Ministry of Environment and Spa Al Planing Kosovo Environmenta I
Ministry of Environment and Spaal Planing Kosovo Environmenta i Protecon Agency MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT KOSOVO ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING PROTECTION AGENCY State of Environment in Kosovo 2015 Report Prishtina, 2015 State of Environment in Kosovo 2015, Report Approval Procedures On the 25th of June 2015, the Directory for Monitoring. Assessment and Environmental Reporting completed the Report and submitted it to the Office of the CEO of KEPA, asking him to proceed for the approval in the Assembly of Kosovo, as required under Article 25 of the Law on Environment Protection. On the 2nd of July 2015, the CEO of KEPA, through the Minister of MESP, submitted the following proposed agenda item to the Government of Kosovo: the Submission of the State of the Environment Report in Kosovo 2015 for approval to the Assembly of Kosovo. The Government of Kosovo, at the meeting held on the 29th of August 2015, has reviewed “The State of the Environment Report in Kosovo 2015” and has endorsed the Report under the Decision No. 01/86, calling for its submission for approval to the Assembly of Kosovo. On the 29th of September 2015, the Parliamentary Commission on Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Spatial Planning, has reviewed The State of the Environment Report 2015 at its 22nd session, and forwarded it for approval to the Assembly of Kosovo. At the plenary session, on the 30th of November 2015, the Assembly of Kosovo, after discussion, has reached the Decision no. 05-V-183 on the approval of the Report. Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency 3 State of Environment in Kosovo 2015, Report Foreword Dear readers, The environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources remain one of the major challenges of our society.
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