm and resourcefulness and without salary, Dr. Hodges found a new full-time position. Believing firmly that the heart of a University is its library, he embarked on a campaign for contributions of books themselves PLEDGE CARD and for money to buy books, for he knew that if his beloved uni­ THE JOHN C. HODGES LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND versity was to keep up with its neighbors it would have to find (send to THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, POST OFFICE BOX 8880 resources outside and above state appropriations. Many of you KNOXVILLE , TENNESSEE 37916) know how successful he has been in persuading others to give, and how he gave so much himself. As his program developed, he saw that if its effects were to be lasting, what the Library I wish to pledge total amount of $ .payable as follows: ______must have was a substantial endowment of which only the income Cash $ Check $ Securities $ ______would be used to buy books. The campaign for library develop­ Balance as follows : ment has been under way for some time, and it was Dr. Hodges' In addition I plan to pay: dearest wish that it develop to meet what he knew to be our $ in August 1968 urgent needs. $ in August 1969 $ in _____

John C. Hodges was a remarkable man by any standard. Many Please remind me when my payments are due. Yes___ No ___ were the students he helped financially, frequently without their Confidential: knowing it. He was never too busy to listen to the problems of a I have included $ in my will for this fund. colleague, and his advice was always useful. The numbers of teachers and students throughout Tennessee and the nation who NAME DATE have been aided by his statewide program and his textbooks can ADDRESS 6 7

The University of Tennessee Development Council

SEATED LEFT TO RIGHT: J.E. Moss, Charles W. Blankenship, George N. Bass, Jr., Kenneth Rush, John R.Long, Jr., Jere T. Tipton, Robert L. Maclellan, Tom Black, Sr., Harry W. Brooks, W. E. Newell, Tom J. Hitch, Donald M. Laycook, John D. Harper, John C. Bolinger, Herbert S. Walters, William L. Pope, Jr.


Dear Friends of the Library:

When the Library Development Program began in the fall of 1959, thanks to the enthusiasm of John Hodges and the sponsorship of the Alumni Association and the Development ColUtcil, we set a goal of one million volumes for the libraries of The University of Tennessee. Then our target seemed many, many long years away. but by this time next year, we will have gone beyond it. For that attainment we must thank the University Administration, which understands library needs; the State, which Wlderstands that the University must have increased appropriations; and all you generous alumni and friends who understand how very much your univer­ sity needs your support.

Let me swnmarize what you have done for us since 1959:

24,021. 77 and 8,955 books (First Report, 18 months) 11,303.12 and 4,568 books (Second Report, 12 months) 23,029.12 and 5,081 books (Third Report, 18 months) STANDING LEFT TO RIGHT: 38,684.60 and 5,088 books (Fourth Report, 12 months) 54,698.73 and 8,342 books (Fifth Report, 12 months) David M. Roberts, Lewis E. Larsen, Homer F. Mar~h, J. J . Walker, Stanley R. McAnally, 88,191.19 and 4,496 books (Sixth Report, 12 months) Edward M. Dougherty, Daniel B. Wexler, Andrew J. Flanigan, Earl S. Ailor, Edward 113.051.11 and 3.670 books (Seventh Report, 12 months) J. Boling, William B. Cowan, John M. Smartt, James O. Tankersley, Scott L. Probasco, $352,979.64 and 40,200 books (Total, seven Reports) Jr., Joseph E. Johnson, E.J. Chapman, John C. Hodges, Charles F. Brakebill, Herman E. Spivey, John C. Baugh, James Drinnon. In addition, you have given us forty-eight new endowments, which will supply funds for books for students in the years ahead.

The destination we set eight years ago is in sight. Soon our one-millionth volume will be accessioned and ready for the shelves. That will be an occasion Charles F. Brakebill, Executive Director of appropriate for celebration, but never for rest or relaxing, because our enrollment Development has increased 78 per cent and Library use 87 per cent during this past eight years! The new Wldergraduate library which we hoped would be adequate for six to eight David M. Roberts, Director of Annual Giving years, when the enrollment might reach 25,000 students, is not yet finished, and John C. Hodges, Coordinator for Library this fall we are expecting more than 20,000 students here in Knoxville! Development William H. Jesse, Director of Libraries Your continuing support will help us serve these students and help us catch Stanley R. McAnally, AssOCiate Director of up with our peers in higher education, particularly here in the South, where nine of Development our neighboring schools have already passed the goal we set for ourselves. The most John M. Smartt, Director of Alumni Affairs recent celebration of the one-millionth volume occurred last year, when Vanderbilt Editor of Report: Lillian Kramer J::eached that enviable state. i}/;;::;·urs, WilliamH.~ Director of Libraries Seventh Report WHJ/kj Sponsored by The University of Tennessee For the twelve months July I , 1966, Development Council and The University of through June 30, 1967 Tennessee Office of Alumni Affairs. 6 7

The University of Tennessee DevelopHlent Council

SEATED LEFT TO RIGHT: J.E. Moss, Charles W. Blankenship, George N. Bass, Jr., Kenneth Rush, John R.Long, Jr., Jere T. Tipton, Robert L. Maclellan, Tom Black, Sr., Harry W. Brooks, W. E. Newell, Tom J. Hitch, Donald M. Laycook, John D. Harper, John C. Bolinger, Herbert S. Walters, William L. Pope, Jr.


Dear Friends of the Library:

When the Library Development Program began in the fall of 1959, thanks to the enthusiasm of John Hodges and the sponsorship of the Alwnni Association and the Development Council, we set a goal of one million volumes for the libraries of The University of Tennessee. Then our target seemed many, many long years away, but by this time next year, we will have gone beyond it. For that attainment we must thank the University Administration, which understands library needs; the State, which understands that the University must have increased appropriations; and all you generous alwnni and friends who understand how very much your univer­ sity needs your support.

Let me summarize what you have done for us since 1959:

24,021.77 and 8,955 books (First Report, 18 months) 11,303. 12 and 4,568 books (Second Report, 12 months) 23,029.12 and 5,081 books (Third Report, 18 months) STANDING LEFT TO RIGHT: 38,684. 60 and 5,088 books (Fourth Report, 12 months) 54,698.73 and 8,342 books (Fifth Report, 12 months) David M. Roberts, Lewis E. Larsen, Homer F. Marsh, J. J. Walker, Stanley R. McAnally, 88,191.19 and 4,496 books (Sixth Report, 12 months) Edward M. Dougherty, Daniel B. Wexler, Andrew J. Flanigan, Earl S. Ailor, Edward 113,051.11 and 3,670 books (Seventh Report, 12 months) J. Boling, William B. Cowan, John M. Smartt, James O. Tankersley, Scott L. Probasco, $352,979.64 and 40,200 books (Total, seven Reports) Jr. , Joseph E. Johnson, E.J. Chapman, John C. Hodges, Charles F . Brakebill, Herman E. Spivey, John C. Baugh, James Drinnon. In addition, you have given us forty-eight new endowments, which will supply funds for books for students in the years ahead.

The destination we set eight years ago is in sight. Soon our one-millionth volume will be accessioned and ready for the shelves. That will be an occasion appropriate for celebration, but never for rest or relaxing, because our enrollment Charles F. Brakebill, Executive Director of has increased 78 per cent and Library use 87 per cent during this past eight years! Development The new undergraduate library which we hoped would be adequate for six to eight David M. Roberts, Director of Annual Giving years, when the enrollment might reach 25,000 students, is not yet finished, and John C. Hodges , Coordinator for Library this fall we are expecting more than 20,000 students here in Knoxville! Development William H. Jesse, Director of Libraries Your continuing support will help us serve these students and help us catch Stanley R. McAnally, Associate Director of up with our peers in higher education, particularly here in the South, where nine of our neighboring schools have already passed the goal we set for ourselves. The most Development recent celebration of the one-millionth volume occurred last year, when Vanderbilt John M. Smartt, Director of Alumni Affairs r:eached that enviable state. Editor of Report: Lillian Kramer ()/~urs, William H.C WHJ/kj Director of Libraries Seventh Report Sponsored by The University of Tennessee For the twelve months July 1, 1966, Development Council and The University of through June 30, 1967 Tennessee Office of Alumni Affairs. 8 9

~ COt"lNLtlLtl"'fLtl ..J NN-t"lt"l <0 o The University of Tennessee (,) _c CI z .-o GI Libraries 982,860 VoluIlles CI ­::I (I) ':: "C W .-en ...CI ~ I: ~ ~ KNOXVILLE DIVISION LIBRARIES 829,222 Volumes .- ;:) ...J cns,.:...J "C ~::;:::~ 4): o CII C CI C'- U o ~ ~.- U._.>I: l: C Co > .~ g: -6 g' ~ C . ~ ~ W IDIDWWJ:..JCI)D.. ::.::

James D. Hoskins Library, Knoxville Business 576,042 Volumes Administration 16 ,386 Volumes

Agriculture Law Biology 47 ,973 Volumes, 73,717 Volumes 20 .752 Volumes


rooq!i Engineering Science Education L-;:~ 25,193 Volumes 42,040 Volumes 27.119 Volumes

-~ Extension Centers-Knoxville, Nashville, and Memphis 22 .285 Volumes II U-T Memorial Research Center 4.000 Volumes , . 0"" U-T Space Institute, Tullahoma 2.478 Volumes J- • -In ~

A Growing lJniversity

Must Have Memphis U-T at Martin Medical Center 52 ,813 Volumes A Growing Library 72 .062 Volumes 8 9

~ OOMNIOIOr-.VIO ..J NN-MM CD The University of Tennessee o U <: o GI Libraries 982,860 Volum.es z ....- ....0 o :::I U) b '"C W .-IA ...0 ii: <: >. ~ KNOXVILLE DIVISION LIBRARIES 829.222 Volumes .- :::> ..J f/J ~.~..J "C >I::;:;:~ CD: o 01 <: 0 <: ._ U 0 I- .=! ._ u._~ "" c: Q. o CI) :::::I C1 f/) :-. .! 0 > ._:::::I'"CCOC(,)~ W ICICWWJ:..J(I)Q. ~

James D. Hoskins Library. Knoxville Business 576.042 Volumes Administration 16.386 Volumes

Agriculture Law Biology 47.973 Volumes, 73.717 Volumes 20 ,752 Volumes

. j Engineering Science Education l"3i~ 25 ,193 Volumes 42,040 Volumes 27.119 Volumes Extension Centers-Knoxville, Nashville, and Memphis 22 .285 Volumes I U-T Memorial Research Center 4,000 Volumes

, 0 .." U-T Space Institute, Tullahoma 2,478 Volumes ~i -'' ·-In~

A Growing University

Must Have Memphis U-T at Martin Medical Center 52 ,813 Volumes A Growing Library 72 ,062 Volumes 10 II

Library EndowDlent Funds PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS ANONYMOUS FUND 1966...... $14 ,634 .63 NEWLY ESTABLISHED ENDOWMENTS Through Life Income Agreement. LALLA BLOCK ARNSTEIN FUND 1922. 5,197.46 ARMOUR T . GRANGER FUND ...... $ 1,382.00 JAMES DOUGLAS BRUCE FUND 1923 . 5,117.78 Established with the contributions of For English language and literature. Mrs. Armour T . Granger and friends in CARSON FUND 1963 ...... 5,096.00 memory of Armour T . Granger, Professor In memory of William Waller Carson, of Civil Engineering and former Dean of 1845-1930. For books relating to the College of Engineering. For the Engineering. purchase of Engineering materials. IRA N. CHILES FUND 1961 ...... 3,527.31 McGREGOR SMITH FUND...... 1,000.00 For materials of interest to Education. Mr. Smith, member of The University of CLASS OF '63 FUND - KNOXVILLE 984.89 Tennessee Development Council, has CLASS OF '64 FUND - KNOXVILLE . . . 374.64 established this fund, the interest to be CLASS OF '66 FUND - KNOXVILLE . . . 1,010.00 used for the purchase of books of KENNETH CURRY FUND 1966 ...... 2,005.00 general interest. For English and American literature. BERNIE B. AND HELEN W. MARTIN FUND...... 1,000.00 DURANT daPONTE FUND 1964 . . 3,661.46 Interest from this fund , established by For English and, particularly, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tuggle, will American literature. increase the amount already being FRANK M. DRYZER FUND 1952 ...... 10,365.18 received from the Martin Life Income For Mathematics and Physics materials. Agreement for the purchase of books ELLIS AND ERNEST FUND 1962 . . . 2,640.44 in various subject areas. HAROLD S. FINK FUND 1966 ...... 1,150.00 CHARLES A. TRENTHAM FUND ...... 2,025.00 For books in the field of History. This fund has been made possible through HENRY A. HAENSELER FUND 1962 . . . . 1,030.79 contributions from various persons HAMIL TON NATIONAL BANK FUND 1962 . 6,168.51 interested in honoring Dr. Trentham, JOHN C. HODGES ALUMNI FUND 1962. 20,375.00 Pastor, First Baptist Church, Knoxville. For books in the field of English. Money made available from the fund will JAMES FUND 1964 ...... 4,383.22 be used for books in the field of Religion. In memory of Thomas Lewis James, YOUNGERMAN FUND ...... 2,712.50 1879-1944, and Maggie Hodges James, Guy Curtis Youngerman, long a friend of the 1880-1964. University and the Library, has established MAMIE C. JOHNSTON FUND 1961 . . . 5,475.83 this fund in memory of his parents, Catherine For English and American literature. and Martin Youngerman. Because he LIBRARY STAFF FUND 1965 .... . 3,099.09 remembers particularly two of his professors , EDWIN R. LUTZ FUND 1964 .... . 2,555.41 James D. Hoskins and James Douglas Bruce, EDWARD J. McMILLAN FUND 1965 . . . 6,747.23 Mr. Youngerman has requested the money be For books in the field of Religion. 358.78 used for the purchase of History and English B. J . McSPADDEN FUND 1962 ...... materials. For materials relating to Agriculture. 1,339.04 CLASS OF '67 FUND-MARTIN...... 2,006.44 STUART MAHER FUND 1923 ...... The Class of '67 gift to the Martin Campus For books in the field of Technology . BERNIE B. AND HELEN W. MARTIN FUND 1963 34 ,436.24 made possible the establishment of this fund to Through Life Income Agreement. be used as deemed necessary by the College 1,767.13 Librarian. ANGIE WARREN PERKINS FUND 1922 . . JOHN L. RHEA FUND 1904...... 9,424.76 For Classical language and literature. LAWRENCE C. ROACH FUND 1964 . 940.66 These new endowments, along with additions to other library SHERBAKOFF FUND 1966 ...... 1,130.00 endowments during 1966-67, make a total of $49 ,28l.56 new en­ In memory of C. D. Sherbakoff and dowment funds for the twelve months ending June 30, 1967. May Gibson Sherbakoff. 10 II

