Fish population dynamics and management

Post-Chernobyl radiocaesium in fish from two Cumbrian lakes The Chernobyl reactor accident occurred ') 3000 , Devoke Water howeswater on the 26 April 1986 and the plume kg passed over England during 2-3 May (Bg • 1986. Much of the remaining activity 2000 - • • continued northwards over Scotland. but ; • .9 some moved westwards and then • • • *so• • returned to traverse Wales and northern 1000 .1.2, . • England during 7-8 May. Limited • :I 1114:1 radioactivity •S •• 1••:. • • •• • deposition occurred throughout the UK • •• and the highest values were recorded in -••' ••••••p I . North Wales and pails of r, n Scotland. Early monitoring of fish showed Muscle 1986 1987 1988 1986 1987 1988 that, whilst the radiological significance of Months the fallout on marine fish was negligible. radionuclide accumulation by freshwater fish was significant, especially in high deposition areas such as the Cumbrian . It was soon found that there FIgure 19 Muscle rachocaectum values (Fig kg we/ ought) 1o3incinndua tic 0171De yoke were wide variations between lakes, fish Voter (-11= I ibb eind Lowesponier (n = 145) species and individuals of the same species in the same lake The objective of Overall geometric means for Radiocaesium content increased with fish the present investigation was to evaluate radiocaesium in brown trout (540 Bq kg) weight for wild trout from both lakes, sources of variation in rachocaesium in and perch (1192 Bq ka ) m Devoke Water perch from Devoke Water but not perch fish from two lakes. Devoke Water and were significantly higher than those in or pike from Values for Loweswater. This work was performed in Loweswater (trout 404. perch 989 Bg kg -). perch were generally higher than those conjunction with staff from the Ministry of and mean values for perch were for trout in Devoke Water (Figure 18). and Agriculture. Fisheries and Food (MAFF) significantly higher than means for trout in the power-function relationship between and was supported financially by NERC both lakes. Mean values for pike (568 Bq radiocaesium content and fish weight and the Commission of the European kg ) in Loweswater lay between the invalidates the use of uncorrected means Communities. values for trout and perch. for temporal comparisons. Radiocaesium 3000- values in pre-Chernobyl trout and stocked trout were markedly lower than those in post-Chernobyl wild trout (Figure 113)This discrepancy between wild and 1000 • recently stocked trout provides strong 5 evidence that the food chain rather than kg • the water is the main route of SOO radiocaesium transfer to the fish. Bq (R The stomach contents of [rout and perch from Devoke water indicated a diverse 00 diet from zooplankton to sticklebacks. Both the trout and perch were in good 100 condition according to their length-weight • relationships and there was no indication radioactivity that diet differences had any significant Stocked trout 50 effect on the radiocaesium content of individual fish. Muscle • • There was a large variation in radiocaesium values between individual • Pre-Chernobyl fish, as data for trout from both lakes 10 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 i 1 LDS_ ' clearly show (Figure 19). When these 10 50 100 500 1000 Wet weight (Wg) values were scaled to a standard weight Figure 18 Relationship between muscle rad:cacti1/2W (R Bq kg.) and Net weight bilSci) for individual of trout to remove the marked effect of fish h1=:7:,: LIsig and r., , ,i from awoke Water regression lines are btted for both specles bui values for size, monthly geometric means for 18 stocked gout and 2 pre-Chernobyl gout were omitted from analysis (points enclosed by broken radiocaesium increased from April/May line). 1986 to a maximum in October 1986 in

13 Devokc Water and February 1987 in relative value of planting out unfed salmon Loweswater, then decreased parr or of feeding the parr in the hatchery exponentially at a slow rate in Devoke for rive weeks before planting. Studies Water and a fast rate in Loweswater, and made by MAFF in natural streams and finally increased slightly in Loweswater rivers have the Advantage of dealing with only (Figure 20). Geometric means for the "real world" but suffer some perch and pike followed a pattern sinElat problems in interpretation of the results to that for trout, except that maxima because of difficulties of control and occurred in Februaiy/March 1987 for replication. The studies by IFE have used perch,in both lakes and in lune 1987 for the Grasshohne channels (Figure 21) as pike in Toweswater "streams" to be stocked. The four chamiels can be set up as replicates in Although this work has evaluated some le= of Row and bed material and the sources of vanation in fddlocaesirun numbers of fish leaving the channels and content in fish, especially the effects of fish dying in the channels can be accurately size and diet, it has also shown that there determined The four channels provide ale many unsolved problems. Differences two replicates of each of the two between species may be due to different neatments (stocking with unfed parr and metabolic rates (for example, different stocking with 5 weeks fed pan-) (Figure rates of gastric evacuation), and 22) The results from these small artificial differences between takes may be due to streams and those obtained from real variations in their limnology and the streams are complementaiy to one nature of their catchments. These and another and will be published jointly related problems are now being licr 21 G—me. )1 Grasknolme investigated. Preliminary data analyses suggest that 10 chant r m Thrly dna' Isi weeks after the commencement ot tyttie. Studies on strategies for the feeding, the fish stocked as unfed parr have a higher mean weight than the Esh planting of young, hatchery stocked as fed parr, but only about half Assessment of stress in wild reared salmon the population density Similar populations of fish As pan of a wider contract for MAFF, experiments are now in progress with Exposure of fish to environmental stress short-term studies have been made in trout. induces a complex series of physiological recent years in an attempt to Assess the changes. collectively Diown as the stress response A key element of the response 1000 Devoke Water is activation of the hypothalamio-pitunary- • interrenal axis, resulting in elevation of the • • hormone conisol. Atthough In the short- term. the stress response is believed to be of adaptive value to the fish, in the longer term, unalleviated, or chronic. stress can be very damaging Cortisol 500 itself has been implicated as a causal ') • kg Bq


1000 Loweswater


PILTI. 2.2A r dilli on (So'ne ['an- Muscle 500 •

0 1111 1986 1987 1988 Months Figure 20 Relationship between geometric mean (GM) rachoactithly in hi OlVn trout (GM Sri kg I time 0 months from May 19862 for Dedoke Water and &ayes-water (bmken /mos simply snow /roods, solid lines are exponential curves)

14 factor in stress-induced reduction of growth, disruption of the reproductive ml system, arid immunosuppression. ml Furthermore, the fact that cortisol elevation is a consistent feature of the (ng stress response has led to its use as a 160 (pg 16 reliable index of stress, Although most of our work, and that of others, has concentrated on the study of the effects of steroids environmental stress on fish within the steroids controlled conditions provided by the aquacultural environment, the 120 12 measurement of plasma cortisol levels provides a potentially useful diagnostic tool for assessing the likely effects of environmental stress on natural conjugated populations of fish. However, despite the 80 8 fact that plasma conisol levels are a good immunoreactive indicator of stress, their very lability under conditions of stress is a problem. A clear free demonstration of this is provided by removing fish individually from a single 40 4 holding tank. After a few minutes, plasma conisol levels in consecutive fish show a biliary stepwise increment, due to the immunoreactive disturbance associated with the removal and of previous fish (Figure 23). Under 0 0 controlled experimental conditions, this Con Ac Chr Con Ac Chr Biliary Con Ac Chr problem can be overcome, but, when sampling from wild populations, Plasma Plasma Bihary free Biliary prolonged disturbance of the fish is often cortisol steroids conjugated unavoidable, particularly if trapping or steroids netting is necessary to remove individuals. We have therefore been looking for an alternative to plasma Figure 24 The levels of cortisol In the blood, and free and conjugated corlicostemids in the bile for rainbow trout al rest (Con), following one hour of acute stress (AO and following twenty-four bows ol cortisol levels to indicate the "stress chromc stress (Chi). each value Is die mean for 10 fish ± SE status" of fish; an indicator of stress that is stable during short-term disturbance, such as that needed to sample the fish. When fish secrete large amounts of a levels in fish subjected to no stress at all. hormone into the bloodstream, as is the Both acute and chronic stress significantly 90 case with cortisol during stress, rather elevated blood conisol levels when ') ml than being allowed to accumulate in the compared to those of the unstressed fish blood, the hormone is removed. or (Figure 24). However, acute stress had no (ng - cleared". Clearance of cortisol occurs effect on the levels of unconjugated and 50 via two routes, the kidney (in the urine). conjugated derivatives of cortisol in the cornsol and the liver (in the bile), In addition, to bile. The levels of these compounds only aid clearance, the hormone is usually become elevated after exposure to metabolised to an inactive derivative, and prolonged stress. Therefore, Plasma Io cnemically conjugated to another measurement of the levels of steroid 3 5 II 1111121 molecule to enhance its solubility in water. derivatives in the bile of fish appears to Fish number We studied the accumulation of cortisol provide a way of avoiding the and its derivatives in the bile of fish confounding effects of capture stress Figure 23 Relationship between the order in exposed to a brief stress (1 h of when attempting to estabhsh the "stress which gout are removed from a tank and their plasma corbsol level; each value is the mean for confinement) and a prolonged stress (24 h status- of wild populations of fish l 6 fish ± of confinement) and compared these with

15 Microbes in the aquatic environment

An epibiont on Chromatium During August 1990 a sulphidd rich solution lake in central Spain was studied jointly with the University of Valencia In this lake a dense popiilation of the large (5 x 3 pm) purple photosynthetic bacterium Chrernahurn okenh developed at 9 m 2`'tiof the depth in anoxic water About population carried a small (2 pm), non- motile epibiont. The embiont with its host. were prepared for electron microscopy and an unusual and apparently unique life cycle was revealed (Figures 25a, b). Chromahurn is often found close to the top of the anoxic hypolannion in lakes, espectally if suffacient hydrogen sulphide is available (which the photosynthetic bacterium uses as reductant in the presence of light). Like most aquatic phototrophs, Chnomatium excretes dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and because cell densities are so high, the Chroma hum cells effectively swim around in a 'soup' of DOC of their own making. It is this DOC which, we believe, sustains the eplanont on the Chromahum By remaining attached to the outside of the Chromahum, the epibiont profits not so much from material provided by its own host, as from DOC produced by the large number of neighbours of its own host.

