Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News

ISSUE 11 | 2015

Coming Home EDITORIAL 2 Coming Home

MANAGEMENT & COMPANY NEWS 7 Just in time for Christmas the topic of this edition of COMING HOME 17 “Wheelhouse” is a very emotional one: “Coming home” is certainly an important phrase in a Seafarer’s WEDDING SPECIAL 27 life and certainly also in the lives of many of our travelling employees. This applies even more LIFE ON BOARD 33 at Christmas, where most of us look forward to spend this time with the family, but obviously not everybody TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE 37 will be able to do so.

SPORTS & LEISURE 43 From my childhood memories I of course recall very well the excitement when my father ENTERTAINMENT 49 returned after months and months at sea. Being a small boy, the time Photo Contest 50 he was away always seemed like Puzzles 55 eternity, and indeed in the first days it was sometimes a bit strange Activities next issue 58 having him in the house again, to be honest: All of a sudden we turned from a 3-person to a 4-person household, and it always took a while to get fully used to it. But in 2 any case it was exciting, and I very much enjoyed this part of our lives, when he came back with loads of stories and some exotic gifts (those days it was already exciting to see a solar-driven handheld calculator, which was available in the U.S….).

Published by: Hartmann AG · Neue Strasse 24 · 26789 Leer · Germany [email protected] · www.hartmann-ag.com Editorial

Coming Home

Especially the Christmas days takes longer than a week. For sure Without being away every now and used to be very intense when my this is different from the months then, I probably wouldn’t fully father was not there, because a Seafarer spends away from his appreciate how nice it is to be we could listen to a radio- family. But still, the excitement of home. show, which relayed Seafarer’s my boys upon my return and their greetings from the vessels to their questions about the trip resemble In this spirit I wish all Readers relatives at home and vice versa. my own childhood memories, and a Merry Christmas, a happy New This sounds very anachronistic that I certainly enjoy a lot! Year 2016 and of course lots of joy these days (and it certainly is…), reading the “Wheelhouse”. but this is probably the most Does this short moment of joy intense Christmas-memory of and excitement outweigh all the my childhood, because it was time most of us spend away from at the same time sad but also our families? I think this pretty unbelievable cosy, gut-wrenching, much depends on each individual’s nice – in short Christmas at it’s perception and how she or he best! experiences travelling. Personally I still like it very much − on the Nowadays it is often me one hand because I always liked returning home after a business travelling and seeing the world, trip, although the latter rarely on the other hand I see it like this: Dr. Niels Hartmann


Dr. Niels Hartmann Chief Executive Officer Looking for a new home: Refugees on board JS CAESAR

In April 2015 me and my crew of JS CAESAR took part in a “Search and Rescue operation” off the Libyan Coast. When we were approaching the appointed location given by MRCC Rome about 37 NM off the shore, we noticed a rubber boat loaded with refugees. Their chances to survive were very small. They had already been at sea for two days and ran out of fresh water, food and had almost no fuel. We picked them up and took them on board and safely transported them to in Sicilia, where the Italian Coastguards took them over. a big amount of people, but my crew, especially the cook, did an excellent job.

After disembarkation of the refugees in Palermo we had to disinfect the whole vessel. Anyway, for some time I was observing my crew members for any symptoms of diseases. Some of the people we had rescued were from Nigeria, so we were worried about ‘Ebola’ or other infectious diseases. Luckily, everything was fine.

Me and my crew are very proud of the fact that we rescued 88 people. Their thanks and gratefulness are the biggest reward for us. 4 In total, we rescued 88 people. That was a very big challenge for me and my crew. We had no space and accommodation for so many people, so we kept them all on deck, except for an advanced pregnant woman. Capt. Hubert Guzowicz

The refugees spent with us one and a half days. JS CAESAR That was a very hard time for me. On the one hand, I was worried about the safety of my crew and the vessel, but on the other hand I felt responsible for these people which we picked up. Luckily, they didn’t make any problems. They were just grateful that their lives had been saved.

The worst was the first night as we had picked them up after sunset. They were all wet and the night was cold. I was afraid whether all of them would be alive in the morning. The next big challenge was food for such Editorial

Interview with Capt. Alfred Hartmann on “Coming home”

Mr. Hartmann, what do you think it is like for seafarers (and their families) when they come home, especially from your personal experience as a Captain? After my studies in Leer and obtaining my license as Master for deep-sea vessels, I worked on board different types of ships, as 3rd Officer, 2nd Officer, Chief Officer and finally, as Master. I always spent month away at sea, separated from my family for a long time. There was no email and no satellite communication at that time. Instead, I always carried a small tape recorder with me to hear the voices of my wife and children. These “dictaphones” were very popular those days. When I took my first job as Officer, I was already married and had a little daughter, Ilka. She was only a few weeks old. On my return home several months later, she was looking at me wondering who I was. It took several smiles and encouragements from my side, Capt. Alfred Hartmann until she suddenly started to smile back and came into my arms. A few years later, when I was a Captain already, my son Niels was born (who is the CEO of the But, of course, the disadvantage is that seafarers group of companies now). rarely have a regular family life. Every seafarer has to Re-uniting with the family always was a great feeling find a way to cope with this - and the same goes for 5 after being absent at sea for so many month. I also the families who stay at home. They will feel lonely, remember that, after the first phase of getting used too, sometimes and have to find a way to handle this. to each other again, it became a lot of fun. I liked this kind of “holiday felling” without responsibilities. In addition to the seafarers there are further people, like the superintendents, who stay away from home Why do so many people still opt for a professional for longer periods… career at sea, although they are separated from their After gaining a certain amount of experience at sea, families for a long time? some seafarers consider a shore based career, for Being a seafarer is a great profession! When starting a example as a nautical or technical superintendent in career in shipping, most seafarers are not married yet. a shipping company or in another shipping-related They are young, they look for adventures, they want position. They will travel a lot. In the case of the to see the world. Due to the challenges at sea, it’s an superintendents this may be due to dry dockings and interesting, diversified, fulfilling and also demanding to ensure quality. This means, they may experience job. What’s more, there is the possibility to take over similar problems like seafarers. But then again, today responsibility at a young age – this is what makes they have easier access to mobile phones and email, seafaring a highly attractive profession. which keeps them in a closer contact with their families. Editors’ Note

- To each and every one of us, “coming home” means something dif ferent. For some, home is the actual place where they stay. For others, home is where beloved people are - literally, where the heart is. Coming home can also mean returning to a place where you feel comfortable, like a beautiful place or a familiar haunt of your childhood. You can find experiences and definitions of home from colleagues all over the Hartmann Group in the section “Coming Home” (page 17 to 26). As coming home is also a synonym for marriage, we incorporated a “wedding special” in this issue (page 27 to 32). For some onshore colleagues entering the office in the morning - may feel like coming home, too, especially when the company al ready exists as long as 20 years (Feederlines, page 14) or even 25 years (GasChem Services, page 16). Congratulations! - Interested in research? Read more on the expansion of the Pana - ma Canal, the true story of the Bermuda Triangle or latest re sults about underwater monster waves in the section “Technology & Science” (page 37 to 42).

Wishing you a pleasant read, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

6 Your Editorial team

Anke Borkott (Hartmann AG) – Frida Tobias Festijo (Associated - Ship Management) - Hermann Haun (Hartmann Offshore) - Jenni War ner (Hartmann Reederei) - Jessica Anne Sibal (Associated Ship Management) - Jetse Stienstra (Feederlines) - Julia von Leliwa (Hartmann Reederei) - Mario Evgeniou (Intership Navigation) – Silke van Beckum ( Hartmann AG) - Stephanie Ernst (MTL)

Copyright: JayNick - https://openclipart.org/ detail/188825/house-with-christmas-lights Management & Company news

7 The Ain Sokhna project

The background a month. It will receive a second floating terminal by “By importing LNG, Floating Storage and the end of September 2015 and plans to lease a third Regasification Units (FSRU) offer emerging nations unit next year.” a cheap, quick way to avoid power shortages. They (Source: www.gcaptain.com) cost about $300 million to build, or half as much as an onshore import terminal, and are up and running as What has NAUTITEC got to do with this? much as six times faster, according to owners Hoegh In late 2014, Nautitec was approached by an LNG Holding Ltd. and Excelerate Energy LLC. engineering company from the Netherlands about Egypt has been a gas exporter for many years. Now, performing a maneuvering study on the port of Ain the country battles power shortages and encourages Sokhna. This study had to be performed together with 8 domestic gas exploration to meet future demand. KOTUG, a Netherlands tug operator and longtime Imports began in April through the “Hoegh Gallant”, partner of NAUTITEC. moored in the Red Sea port of Ain Sokhna. The vessel, which has a capacity of 500 million cubic feet a day, After starting to discuss the project, more and imports enough gas to meet 10 percent of the nation’s more details were discovered and many other partners annual demand. Egypt now receives four to five cargoes “joined the boat” such as Sonker, operator of the Ain Sokhna oil terminal, Hoegh LNG as the operator of the FSRU, Trafigura, Egas and Sonatrech as owners and shippers of the LNG cargoes and finally the Egyptian port authorities and pilots.

