
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.46.12.1079 on 1 December 1983. Downloaded from

Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1983;46:1079-1083

Aura in temporal lobe : clinical and electroencephalographic correlation

AK GUPTA, PM JEAVONS, RC HUGHES, A COVANIS From Dudley Road Hospital, Birmingham, New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton and the Clinical Neurophysiology Unit, University ofAston, Birmingham, UK

SUMMARY Patients with were evaluated for their aura and the site of EEG abnormality. Autonomic and psychic auras were more frequently associated with right-sided temporal lobe lesions in 290 patients.

Several reports in the literature have emphasised the The clinical case notes were later reviewed by one of us importance of the aura in the clinical diagnosis of (AKG). temporal lobe epilepsy. Gowers' and Lennox and Auras were grouped according to the guidelines recom- Cobb2 reported that more than 50% of their mended by the Commission of the International League patients had an aura, the most common being Against Epilepsy.23 There were 154 females and 136 males abdominal in origin. Similar observations have also and the age range was 12-67 years. Most patients had a

long history of epilepsy, the mean duration being 13-5 Protected by copyright. been made by other workers.36 Recently, there years. EEGs were taken on 16 channel machines using the have been reports where the temporal lobe lesion International 10/20 electrode placement system, and the has been associated with ictal water drinking records were examined visually. The lateralisation of EEG behaviour,7 psychoses,8- 3 neuroses,4 15 hyper- abnormalities was based on the finding of localised spikes, graphia,'6 memory and language impairment.'7-'9 sharp waves, or slow waves, alone or in combination. Other reports have failed to demonstrate any corre- lation between the site of the temporal lobe lesion Results and the symptomatology of temporal lobe epilepsy.2022 Most of these reports have been either Details of the aura and the lateralisation of the EEG observations based on a psychiatric population or abnormality in the 290 patients are shown in table 1. isolated cases. Furthermore, none of these studies The EEG abnormality was clearly lateralised in 250 have correlated the type of aura with the lateralisa- patients, being right-sided in 56% and left-sided in tion or localisation of the electroencephalographic 44%. Of the 140 patients with right-sided abnormal- abnormality. The present communication describes ity, 36% had a psychic aura, 34% an autonomic the types of auras seen in patients with temporal aura, 16% a sensory aura, 1% a motor aura and lobe epilepsy and their correlation with the site of 13% did not have an aura. Of the 110 patients with the EEG abnormality. left temporal abnormality, the aura was motor in 14%, psychic in 10%, sensory in 10%, autonomic in

Patients and methods 8% and there was no aura in 58%. In 105 (36%) http://jnnp.bmj.com/ patients there was no aura and of these 105, the Evaluation of the aura in relation to the site of the EEG EEG abnormality was most commonly on the left abnormality has been made in 290 patients with complex (61%), less common on the right (17%) and 10% partial . They all had attended the Epilepsy Clinic had bilateral abnormality. The EEG was normal in or Clinic between the years 1978-1981 and were seen by one of us. Each patient had a detailed clinical 12%. and neurological examination at the time of the first visit. Discussion on October 1, 2021 by guest. According to the commission on classification and Address for reprint requests: Dr AK Gupta, EEG Department, terminology of the International League Against Dudley Road Hospital, Birmingham B18 7QH, UK. Epilepsy23 "aura is that portion of the which Received 20 January 1983 and in revised form 15 July 1983. occurs before consciousness is lost and for which Accepted 2 August 1983 memory is retained afterwards. It may be that, as in 1079 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.46.12.1079 on 1 December 1983. Downloaded from

1080 Gupta, Jeavons, Hughes, Covanis Table 1 Distribution ofaura related to EEG lateralisation Group ofauras Rght Left Bilateral Normal Total With motor signs 2 15 2 19 Special sensory symptoms: visual 5 5 auditory 4 5 olfactory 2 2 5 gustatory 5 6 vertiginious 4 6 1 11 somato-sensory 2 2 5 Total 22 11 3 1 37 With psychic symptoms: dysmnesic (e.g. deja vu) 11 2 17 cognitive 6 6 affective 29 7 3 2 39 1 1 3 structure 3 1 4 Total 50 1 69 Autonomic symptoms: epigastric 47 6 2 56 cardiovascular 1 2 3 genito-urinary 1 1 Total 48 9 2 1 60 No aura 18 64 10 13 105 All cases 140 110 20 20 290 simple partial seizures, the aura is the whole seizure. Mani et a128 reported a significant preponderance of