After dividing once or twice, the epibiont produces a tail-like, detachable infective stage. This is transferred to another Chromahum cell by physical contact. and Fachare25a Life cycie bacterium in-mg an die the 'tail' develops into a mature organism ph=sy ediesc riartetrun Chrornattum of the next generation It appears that the Stage 1 Epithet?! art Can-owau= ;hi ansvilissine extremely high population densities Electron hhcregllsph x217e(ii2; achieved by Chromatium are critical to Stage 2 Mature etualutatut TEM:L:7(RM) the success of the epibiont - both for the tew 3 Sphiem vilh ;elective 'UV (1S:cunning completion of its life cycle and for the Lied= Micrograph 221000) Stage 4 Eplloioni inches sole& e 110111 provision of dissolved organic carbon to 25ll nghh Thansevss,-, second Chi carnatium sell (TEM of tall x5500u) hheregaeph ef enta e ChatitriatLure. support its growth. Sage 5 infective trzu2sIeneci lo second ChaernenUrr This epitaarit L villdearticr tote Genetics of freshwater lage I CIT71 K52000). bacteria Studies in this area remain focused on the developed to detect recombinant for positive identification) appears to he transfer of genes and the detection of pseudomonads carrying a colonmemc approximately IC cells ml , which is specific bacteria in the freshwater marker gene. Some of the techniques that equivalent to the target organism environment. Work on the detection of have been developed do not necessitate accountino for <1"0 of the total number of genetically modified microorganisms culturing the target organisms. This is bacteria in lake water. As a result of the (GMMOs) is carried out in collaboration important because, following their release need for the containment of GMMOs. with the Department of Genetics and into freshwater, it may not be possible to microcosms that IMF= the natural Microbiology at Liverpool University. recover them using standard environment have been developed Using Pseudornonas puhda and other bacteriological methods, yet they may Molecular techniques for the detection of freshwater pseudomonads as model remain viable within the sample. These GMMOs are being ex-tended to include recombinant organisms. an assessment techniques include bioassay, DNA fundamental studies in aquatic has been made of their ability to survive, hybridisation and immunological bacteriology A basic problem is the and the fate of their recombinant genes. A detection. In general. the detection limit diversity of organisms encountered in range of molecular techniques has been (ie the minimum number of cells required most natural environments, but the


diversity of aquatic ammonia-oxidising Science Education. in Birmingham in Imow that energy generation in anaerobic bacteria (nitrifiers) is considered to be January 1991. Interest in the distribution of protozoa with hydrogenosomes leads to relatively low, thus permitting the CCAP educational resource materials in the production of hydrogen, and that application of such techniques. Some the USA has led to discussions with a hydrogen is a prime requirement of success has been achieved (in North American distributor, methanogens, we can expect some collaboration with Liverpool University) in correlation between the synthesis of new the development of DNA probes to detect There has been significant progress with protozoan biomass and the production of and identify ammonia oxidisers obtained cryopreservation, and with the new methanogens. This correlation is from culture collections. These probes development of new and improved clearly illustrated in Figure 26 which are now being applied to natural techniques for the preservation of some shows data from the ciliate Metopus communities strains of protozoa, especially small palaeformis. The data are taken from amoebae. Following adaptation to axenic ciliates of all sizes and all physiological Electron microscopy culture, all the Naegleria strains in the states. The volume fraction of Electron microscopy continues to be used Collection are now cryopreserved, with methanogens within the ciliates stays within a wide range of projects. The two high post-thawing survival rates. relatively constant, at around 1% of that of principal projects making use of the Improved methods continue to be the protozoan host. This would imply that department's facilities in the past year developed. These will permit a greater methanogen production is simply a were: an investigation of the transport of range of CCAP cultures to be passive consequence of ciliate growth: fine and flocculated particles in rivers ciwopreserved, leading to significant cost the rate of hydrogen production by the under different flow conditions; and the savings. ciliate will maintain a certain bacterial investigation of the ultrastructure of biomass growing at a rate which anaerobic protozoa and their methane- Anaerobic protozoa corresponds to that of the host ciliate, But producing bacterial endosymbionts. A We have shown that the bacteria which our continuing investigation indicates that study of bacterial parasites of salmonid live inside anaerobic ciliates do produce the interaction may be more complex. fishes and their possible control by methane (so they are methanogens) and The ciliates seem to exert some subtle selected bacteriophages has also begun that their growth, al least within the one control over the methanogens, dictating using high resolution transmission ciliate species investigated, is coupled to when the latter undergo what appears to electron microscopy. the growth of the host ciliate. In all be synchronous cell division. This work protozoa most energy generation goes continues with the fruitful collaboration of Various algal cultures have been towards the synthesis of the the Marine Biological Laboratory examined for CCAP, and some novel macromolecules required for new growth (University of Copenhagen), Helsingor, bacterial reproductive structures have (eg proteins, nucleic acids). Since we Denmark. been examined in collaboration with Lancashire Polytechnic, The electron microscope facilities also supported the work of a visiting scientist from Leningrad studying the feasibility of cryo-preserving large amoebae, and scientists from the • University of Valencia studying the ciliate structure and life cycle of the bacterial 200 — epibiont on Chromatium (see above). per • Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) • • CCAP and its activities were reviewed in • 1990. The Review Group realised the (pm') • academic and commercial importance of • • the Culture Collection and the need to •• • • continue to support it. The major changes in structure were the appointment of a • • •••• •• • • ••• single Curator for both freshwater algae 100 • 0 • and protozoa, and the making permanent • "6 i.s of previously period appointments. CCAP biovolume 66 •• ,_•• ,..„, • /•••• • • continues to be one of the major depositories for microalgae, ••• itapa- •; cyanobacteria and protozoa, and as such all••••• • • • it is becoming increasingly recognised as • al 11 • an internationally important genetic Oak )•0 • 14,10• •• • resource centre. The service role of CCAP continues to expand as greater co4 numbers of cultures are ordered, • particularly by clients interested in algal Methanogen biotechnology and ecotoxicity testing. 10000 20000 Other services include contract research and the provision of a safe depository service. CCAP education services remain closely associated with the Shell Education Service, with another Individual ciliate biovolume (pm) successful display of CCAP products at Figire 26 Relationship between individual cell volumes of the ciliate Melopus paleeformis and the the annual exhibition of the Association for total volume of methanogen symbionts each ciliate contains.

17 Physico-chemical processes in catchments

The transport of radionuclides through the Chernobyl Weapons Testing natural environment Radioactive fallout on Curnbrian 98o lakes On 26 April 1986. a major accident Easily occurred in reactor of the Chernobyl Soluble 72% nuclear power station in the Ukraman Republic of the Soviet Union. Up to 2030 of the fission and activation products in the Insoluble reactor have been estimated to have escaped over a period of the next 11 days. after which time emissions suddenly 28% ceased. The emissions were of two types: small particles of fuel rods with their Sediment Air Air Sediment casings, and gaseous products which either remained in the atmosphere in that form or which condensed to form very fine particulate material. The fuel rod Figure 27 'The relaLve proponions of caesium lapin different soi trees which al o easily soluble and particles contained high concentrations of effectively insoluble in water The Chernobyl matenal in air Vids sampled on 3 May 1986 Weapons uranium, plutonium, strontium and lest matepal was a composite sample from 1959 Sediment samples were obtained from different ruthenium, as the main components Since depths sti a sediment core taken February 1987 the particles were relatively large they were mainly deposited within I0 kin of the plant, although small numbers of particles although it absorbs onto particles it due to a slow transport of caesium into the have been reported from areas as far prefers to be in solution: it is easy to middle of clay mineral particles, from apart as Sweden and Greece. However, measure in environmental samples. and it where it is very difficult to extract it, ie it is the radioactive cloud which drifted over is actively taken up by animals and plants essentially locked in an unavailable store. Europe for several days and eventually as it has very similar properties to Transfer from water to sediment reached the UK, consisted of potassium. condensation products, mainly 131- The major study dunng the first year after Iodine, 137-Caesium, 134-Caesium, 103- There was an early impression that the the accident concentrated on measurements in two lakes, Ruthenium and 106-Ruthenium (plus some Chernobyl caesium was more readily other very short-lived isotopes) available than the deposition following (north basin) and . atmospheric testing of atomic weapons. In Although the lakes are located within 2 km Although most of the UK received a collaborative programme with the of each other, the former is a deep (65 m), relatively small amounts of deposition. the National Radiological Protection Board mesotrophic lake while the latter is passage of the cloud of radioactivity over and the Atomic Energy Authority, Harwell, shallow (15 m) and hypereutrophic. The Cumbria on 3 May coincided with very samples of atmospheric particulate change with time in observed activity in heavy rain, so that the highest levels of material from the Chernobyl peak and the water column of Esthwaite Water is deposition in the country were recorded from just before the peak of the weapons shown in Figure 28. Both lakes behaved in this region. In conjunction with the fallout (1959) were sequentially extracted similarly, showing a rapid reduction of Institute of Terrestrial Ecology and the using a series of chemical solutions and activity, with levels reducing by 50% University of Lancaster a programme of the chemical forms of caesium were within 13 days in Esthwaite and 70 days in work to study the processes of transport compared. Approximately 70' irof the Windermere. The patterns of change of radioactive material through the natural Chernobyl material was found to be shown by caesium activity in the deeper aquatic environment was rapidly soluble in water whereas only 8% of the (hypolimnetic) and shallower developed, starting within a few days of weapons fallout was soluble (Figure 27). (epilimnetic) water reflect the stratification the accident (funded by Her Majesty's Although definite interpretation of these and mixing of the water. Hence, while Inspectorate of Pollution and later by the results was clouded by the possibility that activity in the surface fell continuously, Commission of the European changes had taken place in the weapons activity in the bottom water remained Communities (GEC)), Since 131-lodine test material during its 29 years of constant from soon after the deposition has a very short half life (eight days) the storage, this was the first hard evidence of until the autumn. This was a result of majority of the studies used a difference in availability Another thennal stratification of the water column, measurements of caesium isotopes interesting factor was that within nine which isolated the bottom waters from the although a small amount of ruthenium data months of the deposition, less than 10% of removal processes operating in the was obtained. However, there are good the caesium from Chernobyl was found to surface waters. scientific reasons for studying the be easily soluble when sediments from transport of caesium as a typical "tracer" the bottom of Winderrnere were The removal of radionuclides from the element: it has a very simple chemical subjected to the same treatment. It has water colunm resulted from three form (monovalent cation) in solution; now been shown that this phenomenon is processes: flushing out from the lake of