The engineering company made a first design of the new basin to be dredged for the FSRU. On this basis many questions and concerns had to be discussed and solutions where developed on the basis of a simulation. Nautitec`s 3D designer Jörg Brau developed realistic models of the FSRU and the ULGC´s to come alongside. Management & Company News

A model of the port Ain Sokhna in different versions meeting” is basically risk assessment within a large was also made. Within this process our team learned team, which evaluates hazard and risk from various a lot: hydrodynamic interaction between ULGC’s points of view. Almost all of our recommendations performing STS operations in port, the differences in were accepted, such as new leading lights to be wind force between LNG tankers with prismatic or installed and a high accuracy port ENC which has been spherical tanks or the calculation of bollard pull for programmed for the portable pilot units. Finally, a tugs and mooring forces – to name just a few. “terminal procedures guide” was developed stating standard maneuvers and operational limits for the In many simulator runs the final beam for the terminal. basin was agreed and a saving of 40m in beam could be achieved from the original plan, which results in This project was a milestone, as it introduced a lot of savings on dredging costs. Tug capacities and the name of NAUTITEC in the growing LNG and FSRU propulsion systems were evaluated and approved and market. At this moment NAUTITEC is working on the wind limits for the mooring and unmooring operations 2nd extension phase of the port Ain Sokhna, this time were defined. on order of BWGas of Singapore and DNVGL.

Then a “HAZOP-meeting” was scheduled in Leer, Georg Haase where all stakeholders of the project discussed Managing Director NAUTITEC`s final report on the project. A “HAZOP- NAUTITEC

9 ISN Company News

‚Family‘ is a single word, with many different meanings. People have many ways of defining a family and what being a part of a family means to them. Families differ in terms of economic, cultural, social, and many other facets. We all have a family when we are born, but during our life, many of us will start new families by marrying a loved person and often having children. Family members are the loved persons which are there when we need them, which support us – and will wait at home when we are away. PERMANENT INTERNET ACCESS For seafarers, who are away from home most With the needs of our seafarers and their families of the time, the family is something special. Long in mind, we at Intership have decided to have all our distance relationships are often difficult to manage, vessels equipped with permanent internet access. The and it takes extra effort by all involved to make it programme, which is expected to be rolled out to all work. But if the love is there, the relationship will be vessels by Christmas, will give access to the internet to rewarding – even more so when we come home. all seafarers so that they can keep in touch with home, During our modern times, there are many ways with their families, friends and colleagues on other to stay in touch. Not long ago, telegrams and the ships. Each seafarer will get a monthly allowance of occasional (expensive) phone call from a distant free internet usage, and additional internet access can country were the only means to connect with home, be purchased at a nominal charge if and when needed. but today mobile phones, internet access and social We hope that all of you will make use of this new networks are making things much easier. benefit, and that it will help you stay in touch with your loved ones!

10 NEW ADDITION TO THE INTERSHIP FLEET During the last weeks we welcomed two new vessels to our managed fleet, the UBC HOUSTON and UBC HAMBURG (ex EGS Crest and EGS Wave). The two sisters are bulk carriers of 36,000mt dwat each and are owned by International Shipholding Corporation of New York. The ships were built in 2010 and have entered the UBC Handy pool. We welcome the new ships to our fleet and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with the owners.

Dieter Rohdenburg Managing Director Intership Navigation Changes in the structural set-up of Hartmann Reederei

For decades, the “Hartmann Schiffahrts GmbH & Since September 1st 2015, gas tanker ship Co. KG” in Leer has been combining its gas tanker and management is executed by the new legal entity dry cargo management activities within one company. „Hartmann Gas Carriers Germany GmbH & Co. KG“ From an operational and organizational point of view, (HGC) and the dry cargo business is managed by gas tanker management and dry cargo management „Hartmann Dry Cargo Germany GmbH & Co. KG“ are already separated departments, working (HDC). independently while legally operating under the name of Hartmann Schiffahrt. Operations and the personnel set up as you know it from Hartmann Schiffahrt are not affected or changed. Following the requirements of the vettings/oil majors and to emphasize the market position of the HGC and HDC are daughter companies of the company’s gas tanker ship management business, we newly founded “Hartmann Shipping Services Germany intended to separate these two departments also on a GmbH & Co. KG”, which functions as the operational legal basis. holding. The management for these companies remains unchanged with Capt. Michael Ippich and Jan-Lars Kruse.

11 „Joining in“

Sometimes, I think the editorial board makes it a “Joining In” point to make life difficult for me whenever I am asked By the end of November, ASM will be changing its to contribute an article to this newsletter. This time, name to HCP – Hartmann Crew Philippines. “Join in” I was asked to write about joining in. “Joining in” – our new brand. We plan to go beyond a change of name sshh what is this? For weeks I had been dumbfounded and hope to create changes in the way we recruit, on how to start this article and hoped that it would go develop and engage our seafarers and their families. away. Then, while I was preparing to leave the office We are changing gears and hope to speed past the for the Hartmann Management Meeting, I was brutally competition. We hope that everyone in the Hartmann reminded by Frida with her usual pleasant voice – “Sir, Philippine Team “joins in” to this new challenge. where is the article?”. I make it a point to remind my There is a “new normal” in the shipping landscape and staff to be prompt in giving their reports – and I am not the crewing arm will have to adapt and exploit this about to violate my own principles. So here we go. environment for our benefit.

“Joining In” It has been almost 7 years since the economic crisis precipitated our own crisis in shipping. I still hear stories from our seafarers about when life onboard was easier and money was good. Even in our office, we reminisce about the time when new ships came every year and growth was fast – but these times will not be coming back. I have told our seafarers and office staff that it can be therapeutic to talk about the past but it can also stun positive outlook to the future. We have a “new normal” 12 of slow growth and fierce competition now and “Joining In” the earlier we “join in” Lastly, let’s “join in” to a season which will always to this new reality, the be a constant. Christmas season is around the corner better we can prepare and it is time to be grateful for what we have been and enjoy the future. blessed with. This is also the quiet period which allows us to reflect and spend time with our family and loved “Joining In” ones. The amendments for the STCW 2010 will come into To all stakeholders in the Hartmann Group, thank full force in January 2017. That gives our seafarers you very much for your support and trust in what we realistically less than a year to update their training do in the Philippines and may the time ahead be good and documents which, for some, will take more than for us all! a month to complete. After STCW, we also have the requirements of the new Maritime Code which will Alberto L. Gomez demand more training for our seafarers and more President paperwork for the shore staff. “Join in” the current Hartmann Crew Philippines reality that we will be blessed with more regulations formerly Associated Ship Management Services, Inc. and paperwork in our industry. (ASM) Management & Company News

Your Contribution to Training

Education and training has greatly progressed compared to the past. Maritime regulation is constantly changing, stricter policies are implemented and technology is becoming more sophisticated faster than a blink of an eye. Gone are the days where there was a dedicated Radio Operator to man ships communication equipment. As shipping evolves, so does education and training to adapt to the changing times. The maritime education and training industry in the Philippines has undergone series of overhaul starting from the audit findings of EMSA, Accreditation of maritime schools and implementation of kinder to Grade 12 education system. These changes greatly affect the Filipino seafarers, their family and the maritime industry as a whole. through experience, but we mature when we share the However, on a different perspective, these changes lessons of our experience. are necessary to sustain progress. As said, In these changing times, teamwork is essential. It “The only thing that is constant is change”. To stay is one of ISNTC’s core values explained as “we provide on top of our game and adapt to these changes, we help or ask for help”. If we do not know how things have to learn, to grow and to be observant of our are done, one should not hesitate to ask for help or surrounding. Learning is not only done in classrooms provide help if we can. but we also learn from our team members. Some learn We are thankful to our trainees, crew and colleagues in their support especially those who are active in providing suggestions concerning training. Just by dropping by the office or sending us an e-mail sharing your 13 onboard experience or feedback helps a lot to assess the training that we deliver. The training materials that you sent and updates from the front line has contributed a lot in our training. Your onboard performance is also our performance and the story you share helps us to understand more how we can help your fellow crew when it comes to training. I encourage everyone to join your fellow crew who have shared and have contributed to training. Share us your experience and tells us how we can help.

Safe Sailing and Merry Christmas Giovanni Tuapin President ISNTC 1995 – 2015: Feederlines 20 years anniversary

As April is usually not the best time for an outdoor event, Feederlines celebrated their 20th anniversary not on the actual day, April 28th, but on the 29th of May this year. All office and (Dutch) seagoing staff were invited to be part of the celebration. All Captains could lay down Once in Sneek, everyone grabbed an umbrella and their hat and enjoy the sailing trip from Eernewoude to walked towards the city centre. For those interested, Sneek and back. there was a tour through a Beerenburg factory (Beerenburg is an old and typical Dutch liquor). During our trip back to Eernewoude on the boat, there was a nice dinner buffet for all attendees. Unfortunately the date did not guarantee us of good weather. Nevertheless the day was a success!



Preparing for the Big One: ASM-ISNTC Joins the Metro-Wide Shake Drill

The Philippine archipelago sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire and according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHILVOLCS), Manila encounters a strong earthquake every 100 years. This means that the fault line near Manila is long overdue to rupture. No one exactly knows when this will happen. That is why PHILVOLCS is aggressive in its disaster preparedness campaign. As we say in Safety Training, you never know when disaster strikes, but it is better to be prepared rather than caught unaware. Last July 30, government and private sectors including ASM and ISNTC of the Hartmann Group in the Philippines joined the metro-wide shake drill organized by Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), in coordination with various local government units. Signaling the alarm at 1030H, all employees,


crew and trainees of both ASM and ISNTC participated and performed the Drop, Cover and Hold exercises for forty-five (45) seconds before proceeding to the designated evacuation area. At the evacuation area, the local community leaders briefed everyone with their disaster preparedness plan and shared tips on how to evacuate safely using available household items. ASM and ISNTC have also shared their disaster preparedness plan and even resources for firefighting and for search and rescue as commitment to the community and to ensure safety of employees, crew and trainees whenever the Big One comes. ISNTC cadets on-training were also present during the exercise. The synchronized drill dubbed as #MMShakeDrill on social media lasted for more than an hour. GasChem Services – 25th company anniversary on June 19th, 2015

GasChem Services, the commercial management and their cargoes. Today, direct access to cargo is one company for gas tanker chartering and operations of the cornerstones of the group`s success. of the Hartmann Group has celebrated its 25th anniversary. GasChem Services is presently involved in several innovative new generation gas tanker projects of Since its founding in 1990 GasChem Services medium and large size Ethane carriers for which long gradually increased the fleet under commercial term time charters have been concluded ensuring a management from 5 to currently 38 vessels and solid fleet expansion. developed into one of the leading gas tanker operators worldwide. The vessels of the fleet dispose of a tank Congratulations to 25 years of experience and capacity ranging between 3.500 and 35.000 cbm with success in commercial gas tanker management! pressurized, semi-refrigerated and fully refrigerated gas tankers. They are managed by a GasChem team of 11 staff members.