Library EndoWlllent Funds PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS ANONYMOUS FUND 1966 ...... $14 ,634.63 Through Life Income Agreement. NEWLY ESTABLISHED ENDOWMENTS LALLA BLOCK ARNSTEIN FUND 1922. 5,197.46 ARMOUR T . GRANGER FUND ...... $ 1,382.00 . JAMES DOUGLAS BRUCE FUND 1923 . 5,117.78 Established with the contributions of For English language and literature. Mrs. Armour T. Granger and friends in CARSON FUND 1963 ...... 5,096.00 memory of Armour T . Granger, Professor In memory of William Waller Carson, of Civil Engineering and former Dean of 1845-1930. For books relating to the College of Engineering. For the Engineering. purchase of Engineering materials. IRA N. CHILES FUND 1961 ...... 3,527.31 McGREGOR SMITH FUND ...... 1,000.00 For materials of interest to Education. Mr. Smith, member of The University of CLASS OF '63 FUND - KNOXVILLE 984.89 Tennessee Development Council, has CLASS OF '64 FUND - KNOXVILLE . . . 374.64 established this fund, the interest to be CLASS OF '66 FUND - KNOXVILLE . . . 1,010.00 used for the purchase of books of KENNETH CURRY FUND 1966 ...... 2,005.00 general interest. For English and American literature. BERNIE B. AND HELEN W. MARTIN FUND ...... 1,000.00 DURANT daPONTE FUND 1964 . . 3,661.46 Interest from this fund, established by For English and , particularly, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tuggle, will American literature. increase the amount already being FRANK M. DRYZER FUND 1952 ...... 10,365.18 received from the Martin Life Income For Mathematics and Physics materials. Agreement for the purchase of books ELLIS AND ERNEST FUND 1962 . . . 2,640.44 in various subject areas. HAROLD S. FINK FUND 1966 ...... 1,150.00 CHARLES A. TRENTHAM FUND . . . . . 2,025.00 For books in the field of History. This fund has been made possible through HENRY A. HAENSELER FUND 1962 .... 1,030.79 contributions from various persons HAMIL TON NATIONAL BANK FUND 1962 . 6,168.51 interested in honoring Dr. Trentham, JOHN C. HODGES ALUMNI FUND 1962. 20,375.00 Pastor, First Baptist Church, Knoxville. For books in the field of English. Money made available from the fund will JAMES FUND 1964 ...... 4,383.22 be used for books in the field of Religion. In memory of Thomas Lewis James, YOUNGERMAN FUND ...... 2,712.50 1879-1944, and Maggie Hodges James, 1880-1964. Guy Curtis Youngerman, long a friend of the University and the Library, has established MAMIE C. JOHNSTON FUND 1961 ... 5,475.83 this fund in memory of his parents, Catherine For English and American literature. and Martin Youngerman. Because he LIBRARY STAFF FUND 1965 . . .. . 3,099.09 remembers particularly two of his professors, EDWIN R. LUTZ FUND 1964 . . .. . 2,555.41 James D. Hoskins and James Douglas Bruce, EDWARD J. McMILLAN FUND 1965 . . . 6,747.23 For books in the field of Religion. Mr. Youngerman has requested the money be B. J . McSPADDEN FUND 1962 ...... 358.78 used for the purchase of History and English For materials relating to Agriculture. materials. STUART MAHER FUND 1923 ...... 1,339.04 CLASS OF '67 FUND - MARTIN ...... 2,006.44 For books in the field of Technology . The Class of '67 gift to the Martin Campus BERNIE B. AND HELEN W. MARTIN FUND 1963 34 ,436.24 made possible the establishment of this fund to Through Life Income Agreement. be used as deemed necessary by the College ANGIE WARREN PERKINS FUND 1922 .. 1,767.13 Librarian. JOHN L. RHEA FUND 1904 ...... 9,424.76 For Classical language and literature. LAWRENCE C. ROACH FUND 1964 .. 940.66 These new endowments, along with additions to other library SHERBAKOFF FUND 1966 ...... 1,130.00 endowments during 1966-67, make a total of $49,281.56 new en­ In memory of C. D. Sherbakoff and dowment funds for the twelve months ending June 30, 1967. May Gibson Sherbakoff. 12 13

J. ALLEN SMITH FUND 1921...... $ 1,037.97 Ed Clark Clarence Long John R. Thoenen STIEFEL FUND 1966 ...... 2,21l.00 James L. Clarke, Sr. Frances Harris Lowry Helen Thomas '52 In memory of Walter E. Stiefel, 1904-1966, Roy Clarkson Mrs. Willie Burke Loy Charles P. Toncray '30 G. Ralph Cockrum Edwin R. Lutz '12 and Louise Sizer Stiefel, 1912-1967. For Mae L. Treadwell Hector Coffin '06 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clarrnce books of interest in Romance Languages. E. V. Cullum McClain Clarence Upshaw VALLEY FIDELITY BANK FUND 1966 .. . 1,500.00 H. A. Cutshaw, Jr. '50 Mrs. Robert W. King B. Walker, Jr. WALTERS FUND 1960 ...... 1,160.95 Durant daPonte McClellan Henrietta Weigel ' 18 In memory of the Rev. John M. Walters Charles E. Dawson Fred Powel McCroskey Elizabeth Wilson and Lula Franklin Walters. Hugh E. Delozier Margaret McKee '66 FRANK B. WARD FUND 1966 ...... 3,658.88 John M. Devine ' 15 Robert H. McKee For books relating to Business Administration. Otha A. Dorsett Edward John McMillan '10 WHITE STORES FUND 1964 ...... Myrtie Goodson Evins William S. McNab ' 16 Those 4,073.39 Fred H. Fain ' 22 Gladys Raulston McNew In memory of Nannie Ketner and Frank Jones Leo 1. Fans '43 llouored McDonald, founders of the Company. Nelson Farmer Stuart Maher ' 14 Lucy E. Fay G. E. Martin 1906-67 • MARTIN BRANCH. Reba Baker Fike '24 Peabody Mayfield Ira N. Chiles ALUMNI FUND-MARTIN 1964. . $20,772.50 Joseph Carter Fincher ' 56 Rom Meares, Sr. '40 Harley G. Fowler ' II Edward J. Meeman Kenneth Curry CLASS OF '64 FUND - MARTIN 304.00 Harold S. Fink CLASS OF '65 FUND - MARTIN 1,000.00 Hillary Freeman Sam Minskey, Sr. Fancher Smartt Galbraith H. L. Modlin, Sr. John H. Groth CLASS OF '66 FUND - MARTIN 2,025.00 Edda T. Hankamer COCA-COLA FUND - MARTIN 1965 Henry Jouette Geiger, Bertha Conner Mooney 1,000.00 Jr. '33 Jean Almy Moore John C. Hodges John U. Gilmore ' 15 Mabel Moore Samuel Randall • MEMPHIS- MEDICAL UNITS. R. E. Goddard Frank Morell '06 Lankford '38 Bernie B. and Helen W. ALUMNI FUND - MEMPHIS 1965. . $20,000.00 Elias A. Goehring Mr. and Mrs. H. A . Elizabeth Kennedy Morgan '32 Martin '09 CLASS OF '22 FUND - MEMPHIS 2,320. 11 Charles A. Trentham CLASS OF '26 FUND - MEMPHIS 2,472.13 Goehring Jessie Lou Neubert ' 19 Martin Grabau Russell A. Newman, Sr. Frank B. Ward CLASS OF '27 FUND-MEMPHIS 1,84l.56 CLASS OF '28 FUND - MEMPHIS Armour T. Granger '53 2,217.20 Paul C. Greene Sallie E. Nicholson FRANK MORELL FUND - MEMPHIS 1964 . 1,609.00 Julia Greenwood Stanley K. Norton Established by Mrs. Frank Morell for the Mrs. Thomas Grodin Beverly H. Owen purchase of books for the School of Pharmacy. Maude Lillian Guthrie Evelyn Willoughby Pitner SCHREIER FUND - MEMPHIS 1965. 2,000.00 Mrs. Buck Hayes Gerald S. Plog ' 41 In memory of Paul Schreier. Effie Leonard Hendrix Mary Wells Powell JEB FUND - MEMPHIS 1965 .... 2,000.00 William Glenn Hicks '23 Mrs. Willie Mae Read Andrew Jackson Hodges Leila Smith Ricketson • NASHVILLE - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK. Katherine Ann Taylor Lawrence C. Roach Horner Mrs. Paul A. Schmied ALUMNI FUND-NASHVILLE 1964 ...... 8,000.00 H. Grady Huddleston Cooper D. Schmitt William Kennedy Arta Seabolt Total Endowment Funds $246,326. 11 Hunter '98 John M. Seabolt Alex Jamison Emil Sehorn '05 Earl H. Johnson Roberta Shepard '49 Those Memorialized 190(i-07 Homer Johnson, Sr. C. D. Sherbakoff O. Clarence Johnson Granville Sherman, Jr. John Harrison Simpson Gertrude A. Albert Mrs. W. A. Bishop Mamie C. Johnston Dan Ray Buckley '42 William Quail Edward Walter Smith Lon Anderson Robert M. Boarts Mr. Cleo Burchfiel Richard Stansberry William A. Anderson John Theodore Bodwell Johnston '03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fred W. Keith Rose Tate Stewart Elaine Andes '36 Ernest B. Bowles '24 Burgin Druzilla Kent Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jennie Brownlow Ashe Barbara Bullard Bradshaw Mr. H. M. Burleson Jack H. Knox ' 60 E. Stiefel '31 Clyde Austin Gene Brakebill John Butt Harry Harrison Kroll Bertha Gantvoort Stockton Josephine Bonavita Al Brinkley, III Paul O'Neal Canaday Aycock '27 Elizabeth Brixey '33 T. J. Lannon William B. Stokely, Jr. '22 '26 Sivert O. Larsen Virginia I. Baker Mrs. Len G. Broughton, Sr. Joseph G. Sullivan '23 Mae Keller Carnes Jefferson O. Leinart '04 Finis A. Taylor '37 Wiley G. Bennett Frances Bruce William Waller Carson 12 13

