Cykelsportssponsorater Som Værktøj Til Corporate Branding

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Cykelsportssponsorater Som Værktøj Til Corporate Branding Cykelsportssponsorater som Værktøj til Corporate Branding Cycling sponsorships as a tool for Corporate Branding Vejleder: Anslag: 181.920 Antal normalsider: 80 Morten Skøtt CPR: 021188 Executive)Summary) Sponsorships)in)professional)cycling)have)more)than)doubled)in)value)since)the)turn)of)the)century.) This) is) mainly) due) to) an) increase) in) sports) sponsorships) across) all) sports) as) well) as) the) significant) value)proposition)that)cycling)sponsorships)offer)in)terms)of)media)value.) ) This) thesis) investigates) how) a) sponsorship) of) a) professional) cycling) team) can) be) utilised) in) a) company’s)corporate)branding)strategy.)Furthermore,)the)thesis)seeks)to)understand)which)particular) conditions)the)sponsor)should)be)aware)of)in)the)process.)The)primary)goal)of)the)thesis)is)to)create)a) stronger)foundation)for)the)decision>making)process)by)managers)who)are)considering)an)investment) in) a) cycling) sponsorship.) In) addition,) this) thesis) contributes) to) the) existing) literature) on) sports) sponsorships.) ) The)body)of)the)analysis)is)based)on)five)qualitative)interviews)with)five)industry)experts)>)all)of)whom) have) worked) with) the) professional) cycling) team;) Tinkoff>Saxo.) The) qualitative) data) have) been) presented) and) tested) within) Sandstrøm’s) (2006)) framework) on) how) to) build) a) corporate) branding) strategy.)) ) The)findings)reveal)that)a)cycling)sponsorship)is)an)effective)tool)to)communicate)traits)and)values) through)a)carefully)executed)brand)strategy.)Furthermore,)the)cycling)sponsorship)presents)a)valuable) platform)for)creating,)maintaining)and)developing)strong)stakeholder)relations)by)providing)unique) VIP)experiences)with)the)cycling)team.)The)author)anticipated)that)the)doping)record)of)professional) cycling)would)have)been)a)concern)for)most)corporate)sponsors)but)the)results)of)the)thesis,)however,) reveal)that)doping)is)a)limited)threat)to)a)sponsor’s)corporate)brand.) ) A) SWOT>analysis) has) been) conducted) at) the) end) of) the) analysis) to) present) a) quick) overview) of) the) strengths,)weaknesses,)opportunities)and)threats)that)managers)should)consider)before)investing)in)a) cycling)sponsorship.) )) It)is)concluded)that)in)general,)there)are)three)effects)of)a)cycling)sponsorship)that)help)a)company) achieve)a)stronger)corporate)brand.)The)three)factors)are)1))brand)awareness)2))unique)opportunities) for)stakeholder)engagement)and)3))employer)branding.) ) ! ! ! Indholdsfortegnelse- 1.#Indledning#og#problemformulering#................................................................................................................#4! 1.1#Problemformulering#.....................................................................................................................................#6! 1.2#Læsevejledning#...............................................................................................................................................#6! 1.3#Begrebsafklaring#............................................................................................................................................#7! 1.4#Afgrænsning#.....................................................................................................................................................#9! 1.4.1!Empiriske!ressourcemæssige!begrænsninger!..............................................................................................!9! 1.5#Team#TinkoffDSaxo#......................................................................................................................................#10! 1.5.1!Hovedsponsorer!.......................................................................................................................................................!11! 2.#Metode#...................................................................................................................................................................#12! 2.1#En#induktiv#undersøgelse#funderet#i#en#iterativ#proces#................................................................#12! 2.2#En#hermeneutisk#afhandling#...................................................................................................................#12! 2.2.1!Filosofisk!hermeneutik!.........................................................................................................................................!13! 2.2.2!SponsorAter!og!den!hermeneutiske!cirkel!....................................................................................................!14! 2.2.3!Kritik!Af!den!filosofiske!hermeneutik!.............................................................................................................!14! 2.3#Bias#..................................................................................................................................................................#15! 2.4#Brug#af#teori#..................................................................................................................................................#15! 2.5#Casestudieteori#............................................................................................................................................#16! 2.6#Triangulering#...............................................................................................................................................#17! 2.7#Kvalitative#interviews#...............................................................................................................................#18! 2.7.1!UdvAlgte!kilder!..........................................................................................................................................................!19! 2.8#Brug#af#sekundær#empiri#.........................................................................................................................#21! 3.#Cykelsporten#........................................................................................................................................................#22! 3.1#Helte#og#skurke#............................................................................................................................................#22! 3.2#Stjerner#og#vandbærere#............................................................................................................................#22! 3.3#Tour#de#France#.............................................................................................................................................#23! 3.4#Cykelsporten#anno#2014#..........................................................................................................................#24! 4.#Teoretisk#ramme#................................................................................................................................................#25! 4.1#Sponsorater#..................................................................................................................................................#25! 4.1.1!SportssponsorAter!...................................................................................................................................................!26! 4.1.2!Aktivering!Af!sponsorAtet!.....................................................................................................................................!27! 4.2#Corporate#branding#....................................................................................................................................#28! ! ! ! 1! ! ! ! 5.#Sponsoratet#og#det#corporate#brand#............................................................................................................#29! 5.1#Sponsoratet#i#de#fire#brandformer#........................................................................................................#31! 5.1.1!Fundamentet!..............................................................................................................................................................!31! 5.1.2!Sponsoratet!som!kundeGbrand!..........................................................................................................................!33! 5.1.3!Sponsoratet!som!medarbejderGbrand!............................................................................................................!35! 5.1.4!Sponsoratet!som!investorGbrand!......................................................................................................................!37! 5.1.5!Sponsoratet!som!stakeholderGbrand!...............................................................................................................!38! 5.2#Delkonklusion#og#analysens#begrænsninger#....................................................................................#39! 6.#Sponsoratet#i#Corporate#Branding#strategien#..........................................................................................#40! 6.1#Brandidentitet#&#værdigrundlag#...........................................................................................................#40! 6.2#Visuel#identitet#............................................................................................................................................#41! 6.3#Brandkommunikation#...............................................................................................................................#41! 6.3.1!Sponsoratet!som!kommunikationskanal!.......................................................................................................!42! 6.3.2!Mulighed!for!at!tilpasse!sponsoratet!...............................................................................................................!43!
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