GasChem Services acts as pool manager of the ‘GasChem-Gasmare 16 Pool’, a joint venture which was established in 1999 with Gasmare in Saronno. The pool fleet of several European ship owners comprises 25 ships, the majority of which with ethylene capability.

The founding of GasChem Services marks an important milestone in the Hartmann Group company history. As the first commercial management company within the group, it was established to enable direct access to the customers Coming Home UBC - the First UBC Vessel Ever to Visit !

Arrival in Vassiliko

On May 13th, 2015, the following voyage 18 instructions from UBC were received on board:

HEREWITH YOUR FUTURE EMPLOYMENT (15005) BEING A CARGO OF PETCOKE FROM AMUAY (VENEZUELA), TO VASSILIKO (CYPRUS). from left to right: Dieter Rohdenburg, Cyprus Minister of CARGO: 22,000 10% MOLOO PETCOKE IN BULK Transport, Capt. Peter Mosselberger, Alfred Hartmann

This was quite news! We had the privilege to Visitors from the office, many of them experiencing being the first UBC ship ever to call the home port. for their first time to see a large ship’s interior, came Several extra meetings were held during the passage to see us, bringing us typical food from Cyprus and in from Venezuela to the Eastern Mediterranean in exchange we showed them around on board. The ship’s order to get everybody prepared and in shape for this bow was ideal for a “Titanic” scene shooting, and the particular event. engine room, huge as a cathedral, was another major On June 23rd we finally berthed in the small port of point of interest. The girls were particularly interested Vassiliko, about 30 km East of Limassol. in technical items, and running the steering gear on Coming Home

Limassol Castle Old acquaintances were met in the Hartmann House, and old friendships renewed. A bus brought us to the Kolossi Castle, an old fortress of the Templar Knights, then to the Greek amphitheater of Kourion, and to the temple of Apollo Hylates. Then lunch was served in the canteen of the Hartmann House, and emergency mode was a thing everybody wanted to later, at the New Marina we had icecream. The next try out. Moving a monster of a rudder blade just with stations were the Limassol castle, as well an old two little pins was obviously something very thrilling. Galley and bridge were of course inspected, too.

On another day we received the highest possible visit one can imagine: Capt. Alfred Hartmann and Mr.

Rohdenburg boarded the ship with the Minister of Catholic Transport of Cyprus. Church

We, the crew, were of course not less interested in the new ISN Headquarters, the famous “Hartmann House”, and in the surroundings of Limassol. Two groups were formed to visit the office and to making a fortress of the Templars, the old town of Limassol, tour to several points of interest around the town. where other cups of icecream were tried at the “Juego Bar”. The last visit was to St. Catherine’s, the catholic church of Limassol, which is firmly in the hand of A few comments from the crew: Filipino expats.

2nd Mate Somera: “I am proud to being so privileged Five days later we left Cyprus again with to having visited Cyprus with the first UBC ship of all destination Varna for dry docking. times.”

Capt. Peter Mosselberger Chief Engineer Tuble: “It’s fun and educational for 19 crew and office staff.” UBC SAGUNTO

ADM Leabres: “Thanks to the Personnel Department for its hospitality and making this remarkable experience possible.”

AB Dumigpi: “I would like to go back again soon!”

OS Aragon: “This experience is something I will never forget ...”

FTR Bantigue: ... it will be a reminiscence forever.”

Wiper Warsi: “Once in a lifetime experience not to be forgotten.”

Deck Cadet Flores and Engine Cadet Lagura: “We are the first Cadets to visit Cyprus!” At Hartmann House Two points of view

Coming Home - Seen by office (Crewing) employee Rafal Mentelis

According to Maritime Labor Convention, each seafarer must safely return home and this is one of the main tasks for the Crewing Department. From the point of view of the crewing department, daily task is to prepare in advance all necessary arrangements to safely disembark seafarers from the vessel.

Each seafarer who is ending his long contract is thinking only about his home and his family. Disembarkation of the Seafarer depends on several factors. Sailing area and the frequency at port of calls are surely the main factors allowing the seafarer to disembark from the vessel.

As is well known, employees of crewing department as representatives of the owner are trying to organize crew change in the most convenient and thereby the cheapest place. From my experience I know that sometimes it is very difficult, especially organizing appropriate valid documents and the role of crewing replacements in countries where agents who charge department here is to check, if the reliever will be astronomical fees not adequately to the scope of ready on time. 20 services they provide. Seafarers quite often cannot understand that their Here comes the conflict of interest between the disembarkation will be postponed due to external office and the seafarer, for whom the disembarkation factors on which we have no influence, like the after the completion of the contract is a top priority weather, etc. Crewing department is aware of the of course. The seafarer does not realize how much fact that seafarers after a long contract want to sign the crew change costs, including immigration and off as soon as possible from the vessel and each day of transport expenses and airline tickets. delay is very difficult, but despite of the best intention sometimes it is impossible. Another important factor constituting of the possibility to disembark from the vessel are Both sides need to understand each other and immigration formalities. The role of the office is to come to a compromise in certain circumstances and inform in advance the agent at the port concerned then certainly cooperation will proceed in a good about the planned crew change and determine all atmosphere. the details. According to Minimum Safe Manning Certificate, each seafarer must be replaced by another seafarer on the same position, who possesses Coming Home

The expectations, the joy, the tiredness on the way home is always the same, but this doesn’t matter, as the most important is that finally you are coming back Home!

As soon as you enter your home, almost nothing is the same as before. Your wife is even more beautiful, children a bit more: mature, clever and loving. Then, you realize, they have changed a lot. They have different hobbies and activities now and instead of playing with ponies they are going to the swimming pool for example. Yes, it happens.

Although the best companies provide the crew Coming Home - Seen by seafarer with internet access and the contracts are not so long C/O Maciej Deska as they once were, and you can’t complain about exchanging information with your family, you always What is the best thing in working onboard? .. miss some of the common life. And then you come and Coming back home! see that your family life is full of surprises. You have to deal with it. You have time till the next contract. Sounds like it is not a joke. But partially it is. As an experienced seaman I know a lot about There are different ways of making up time. I know leaving home and returns. And as far as it comes a family myself, who once again celebrated Christmas to going to work, it is completely different every on 28th of December to spend that important time time. Returns, on the contrary, are similar. But both together. Everything is allowed, acceptable if only it of them are like that only in the beginning. Travel, works. embarkation and hand-over... People, who work ashore, immediately as they see 21 You come onboard and even when it is not the first you, ask a question „When are you leaving again?” contract there, you definitely meet some new mates. That’s my nightmare. I have just come and they ask Then building the team starts. If you didn’t succeed, such question! I want to concentrate on my life there. then you would have to forget about working in the At home you have a lot of time to show your love to safe environment. It is a key question, when you are the family, your interest in them, your care. You can do to work for months and spend time together, on such it day by day - not everyone has got that chance. limited space. When that phase is over, let’s say the easy and predictable work begins. Everyone knows For the rest of the time, you prove your love his place in this well operating body. You can focus on performing a very demanding work ... let’s honestly performing your duties well and feel comfortable and say not suitable for everyone. safe. Putting it that way - the routine starts. This autumn I am leaving home again. My 6 months When the contract finishes, you think the hard work old daughter has just started to crawl on all fours and is over, it is time for deserved holidays. You pack your by the time I will be back, she will probably be able things, wait for new crew members, sometimes longer to walk. That’s the best example of what we, seamen, than planned ☺. You hand over the duties, and finally miss: these important milestones in the lives of our you return home. On time, of course. dearest and how much joy we gain coming back home. COMING HOME: The Reward of Sacrifices

