
Evolution, 54(6), 2000, pp. 1862±1869


DAVID W. HALL,1 , AND BRIAN WEST Section of Integrative C0930, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 1E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. We introduce models for the runaway of female mating preferences and male display traits. The models generalize earlier results by allowing for direct on the preference, arbitrary forms of , and fairly general assumptions about the underlying . Results show that a runaway is less likely when there is direct selection on the preference, but that it is still possible if there is a suf®ciently large phenotypic correlation between the female's preference and the male's trait among mated pairs. Comparison of three preference functions introduced by Lande (1981) shows that open-ended preferences are particularly prone to a runaway, and that absolute preferences require very large differences between females in their preferences. We analyze the causes of the runaway seen in a model developed by Iwasa and Pomiankowski (1995).

Key words. Mating preferences, runaway, sexual selection.

Received December 31, 1999. Accepted June 29, 2000.

Why have females of some species evolved mating pref- selection acting on the pleiotropic effects of genes that affect erences for males with extreme secondary sexual traits? A mating preferences will also cause those genes to fall under mechanism that has been widely discussed was proposed by direct selection (Kirkpatrick 1982; 1985). Male parental care Fisher (1958, p. 152) in a famous but obscure passage. In generates direct selection on preferences because a female's modern terms, Fisher suggested that male display traits and mate choice affects her fecundity. Search costs may also lead female preferences will naturally become genetically corre- to direct selection on preference (Kirkpatrick 1985; Pomian- lated. As a result, further exaggeration of the male trait caused kowski 1987). These considerations have led to the sugges- by sexual selection will cause the preference itself to become tion that some kind of direct selection may be acting on more exaggerated as a correlated selection response. Because virtually all preference genes (Kirkpatrick and Ryan 1991; more exaggerated preferences in turn cause stronger sexual Ryan 1997). selection on the male trait, the preference and trait could Despite the large amount of work that has been done on coevolve in an explosive ``runaway process.'' Fisher's verbal the runaway process and on direct selection of preference logic was veri®ed much later by genetic models (O'Donald genes, we do not know how the two mechanisms interact. 1980; Lande 1981; Kirkpatrick 1982). We do know that if direct natural selection favors a particular Theoretical work since Fisher has revealed two key points value of the preference, then there is an equilibrium in which that he did not discuss (reviewed in Kirkpatrick and Ryan the preference lies at its favored value. At this equilibrium, 1991; Andersson 1994). The ®rst regards the outcome of the the male trait takes a value that is a compromise between the coevolution between the preference and male trait. Genetic forces of natural and sexual selection acting on the male trait models show that one possibility is that they will arrive at a (Lande 1981, eq. (10); Kirkpatrick 1985, eq. (12)). But is stable equilibrium point. However, if the genetic covariance this equilibrium always stable, or can an unstable runaway between the preference and trait is large enough, the equi- ensue if the genetic covariance becomes suf®ciently large? librium becomes unstable. In a landmark paper, Lande (1981) Intuitively, we might suspect that direct selection on the pref- discovered that in such a case, a rapid burst of will erence will make the equilibrium more stable and therefore follow in which the trait and preference evolve at an expo- make a runaway less likely. That conclusion has not, how- nentially increasing rate until is exhausted ever, been studied with a genetic model. or the intensity of natural selection becomes very severe. Another reason for revisiting the runaway is to learn more Lande identi®ed this unstable outcome with what Fisher de- about the conditions under which it will occur even when scribed verbally as the runaway process. Others have used there is no direct selection on the preference. Lande's (1981) runaway to indicate whether evolution of the male trait leads conclusions were developed in two stages. The ®rst assumes to exaggerated female preference at equilibrium, regardless that females choose males using one of three preference rules, of the equilibrium's stability, whereas Fisher did not make and that the additive genetic and phenotypic values for the that distinction. Generally, however, the term runaway now preference and trait are normally distributed. He then found refers to the outcome discovered by Lande in which a pop- the conditions for a runaway given known values for the ulation evolves rapidly away from an unstable equilibrium. genetic variances and covariance. A question we consider A second development since Fisher is the appreciation of here is when will a runaway occur if the characters are not other processes that can establish extreme mating preferenc- normally distributed and females choose their mates by any es. One important mechanism is natural selection acting di- kind of process. In the second stage of Lande's analysis, he rectly on the genes underlying a preference (Lande 1981; made detailed assumptions about the genes underlying the Kirkpatrick 1982; Bulmer 1989). Direct selection on pref- preference and trait. With those, he found that a runaway erence genes happens for many reasons. For example, natural occurs when rates at the preference loci are suf®- 1862 ᭧ 2000 The Society for the Study of Evolution. All rights reserved. RUNAWAY WITH DIRECT SELECTION 1863 ciently large. The genetic assumptions used in this second genetic covariance as a known quantity; later in the paper phase of the analysis, however, have been criticized as bi- we will calculate its size. ologically unrealistic (Turelli 1988). This paper investigates When the is near an equilibrium, the forces of when a runaway is possible under more general and perhaps directional selection acting on the male trait and female pref- realistic assumptions about the genetics. erence are weak. In that case, the changes in their means We begin by developing a model of the runaway that allows caused by one generation of selection are for direct selection on the preference and that makes fairly 11 general genetical and behavioral assumptions. Following ⌬¯¯t ϭ Gtt␤ (t, pÅ) ϩ G tpp␤ (pÅ), (1a) 22 Lande's approach, this section assumes that the critical ge- netic covariance between the preference and trait has a known 11 ⌬pÅ ϭ G ␤ (pÅ) ϩ G ␤ (¯t, pÅ). (1b) value. Analysis shows that direct selection of preference 22pp tpt genes does indeed stabilize the equilibrium, but that a run- Here G and G are the additive genetic variances and and away can still occur if the genetic covariance is big enough. t p ␤t ␤ are the directional selection gradients for the male trait Next, we use recent theoretical results that allow the genetic p and female preference, respectively. The ␤s represent the covariance to be calculated to determine when the runaway selective force restoring the population to the equilibrium, will occur under a broad range of mating behaviors. We then and are de®ned as the regression of lifetime relative ®tness return to the three preference rules introduced by Lande regressed onto the character value (see Lande and Arnold (1981) to ®nd when a runaway will occur under those con- 1983). At equilibrium the ␤s are equal to zero (assuming the ditions when there is direct selection on the preference. The preference and trait are not perfectly correlated). The selec- analytic results are checked by simulations. Finally, we use tion gradient on the male trait is a of the mean these results to study the runaway in a model of cycling preference pÅ as well as the mean trait Åt because male ®tness sexual selection introduced by Iwasa and Pomiankowski depends in part on sexual selection caused by the preference. (1995). The factors of 1/2 are present due to the sex-limited expres- sion of both characters. THE MODEL Equations (1) hold for any intensity of selection if the additive genetic values for the trait and preference are nor- Consider a species with two sex-limited characters, a male mally distributed in the population. They hold much more trait with mean Åt and a female preference with mean pÅ. The generally, however, as long as directional selection is weak female preference can be any character that in¯uences her and the genes affecting the characters have additive effects choice of mate. We make no assumptions about how mate (T. Johnson and M. Kirkpatrick, unpubl. data). Because we choice works or what the is, only that pairing are interested