X7612/1 Christopher Whitelock/Ann Ellerton/Elizabeth Harland?

Oswald- Sealy




To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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The wills and admons that I have are with the exception of Matthew Whitelock 1841 obtained from the West Archive Service. I agreed not to circulate the originals, hence I am sending you my transcriptions. I think by application to WYAS the originals probably could be posted on your website if you wished but it might cost as obviously they are making money by selling copies to individuals. Also in some cases the originals are hard to read.

Christopher Whitelock I4 on page 1 of Whitlock 21 was buried 21 Sep 1737 at Downholme –National Burial Index

Elizabeth Whitelock [nee Harland] was buried 24 Jun 1750 Downholme –NBI

The witnesses on Christopher’s admon are his eldest son George Whitelock and George’s brothers in laws Francis and Henry Lodge.

Christopher’s children are as you have them in your file. X7612/2 J1 Elizabeth Whitelock bp 19 Jun 1698 bur 29 Aug 1699

With Elizabeth Harland he had George, Peter, Christopher, William and Matthew. I am descended from George, Christopher and Matthew! My family tree is complicated and my computer program, Family Tree Maker does not like all the cousin marriages so I have resorted to a hand drawn chart.

I will work through my family tree from the oldest ancestor down dealing with them couple by couple and passing on to you any additional information I have

George Whitelock J2 Whitlock 21 page1

I have already sent you his will of 1756.

George bp 8 Apr 1701 Downholme, buried 11 Nov 1757 Downholme

Married Isabel Lodge 29 Apr 1733 bishop’s Transcripts or 29 Apr 1731 IGI at Downholme

Isabel Lodge bp 17 Nov 1696 Downholme


1. Christopher Whitelock bp 27 Feb 1732 Downholme IGI but is not in the BTs. I am not sure about this child’s existence.

2. Elizabeth Whitelock bp 31 May 1736 Downholme [IGI] d. 13 Jul 1788 aged 53 married Christopher Whitelock bp 30 Jun 1740

3. George Whitelock bp 21 Apr 1746 Downholme appears in both the IGI and the records but I have no other information about him.

Elizabeth appears to be George’s only surviving child at the time of his death although he does make reference to the situation that if Elizabeth does not marry then the farm be shared between “all my living children and my 3 brothers viz Christopher, William and Matthew Whitelock” Perhaps Elizabeth was just his favourite child but it was unusual in those days to leave a farm to a daughter if there were sons available to inherit. X7612/3 Peter Whitelock J3 page 1 Whitlock 21

I have not looked at him as he is so well researched. He does not get a mention in any of the wills I have so I guess that when he moved to he no longer kept in contact with his Downholme relatives.

The other children will be dealt with in separate emails.


Jennifer X7612/4 Christopher Whitelock/Catherine Ellerton?

Oswald- Sealy




To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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Will Christopher Whitelock 1783 Stainton.doc

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Admon Christopher Whitelock 1778.doc

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Hi Peter,

Here is the next instalment. X7612/5

Christopher Whitelock J4 page 5 Whitlock 21

Christopher married Catherine Ellerton bp 3 May 1708 Downholme on 19 May 1729 at Downholme.

Christopher was buried 17 Sep 1783 at Stainton. Catherine was buried 31 Oct 1781 at Downholme. Christopher’s death is also recorded in the Downholme register for which the family paid threepence as he died at Stainton at his son in laws’s place.


K1 Elizabeth Whitelock bp 11 Apr 1730 Downholme bur 24 Jun 1750 NBI and Swaledale Index

K2 Margaret Whitelock bp 11 Jul 1731 Downholme m John Fovil 22 Jan 1759 IGI

K3 Christopher Whitelock bp 7 Feb 1733 Downholme married Elizabeth Wilson 3 Feb 1772 Downholme. Christopher bur 25 Mar 1778 Downholme. [see 2nd attachment of Admon] They had 1 child Matthew Whitelock bp 18 Jun 1776 Downholme

The other children are K4 Francis bap Mar 1736, K5 Peter bap 29 May 1738, Catherine bp 25 May 1740, K6 Jane Bp 11 Mar 1742 and K7 George bp 16 Oct 1744. I will deal with these others separately as I have lots more information.