When I was informed by Ms. come, signing the next contract - a time to go back on Julia about the next topic for the ship away from family and loved ones and it’s another yearly Wheelhouse magazine, I year will past that he will no longer see each other was so excited, maybe because personally – bringing the prayers and hopes that nothing I am almost closer to this theme will change. “Coming Home”. Three (3) This story paves my way to conclude that in reality months later I am about to off – there is no really such thing as a replacement to the and as we all know that this is the absence and to those missing moments which we were time which everyone’s waiting for. not been there for our dear ones. However, I do believe A perfect venue to re-unite, socialize and at the same that somehow in one way or another - these people who time to compensate those moments where we were not are the reason of our sacrifices will fully and completely able to catch up and be part with our family, friends understand the meaning of why we are here away and loved ones on shore. A great opportunity as well to from them. And sooner or later the best reward will be relax, enjoy and do some important things. receiving with honor and pride. As a seafarer, though we don’t have time to take Finally, whatever scenario we will be experiencing the vacation longer due for some reasons – we are - there is no truly such thing as home where re-union, still grateful enough to be home and see our family meetings, moment of compensations, socializations and and loved ones personally including those things we other sweet memories are created together with our invest from our sweats. This is indeed the happiest, family, friends and loved ones having the most we could meaningful and unforgettable event that will ensue in ever be. Godspeed! our lives all over again. A reward to those sacrifices and challenges we encountered while on board the vessel. O/S Mark Ryan T. Tapar And yes! It’s not easy to be separated from our dear FRISIA INN ones, yet we have to do it for the betterment of all. In addition to that, I might not be fully related to my other co-seafarers situation who have their own M/V FRISIA INN AT HOME family (wife and children), because I am still single. This picture was taken during our way bound to 22 Nevertheless, I can observe and feel the double Pointe-à –Pitre (Guadaloupe) where all officers and emotional struggle they show while on board the vessel. crew headed by our very supportive Master, Capt. In fact, there was one time when my co-crew on board Thomasz W. Maliszewski, were gathered together for a shared his story about his last vacation wherein he was certain photo shoot, showing our good and harmonious really upset because after this awaited moment - the relationship on board the vessel. most important person who would supposed to welcome Thus, with this theme “Coming Home” at M/V FRISIA him at home was quietly strange from him. And that INN we always feel at home. May God bless our ship. is his son who can’t either recognize or speak to him O/S Mark Ryan T. Tapar explicitly. On the time he joined the vessel his son FRISIA INN was just 9 months old and when he comes back after almost a year of contract, the child was afraid and a bit creepy on him every time he intends to take closer. But because of the determination to get nearer to the heart of his son he didn’t give up showing his full time care and bonding. Fortunate enough it works maybe because of the same blood that flows in their veins just to be easily get into each other. And the best thing is that the child started recognizing him and surprisingly calls him as papa in times. Yet again the moment of truth has Coming Home

Anchors coming home

I took these pictures on Sunday, 23rd of August 2015 at 08:15 LT (UTC+3) at the Daria 1 Location, offshore Romania.

During 17 days of Anchor Handling for one of our charterers, we disconnected a DP rig from a prelaid mooring system, and afterwards we recovered the mooring system itself. The rig was moored with 8 systems. The first part, the disconnecting, was an arduous job for the whole crew with many disconnections and connections of kenter links, pear links and shackles. After each disconnected rig wire, we connected a 30 tons buoy, 6.3 m long with a diameter of 3 m, to each mooring line and released it to the water. Once the rig was disconnected, she departed with her own propulsion to the next location. So we started with the second part of the job, the recovery of the anchor systems.

During the night from the 22nd to the 23rd of August we had swell up to 4 m so we had to wait for suitable weather over the night. At 06:00 LT the UOS ENTERPRISE approached the buoy, you can see on the picture. The sea state was still not perfect, with about 1.5 m swell, so the Bosun Ashley and AB Tomasz had to get the right moment to throw the lasso over the buoy. Once they got it, we heaved the lasso with the tugger winch around 23 the buoy, the guys connected it to the tow wire and the vessel recovered the buoy to the deck.

The next step was to disconnect the buoy, connect the tow wire again to the mooring line and break out the anchor from the seabed. After unseating the anchor, we recovered the anchor, disconnected the tow wire and stowed the anchor on deck so we had enough deck space to proceed with the next mooring line. Everybody was happy to see the last anchor coming home over the stern roller.

This complex job, conducted in a safe, professional and efficient manner was a good experience for the whole crew to improve the teamwork on board of the UOS ENTERPRISE. 3/O Julian Gerkens UOS ENTERPRISE CASA FAMILIA

HOME- a place where family lives together, a foundation that was built with love and developed by great compassion and that links its members. The parents are the ones who provide, who endure everything to determine huge family value, who embrace sanctity of good relationship, also they are the protector of the family.

Home is like a ranch in an open land: the shepherd must look after his sheep. He is responsible to provide them, to lead them in a correct pathway, to protect them against any hazards they may encounter at times. So they need a perfect barrier, a shelter that covers them against any potential catastrophe.

In an overseas world, seafarers are the chosen individuals for having special capabilities upon any other necessities that needs paid off attention are conquering tonnes of endeavors, the ability to deviate just the basic things for an ordinary seafarer especially against the ebb of sacrifices while sailing in the when he’s just days at home. His busy time might middle of nowhere. They have the spirit to overcome be his most anxious moment, but the best and much challenges no matter how huge the swell and the meaningful! His unrelenting determination and love gust of life that keeps pounding against their will, to family carries everything to fulfill things he can do, to forcibly tear them apart from their loved ones for he believes all these can never be done when he’s only for the sake of one thing...to sustain his family back onboard. by giving full life so they can live more descent and 24 comfortable. Captivating priceless moments and collecting good memories for taking family to a fantastic life are the But coming home is the most awaited event! A enormous gift which has to be kept by every seafarer, combination of an extensive emotion with an exciting and serves as a glittering remembrance reliant for his portion that life doesn’t have to miss every single inspiration to work harder when he’s back at work. So thing. The treasured moments from ship to home are enjoy life with your family for it is priceless! The best the most precious pieces that will accompany him and things in life are for free. Make memories and spend never depart wherever he goes. Family is the primary it to the fullest coz nothing in this world can ever be reason why every seafarer has to come home, it is called home but family! considerable that a ship is already their home where they spend much of their time and live their entire 3/O Gleen A. Sereno life. But family is a dwell which the necessity belongs, MCP FAMAGUSTA an indispensable life belonging and fragile as gem stones.

Seafarers only have limited time with their family at home so they will have to spend it wisely! Family vacation, reunions, church routines, shoppings and Coming Home


8 months were gone, contract was done, I am ready to go, shouting…“I‘m coming home!“ 3 months after, a call from my employer, „Report to me later“, vacation was through, Goodbye to you... My wife and my daugthers. Time to go back at sea, time to be a sailor, I am ready to go, whispering... „I‘m coming home.“ Isn‘t it ironic? Which home I‘m talking to, which home I belong to... Is it a house made of STONE? Constructed on firm ground, built out of love and devotion, nurtured with faith and hope, created for lasting memories. Or a house made of STEEL? Composed of columns Indeed, I have two different houses, which I call and bars, built for toughness and firmness, nurtured HOME, because I have two different lives, In fact, most with boldness and courage, created to endure hardship. of us do, most of us share the same course... In the Which house is better? I don‘t know... Because end, it is not a matter of choosing, but a matter of whichever it will be... Both houses turn a boy into ACCEPTING... and all about LIVING... a man... A father to someone, a mentor to anyone, a friend to everyone, a partner you can count on, 2/O Milan Mc Donan responsible to anything, liable to something... FRISIA LISSABON

Coming home

“There’s no place like home”. This is the line that I get used to my presence and perhaps the happiest 25 always believe was right. Remembering my childhood, part of my vacation. I always ask myself, is this the I could say growing up with no father on your side is price of coming home after several months at sea? Do I not easy, unfortunately we did grow up that way. Papa deserve this? Feeling the pain, I understand it was not was working in Manila and Mama was left with for kids coincidence that Papa is always right there watching on our shanty house in mountainous part of northern me, as I beg and convince my daughter to hug me. Cebu. For decades until this time before writing this article, I didn’t even bother asking myself how Papa If only that very moment I got a gift of reading the felt during those days, did he miss us? Did he miss message in his eyes, it clearly says “nak that’s what I home? But life is so much more that we imagine, no felt those days when I came home and all your siblings matter how clever we think about it, it will always give hugged me except you”. I really want to hug him tight us surprises. and say “sorry Pa”. Thanks God I still have a chance when I come home this year. No matter how painful it Shooting the time to the present (my time) I am is, I have to accept the truth that my daughter grows used to crying few days after I arrive home. I cried up like me and coming home is not always easy and not because my wife left me coz she’s always my happy. comforter during that emotional moment. I cried because our daughter will never come close to hug EE Wilson Sinadjan me or be hugged. It will take a week before she will UBC SALAVERRY In my position it is difficult to describe the first finish, talking to people that have no idea what rolling thing I do or what I’m looking forward to do the and pitching means, or the fact that I could download most after leaving the ship, since I experienced this the whole internet if I would like to without worrying situation only once. about the used data. There was nothing like a thing I was looking forward What I still to do the most or a homecoming ritual. It was just remember after that I was appreciating every little thing that I simply leaving the ship the wasn’t able to do on board. first time after six month and coming Thomas Groteguth back to normal life NOA was the little changes GASCHEM ATLANTIC that took place. People were using phones that I’ve never seen before. New cars were driving on the street and everywhere they played a Korean song named „Gangnamstyle”. My favorite TV Instead Show wasn’t broadcasted anymore and a lot of my friends moved to different cities to Instead of being here, you were there, start studying. I was back in my hometown Sailing on the sea, going anywhere. at my family’s House. I knew where I am Instead of your presence, all I have is this; at when I left the ship, but everything A picture of you pouting your mouth with a kiss. was like people had moved the furniture Instead of you all I have is this pillow. around, and so did my mother. There were Keeping me warm, making me mellow. a lot of different changes that you wouldn’t Instead of your hands, I’m holding my phone. recognize if you would have been there all Waiting for your call, waiting for the tone. the time, but they exist. Instead of listening to your heartbeat, All I have is our song, playing on repeat. It is always the little things that you are Instead of hugging and feeling you close, 26 not able to do or that are prohibited that All I can do now is just smell your clothes. makes you want to do the most. And there is a lot of them on Board. It’s the little details But instead of being sad, I should be happy that are different and that seem to be Because what you’re doing is what you love truly. pretty normal during life ashore but they are Instead of thinking about the distance, simply not possible on board. That things I should think of something else, like your love, for instance. are starting to amaze you. Instead of feeling lonely and blue, I must ask God to guide and take care of you. Everything is like a new experience. You Instead of counting the days that you’ve been gone, are still having “firsts” with your family and I should look forward to the day that it’ll be done. friends during day to day routine life: First Instead of feeling empty, I should be excited dinner at your house, first time eating your Because soon enough we will be reunited. mother’s spaghetti, first time driving a car, Instead of wondering when that “soon” will happen, first time kissing a girl or first time drinking I will just patiently wait ‘til you’re back in my arms again. beer until nothing fits anymore and you did something stupid. Avy Gaile L. Maglalang I took pleasure in walking around the Career Development Assistant, streets, driving with my motorbike without a Associated Ship Management Wedding SpecialComing Home

“Marrying means: to come home”

There were a huge number of weddings in Hartmann offices all over the world this summer. Inspired by the wedding on board FRISIA LUEBECK, the Wheelhouse editors asked newly-wed couples for their favorite pictures.

