Chapter 6 Environmental Review: Greenpoint Converted Mts
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CHAPTER 6 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: GREENPOINT CONVERTED MTS 6.1 Introduction The results of the environmental analyses of the Greenpoint Converted MTS are presented in the following sections: 6.2 Land Use, Zoning and Public Policy 6.3 Socioeconomic Conditions 6.4 Community Facilities 6.5 Open Space and Parklands 6.6 Cultural Resources 6.7 Urban Design and Visual Quality 6.8 Neighborhood Character 6.9 Traffic and Transportation 6.10 Air Quality 6.11 Odor 6.12 Noise 6.13 Infrastructure and Energy 6.14 Natural Resources 6.15 Water Quality 6.16 Waterfront Revitalization Program 6.17 Hazardous Materials Section 2.4 provides a summary description of the site and important characteristics of the facility design. A detailed discussion of the methodologies that were applied in conducting each analysis is provided in Chapter 3. Supplemental information on the site or the study area is provided in the following sections when appropriate to the analysis. Commercial Waste Management Study 6-1 March 2004 Volume III –Appendix A: MTS Environmental Evaluation 6.2 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy 6.2.1 Existing Conditions Definition of Study Areas The primary study area for the land use, zoning, and public policy analyses is defined as the area within ¼ mile of the site (Figure 6.2-1). The secondary study area is defined as the area between ¼ mile and ½ mile of the site (Figure 6.2-2). Section 3.4 describes the methodology employed in these analyses and Section 2.4 provides information on existing land uses and operations on the site. Land Use Patterns General Context The site is located on the heavily industrial Newtown Creek waterfront in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. It is surrounded by large-lot, primarily truck-dependent, heavy industrial uses on both the Queens and Brooklyn sides of the creek. These uses include various municipal facilities, petroleum (outdoor loading) facilities, and warehousing. Land Uses in the Primary Study Area The primary study area is comprised almost exclusively of heavy industrial uses concentrated along Newtown Creek and dominated by the Newtown Creek WPCP. The WPCP, which occupies a large area immediately south of the site, is currently being expanded to the east and to the north (west of Whale Creek Canal), across from the site. A DOT asphalt production facility and private recycling center for construction debris and fill are located east of the site on Kingsland Avenue. The Queens side of Newtown Creek is also characterized by industrial uses such as Case Paper Manufacturers, The Exhibit Company, and numerous warehouses fronting on Borden and Review Avenues across from the site. Commercial Waste Management Study 6-2 March 2004 Volume III –Appendix A: MTS Environmental Evaluation RWr2e 2 SI2e vyxq2svexh2i PI fyhix2e x iix PQh2 PSr2 fyhix2e yne2urter wile2dius huth2uills xewtown2greek isi2e qreenpoint gonverted2w eshqi2e h yx2 ieqvi2 hle2greek2gnl piiwex2 xyr2rix2 yy2 usxqvexh2e qiix2 r yx2 sxhse2 qiixysx2e tee2 vnd2 se uix2 gommeril2@qround2ploorA sndustril r wf esidentil fyyuvx gevi2 nt2fuilding yvh nt2vndGrking2vot ivv2 ite2delinetions2nd2study2re2oundries2re2pproximteF fse2wp2oureX2xew2ork2gity2heprtment2of2gity2lnning QHH H QHH peet his2figure2illustrtes2predominnt2lnd2uses2y2lot2in2the2primry2study2reF pigure2TFPEI2vnd2 se2in2the2rimry2tudy2ere qreenpoint2gonverted2w gs2yp2xi2yu hiewix2yp2exsesyx w2invironmentl2ivlution RTr2h IIr2 x iix PI2 Sr2 RUr2h RVr2e teguyx2e PVr2 PWr2 RWr2e QHr2 ieyx2v SHr2e hes2g ew2 QHr2v QI2 IIr2v QI2v ex2h RWr2e PI2 SI2e vyxq2svexh2i fyhix2e huth2uills PQh2 r xi2 ixyx2fvh PSr2 fyhix2e qevi2e ysx ulski fridge xewtown2greek er2 qreenpoint gonverted2w fy2 e2e eshqi2e QI2 wwigsev2 wg2q sxxi2fvh gy gve2 wexreex2e QRr2 isi2e h yx2 ieqvi2 hle2greek2gnl2 ex2hew2 yy2 qiixysx2e piiwex2 xyr2rix2usxqvexh2e tFtF2fyrne2 wemoril yne2urter qiix2 fridge isi2e wile2dius r yx2 sxhse2 tee2 qiixysx2e yne2rlf r wfyvh2 uix2 ivv2 wile2dius gevi2 wy vsi2 wg2q sxxi2fvh usxqvexh2e igupyh2 wyxsy2 tiiv2 hsewyxh2 wiiyvi2e x2rix2 xiiv2 vnd2 se viyxeh2 gommeril2@qround2ploorA sndustril snstitutionleyvvy2 re wex2 fshqiei2 eyvvy2 wyqex2e yx2 xywex2e ypen2pe ex2hew2 esidentil esgu2 nt2fuilding fyyuvx nt2vndGrking2vot ite2delinetions2nd2study2re2oundries2re2pproximteF fse2wp2oureX2xew2ork2gity2heprtment2of2gity2lnning SHH H SHH peet his2figure2illustrtes2generlized2lnd2uses2in2the2seondry2study2reF pigure2TFPEP2vnd2 se2in2the2eondry2tudy2ere qreenpoint2gonverted2w gs2yp2xi2yu hiewix2yp2exsesyx w2invironmentl2ivlution In addition to the uses bordering the site, the blocks south of the site along the west side of Provost Street are almost exclusively warehouses. Most