in how the population evolves near an equi- is controlled by the females. Females that differ in their pref- librium, directional selection is necessarily weak and so the erence differ in the likelihood that they will mate with a male following results apply whenever the more general genetic with a given trait value. Thus, for our purposes a ``prefer- assumptions outlined above are met. Without losing any gen- ence'' is any phenotype expressed by females that affects the erality, it is convenient to choose a scale of measurement probabilities that they will mate with different types of males. that sets the equilibrium values of the male trait and female Direct selection on preference genes causes a female's pref- preference equal to zero. erence to affect her survival and fecundity. For simplicity we assume that selection on preferences is not affected by the The Runaway Condition distribution of the male trait. The model could be easily ex- In a runaway process, a population that is close to the tended to those situations, however, and we expect that the equilibrium will move farther away from it. We can determine qualitative conclusions will not be changed. We take the when that will happen with a linear stability analysis. Lin- convention that the preference is measured in such a way earizing the selection gradients around the equilibrium using that larger values of pÅ favor larger values of the male trait. a Taylor expansion gives: Genetic variation in the preference and trait is caused by 11 genes with additive effects (i.e., no dominance or epistasis). ⌬¯¯t ϭϪ Gktϩ (Gk Ϫ Gk)pÅ 22tt ttp tpp The genes are autosomal, and there can be either haploid or diploid inheritance. There can be any number of loci, and no ϩ terms of order ¯t 22, pÅ , (2a) restriction is made on the distribution of allelic effects or the 11 linkage relations between the loci. The genetic covariance ⌬pÅ ϭϪ Gkt¯ ϩ (Gk Ϫ Gk)pÅ 22tp t tp tp p p between the trait and preference is denoted Gtp. This co- variance arises naturally from the nonrandom mating between ϩ terms of order ¯t 22, pÅ , (2b) females with extreme preferences and males with extreme traits. Nonrandom mating produces linkage disequilibrium where between loci affecting the trait and those affecting the pref- ␦␦ kttϭϪ ␤(¯¯t, pÅ), k tptϭ␤(t, pÅ), erence; the trait-preference covariance produced this way is ␦¯t ␦pÅ independent of the genetic linkage between the loci (Lande 1981; Kirkpatrick 1982; Barton and Turelli 1991; Kirkpatrick ␦ k ϭϪ ␤(pÅ), (3) and Barton 1997). At this point we will simply view the pp␦pÅ 1864 DAVID W. HALL ET AL. and all the derivatives are evaluated at the equilibrium Åt ϭ correlation between a preference and male trait under the pÅ ϭ 0. The sizes of kt and kp measure the strength of natural general assumptions about genetics and behavior that we have and sexual selection restoring the trait and preference to their made in this paper. From that result it follows immediately equilibrium values. Stabilizing selection on the male trait and that the genetic covariance Gtp is female preference implies k and k are both positive: stronger t p GG natural selection occurs against trait or preference values fur- 1 tp Gtpϭ␳ tp , (6) ther from the optimum. The value of ktp measures how rapidly 2 ␴␴tp a change in the mean preference increases the strength of where ␴t and ␴p are the phenotypic standard deviations for sexual selection acting on a male trait and is thus assumed the male trait and female preference respectively. The pa- to be positive. For there to be a stable equilibrium there must rameter ␳tp is the phenotypic correlation between the pref- be net stabilizing selection on the preference and/or male erence in females and trait value in males among breeding trait. pairs. This correlation can in principle be measured empir- Equations (2) can be used to form a stability matrix whose ically. It can also be calculated if one assumes particular rules leading eigenvalue is: for how females choose males, as we will do below. The 1 approximations leading to Equation (6) assume the correla- ␭ϭ [ϪGkt tϩ Gk tp tpϪ Gk p p 4 tion is weak (␳tp K 1), implying that individual females do not vary greatly in their preferences. 