27 Proposal in front of the office

On August 14 around noon time, under some invented pretext two colleagues complimented Antje Gruenefeld from Hartmann Reederei Accounting Department to the company‘s front door. Waiting outside was her partner in a beautifully decorated white carriage, intending to propose marriage to her – in front of their assembled families (and some colleagues of course). And she said „yes“!


My Wife Szuszen and I got married 15. May 2015. After a great Wedding Party with Family, Friends and some Colleagues in a small Castle in the middle of Germany we escaped on the next day to our Honeymoon in Thailand. After some days relaxing on the Pool, we took again our wedding dresses and made some nice Pictures on the beach.

Klaus Ringwald Technical Inspector, Hartmann Reederei Wedding Special

Finally the day of our civil wedding had come. On August 28th 2015, among our closest family members, my wife Julia and I said yes to each other. After the official ceremony in the historical town hall of Leer was over, we were surprised by many of my colleagues from Hartmann to congratulate us.

On the next day, we dared to said ”I do” again in front of our church, our family, closest friends and our us his sincere congratulations with the best weather dear colleagues. After this, over 100 friends and family we could ever imagine, here in East-Frisia. celebrated our wedding with a big party. It was such a wonderful day and even Petrus looked at us and gave Elia Wallenstein, Trainee Hartmann Reederei

We got married on the 15th of May, 2015 in an intimate ceremony on Norderney, an island in the North Sea, with closest family and friends. The picture was taken at the yachting harbor of Norderney.

Ines Modder Hartmann Reederei, Personnel Sea Department

After 2.5 years of successful relationship within 29 the Tanker-Inspection, it was time to navigate our relationship into seriously deep waters.

The civil wedding ceremony took place on 15th of May 2015 in the small „Temple of Friendship“ built in 1797 as a royal tea pavilion - at the wonderful Castle Grounds of Lütetsburg.

Our Registrar was asking: ‚Jörn/Annika - Will you take this woman/man to be your lawful wedded wife/ husband?‘, followed by our ‚Yes, I will‘! Both, Lütetsburg and Rysum are so close to the German coast, you‘ll find them at some The Wedding Party took place in Rysum which is a sea charts: Rysum directly behind the Dike at the Ems- beautiful village. The location was a traditional estate River, Lütetsburg just some miles south of Norderney- with an age of 260 years. Island on the mainland.

We celebrated our great day with 120 guests, Annika & Jörn Dehne including the whole Team from Inspection-Tanker. Hartmann Reederei Nautical/Technical Department FRISIA LUEBECK - This Is Where the Story of Forever Begins

The love story of Rodney and Maria proves that it is One month before the never too late to live happily ever after and love knows special day, Chief Mate no boundaries, not even the water that separates them asked Rodney when he in most of their lives. Rodney, 42 years old, the Chief would be married, Rodney Cook of FRISIA LUEBECK while Maria, 42 years old, replied with a smile “As an office manager from London. They are both from Soon as Possible”. When Malabon City, Manila, and Maria lives in London. Capt. Hetche signed on, Chief Mate shared the story about Rodney and Maria. The Captain asked the offices for permission for Maria to sail from Antwerp to London which was kindly given. Without any delay, the bride-to-be flew to Antwerp. All crew had been informed on short notice about the wedding that the Captain and the Chief Mate had planned without telling the groom and the bride. During pilotage, the backside bridge walls were decorated with different flags without disturbing The first notable wedding of the Hartmann Fleet the manoeuvring outside of Flushing. After pilot that happened at sea was Rodney and Maria’s wedding disembarked and vessel was clear to proceed and on April 7th, 2015 on board of FRISIA LUEBECK. no other vessel was in range, all crew proceeded to


We celebrated our civil wedding on the 17th of July, 2015 in Ihrhove. After my husband Christian and I “had tied the knot” in the presence of closest family and friends, we were surprised by dozens of friends and colleagues, who had come to the civil registry to congratulate us.

The day after, we got married in our local church in Großwolde. It was a wonderful ceremony and over 150 guests celebrated our wedding together with us.

Diana Cordes, Hartmann Immobilien Wedding Special

the bridge. Everyone dressed up and even Captain asked Rodney and Christoph Hetche wore his elegant gala uniform. Maria if for richest When Rodney and Maria reached the bridge, they and poorest, for were flashed by all the decoration on the bridge, which sickness and in included their country flags, all signalling flags, and the good health, pendant flags. they are willing The captain’s fiancée, who was as well onboard, to hold and love prepared a wonderful origami flower bouquet for the each other. Both bride. answered with OS Andrados played guitar while singing the love their sweetest YES and the crews cheered and gave song ‘Turn Your Lights down Low’ from Bob Marley. them the loudest applause. They exchanged the glossy Some of the crew held a carved heart. With this bronze rings, sponsored by the Engine Department, surprise, Rodney and Maria hugged each other tightly, as a symbol of their never ending LOVE. By the power with teary eyes. The tears portrayed how grateful they vested on him by the Law of the Republic of Liberia are all to who made the wedding possible. Finally, as a Master of FRISIA LUEBECK, Captain Christoph after 24 years, they stood in front of all crew of FRISIA Hetche acknowledged and blessed Maria and Rodney as LUEBECK to exchange their vows of forever. Captain husband and wife. The newly- wed couple exchanged Christoph Hetche officiated the wedding ceremony and their sweetest kiss and the celebration started. The location does not really matter for the two real lovers, but the serious promises that they assure one another on their wedding day. For Maria and Rodney, their love story of forever begins in one of the unique places for weddings in the whole world and that is the FRISIA LUEBECK.



We got married in Düsseldorf, a city that some of you might know from a stopover at the airport. Düsseldorf’s registry office is located next to the beautiful “Hofgarten” parkway and just a quick walk from the river Rhine.

Our families and friends had come from all over Germany to celebrate with us. Just before the ceremony we were a bit nervous of course, but right afterwards, it had turned out that, actually, marrying is fun …

Anke Borkott, PR-Manager Hartmann AG After we got married in the registry office last year, we had our church wedding on July 31st, followed by a great party with our family and friends. It was a wonderful day!

Britta Müller Controlling, Hartmann AG

Stephanie Ernst MTL

On the 3rd of July, 2015 I said „I do“ to my husband Thomas. On this day we had the civil marriage and celebrated same with our closest family and friends. We spent a great day at my parent’s house, sitting in the garden and enjoying our wedding cake ;-)

The day after we repeated our wedding vows during our church wedding, which was my personal highlight. In the evening, all our family members, friends, teammates and colleagues accepted our invitation to celebrate our wedding with us and we really had a 32 great party until early morning hours. Certainly, I will remember these joyful days forever…

Anna Aden, Assistant Tanker Department

Andrey Golovanov, Fleet Manager Deputy at Feederlines married with Aleksandra (Sandra) Potapchuk on the 16th of September. Life on Board GREEN IGUANA

The Green Iguana (iguana iguana) lives in Central and South America, and a very good opportunity to watch them is in San Juan (Puerto Rico).

Close to the grain berth, in the extreme her eggs in. A not so sympathetic behavior is that when southwestern corner of the harbor, there is not she finds eggs of another iguana during this operation, much traffic and it is thus a fairly peaceful place. So she removes them and throws them away. hundreds of green iguanas have settled down there More and more green iguanas are also kept as pets, and can be watched from aboard ship, climbing around but I do not encourage that. They are more beautiful in the trees or taking sunbaths on the stones nearby. and happier in freedom in their natural habitats.

The green iguana may attain a length of two Χαιρετισμούς metres, they are usually vegetarians, except for the mating period, when they also eat other animals. After Capt Peter Mosselberger mating the female iguana digs a hole in order to put UBC SAGUNTO

34 Life on Board

Passing with UBC SACRAMENTO on 4-Dec-2014, outbound, downtown NOLA (New Orleans), when the UBC TORONTO came upstream. In the background the NOLA skyline in fog.

