Executive Intelligence Review, Volume 22, Number 19, May 5, 1995
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Mankind's Greatest Achievement HOW WEGOT TO THE MOON: The Storyof the GermanSpace Pioneers by Marsha Freeman $15, illustrated, 385 pages, with index Special Offer! Get a I-year subscription to 21st CenturyScience & Technologymagazine plus a copy of How We .Got to the Moon, a $35 value for $30. Order Now Send me copies of How We Got to the Moon at $15 each, plus $3 each for postage and handling. _Send me your Special Offer: a I-year subscription to 21st CenturyScience & Technologymagazine plus 1 copy of How We Got to the Moon for $30. _Send me (10 or more) copies of the book at $10 each (plus $10 postage for each 10 books). Enclosed is a check or money order for $ __ NAME: _________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________ CITY__ _________________________________________ STATE ______________________ ZIP Send check or money order CU .S. currency only) to: 21st Century Dept. E P.O. Box 16285 Washington, D.C. 20041 Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche. Jr. Editor: Nora Hamerman Associate Editor: Susan Welsh From the Editor Managing Editors: John Sigerson, Ronald Kokindo Editorial Board: Melvin Klenetsky, Antony Papert. Gerald Rose. EdwardSpannaus. Nancy deas make history, and bad ideas have a nefarious effect on physi Spannaus. Webster Tarpley. Carol White. I Christopher White cal reality. This has been brought home by the networks being probed Science and Technology: Carol White in connection with the Oklahoma City terroristatrocity, which reveal Special Projects: Mark Burdman the frightful criminal insanity of the "anti-authoritarian" mind when Book Editor: Katherine Notley Advertising Director: Marsha Freeman it is directed against the very institution of the state. This is the Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol opposite of a political movement aimed at rooting out government INTELLIGENCE DIRECToRS: corruption or misconduct. Agriculture: Marcia Merry Asia and Africa: Linda de Hoyos As Lyndon LaRouche's article "Structures of Sin Still Rule the Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg. Nations," showed in last week's EIR, these same diseased ideas, Paul Goldstein Economics: Christopher White when peddled in the antiseptic world of academic economics, are as European Economics: William Engdahl murderous as a high-potency bomb in their impact on the millions of lbero-America: Robyn Quijano. Dennis Small Law: EdwardSpannaus people to whom the resultant economic policies are applied. A case Russia and Eastern Europe: in point is described in the article on p. reporting on a recent Rachel Douglas, Konstantin George 6, United States: Kathleen Klenetsky Vienna meeting of economists of "neo-liberal" stamp--aterm which INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: in Europe and Thero-America means devotion to Adam Smith's Pakdee Tanapura. Sophie Tanapura Bangkok: "free-market" capitalism and hatred of the nation-state. Bogota: Jos� Restrepo Bonn: George Gregory. Rainer Apel This week' s Feature and several other articles in this issue high Buenos Aires: Gerardo Teran Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen light the role of the banking fraternity'sInternational Monetary Fund Houston: Harley Schlanger in destroying the lives and hopes of nations. On the front lines of Lima: Sara Madueiio Mexico City: Hugo LOpez Ochoa combatting this veritable economic terrorism are the Schiller Institute Milan: Leonardo Servadio and other institutions inspired by the principle that all men and New Delhi: Susan Maitra Paris: Christine Bie"e women are created in the living image of God, which is the basis of Rio de Janeiro: Silvia Palacios Lyndon LaRouche's approach to the science of physical economy Stockholm: Michael Ericson Washington. D.C.: William Jones and to politics. Wiesbaden: Goran Haglund With delegations representing the LaRouche movement inter vening against the IMP' policies in Ukraine, Nigeria, and elsewhere EIR (ISSN 0273·6314) is published weekly (50 issues) 51 except for the second week of July. and the last week of around the world, it was not much of a surprise when the IMF December by EIR News Service Inc .• 317 Pennsylvania Ave .• S.E .• 2nd Floor. Washington. DC 20003. (202) took the outrageous step of revoking the press credentials of EIR 544·7010. For subscriptions: (703) 777-9451. correspondent Wiliam Jones, who was assigned to cover the annual European Headq""'*": Executive Intelligence Review NachrichtenagenlUr GmbH, Postfach 2308, D-65013 Wiesbaden, Otto von Guericke Ring 3, D-65205 meeting of the IMF in Washington. The IMF's press secretary told Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany Tel: (6122) 9160. Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich, Jones that it is their policy never to allow anyone connected to Michael Liebig LaRouche to attend their meetings. When Jones called the police and In Denmarlc: EIR, Post Box 2613, 2100 Copenhagen 0E, Tel. 35-43 60 40 filed a complaint, the officer told him, "There were people here In Mexico: EIR, Francisco Dlaz Covarrubias 54 A·3 Colonia San Rafael, Mexico DF. Tel: 705-1295. passing out a leaflet.That's why they are so ticked off." See Econom Japan .Ilb.criplion .ales: O.T.O. Research Corporation, ics for Jones's report. Takeuchi Bldg., 1-34-12 Takatanobaba, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160. Tel: (03) 3208·7821. Copyright © 1995 EIR News Service. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Second·class pustage paid at Washington D.C., and at an additional mailing offices. Domestic subscriptions: 3 months-$125, 6 months-$225, 1 year-$396, Single issue--$\O Postmaster: Send all address changes to EIR, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041·0390. • ITillContents Interviews Reviews Economics 20 Natalya Vitrenko and 58 Unique view of Italian 4 IMF !demands more powers Vladimir Marchenko Renaissance painting in as financial chaos grows Ukrainian parliamentarians and Morgan Library exhibit But many officials at the leaders of the Socialist Party, Dr. "The Painted Page: Italian International Monetary Fund's Vitrenko and Mr. Marchenko are Renaissance Book Illumination, Interim Committee meeting saw members of the Parliament's 1450-1550," at the J.P. Morgan Banquo's ghost, in the form of a Committee on Economic Policy. Library in New York City. message from Lyndon LaRouche. 6 Beydnd von Hayek: Departments neoconservative anarchism Report from a conference of the Photo and graphic credits: Cover, 10 Dateline Mexico International Institute of Austrian pages 15, 32, EIRNS/Stuart K. Shock program takes its murderous Economics. Lewis. Page 28, Christian Huth. toll. Page 30, Christopher Lewis. Page 7 Schi ler Institute group 42 , Library of Congress/Prints and t warDS Nigeria on IMF Photographs Division. Page 44, 48 Report from Bonn EIRNS/Suzanne Klebe. Pages 59- A step closer to the truth. 61, Courtesy of the J.P. Morgan 8 German municipalities face Library . 49 Andean Report breakdown On the heels of the Cali Cartel . 9 Currency Rates 64 Editorial Irregular warfare: the name of the 11 Agriculture game. U. S. food stocks for emergencies are gone . 12 Business Briefs • Volume 22, Number 19, May5, 1995 Feature International National 26 Great Britain unleashes 52 House of Windsor escalates global irregular warfare war against United States To understand the dastardly 28 French Presidential terrorist act in Oklahoma City , elections defy calculations don't look at the "lone assassins" of Paris nomenklatura being paraded about in the media, but focus instead on the patternof The victory of Lionel Jospin was a evidence showing who is surprise to all, and the crisis facing controlling the pawns and patsies. the country means that business-as The annual meeting of the International Monetary usual calculations no longer hold. Fund and World Bank in Washington, D.C. on April 55 British pawprints on 24. Managing Director Michel Carndessus is de Jacques Cheminade , the "surprise manding even greater dictatorial powers over nations candidate" and friend of Lyndon Oklahoma bombing like Ukraine. LaRouche, announces his plans to build a new political movement. 56 OSI targets more innocent 14 Schiller Institute thwarts people the IMF's plans in Ukraine 31 Kissinger offers Brazil a The Justice Department's Office of The Ukrainian Parliament is the hemispheric condominium Special Investigations, having scene of high drama these days, as botched its campaign against John the Kuchma governmenttries to 34 Scandal rocks Israel: Will Demjanjuk, is looking for more fish implement the International Sharon be hit? to fry . Monetary Fund's austerity demands, and parliamentarians 62 National News fight back. When the U.S. State 35 The unfolding of Russia's Department and the Schiller 'Great Criminal Institute arrived on the scene at the Revolution' same time, the fur really began to Part 2 of Roman Bessonov's fly . analysis of Chechnya, the Russian Sicily. 16 How the IMF's policies destroy the physical 38 'Human rights' protectors economy of nations play a double game EIR's Dennis Small's speech to a conference in Kiev, Ukraine. 43 Celebrate the victory over fascism, by destroying 20 IMF shock therapy is fascist policies today pushing Ukraine toward a Nancy Spannaus, president of the social explosion U.S. Club of Life , writes on the An interview with Natalya Vitrenko 50th anniversary of V-E Day . and Vladimir Marchenko. 50 International Intelligence �ITillEconolllics IMF demands more 1?owers as financialchaos grpws by William Jones The semi-annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund hard in relation to the yen- the yen has appreciated more Interim Committee in Washington on April 21-27 occurred than 20% against the dollar sin¢e Jan 1 of this year- creating under the specter of increasing chaos in the world's exchange significant problems for Japan(!se exports in their traditional markets. This fact, although recognized by most of the parti Asian markets. Camdessus plaCed the blame for this develop cipants, including the finance ministers of the Group of Seven ment on the United States, demanding that the Federal Re (G-7) industrialized countries, was nevertheless downplayed serve Board raise interest rates.