22 ϩ ͙(Gkt tϪ Gk tp tpϩ Gk p p) Ϫ 4(GG t pϪ G tp)kk t p ]. Equation (6) can now be substituted into Equation (5) to (4) give an expression for runaway in terms of the phenotypic correlation between the preference in females and trait value The eigenvalue can be real or complex. When it is real, sta- in males among breeding pairs: bility is implied whenever Ϫ2 Ͻ␭Ͻ0. When it is complex, stability is implied whenever ͦ1 ϩ␭ͦ Ͻ 1. If the stabilizing 2␴␴tp(Gk ttϩ Gk pp) component of selection acting on the preference and male ␳tp Ն . (7) kGGtp t p trait is weak, Equation (4) can be simpli®ed by neglecting the second term under the square root sign. Such an approx- This is a reasonably general result for the conditions under 2 which a runaway will happen. It allows for any form of female imation is valid whenever (Gtpktp Ϫ Gtkt Ϫ Gpkp) k 4(GtGp 2 choice and direct selection on the preference. It should also Ϫ G tp)ktkp, and based on our simulation results, seems to work reasonably well even when this inequality is not met. hold regardless of what maintains genetic variation in the With this approximation, the equilibrium is unstable, and preference and trait so long as those forces are weak. The runaway occurs, when: main simplifying assumptions leading to Equation (7) are that the genes have additive effects, that the strength of se- Gkttϩ Gk pp lection returning the population to the equilibrium is weak, Gtp Ն . (5) ktp and that females do not differ greatly in their preferences. This result shows that a runaway is possible even in the Our analysis has focussed on the stability of the mean presence of direct selection acting on the preference. A run- preference and trait. In principle, an analysis of the full ge- netic system (including all the allele frequencies and linkage away is easy to trigger (i.e., a smaller genetic covariance Gtp is required) when stabilizing selection on the male trait and disequilibria) could reveal cases where our results suggest an equilibrium is stable when in fact it is unstable. That is, female preference are weak (kt and kp are small) and when small changes in the preference have a large effect on the we have found criteria that are suf®cient but perhaps not necessary for instability. The simulation results presented force of sexual selection experienced by males (ktp is large). below, however, suggest that the the criteria given here are When there is no direct selection on the preference, then kp ϭ 0 and Equation (5) is identical to the condition obtained in fact quite accurate. by Lande (1981, eq. (12) with kt/ktp ϭ␣ϩ⑀). Thus, his conclusions about the runaway when preferences are selec- Runaway with Speci®c Preference Functions tively neutral do not depend on his assumption that breeding Lande (1981) analyzed the runaway assuming that females values for the preference and trait are normally distributed. choose males according to one of three speci®c preference These conclusions hold regardless of how the genetic co- rules. In this section we calculate the correlation ␳ under variance between the preference and trait is maintained. The tp these preference rules and combine the results with those most interesting (and perhaps common) way that the co- from the last section to determine when runaway occurs with variance develops is from the linkage disequilibrium that direct selection. naturally develops between preferences and male traits. The Females exhibiting psychophysical preference have open- next section considers this possibility. ended preferences for males with more extreme trait values. Speci®cally, a female with preference value p has a prefer- Evolution of the Covariance ence for a male with trait value t that is proportional to exp{t We now ask when a runaway will occur if the key genetic p}. Females with absolute preference most prefer males that covariance Gtp is caused entirely by the linkage disequilib- match their pre-existing search image, and their preference rium that naturally develops between trait and preference loci. falls off symmetrically on either side of this most preferred Kirkpatrick and Barton (1997, eq. (10)) found the genetic male. Speci®cally, a female's preference is proportional to RUNAWAY WITH DIRECT SELECTION 1865

TABLE 1. The phenotypic correlation ␳tp of the preference in females TABLE 2. The values for the ks that determine stability of the equi- and the trait in males across mating pairs for Lande's (1981) three librium for each of the three preference functions (see eq. (3)). These 22 preference functions. The genetic covariance Gtp, obtained from Equa- are weak selection approximations that assume␴ppK ␻ and 222 tion (6), is also given. These are weak selection approximations that ␴ttK ␻ , ␯ . 22 assume␴t K ␯ .