Ed Clark J . ALLEN SMITH FUND 1921...... · $ 1,037.97 Clarence Long John R. Thoenen James L. Clarke, Sr. Frances Harris Lowry Helen Thomas '52 STIEFEL FUND 1966 ...... 2,21l.00 Roy Clarkson Mrs. Willie Burke Loy Charles P. Toncray '30 In memory of Walter E. Stiefel, 1904-1966, G. Ralph Cockrum Edwin R. Lutz ' 12 Mae L. Treadwell and Louise Sizer Stiefel, 1912-1967. For Hector Coffin '06 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clarrnce books of interest in Romance Languages. E. V. Cullum McClain Clarence Upshaw VALLEY FIDELITY BANK FUND 1966 . . . 1,500.00 H. A. Cutshaw, Jr. '50 Mrs. Robert W. King B. Walker, Jr. WALTERS FUND 1960 ...... 1,160.95 Durant daPonte McClellan Henrietta Weigel ' 18 In memory of the Rev. John M. Walters Charles E . Dawson Fred Powel McCroskey Elizabeth Wilson and Lula Franklin Walters. Hugh E. Delozier Margaret McKee '66 John M. Devine ' 15 3,658.88 Robert H. McKee FRANK B. WARD FUND 1966 ...... Otha A. Dorsett Edward John McMillan ' 10 For books relating to Business Administration. Myrtie Goodson Evins William S. McNab ' 16 Those WHITE STORES FUND 1964 ...... 4,073.39 Fred H. Fain ' 22 Gladys Raulston McNew In memory of Nannie Ketner and Frank Jones Leo l. Fans '43 Elonored McDonald, founders of the Company. Nelson Farmer Stuart Maher ' 14 Lucy E. Fay G. E. Martin 19()()-()7 Reba Baker Fike '24 Peabody Mayfield • MARTIN BRANCH. Ira N. Chiles ALUMNI FUND ­ MAR TIN 1964 . · $20,772.50 Joseph Carter Fincher '56 Rom Meares, Sr. '40 Harley G. Fowler' 11 Edward J . Meeman Kenneth Curry CLASS OF '64 FUND ­ MARTIN 304.00 Harold S. Fink 1,000.00 Hillary Freeman Sam Minskey, Sr. CLASS OF '65 FUND - MARTIN Fancher Smartt Galbraith H. L. Modlin, Sr. John H. Groth CLASS OF '66 FUND-MARTIN 2,025.00 Henry Jouette Geiger, Bertha Conner Mooney Edda T . Hankamer COCA-COLA FUND ­ MARTIN 1965 1,000.00 Jr. '33 Jean Almy Moore John C . Hodges John U. Gilmore ' 15 Mabel Moore Samuel Randall Lankford '38 • MEMPHIS- MEDICAL UNITS. R. E. Goddard Frank Morell '06 Elias A. Goehring Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bernie B. and Helen W. ALUMNI FUND ­ MEMPHIS 1965 . · $20,000.00 Martin '09 CLASS OF '22 FUND ­ MEMPHIS 2,320.11 Elizabeth Kennedy Morgan '32 Goehring Jessie Lou Neubert ' 19 Charles A. Trentham CLASS OF ' 26 FUND ­ MEMPHIS 2,472.13 Martin Grabau Russell A. Newman, Sr. Frank B. Ward CLASS OF '27 FUND-MEMPHIS 1,84l.56 Armour T . Granger '53 CLASS OF '28 FUND - MEMPHIS 2,217.20 Paul C. Greene Sallie E. Nicholson FRANK MORELL FUND ­ MEMPHIS 1964 . 1,609.00 Julia Greenwood Stanley K. Norton Established by Mrs. Frank Morell for the Mrs. Thomas Grodin Beverly H. Owen purchase of books for the School of Pharmacy. Maude Lillian Guthrie Evelyn Willoughby Pitner SCHREIER FUND -MEMPHIS 1965. 2,000.00 Mrs. Buck Hayes Gerald S. Plog ' 41 In memory of Paul Schreier. Effie Leonard Hendrix Mary Wells Powell JEB FUND ­ MEMPHIS 1965 ...... 2,000.00 William Glenn Hicks '23 Mrs. Willie Mae Read Andrew Jackson Hodges Leila Smith Ricketson Katherine Ann Taylor Lawrence C. Roach • NASHVILLE - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK. Horner Mrs. Paul A. Schmied ALUMNI FUND-NASHVILLB 1964 ...... 8,000.00 H. Grady Huddleston Cooper D. Schmitt William Kennedy Arta Seabolt Total Endowment Funds $246,326.11 Hunter '98 John M. Seabolt Alex Jamison Emil Sehorn '05 Earl H. Johnson Roberta Shepard ' 49 Those Memorlalized 19()(i-()7 Homer Johnson, Sr. C. D. Sherbakoff O. Clarence Johnson Granville Sherman, Jr. Mamie C. Johnston John Harrison Simpson Gertrude A. Albert Mrs. W. A. Bishop Dan Ray Buckley ' 42 William Quail Edward Walter Smith Lon Anderson Robert M. Boarts Mr. Cleo Burchfiel Johnston '03 Richard Stansberry William A. Anderson John Theodore Bodwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fred W. Keith Rose Tate Stewart Elaine Andes '36 Ernest B. Bowles '24 Burgin Druzilla Kent Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jennie Brownlow Ashe Barbara Bullard Bradshaw Mr. H. M. Burleson Jack H. Knox '60 E. Stiefel '31 Clyde Austin Gene Brakebill John Butt Harry Harrison Kroll Bertha Gantvoort Stockton Josephine Bonavita Al Brinkley, III Paul O'Neal Canaday T. J . Lannon William B. Stokely, Jr. ' 22 Aycock ' 27 Elizabeth Brixey '33 '26 Sivert O. Larsen Joseph G. Sullivan ' 23 Virginia I. Baker Mrs. Len G. Broughton, Sr. Mae Keller Carnes Jefferson O. Leinart '04 Finis A. Taylor ' 37 Wiley G. Bennett Frances Bruce William Waller Carson 14 15

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hutchison '41 Library Patrons Arthur B. Hyman '01 Patrons have given a thousand dollars or more during the year. John A. Hyman '46 James Park Bible Class, Alumni Association First Presbyterian Church American Airlines Mrs. Thomas Lewis James, Jr. '27 Better English Fund Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jesse D. Brantley Burns Homer F . Johnson, Jr. Class of '67-Martin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Johnson Harold L. Ernest Robert L. Johnson McGregor Smith '21 Hamilton National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Leland Johnston John C. Hodges Lucille Hodge Lancaster'45 Miller' s Sam R. Lankford'38 William P . Toms Estate Nell P. Logan ' 35, ' 47 , '60 White Stores, Inc. MR. AND MRS . JOHN E. LUTZ II Guy Curtis Youngerman ' 15 Gustave M. Handly '36, Presi­ Louise M. McCleary , 13 , , 17 dent of Miller's, Inc . Through Emma F. Carson McIlwaine '09 Donors its Board of Directors, Mill­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mangam Chapman Anderson, Jr. '30 er's, Inc. has made a gener­ '34 J. Frank Baker '09 ous appropriation of $8,000 Mr. and Mrs. Bernie B. Martin '09 Helen Thomas '52 Bird, Navratil, and Ballard for cataloging a collection of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. May Memorialized Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brinkley, Jr. microfilmed books published '45, ' 48 '29 from 1475 to 1640. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meek ' 19, '34 Theo G. Brown ' 44 Bernadine Meyer Buckman Laboratories F. DeWolfe Miller Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus N. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Homer F . Mincy, Jr. '37, '38 '53, '60 Katherine W. Carson ' 02 Mrs. Walter L. Montgomery '41 W. HALMOND CLARK '24 Stephen Mooney Wade W. Clutton, Jr. ' 59 Mrs. Frank Morell Steve W. Cowan '55 Lucy S. Morgan '22 Armour T. Granger Eva Jean DeLaney ' 46 Mr. and Mrs William E. Newell '29 Memorialized Thomas F . Dooley' 13 Frank Ogdin Nathan W. Dougherty '09 Fred N. Peebles '47 Nancy Doughty ' 38 Phi Kappa Phi Willis H. Doughty, Jr. '29 Harold L. Ernest, of Ellis and Scott L. Probasco, Jr. William A. Ellison, Jr. '38 Ernest Drug Store, marks his Ruth C. Ringo Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Farrar '21 Century Club check for the Li­ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Roach '43 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fuzek '43, '49 brary. Morris R. Rucker '32 Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Gebhardt '41 Mr. and Mrs. Bernadotte E . Schmitt William W. Goodman '04 William P . Toms '07 Plowden G. Sessions Mrs. Armour T . Granger Memorialized Henry A. Haenseler Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sherbakoff Elizabeth Edwards Hamer '33 ' 50, '52 Henry E. Harris, Jr. '41 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Smartt Julian Harriss '39, '46 '42, '43, '48 Mrs. William W. Hastings '23 Hilton A. Smith Cornelia Smartt Hodges McGREGOR SMITH, SR . ' 21 John Z. Howard '24 Chapman Anderson, Jr. ' 30 Mr. and Mrs. Bain T . Stewart '35 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J . Hutchison '37 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marzel Stiefel '54, '54 Donors have given from one hundred to one thousand dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Stiefel Capitalized donors have given at least five hundred dollars. '55, '58 William E. Newell '29 14 15

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hutchison ' 41 Library Patrons Arthur B. Hyman '01 Patrons have given a thousand dollars or more during the year. John A. Hyman '46 Alumni Association James Park Bible Class, American Airlines First Presbyterian Church Better English Fund Mrs. Thomas Lewis James, Jr. '27 D. Brantley Burns Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jesse Class of '67-Martin Homer F . Johnson, Jr. Harold L. Ernest Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Johnson McGregor Smith '21 Hamilton National Bank Robert L. Johnson John C. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Leland Johnston Miller's Lucille Hodge Lancaster ' 45 William P . Toms Estate Sam R. Lankford '38 White Stores, Inc. Nell P . Logan '35, ' 47 , '60 Guy Curtis Youngerman ' 15 MR. AND MRS . JOHN E . LUTZ II Gustave M. Handly '36, Presi­ Louise M. McCleary ' 13 , ' 17 dent of Miller's, Inc . Through Emma F . Carson McIlwaine '09 Donors its Board of Directors, Mill­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mangam Chapman Anderson, Jr. '30 er's, Inc. has made a gener­ '34 J . Frank Baker '09 ous appropriation of $8,000 Mr. and Mrs. Bernie B. Martin '09 for cataloging a collection of Hele n Thomas '52 Bird, Navratil, and Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. May Me morialized Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brinkley, Jr. microfilmed books published '45 , '48 '29 from 1475 to 1640. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meek ' 19 , '34 Theo G. Brown ' 44 Bernadine Meyer Buckman Laboratories F. DeWolfe Miller Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus N. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Homer F . Mincy, Jr. '37, '38 ' 53, '60 Katherine W. Carson ' 02 Mrs. Walter L. Montgomery '41 W. HALMOND CLARK ' 24 Stephen Mooney Wade W. Clutton, Jr. '59 Mrs. Frank Morell Steve W. Cowan '55 Lucy S. Morgan '22 Armour T . Granger Eva Jean DeLaney ' 46 Mr. and Mrs William E . Newell ' 29 Memorialized Thomas F . Dooley' 13 F rank Ogdin Nathan W. Dougherty '09 Fred N. Peebles '47 Nancy Doughty ' 38 Phi Kappa Phi Willis H. Doughty, Jr. ' 29 Harold L. Ernest, of Ellis and Scott L. Probasco, Jr. William A. Ellison, Jr. '38 Ernest Drug Store, marks his Ruth C. Ringo Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Farrar '21 Century Club check for the Li­ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Roach '43 Mr. and Mrs. John F . Fuzek '43, ' 49 brary. Morris R. Rucker '32 Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Gebhardt '41 Mr. and Mrs. Bernadotte E . Schmitt William W. Goodman '04 Mrs. Armour T . Granger Plowden G. Sessions William P . Toms '07 Henry A. Haenseler Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sherbakoff Memorialized Elizabeth Edwards Hamer '33 '50, '52 Henry E . Harris, Jr. '41 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Smartt Julian Harriss '39, '46 '42 , '43 , '48 Mrs. William W. Hastings '23 Hilton A. Smith Cornelia Smartt Hodges McGREGOR SMITH, SR . ' 21 John Z. Howard '24 Mr. and Mrs. Bain T . Stewart '35 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J . Hutchison '37 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marzel Stiefel '54, '54 Donors have given from one hundred to one thousand dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Stiefel Capitalized donors have given at least five hundred dollars. '55, ' 58 William E. Newell '29 16 17

Mrs. Walter E. Stiefel'31 Anna May Stokely '06 TRENTHAM FUND Burt L. Thompson '62 Jere T . Tipton '26 For Books in Religion MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR C. TUGGLE Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. R. Underwood '43, '48, '52 Send contributions to: VALLEY FIDELITY BANK AND Development Office TRUST CO . Charles C. Verstandig '39 104 Alumni Hall Davyne E. Verstandig The University of Tennessee Overdown Whitmire' 10 Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 Arthur B. Wood '25 Louise S. Stiefel '31 Xi Zeta Chapter, Walter E. Stiefel Chi Omega-UT Martin Branch Memorialized The total amount of contributions given by Library Patrons and 'Jo~'0>sO'0> Donors during the twelve months ending June 30, 1967, is $107,443.88. '{\ V ~o'Oe U.T. FACULTY AND STAFF WHO ARE LIBRARY PATRONS AND DONORS

~ ""-'( . -''''''.....,~ .

Nathan W. Dougherty Eva Jean DeLaney Sherbakoff Home r F . Johnson, Dean Emeritus Home Economics University Center Jr.. Engineering Engineering

JOseph L . JOhnSon II. Julian Harriss John C. Hodges Bernadine Meyer William H. Jesse Public Relations English Home Economics Librarian

~ ~ '%/. I -i/~ 00 Nell P . Logan John M. Smartt F . DeWolfe Miller Fred N. Peebles ~O' Home Economics Alumni Affairs English Engineering C>. 9>.....,f

~74 John C. Hodges Bain T . Stewart Arthur B. Wood Hilton A. Smith Ruth C. Ringo English Engineering Vice President Librarian 16 17

Mrs. Walter E. Stiefel '31 Anna May Stokely '06 TRENTHAM FUND Burt L. Thompson '62 Jere T . Tipton '26 MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR C. TUGGLE For Books in Religion Mr. and Mrs. Charles T . R. Underwood '43, '48, '52 Send contributions to: VALLEY FIDELITY BANK AND TRUST CO. Development Office Charles C . Verstandig '39 104 Alumni Hall Davyne E. Verstandig The University of Tennessee Overdown Whitmire ' 10 Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 Arthur B. Wood '25 Louise S. Stiefel '31 Xi Zeta Chapter, Walter E. Stiefel Chi Omega-UT Martin Branch Memorialized The total amount of contributions given by Library Patrons and ~~so~ ~ . ~O Donors during the twelve months ending June 30,1967, is $107,443.88. \. y' ~o'Oe<{ U.T . FACULTY AND STAFF WHO ARE LIBRARY PATRONS AND DONORS

Nathan W. Dougherty Eva Jean DeLaney Sherbakoff Homer F. Johnson, Dean Emeritus Home Economics University Center Jr., Engineering Engineering

Joseph L r h . "0 lJS .. OlJ Julian Harriss John C. Hodges Bernadine Meyer William H. Jesse Public Relations English Home Economics Librarian

7­ ~~ ~ ' o o~ Nell P . Logan John M. Smartt F. DeWolfe Miller Fred N. Peebles 0' ~0 Home Economics Alumni Affairs English Engineering C). ~ ~ ~. ~""'.f ~.