• •••••MEM / • MEM •••••11 MkMONNEEME .3. ••=••••• a I nonn i V ••••n F MN •• MEW NM \\MIME 1986 E.WEN••MER • Eran •• 11 I\ ••• e Lakes •• • \ NNE Figure 28 Change in the total concentration of 1 ENE 137-Caesium with time a the ,urf8ce and Skied., Mare •• • anus/scone and vnastoney/2 bottom waters of Esthwaile Water, \ rg• N Borrowdals Volcanic Series N N. lava gre n ha) • \ N radionuclides by incoming water: • \ adsorption to particles, followed by I I Igneous macaw) settlement to the sediments: and direct 77%2 adsorption onto the sediments. Between I.•I ConLvon 30 and 40% of the total input was lost from \ \\•, the two lakes by hydraulic flushing and SJunan Slate (Vale, slate. gar flag') about 60-70% accumulated in the • 8 - 14 c. BO sediments by a combination of the two carbolureceus 5enes Ovnenene; coal measures) • 19 - 22 • latter processes. Work is continuing to further elucidate the relative importance Sandstone C.100 m1161 (Permian, Tnassre) • of the processes of radionuclide removal • in different lakes. The research is funded by the CEC, as part of its Radiation Protection Programme. and involves collaboration with 10 laboratories in six European countries, coordinated by the IFE. Figure 29 The concentration (mBg 1) of 137-Caesium In some Lake Thstnct waters approximately 2 years aftcr the Chernobyl accident, together with the underlying geology. The processes of caesium removal from the sediment were sufficiently identified that they could be fitted to a mathematical model to give realistic predictions of caesium in Esthwaite Water after April on catchments which contain areas of particle settling velocities, adsorption 1987, since the catchments of both waterlogged peat. Further studies are coefficients and boundary layer Windermere and Esthwaite were found to continuing on this particular aspect in a thicknesses. In a collaborative study with have retained essentially all of the new, joint CEC-Soviet Union research the Institute of Hydrology, this information caesium which had fallen on them. programme which is fimded by the CEC and information gained from studies of However, a survey of lakes in the Lake and is coordinated by the IFE. fish data (see p. 13) were incorporated District, two years after the initial into a real-time computer program which deposition, showed that several still Surface water acidification predicted the change of radioactivity, retained much higher levels than would in the Lake District specifically caesiurn. in several aquatic have been expected. Calculations There are considerable variations in the compartments, eg top water, bottom showed that activity levels should have water chemistry of streams and small water, sediments, fish and the catchment been reduced to undetectable values, lakes (tarns) in the central part of the (land surrounding the lake), given even if the only process in operation was English Lake District. Although in all cases information about the amount of the removal of radioactivity by hydraulic the water is relatively poor in dissolved deposition, the size of lake and its flushing. In fact, activity levels were as salts, some of the waters are acid catchment. high as 100 mBql 'in some lakes (Figure (pH<5.5) and have significant levels of the 29). Studies showed that this must be due toxic metal aluminium. In order to explain Subsequent releases into the to unexpected contributions of radio water this variability, and to understand the caesium from the catchments of these relationships between surface water In 1987 a small proportion (0.25%) of the unusual lakes. Work in conjunction with chemistry and inputs of acid deposition, a radioactive caesium stored in the the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, the modelling study was canied out, drawing sediment was remobilised into the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and on several decades of observations made overlying waters when they became Food, and colleagues in Italy, has shown by workers at the Windermere anoxic. This was the only source of that this effect is particularly pronounced Laboratory.

19 15

10 The Duddon Acidification Model (DAM) As its name suggests, DAM was 5 developed originally for the River Duddon Al pM and its tributaries, but it is applicable to all catchments on the Borrowdale voicanic series of rocks, which comprise the 0 central part of the Lake District. The model simulates the interactions of rainwater with the plants soils and rocks 6.5 of the catchments, and produces streamwater chemical composition as output The key processes involved and 6.0 the model structure are shown in Figure 30. In applying DAM. the catchment soils are taken to be uniform, and differences pH among catchments are assumed to be 5.5 due only to variations in the weathering rates of the underlying rocks The greater is the weathering rate, the greater is the 5.0 supply of base cations (sodium, potassium. magnesium and calcium) to the percolating water, and therefore the 4.5 higher are the concentrations of these cations in the streams and tarns.

F'ig-ure 31 shows plots of present-day pH 4.0 and dissolved aluminium concentration 20 60 100 140 180 versus base cation concentration for a number of Lake District surface waters, Sum of base cations peq/1 together with the optimised model predictions. It is seen that the igure 3! Varaationsof pH and dissolved alum:mum with lhe sum ol the concentrations of non-seasalt base cations for streanu and rams of the central Lake Distract The curves show the predictions of the Total depos.tion opumsed Duddon Acidification Model.

they are more sensitive to chemical Evapotranspiration susceptibility of the waters to acidification depends strongly on the ability of the conditions at high How, when the underlying rocks to neutralise acidity and neutralisation of acidity by the underlying remove dissolved aluminium, by rocks is less effective. PLANTS supplying base cations. 6.5 Greendale Tarn uptake of NH, and HNO, The past and the future 6.0 In order to estimate surface water composition in the past DAM was run with MINERAL SOIL unpolluted rain as input up to 1850, with a pH 5.5 steady increase in acidity between 1850 dissolution of Al(OH), and 1950, and with observed inputs hydrolysis of A13- • •• 5.0 thereafter. The pH values for two tarns reactions of carbonate system calculated in this way are shown in Figure 32, together with independent estimates 4.5 obtained by analysis of the remains of 6.5 BASEROCK diatoms in the tams' sediments. The pH histories estimated by the two methods dissolution of base cations high are in substantial agreement. 6.0 precipitation of Al (OH), flow hydrolysis of Al' Observations on stream invertebrates and reactions of carbonate system fish indicate that a pH value of 5.5 is 5.5 critical with respect to the maintenance of pH an abundant and diverse faunal 5.0 STREAM population: below this pH there is substantial impoverishment. The two tarns precipitation of Al(OH), 4.5 of Figure 32 passed through the pH 5.5 hydrolysis of Al' bather in the early years of the 20th degassing of CO, 4. 0 century, when acid loadings were only reactions of carbonate system 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 about half their current levels. This gives some idea of the reduction in acid Figure 32 Estimates ofpast pH values for two deposition required to allow these waters Figure 30 Structure of the Duddon Acidification Lake District tams: Duddon Addification Model, Model. The arrows indicate the pathways of to recover. For streams, still greater AnalvsrasOlsedIMCiitdry CildIC711n7m.11115:cturent water. reductions would be required. because measured values.

20 River ecosystem processes

Prediction of phosphate (Figure 33). Phosphorus also inhibits [he with mote rigorous expressions for the coprecipitation in growth process and, depending on the coprecipilation rale indicates errors of supersaturation of [he solution. may stop less than I0"i. The coprecipitation model hardwaters growth completely. has been used to interpret kinetic data The loss of carbon dioxide (CO ) from from river and lake waters. The hard waters by either transfer to the A simple model has been proposed to environmental conditions in which the atmosphere or the metabolic activities of enable the prediction of phosphate losses coprecipitation of phosphorus is linearly algae or macrophytes, may lead to the from water by this process and the related to calcite have been identified precipitation ot carbonate minerals and application of the coprecipilation These can occur in situations when the coprecipitation of nutrients such as mechanism to different situations Certain phosphorus concentration is decreasing inorganic phosphates. Many reports have simplifications to the original model as the acidity of the water decreases documented the precipitation of calcite in developed from laboratory and field data lakes having a [wide of trophic conditions can be made which permit its application Alien aquatic plants In streams and rivers the precipitation of to freshwaters without the need for Concern over the increasingly rapid calcite usually occurs when a hardwater extensive chemical data This model spread of the Australian swamp stonecrop that is supersaturated with respect to CO requires information about the Crassula helmsn in ponds and loses CO to the atmosphere during its temperature the plI and concentrations of watercourses of the UKhas led to the passage downstream. Alternatively. an calcium and phosphate in the water as initiation of studies of distribution of increase in temperature, possible in pools well as the conductivity For waters with similar, alien water plants padicularly and marginal areas of a river where flow pH values between 7 and 9 a comparison Myriophyllum aqualicum (formerly is reduced. may lead to calcite formation. In lakes the process of coprecileitahon is believed to be an important (self- cleaning' mechanism.

The coprecipitanon reaction of phosphate during mineralisation is caused by the interaction of organic phosphorus and [lie calcite surface during crystal grovnh. followed by the incorporation of some of the adsorbed surface phosphorus into the bulk structure as growth continues

Figuie 33 Parades 01carbonate shonong overgrowth structure obtained 112thepresence of phosphate. Larger parudes are eibout3-4 gni In F1gure34 Increase in recorded occurrences of Crassula hetrnsn from 5350 IPS()

21 1.2 Ad brasilianse) Sporadic primary concern that the numbers of coarse fish. distribution to new regions of Crassula particularly roach odd dace. may have helmsn (Figure 3d) has been ascribed to declhied Such compltduts are very several. human related. mechanisms, subjective and the Freshwater Biological particularly to the intentional, direct Association m 1937. surveyed 12 sites on transfer of both plants and animals the main river to determine the structure However, the means of subsequent local of the coarse bsh associations and to or secondary dispersal is loss clear but is provide a data base agtianst which to greatly enhanced by the extreme assess any future changes. tolerance to drying ot stem fragments and 0.6 by the amphibious nature ef the plant. The above survey produced anomalous Concern has been expressed m relation results. relating to the growth of dace dri Distance downstream (km) to the plantts ability to tolerate low nutrient the Avon (Figuro 33), which were levels but to fully utilise high levels when subsequently followed up by more available and to "outcompeted the native detailed observations on the fry of these flora In certtun nutrient poo lochs of fish both in natural populations and in Scotland experimental channels in common with most studies on freshwater tish growth. Temporal and spatial year-to-veal diffeiences wet n observed distribution of the fry of Growth rates of young dace decreased with distance downstream but the trend freshwater fishes was reversed da oldei fish. The variations The Hampshire Avon. dovmstream of appear to be due to a complex interaction Salisbury, has long been regarded as one of temperature and food supply. The of Britain s best coarse fisheries. In recent possibility of a marked change in diet at years there has been widespread around age two requires investigation