kt ktp kp Psychophysical Absolute Relative 1 1 Psychophysical 1 ␴␴tp ␴␴tp ␴␴tp 2 2 ␻t ␻p ␳tp 22 422 422 ͙1 ϩ␴␴tp ͙␯ϩ␴␴tp ͙␯ϩ␴␴tp ␯ϩ␻22 1 1 Absolute t 22 2 2 GGtp GGtp GGtp ␯␻t ␯ ␻p Gtp 22 422 422 2͙1 ϩ␴␴tp 2͙␯ϩ␴␴tp 2͙␯ϩ␴␴tp 1 1 1 Relative 2 2 2 ␻t ␯ ␻p exp{Ϫ(t Ϫ p)2/2␯2}, where p is the trait value she most prefers and ␯ measures the range of trait values around p that a female 22 GGtpGtt(v ϩ␻ ) G p will readily accept. Females exhibiting relative preference 0 ϽϪ Ϫ (8b) 2vv4222␻␻ base their preference on the distribution of males in the pop- tp ulation. A female with preference p most prefers males whose Relative: trait value t is p above the average male. Her preference is GG G proportional to exp{Ϫ[t Ϫ (p ϩ Åt*)]2/2␯2}, where Åt*isthe tpGt p 0 ϽϪϪ422 (8c) mean trait among males that are available to mate and ␯ again 2v ␻␻tp re¯ects the range of males around her most preferred type These results show that a runaway is possible with all three that a female will readily accept. preference functions even when there is direct selection on For all three preference functions, the frequency of females the preference. As one would anticipate, however, runaway with preference p mating with males with trait value t is becomes increasingly less likely as the strength of stabilizing bivariate normally distributed, and the correlation coef®cient natural selection on the preference and male trait become for this distribution is readily obtained. This coef®cient is 22 stronger (that is,␻␻pt and become smaller). A runaway is the correlation between the male trait and the female pref- possible if the genetic variances of the trait and preference erence among mated pairs, ␳tp. Table 1 gives its value for are suf®ciently large. This is the fundamental explanation for the three preference functions as well as the genetic covari- Lande's (1981) ®nding that a runaway will occur if the mu- ances that they produce. tation rate at preference loci is suf®ciently large. To determine when a runaway will occur, we also need With psychophysical and relative preferences, Equations the ks that appear in Equation (7). To do that, we need to (8a) and (8c) show that as long as there is genetic variation make an assumption about the form of natural selection. for the preference and trait a runaway will be triggered if Lande (1981) assumed there is stabilizing natural selection natural selection on the characters is suf®ciently weak. The on the male trait that takes the form of a gaussian function propensity of psychophysical preferences to trigger runaways 2 with variance␻t . To that we will add the assumption that was noted by Lande (1981). A runaway is much more dif®cult the ®tness function acting on the preference in females is to initiate, however, when preferences are absolute. The rea- 2 proportional to a gaussian function with variance␻p . Thus son is that absolute preferences exert stabilizing selection on the intensity of stabilizing natural selection on the female the male trait. preference and male trait becomes stronger as the values of Even in the absence of any natural selection on the pref- 22 ␻␻ptand decrease, respectively. With these assumptions and erence or male trait, Equation (8b) shows that absolute pref- results in Lande (1981), the selection gradients ␤ and ␤ can 2 t p erences require Gp Ͼ 2␯ for a runaway to happen. That be calculated directly, and from them the ks. These results implies that differences among females in the males that they are given in Table 2. (These results can be generalized to most prefer are much larger than the range of males that any 2 ®tness functions that are not gaussian. The␻p s that appear single female will ®nd acceptable. Although possible, it 2 2 in the following expressions are replaced by Ϫ1/{(d /dp ) seems on biological grounds that this is probably very rarely ln[wp(p)]}, where wp is the ®tness function for the preference the case. The conditions only become less plausible when and the derivative is evaluated at the preference equilibrium. the stabilizing effects of natural selection on the male trait 2 The␻t s are replaced by the analogous expression for the and preference are included in the model. In short, a runaway male trait.) may be implausible in species that have absolute preferences. The conditions for runaway under the three preference rules are found by substituting the ks into equation (6), which Simulations gives To test the accuracy of our analytic approximations, we Psychophysical: compared them with results from a simulation model. This simulation is based on the ``in®nitesimal model'' of inher- 1 Gt Gp 0 Ͻ GG ϪϪ (8a) itance (Fisher 1918; Bulmer 1971). Genetic variation in the 2 tp ␻␻22 tp preference and male trait is assumed to be caused by a large Absolute: (effectively in®nite) number of unlinked loci with equivalent 1866 DAVID W. HALL ET AL.