Capt. Theodor Hinrichs UBC SACRAMENTO

A glance at the past: Life on board a Viking ship

‚Viking‘ was the name given to the people from to steer the ships. It was fastened to the right-hand Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The time in side of the ship at the back. history known as the Viking Age began in the late 8th century A.D.and lasted for about 300 years. What was life like on board? There was no shelter on the ships. At night Vikings What sort of ships did the Vikings have? might pull their ships up on land. They could take the 35 Viking ships large and small were all made in sail down and lay it across the boat to make a sort of the same way: Planks of timber, usually oak were tent which they could sleep under. They might even overlapped and nailed together. The ships were made pitch tents on shore. The tents were made of wool. If watertight by filling the spaces between the planks the crew were far out to sea they would have had to with tarred wool or animal hair. The ships were all the sleep on the deck. They would have kept warm under same long narrow shape and floated near the surface blankets or two-man sleeping bags made of animal of the water. This meant that they also could be used skin. in shallow water, on rivers and lakes. Food would have been dried or salted meat or fish. Food could only be cooked if the sailors were able to How did the Vikings ships move? land. If they were at sea, all food would have been The ships had one large square sail, most likely cold, for the Vikings did not want to risk setting the made of wool. Leather strips criss-crossed the wool to ship alight by lighting a fire. For drink, there would help the sail keep its shape when it was wet. Viking have been water and beer or sour milk. ships also had oars. The oars were different lengths The hardship of life on board, especially in rough according to where they would be used on the ship. seas, meant that Vikings did not make voyages in The oarsmen did not have seats, so they sat on storage winter time, but waited until the spring. chests instead. A steering oar or ‚steerboard‘ was used Source: Royal Museums Greenwich - National Maritime Museum - http://www.rmg.co.uk/explore/sea-and-ships/facts/ships- and-seafarers/the-vikings FLAMINGOES IN AMUAY BAY

All of us UBC crew know Amuay Bay in Venezuela, from where large quantities of petroleum coke are shipped with our vessels. It is really not a place one would choose for his next vacation. It is always windy, the air stinks of the emissions of the nearby not really environmentally-friendly refinery, there is no vegetation, it is just desert with gray and brown gravel.

Who of the animal-friendly visitors would expect — under such circumstances — that there is a flamingo habitat? When going ashore, riding from the coke berth to the first checkpoint, one drives around the Bay of Amuay and here they are in numerous quantities — and obviously growing and feeling well!

Χαιρετισμούς Capt Peter Mosselberger

36 Technology & Science



Back in 2006, the people of Panama voted for the expansion of one of the most important waterways in the world. In September 2007, the project was kicked off by a controlled explosion at the future building site. The objective of the expansion is to raise the capacity of Gatun Lake in order to accomodate vessels up to 14,000 TEU which means an three times increase of the actual limits. After eight years of building and 5.2 billion USD, the project will most probably be completed in April 2016. By Stephanie Ernst, MTL


September, 3rd: Start of the project

Source: Panama Canal Authority 2010 - http://pancanal.com/

January, 27th: The land where Panama Canal’s third lock will be built, is cleared and prepared along the Atlantic coast. 38


December, 21st: A huge number of cranes is necessary to complete all the work on the Panamal Canal building site. A new set of locks will be placed soon. All pictures in this article by Courtesy of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) Source: http://micanaldepanama.com/expansion/press-releases/ Technology & Science


August, 13th: The construction workers work day and night to be in time with the construction of the new locks.


February, 20th: Works on the Panama Canal expansion had been suspended for days due to a disagreement with a contractor on cost overruns. 2014

December, 10th: While the last rolling gate arrives at the Pacific side, visitors observe the maneuver. The last gate is being transported through the Miraflores locks.

39 2015

June, 11th: Mr. Jorge Quijano, head of the Panama Canal Authority, opens the main valve to flood the Gatun flood chambers. The water runs into the new set of locks in the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal in Colon, Panama. Until the final completion in early 2016, engineers will be testing the new locks for the next 8 months to come. After successful completion of the test period, the new locks will be opened to the 2016 commercial shipping industry. April: Estimated date of completion. Below the ocean surface: Underwater monster waves

kilometers, making them some of the largest waves in the world. They have previously been observed in lesser detail at the Straits of at the gateway of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean and off the coast of San Francisco in the Pacific Ocean. The waves are made up of moving regions of air or water that are more or less dense than their surroundings because of differences in the temperature of the water and salt content. They can be generated underwater by powerful storms or hurricanes and in the atmosphere when air This astronaut photograph taken from the International Space hits a huge mountain range such as the Rockies or the Station (ISS) shows the north coast of the island of Trinidad in Himalayas. the southeastern Caribbean Sea and the huge internal waves that are visible in the top left of the picture. Source: NASA/JSC Research: Scale model

While the world continues to remain fascinated It took scientists seven years to track the by tsunamis and superstorms, recent findings have movements of skyscraper-high waves in the South uncovered surprising facts about a powerful force China Sea, which rarely break the ocean surface, that exists under the surface of the world’s oceans: develop, move and dissipate underwater. A team of underwater or internal waves. Although their existence has been known for around a century, these waves are seldom encountered and 40 hardly ever photographed. But they have been known to affect submariners and oil rig workers with their enormous power. They move huge volumes of heat, salt, and nutrient rich-water, which are important to fish, industrial fishing operations and the global climate. Internal waves are actually very similar in shape to normal waves on the ocean’s surface. Despite their daunting size, however, internal waves travel very slowly at speeds of just a couple of centimeters per second.


They occur in all the oceans, as well as in fjords A satellite image of internal waves (with a wavelength of and lakes. In the Luzon Strait, between Taiwan and about 2 kilometers), which are generated by flow from the the Philippine island of Luzon, they can reach up to Atlantic ocean to the , at the east of 170 meters (558 feet) tall and travel several hundred Gibraltar and . Source: ESA Technology & Science

scientists constructed a large-scale model of the Luzon Strait’s sea floor. The scale model was then installed in a giant tank in Grenoble, France. Using simulations in the giant 50-foot diameter tank, the scientists have determined that the waves are formed as a result of the water’s interaction with the entire ridge system of the Luzon strait.

Research: Satellite imagery

Using satellite imagery, scientists were also able to detect and track internal waves from above. Tracking them from start to finish helps scientists understand

In this photograph of the San Francisco Bay area taken from these waves. the International Space Station, sets of internal waves traveling east impinge on the coastline south of the city. Anke Borkott Source: NASA/JPC.

Sources: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/2588/20140111/secrets-of-monster-underwater-waves-solved.htm http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/07/150721193900.htm http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2274199/Caught-camera-Huge-UNDERWATER-wave-spanning-hundreds-miles-observed- International-Space-Station.html

The Bermuda Triangle:

Mystery or Intrigue 41

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most popular unknown beings. The world of Atalanta was located in myths of modern times. The Triangle or Devil’s Hole the Triangle. is an area roughly bounded by a line from Miami, Records show that in the last 100 years a number Bermuda and Puerto Rico. of about 1000 people died in the Triangle which is an With Columbus being the first one who described average of 10 persons per year. This number is just a bizarre compass bearings in the area, it lasted till fraction of the number of people dying in the North 1964, when an article was published about the Sea. It’s not just the number of people who died but disappearance of flight 19, before the myth making the way they died. was born. As mentioned it all started with flight 19. Flight It appeared that in this area about 100 ships and 19 was a squadron of five Grumman Avenger bombers planes disappeared under mysterious circumstances. of the US Navy who left Fort Lauderdale on a training A lot of writers and cineastes used this knowledge to mission on the 5th of December 1945. The 14 persons let go their fantasy. on board of the bombers never came home again. The They came with a lot of theories about the pilots had to rely on their navigating skills as GPS and disappearances like giant sea monsters, giant squid, other modern navigational aids were still a dream by extra terrestrials, alien abductions and even the that time. existence of a mysterious third dimension created by Four out of the five planes were manned with her buoyancy. As a result of that the vessel would new recruits who were still in their training sessions. “sink” like a rock giving the crew no time to send an The instructor who was on board of the fifth plane emergency signal. Don’t think what would happen to reported that the compasses were malfunctioning and planes when they were “caught” in a methane cloud. the planes were most probably disorientated. The instructor forwarded a message that he intended to As vessels and planes mainly used magnetic make an emergency landing at sea when the fuel tanks compasses the Earth magnetic field could influence were empty. the reliability. It appeared that the Earth magnetic field was much weaker or non existing in the Devil’s Although the Grumman bombers had a good Triangle creating differences in readings of up to reputation when it came to reliability it wouldn’t twenty degrees. This would of course explain the prevent the planes from sinking to the bottom of the abnormalities Columbus mentioned and also the ocean after their landing. It seems that this is a very disappearance of Flight 19. logical explanation for the disappearance was it not that the instructor mentioned that he noticed a milk When checking the list of disappearances it seems white sea just before the radio contact finally broke that only yachts and small planes are nowadays off. This message reached the disappearing in the area. control tower on a moment Drug smuggling, strong that the planes should have currents, inexperienced been out of fuel for hours. crew and dense traffic could be logical To add more mystery to it; explanations. This would the search plane disappeared logically reveal the myth without a trace in the same of the Bermuda Triangle. area where flight 19 got lost. But what to think The search plane appeared to of the message of the be a PBM Mariner which had a pilot of a small plane reputation of being unreliable. who asked the control The nick name of this plane tower if there were 42 was “Flying Gas Tank” and more planes in that even the smallest spark could area. The control tower ignite the plane. A vessel in denied the presence the area reported indeed a Map of the Bermuda Triangle of other aircraft huge ball of fire in the position upon which the pilot where this PBM Mariner should be. described that there was an unknown plane in his direct neighbourhood cigar shaped, flying with extreme With the publication of the article and the release speed, making unbelievable curves and able to stop in of the book “Bermuda Triangle” of Charles Berlitz the mid air. The last words of this pilot were that the cigar myths and theories reached enormous proportions. The shaped object was flying just above him and it seems book became a bestseller by the way. to be an abnormal plane.

