11 Selected Bibliography.Pdf
189 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Sources : Seth Vikram Mappings (New Delhi: Writers Vikas Workshop, 1981, rpt. Viking, Penguin India, 1994). Seth Vikram The Humble Administrator’s Garden (Carcaoet, 1985). Seth Vikram The Golden Gate (London : Faber and Faber, 1986). Seth Vikram From Heaven’s Lake (New Delhi: Viking, Penguin India, 1989). Seth Vikram All You Who Sleep Toniaht (New Delhi: Viking, Penguin India, 1990). Seth Vikram Beastly Tales From Here and There (New Delhi: Viking, Penguin India, 1992). Seth Vikram Three Chinese Poets (New Delhi: Viking, Penguin India, 1992). Seth Vikram A Suitable Bov (New Delhi: Viking, Penguin India, 1993). Secondary Sources: Agarwalla Shyam Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Bov : Search for an Indian Identity (New Delhi: Prestige Books, 1995). Austen Jane Pride and Prejudice (New Delhi: Orient Longman Ltd., rpt. 1975). Beach J.W. : The Twentieth Centurv Novel (Ludhiana: Lyall Book Depot, 1965). Brooks and Warren Understandina Fiction edn. 2 (New York : Appleton - Century Crafts, 1959). Bharucha and Sarang Indian-Enalish Fiction 1980-90: An Assessment (Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation, 1994). 190 Dass and Dhawan Fiction of the Nineties (New Delhi: Prestige Books, 1994). Dhawan R.K. Commonwealth Fiction Broad Perceptives Vol.-1, Section I (New Delhi: Classical Publishing Company, 1988). Dhawan R.K. Indian Women Novelists Set - HI Vol. IV. (New Delhi: Printige Books, 1993). Doubtfire Dianne The Craft of Novel - Writing (New Delhi: Arnold - Heine - man, 1984). Forster E.M. Aspects of the Novel (New Delhi: Penguin Books, 1970). Gokhale Shanta Rita Welinkar (Bombay : Disha Books, 1995). Gupta Balaram Studies in Indian Fiction in English (Gulberga : Jiwe Publications, 1987).
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