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22 Laboratory services

The library.and information We have maintained our involvement with Personal computer provision service the Britain and Ireland Association of A further 12 personal computers were Aquatic Sciences Libraries and purchased for the Institute this year. The This has been a year of consolidations and Information Centres (BIASLIC) and with department continues to coordinate steady progress for both the library and the European Association of Aquatic procurement of personal computers and the information services. Backlogs have Sciences Libraries and Information to provide hardware and software been eliminated in all areas except the Centres (EURASLIC). We have also archives and unpublished collection. At support, the latter now being shared with continued our input to the United Nations the Windermere Laboratory, the fitting of NCS Local Support. A short course on Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries replacement windows and a ceiling fan to desk-top publishing was presented for Information Systems (ASFIS). assist air circulation should now enable us staff. to maintain comfortable working temperatures in the library area for staff - Developments in Electrical installation and and visitors. electronics and maintenance A personal bibliographic software called instrumentation There have been a number of laboratory Pro-Cite has been brought into use and office re-fits at the Windermere Specialist data loggers Laboratory this year together with the throughout the Institute. We have made Circuitry developed for the Windermere extensive progress in being able to , more routine r-epair and maintenance Profiler instrument has been adapted to work,.and visits to the other IFE sites. provide our Current Awareness Service, provide eight specialist data loggers for profiles from Current Contents on monitoring work as part of the Property, buildings and diskette; the results of on-line searches; Environmental Assessment of Water and the output from searches on CD-ROM Courses' project. These are used for equipment . in the Pro-Cite format, so that the users long-term monitoring of basic water During 1990 only two laboratories were - can easilV add relevant xeferences to their quality parameters. re-furbished, one in the Station Cottage own bibliographic lists. area and one in the Ferry House. 5ome Windermere Profiler 2 internal re-decoration took place, along - We have also made some improvements Some significant developments of this with the usual running repairs to the fabriC to our Current Awareness Service for instrument, which records how of the site. A "rolling" programme of - external customers and are now able to temperature, light, pH, dissolved oxygen window replacement was started for the: offer a document delivery service to concentration and conductivity vary with Ferry House and the Pearsall Building. As- subscribers. ThiS is also part of a larger depth in lakes, rivers and reservoirs, have a means of providing additional space for package of services available to been completed. The standard instrument the Ferry House site, planning perrniaSion members of the Freshwater Biological now offers sediment detection,alerting the was obtained to locate a Porta-Cabin Association. Information on this range of between the two buildings, and this is new services has been circulated to FBA operator should the probes come within a few centimetres of lake sediment. This can in use. members during the year and we are now beginning to see the response. prevent disturbance of the sediment which could seriously affect readings. As a result of high lake levels and stof-m erosion it was necessary to repair Collaboration with the other libraries Also, as an option, the instrument can be damage to the foreshore in the Vidnity of within the Terrestrial and Freshwater supplied with an environmentally-sealed, the pump cell for the hatchery water Sciences Directorate (TFSD) of NERO has hand-held computer. supply. It is hoped that the new material continued during the year and a added will resist further damage for some constructive meeting was held with Dr Flow Injection Apparatus time. Tinker in October. Following this, Further development of this equipment agreement was reached between the has continued both for use by the analytical chemistry laboratory and for Velia, our main workboat for TFSD librarians on the fields and formats Windemlere, was fitted with a new engine —--for -a-database-of TFSD publications. It-is sale. Detection levelsof better than 1,ppb are expected for nitrite and phosphate arid gearbox this year when it was found hoped that a pilot database wlll be that spares were no longer available for available for testing early next year. and a low-cost package for these and other determinands will be available in the original units. Since the original engine and gearbox were installed 35 The new phase of our work for the the coming year. years ago the service period does not Environmental Chemical Data and seem unreasonable. Information Network (ECDIN) progressed Repair work for other Institutes well and, in collaboration with the The department continues to offer a repair Plymouth Marine Laboratonj, we service of computer terminals to other prepared summary statements for many NERC Institutes. Thirty such repairs were of the most important chemicals. These carried out this year producing a statements will be made available on both substantial cost saving for NERC. Repairs the on-line database and the proposed by the depaitnent are carried out to CD-ROM database and should be a great component level, whereas the improvement for users of the ECDIN manufacturers offer repairs to expens ve system. sub-assembly level only.

23 Staff and external activities

Staff changes Miss Joan Bird resigned from the Library Councils' Panel on Biomathematics Dr Dr W Davison left in February to take up to take up a more seniot appointment at Hilton was chairman of the Analysts' the Chair of Environmental Chemistry at the British Geological Survey. She joined Working Group and Mr Casey also Lancaster University. Bill Davison had the staff in 1980 arid during her ten years served as a member. Dr Cranwell was a been on the staff of the Windermet e as Assistant Librarian she had become member of the Organic Geochemistiy Laboratory since 1973 and had done well lown to many people through her Mass Spectrometry Advisory Committee much to influence the direction and the role In providing bibliographic and other and Dr May served on the Computer quality of chemistry research within the information services. Users Committee.. Dr Dawson was a Institute. He contributed substantially to NTRC representative on the MRC the basic understanding of chemical Dr A J Cowling left the CCAP group at Scientific Diving Safety Committee. processes in lakes and was awarded Windermere at the end of hisuontract The Terrestrial and Freshwater Sciences Individual Merit Promotion for Ihis We were pleased to welcome several Directorate, (TEED) of NERO of which IFE research. He could also tackle applied new colleagues as replacements or as problems with new insights and his work is part, divides as research activities into a additional members of staff At the on the reclamation of acid sand quarries series of major programmes Professor Windermere Laboratory Dr 1J Winfield led to the Award for Pollution Abatement Berrie was coordinator of the Programme and Dr S C Maberly restored our on Management of Aquatic Ecosystems Technology in 1985. expertise in fish ecology and aquatic and Dr Bailey-Watts, Dr House, Dr Pinder, botany respectively and Dr J G Day was Mr T Gledhill took early retirement dunng Dr Reynolds and Dr Wright were appointed Curator of CCAP. Miss H C Orr the year. Terry tamed the FBA in 1955 as members of the Core Group. Dr Dillon and Mr M T R Hill also joined [he staff At assistant to Dr T T Macan at Windermere. was coordinator of [he Programme on the River Laboratory invertebrate zoology He had developed an interest in Freshwater Biology and Chemistry and Dr was strengthened by the recruitment of entomology and parasitology and had Davison, Dr Finlay and Dr Ladle were Mrs J M Winder and Mrs K L Symes and been an Instructor in the Royal Army members of the Core Group Dr Hilton aquatic botany by the appointment of Dr R Medical Corps. Dr Macan encouraged his was coordinator of the Programme on M K Saunders and Mr A G Shand. enthusiasm for taxonomy and he took a Scientific Se:lances and Mr Penman served particular interest in water mites on which on the Core Group. Dr Crisp was a The number of staff in cost at 31 March member of the Core Group on The Effect he was to become one of the few 1991 was 105- . aclarowledged experts. In 1981 he was of Man on the Hydrological Cycle: Dr Tipping was a member of the Core Group the first member of staff posted to the new Honours and promotions site for the River Laboratory in Dorset on Environmental Pollution, Dr Elliott was Dr E W Tipping was admitted to the where he started field work from a a member of the Core Group on caravan. There he studied river degree of Doctor of Science by the Population Ecology: Dr Reynolds was a invertebrates and developed an University of Manchester. member of the Core Group on additional interest in subterranean Community Ecology: Dr Armitage acted Dr W A House was elected to Fellowship interstitial animals. In 1971 he was elected as an adviser to the Core Group on of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Mr MIBiol on the basis of his published Atmospheric Science and Hydrological K H Morris was elected to Fellowship of papers. He was a keen photographer and Extremes: Dr George was a member of the Linnean Society of London. this skill was used to much effect within [he Climate Change Task Force.: and Mr the Institute. In 1983 he moved back to Furse was a member of the Environmental Dr J S Welton was promoted from Senior Impact Assessment Task Force Windermere to strengthen the expertise Scientific Officer to Grade 7, Dr T in invertebrate zoology at that laboratory. Pottinger from Higher Scientific Officer to Mr Penman acted as chairman of the TESD Senior Scientific Officer, iVITSSM Smith Librarians' Group and Dr Tipping was a from Scientific Officer to Higher Scientific member of the Catchment Working Officer: and Mr G D Collett from Assistant Group. Professor Berrie represented IDE Scientific Officer to Scientific Officer Mr G on the TESD Marketing Group A Richards' port war regraded to Industrial Band 6. Collaboration with other NERC activities NERC Institutes Mr Beaumont was a member of the IFE is engaged on several TFSD projects Executive Committee of the NERC Branch which involve collaboration with both the of the Institute of Professionals,Managers Institute of Hydrology (1H) and the Institute and Specialists and also sewed on the of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE). These NERC Whitley Committee Dr Elliott was a include the Terrestrial Initiative in Global member of the Aquatic Life Sciences Environmental Research (TIGER): the Grants Committee and Mrs Hurley seiwed Acid Waters Monitoring Programme with on Promotion Panol1V. Professor Jones University College. London, studies on was on the TIGER II Committee, Dr radionuclide transport: studies on upland Tipping on the LOIS Inception Committee. soils: and studies on [he effects of peat and Dr Reynolds on the Research extraction.