John C. Hodges Bain T . Stewart Arthur B. Wood Hilton A. Smith Ruth C. Ringo English Engineering Vice President Librarian 18 19

To our collection of church records, we have added the following: So:me Outstanding Gifts I - Claiborne County, Tennessee. Davis Creek Baptist Church. Record books, 1797-1821, 1838-1907. 2 v. Handwritten. Gift of Lawrence Several of our previous reports have Edwards. 2 - Roane County, Tennessee. Shiloh Baptist Church. Minutes, 1821­ included the names of the Blantons as 1865. 28 p. Typed transcript. Gift of Mrs. C.P. Kelley. donors of books and manuscripts. Their 3 - Wheat, Tennessee. George Jones Memorial Baptist Church. Record materials, accumulated over a period ';tJ books, 1895-1942. 3 v. Acquired by Dr. Ira Chiles. of several years , are important addi­ tions to the University Library. :( Our genealogical collection, always heavily used, now has the papers collected by Eva Turner Clark, the gift of Edward H. Clark. These research Smiley and Margaret Gray Blanton, DR . SMILEY MARGARET notes relate particularly to the Eppes, Gibbons, Chisholm, and Gillington BLANTON known individually as authors , have GRAY families of Tennessee. 1882-1966 been a rich source for manuscripts BLANTON In addition to the above, we have received many fine book collections and research materials. Dr. Blanton's of varying sizes from many donors. Among them, a run of seventy­ gifts, which reflect his interest in psychiatry and counseling and his connec­ four bound volumes of the Architectural Record from Mrs. Allen R. tions with the psychiatric clinic of the Marble Collegiate Church in New McCowan; a set of the Harvard Classics from Mr. and Mrs. Leland York City, include autographed copies of the books of Dr. Norman Vincent Johnston; Dean Armour T . Granger's private collection from Mrs. Peale, and his own published works, The Healing Power of Poetry and Granger; books and manuscripts from David Madden; and miscellaneous The Art of Real Happiness. ------collections from Dr. and Mrs. James W. White, Dr. and Mrs. Sam R. Mrs. Blanton's interest in history and in her native state of Tennessee Shanlever, Miss Rowena P . Dowlen, Mrs. Edward S. Fabian, N.B. Harwell, gave impetus to her collection of materials on Eliza Johnson, Thomas a Mark A. Klein, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lutz II, Mrs. Robert Lindsay, and Becket, Dick Whittington, and Bernadette. The manuscript of her novel many others. The White Unicorn adds distinction to our Tennessee collection, and the Tennessee material collected for the projected book on Eliza Johnson increases our Tennessee holdings. eeNTRIBUTeRS American Association of Their manuscript material, typescripts , reprints of articles, corres­ 1\ University Women pondence, diplomas, citations, and their personal library have added Abbott Laboratories American Cancer Society generously to the quality of our undergraduate and graduate collections. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Abel '43 American Chemical Society • OTHER SPECIAL GIFTS • George Stanton Abernathy '67 American Clinical & L. Alton Absher '27 , ' 28 Climatological Association The Administration Book of the L. D. Franklin Estate, Jefferson Ira A. Achreiber American College of Chest County, Tennessee, 1861-1879 is the gift ofHerbertS. Walters. Handwritten, Paul J. Adams Physicians this is a detailed account of the lengthy settlement of a large plantation Mr. and Mrs. Wilton A. Adams ' 43 American College of Dentists including the disposition of all properties: lands , slaves, and personal Mary Hart Eakin Ahler '24 American College of Surgeons effects. Earl S. Ailor '41 American Dental Association R. L. Goulding has given a collection of Letters of William Beverly A. D. Ainsworth American Dental Society of Randolph, a Federal Treasury Agent stationed in Memphis during the William A. Aker Anesthesiology American Fund for Dental years 1863-1866. These letters, written to his wife in Illinois, are of Alabama Dental Association Albert Einstein Medical Center Education, Inc. particular interest because of references to the military, political, Ronald H. Alden American Heart Association social, and cultural conditions in the occupied territory of western Joan Dale Aldridge '67 American Institute of Biological Tennessee during and immediately following the war years. Carol Kay Alexander '67 Sciences May Justus, in response to a plea for other material, has given her William D. Alexander '56 American Medical Association Collection of Children's and Folk Literature which includes the manuscripts Penelope J . Allen American Medical Women's Association and copies of each of her published writings, including first and autographed Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Alley '59, '60 Alpha Omega Alpha American Pediatric Society editions, numbering more than fifty titles. Some of the books are gifts Amberg Am El School American Philosophical Society of her sister, Miss Helen Justus. In connection with the folk literature, American Dental Association American Society for the Study she has included the tapes of collected for Growing Up in the American Airlines of Orthodontics Smokies. --­ American Association of Dental Adolfo Amit A miscellaneous collection, solicited with the help of D.E. Ray, con­ Schools Anderson and Snepp cerns Ruskin Cave College, Ruskin, Tennessee, and complements our American Association of Cecil Anderson Ruskin Colony materials. These newly acquired pieces include photo­ Endodontists Chapman Anderson, Jr. '30 graphs, rosters, correspondence, and mementos relating to the College, American Association of Genito­ Mary Trim Anderson '31 dating from about 1911. Urinary Surgeons Leah B. Andrews 18 19

To our collection of church records, we have added the following: Som.e Outstanding Gifts 1 - Claiborne County, Tennessee. Davis Creek Baptist Church. Record books, 1797-1821, 1838-1907. 2 v. Handwritten. Gift of Lawrence Several of our previous reports have Edwards. 2 - Roane County, Tennessee. Shiloh Baptist Church. Minutes, 1821­ included the names of the Blantons as 1865. 28 p. Typed transcript. Gift of Mrs. C.P . Kelley. donors of books and manuscripts. Their 3 - Wheat, Tennessee. George Jones Memorial Baptist Church. Record materials, accumulated over a period books, 1895-1942. 3 v. Acquired by Dr. Ira Chiles. of several years , are important addi­ Our genealogical collection, always heavily used, now has the papers tions to the University Library. , ) collected by Eva Turner Clark, the gift of Edward H. Clark. These research Smiley and Margaret Gray Blanton, MARGARET notes relate particularly to the Eppes, Gibbons, Chisholm, and Gillington DR. SMILEY known individually as authors , have BLANTON GRAY families of Tennessee. 1882-1966 been a rich source for manuscripts BLANTON In addition to the above, we have received many fine book collections and research materials. Dr. Blanton's of varying sizes from many donors. Among them, a run of seventy­ gifts, which reflect his interest in psychiatry and counseling and his connec­ four bound volumes of the Architectural Record from Mrs. Allen R. tions with the psychiatric clinic of the Marble Collegiate Church in New McCowan; a set of the Harvard Classics from Mr. and Mrs. Leland York City, include autographed copies of the books of Dr. Norman Vincent Johnston; Dean Armour T. Granger' s private collection from Mrs. Peale, and his own published works, The Healing Power of Poetry and Granger; books and manuscripts from David Madden; and miscellaneous The Art of Real Happiness. ------collections from Dr. and Mrs. James W. White, Dr. and Mrs. Sam R. Mrs. Blanton's interest in history and in her native state of Tennessee Shanlever, Miss Rowena P . Dowlen, Mrs. Edward S. Fabian, N.B. Harwell, gave impetus to her collection of materials on Eliza Johnson, Thomas a Mark A. Klein, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lutz II , Mrs. Robert Lindsay, and Becket, Dick Whittington, and Bernadette. The manuscript of her novel many others. The White Unicorn adds distinction to our Tennessee collection, and the Tennessee material collected for the projected book on Eliza Johnson (2eNTRIBUTeRS increases our Tennessee holdings. American Association of Their manuscript material, typescripts, reprints of articles, corres­ 1\ University Women pondence, diplomas , citations, and their personal library have added Abbott Laboratories American Cancer Society generously to the quality of our undergraduate and graduate collections. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Abel '43 American Chemical Society George Stanton Abernathy '67 American Clinical & • OTHER SPECIAL GIFTS • L. Alton Absher '27, ' 28 Climatological Association The Administration Book 2! the ~ l2.. Franklin Estate, Jefferson Ira A. Achreiber American College of Chest County, Tennessee, 1861-1879 is the gift of HerbertS. Walters. Handwritten, Paul J. Adams Physicians this is a detailed account of the lengthy settlement of a large plantation Mr. and Mrs. Wilton A. Adams '43 American College of Dentists including the disposition of all properties: lands , slaves, and personal Mary Hart Eakin Ahler ' 24 American College of Surgeons effects. Earl S. Ailor '41 American Dental Association R. L. Goulding has given a collection of Letters of William Beverly A. D. Ainsworth American Dental Society of Randolph, a Federal Treasury Agent stationed in Memphis during the William A. Aker Anesthesiology Alabama Dental Association American Fund for Dental years 1863-1866. These letters , written to his wife in Illinois, are of Albert Einstein Medical Center Education, Inc. particular interest because of references to the military, political, Ronald H. Alden American Heart Association social, and cultural conditions in the occupied territory of western Joan Dale Aldridge '67 American Institute of Biological Tennessee during and immediately following the war years. Carol Kay Alexander '67 Sciences May Justus, in response to a plea for other material, has given her William D. Alexander '56 American Medical Association Collection of Children's and Folk Literature which includes the manuscripts Penelope J. Allen American Medical Women's Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Alley '59, '60 Association and copies of each of her published writings , including first and autographed Alpha Omega Alpha American Pediatric Society editions, numbering more than fifty titles. Some of the books are gifts Amberg Am El School American Philosophical Society of her sister, Miss Helen Justus. In connection with the folk literature, American Dental Association American Society for the Study she has included the tapes of folk music collected for Growing Up in the American Airlines of Orthodontics Smokies. --­ American Association of Dental Adolfo Amit A miscellaneous collection, solicited with the help of D.E. Ray, con­ Schools Anderson and Snepp cerns Ruskin Cave College, Ruskin, Tennessee, and complements our Ame rican Association of Cecil Anderson Ruskin Colony materials. These newly acquired pieces include photo­ Endodontists Chapman Anderson, Jr. '30 graphs, rosters, correspondence, and mementos relating to the College, American Association of Genito­ Mary Trim Anderson '3 1 Urinary Surgeons Leah B. Andrews dating from about 1911. 20 21

O. R. Angelillo Edward Earl Bevill '67 F . W. Chappell Arizona Medical Association Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bickers Harry T. Burn, Jr. Mary P . Charlton Arkansas Medical Society Sam C. Bills '62 D. Brantley Burns Tom F. Cheek, Jr. '61 Arkansas State Dental Association Bird, Navratil , & Ballard Paul C. Burns Aileen Burridge William N. Chesney, Jr. '66 Mary R. Armstrong ' 29, '33 Mrs. Robert L. Birdwell, Jr. '50 Wayne Chester Mr. and Mrs. Foster D. Arnett T. A. Blackman Mrs. Floyd Orse Burris '64 Chicago Dental Society '43 , '47 Betty Lou Blackstock '67 Burroughs Wellcome & Co. Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Barry Lee Arnold '67 Walter Blackstock R. H. Busey '30 Jerry Lynn Bussell '67 Sanitarium Sandra Hall Arnold '67 Terry Glenn Blakemore '67 David Macon Byars '67 Ira N. Chiles Jack D. Arters Mrs. Smiley Blanton The Christopher Publishing House Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation Hugh W. Blessing '45 ClBA, Ltd. Oscar Roy Ashley '27 Jane Boyd Bobo '67 Ciba Pharmaceutical Products Fred G. Asquith Mrs. John B. Boddie e Paul Cadra Deloris G. Clark '56 Association of American Medical Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bodwell ' 10 California Dental Association Mrs. G. Wayne Clark Colleges Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Boling Association of Life Insurance '48, '50 California Mental Hygiene William H. Clark '24 M. K. Callisen '39 Yvonne Y. Clark Medical Directors Bolivian Society of the United Harry D. Claybrook '49 Atomic Energy of Canada, Limited States, Inc. Joseph Caltagirone Campbell Clinic Donald M. Clements '67 Henry Wayne Austin '67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. C. Bond Ada Marie Campbell James T. Clendenin '67 Mildred L. Ayres '34 Mrs. R. F. Boone Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Norman Don Randal Clenney '67 Borden Company Campbell '38 Cleveland Clinic Foundation Richard T . Bowers '53 Cleveland Dental Society B Jane Bowling '63 Mr. and Mrs. George E. Campbell '60, '61 Russell Clinard '67 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Badgett Harold B. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. L. Roe Campbell '23, '24 James A. Clodfelter '56 Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. William L. Boyd Ethel D. Bond Baker '32 ' 57 , ' 58 Larry A. Campbell Wade W. Clutton, Jr. ' 59 Jo Ann Cobb '67 J. Frank Baker '09 Emmett Wade Braden '23 S. M. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coffey Linda Jane Baker '67 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Brakebill Mrs. Paul O'Neal Canaday '28 Lenox D. Baker '29 '48, '50 Canadian Association of Medical J. J. Cohane Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Coker, Jr. William Clyde Baker, III '58 Nora P. Branch Students & Internes '51. '52 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bankson Olive H. Branch Mr. and Mrs. D. Lincoln Canfield Elliott R. Cole George Hulon Barham '67 Norman S. Brandes '49, '50 Betty Ingram Cannon '67 Marion E. Coleman '64 Robert Barker Albert Rives Brandon, Jr. ' 67 John H. Cantrell, Jr. '65 College of Physicians and Surgeons Alice J. Barkley '51 Mrs. Joe Brandon '59 Dianne Collins Carey '67 Columbia University School of J eanne Barkley Laura Cox Bratton '33 Linda F. Carlton '67 Dental & Oral Surgery Beverly Mac Barnes '67 James W. Bray Betty Lou Carman '67 Commonwealth Fund Richard R. Barnes Glen H. Bremer Carnegie Commission on Nenion Colquitt Conley '67 Ralph William Barnett '67 Carl Westfall Brindle, Jr. ' 67 Educational Television O. B. Conway, Jr. David Barrington Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brinkley, Jr. Janella Ann Carpenter '58 Norma C. Cook Frank L. Barton British Empire Cancer Campaign Kenneth William Carr '67 Ray Gene Cook '67 James D. Barton '66 Charles Bradford Brodie '67 Kim Carroll '67 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cooley William D. Barton, Jr. '54 Harvey B. Broome ' 23 Mrs. Kayla B. Carruth Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Cooper '60 George Neal Bass, Jr. ' 40 Margaret L. Browder '35 April C. Carson '64 G. D. Copeland Robert J. Bassett Brown University Press M. Evelyn Carson '61 Gary Lee Copeland '67 Charles Larry Bates '67 John W. Brown ' 56 Katherine Carson '02 Walter L. Copper, Jr. '60 Florence J. Batte '64 Katherine Brown '67 Carolyn S. Carver '56 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Corbitt '31 ,'33 Allen Battle Theo G. Brown '44 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swayne Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cornforth David Allen Beach '67 Mary Hester Gaskill Brownell '38 Carver '31 Daniel R. Beaird '67 Johnetta H. Bruce ' 19 Mrs. Robert N. Case '58 '36, ' 37 Edna Sarah Beardsley S. R. Bruesch Joe M. Cashion '61 Ada Martin Cornwell '39 Shelton L. Beatty '23 Ross H. Bryan William J. Castleman Ormond C. Corry Dow G. Beck '15 George Dale Buchanan Weldon E. Cate '31 Virginia Couch '67 Joe Francis Beene '62 Mrs. Stratton Buck Roy Hilliard Cates '67 Edward Thomas Counter '56 Dorothea L. Bell '32 Buckman Laboratories, Inc. Martha Ellen Caude1 '67 Steve W. Cowan '55 Stephen F. Cox Margaret Lee Bell '67 Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. Buehler George S. T. Cavanagh Mrs. Wiley G. Bennett '54, '59 James L. Bugg, Jr. F. G. Cavin, Jr. '53 Charles Justice Craig '35 Edmund Bergler Paulina Buhl '61 Mary Alice Chadwick '67 Claude Allen Craig '59 Edward Bernard Thomas W. Burdine '49 Linda Rae Chambers '67 Mr. and Mrs. Claude J . Craven Better English Fund Mrs. James H. Burke Frederick Chang '46 , '52 Mrs. M. H. Chapman '37 Mary Frances Crawford 20 21