Scientist jumped in to come up with more logical Article provided by Feederlines explanations. One of their theories was that the sea bottom in that particular area released extreme portions of Methane. When a vessel was sailing in Source of the map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ commons/3/33/Bermuda_Triangle.png such a methane bubble the good old rule By Bermudan_kolmio.jpg: Alphaios derivative work: -Majestic- wouldn’t apply anymore and the vessel would loose (Bermudan_kolmio.jpg) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Sports & Leisure


“Orient meets Occident”: St. Anthony’s church and old mosque. Photography: Capt Peter Mosselberger AAL GALVESTON in Laem Chabang: Sightseeing Trip around Pattaya

We would like to share with all Wheelhouse readers our indelible impressions from the excursion to the most popular Thai’s attractions in Pattaya. We toured among other things “The Srirach Tiger Zoo” and the spectacular “The Sanctuary of Truth”.

3/O Bonsol, C/E Tomkalski, M/M Amorsolo, WPR Alvior, 3/E Estanislao

Controversially the zoo had been using tigers FTR Antenor, 2/E Denila, E/CD Romas, 3O/ADM Sapra, C/K and elephants in circus shows, including tigers Niezielski, D/CD Ostan at the crocodile show leaping through rings of fire, walking across a double tightrope, parading around a ring on hind legs, and Pattaya Sriracha Tiger Zoo is one of the outstanding riding on horseback. Sources reported “potentially attractions in Pattaya. You can enjoy a variety of dangerous human-tiger and human-elephant close 44 animal shows such as Crocodile Shows, Tiger Shows, interaction”, “bizarre multi-species enclosures”, Elephant Shows and even Pig Racing. The zoo claims a tigers being struck with steel poles by trainers and population of 200 tigers and around 10,000 crocodiles, implications that tigers were being bred for export to the largest such populations in the world. China.

Elephant’s female massage And Elephant’s male massage - not recommended ☺ Sports & Leisure

The Sanctuary of Truth is an amazing wooden building right on the beach in the Northern part of Pattaya. The building has been under construction now for more than 20 years, and it might take another 15 years before it is finished.

The Sanctuary of Truth is completely made out of wood, and all the delicate carvings are done by hand. A huge number of woodcarvers are at work here every day carving out the various figures. The top point of the building is about 105 meters high. The Sanctuary of Truth is not in use as a temple. It is built on an area of almost one acre on Rachvate Cape overlooking the sea in Northern Pattaya.

The architectural style is inspired by Buddhist and The building was constructed according to ancient Hindu beliefs. Each of the four corners has a tower Thai ingenuity and every square inch of the building is with figures from Thai, Cambodian, Indian and Chinese covered with wooden carve sculpture. The purposes of beliefs and legends. The Sanctuary of Truth is created decoration with wooden carve sculptures are to use art by Thai millionaire Khun Lek Viriyaphant, who was very and culture as the reflection of ancient vision of Earth, interested in preserving Thai culture and history. ancient knowledge, and eastern philosophy.

German Bratwurst

Capt. Robert De Jose and C/E Francis Zingapan having their German Bratwurst sausage experience whilst on Hartmann Group-Europe-Familiarisation-Tour ☺ 45

Capt. Rene Dzicki Hartmann Group succeeds in running „Half Marathon“ in Hamburg

On the 20th of Hamburg in order to support their September, 22 super- colleagues and gave them a loud motivated runners from welcome at the finish line. Hartmann Shipping After only an hour, the first runner in Leer and GasChem crossed the finish-line, closely followed gathered in Hamburg by our IT Manager Holger Grigat who to conquer a running course of 21.4 km, which led them through the pretty district of Hamburg Wandsbek. The team had been training under the supervision of experienced runners for three months and was well-prepared for the challenge. A bit of sunshine, no wind and temperatures of 14 degrees provided for excellent reached a phenomenal 5th place! Every one of our weather conditions. runners made it through this tough competition At 6 PM sharp, the starting signal sounded and which is an amazing achievement. They were happy over 1,500 runners went onto the course. All athletes and proud to have conquered the 21.4 kms and all outfought various pains, cramps, stitches on their pains and struggles experienced on the course were 46 way to the goal. They were motivated by the many forgotten. spectators lining the streets of Hamburg’s city, Well done to the Team and thanks to the trainees shouting and cheering as they ran past. Also, many of Hartmann Reederei for the great organization! employees from the Hartmann offices had come to Sports & Leisure

Limassol – Seen by a visiting captain

Limassol is the home Today, a few tiny British town of ISN and many other territories are still existing on shipping companies and Cyprus for military purposes, crewing agencies, but only namely Akrotiri and Dikeila. few of us have ever visited These are rather bizarre re- it. In May this year I was mainders of the colonial time, invited for a pre-joining and Mr. John Ioannou of the briefing to the “Hartmann crewing department was good House”. On a free afternoon enough to show me around I took the opportunity to on the Peninsula of Akrotiri, walk around in the town. where the Royal Air Force owns Geographically, Cyprus a busy airstrip, Her Majesty’s Limassol: Hartmann House in Miltonos Street belongs to Asia Minor, and Secret Service maintains a ra- this is already a guarantee for a very interesting histo- dio listening station to intercept signals from the Mid- ry which often changed in the last 3000 years. dle East, and where the interesting shipwreck of the - 1200 b.C. the Mycenians from the Greek mainland Greek freighter “Three Stars”(grounded here in 1972) settled first here, and subsequently Cyprus became can be seen. Further the old Templars’ Castle of Kolos- an important link and hub for the trade with the si with its reptile inhabitants, and only a few hundred Middle East. meters from the airstrip there is a quiet monastery - - Around 800 b.C. the Phoenicians arrived from today’s “St. Nikolaos ton Gaton” (St. Nichlas of the Cats). And Lebanon, and rule over the island changed frequent- indeed there are numerous cats, the famous “Cyprus ly between Egypt, Syria and Persia. Cat”, recognizable by its gray seal and the green eyes - In 332 b.C. conquered Cyprus, surrounded by a thin black circle. and after the decay of his Empire, it became a part In 327, when Emperor Constantine officially allowed of the Ptolemaean Empire (i.e. Egypt). the Christian religion in the Roman Empire, his mother - 58 b.C. Cyprus finally became a part of the Roman Helena made a trip to the Middle East and Jerusalem, 47 Empire. When the Roman Empire was split in a West- including Cyprus. Everywhere she founded churches ern and Eastern half in 395 AD, and got monasteries built. In Cyprus became a part of the East Akrotiri snakes were plentiful Roman Empire, whose capital and a nuisance. So cats were was Constantinople. brought here in order to exter- - In 1192 Cyprus was conquered by minate the unwanted reptiles, the crusaders under King Richard and they did an excellent job. Lionheart, and it remained under They got the territory snake control of the Templars and the free and since then they enjoy Republic of Venice until 1571. the highest reputation. - From 1571 on Cyprus belonged Akrotiri: Cyprus Cat in Ag. Nikolaos ton Gato Only 1% of the Cypriots are to the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), and in 1878 it was Roman Catholics (here called “”). The Catholic let by the Turks to the Britain for 500 million $, in church of Limassol (“St. Chatherine’s”) is run by the exchange for British help against the Russians. Franciscan Brothers and firmly in the hand of Filipino - In 1914, when the Ottoman Empire joined the Axis expats, Limassol’s largest Roman Catholic community. Powers, Britain annexed the entire island, and in 1925 Cyprus became a British Crown Colony. Χαιρετισμούς - Independence was gained in 1960. Capt Peter Mosselberger MTL Sportive

Source: Targo Bank. https://www.unser-unternehmen-laeuft.de/bilder/ueberblick-2015/

On August 20th, some colleagues of the MTL team participated in the Targo-Bank-Run, a public company run with 6.000 runners in this year. The course of abt. 6 km started at the Duisburg theatre and went through the 48 whole town. The run, whose earnings are always being donated to different social welfare projects for disadvantaged children in the region of Duisburg, celebrated its 10th birthday in 2015. Afterwards, there was a big After-Run-Party along the start/finish zone and a spectacular firework in the end. Our MTL runners did pretty well and had a lot of fun! Entertainment



Family is most important to each and every one of us. Probably this is why we got so many contributions this time! We decided to go for two categories – “on board” and “ashore” – to appreciate the contributions adequately. Here are the two winning pictures, as well as a selection from al the pictures we received. Congratulations to Ken Mickel Delicano and Frederik Meyer!

WINNER Being far away from our family is an uneasy feeling, but having this ‚Second Family‘ onboard makes that feeling „ON BOARD“ more easy to overcome.

O/S Ken Mickel Delicano HAFNIA AMERICA



Frederik Meyer, Operating Department MTL Entertainment

Nothing compares to the feeling of my happiness and excitement being with my family. Everyone does prepare something for their loved one whether it is in a simplest way like picking me up at the airport and that for me is a sure joy. Days before my flight, I can‘t be tamed by the thoughts of having my wife wrapped in my arms again. Doing things that I love the most, that is spending time with my family, creating happy moments with them, playing online rpg games non-stop (actually that‘s one of my stress reliever), dining out with family and friends (moderately), and of course living my life outside work -- Isn‘t it exciting? Now tell me, who can be tamed by the thoughts of having your social life back again. Not just being with the family but creating memories with them so that they can treasure those times while we‘re apart. Coming home is the indication of added experience, valuable lessons and maturity in work cause every contract there will be added values to our profession.


‚Pick the area of your life, perhaps your intimate relationships your family.‘

But if you are onboard, your family is a thousand miles away from you. So, I‘m telling that my family is here while I‘m onboard the vessel. Because we always eat together, we frequently share our problems & happenings and even our dreams! And sometimes, we endeavor to take a shower into one group!