When consciousness is subsequently lost, the aura is left temporal lobe foci in temporal lobe epilepsy. Protected by copyright. in fact the signal symptom of a complex partial seiz- Their observations, based upon 248 patients, ure". Using this guideline, we found that 64% of our showed that 48% had a left EEG focus, in 31% it patients had a definite aura. Gowers, in 1901, was on the right and in 21 % it was bilateral. reported an incidence of 57%.1 Lennox and Cobb2 Currie et all surveyed the clinical course and found an aura in 764 patients out of 1527 cases prognosis of temporal lobe epilepsy in 666 patients (56%), practically the same percentage as Gowers. and found a significant preponderance of left-sided Currie et al6 reported a similar incidence of aura in EEG abnormality. However, their sample indicates cases of temporal lobe epilepsy. A slight variation in that 169 patients had various types of neurological the percentage of auras in temporal lobe epilepsy disorders, the most common being tumour, head reported by other workers and ours may be due to injury, gliosis and cerebrovascular disorders. Many different criteria used for the diagnosis of temporal investigators have claimed a left-sided preference lobe epilepsy, and the type of sample used for the for thrombi, emboli and aneurysm because of a pre- study of aura. Lennox and Cobb2 studied aura in sumed more direct blood flow from the aorta to the 1359 non-institutional patients having seizures as a left carotid artery. We did not find any left prepon- presenting symptom. Currie et all drew patients derance in our sample of temporal lobe epilepsy. Of from different sources and they used different the 250 patients with a clear EEG lateralisation, criteria in the diagnosis and classification of a seizure 56% had a focus in the right temporal lobe and 44% a and its components. in the left. There have been few reports where http://jnnp.bmj.com/ There have been conflicting views on the question workers have noticed a slight preponderance of all of hemispheric preference of EEG abnormalities in types of EEG abnormalities on the right, particu- epileptic patients. Earlier studies have indicated a larly in the posterior temporal and occipital regions. left preponderance of EEG abnormality in various This was more so if the abnormality consisted of a neurological and psychiatric disorders. Obrist and slow wave asymmetry.2930 Henry24 found a high preponderance of slow waves Amongst the different types of auras as listed in on the left side in EEGs of aged psychiatric patients. tables 1, 2, we found a significantly greater prepon- aura to the of A similar observation in different neurological dis- derance of referable epigastrium (55 on October 1, 2021 by guest. orders was also made by Hughes25 and in cases of the 59 autonomic aura). This observation agrees vascular disturbances by Earle et al.26 Ajmone- well with the findings of earlier workers.'-6 31 Marsan and Ralston27 reported that 90% of patients Epigastric aura has often been described either as a with bitemporal epilepsy showed the initial seizure "butterfly sensation" or as "unpleasant sensation" discharges on the left during metrazol activation. which moves up into the throat. The exact mechan- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.46.12.1079 on 1 December 1983. Downloaded from