TABLE 3. Comparison of analytic approximations and simulation re- Runaway in the Iwasa-Pomiankowski Model sults for the conditions leading to a runaway. The simulation is based on the in®nitesimal model of inheritance, as described in the text. The Iwasa and Pomiankowski (1995) introduced a model of the genetic variances for the male trait and preference, Gt and Gp, were runaway that includes biased mutation that exerts a direc- determined by simulation and account for linkage and Hardy-Weinberg tional force on the mean male trait. The model is interesting disequilibria. Females have psychophysical preferences (and so k ϭ tp because it shows unusual dynamics. Under some conditions, 1). The analytic approximation for the genetic covariance, Gtp, is based on Equation (6). Approximations for the minimum strength of stabi- a population will rapidly runaway from the equilibrium, then lizing selection on the preference (threshold kp) that will prevent a slowly return. This cycle repeats inde®nitely. runaway, kp (1) and kp (2), are based on Equations (4) and (5), re- A major conclusion of the paper is that biased mutation spectively, using the analytic approximation for the genetic covariance. In all simulations we assume that the of the male trait and can stabilize an equilibrium that would otherwise show run- female preference are both equal to 0.5. An asterisk indicates that the away. In this section we show that the underlying reason for equilibrium is predicted to be stable for all values of kp. their ®nding has nothing to do with biased mutation per se. Instead, it depends on the strength of stabilizing selection, Parameters Analytic approximations Simulation results in accord with the results developed above. Biased mutation

kt Gt Gp Gtp kp (1) kp (2) Gtp kp (3) shifts the location of the equilibrium, which in turn changes 0.01 1.26 0.108 0.055 0.40 0.39 0.061 0.43 the intensity of stabilizing natural selection acting on the 0.01 1.19 0.085 0.043 0.37 0.36 0.046 0.38 preference and male trait. It is the change in stabilizing se- 0.01 1.13 0.063 0.031 0.32 0.32 0.033 0.33 lection that affects the stability of the equilibrium. 0.01 1.08 0.041 0.020 0.24 0.24 0.021 0.24 First we will show that the analysis developed above cor- 0.01 1.04 0.020 0.010 * * 0.010 * 0.01 0.96 0.107 0.043 0.32 0.31 0.046 0.33 rectly predicts the stability properties of the Iwasa-Pomian- 0.01 0.68 0.105 0.032 0.24 0.24 0.033 0.25 kowski model. They assumed a particular natural selection 0.01 0.43 0.103 0.021 0.16 0.16 0.021 0.16 ®tness function in which the male trait is selectively neutral 0.01 0.21 0.102 0.010 * 0.08 0.010 0.08 at its viability optimum but is very strongly selected when 0.02 1.25 0.109 0.055 0.28 0.27 0.061 0.30 0.02 1.18 0.086 0.043 0.23 0.22 0.046 0.24 it deviates from the optimum: 0.02 1.12 0.063 0.031 0.14 0.14 0.033 0.15 w(t) ϭ exp{Ϫct4} (9) 0.02 1.07 0.042 0.021 * * 0.021 * 0.02 1.03 0.020 0.010 * * 0.010 * They further assumed psychophysical preferences, weak se- 0.02 0.95 0.107 0.043 0.23 0.22 0.046 0.24 0.02 0.68 0.105 0.031 0.17 0.17 0.033 0.18 lection on the preferences, and small phenotypic variances. 0.02 0.43 0.103 0.020 0.12 0.12 0.021 0.12 The per generation change in the mean trait caused by mu- 0.02 0.21 0.102 0.010 * 0.06 0.010 0.06 tational bias is denoted u. Using their assumptions, we can determine the equilibrium and then calculate the ks and the genetic covariance Gtp at the equilibrium. Substituting those values into Equation (5) effects. Exact recursion equations can be derived that account gives the conditions required for the equilibrium to be un- for the evolution of the genetic variances for the preference stable. Runaway occurs when the mutational bias is less than and male trait as well as the genetic covariance between them a critical threshold: 3 (Kirkpatrick 1996). 