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Form 10-300 UNitED STAlES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATE: ~July 1969) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE North Carolina COUNTY, NATIONAL REGISTgR OF HISTORIC PLACES f .Jones INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY EN TRY NUMBER DATE (Type all entries - complete applicable sections) I I, I I' i ~ 8<',' to:¢A!:fp~r:::: : <.;:::. ::. 7EE·~ ANI:' NUMBER: __ End of S.R. 114L~ 0.6 mi. from junction of S.R. 1141 and Hwy 41 CITY OR TOWN: First Congressional District Tuckahoe To\vnsh~ ____________~ __~ ____~_Th __ e __ H_o __ n_. __ W_a_l_t_e_r __ B__ • __J_o_n_e_s ____ ~----~ STATE CODE COUNTY: CODE North Carolina 37 Jones 103 ff\7ta~tFTcAfIO·N~.·1'·2.:2,.=·'>2'" 1,·,··2· S::·=.:::· =:<I. ·'2·"·:I·:::j::IL .. ·::-L: ..:i;::,g::···..::==j';'::22BiliJ2'i·:·.·t:::[::,::Z:>j,t2:·i·-.::.·i"&1·:::":·tz&&2i12:lb;:,;j·lli2';';:;:llwiGli±&i3is<:':B'2IlITJ CATEGORY ACCESSIBLE OWNERSHIP STATUS (Chec1( One) TO THE PUBLIC 0 Oi stri ct ~ Building 0 Public Public Acquisition: ex Occupied Yes: a In o Restricted [] Site 0 Structure ex Private o o Unoccupi ed o Unrestricted 0 Object 0 80th o Being Considered o PreservatIon work in progress [i1 No PRESENT USE (Che~k One orJIore _a._s_A_p_p_ro_p_t_ia_t_e_)~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~.~~~~_~~~~~~ I CJ Agriculturel o Government .0 Pork o Transportation o Comments I 0 Commercial o Industrial IKl Private Residence o Other (Specify) ~ Educational o Military o Religious I Q Er.tertainment· o Museum o Scientific z [47YO-W"-.·-N-~·E-R-::-9-F- .. ···p--.P'''''''.o'-'P'-'E-.. :.-k--"'T'--Y"'--.:..:..-:·;·::-~-_-_-.-:..-.;--..:c-"--.:.:-,_,...,. .:.:.,""""" ..::.- _-.:.:.,-_-~-.:....."-..::.-.:.....-::-:,:-:=:-:-:-.:<:.:.....'.....,-..: .:::..::,.:....,.:.::..:..:.,....,/.:::..:: ...,..., .. :::::::-;..;::.-:-:::;:::;::-:-:~~~~~:;,;:;;..:.2.:':'c.;;;:.;.: .....,:~:- -":t:~::""':\::.:.:;,;,;.,i~~:·;,;,;.,:;;::.;.·..-~:··-:""'-·-·;...:.....··"'"'"': .:.......,.,,:;:~,:-.:"::s:;-:.::::'..;;::;.-'::~':-:;.:::..::::-::::::..:.::-. ;;:::2:.:~:.:2:.::.....,.:::i:.:;;::..,...,):c;;;;.:""'" ..~ .....,... :..:;;.:...,.t'""::..,.,.:;:::l::.,....:::~:·....,.,::::~;·-':::i'::-:::::::::s::.:,.-I/o.L: ----. 0~W~N~E~R~._S2N,~A~M_E~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Franck ____~~ __~~~ ______~ __~~~ __~ ______~~ __~ __~ _____g ;'" 1--STREET AND NUMBER: w Route~2~ ________________________________ ~ __ ~~ ________________________ ~ __~~ CITY OR TOWN, I'TATE' IS ,5;;~ ~~f4~~f:~~~~~~D~;C:-~I-:-DT-S-l:O-·-E~~C=-:- -----'----.--;- ... -."~..,-...--.~-~-,- -.-:.--'- ...--,- .. .,.--,--,--,.,,-- ~q'i}~{:r;o]jr ;::: ,""\" " ' ' '1g Jones COUil.ty Courthouse I~ c ~ __ ~ __ ~~ __ ~~ __ ~~~--~--~~~~~~~--~~---------~~ __ ----~--~--~~_-~----~--~o Z STREET AND NUM~ER: ~ ~ C/l I CITY OR TO·Ii~~: I ISTATE .. 1... CODE I· Trenton North C,{!.rilin<?l ..J7 ~:~~-A-T-i-O-N-··-tN-=-~E-~X~·-IS-T-I-N-t~S-~-·R-V~~-y-s-·~--~~~.~~~.~-~ L-:::~~ .~ ~~~·~~~:~S~~i;.~:~-~ ITI I"TLE OF sURvey, Z -I AI 11 -< 0 IDATE of_s_u_R_.v.__ E_Y_: ________ ~ __~ ____________~[J~_F_e_d_e_r_a_1 ____~L=J~S_t_a_te ____ ~[]=__C_o_u_n_ty ____ -=[]=-_L_o_ca_I~ _____~ z ;u IDEPO::>ITORY FOR SUrlVEY RECORoS: c z ~ -u m VI ITI C l! VI ISTREET AND NUMBER: m I a z Ic,TV OR TOWN, ~--~~--------~---~~~--------~~-----;I--::-S-T--,-I,-T-E=-.