2(I Joint investigations with IH included Working Group on Fish Habitat . Editor:of Afew Library World. PrOfessor studies on organic chemicals in the Reinstaternent and Di Hilton acted as Jones Was Editor of Freshwater; Forum and environment; on the transport and fate of Coordinator for the CEC collaborative Editor elect of Advances in Microbial pesticides; and on ecologically research programme on Radioactivity in Ecology. Dr Cranwell was Associate acceptable flows in rivers. The two the Aquatic Environment. Editor of Organic Geochemistry, Mr Mann institutes also collaborated on studies of was Assistant Editor of the Journal of Fish catchments in mid-Wales and on some For the Department of the Environment Biology, and Dr Carling became Joint small contracts for customers. (DoE) Standing Committee of Analysts Dr Editor of International Geomorphology. Marker acted as Secretary to the A major joint project with ITE was the Biological Working Group, Dr Elliott was The following members of staff served on Countryside Survey 1990 which also on the Biological Methods Panel and Dr the Editorial or Advisory Boards of involved the Soil Survey and Land Dawson was a member of the Test Kits • journals: Dr Armitage, Regulated Rivers Research Centre, the Macaulay Land -Use Protbcol Panel. Dr Elliott was also a Research and Management; Professor Research Institute and the University of member of the DoE/Health ahd Safety Berrie, Aquatic Conservation; Dr Crisp, Newcastle. We have also continued Executive Advisory Committee on Hydrobiologia; Dr Elliott, Freshwater collaboration.on the development of the Releases to the•Environfnent and Biology, Annales de Lirnnologie and River InVertebrate Prediction and Professor Jones was a member of the Wasser und Abwasser, Dr Finlay, Journal of Classification System (RIVPACS) and on DoE/Soap and Detergent Industry Protozoology, European Journal of studies of the impact of pesticide spray Association Technical Committee on Protistology and FEMS Microbiology drift. Other links have involved assessing Detergents in the Environment. Ecology; Dr Haworth, Journal of problems associated with the release of Palaeolitnnology,.Dr Maberly, Aquatic captive bred species and some small Dr Ladle and Dr Crisp were members of Botany; Dr Pickering, Diseases of Aquatic contracts for customers. the National Rivers Authority Regional Organthms; Dr Reynolds, Archly fur Fisheries Advisory Committees ln Wessex Hydrobiologie, Journal of Plankton IFE also collaborated with Institutes in and Northumbria respectively. Dr other Directorates of NERC, We have Research and Aquatic Sciences; and Dr Reynolds served on the NRAToxic Algal Tipping, Environmental Technology. worked with Plymouth Marine Laboratory Task Group. and the Institute of Oceanographic Collaboration with Sciences on the provision of a data base Dr Armitage was a member of the on environmental chemicals and on the Biological Standards Sub-Committee of universities preparation.of an aquatic directory. We the British Standards Institute. Dr Pinder Teaching. have assisted the British Geological became the IFE nominated member on Professor Jones is a Visiting Professor in Survey with studies on colloids in the Expert Panel-of the Institute of the University of Liverpool and a member groundwater -and collaborated with the Environmental Assessment. of Lancaster University Court. Professor. British Antarctic Survey on electron Berrie is a Visiting Profeasor in the microscopy and its application to studies Mr Pettman was chairman of the Britain University of Reading. Dr 'Tipping is a on soil structure in the Antarctic. and Ireland Association of Aquatic Visiting Reader in the University of Sciences Libraries and Information Lancaster. Dr Carling is-a Visiting ScientifiC societies Centres; a member of the Working Party Lecturer in the University of Lancaster.and Dr Dawsoti was elected to the Council of of the European Association of Aquatic Dr House, Dr Ladle, Mr Mann, Dr Pinder the Institute of Biology and continued as Libraries and Information Centres; and a and Dr Wright are Honorary Lecturers in Treasurer of the Wessex Branch, while Mr member of the Cumbria Environmental the University of Reading. Dr Dawson is a Mann was a member of the Institute's Information Services. Visiting Research Fellow in the University Water Industry Sub-Committee. Dr Pickup of Southampton. was elected,Cdnvenor of theEcology Miss Atkinson served as a Secretary of Group of the Society for General State's appointed member of the Lake A short course in River Ecology was Microbiologyand Dr Carling was District Special Planning Board and as a organised at the River Laboratory by Dr Treastirenof the British Geoinorphological member of its Development Control House for 16postgraduate Students from . Research Group. ProfesSor Berrie became Committee, its Park Management the Intemational Institute for Hydraulic and Hon. Secretary of the Malacological Society Committee, and vice-chairman of its Environmental Engineering, Delft, The of London and also continued as a member Planning PolicysCommittee., Netherlands, Final year students from of the Execrititte.Committee, the Finance Reading University spent four days at the and Administrative Sub-Cominittee, and Dr Reynolds was a member of the Office River Laboratory with Professor Barrie. • the Slapton Committee Ofthe Field Studies of Water Services Consultative and bf•Wright as.par-lef a course on - Council Dr Elliottwas a member ofthe .Committee for the North West and an freshwater biology. Di/Bailey-Watts•.gave- — –Council of the-BrilislrEcologicalSociety edvitherto the.Institution.of_Public_Health_ _lectures.andeeminars_tostedentsiatrhe_.--- - and Dr Bailey-Watts of the Council of the Affairs; and Professor Jones was a - Universities of Edinburgh arid Glasgow. British Phycological Society. Mr Mann was member of the Cumbria Environment Dr Carling gave a-course on Sedirriefitary: Vice-Chairman of the Anglian Region of the Forum. Dr Ladle continued as chairman of OCeanography at Lancaster University - Institute of Fishenes Management and Dr the Fleet Study Group and was a and Mr Mann contributed to a courSe on- - Huiley was amembker of the Committee of committee member of the River Allen Fisheries at the UniVersity of Buckingham, • the Lancashire/Cumbria Local Group of the Association and of the Frome, Piddle and Royal Statistical Society. West Dorset Fishery Association. Members of staff actedas external / examiners forhigher-degrees at the' folloWing universities: Adelaide (Dr - 1 Other organisations - Editorial commitments. Reynolds), Birminghaim(Dr BaileV-Watts Professor Jones was a member-of the Dr Elliott was Editor ofthe Journal of and Dr Tipping), Edinburgni(Dr.Hiltori), Scientific Advisory Committed of Bailcal - Animal Ecologyand of the Scientific Lancaster (Dr Tipping)',-'Leicester. (Dr • International Centre for Environmental_ Publications of the Freshwater Biological Reynolds), Liverpool (Dr Wright),.Lonelon Research. Dr Crisp was on the European Association. Dr Finlay was Editor of.Archly (Dr Wright), SusAex (Dr Ladle)r and Wales Inland Fisheries Advisory Committee far Protistenkunde and Mr Penman was (Dr Pickup and Dr Ladle).

25 Research Miss P S Davies (Leeds - PhD) Miss J A Taylor •(Dufidee - PhD) Dr Armitage carried out joint projects with Competition for phosphorus in the Immunofluorescence of picoplankton, University College, London, on biological control of phytoplankton community with Dr Heaney problems of slow sand filters and with structure, with Dr Reynolds Mr M R Taylor (Portsmouth Polytechnic - Loughborough University on minimum Mr A D Findlay (Bristol - PhD) The PhD) Characterisation of the microbial ecological flows. Dr Carling continued his influence of surface chemistry on community withinthe digestive tracts joint research on sediment transport with particle aggregation in natural waters, of freshwater Insecta, with Dr Ladle the University of Berlin and also worked with Dr Tipping with the University of Lancaster on During the year five of our former • • turbulence and dispersion in the River Miss B Guhl (Konstanz - PhD) Studies on research students were awarded PhD Severn. Mr CaSey collaborated with the the symbiosis between anaerobic degrees: Miss E G Bernifiger (Berlin), Mr Polytechnic South West and with the protozoa and methanogens in P M Reid (Mandhester), Miss Kj Saxby Chisholm Institute of Technology, freshwater sediments, with Dr Finlay (Birmingham), Mr J D R Talbot (Reading) Australia on developments of flow and Mr G J C Underwood (SUssex). injection analysis. Dr Elliott collaborated Mr W Hiorns (Liverpool - PhD) Probes for with the University of Vienna on methods nitrifying bacteria, with Dr Pickup of biological sampling in the River - International meetings and Danube Dr Finlay continued his joint Mr I D Hooper (Southampton - PhD) River visits - studies on anaerobic protozoa with the channel vegetation and river discharge analysed by remote Professor Jones attended the launch of the University of Copenhagen and, with Mr Baikal International Centre for sensing, with Dr Dawson Clarke, on the ecology of a sulphide-rich Environmental Research at Lake Baikal lake system with thelJniversity of Mr A T Ibbotson (London - PhD) Habitat andviaited the Institute far Bi-Plogyof Valencia, Spain. Dr Haworth carried out Inland Waters at Borok, USSR.Dr joint studies with the University of relationships of freshwater fishes, with Dr Ladle Pickering was a Keynote Speaker at the Liverpool on sediments of Blelham Tarn Fourth International Symposium on and on transport and accumulation of Mr A Kelsey (Lancaster - PhD) Modelling Genetics in Aquaculture in Wuhan, China; caesium in Brothers Water. Mr Morris bedload transport, with Dr Carling at the Aquaculture Symposium in Helsinki, collaborated with the University of Finland; and at the International Glasgow on the fauna of Loch Lomond Miss KLawlor (Liverpool - PhD) Detection Symposium on the Rainbow Trout at and with the Fish Conservation Centre, of recombinant bacteria, with Dr Stirling. He also undertook a guest lecture Stirling on fish conservation. Dr Pickup Pickup tour to the University of New Brunswick and Dr Hall continued joint research and other centres in eastern Canada. projects with the University of Liverpool Mr J R Marchesi (University College, and Dr Reynolds maintained his liaison Cardiff - PhD) Sorption and Dr Arrnitage was an invited speaker at the with the University of Western Australia biodegradation of anionic surfactants Water Resource Symposium in Vittoria, Dr Tipping undertook modelling the associated with mineral particles, with Spain. He was also co-organiser of the effects of liming on organic soils with the Dr House International Conference pn the University of Newcastle and Dr Winfield Conservation and Management of Rivers collaborated with the University of Wales Mr M McGrath (Lancaster - PhD) The held at York at which DrWright on studies of rare fish. biogeochernistry of alkaline earth contributed a paper and MrMann and Mr metals in soft water lakes, with Dr Bass presented a poster. Dr Bailey-Watts Davison spent six.weeks in Bangladesh on a Members of staff acted as supervisors for Project Identification Fisheries Mission for higher degree students registered at the Mr J A W Morgan (Liverpool - PhD) the Overseas Development following universities: Survival, transfer and rearrangement Administration. Dr.Carling gave an invited of recombinant plasmids in aquatic paper at an international symposium in Miss E Baroudy (Lancaster - PhD) Effect of systems, with Dr Pickup Florence, Italy and.visited Coblenz, Germany and Montana, USAto discuss. eutrophication on Windermere charr Mr J Porter (Liverpool - PhD) Detection of and set up collaborative research on populations, with Dr Elliott specific bacteria, with Dr Pickup sediment transport in rivers. Miss P Broadbent (Lancaster Polytechnic Mr D C Smith (Lancaster - PhD) Wind- Mr Casey spent six montha in Australia on MSc) Nickel resistance in bacteria, induced water movements and spatial secondment to the Murray-Darling with Dr Pickup patterns in a small eutrophic lake, with Freshwater Research Centre where he Dr George contributed to several research a_nd Miss S Brown (Liverpool - PhD) The advisory projects ind introduced flow molecular systematics of anaerobic Mr J Smith (Liverpool - PhD) Modelling the transport of Pb-210, Cs and Arn-241 in injection analysis in collaboration with the protozoa and their prokaryote Chisholm Institute of Technology, symbionts, with Dr Finlay the aquatic environment, with Dr Hilton Melboume. He gave talks at the Chisholm Institute, Adelaide University and the • Miss C Bryant (Edinburgh - PhD) Trace Mr p G Smith (Lancaster - PhD) Wind- CSIRO Griffith Laboratory and also at the element chemistry in water and induced water movements and spatial New Zealand DSIRLaboratories at sediment of diverse lake systems, with patterns in a small eutrophic lake, with Hamilton and Lake Taupo. Dr Bailey-Watts Dr George . • Dr Crisp took part in aEuropean Inland - Miss P Campbell (Brunel - PhD) Mr A J Spink (Glasgow - PhD) Stress, Fisheries AdvisoryCommission working Investigation of the mechanisms disturbance and competition in party in Lyon, France, Dr Day presented underlying the deleterious effects of submerged macrophyte communities an invited paper at a meeting on Culture environmental stress on reproduction dominated by Ranunculusspp, with Mr Collections of Algae in Tsukuba, and in trout, with Dr Pottinger Westlake visited a number of research laboratories

26 and culture collections in japan. Dr Finlay and Mr Clarke visited lagoons in central Spain to study anaerobic protozoa. Mr Glaister visited Berlin, Germany to complete some joint studies.

Dr Haworth was an invited speaker at the Polish International Phycological Symposium in Poznan, carried out some studies at Warsaw University and presented a poster at the International Diatom Symposium in San Francisco, USA. Dr Hilton attended a conference on Sediment and Water Interactions in Uppsala, Sweden and a CEC coordination meeting in Rome, Italy. Dr House made three visits to Belgium for European Commission meetings on the development of pesticide standards.

Mr Penman chaired a session at the European Association of Aquatic Libraries and Information Centres meeting in Paris, France. Dr Pickup presented four posters at the International Meeting on Molecular Techniques in Microbial Ecology at Braunschweig, Germany and he visited several laboratories in Japan to establish collaborative links. Dr Pinder visited the University of Chiang Mai, Thailand as a guest lecturer and advisor to their Water Research Centre.