1 Gp u Ͻ . (10) The simulation results presented in Table 3 are chosen to 12␻2 6c make two comparisons. First, the analytic approximation for p Ί the genetic covariance Gtp between the female preference and This is exactly Equation (6) of Iwasa and Pomiankowski male trait from Equation (6) shows good agreement with the (1995) (albeit with two trivial changes in notation). simulation results. The analytic approximation improves as Two conclusions follow. First, this exercise serves as a the genetic variance in the male trait or female preference check on our work, as we can rederive a previous result using our framework. Second, it reveals the underlying cause of declines. Second, the analytic approximation for Gtp is then used with Equations (4) and (5) to ®nd the minimum strength why biased mutation affects stability in the Iwasa-Pomian- of stabilizing selection (threshold k ) on the preference need- kowski model. Equation (10) was found by considering only p the strength of stabilizing selection on the preference and ed to prevent a runaway. The predicted threshold k is com- p trait at the equilibrium. Biased mutation exerts a directional pared to the value obtained from the simulation. These pre- force on the male trait, which changes its equilibrium value. dictions are more accurate when the error in the covariance It also generates indirect selection on the preference, chang- is small and when selection on the male trait is weak. The ing the preference equilibrium, which in turn affects the shape third result from the simulations, for which data are not of the sexual ®tness function for males. The net result in shown, is that for parameter combinations that give a thresh- some cases is to move the equilibrium from a point where old kp close to zero, the analytical approximation does less stabilizing selection prevents a runaway to one where it does well. This is because the error in the estimation of the co- not. These effects are illustrated in Figure 1. variance becomes large relative to the absolute value of the Under the ®tness function of Equation (9), increasing mu- threshold kp. From these results, we conclude that the analytic tational bias will inhibit a runaway. However, the opposite approximations are performing well throughout most of the result can occur: biased mutation can actually trigger a run- region of the parameter space where they are predicted to do away. With a male ®tness function that has a different shape well (weak selection and small genetic covariance). than Equation (9), increasing mutation can shift the equilib- RUNAWAY WITH DIRECT SELECTION 1867

FIG. 1. The ®tness function for males (including both natural and sexual selection) when the mean male trait is at equilibrium in the FIG. 2. A male ®tness function that produces a stable equilibrium model of Iwasa and Pomiankowski (1995). (Top) The ®tness func- when there is no mutation bias but that causes a runaway when mutation bias is introduced. The male trait viability function is w(t) tion when there is no biased mutation, u ϭ 0. The arrow shows the 2 4 8 location of the unstable equilibrium. Note that the ®tness function ϭ exp{Ϫ0.07t ϩ 2.5t Ϫ 1000t } in place of Equation (9). (Top) is neutral (¯at) at the equilibrium. (Bottom) The ®tness function The ®tness function with no biased mutation, u ϭ 0. The arrow with biased mutation, u ϭ 0.000108. The arrow shows the position shows the location of the stable equilibrium. (Bottom) The ®tness of the stable equilibrium. Note that the ®tness function is stabilizing function with biased mutation, u ϭ 0.0061. Arrow indicates the (concave downward) at the equilibrium. Other parameter values are unstable equilibrium; the ®tness function is less strongly stabilizing here than at the equilibrium in the top panel. Other parameter values taken from Iwasa and Pomiankowski (1995, ®g. 1): kp ϭ 0.002 are kp ϭ 0.02, Gt ϭ 0.01, and Gp ϭ 0.01. Stability was determined (from b ϭ 0.001), c ϭ 0.05, Gt ϭ 0.5, Gp ϭ 0.5. Stability was determined by ®nding the equilibrium and its corresponding ei- by ®nding the equilibrium and its corresponding eigenvalues nu- genvalues numerically. merically.

