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Date: 0B/09/Z0IS To. The Chairman, i> ynuo Assessment Aurhoriry (SEIAA) / SEAC, i> l> Respected Sir, F D Krishna Reddy is received a grantof quarry lease for Mosaic chip mineral of 12000 m3,/annum in an area of 1'093 Hectares in survey No: yalasala 283ll & 283/3 at village, Dhone Mandal, District,

In tigbt of the above, Environmental I Clearance is required as per provisions of EIA notification, 2006. The proposed activity has been categorized as Category'B2' project,

we are herewith enclosing the following documents for processing of our applicatioir frrr Environmental Clearan ce

1) Form-1 2) standard template for evaluation of alr projects/Activities 3) Environmental Management plan 4) Copy of Nlining plan 5) Copy of Government Order for Mining Lease

we hope you will find the above in order and wourd be preased provide any additional information you may require for processing our application.

Thanking You, Yours truly,

Proprietor Date:08/09/201s To_ The Chairman, aI Impact Assessment Authorify (SEIAA)/SEAC,

5t Sfrltr:

Reft Amendments to EIA-2006 norification issued vide s.o.3067 (E) dt. 0r.12.2009 by MoE&F, GOL

$}h reference to above, it is to inform that the project proponent of Shri D Krishna Reddy of \Icsaic chip Mineral Mine is authorized D Krishna Reddy to make all necessary correspondence nirh rhe SEAC' Andhra Pradesh & SEIAA, Aadhra Pradesh on behalf of rhe proponent for ooatntng rhe Environmental Clearance for therr proposed Mining of Mosaic chip rnineral in sun-q;\o:283ll &283/3 at valasala village, Dhone Mandal, Kurnool Disnict, Andhra pradesh

\-curs faithfully-.

C\-ame & address of the Authorized Signatory) €olsati &*",#d&o&"u Sri.D Krishna Reddy, D lGishna Reddy

Proprietor Proprietor Chima Malkapuram Village & posr, Dhone Mandal. , Andhra Pradesh. l


a) D Krishna Reddy, of chinna Malkapuram village post, & Dhone Mandal, Kurnool District' Andhra Pradesh is hereby declare trrat our organizattoH does 'ot ,/do nnt have conflict of interest with the Chairman and members of SEIAA/SEAC, Andhra pradesh

b) I hereby declare that M/s. vison Labs, #16-ll-23/37/A, Flar 205, N-Mart l3uilding, voosarambagh' Malakpet, Hyderabad- 500036 is authorized to submit the applicarirn and to do all necessary correspondence for obtaining environmentar crearance from state Level Environment Impact Assessment Authoriry (SEIAA), pradesh Andhra and to attend fte meeting (s) of State level Expert Appraisar committee (SEAC), Andhra pradesh ro preserr our case and to cla.rify the points raised by the Members of SEAC and SELAA.

c) I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to best of our knclwle

Place: 08/09/20t5 Kurnool fuugL-' DFoj,",,Y#,#- Krishna Reddy, .' Proprietor Chinna Malkapuram Village & post, Dhone Manclal, ' Kurnool District,_A_ndhra pradesh