Dr Reynolds gave a Keynote Address at the International Congress of Ecology in Yokohama, Japan and undertook a guest lecture tour of the Universities of Wisconsin and Michigan, USA. He was also UK Rapporteur to a meeting on the Ecosystems Approach to Water Quality Management organised by the United Nations. Dr Tipping visited the University of Oslo, Norway to undertake joint modelling work on acidified catchments. Dr Welton and Mr Beaumont gave a paper at an International Symposium and Workshop on Catch-effort Sampling Techniques at Hull. Dr Winfield attended a Workshop onEcosystems and Eutrophication in Pallanza, Italy and visited the Institute of Linmology in Nieuwersluis, Netherlands. He and Mr - Morris presented posters at the Conference on the Biology and Conservation of Rare Fish at Lancaster.

Looking to the future4.Dr Pickeringis a member of the Organising Committee for the Second InternationalSymposium on Fish Endocrinology to be held in Brittany in 1992 and of the meeting on Pathological Conditions of Wild Salmonids to be held in Aberdeen in .1992. Mr Mann is on the Steering Committee of the Third Symposium on Ecology of Fluvial Fishes to be held in Warsaw in 1991. Dr Dawson is a Coordinator for theloint European/ American Conference on Aquatic Weeds to be held in Florida in 1992. Dr Winfield . is a member of the Organising Committee of Aquatic Birds 91 being arranged by the Canadian Wildlife Service in 1991. •

27 'The Freshwater Biological Association

Collaboration between the 11-E.andthe topics relevant to all aspects of the FBA colour poster on blue- FBAcontinues to be extremely fruitful. science of fresh waters. Additional green algae One additional research student has been material will consist of comments and The FBAhas published an attractive and appointed by the Association, Miss Sian discussion on articles appearing in informative full colour poster,,printed on and topical issues Davies, who will work under Dr Colin Freshwater Forum glossy art paper, size 51 x 76 cm (2 x 3 ft) Reynolds guidance on aspects of algal concerning human and environmental vertical, which is now available. It contains impacts on the freshwater environment. nutrition. The research project is funded 12 colour photographs, 10 of them by TESCO and has permitted ua to Brief articles interpreting published photothicrographs by Dr Hilda Canter- expand our collabOration with the material in a new light are welcome. Brief Lund FRPS, together with text:by Dr University of Manchester.• articles incorporating novel fmdings may . G Lund FRS. be accepted ifthey are put into During the year the FBAlaunched its new perspedtive, are considered to be timely, Posters cost £2.00 each and are publication, Freshwater Forum, which and draw attention to points of general dispatched rolled in cardboard tubes. supersedes the Annual Reports of the interest. The prime concerns are to inform Each tube will accommodate up to five Freshwater Biological Association, the last and stimulate further enquiry and posters. Postage and packing per tube is one being the 58th report published in comment, father than providing a vehicle £1.00, (£2.50 overseas). Cheque with June 1990. Henceforth, brief reports from for merely recording facts. order please, drawn on a UKbank, to the Director and Council of the FBA,and Department DWS, FBA,The Ferry House, accounts let the fmancial year, will be Aprize of £50 will be awarded each Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 OLP. •publiahed in FreshwaterThrum. This new calendar year for the best article publication will be issued irrthree parts submitted by a full-time undergraduate or Further details of FBApublications may be during its first year, in March, June and research student. Articles should cast an obtained from the same address. November 1991. H original vieW on some aspect of freshwater science. They should not Frehwater Forrifil will act as.a bulletin to exceed six printed pages in length, • keep members regularly informed of including tables, text-figures and events and issues of direct concern to references, and the text should be less members or of wider interest. It will also than 2000, words. cobtain review articles on a wide range of

28 Appendix 1 Finance and administration

Finance These reflect a notable achievement in Together with items of miscellaneous A summary of the financial accounts for that for the fest time the Instituteis income (659k). these financed the the year ended 31 March 1991 is shown in commissioned earnings (62,164k) increased total cash spend of 813,388k the pie-charts, together with the significantly exceeded the Science (1989/90 i',2.765k). comparative figures for 1989/90. Budget funding for the year (61,165k).

INCOME NERC Science Budget Support £1,165k 34.4% (£1,224k 44.3%)

1990/91 44;S:C0C.

ats:"Zt"g:4;:tlCmi. sCCCSS$St.VVVVCCC. SCCS:CCCCCCCC4C4,..-


• Sales and Miscellaneous Income £59k 1.7% (£74k 2.7%)

[7:71Public Sector £1,438k 42.4% (£1,148k 41.5%) Private Sector £612k 18.1% EEC (£310k 11.2%) Ell4k 3.4% (£9k 0.3%) Commissioned Research £2,164k 63.9% (£1,467k 53%)

EXPENDITURE Staff Costs £2,006k 59.2% (£1,763k 63.8%)



0 Special Apparatus £274k 8.1% (178k 2.8%) Sub-contracted Research £1071c 3.2% (£119k 4.3%) El Laboratory Maintenance £1,001k 29.5% (£805k 29.1%)

29 Relationship to UK Research Council structure

IFE is a compOhent body of the Natural Environment Research Council and was formed in April 1989 when NERC Department of undertook the management of the Education & laboratories of the Freshwater Biological Science Association. FE and FBA are closely interlinked and have over 60 years experience of all aspects of freshwater research Their relationship to the UK Research Council structure is shown below. Advisory Board for the Research Councils

Natural Science & Agriculture & Food Economic & Social Environment Medical Engineering


Marine & Terrestrial & Earliciences Atmospheric Freshwater Scientific Services Sciences Sciences •

Institutes & Universities

Ilristituteof Institute of Virology Terrestrial • Institute of & Environmental University units Ecology Hydrology Microbiology

INSTITUTE OF Freshwater FRESHWATER BiologiCal ECOLOGY Association

jlorthern Southern Division Division

Windermere Edinburgh ITeesdale River Eastern Rivers Laboratory LaboratoryLa bor atory Laboratory Laboratory

30 IFE Management/Administration/Services A MrFinance C J Moikes

Miss K M Atkinson fl Management assistance

Mrs M Thompson Secretarial services

Head, Northern Division, iDr A D Pickering Mr F R Ohnstad Laboratory services

Mr M A Rouen Electronics Prof J Gwynfryn Jones Director (IFE & FBA) Mr I Pettman Library

Mr J Morgan Laboratory services Prof A D Berrie Head, Southern Division 4 Ei Mrs D M Morton 4 Secretarial services

IFE Science Panel structure and Dr E W Tipping Physico-chemical processes in catchments 4 Dr W Davison

Dr J M Elliott Fish population CIVnamicsand management

i Dr A D Pickering Dr B I Finlay Head, Northern Division I Microbes in the aquatic environment

Assessment and prediction of changes. m the aquatic environment . iDr A E Bailey-Watts

Dr C S Reynolds Prof J Gwynfryn Jones Management of lakes and reservoirs Director 1 (IFE & FBA)

Dr M Ladle River ecosystem processes

Prof A D Berrie Dr L C V Pinder• • Head, Southern Division Ecology of large lowland rivers 4

Dr I F Wright Land-river interactions 4

31 Appendix 2 Staff list

Management/Administration Fish population dynamics and management Director Prof I G Jones Grade 5 Project Leader Dr J M Elliott Grade 6 Dr D T Crisp Grade 7 Head Northern Division Dr A D Pickering Grade 6 DrT G Pottinger SSO Head Southern Division Prof A D Berrie Grade 6 Dr IJ Winfield SSO Mr P R Cubby HSO Management assistance Miss K M Atkinson HSO Mrs P A Tullett HSO Pt Miss J M Fletcher SO Secretary to Director Mrs M Thompson E0 Miss T Moran SO Miss E Baroudy RS Secretarial services Mrs S Smethurst PSec Miss P Campbell RS (Windermere) Mrs Y Dickens TYPI Miss KRoss TY Miss D Grocock SBI Microbes in the aquatic environment (River Laboratory) Mrs D M Morton E0 Project Leader Dr BJ Finlay Grade 7 Mrs V B Palmer AO Pt Dr G H Hall SSO Mr B M Simon SSO SE0 Finance Officer Mr C J Moakes Dr R W Pickup SSO Mr K] Clarke SSO Finance and . Miss P Parry E0 SO Pt establishments Miss B Grant AO Mrs R M Hindle Mrs H E H Mallinson ASO Management of lakes and reservoirs Miss P Broadbent RS Project Leader Dr C S Reynolds Grade 6 Miss S Brown RS Dr D G George Grade 7 Miss B Guhl RS Dr S C Maberly SSO Mr W Hiorns RS Dr L May SSO Miss KLawlor R.S Miss C Butterwick HSO Dr ] A W Morgan* RF Ms D P Hewitt HSO Mr ] Porter RS Dr A E Irish HSO Mr A Kirika HSO Culture Dr] G Day SSO Mr A A Lyle HSO Collection for Miss S Brown SO Mr KH Morris HSO Algae and Miss M M Devine SO Miss P S Davies RS Protozoa Ms J Tompkins AO Pt Mrs A Cook ASO Pt Assessment and prediction of changes in the aquatic environment Project Leader Dr A E Bailey-Watts Grade 7 Physico-chentical processes in catchments Dr E Y Haworth Grade 7 Project Leaders (Dr W Davison Grade 6 •Mrs M A Hurley SSO Pt (Dr E W Tipping Grade 7 Mr G H MJaworsld SSO Dr P A Carling Grade 7 Miss J E Corry SO Dr P A Cranwell Grade 7 Mrs J V Roscoe SO Pt Dr J Hilton Grade 7 Miss C Bryant RS Mr T R Carrick SSO Miss ] A Taylor RS Mr C P Woof SSO Mrs] P Lishman HSQPt Ecology of large lowland rivers Mr E Rigg HSO Project Leader Dr L C V Pinder Grade 7 Mr M S Glaister SO Dr A F H Marker Grade 7 Mr M T R Hill SO Mr R H K Mann Grade 7 Mr J B James ASO Mr JA B Bass SSO Miss H G On ASO Mr D V Leach SO Miss P Southern ASO Mr G D Collett SO Mr A Kelsey RS Mr A C Pinder ASO Mr M McGrath RS Dr G H Copp* RF Mr J Smith RS Land-river interactions Project Leader Dr J F Wright Grade 7 Dr P D Armitage Grade 7 Mr M T Furse Grade 7 Mr J.14Blackburn HSO MI R J M Gunn HSO Mrs J M Winder SO -Mrs K L Symes - ASO