Eq. (7)). Many other variables, such as the number of loci rium from a point where stabilizing selection is strong to one and their linkage, do not enter. where it is weak. Under some situations, this shift will cause These results corroborate and extend those of Lande stabilizing selection to become so weak that a runaway be- (1981), who ®rst discovered that a preference-trait equilib- gins. An example is shown in Figure 2. Although the example rium can become unstable. The main generalizations we have is contrived, it shows that we cannot say whether biased made are to allow for any form of female preference, natural mutation (or other evolutionary forces) will generally sta- selection acting on the preferences, and more general genetic bilize or destabilize an equilibrium. assumptions. Our results agree with his for the cases where The point is that the role of mutation bias, and by extention there is no selection on the preference, and females choose other evolutionary forces that in¯uence the runaway, can be males according to one of his three preference rules. understood terms of stabilizing selection using the framework Some preference functions make a runaway much more developed here. Mutation bias can either stabilize or desta- likely than others (Lande 1981). Psychophysical (or open- bilize an equilibrium, depending on the shape of the ®tness ended) preferences are the most prone for three reasons. First, function. they generate a strong correlation between mating pairs (large ␳ ). Second, they exert strong sexual selection whose inten- DISCUSSION tp sity accelerates rapidly with small changes in the mean pref- An unstable runaway in which female mating preferences erence (large ktp). Third, variation among females with psy- and a male trait rapidly coevolve away from an equilibrium chophysical preferences generates disruptive selection on the is possible even when stabilizing natural selection acts on male trait which further destabilizes the equilibrium. Abso- the preference. Direct selection acting on female preference lute preferences, in which each female has a ®xed search makes a runaway less likely. When there is no pleiotropy image of her most preferred male, are much less likely to between the preference and trait, conditions for a runaway begin a runaway. Even when natural selection on both the depend on a relatively small number of factors: the strength preference and the male trait is very weak, a runaway with of stabilizing selection on the preference and trait, the phe- absolute preferences requires very large differences between notypic and additive genetic variances for the trait and pref- females in the males they most prefer. erence, the phenotypic correlation between the preference and Direct natural selection on mating preferences can arise trait among mating pairs, and the rate at which an increase many ways. Mating preference genes, like other genes, are in the preference intensi®es sexual selection on males (see likely to have pleiotropic effects that are subject to selection. 1868 DAVID W. HALL ET AL.

A second source of selection on preferences appears when in Expression (2) would no longer be multiplied by 1/2, since females receive a direct bene®t (or cost) from mating with it would now be expressed in both sexes. certain males. Examples include when males provide parental What is the ultimate fate of a population if a runaway is care or when are transmitted between mates. A third triggered? The results developed here tell us about the local type of direct selection on preferences is caused by female stability of the equilibrium, but nothing about what will hap- search costs (Kirkpatrick 1985; Pomiankowski 1987). Search pen to it if it does run away. Several outcomes are possible. costs might favor females with no preference or alternatively One is that the population will arrive at a new equilibrium. might favor females with extreme preferences if being sen- A second possibility is that the trait and preference will be- sitive to certain signals makes it easier to locate males. Fe- come entrained in coevolutionary cycles (Iwasa and Pom- males might, for example, ®nd a male more easily in an iankowski 1995). It is impossible at this time to evaluate environment rich in distracting stimuli if they are strongly either empirically or theoretically which outcome is likely to tuned to conspicuous colors and sounds. These examples sug- be more common. gest that some form of direct selection acts on most if not all female mating preferences (Kirkpatrick 1985; Kirkpatrick ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and Ryan 1991). Support for this view comes from selection We would like to thank M. Whitlock and two anonymous experiments in which mating preferences frequently evolve reviewers for valuable comments on the manuscript. This as a side effect of selection directed at other traits (for review work was supported by National Science Foundation grant see Rice & Hostert 1993). DEB-9973221 to MK. Direct selection of preferences has two important effects on the outcome of sexual selection. 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