of these are active, though there are some vacant warehouse buildings and vacant lots scattered throughout. Southeast of the site beyond a private recycling center and WPCP sites are Metro Fuel Oil Depot petroleum outdoor-loading facilities. Land Uses in the Secondary Study Area Within the secondary study area, heavy industrial uses are concentrated along both sides of Newtown Creek and Dutch Kills, and in about half of the study area in Brooklyn, particularly south of Greenpoint Avenue. West of the site in the secondary study area is a residential area comprised mostly of three- to four-story apartment buildings, whose ground-floor commercial uses line McGuinness Boulevard and Manhattan Avenue. In this area, an apartment building recently converted from industrial uses stands west of Provost Street on Dupont Street. South of Meserole Avenue in the southern portion of the study area, residential uses are interspersed with active warehouses. The portion of the secondary study area that lies north of the site in Queens is comprised almost entirely of industrial uses and warehouses with the exceptions of the Salvation Army Veterans Residence northwest of the site at 21st Street and Borden Avenue, and some commercial uses north of the site along 49th Avenue and east of the site along Greenpoint Avenue. Current Zoning on and near the Site Zoning within the Primary Study Area The site and the entire primary study area lie within manufacturing zoning districts. In Brooklyn, an M3-1 district extends along the southern side of Newtown Creek. In Queens, an M3-2 zoning district defines the area west of the Dutch Kills and an M3-1 defines the area to its east. (See Figure 6.2-3 and Table 3.4-1: Zoning District Characteristics.). Commercial Waste Management Study 6-5 March 2004 Volume III –Appendix A: MTS Environmental Evaluation wQEI gSEQ wIEI x wIER Te wIER Te iix PVr2 PWr2 wIET QHr2 wIER wQEI ieyx2v wIER Ue hes2g 5 QHr2v QI2 IIr2v wIER F QI2v Te QPxh2v wIER ex2hew2 vyxq2svexh2i RWr2e wQEP RVr2 SI2e e PI2 fyhix2e PQh2 wPEI wQEI r xi2ysx2e PSr2 fyhix2e wQEP qevi2e ulski2fridge huth2uills er2 xewtown2greek wQEI isi2e fy2 qreenpoint wIEQ gywwigsev2 QI2 eshqi2e gonverted2wF QRr2 wIEI wexreex2e wg2q sxxi2fvh h yx2 5 ieqvi2 hle2greek2gnl ex2hew2qiixysx2e piiwex2 yy2 usxqvexh2e wQEI xyr2rix2 qiix2 isi2e pexu wIEI r yx2 tFtF2fyrne2 R wemoril2fridge vsx2 sxhse2 yne2urter yne2rlf wile2dius qiixysx2e wile2dius T tee2 uix2 r wfyvh2 ivv2 gevi2 wg2q sxxi2fvh wyxsy2 wQEI igupyh2 xiiv2 wy vsi2 tiiv2 qiixysx2e wIEI wiiyvi2e fyyuvx wsvyx2 gREQ x2rix2 viyxeh2 xyfvi2 wexreex2e vyswi2 eyvvy2 eyvvy2 yeu2 fshqiei2 2e gommeril2yverlys xywex2e gevi2 q ixi2 esgu2 wiiui gI2E2Qgvsppyh2v wIEP gI2E2S gP2E2Q wIEP ie2e T re wex2 usxqvexh2e wyqex2e gP2E2S xee 2e yx2 peil2urpose2histrits vsg2@peil2vong2sslnd2gity2wixed2 seA gri2 exryx fshqi ite2delinetions2nd2study2re2oundries2re2pproximteF SHH H SHH peet fse2wp2oureX2xew2ork2gity2heprtment2of2gity2lnning pigure2TFPEQ22oning qreenpoint2gonverted2w gs2yp2xi2yu hiewix2yp2exsesyx w2invironmentl2ivlution Zoning within the Secondary Study Area The secondary study area in Brooklyn is zoned M3-1 along the creek, and M1-1 inland, serving as a buffer between the heavier industrial district and residentially zoned (R6) district to the west and south. Nearly all of the secondary study area in Queens is zoned for manufacturing (M1-1, M1-3, M1-4, M2-1, M3-1, and M3-2), except for part of a block in the northwestern section, which is zoned R6A. The Long Island City Mixed Use District (overlay zone), intended to spur new mixed-use development, includes the R6A block and extends northward to cover a large area outside the secondary study area. Plans and Policies The FY 2002/2003 Community District Needs Statement for Brooklyn Community District 1 contains only one recommendation that applies to the site and study area. It states explicitly that the community is opposed to any reopening of the Greenpoint Incinerator and recommends that it be demolished as soon as possible. Otherwise, the community expresses its concern over hosting new large-scale waterfront facilities, such as power plants, and its general dissatisfaction with hosting a large number of private waste transfer stations. Also, the Board requests that DSNY garages for District 3 be relocated to District 3 and that the construction of new garages for Districts 1 and 4 proceed. The Community District Needs Statement for Queens Community District 2 states the community’s concerns over air quality and the effects of waste transfer stations on air quality, but does not make reference to recommended or anticipated physical development affecting the site or primary or secondary study areas. The Greenpoint 197-a Plan has been prepared for an area in Brooklyn approximating the 11222 zip code district, which extends