32 River ecosystem processes Abbreviations: Project Leader Dr M Ladle Grade 7 ALib Assistant Librarian Mr H Casey Grade 7 AO Administrative Officer Mr R T Clarke Grade 7 ASO Assistant Scientific Officer Dr F H Dawson Grade 7 EO Executive Officer Dr W A House Grade 7 GO Graphics Officer - Dr ] S Welton Grade 7 HPTO Higher Professional & Technical Officer Mr I S Farr SSO HSO Higher Scientific Officer Mr W R C Beaumont HSO Ind Industrial Mr P Henville HSO PGSE Process & General Supervisory E Dr R M K Saunders HSO PSec Personal Secretary Mrs S M Smith HSO Pt Part-time Mr D R Orr SO no Professional & Technical Officer Mr A G Shand SO RF Research Fellow Mr I D Hooper RS Rs Research Student Mr A T Ibbotson* RS SBI Support Band I Mr J R Marchesi RS SEO Senior Executive Officer Mr A] Spink RS SLib Senior Librarian Mr M R Taylor RS SO Scientific Officer SPTO Senior Professional & Technical Officer Laboratory services SSO Senior Scientific Officer Windermere Mr F R Ohnstad SPTO Ty Typist • •Laboratory Mr P V Allen HSO FBA- not IFE establishment Mr M A Rouen HSO Mr T I Furness GO Mr B M Godfrey PTO Mr D I Aspinall PTO Mr J Crompton PrO Mr P M Hodgson no Mr G Gregson Ind Mrs] Gregson Ind Miss N Lund Ind Library Mr I Penman SLib Miss] V Bird ALib Miss S Scobie ALib Mrs KCrompton AO Mrs KJ Pearson AO Pt Mrs JH Dobson SO Pt Miss A Benningt RF

Fritsch Collection of Algal Illustrations Honorary Curator Dr ] W G Lund* Mrs E G Devlin* Mrs E Monaghan*

River Laboratory Mr ] Morgan HPTO Mr B E Dear SO Mr S C Shinn PGSE Mr G A Richards Ind Mrs J Whitmarsh Ind Pt

33 Appendix 3 Project list

Management of lakes and reservoirs Development of a model of flow relating Project T04050-5 at Windeimere and Edinburgh hydrological and morphological properties of Laboratories channels in order to predict sedimentation Programme [Irbil Management of aquatic ecosystems and transport of particulates. dissolved Leader C S Reynolds pollutants and dynamics of phytoplankton. Funding Science budget/commission/miscellaneous Determination of seasonal and spatial consultancies patterns of abundance of invertebrates and Objectives To obtain greater resolution and experience in larval and juvenile cyprinid fish in the Great all biological aspects of stored-water quality, Ouse and relating these to factors such as including methodology development, tracing channel morphology, vegetation, water physical water movements, chemical recycles velocity, management, recreational and pelagic population dynamics. To develop pressures and pesticides. comPutational methods for predicting and Examination of the effects of changes in light applying state-of-the-art Imowledge to practical chmate, due to turbidity, on the growth and problems. development of macrophytes and phytoplankton in the Great Ouse

Assessment and prediction of changes in the aquatic environment Project T04051-5 at Windermere, Edinburgh and River Land-river interactions Laboratories Project T04053-5 at River and Windermere Laboratories Programme TI-b1 Management of aquatic ecosystems Programme TFS4 Management of aquatic ecosystems Leader A E Bailey-Watts Leader J F Wright Funding Science budget/commission Funding Science budget/commission Objectives a) The acquisition of physical, chemical and biological data from diverse aquatic Objectives This project, which is heavily commissioned, Includes strategic and applied research in river ecosystems with the primary purpose of management, conservation, the impact of land- identifying and quantifying environmental use on river biota and environmental impact changes associated with man's activities, assessment. The relationship between catchment distinguishing man-made change from features/land use and the river biota is being natural variations and trends and giving early warning of undesirable effects. addressed through collaborative work with the To seek a better understanding of organisms Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE) and also through a new commission on headwater and fundamental processes within the aquatic streams. environment and to identify particular Current objectives include i) research on river variables, processes and aquatic management and pollution assessment which is environments which are sensitive to change. responsive to the requirements of the National To develop qualitative and quantitative Rivers Authority; ii) studies to provide the Nature models for the assessment and prediction of Conservancy Council with information on river change in aquatic ecosystems as influenced biota, techniques for site appraisal and methods by catchment perturbation for detecting the impact of river management To apply the Imowledge to the mitigation and procedures. iii) provision of a freshwater preferably prevention of problems attributed component to the 1990 Countryside Survey; iv) to cultural eutrophication, acidification and examination of the behaviour of pesticides in other results of human pressures. running waters and the impact of these and other pollutants on the fauna: v) development of a data- base on the biota and environmental conditions Ecology of large lowland rivers in Bntish rivers to service various sub•projects Project T04052-5 at Eastern Rivers and Windermere and ensure the availability of the data for future Laboratories uses (e.g. environmental impact assessments, Programme 11-b4Management of aquatic ecosystems long-term monitoring, climate change studies). Leader L C V Pinder Funding Science budget/commission Objectives The broad objectives are to quantify the physical, chemical and biological interactions within large lowland river systems and to develop models that describe these interactions and are capable of predicting the effects of changes in factors such as management and levels of pollution. Immediate, specific objectives include:-

34 Fish population dynamics and management Physico-chemical processes in catchments Project 1I1050-5 at Windermere, Edinburgh, River and Project 111052-5 at Windermere and River Laboratories Teesdale Laboratories Programme i'l-S11 Freshwater biology and chemistry Programme TFS1 I Freshwater biology and chemistry Leader W Davison and E W Tipping Leader J M Elliott Funding Science budget/commission Funding Science budget/commission Objectives a) To investigate the pathways and Objectives a) To obtain quantitative information on transformations of particulate and soluble variations in numbers. biomass, growth rates, chemical components in catchments. mortality rates, production rates, movements To further understanding of the fundamental and feeding of fish and their food organisms physical, chemical and biological processes in streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. To operating in soil waters, rivers and lakes. identify the extrinsic and intrinsic factors To develop quantitative models of individual affecting these variables and to develop processes and of physical and chemical mathematical models that can be used to ecosystems. predict quantitative changes in these River ecosystem processes variables. Particular emphasis is placed on Project 111053-5 at River and Windermere Laboratories populations of brown trout, pike, perch, chair Programme 11-b11Freshwater biology and chemistry and the rare coregomds (schelly, vendace). Leader M Ladle To elucidate the basic physiological and Funding Science budget/commission endocrinological changes that occur when Objectives This project includes strategic and applied fish are subjected to acute and chronic research into river ecosystem processes. The environmental stress, with special emphasis study area ranges from procedures designed to on survival, disease resistance, growth and measure the lanetics of chemical transport reproduction. To investigate methods for processes at the particle/water interface; through controlling the stress response by modifying physical, chemical and biological investigations the fish's environment or by selecting, for designed to improve management and breeding purposes, fish with low sensitivities understanding of plant communities in running to environmental stress. waters; studies of the environmental impact of To interpret and apply the results of the management activities including control above work so that they can be used for the measures for insect pests such as the Blandford scientific management and conservation of Fly; development of techniques for the stocks of freshwater fish and their determination of runs of migratory salmonid environments, especially in relation to human fishes and for the validation of fish counting perturbations such as eutrophication, installations; establishment of the natural patterns acidification, changes in land use and of recruitment and resource utilisation by coarse changes in climate. fishes and the solution of problems of classification, identity, distribution and population genetics in a wide range of aquatic organisms. Microbes in the aquatic environment Project 111051-5 at Windermere Laboratory Programme TFS I 1 Freshwater biology and chemistry Leader B J Finlay Funding Science budget/commission Objectives a) To investigate the identity, diversity, distribution and functional role of microbes and microbial processes in aquatic (especially freshwater) environments. b) The innovative exploitation of aquatic microbes with biotechnological potential. especially algae, protozoa and free-living prokaryotes.

35 Appendix 4 Publications

Armitage, P and Davies, A. 1989. A Clarke, R T, Welton, J S and Ladle, M. Elliott, J M. 1990. Mechanisms versatile laboratory stream with examples 1990. Estimation of larval feeding rates responsible for population regulation in of its use in-the investigation of invertebrate using normal linear models involving young migratory trout, Salmo 'rune III.The behaviour. Hydrobiol. Bull 23, 151-160. censored and truncated observations. J. role of territorial behaviour. j Anim. Ecol. appl. Stat. 17, 199-209. 59, 803-818. Armitage, P D and Blackburn, J H. 1990. Environmental stability and Compton, R G, Walker, C T, Unwin, P Elliott, J M. 1991. The effect of communities of Chironomidae (Diptera) in R and House W A. 1990. Dissolution temperature on egg hatching for three a regulated river. Regul. Rivers. Res. & Idnetics of Carrera marble, Portland stone populations of lsoperla grammatica and one Mgml 5. 319-328. and several limestones in acid waters. J. population of Isoperla nubecula chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 86, 849-854. (Plecoptera. Perlodidae). EntomologisIS Armitage, P D, Pardo, I, Purse, M T Gaz 42, 61-65. and Wright, J F. 1990. Assessment and Cowling, A J. 1991 Culturing marine prediction of biological quality A protozoa - session summary. In:Reid, P C Elliott, J M. 1991. Tolerance and demonstration of a Bnush et al. (eds). Protozoa and their role in marine resistance to thermal stress in juvenile macroinvertebrate-based method in two processes, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, NATO Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Freshwat. Riot Spanish rivers. Limnedca 6, 147-156. AS1Series, Vol.G25, 101-103. 25, 61-70.

Atkinson, K M and Haworth, E Y. 1990. Cranston, D R, Dillon, M E, Pinder, L Fenchel, T and Finlay, B J. 1990. Devoke Water and Loch Sionascaig: recent CV and Reiss, F. 1989. The adult males of Oxygen toxicity, respiration and environmental changes and the post- Chironominae (Dipteral Chironominae) of behavioural responses to oxygen in free- glacial overview. Phil Mans. R. Soc. Load. the Holarctic region - keys and diagnoses. living anaerobic ciliates J. gen. Microbiol (73)327, 349-355. Ent. scand. Suppl. 34, 353-502. 136, 1953-1959.