Aura in temporal lobe epilepsy: clinical and electroencephalographic correlation 1081 Table 2 Distribution ofgroups ofaura in patients with found a significantly higher incidence of abnormality temporal lobe epilepsy and site ofEEG abnormality in the right temporal lobe (table 1). This supports Type ofaura Right* Left* Bilateral the hypothesis of earlier workers that the individual with a right temporal lobe lesion is more prone to Motor 2 15 2 develop a disorder related to affect or emotion. Sensory 22 11 3 Psychic 50 11 11 Flor-Henry89 reported that psychotic depression Autonomic 48t 9t 2t tended to occur in patients with a right temporal Total 122 46 18 lobe lesion. Gainotti,37 in a study based upon X2 = 38-7, p < 0-001. patients with brain damage to the non-dominant tEpigastric 47, 6, 2 respectively. hemisphere, observed a tendency to disinhibition, indifference and elation. Other workers have also ism and precise cerebral localisation is still uncer- noted a disturbance of mood, emotion and tain. Earlier studies have suggested that fronto- behaviour.9 1038 Penfield and Perot35 reported the temporal portion of the limbic system plays a fun- presence of an aura of deja vu in a patient on damental role in the expression of visceral and emo- stimulating the non-dominant hemisphere. tional activity.3'33 Slater and Beard39 found a high preponderance of Van Buren5 observed a sensation closely resem- schizophreniform psychosis in association with tem- bling abdominal aura in eight epileptic and six non- poral lobe epilepsy. Monukhine and Dinabourg40 epileptic patients on stimulating the mesial temporal reported that epileptic children with a left sided region and basal ganglia. In the series published by temporal lobe lesion showed more behaviour dis- Van Buren and Ajmone-Marsan,34 out of eight sub- turbances than those who had abnormality in the jects with epigastric aura, five had a definite abnor- right temporal lobe. A similar view in subjects with mality in the right temporal lobe and in three either organic brain damage was expressed by Lishman."' the abnormality was bilateral or with slight prepon- Shukla and Katiyarl' looked at the relationship be- derance in the left temporal lobe. A similar prepon- tween psychotic disorders and sites of temporal lobe Protected by copyright. derance of a right temporal lobe foci and abdominal EEG abnormality. They found a significant relation- aura is also evident in the report published by ship between neurotics and the right temporal lobe Remillard et al.' It is surprising that this association EEG focus but no significant lateralising effect on was not discussed by these authors. other diagnostic categories of psychotic disorders. In the present study, we found that out of 60 Falconer and Taylor'4 also found neurotics to have patients with an autonomic aura this was epigastric more dysfunction in the non-dominant hemisphere. in 56. Of these 56, 47 had definite EEG abnormality A similar conclusion also emerged from the data in the right temporal lobe and only six had an reported by Taylor.'0 abnormality in the left temporal lobe and in two Recent studies have indicated a significant role of cases the abnormality was bilateral (table 1). One limbic and/or temporal neo-cortical activation in the patient had a normal EEG. A comprehensive expla- genesis of various kinds of "experiential" responses nation of this association between the right temporal which occurred in patients of temporal lobe lobe lesion and epigastric aura seems beyond our epilepsy.35 36 grasp at the moment. However, our data certainly In the present study we failed to observe any reflect a possibility that the right hemisphere might symptoms suggestive of florid-psychosis or schizo- have a significant role in the expression of this type phreniform reaction. This is not surprising since our of aura in cases of temporal lobe epilepsy. data are based upon subjects who have complex par-

Penfield and Perot35 reported that various types of tial epilepsy without any apparent psychiatric disor- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ "experiential" responses were more likely to be eli- ders. However, our results do indicate that the right cited from right rather than left temporal stimula- temporal lobe has a significant influence in the con- tion. However, Gloor et a136 failed to confirm their trol of autonomic and psychic functions, particularly observations, but did report a significant association visceral and affective in nature. Thus, in part, our of fear with an unpleasant visceral sensation in the study supports the views of previous work- abdomen. Our study in part agrees with the observa- ers8-014 1538 who attempted to correlate neuroses tions of Penfield and Perot35 as the majority of our and affective disorders with a right temporal lobe subjects with auras had abnormality in the right lesion. Our findings may also assist the clinician in on October 1, 2021 by guest. temporal lobe rather than in the left. correlating the symptomatology of temporal lobe The second most common type of aura in our epilepsy to the site of temporal lobe involvement as patients was a psychic one, most patients in this well as in understanding psycho-pathology of certain group presenting either with an aura of deja vu or an psychiatric disorders which sometimes co-exist with affective component. Analysing their EEGs we complex partial epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.46.12.1079 on 1 December 1983. Downloaded from

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