-. ----------~~----~----;--------I r CODE· f--I-- -< 0 l> ~-----------~---~-------~------~-·--------~--~---------------------------~------I -I 1'1 (Check One) o Excel'~nt 5a Good o Fair 0 Deteriorated 0 Ruins 0 U~exposed CONDITION ----------------.-------~~----~----~~------~~ (Check One) I (Check One) . ~~~~~~~~~~~~-A-lt-er-e-d~~~~O~-U-n-a-'t-er-e-d-·~~~~~-'_'~D Moved ~ Original Si~ DESCRIOE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAl.,.. (if known) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Eagle Nest is an impressive Federal structure which, although having undergone a certain amount of modification, still retains most of its original character. The main block is a two-story frame structure covered with beaded weatherboard and supported on a brick foundation. The house is four bays wide and three deep. It has a gable roof pierced by two exposed face exterior end'chimneys laid in Flemish bond. These rise between the two bays to the second ievel; in the attic the chimney runs diagonally to pierce the roof at its ridge. The well-executed molded box cornice features a dentil course. At. the rear (north) of. the house have been ~~ appended two one~story frame additions; one is a shed-roof porch which covers three of. the four rear bays; the second gable-roof addition projects back perpendicularly from the east bay. Both of these additions are of I ~onsiderable age, perhaps dating from the mid-nineteen~h century. Fenestration is somewhat irregular, exhibiting marked dimunition on the front (south) and rear facades with nine-over-nine and six~over-six m sash, while the side elevations reveal both six-aver-six· and nine.... over-nine sash occurring at the same level. The windows have wide, simple molded m architraves, with heavy flat board sills and two-panel louvered blinds. z The front facade has been the most reworked. It appears that the house originally may have had a full-length t~"o .... tier porch, with the sides en closed. The east bay has been completely enclosed as a rpo~~ The original -i porch supports and rails hqve been replaced with modern wrought iron \vork. ;.0 The front entrance architrave is tIle same as used on the widnQws, and the c: door consists of six panels, the upper ones flat,and the lower two flush. n (The top two panels have been replaced with glass.) The use of flush pan.els below flat ones is a feature rarely found in North Carolina outside New -f Bern. A five-light, rectangular transom surmounts the door~ a The interior of Eagle Nest follows an off-center hall plan, one room Z deep. The finish throughout is.well-preserved and of traditional Federal ~ character~ The first floor exhibits molded architraves and doors consisting of six flat and flush panels in the same configuration as the front entrance door. The molded chair rail is slightly wider in the west room than in the I hall or east room, while the baseboard is the same throughout. The east room has a molded cornice, a feature which the hall and west room lack. The mante.l in the west room is a handsome three-·part Adamesque one with sun bursts, cable molding, pierced dentils, goug~vork, and paneled pilasters. The t~\70-part mantel in the east room is less elaborate, lacking the sunburst3 and paneling on the pilasters. The open-string stair at the rear of the hall is accented with molding strips and ascends in t~vo runs with a transverse