O. R. Angelillo Edward Earl Bevill '67 Harry T . Burn, Jr. F . W. Chappell Arizona Medical Association Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bickers D. Brantley Burns Mary P . Charlton Arkansas Medical Society Sam C. Bills ' 62 Paul C. Burns Tom F. Cheek. Jr. ' 61 Arkansas State Dental Association Bird, Navratil, & Ballard Aileen Burridge William N. Chesney, Jr. '66 Mary R. Armstrong ' 29 . '33 Mrs. Robert L. Birdwell, Jr. ' 50 Mrs. Floyd Orse Burris '64 Wayne Chester Mr. and Mrs. Foster D. Arnett T . A. Blackman Burroughs Wellcome & Co. Chicago Dental Society '43 . '47 Betty Lou Blackstock '67 R. H. Busey '30 Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Barry Lee Arnold '67 Walter Blackstock Jerry Lynn Bussell ' 67 Sanitarium Sandra Hall Arnold '67 Terry Glenn Blakemore '67 David Macon Byars '67 Ira N. Chiles Jack D. Arters Mrs. Smiley Blanton The Christopher Publishing House Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation Hugh W. Blessing '45 CIBA, Ltd. Oscar Roy Ashley '27 Jane Boyd Bobo '67 (2 Ciba Pharmaceutical Products Fred G. Asquith Mrs. John B. Boddie Paul Cadra Deloris G. Clark '56 Association of American Medical Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bodwell ' 10 California Dental Association Mrs. G. Wayne Clark Colleges Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Boling California Mental Hygiene William H. Clark ' 24 Association of Life Insurance '48, ' 50 M. K. Callisen '39 Yvonne Y. Clark Medical Directors Bolivian Society of the United Joseph Caltagirone Harry D. Claybrook '49 Atomic Energy of Canada, Limited States, Inc. Campbell Clinic Donald M. Clements '67 Henry Wayne Austin '67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. C. Bond Ada Marie Campbell James T. Clendenin '67 Mildred L. Ayres '34 Mrs. R. F. Boone Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Norman Don Randal Clenney '67 Borden Company Campbell ' 38 Cleveland Clinic Foundation Richard T. Bowers '53 Mr. and Mrs. George E. Campbell Cleveland Dental Society B Jane Bowling '63 '60 , ' 61 Russell Clinard '67 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Badgett Harold B. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. L. Roe Campbell '23 . '24 James A. Clodfelter '56 Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. William L. Boyd Larry A. Campbell Wade W. Clutton. Jr. '59 Ethel D. Bond Baker '32 ' 57, ' 58 S. M. Campbell Jo Ann Cobb '67 J. Frank Baker '09 Emmett Wade Braden '23 Mrs. Paul O' Neal Canaday '28 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coffey Linda Jane Baker '67 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F . Brakebill Canadian Association of Medical J . J . Cohane Lenox D. Baker '29 '48 , '50 Students & Internes Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J . Coker. Jr. William Clyde Baker. III '58 Nora P. Branch Mr. and Mrs. D. Lincoln Canfield '51. '52 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bankson Olive H. Branch Betty Ingram Cannon '67 Elliott R. Cole George Hulon Barham '67 Norman S. Brandes '49. '50 John H. Cantrell, Jr. '65 Marion E. Coleman '64 Robert Barker Albert Rives Brandon, Jr. '67 Dianne Collins Carey '67 College of Physicians and Surgeons Alice J. Barkley '51 Mrs. Joe Brandon '59 Linda F. Carlton ' 67 Columbia University School of Jeanne Barkley Laura Cox Bratton '33 Betty Lou Carman '67 Dental & Oral Surgery Beverly Mac Barnes '67 James W. Bray Carnegie Commission on Commonwealth Fund Richard R. Barnes Glen H. Bremer Educational Television Nenion Colquitt Conley '67 Ralph William Barnett '67 Carl Westfall Brindle. Jr. '67 Janella Ann Carpenter '58 O. B. Conway, Jr. David Barrington Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brinkley, Jr. Kenneth William Carr '67 Norma C. Cook Frank L. Barton British Empire Cancer Campaign Kim Carroll '67 Ray Gene Cook '67 James D. Barton '66 Charles Bradford Brodie '67 Mrs. Kayla B. Carruth Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cooley William D. Barton, Jr. ' 54 Harvey B. Broome '23 April C. Carson '64 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Cooper '60 George Neal Bass. Jr. '40 Margaret L. Browder '35 M. Evelyn Carson '61 G. D. Copeland Robert J . Bassett Brown University Press Katherine Carson '02 Gary Lee Copeland '67 Charles Larry Bates '67 John W. Brown '56 Carolyn S. Carver '56 Walter L. Copper, Jr. '60 Florence J. Batte '64 Katherine Brown '67 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swayne Mr. and Mrs. James S. Corbitt '31. '33 Theo G. Brown '44 Allen Battle Carver '31 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cornforth David Allen Beach '67 Mary Hester Gaskill Brownell ' 38 Mrs. Robert N. Case '58 '36, '37 Johnetta H. Bruce ' 19 Daniel R. Beaird '67 Joe M. Cashion ' 61 Ada Martin Cornwell ' 39 Edna Sarah Beardsley S. R. Brues.ch William J . Castleman Ormond C. Corry Shelton L. Beatty '23 Ross H. Bryan Weldon E. Cate '31 Virginia Couch '67 George Dale Buchanan Dow G. Beck '15 Roy Hilliard Cates '67 Edward Thomas Counter '56 Joe Francis Beene ' 62 Mrs. Stratton Buck Martha Ellen Caudel '67 Steve W. Cowan '55 Buckman Laboratories, Inc. Dorothea L. Bell '32 George S. T. Cavanagh Stephen F. Cox Margaret Lee Bell ' 67 Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. Buehler F. G. Cavin, Jr. '53 Charles Justice Craig '35 Mrs. Wiley G. Bennett '54, '59 James L. Bugg, Jr. Mary Alice Chadwick '67 Claude Allen Craig ' 59 Paulina Buhl '61 Edmund Bergler Linda Rae Chambers '67 Mr. and Mrs. Claude J . Craven Thomas W. Burdine '49 Edward Bernard Frederick Chang '46. '52 Mrs. James H. Burke Better English Fund Mrs. M. H. Chapman '37 Mary Frances Crawford 22 23

Polly Beth Crawford '67 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Eaves Fowler, Rowntree & Fowler Gorgas Memorial Institute of Mrs. Sam V. Crawford Educational Council for Bobby Earl Fowler '67 Tropical & Preventive Medicine Mr. and Mrs. David Creasman, Jr. Foreign Medical Students Harley Fowler ' II Mrs. M. T . Gowder '57, '58 H. Wallace Edwards, Jr. '56 Rodger Arlan Fowler '67 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy P . Graf Andrew H. Crenshaw Lawrence Edwards '41 , '56 Arlene Alice Jachens Frame '67 Orin B. Graff Mr. and Mrs. Chester H. Crider J . E. Ehrhard Raymond Bemis Francis ' 67 Donna Margaret Graham ' 67 '31, '33 Electrotechnical Laboratory Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Frank Janice Graham '67 James Allen Crocker '67 Eli Lilly & Company '58, '60, '61 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Crumpton David Neil Elkins '67 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Franklin '62 , '63 '39, '45 Jacqueline C. Elliott '24, '26 Mary Rose Gram Sandra Allen Cruse '67 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Elliott Frantz, McConnell & Seymour Mrs. Armour T. Granger Kenneth Curry Edward Lee Ellis ' 67 Attorneys Uga Grant '67 Martha Cuthbert '63 William A. Ellison, Jr. '38 Alfred Frazier ' 30 Curtis O. Grantham '58 John Elson Danny Lynn Frizzell '67 Horace D. Gray '24, '26 D Jane Elza '41 John Froggatt Rosa R. Gray '39 Norma Ann Engle '59, '61 William George Fron '67 Sam Green Jean Shelby Dallas ' 67 Allison Ensor '59 Joseph L. Frye '49 Lee S. Greene James Coulter Daniel '67 Erfurt, Germany F. Ruth Fulton Mary Greenhoe Ida M. Darden Harold L. Ernest Harriet Fulton S. A. Griffin Elise W. Davis Shelia Etheridge ' 67 Fund for Dental Education Richard Leigh Grinalds ' 67 Annabel M. Davis' 14 James C. Eubanks '43 Ernest Furchtgott Ernest Lee Grinder, Jr. '67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Davis Jamie Huweart Eubanks ' 67 Van Layton Futrell '67 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Gust Ralph Edward Day '67 European Free Trade Association Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Fuzek '55, '56 Howard Hugh Deck '67 William D. Evans, Jr. '43 , '45, '47 Alfred K. Guthe H. B. Dearman '46 William L. Evernden '58, '59 Charles J. Deere '39 Jane Fancher Evins '62 David L. DeGrella '66 G H Eva Jean DeLaney '46 Janet K. Gabriel Mrs. J. W. Hackney ' 37 Delta Kappa Gamma F Gailor Hospital Jack Lynn Hadley '65 John Dennison Mrs. Edward S. Fabian Raymond Neal Gallaher '67 Henry A. Haenseler ' 15 Dental Survey Mrs. Fred Harris Fain '22 Thomas Walker Gallien '67 William W. Haggard George DeVine Lowry Joe Farmer ' 67 Roger Ganier '67 Mary Ann Hagier '57 J. E. DeWever Violet Joan Farmer '67 Drew Garner Tommy Halliburton '67 Douglas A. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Broadus F. Farrar '21 Joy Jones Garrett '67 Elizabeth Edwards Hamer ' 33 L. W. Diggs Philip B. Farris '48 Stuart Garrett Miriam Boyd Hamer '67 District of Columbia Dental Society Michael Leon Faulkner '67 S. Carmack Garvin, Jr. ' 67 Philip M. Hamer John H. Dobson '48 Federation of American Society Earl Swafford Gatlin '67 Hamilton National Bank Thomas F . Dooley , 13 for Experimental Biology Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Gebhardt '41 H. Phillips Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dotson Martin J. Feerick F. Raymond Geddings '67 Alice Hammond and Family Alice F . Parrish Fennel '67 Mrs. H. J . Geiger '32 Jo Ann Hampton '67 Nathan W. Dougherty '09 Mr. and Mrs. Teodoro Ferrer Geisinger Memorial Hospital & Gina Lynn Hansen '67 Ward Gaylor Dougherty ' 67 S. D. Feurt Foss Clinic Joseph Wadie Harb '56, '60 Nancy Doughty '38 Fred Fields '42 Phillip George John Harold Harding '67 Willis H. Doughty, Jr. '29 Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Fink Georgetown University Joseph Howard Harding '67 Gary Wayne Douglas ' 67 The First National Bank of George Washington University Nelson Gene Hardy '67 Jerry Lee Douglas '67 Sullivan County Hans Gerloff David J . Harkness ' 34 Charlie G. Dover '67 John W. Fisher ' 38 Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Giesler ' 13 Joseph H. Harmon, II '60 Peter S. Dow '09 N. E. Fitzgerald Claire E. Gilbert Lamoine Harms Rowena P . Dowlen '47 Glen Gale Flood '67 Mrs. T . J . Gilbert Harper Hospital Robert Drake Bruce Floyd '67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Hunter C. Harrell Mr. and Mrs. James M. Draper Mr. and Mrs. Emerson H. Fly ' 22 '59 , ' 60 Deason Calvin Dunagan '67 '54 , '61 Carol Ann Glasgow '67 Henry E. Harris, Jr. '41 David Russell Duncan '67 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Flynn '48, Donald Howard Glover '67 Janet Fay Harris '67 Mrs. Isaac G. Duncan '49 Eleanor E. Goehring Margaret K. Harrison '25 John Duncan Mr. and Mrs. John W. Flynn Wilfred Ray Goehring '67 Byron D. Harrison '47 Stanley J . Folmsbee Mr. and Mrs . J . Donald Goeltz Jane Harrison '67 Mrs. Nancy J . Forester William W. Goodman P. E. Harrison, Jr. '57 E Albert A. Forgac Mr. and Mrs. David Wm. W. B. Harrison '67 Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Earnest '26 Nickey Leon Forrester ' 67 Goodpasture '60 , '63 Julian Harriss '39, '46 22 23