Bailey-Watts, A E. 1990. Eutrophicatiorr Crisp, D T. 1990. Some effects of Finlay, B J. 1990. Physiological ecology of assessment, research and management application of mechanical shock at varying free-living protozoa. In: Marshall, KC (ed), with special reference to Scotland's stages of development upon the survival Advances in microbial ecology, Von], New freshwaters. J. Instn Wat. envir. Mgmt 4, and hatching time of British salmonid eggs. York, Plenum, 1-35. 285-294. Hydrobiologia 194, 57-65. Ilintharn, T P and Carling, P A. 1989. Bailey-Watts, A E. 1990. Changes in Crisp, D T. 1990. Simplified methods of Manning's-N of composite roughness in Loch Leven phytoplankton associated with estimating daily mean stream water channels of simple cross-section. In:Yen, B the warm winter 1988/89. [Abstract] Verh. temperature Freshwat. Biol.23, 457-462. C (S.), Proc. Int. Conf Channel Flow and 24, 567. int. Verein. theor. angew Limnol. Catchment Runoff 22-26 May 1989, Crisp, D T. 1990. Water temperature in a Barbosa, F A R. 1989. Evidence from stream gravel bed and implications for Universityof Virgma, 518-529. algal bioassays of seasonal nutrient salmonid incubation. Freshwat. BioL23, Fryer, G. 1991. Functional morphology limitations in two English lakes 601-612. and the adaptive radiation of the Hydnobiologia 188/189, 211-228. Crisp, D T, Mann, R H K, Cubby, P R Daphniidae (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) Bass, J. 1990. Some records of black flies and Robson, S. 1990. Effects of Phil Mans. R Soc. B 331, 1-99. (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Co. Kerry. Ir. impoundment upon trout (Salmo UvIta) in Hall, G H, Jones, J G, Pickup, R W and Nat] 23, 305-309. the basin of Cow Green Reservoir. J. appl. Simon, B M. 1990. Methods to study the Ecol 27, 1020-1041. Bass, J A B and Brockhouse, C. 1990. A bacterial ecology of freshwater new British species of the Simulium vemum Davison, W. 1989. Electroanalytical environments. Meth. Microbiol. 22, 181- Group, with comments on its ecology and techniques. In: Allen, S E (ed). Chemkal 209. life history (Diptera: Sirnuliidae). Aqual. analysis of ecological materials 2nd edn, Insects12, 65-84. Oxford, Blackwell, 265-271. Hatai, K, Willoughby, L G and Beakes, G W. 1990. Some characteristics of Brockhouse, C, Bass, J A B and Straus, Davison, W. 1990. Treatment of acid Saprolegnia obtained from fish hatcheries N A. 1989. Chromocentre polymorphism waters by inorganic bases, fertilizers and in Japan Mycol Res 94, 182-190. in polytene chromosomes of Simulium organic material. Trans.Instn Mm. Metall costalum (Diptera: Simaidae). Genome (A.) 99, 153-157. Haworth, E Y. 1990.Algal changes during 32, 510-515. the Holocene: records from a maritime, Davison, W and Woof, C. 1990. The montane region in Bmain. Ser biol Univ. Carling, P A. 1990. Particle over-passing dynamics of alkalinity generation by an lm. Adama Mickiewicza Poznaniu NR.43, on depth-limited gravel bars. anoxic sediment exposed to acid water. 32-36. Sedimentology 37, 345-355. Wat. Res. 24, 1537-1543. Haworth, E Y. 1990. Diatom name Carling, P A. 1991. An appraisal of the Dawson, F H, Clinton, E M F and validation. Diatom Res. 5, 195-196. velocity-reversal hypothesis for stable Ladle, M. 1990. Invertebrates on cut pool-riffle sequences in the River Severn, weed removed during weed-cutting Hilton, J. 1990. Greigite and the magnetic England. Earth Surf Process Landfonns 16, operations along an English river, the River properties of sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 19-31. Frome. Aquacult. Fish Mg-mt 22, 113-121. 35, 509-520.

36 House, W A. 1990 The prediction of Mills, C A, Heaney, S I, Butterwick, C, Robe, W E and Griffiths, H. 1990. phosphate coprecipitation with calcite in Corry, J E and Elliott, J.M. 1990 Lake Photosynthesis of Littorella uniflora grown freshwaters. Wat Res. 24, 1017-1023. enrichment and the status of Windermere under two PAR regimes: C2 and CAM gas charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.)J. FishBiol. exchange and the regulation of internal Humpesch, U H and Elliott, J M. (eds). (Suppl. A) 37, 167-174. CO2 and 02 concentrations. Oecologia 85, 1990. Methods of biological sampling in a 128-136. large deep river - the Danube in Austria Mills, C A. 1989. The Wmdermere Wass. Abwass. (Suppl) 2/90, 83 pp. populations of Arctic Charr, Salvehnus Saunders, J R, Morgan, J A W, alpinus. Physic)].Ecol.,Japan Spec.Vol.1, Winstanley, C, Raitt, F C, Carter, P, 371-382. Koul, V K, Davison, W and Zutshi, D P. Pickup, R W, Jones, J G and Saunders, 1990. Calcite supersaturation in some V A. 1990. Genetic approaches to the subtropical, Kashmir, Himalayan lakes. Morgan, J A W, Winstanley, C, study of gene transfer in microbial Pickup, R W and Saunders, I R. Hydrobiologia 192, 215-222. 1990. communities. In: Fry, J C arid Day, M J Rapid immunocapture of Pseudomonas (eds), Bacterial genetics in natural putida cells from lake water by using environments, Chapman and Hall, London, Ladle, M and Radke, R. 1990..Burrowing bacterial flagella. Appl. envir Microbiol. 57, 3-21. and feeding behaviour of the larva of 503-509. Ephemera danica (Ephemeroptera: Spink, A J, Murphy, K J and Westlake, Ephemeridae). Entomologist's Gaz 41, Pickering, A D. 1990. Stress and the 113-118. D F. 1990. The effect of environmental suppression of somatic growth in teleost stress on the growth of Batrachian fish. In. Progress in Comparative Ranunculus species. Proc. EWRS 8111Symp Laybourn-Parry, J, Olver, J, Rogerson, Endocrinology, Wiley-Liss, 473-479. aqual. Weeds 1990, 193-198. A and Duverge, P L. 1990. The temporal and spatial patterns of protozooplankton Pickup, R W, Simon, B M, Jones, J G, abundance in a eutrophic temperate lake. Saunders, J R, Carter, J P, Morgan, J A Talbot, J D R, House, W A and Pethybridge, A D. 1990. Prediction of Hydrobiologia 203. 99-110. W, Winstanley, C and Raitt, F C. 1990. Survival of laboratory and freshwater the temperature dependence of electrical bacteria carrying an extrachromosomal conductance for river waters. Wat. Res. Maitland, P S, May, L, Jones, D H and 24. 1295-1304. Doughty, C R. 1991(1990). Ecology and xylE gene in freshwater microcosms. In- Fry, J C and Day. M J (eds), Baclenal conservation ofArctic charr, Salvelinus Tailing, J F. 1990. Diel and seasonal alpinus (L), in Loch Doon, an acidifying genetics in natural environments, Chapman and Hall, London, 89-99. energy transfer, storage and stratification loch in southwest Scotland. Biol.Conserv. in African reservoirs and lakes. Ergebn. 55, 167-197. Pickup, R W and Saunders, J R..1990. Limnol. 33, 651-660. Detection of genetically engmeered traits Maitland, P S and Lyle, A A. 1990. among bacteria in the environment. Trends Tipping, E, Reddy, M M and Hurley, Practical conservation of British fishes: Biotechnol 8, 329-335. M A. 1990. Modeling electrostatic and current action on six declining species. J. heterogeneity effects on proton Fish Biol. (SupplA) 37, 255-256. Pinder, L C V. 1989. The adult males of dissociation from humic substances. Ent/fr. Chironomidae (Diptera) of the Holarctic Technol. 24, 1700-1705. Maitland, P S, Lyle, A A and Barnett, I region - Introduction. Ent. scand. Suppl. 34, K 0. 1990. Status of the schelly, Coregonus 5-9. Tipping, E. 1990. Interactions of organic lavaretus (L.)in Red Tam, Cumbria. J. nat. acids with inorganic and organic surfaces. Hist 24, 1067-1074. Pottinger, T G. 1990. The effect of stress In: Perdue, E M and Gjessing, E T (eds), and exogenous cortisol on receptor-like Organic acids in aquatic ecosystems, Mann, R H K and Beaumont, W R C. binding of cortisol in the liver of rainbow Wiley, 209-221. 1990 Fast- and slow-growing pike, Esox trout. Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Gen. lucius L.,and problems of age- comp. Endocr. 78, 194-203. Tipping, E and Woof, C. 1990. Humic determinations from scales. Aquacult. Fish, substances in acid organic soils: Mgmt 21, 471-478. Pottinger, T G and Pickering A D. 1990. modelling their release to the soil solution The effect of cortisol administration on in terms of humic charge. I Soil Sol 41, hepatic and plasma estradiol-binding 573-586. Marshall, E J P and Westlalce, D F. capacity in immature female rainbow trout 1990. Water velocities around water plants (Oncorhynchus myldss). Gen. comp. in chalk streams. Winfield, I J and Wood, R B. 1990. Foliageobot. phytotaxon. Endocr. 80, 264-273. 25, 279-289. Conservation of the Irish pollan, Coregonus autumnalis pollen Reynolds, C S, White, M L, Clarke, R Thompson, in Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland. J. Fish McLellan, M R, Schrijneznakers, E W T and Marker, A F. 1990. Suspension Biol. (Suppl. A) M and Van hen, F. 1990. The responses and settlement of particles in flowing 37, 259-260. of four cultured plant cell lines to freezing water: comparison of the effects of and thawing in the presence or absence of varying water depth and velocity in cryoprotectant mixtures. Cryo-Lettersll. circulating channels. Freshwal. Biol. 24, 189-204. 23-34.

37 Notes

39 Addresses

The WE operates from five bases strategically placed around the country. The Headquarters are at the Windermere Laboratory and correspondence should be addressed to the appropriate site as follows:

Institute of Freshwater Ecology Institute of Freshwater Ecology Winderrnere Laboratory River Laboratory Far Sawrey East Stoke Ambleside Wareham Cumbria LA22 OLP Dorset 3H20 6BB

Telephone: 05394-42468 Telephone: 0929-962319 Telex: 94070416 WIND G Telex: 94070672 WARE G Facsimile: 05394-46914 Facsimile: 0929-462180

Contact: Dr A D Pickering Contact: Prof A D Berrie

Institute of Freshwater Ecology Institute of Freshwater Ecology Teesdale Laboratory . Eastern Rivers Laboratory do Northumbrian Water Monks Wood Experimental Station Lartington Treatment Works Abbots Ripton Lartington Huntingdon Barnard Castle Cambridgeshire PE17 21S Co Durham DLI2 90W Telephone: 04873-381 Telephone: 0833-50600 Telex: 32416 MON1TE G Facsimile: 0833-50827 Facsimile: 04873-467

Contact: Dr D T Crisp Contact: Dr L C V Pinder

Institute of Freshwater Ecology Edinburgh Laboratory Bush Estate Penicuik Midlothian EH26 OQB

Telephone: 031 -445-4393 Telex: 72579 BUSITE G Facsimile: 031-445-3943

Contact: Dr A E Bailey-Watts

The FBAcontinues to run a programme of basic research under ihe guidance of its Council. It also continues to provide services for its corporate and individual members and they are notified separately as to how the changes may affect them. Correspondence should be addressed:

Freshwater Biological Association The Ferry House Far Sawrey Ambleside Cumbria LA22 OLP

Telephone: 05394-42468 Telex: 94070416 WIND G Facsimile: 05394-46914

Contact: Prof J Gwynfryn Jones

Typeset and Printed by Bourne Press Limited, 3 - 11 Spring Road, Bournemouth 40 i

ISBN: 1 85531 056 2 Forfurtherinformation please contact: Institute of Freshwater Ecology Windermere Laboratory Far Sawrey Ambleside CumbriaLA22OLP UnitedKingdom rIblephone:(09662)2468/9

_ Environment Research A NaturalCouncil £6.00 net