From: To: Manston Airport Subject: Fwd: Time of meeting and duration of visit? OBSERVATION / SUBMISSION ref Manston Airport Date: 15 March 2019 09:39:14

------Forwarded message ------From: Ian Hide Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019, 09:37 Subject: Time of meeting and duration of visit? OBSERVATION / SUBMISSION ref Manston Airport To:

Dear Richard Price

Further to your email of 14th March.

Can you advise me please what time we are to meet at the Car Park at Building 500, Discovery Park, Sandwich?

Are we to use our own transport to get to Manston Airport from the meeting point at Sandwich?

Finally what time do you think the visit will conclude?

As I advised by phone I will try to book the Tuesday 19th March off from work but I may not know for sure until Monday 18th March. I will phone you on 0303 444 5654 so as to confirm what the situation is. Please accept my apologies for asking the above questions but I am working in Brighton away from my home in Margate, where all my Manston Airport papers are stored.

My registration identification number is 20012234.


RUNWAY - You may find that an attempt will be made to portray the angle of the runway as going out to sea over Pegwell Bay which is between and . See below for an historical item. I can remember EU jet once claiming that was the case. Pegwell Bay is a site of special scientific Interest but has little in the way of human settlement.

This is an optical illusion that depending on angle of viewing and weather and light levels can occur.

In fact the runway lines up fairly well with Ramsgate High Street which is part of a road that runs from the Royal Harbour inland towards St Lawrence. I worked in 1988/1989 for a company based in the High Street and I can remember the passenger jets flying low enough to be a noise issue and to cause a momentary significant light level drop when they flew over, a large shadow passing over the ground.

ST LAWRENCE AREA OF RAMSGATE - Travelling inland you then have the St Lawrence area of Ramsgate, a largely private property development of bungalows and houses. These residents were used to the quick fly over of RAF jets. Military aircraft take off very fast and climb fast, they have to because of the nature of their job. Civilian passenger jets and cargo jets are much slower and so the duration of noise is much longer and I feel more intense, plus what ever RSP say it appears that to make the airport economically viable, and even then industry commentators suggest it still will not be economically viable, it will be necessary for 24/7 operation thus 24/7 noise impact.

In addition the land climbs upwards from Ramsgate Royal Harbour inland towards St Lawrence and so the gap between an aircraft and the ground is even less as you go more inland. I understand that Manston is the highest point above sea level area in Thanet.

ACOL- I note that at item 11 Acol that you list visual impacts. There is a risk of noise affecting Acol.

ST NICHOLAS AT WADE- St Nicholas at Wade. This is a sizable village inland to the west of the airport laying next to the A299 Thanet Way which by passes it. This village was also affected by aircraft noise. I viewed a property there in about 1992 and declined it when a cargo plane flew over it. If possible it may be worth quickly visiting St Nicholas at Wade.

PEGWELL BAY - HISTORY - In the late 1960's / early 1970's I can remember as a child on holiday seeing the first hover craft service move from Ramsgate Royal Harbour to a purpose built hoverport at Pegwell Bay for operational reasons and especially because of noise issues in Ramsgate. The residents of nearby Cliffsend at Pegwell Bay were not happy. Lack of sufficient winter traffic levels eventually lead to Hoverloyd merging with and the service moving to the Seaspeed facilities in .

VIABILITY OF THE AIRPORT - The failure of numerous operators of the airport and the hover port and that fact that Ramsgate has lost its passenger ferry service, and some freight services, only illustrates that the London area of population prefer to travel from facilities nearer to London. Thanet and Manston is just too far for them from London.

If you need any further information then please feel free to phone me on 07966 797 616.

Many thanks.

Kind regards

Ian W B Hide.