Polly Beth Crawford '67 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Eaves Fowler, Rowntree & Fowler Gorgas Memorial Institute of Mrs. Sam V. Crawford Educational Council for Bobby Earl Fowler '67 Tropical & Preventive Medicine Mr. and Mrs. David Creasman, Jr. Foreign Medical Students Harley Fowler ' 11 Mrs. M. T. Gowct'er '57, '58 H. Wallace Edwards, Jr. '56 Rodger Arlan Fowler '67 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy P . Graf Andrew H. Crenshaw Lawrence Edwards '41, '56 Arlene Alice Jachens Frame '67 Orin B. Graff Mr. and Mrs. Chester H. Crider J . E. Ehrhard Raymond Bemis Francis ' 67 Donna Margaret Graham '67 '31, '33 Electrotechnical Laboratory Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Frank Janice Graham '67 James Allen Crocker '67 Eli Lilly & Company '58, '60 , '61 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Crumpton David Neil Elkins '67 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Franklin '62, '63 ' 39, ' 45 Jacqueline C. Elliott '24, '26 Mary Rose Gram Sandra Allen Cruse '67 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Elliott Frantz, McConnell & Seymour Mrs. Armour T. Granger Kenneth Curry Edward Lee Ellis '67 Attorneys Uga Grant '67 Martha Cuthbert '63 William A. Ellison, Jr. ' 38 Alfred Frazier '30 Curtis O. Grantham '58 John Elson Danny Lynn Frizzell '67 Horace D. Gray '24, ' 26 Jane Elza ' 41 John Froggatt Rosa R. Gray '39 D Norma Ann Engle '59, '61 William George Fron '67 Sam Green Jean Shelby Dallas '67 Allison Ensor '59 Joseph L. Frye '49 Lee S. Greene James Coulter Daniel ' 67 Erfurt, Germany F . Ruth Fulton Mary Greenhoe Ida M. Darden Harold L. Ernest Harriet Fulton S. A. Griffin Elise W. Davis Shelia Etheridge ' 67 Fund for Dental Education Richard Leigh Grinalds '67 Annabel M. Davis ' 14 James C. Eubanks '43 Ernest Furchtgott Ernest Lee Grinder, Jr. ' 67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Davis Jamie Huweart Eubanks '67 Van Layton Futrell '67 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Gust Ralph Edward Day '67 European Free Trade Association Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Fuzek '55, '56 Howard Hugh Deck '67 William D. Evans, Jr. '43, '45 , '47 Alfred K. Guthe H. B. Dearman '46 William L. Evernden '58, '59 Charles J . Deere ' 39 Jane Fancher Evins ' 62 David L. DeGrella '66 G H Eva Jean DeLaney ' 46 Janet K. Gabriel Mrs. J . W. Hackney '37 Delta Kappa Gamma F Gailor Hospital Jack Lynn Hadley '65 John Dennison Mrs. Edward S. Fabian Raymond Neal Gallaher '67 Henry A. Haenseler ' 15 Dental Survey Mrs. Fred Harris Fain '22 Thomas Walker Gallien '67 William W. Haggard George DeVine Lowry Joe Farmer ' 67 Roge r Ganier '67 Mary Ann Hagier '57 J . E . DeWever Violet Joan Farmer ' 67 Drew Garner Tommy Halliburton ' 67 Douglas A. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Broadus F . Farrar '21 Joy Jones Garrett '67 Elizabeth Edwards Hamer ' 33 L. W. Diggs Philip B. Farris '48 Stuart Garrett Miriam Boyd Hamer '67 District of Columbia Dental Society Michael Leon Faulkner '67 S. Carmack Garvin, Jr. '67 Philip M. Hamer John H. Dobson '48 Federation of American Society Earl Swafford Gatlin '67 Hamilton National Bank Thomas F . Dooley , 13 for Experimental Biology Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Gebhardt '41 H. Phillips Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dotson Martin J. Feerick F. Raymond Geddings '67 Alice Hammond and Family Alice F . Parrish Fennel ' 67 Mrs. H. J . Geiger '32 Jo Ann Hampton '67 Nathan W. Dougherty '09 Mr. and Mrs. Teodoro Ferrer Geis inger Memorial Hospital & Gina Lynn Hansen '67 Ward Gaylor Dougherty ' 67 S. D. Feurt Foss Clinic Joseph Wadie Harb '56, '60 Nancy Doughty '38 Fred Fields '42 Phillip George John Harold Harding '67 Willis H. Doughty, Jr. ' 29 Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Fink Georgetown University Joseph Howard Harding '67 Gary Wayne Douglas '67 The First National Bank of George Washington University Nelson Gene Hardy '67 Jerry Lee Douglas '67 Sullivan County Hans Gerloff David J . Harkness '34 Charlie G. Dover ' 67 John W. Fisher '38 Mr . and Mrs. J . V. Giesler ' 13 Joseph H. Harmon, II ' 60 Peter S. Dow '09 N. E. Fitzgerald Clair e E. Gilbert Lamoine Harms Rowena P . Dow len ' 4 7 Glen Gale Flood '67 Mrs. T. J. Gilbert Harper Hospital Robert Drake Bruce Floyd ' 67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Hunter C. Harrell Mr. and Mrs. James M. Draper Mr. and Mrs. Emerson H. Fly '22 '59, '60 Deason Calvin Dunagan '67 '54 , ' 61 Carol Ann Glasgow '67 Henry E. Harris, Jr. '41 David Russell Duncan ' 67 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Flynn '48, Donald Howard Glover '67 Janet Fay Harris '67 Mrs. Isaac G. Duncan '49 Eleanor E. Goehring Margaret K. Harrison '25 John Duncan Mr. and Mrs. John W. Flynn Wilfred Ray Goehring '67 Byron D. Harrison '47 Stanley J . Folmsbee Mr. and Mrs. J . Donald Goeltz Jane Harrison '67 Mrs. Nancy J. Forester William W. Goodman P. E. Harrison, Jr. '57 E Albert A. Forgac Mr. and Mrs. David Wm . W. B. Harrison '67 Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Earnest '26 Nickey Leon Forrester ' 67 Goodpasture '60 , '63 Julian Harriss '39, '46 24 25

Harvard School of Dental Medicine Beverly Chandler Hunt '67 Betty Gail King '67 Michael Lupfer Nat B. Harwell '27 Gordon E. Hunt Clyde King Laura E. Luttrell '25 Susan Eileen Harwood '67 Mrs. Reuben A. Hunter Wilson Lynn Kirby '64 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lutz II '40 Mrs. William W. Hastings '23 Joe N. Hurt '53 Mark A. Klein Wm. Andrew Lyday, Jr. '57, '63 Oliver Hawk '48, '49 Mary Lou Hutcherson '67 Mr . and Mrs. Victor Klein ' 15 Jimmy Travis Lynn '67 Robert W. Hawk '54 Douglas J. Hutchison '37 Mark A. Klim Travis L. Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hutchison David H. Kling Mrs. C. Edgar Hawkins ' 33 '41 , '49 Knox Area Home Economics M Rebecca Ann Hawkins '67 Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Hutson Association John D. McBride Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hay, Jr. '57, '60 Carl Koella, Jr. '56 , '61 Raymond McBride '67 '56, '56 Grace V. Hyde '49 Lilliam Kramer Charles Millen McCalla'49 Dennis James Hayes '67 Arthur B. Hyman '01 Alfred P. Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Larry F . McClain Sara Lee Hayes '67 John A. Hyman '46 Billie Pyle Kuykendall Louise M. McCleary '13, '17 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Haynes J . Warren Kyle '42 James Walter McConnell '61, '62 '57 , '59 Joan Marie LaBarr '48 Jerry Clellon McCormick '67 Eulalia Jane Hazlewood '55 I-J Forrest Lacey Mrs. Allen McCowan Francis W. Headman '33 Illinois State Dental Society Virginia Nell Ladd ' 67 Mrs. W. H. McCroskey, Jr. '32 Mrs. Lucy E. Heap '55 A. J. Ingram ' 39 Lahey Clinic John Ralph McDaniel '67 Marian G. Heard Institute of Life Insurance Linda Lambert ' 66 Ruth Helen McDaniel '67 Hebrew Medical Association Institute of Living Margaret M. Lambert John McDonald '32 Roger F. Heidelberg Instituto Interamericano Mr . and Mrs. Walter Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Joe Albert McEachern Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Heilman, Jr. Instituto de Salubridad y Mr s. A. H. Lancaster '45 '31 '49 Enfermedades Tropicales William D. Lancaster '67 McGraw-Hill Book Company Louise A. Helms Mrs. Clayton C. Irwin, Jr. Dick Lane '50 Mrs. H. Whiting McIlwaine '09 Mary A. Henderson Doris Welch Ivy '67 Janith Anita Lane '67 J . A. McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hendley Mrs. Ben Jaffe Sam R. Lankford '38 Edna B. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hendrix '55, '60 James Park Bible Class Gale Larkins Roy Gene McIntyre '67 Henry Ford Hospital Mrs. Thomas Lewis James, Jr. '27 Andrew Lasslo Carlton J . McKenzie '67 Mr. and Mrs. James Wm . Henry John Charles Jenkins '67 Har ry W. Laughlin James McKnight '51 '43 , '47 Sybil Hufstetler Jenkins ' 67 Jerry F . Laughlin '49 Thomas A. McKenzie '55 Joan W. Henry '62 Hans E. Jensen Shields Lawhorn Willia S. McKinney'49 Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Herndon Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jesse William M. Leach Mrs. R. G. McLaughlin '62 J. P. Hess ' 16 , ' 17 Don W. Jett '59 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Lee James H. McLean Donald Ray High '67 John Gaston Hospital '27, '28 Gerald D. McLemore ' 63 Ruth Highberger John & Mary Markle Foundation Mrs. Jefferson O. Leinart Charles Edward McMillen '67 John Hamilton Hiscox '67 Barbara Nell Johnson '67 Helio Lemmi M & R Laboratories Robert B. Hitchcock ' 62 Homer F . Johnson, Jr. Ronnie L. Lewellen '67 David Madden Mrs. Joel J . Hobson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Granville D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mangam Mrs. Cornelia Smartt Hodges Robert L. Johnson '57, '57 '34 John C. Hodges A. M. Johnston Fredda Kay Liggett ' 67 Frederick C. Manning '33 Paul B. Hoke '64 Mr. and Mrs. Leland Johnston Mrs. Robert Lindsay Carol S. Mannon '67 Donald Lee Hollin '67 Mrs. Wm. Q. Johnston '03 Helen Livermore Wilton Marchman '67 Edna O. Hokenson '60 Garey W. Jones '67 Millie Belle Livermore '67 Albert Edward Markham '67 John R. Hollinshead '36 M. Irene Jones Thomas Hubert Loche, III '67 Homer F. Marsh Jack E. Holmes Jack D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Byrl C. Logan ' 39 , '40 Bernie B. Martin '09 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Holton Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones Nell P. Logan '35 , '47 , '60 Betsy Harris Martin '67 Jeanne M. Horan Stephen Bailey Jones '67 Daniel O. Loggins '54 Evelyn Turner Martin '67 Hospital Atlas Mrs. Jaye D. Julian Kenneth Lee London ' 67 John E. Martin Herbert H. Howard Helen Justus Holbert H. Long Kenneth W. Martin '67 John Howard ' 67 May Justus Clay E. Looney '28 Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Martin J. Zollie Howard ' 24 Louisiana State Board of Health '53, '55 Joseph Howard Mr. and Mrs. James C. Love, Jr. Mary M. Mauger James R. Huffstetler '67 K-L '34 Mr. and Mrs. David May Charles Wilson Hughes '67 Kansas State Dental Association Alberta Lowe '23 , '47 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. May '48 Mrs. L. P . Huie '64 Muriel J. Katschker David Wilson Lowery '67 Mead Johnson Laboratories William P . Hulley '60 Raymon Harold Kea '67 Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Luck Nancey Meador Mrs. Ritchey Hume '35 Allen H. Keally Howard H. Lumsden ' 43 Lucille Meek ' 23 Alfred W. Humphreys Marjorie Keller Mrs. C. V. Lundy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meek ' 19 , '34 James C. Hung Donald Ralph Kernodle '67 Harold L. Luper Hayes Coolidge Melson '51 24 25