landing. The rounded handrail is carried on square balusters, punctuated by square, capped posts, and terminates in-a square capped newel. Wide, flat board sheathing occurs in the stairwell along the landing and second run. Doors are the same on the second floor as on the first, and the archi traves are simply moldedo A molded chair rail and baseboard are consistent I t.hroughout the second floor, and botp_ rooms have i<lentical mantels ~ These I I Fe rl':"l i 0 -300 0 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATE l (Ju!y 1969) NA TIONAl PARK SERVICE North Carolina NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES COUNTY Jones INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER I DATE (Continuation Sheet) I (Number ell entries) 7. consist of a square opening with a wide simply molded architrave and heavy molded cornice shelf. In the perpendicular extension at the rear of the house is a simple flat board Greek Revival mantel, and molded architraves. A number of outbuildings surround the house, but most are of recent construction. There is, however, a box-like structure which may have been the old smokehouse and is of so~e age. ,I \ I I 1 I I I I· \. I i 1 ! I f I I . I GPO 921.72.4 ~- 51 GHIFfCANCE '.:'. PERIOD (Check One 0·7 :Hore as Appropriate) o Pre-Colu"Joian: 0 16t~ Century o 18th Century o 20th Century o 15th Cel1",-,ry 0 17th Century £J 19th Century SPECIFIC DATElSi ;If .4.pplicable and Known) Ca. 1800' AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE: (Check One or Mote as Appropriate) Abor iginal 0 Educoti on 0 Political 0 Urban Planning o Prehi storie 0 Engineering 0 Religion/Phi- 0 Other (Specify) o Historic 0 I ndus try losophy o Agriculture 0 Invention 0 Science KJ Archi tecture 0 Landscape 0 Sculpture [J Art Architecture 0 Socia I/Human- o Commerce 0 Literature it<Jrian o Communications. 0 Military 0 Theater o Conservation 0 Music 0 Tra~sportation STATEMENT OF SiGNIFICANCE Eagle Nest is a handsome ea~ly Fedeyal plantation hause of importance to the architectural history of Jones County, showing the st~ong cultural influence of New Bern in the area. Among its notable features are the two-tier porch ;;vith enclosed ends, the c.urious chimney treatment with :z: exposed faces typical of New Bern buildings, the doors with flat panels o above flush ones, and the well-executed inte:r;ior·woodwork. ' The house now called Eagle Nest was probably built soon after 1796 for John Giles. On October 10 of that year, Giles and Kinchia (Hincha) Ke11i grew, planters of Lenoir County, were deeded over 1,200 acres in Jones County, called the Tuckahoe Meadows land, from Edenton citizens James Iredell (associate justice of the Supreme Court of 'the United States) and V') his wife, Hannah Johnston Iredell, Samuel Frednell /Tredr,vell!' (collector :z of customs for Edenton), and others. The ownership-of this-land had been in dispute between the heirs of Samuel Johnston, Sr .. , and John Herritage, and probably no house was built there before this transaction. On April LU 5, 1796, 'Giles and Kelligrew divided the property between them, with Giles W receiving 700 acres above Big Tuckahoe Branch and Kelligrew the land below the branch. Local tradition says that it was for Giles that the house was built; this would be consistent with stylistic evidence. Giles, who died in 1807, left his home plantation to his son, William M.