A/B Ariel Calacday LOODIEP 51

Kim de Wit - van Oosten Executive Assistant Feederlines PHOTO CONTEST

Eike Hartmann MTL

A pic of A/B John Eiman on the SANTIAGO, maintenance of his temporary ‘home’ which was the hold’s ventilation duct.

There can never be a family without a home, nor a home without a family. These two are interdependently created. I am blessed to have found a family in this ship that provides me a home away from home! This ship is more than a working place. We build genuine relationship notwithstanding the diversity of our personal lives. Aside from my family and special someone, these people surely made me cry when they said goodbye. Definitely, MV SEABOARD AMERICA gives me a comfort like the one in a family.

52 E/C Isagani A. Cañal SEABORD AMERICA


New born baby girl of 3rd Engineer Kenny Rentegrado and his wife:

Name: Kean Lourrisze weight : 2500 gr length: 27 cm birthday: August 20, 2015, 08:00 am


A complete memorable portrait of Ylade’s family taken last year 2013 with my wife and four daughters as a souvenir of a strong happy family bonding that stays together for a common cause to cherish and prosper.

Capt. Arthur Francisco Ylade PLATRES

2/O Albert Veloria UBC SANTA MARTA


‘Capt’. Inga Rusinek, Daughter of Capt. Rusinek, visiting AAL GALVESTON in Antwerp and taking over her fathers ‘big’ Masters Chair ☺

MAS Piotr Rusinek AAL GALVESTON Entertainment


My wife, Paulina, was four months pregnant when I was joined onboard vessel. We are so blessed and thanking when God gave us our first baby in a very soonest best of time, next month after the wedding.

As months passed by during pregnancy of my wife, how I wish that I am with her, feeling and hearing the heartbeat and kicking of my young little one. But although I was not there every month of check-up and everyday of their bonding moment, I just felt that I am at home for all the stories and videos sent by e-mail onboard and that very-very special day of welcoming our baby. Via Facebook of my wife. Skype I saw my beloved little young one and that was the most teary, but happiest and most warmest feeling That was a different kind of feeling, it just makes that I felt ever... ever in my life. I am now a becoming me feel so happy and I can’t control to make my eyes responsible, stronger and a true FATHER to my wife teary, everyday before and after my work makes me and my son... and that is my FAMILY, that blessful excited to read all next happy playful stories of my word, I will always keep in my heart unbreakable, young one, kicking and stretching once my wife talks united and God fearing at my very best that I can, as a and touches her tummy and that makes my day happy. proudest Seafarer’s Tatay. 54

I know it sounds crazy, but I really did, as a happy This month of August will be my end of contract, and excited Tatay, talk with my baby via Skype and hoping and praying I will be at home, also our First believe he will hear my voice and respond by moving Wedding Anniversary and our baby boy Thomas inside. And even in a letter... ahahaha... yes, even Arizander will be three months old, that would be in a letter... because I know when my wife reads it also a grateful and happiest moment that I have been my baby will hear it, all possibilities in any way that waiting, the warmest feeling of kissing, hugging and I think I can communicate with my baby even when carrying, for the very first time of my baby and my I’m onboard, searching internet about development of wife as always, we are now truly a happy Family. babies, I did it, it’s awesome all about babies. The picture taken via Skype was a three weeks Until that very special and happy-happiest day of old of our baby when he got confined because of our life, that my wife and I had been waiting, May pneumonia for 1 week in hospital, this will be our most 24, 2015, God’s allowed and blessed us a safe and caring and worrying like every parents but most loving strong delivery, our healthy and cutie little angel baby family moment. boy. As a happiest Tatay of all the seafarer’s around the world, I am very lucky and God’s answered my Electrician Erwin C. Medrano prayer a best of chance at port, to witness and feel DELTADIEP Entertainment

Spot the differences

MS EMS-LINER: Acquired in 1981, she was the first There are seven differences between the two Hartmann vessel ever. pictures - and some are really hard to track. Can you find them all?


Complete the grid, until each row, each column and Got the solution to the Sudoku? Send it in until each box (marked 3 by 3) contains the numbers 1-9 March 1, 2016, stating the subject “Sudoku” to: news@ only once. No guessing is required and there is only one hartmann-ag.com - and seize the possibility to win one solution. out of five customized Hartmann mugs!

56 The winners of the Sudoku in issue no. 10 are: 2/E Sergey Kotovich – 3/E Adones Bangahon – A/B Vincent Abestano - A/B Michael Cataloctocan - A/B Joemar Nepomuceno Congratulations! Your Hartmann mugs are on their way.

Riddles over a deep gorge. At the point you are 3/8 of a) You are driving a big bus. At your first stop, 3 the way across the bridge, you hear the train women get on. The second stop, 2 men get on and whistle somewhere behind you. You charge across 1 woman gets off. Third stop, 2 kids and their dad the bridge, and jump off the track as the train get on, while another woman gets off. The bus is about to run you down. As it happens, if you is grey, and it is foggy and raining outside. What had gone the other way, you would have reached color is the bus driver’s hair? safety just before being run over as well. If you b) I can trap many different things and colors, ever can run ten miles per hour, how fast is the train changing, not boring. Look closely and you may moving? find yourself also caught in my trap. What am I? Source: Jim Taylor, http://riddles.com c) Walking home one day, you take a short cut along (Solutions on page 58) the train tracks. The tracks cross a narrow bridge Entertainment

Find and circle all of the Christmas Tree words that WORD SEARCH are hidden in the grid. The remaining 53 letters spell a secret message. Source and copyright: Livewire Puzzles – http://www.puzzles.ca/freefun.html


Hägar the Horrible – COMING HOME from a Viking Age point of view WHEELHOUSE ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEXT ISSUE – JOIN IN! General topic of issue no. 12:


Which were the most important steps in your career? Which Contribute to advice was the most inspiring? What would you recommend QUALITY to colleagues on their way up the career ladder? This is your opportunity to share YOUR story with the Taking care of quality in everyday life is essential: Wheelhouse readers. Tell us about your career, your A thoroughly handcrafted product lasts for experiences or about a special occasion related to your decades, while for example low quality food, half- position on board or in the office. All colleagues are very heartedly served, can ruin a restaurant within welcome to share their stories! weeks.

Did you ever experience really good or really bad quality in private or in professional life? What does it take to ensure and maintain quality? And what does quality mean to you in the first place? Please share your story or your thoughts on “QUALITY”. How to join in

• The Wheelhouse team invites all colleagues on board and 58 in the offices to join in. We look forward to your articles and pictures, ideas and feedback! • Please send your articles and pictures to: PHOTO CONTEST [email protected] OR [email protected] OR [email protected] The topic for the next photo contest is OR [email protected] OR “CHRISTMAS”. We look for your best Christmas [email protected] pictures ever – even though they will be • The texts should be no longer than half a page or 500 published in May and you might probably see words. Please note that he editors may have to shorten or them printed while encountering temperatures edit texts. well above 30° C. • Pictures should be sent in a high resolution, so they can be printed in good quality. No limits set to your imagination - the best

• The deadline for all contributions is March 1, 2016.

picture will be awarded!

bridge. For the train to cross 4/4 of the bridge in the time you cross the remaining 1/4, the train must be moving four times your speed. your times four moving be must train the 1/4, remaining the cross you time the in bridge the of 4/4 cross to train the For bridge.

heads toward it. When he reaches safety, you will be 6/8 (or 3/4)of the way across the bridge, and the train will have just reached the the reached just have will train the and bridge, the across way the 3/4)of (or 6/8 be will you safety, reaches he When it. toward heads

moving at 40 miles per hour. Imagine that a friend is walking with you. When the train whistle blows, you head away from the train, he he train, the from away head you blows, whistle train the When you. with walking is friend a that Imagine hour. per miles 40 at moving

, you are the bus driver!; b) A mirror, or a pool of water; c) The train is is train The c) water; of pool a or mirror, A b) driver!; bus the are you , Remember is! hair your color Whatever a) riddles: the to Solutions UOS EXPLORER Technical Manager Hartmann Offshore The Hartmann IMO-No 9439917 Type AHTS MOSS 424 H Group fleet- Built 2010/ Fincantiery, Italy Length o.a. 76.50 M collection Beam 17.50 M Dead Weight 3,000 MT Main Engine 4x MAN 6L32/40 3000 KW EACH Expand your collection of Hartmann Group Speed 16 KN (BFT2) vessels with the 7th set of “vessel business cards”!

In this issue: UOS EXPLORER Hartmann Offshore BOSPORUSDIEP Feederlines UBC TORONTO UBC TORONTO Intership Navigation Technical Manager INTERSHIP NAVIGATION GasChem ANTARCTIC Hartmann Reederei IMO-No 9300764 Built 2005 / Saiki, Japan Length o.a. 182 M You are very welcome to suggest your Beam 28.6 M favorite vessel for the next issue. Dead weight 38,000 MT Please send your nomination to Main engine Mitsubishi 6UEC52LS 7943KW [email protected].

BOSPORUSDIEP Technical Manager Feederlines IMO-No 9393840 Type Multi purpose vessel Built 2008 / Bodewes Shipyards, Netherlands Length o.a.. 106.68 m Beam 15.20 m Dead weight 5,250 mt Main engine MAK 6 M 25 1980 kW Speed 12 kn (Bft 2)

GASCHEM ANTARCTIC Technical Manager Hartmann Gas Carriers IMO-No 9402598 Type LPG-Carrier Built 2010 / Meyer Werft, Germany Length o.a.154.9 m All details given in good faith, Beam 23 m but without any guarantee. Dead weight 18,110 mt Main engine Sulzer Speed 17 kn Follow this code to our Wheelhouse archive.