Harvard School of Dental Medicine Beverly Chandler Hunt '67 Betty Gail King '67 Michael Lupfer Nat B. Harwell '27 Gordon E. Hunt Clyde King Laura E. Luttrell '25 Susan Eileen Harwood '67 Mrs. Reuben A. Hunter Wilson Lynn Kirby '64 Mr. and Mrs. John E . Lutz II ' 40 Mrs. William W. Hastings '23 Joe N. Hurt '53 Mark A. Klein Wm. Andrew Lyday, Jr. '57, '63 Oliver Hawk '48, '49 Mary Lou Hutcherson '67 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Klein ' 15 Jimmy Travis Lynn '67 Robert W. Hawk '54 Douglas J. Hutchison ' 37 Mark A. Klim Travis L. Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hutchison David H. Kling Mrs. C. Edgar Hawkins '33 '41 , '49 Knox Area Home Economics M Rebecca Ann Hawkins '67 Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Hutson Association John D. McBride Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hay, Jr. '57 , '60 Carl Koella, Jr. '56 , '61 Raymond McBride '67 '56 , '56 Grace V. Hyde ' 49 Lilliam Kramer Charles Millen McCalla'49 Dennis James Hayes '67 Arthur B. Hyman '01 Alfred P. Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. McClain Sara Lee Hayes '67 John A. Hyman '46 Billie Pyle Kuykendall Louise M. McCleary' 13, , 17 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Haynes J . Warren Kyle '42 James Walter McConnell '61 , '62 '57, '59 Joan Marie LaBarr '48 Jerry Clellon McCormick '67 Eulalia Jane Hazlewood '55 I-J Forrest Lacey Mrs. Allen McCowan Francis W. Headman ' 33 Illinois State Dental Society Virginia Nell Ladd '67 Mrs. W. H. McCroskey, Jr. '32 Mrs. Lucy E. Heap '55 A. J. Ingram '39 Lahey Clinic John Ralph McDaniel '67 Marian G. Heard Institute of Life Insurance Linda Lambert '66 Ruth Helen McDaniel '67 Hebrew Medical Association Institute of Living Margaret M. Lambert John McDonald ' 32 Roger F. Heidelberg Instituto Interamericano Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Joe Albert McEachern Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Heilman, Jr. Instituto de Salubridad y Mrs. A. H. Lancaster '45 '31 '49 Enfermedades Tropicales William D. Lancaster '67 McGraw-Hill Book Company Louise A. Helms Mrs. Clayton C. Irwin, Jr. Dick Lane '50 Mrs. H. Whiting McIlwaine '09 Mary A. Henderson Doris Welch Ivy '67 Janith Anita Lane '67 J. A. McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hendley Mrs. Ben Jaffe Sam R. Lankford '38 Edna B. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hendrix '55 , '60 James Park Bible Class Gale Larkins Roy Gene McIntyre '67 Henry Ford Hospital Mrs. Thomas Lewis James, Jr. '27 Andrew Lasslo Carlton J . McKenzie '67 Mr. and Mrs. James Wm . Henry John Charles Jenkins '67 Harry W. Laughlin James McKnight '51 '43, '47 Sybil Hufstetler Jenkins '67 Jerry F . Laughlin'49 Thomas A. McKenzie '55 Joan W. Henry '62 Hans E. Jensen Shields Lawhorn Willia S. McKinney '49 Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Herndon Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jesse William M. Leach Mrs. R. G. McLaughlin '62 J. P. Hess ' 16 , , 17 Don W. Jett '59 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Lee James H. McLean Donald Ray High '67 John Gaston Hospital ' 27 , '28 Gerald D. McLemore '63 Ruth Highberger John & Mary Markle Foundation Mrs. Jefferson O. Leinart Charles Edward McMillen '67 John Hamilton Hiscox '67 Barbara Nell Johnson '67 Helio Lemmi M & R Laboratories Robert B. Hitchcock '62 Homer F. Johnson, Jr. Ronnie L. Lewellen '67 David Madden Mrs. Joel J. Hobson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Granville D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mangam Mrs. Cornelia Smartt Hodges Robert L. Johnson '57, '57 '34 John C. Hodges A. M. Johnston Fredda Kay Liggett ' 67 Frederick C. Manning '33 Paul B. Hoke '64 Mr. and Mrs. Leland Johnston Mrs. Robert Lindsay Carol S. Mannon '67 Donald Lee Hollin '67 Mrs. Wm . Q. Johnston '03 Helen Livermore Wilton Marchman '67 Edna O. Hokenson '60 Garey W. Jones '67 Millie Belle Livermore '67 Albert Edward Markham '67 John R. Hollinshead ' 36 M. Irene Jones Thomas Hubert Loche, III '67 Homer F . Marsh Jack E. Holmes Jack D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Byrl C. Logan ' 39 , '40 Bernie B. Martin '09 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Holton Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones Nell P . Logan '35, '47, '60 Betsy Harris Martin '67 Jeanne M. Horan Stephen Bailey Jones '67 DanielO. Loggins '54 Evelyn Turner Martin '67 Hospital Atlas Mrs. Jaye D. Julian Kenneth Lee London '67 John E. Martin Herbert H. Howard Helen Justus Holbert H. Long Kenneth W. Martin '67 John Howard '67 May Justus Clay E. Looney '28 Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Martin J. Zollie Howard '24 Louisiana State Board of Health '53 , '55 Joseph Howard Mr. and Mrs. James C. Love, Jr. Mary M. Mauger James R. Huffstetler '67 K-L '34 Mr. and Mrs. David May Charles Wilson Hughes '67 Kansas State Dental Association Albe rta Lowe '23, '47 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. May '48 Mrs. L. P. Huie '64 Muriel J. Katschker David Wilson Lowery '67 Mead Johnson Laboratories William P. Hulley '60 Raymon Harold Kea ' 67 Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Luck Nancey Meador Mrs. Ritchey Hume ' 35 Allen H. Keally Howard H. Lumsden '43 Lucille Meek '23 Alfred W. Humphreys Marjorie Keller Mrs. C. V. Lundy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meek ' 19, '34 James C. Hung Donald Ralph Kernodle '67 Harold L. Luper Hayes Coolidge Melson '51 26 27

Memphis Chiropodists Association Donald F. Paine '61, '63 Memphis & Shelby County N Hasell Palmer '47 Q Health Department James R. Nance '58 Mrs. Michael E. Palmer '63 The Quaker Oats Company Memphis and Shelby County The National Board of Fire Patricia Jean Palmer '67 Edward Wayne Qualls '67 Medical Society Underwriters Pan American Health Organization John Leslie Qualls '67 Jane Merchant National Board of Medical Examiners Avis Woodyn King Pardue '67 A. M. Quint Merck & Company National Health Council Paul Edward Pare '67 Roland P. Quintana E. C. Merrill '48 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Parke, Davis and Company Metropolitan Life Insurance National Science Foundation Edgar C. Parker '67 Company National Vitamin Foundation Joan C. Parker '59 Universidad Nacional Autonoma James Larry Neal '67 Mary H. Parker '30 De Mexico Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Neel '54, '65 Earl Stewart Parks '67 R Bernadine Meyer C. L. Neely Hortense Parrish Mrs. Lee M. Ragsdale ' 19 Miller's Billy Wayne Nelms '67 Robert Thomas Paschall '67 Thomas Franklin Raines '67 Don D. Miller Carl Gerald Newby '67 Sam Patterson '55 John R. Ralph '44 DeWolfe Miller New York University Helen C. Paxton '30 Amelia Rambo '67 Tony J. Miller '58 Paul H. Newell, Jr. '58, '61 Mrs. S. O. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Ramer Mr. and Mrs. William B. Miller Mr. and Mrs. W. E . Newell '29, '29 Elizabeth Ann Pearson '67 Jack Randolph '41 '41, '41 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Nicholls, Jr. '51 Loren Kay Pearson '67 Regina Rapier Mary Jane Canaday Miller '62 Pat Hale Nichols Fred N. Peebles '47 Mrs. Robert E. Raquet '38 Walter Richard Miller '67 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Nielsen Charles Wm. Pehle, Jr. '53 Donna Read '62 Billy Wayne Milliken '67 William Bryant Nobles '67 James Michael Pemberton Charles Herbert Reed '61 James Don Milton '67 Dix W. Noel Pennsylvania Hospital Jack E. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Homer F. Mincy Rheinhold Nordsieck Eugene F. Pereda '51 Mary W. Reeves '53, '60 Jo Harriet Norsworthy '67 Shirley Ann Hawks Permenter '67 Robert C. Rendtorff H. Read Miner Mr. and Mrs. Troy Norsworthy Ronald H. Petersen Helen E. Reynolds Minnesota State Dental Association North Carolina Dental Society Mrs. LeRoy Peterson Nancy I. Rhea '63 Minnesota State Medical Association North Carolina Medical Society Shailer Peterson '26 J. Clark Rhodes Mississippi Dental Association Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. North ' 60, '61 Marija G. Petrovska Danny Joe Richardson '67 Mississippi State Medical Association Northwestern University Pfizer Laboratories Cynthia Lewis Richerson '64 Ann E. Mitchell '50 Jenny Wren Nunn '67 James Michael Phebus '67 Norbert F. Riedl Harry E. Mitchell Jean Phillips Mary Darlene Riggs '67 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mogford Robert W. Phillips '63 Mary Wall Riley '67 John William Monk '67 e Physicians Forum, Inc. Tom Rinehart Ellen F. Montgomery Ochsner Medical Foundation J. Frank Pierce '43 Ruth C. Ringo Mrs. Walter L. Montgomery '41 Lura M. Odland Wilbur W. Piper '22 Sharon Ritt F. J. Montgomery '29 Mr. and Mrs. James N. Odom '37, '38 Swanya Howell Pitts '67 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Roach '43 Mrs. Walter L. Montgomery'41 Frank Ogdin Mr. and Mrs. James H. Polhemus Mary Lydia Roark Stephen Mooney Ohio State Dental Association '62, '64 David A. Roberson'43 Mrs. Clarence C. Moore Ohio State Medical Association Donna Burgess Pollard '67 Frank L. Roberts James M. Moore Myrtil Ida Old '50 Ethel H. Pollard Ronald Ford Roberts '67 John R. Moore David Allen Oliver '67 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pollard '32 Willis Andrew Robinson, Jr. '58 Terry Moore Terry Jay Oliver '67 William D. Postell Gonzalo S. Robles Moral Re-Armament Omaha District Dental Society Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis Potter Jane Bruce Roby '67 Mrs. Frank Morell Clyde L. Orr '56 '61, '63 Roche Laboratories Lucy S. Morgan '22 Mrs. John Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Potyen Rockefeller Institute for Medical Elise Morrell ' 27 Donald M. Osment '64 '60, '61 Research Barbara King Morris '67 Mr. and Mrs. Prentice Neal O'Steen Truman Pouncey Rocky Mountain Medical Association Charles Carlton Morris '67 '45, '50 Patricia June Powell '67 William E. Roever Henry Thomas Morris, Jr. '67 Mrs. E. G. Otey Grace S. Poyner '57 Suzanne Marie Rogers '67 Raymond H. Moseley '51 Mrs. James Overton '28 Joe Prachaska John Riley Roper '67 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Moser Carolyn Baker Owens '67 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Prados '57 Ross Laboratories Mount Sinai Hospital Beverly Prime William H. Rowan Mary M. Mount '30 Scott L. Probasco, Jr. Morris R. Rucker '32 Patricia Ann Griffin Mullins '67 p Letty S. Pryor R. M. Ruf J. Orvin Mundt Pacific Coast Society of O. P. Pitts, Jr. '38 Frances Lillian Rush '67 Ruth Neil Murry Orthodontists Suzanne Meek Powers '67 Lorry Ronald Ruth '67 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Myracle '65 Henry Packer JUdith Ann Pritchett '67 Arthur Frank Ryan Jerry Ray Myrick '67 Laura A. Paige ' 4 7 Walter H. Pugh '30 Dorothy Ryan '35 26 27

Memphis Chiropodists Association Donald F. Paine '61 , '63 Memphis & Shelby County N Hasell Palmer '47 Q Health Department James R. Nance '58 Mrs. Michael E. Palmer '63 Memphis and Shelby County . The National Board of Fire Patricia Jean Palmer '67 The Quaker Oats Company Medical Society Underwriters Pan American Health Organization Edward Wayne Qualls '67 Jane Merchant National Board of Medical Examiners Avis Woodyn King Pardue '67 John Leslie Qualls '67 A. M. Quint Merck & Company National Health Council Paul Edward Pare '67 E. C. Merrill '48 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Parke, Davis and Company Roland P. Quintana Metropolitan Life Insurance National Science Foundation Edgar C. Parker '67 Company National Vitamin Foundation Joan C. Parker '59 Universidad Nacional Autonoma James Larry Neal '67 Mary H. Parker '30 De Mexico Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Neel '54, '65 Earl Stewart Parks ' 67 R Bernadine Meyer C. L. Neely Hortense Parrish Mrs. Lee M. Ragsdale '19 Miller's Billy Wayne Nelms '67 Robert Thomas Paschall ' 67 Thomas Franklin Raines ' 67 Don D. Miller Carl Gerald Newby '67 Sam Patterson '55 John R. Ralph ' 44 DeWolfe Miller New York University Helen C. Paxton '30 Amelia Rambo '67 Tony J . Miller '58 Paul H. Newell, Jr. '58, '61 Mrs. S. O. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Ramer Mr. and Mrs. William B. Miller Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Newell '29, '29 Elizabeth Ann Pearson '67 Jack Randolph '41 '41, '41 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Nicholls, Jr. '51 Loren Kay Pearson '67 Regina Rapier Mary Jane Canaday Miller '62 Pat Hale Nichols Fred N. Peebles '47 Mrs. Robert E. Raquet '38 Walter Richard Miller '67 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Nielsen Charles Wm. Pehle, Jr. '53 Donna Read '62 Billy Wayne Milliken '67 William Bryant Nobles '67 James Michael Pemberton Charles Herbert Reed '61 James Don Milton '67 Dix W. Noel Pennsylvania Hospital Jack E . Reese Mr. and Mrs. Homer F. Mincy Rheinhold Nordsieck Eugene F . Pereda '51 Mary W. Reeves '53, '60 Jo Harriet Norsworthy '67 Shirley Ann Hawks Permenter ' 67 Robert C. Rendtorff H. Read Miner Mr. and Mrs. Troy Norsworthy Ronald H. Petersen Helen E. Reynolds Minnesota State Dental Association North Carolina Dental Society Mrs. LeRoy Peterson Nancy I. Rhea '63 Minnesota State Medical Association North Carolina Medical Society Shailer Peterson '26 J . Clark Rhodes Mississippi Dental Association Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. North '60, ' 61 Marija G. Petrovska Danny Joe Richardson ' 67 Mississippi State Medical Association Northwestern University Pfizer Laboratories Cynthia Lewis Richerson '64 Ann E. Mitchell '50 Jenny Wren Nunn '67 James Michael Phebus '67 Norbert F . Riedl Harry E. Mitchell Jean Phillips Mary Darlene Riggs '67 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mogford Robert W. Phillips '63 Mary Wall Riley '67 John William Monk '67 e Physicians Forum, Inc. Tom Rinehart Ellen F. Montgomery Ochsner Medical Foundation J. Frank Pierce '43 Ruth C. Ringo Mrs. Walter L. Montgomery '41 Lura M. Odland Wilbur W. Piper ' 22 Sharon Ritt F. J. Montgomery '29 Mr. and Mrs. James N. Odom '37, '38 Swanya Howell Pitts '67 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Roach '43 Mrs. Walter L. Montgomery '41 Frank Ogdin Mr. and Mrs. James H. Polhemus Mary Lydia Roark Stephen Mooney Ohio State Dental Association '62, '64 David A. Roberson ' 43 Mrs. Clarence C. Moore Ohio State Medical Association Donna Burgess Pollard ' 67 Frank L. Roberts James M. Moore Myrtil Ida Old ' 50 Ethel H. Pollard Ronald Ford Roberts '67 John R. Moore David Allen Oliver '67 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pollard '32 Willis Andrew Robinson, Jr. '58 Terry Moore Terry Jay Oliver '67 William D. Postell Gonzalo S. Robles Moral Re-Armament Omaha District Dental Society Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis Potter Jane Bruce Roby ' 67 Mrs. Frank Morell Clyde L. Orr '56 '61 , '63 Roche Laboratories Lucy S. Morgan '22 Mrs. John Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Potyen Rockefeller Institute for Medical Elise Morrell '27 Donald M. Osment '64 '60 , '61 Research Barbara King Morris '67 Mr. and Mrs. Prentice Neal O'Steen Truman Pouncey Rocky Mountain Medical Association Charles Carlton Morris '67 '45, '50 Patricia June Powell '67 William E. Roever Henry Thomas Morris, Jr. '67 Mrs. E. G. Otey Grace S. Poyner '57 Suzanne Marie Rogers '67 Raymond H. Moseley '51 Mrs. James Overton '28 Joe P rachaska John Riley Roper '67 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Moser Carolyn Baker Owens '67 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Prados '57 Ross Laboratories Mount Sinai Hospital Beverly Prime William H. Rowan Mary M. Mount ' 30 Scott L. Probasco, Jr. Morris R. Rucker '32 Patricia Ann Griffin Mullins '67 It"' Letty S. Pryor R . M. Ruf J. Orvin Mundt Pacific Coast Society of O. P . Pitts, Jr. '38 Frances Lillian Rush '67 Ruth Neil Murry Orthodontists Suzanne Meek Powers ' 67 Lorry Ronald Ruth '67 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Myracle '65 Henry Packer Judith Ann Pritchett '67 Arthur Frank Ryan Jerry Ray Myrick '67 Laura A. Paige '47 Walter H. Pugh '30 Dorothy Ryan ' 35 28 29

