
Preface 7 What I have always wanted to know about or A book about a city which is never to be completed

For the sprinter 10

Concise history in "double-time" 13

For intellectual Marathon Runners 15

When the world was still "in order" 17 Of Hu and Shen and Shang 18 Charles Gutzlaff, one of the first Germans in Shanghai 20 Shanghai shanghaied 22 The foreigners are coming 22 The day the dogs did not dare bark 23 The Founding of the Foreign Settlements 29 Shanghai Municipal Council 33 The Taiping rebels unsettle the country 39 The "Little Swords" seize power in the Chinese quarters 40 Birth of the Lilongs 42

China's Fall - Shanghai's Rise 51 Shanghai becomes the leading trade and industrial center 51 Of human- and opium trafficking 51 First "Boom" and Stabilization 52 Second "Boom" - the Golden Age 55 Shanghai Society 58 Materialism and Progress 60 Whites and the Chinese - two worlds 61 The Great Jewish "Noble Houses" 66 Of Churches, Schools and "Rice"-Christians 73 Shanghai's city planners confronted with great tasks 85 Shanghai, the "model city" 86

Shanghai between Revolt and Glamour 90 The Song-Dynasty 90 Charlie Song - the suppressed revolutionary 90 The Second Generation 93 Qingling and the Third Way 96 is a Republic 100 The 1911 revolution topples the Shanghai City Wall 100 Yuan Shikai, or how the dream of a new beginning comes to an end 104 The Green Gang (or Qing Bang) - Du Yuesheng, the "godfather" of Shanghai 107 The Russian wave of refugees and how the foreigners 'lost face' 113

Bibliografische Informationen digitalisiert durch http://d-nb.info/101167906X Shanghai - the center of China's intellectuals 117 Nora, or the striving of Chinese women for equality 117 Shanghai's literary scene sets standards 123 Shanghai's art scene of the 30s or "Western waves were whipping against the "Bund'" 135 Squalor of the worker and high-society 138 Ku Li - the bitter force 138 Wealth does not violate 141 Villas in the Greenfields 145 The bloody power struggle of the 1920s 147 Communism gains a foothold - Founding of the CCP in 1921 148 Shanghai turns into the "Slaughterhouse of modern Imperialism" - the 1925 May 30th- Movement 149 Chiang Kai-shek stages the Shanghai Massacre of 1927 154

Shanghai - Paris of the East in the 1920s and 1930s 156 Architectural Competition on 156 From the British Consulate to the Yokohama Specie Bank 160 Bank of China to the Bank of Communication 165 Customs Office and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation 174 China Merchants' Steam Navigation Company to the Meteorological Signal Station.. 181 No Paris without Amusements 184 Shanghai club life - a closed society 184 ... and the Chinese alternative 185 Theaters and amusement-temples 189 Highest density of prostitutes worldwide 193 The Shanghai film industry 195

Shanghai at war 202 The "Shanghai Incident" 1932 202 Little Tokyo 202 The precursors of the "Shanghai Incident" 203 The Battle of 1932 205 A City defies World Affairs 206 War as seen from the proscenium 206 Shanghai revels in Art-Deco 207 Functional Architecture gains ground 210 Underground Battles 213 Shanghai as the center of operations for leftist spies 213 The secret civil war between the Guomindang and the Chinese communists 220 Formation of the Second United Front 222 The Japanese Occupation from 1937 to 1945 224 Bombs on Shanghai 223 Japanese troops seize the International Settlement 225 Shanghai offers Jewish Refugees Safety 233 The end of the war - following up to 1949 240

The Time after 1949 245 Shanghai, a Challenge for the Communists 246 The traces of imperialism are erased 246 Re-education takes its course 248 Building according to the Soviet model 250 "More, faster, better, more efficient!" Minhang, China's first socialist satellite city 252 Shanghai's Journey into the Deep of Night - the 253 The Players 255 The Red Guards 257 The Victims 259 Shanghai's economy suffers, the city turns grey 261 Sent to the countryside 264 The end of the Cultural Revolution 265 Phoenix rising from the ashes 267 Quality of life rises once again; the upgrading of urban infrastructure 268 Excursion:_Shanghai's Disneyland or why are so many Chinese cities so ugly? 273 — a glimpse into Shanghai's future 276 The Maglev or "have you already hovered today?" 285

The 21st Century - Shanghai strives towards being World-Class 291 Winners and Losers 291 The misery of thehukou system 293 Shanghai, a City of Arts and Culture 294 Shanghai, Museum of Global Architecture 301 Shanghai, "Leader in Environmental Protection" 304 "Water, everywhere water, yet not a drop to drink" 306 Shanghai, a "Challenge for Architects" 313

Promenades on foot 320

Walk 1 -The Bund- Shanghai's boulevard 321 Either whisking through or a "hardcore"-program - the stroller's option

Walk 2 - ... and its back yard 329 From to the "first German corner" Excursion: The German contribution to the architectural competition of the nations - the first German corner (erstes deutsches Eck) 340

Walk 3 - Lu and People's Square 343 Of history, art and culture

Walk 4 - From People's Square to the Jing An Temple 364 Lilongs, Villas and "Glass Palaces"

Walk 5 - Around Yan'an Zhong Lu 375 Don't be deterred!

Walk 6 - Around the Ohel-Moishe-Synagogue 384 Visit what has remained of the Jewish ghetto Walk 7 - The "four-country" route 387 From the Chinese Quarter to Little Tokyo

Walk 8 - The literature- and film route 405 Between Lu Xun and Butterfly Hu

Walk 9 - The revolutionary route 412 From Sun Yat-sen to the founding of the Communist Party

Walk 10 - Maoming Lu 422 See and be seen

Walk 11 - Lu 427 From the Buddha Temple to Cité Bourgogne

Walk 12 - Around the Longhua 437 Chinese classicism next to modern horror

Walk 13 -Huaihai Lu 446 Across the French Concession along Avenue Joffre

Walk 14 - Old Shanghai 459

Within the walls

Index 473

Bibliography 494