Mr. and Mrs. J. Polk Smartt Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stuckey Richard Winston Thaler ' 42 s Mr. and Mrs. John M. Smartt Sherida Kay Stutts '67 Therapeutic Research Press '42 , ' 43, '48 Jane Swafford Mr. and Mrs. CarlO. Thomas Robert F. Samples '63 Smith, Kline & French Labs William B. Swafford '48 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Thompson . Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ned H. Sams '52 Carolyn Smith '67 M. J. Sweeney '61 Celeste Sanford '22 Charles K. Smith ' 30 Fletcher Sweet '28 , '35 Burt Lee Thompson ' 62 Jane R. Savage H. E. W. Smith James Randolph Thompson '67 IrvinS. Saxton '10, ' 12 Hilton A. Smith Mr. and Mrs . Richard Cross Thompson . Herbert Schapiro Joel Stephen Smith '67 T '63, '63 Milton H. Schlesinger '25 John T. Smith Hall Sanford Tackett ' 43 John M. Thornburth '01 , '02 Mr. and Mrs. Bernadotte E. Schmitt '04 McGregor Smith, Jr. ' 47 Mr. and Mrs. James T . Tanner Laura Virginia Thornton '67 Frances Armistead Schofield McGregor Smith, Sr. '21 Judy Gayle Tate ' 67 James A. Thrasher ' 24 , '29 . '32 Carol Elaine Schrader '67 Phillip Michael Smith '67 Tax Foundation, Inc. Robert S. Thurman George K. Schweitzer Shirley Raines Smith '67 Mrs. Dwain Taylor '61 Marian F. Tietjen Scott & White Clinic William Gordon Smith '67 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Taylor Benjamin King Tipton '67 Barry Austin Scott '59 Robert Vernon Smyth, " ' 67 Wonda King Taylor ' 67 Jere T. Tipton ' 26 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott Larry Orrin Snider '67 Paul Templeton '67 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Scott, Jr. Paula Burton Snider '67 Tennessee County Agents Association Robert Allen Todd '67 '29 , ' 31 Mrs. Walter S. Snyder Tennessee Medical Association Tokyo Medical & Dental Univers ity Annice W. Scruggs '61 Elizabeth F. Sodemann Tennessee Mental Health Department Martha Jo Tolley '67 Robert J. Seabolt ' 39 Joyce Fatina Sorrell '67 Tennessee Nurses's Association Estate of W. P. Toms '07 G. D. Searle & Company South Carolina Dental Society Tennessee Public Health Department Linda Toomes Mrs . Howard G. Searles '43 Southern Medical Association Tennessee Psychiatric Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Townsend Melton LeRoy Segraves '67 Southern Surgical Association Library Mary P. Trammell Eleanor McCleary Sellstorm '52 Richard Thurston Sowell '67 State of Tennessee Dental Association Mary N. Traylor Samuel T . Selman Sam Spain Tennessee Society of Professional Anna Jean Treece Semmes Murphy Clinic Elizabeth L. Speer Engineers Mrs. D. J. Trotter '63 Mrs. Plowde n G. Sessions Herman E . Spivey Tennessee Tuberculosis Association Frank R. Tubbs '39. '61 James W. Seymour '59 D. H. Sprunt University of Tennessee Danny Bruce Tuck Sandra Jean Shankle '67 Robert Edward Stader '67 American Home Economics Claude Gilbert Tucker '67 Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Shanlever ' 24 Judy Ann Steel '67 Association Clevie Ellen Tucker '67 Mr. Aaron J . Sharp Nancy Lavergne Steele '67 Class of 1919 Richard P. Tucker '61 William D. Sharp '47 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Taylor Stein ('ollege of Dentistry Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tuggle Mrs. William L. Sharp '26 '50, '52 Development Council Austion Turnbow '67 Shelby County Tuberculosis & Mr. and Mrs. John Douglass Stein English John Tim Turner '67 Health Association '56, '60 Faculty Association William A. Turrentine '32 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sherbakoff Athan John Sterges Faculty Flower Fund '50, '51 Neuton Stern Faculty Women' s Club David A. Shirley '39 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Steuterman German Club u Mrs. Kenneth W. Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Bain T. Stewart '35 Graduate School U. S. Agency For Inte rnational Louis R. Shobe Bertha L. Stiefel Home Economics Faculty and Staff Development Robert Francis Shore '67 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stiefel Kappa Sigma Fraternity Mr. and Mrs. Charles T . R. Underwood Peggy S. Short Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marzel Stiefel Library Staff '43, '48, '52 E . Carl Shreve '54 , '54 Memphis Medical Units U.S.A.F. Aerospace Center Mrs. P . A. Sillers '38 Herbert O. Stiefel Music Education Faculty United States Armed Forces Lawrence F . Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Stiefel Nutrition United States Army Medical Division Mrs. Frederick Simmons '54 '55, '58 Phi Kappa Phi United States Army Medical Museum J. Vernon Simpson '67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stiefel Public Relations Staff United States Army Medical Research Milton Siskin'42 Mrs. Walter E. Stiefel '31 Registrar Laboratory Paul Sissman James E . Stockdale '55 Religion, UT Martin United State s Army Medical Service Willard H. Sitton '63 Anna May Stokely '06 Resources Center United States Atomic Energy Mr. and Mrs. H. J . Sizer Mary Stokes Treasurer's Office Commission Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Sizer Stanley Stokey Xi Zeta Chapter, Chi Omega United States Department of Health, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Sizer Gene Stollerman Zeta Tau Alpha Education and Welfare John W. Slater '40 Dewitt B. Stone, Jr. '62 Tennessee Valley Authority, United State s National Academy Lowe ll C . Sliger '57, '60 Mr. and Mrs. J . W. T. Stout ' 39 Health & Safety Department of Sciences Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Harry Strauss Edward D. Terry United States National Bureau of Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Smartt Mr. and Mrs. Lofton K. Stuart Texas Medical Association Standards Mrs. J. E. Smartt '34, '35 Mr. and Mrs. Alwin Thaler United States National Cancer Institute 28 29

Mr. and Mrs. J . Polk Smartt Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stuckey Richard Winston Thaler ' 42 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Smartt Sherida Kay Stutts '67 Therapeutic Research Press s ' 42, '43 , '48 Jane Swafford Mr. and Mrs. CarlO. Thomas Robert F . Samples '63 Smith, Kline & French Labs William B. Swafford '48 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Thompson. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ned H. Sams '52 Carolyn Smith '67 M. J . Sweeney '61 Celeste Sanford '22 Charles K. Smith '30 Fletcher Sweet ' 28 , ' 35 Burt Lee Thompson ' 62 Jane R. Savage H. E. W. Smith James Randolph Thompson '67 Irvin S. Saxton ' 10, , 12 Hilton A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cross Thompson , Herbert Schapiro Joel Stephen Smith '67 T '63 , '63 Milton H. Schlesinger ' 25 John T. Smith Hall Sanford Tackett ' 43 John M. Thornburth '01 , '02 Mr. and Mrs. Bernadotte E. Schmitt '04 McGregor Smith, Jr. '47 Mr. and Mrs. James T . Tanner Laura Virginia Thornton '67 Frances Armistead Schofield McGregor Smith, Sr. '21 Judy Gayle Tate '67 James A. Thrasher ' 24 , '29 . '32 Carol Elaine Schrader '67 Phillip Michael Smith ' 67 Tax Foundation, Inc. Robert S. Thurman George K. Schweitzer Shirley Raines Smith '67 Mrs. Dwain Taylor '61 Marian F . Tietjen Scott & White Clinic William Gordon Smith ' 67 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Taylor Benjamin King Tipton '67 Barry Austin Scott '59 Robert Vernon Smyth, II '67 Wonda King Taylor '67 Jere T. Tipton ' 26 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott Larry Orrin Snider '67 Paul Templeton ' 67 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Scott, Jr. Paula Burton Snider '67 Tennessee County Agents Association Robert Allen Todd '67 ' 29 , '3 1 Mrs. Walter S. Snyder Tennessee Medical Association Tokyo Medical & Dental Unive r s ity Annice W. Scruggs ' 61 Elizabeth F. Sodemann Tennessee Mental Health Department Martha Jo Tolley '67 Robert J. Seabolt ' 39 Joyce Fatina Sorrell '67 Tennessee Nurses's Association Estate of W. P. Toms '07 G. D. Searle & Company South Carolina Dental Society Tennessee Public Health Department Linda Toomes Mrs. Howard G. Searles '43 Southern Medical Association Tennessee Psychiatric Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Townsend Melton LeRoy Segraves '67 Southern Surgical Association Library Mary P. Trammell Eleanor McCleary Sellstorm '52 Richard Thurston Sowell '67 State of Tennessee Dental Association Mary N. Traylor Samuel T. Selman Sam Spain Tennessee Society of Professional Anna Jean Treece Semmes Murphy Clinic Elizabeth L. Speer Engineers Mrs. D. J . Trotter '63 Mrs. Plowden G. Sess ions Herman E. Spivey Tennessee Tuberculosis Association Frank R. Tubbs '39. '61 James W. Seymour '59 D. H. Sprunt University of Tennessee Danny Bruce Tuck Sandra Jean Shankle '67 Robert Edward Stader '67 American Home Economics Claude Gilbert Tucker '67 Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Shanlever '24 Judy Ann Steel '67 Association Clevie Ellen Tucker '67 Mr. Aaron J. Sharp Nancy Lavergne Steele '67 Class of 1919 Richard P . Tucker '61 William D. Sharp '47 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Taylor Stein rollege of Dentistry Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tuggle Mrs. William L. Sharp ' 26 '50, '52 Development Council Austion Turnbow '67 Shelby County Tuberculosis & Mr. and Mrs. John Douglass Stein English John Tim Turner '67 Health Association '56, '60 Faculty Association William A. Turrentine '32 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sherbakoff Athan John Sterges Faculty Flower Fund '50 , '51 Neuton Stern Faculty Women's Club David A. Shirley '39 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Steuterman German Club u Mrs. Kenneth W. Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Bain T . Stewart '35 Graduate School U. S. Agency For International Louis R. Shobe Bertha L. Stiefel Home Economics Faculty and Staff Development Robert Francis Shore ' 67 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stiefel Kappa Sigma Fraternity Mr. and Mrs. Charles T . R. Underwood Peggy S. Short Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marzel Stiefel Library Staff '43 , '48 , '52 E. Carl Shreve ' 54 , '54 Memphis Medical Units U.S .A.F. Aerospace Cente r Mrs. P . A. Sillers '38 Herbert O. Stiefel Music Education Faculty United States Armed Forces Lawrence F. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Stiefel Nutrition United States Army Medical Division Mrs. Frederick Simmons '54 '55 , '58 Phi Kappa Phi United States Army Medical Museum J. Vernon Simpson '67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stiefel Public Relations Staff United States Army Medical Research Milton Siskin ' 42 Mrs. Walter E. Stiefel '31 Registrar Laboratory Paul Sissman James E. Stockdale '55 Religion, UT Martin United States Army Medical Service Willard H. Sitton '63 Anna May Stokely '06 Resources Center United States Atomic Energy Mr. and Mrs. H. J . Sizer Mary Stokes Treasurer's Office Commission Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sizer Stanley Stokey Xi Zeta Chapter, Chi Omega United States Department of Health, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Sizer Gene Stollerman Zeta Tau Alpha Education and Welfare John W. Slater ' 40 Dewitt B. Stone, Jr. '62 Tennessee Valley Authority, United States National Academy Lowell C. Sliger '57 , '60 Mr. and Mrs. J . W. T. Stout '39 Health & Safety Department of Sciences Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Harry Strauss Edward D. Terry United States National Bureau of Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Smartt Mr. and Mrs. Lofton K. Stuart Texas Medical Association Standards Mrs. J . E. Smartt '34 , '35 Mr. and Mrs. Alwin Thaler United States National Cancer Institute LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE

After all manner of professors have done their best for us, the place we are to get knowledge is in books.-The true university of these days is a collection of books.­

-Thomas Carlyle