By the time of Christopher’s death in 1783, Francis was his only surviving son and he inherited the farm with small legacies to his sons in law and daughter in law Sarah Whitelock, widow of Peter. Lots of Whitelocks must have felt sorry for Sarah as she received legacies in a total of 4 wills.

Jennifer William and Matthew Whitelock/ Ruth Ellerton? X7612/6

Oswald- Sealy


To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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Will Whitelock Matthew 1769 Transcription.doc


William Whitelock J5 page 7 Whitlock 21 bp 27 Aug 1707 Downholme. I have not searched for or come across any more details for him.

Matthew Whitelock/Ruth Ellerton

Matthew Whitelock J6 page 7 Whitlock 21 bp 25 Aug 1711 bur 19 Apr 1769 [parish records]

Ruth Ellerton bp 17 Feb 1708 bur 16 Mar 1792 [parish records]

Married 1735 Downholme

Matthew names each of his 3 children in his will as well as his wife Ruth.


1. Sarah Whitelock bp 20 Feb 1738 Downholme bur 16 Jun 1738 Downholme

2. Christopher Whitelock bp 30 Jun 1740 Downholme d. 19 Sep 1813 married Elizabeth Whitelock bp 31 May 1736 on 21 Apr 1767

3. Sarah Whitelock bp 18 Jul 1742 Downholme d 12 Feb 1825 Downholme married Peter Whitelock bp 29 May 1738 on 6 Apr 1767 Hipswell X7612/7 4. Matthew Whitelock bp 30 Dec 1746 Grinton d 16 Jun 1825 married Ann Spencely bp 19 Dec 1742 Kirkby Ravensworth on 11 Feb 1772 at Kirkby Ravensworth NO ISSUE buthis will is an incredible source of information as it names so many people. I will send it later when I have gone into the next generation of Whitelocks


Jennifer X7612/8 Francis Whitelock / Elizabeth Ellerton?

Oswald- Sealy


To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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Download Will of Francis WHITELOCK of Bellerby in the parish of Spennithorne.doc (31.8 KB)

Will of Francis WHITELOCK of Bellerby in the parish of Spennithorne.doc


Francis Whitelock K4 page 5 Whitlock 21. I have already sent you a photo of his grave on page 2 of Downholme 4 doc. The details you have on him are correct.

Their children:

1. Peter Whitelock : I have no details but he is mentioned in Francis’s Will as his eldest son who inherits the bulk of his estate.

2. Ann Whitelock bp 18 Jan 1762 Downholme m Michael Robinson 28 Aug 1792

3. Elizabeth Whitelock bp 7 Aug 1763 Downholme m John Robinson of Downholme

4. Sarah Whitelock bp 29 Aug 1769 Spennithorne [ no mention in will]

5. Edward Whitelock bp 17 Oct 1773 Bellerby [ deceased in 1812] son Francis Edward Whitelock

6. Catherine Whitelock bp 2 Jun 1775 Spennithorne [ deceased in 1812] m Mr Armstrong daughter Mary Armstrong

7. Francis Whitelock bp 28 jun 1778 Spennithorne

8. Christopher Whitelock bp 28 Jun 1778 Spennithorne

A twin child of Francis died 16 Apr 1779 at Bellerby but the parish records don’t say which one. X7612/9

Those children and grandchildren in bold above are named in Francis’s Will and I assume that they were those surviving at the time that the will was written in 1812.

As an aside, I grew up in Five Dock a suburb of Sydney NSW and used to go to church at St Alban’s Church of where Edna Whitlock P1 page 6 Whitlock 21 played the organ. She was a pillar of the church when I was growing up. I see that her niece married the son of the rector of St Alban’s, Mr Langshaw. I had no idea that we would be distantly related until seeing your family tree. It is indeed a small world.

Jennifer Peter Whitelock/ Sarah Whitelock? X7612/10

Oswald- Sealy



To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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Admon Peter Whitelock 1778.doc

Peter Whitelock K5 on page 7 of Whitlock 21 file – details as you have them.


L1 Elizabeth Whitelock bp 8 Jan 1769 Hudswell m John Lodge 16 Apr 1809

L2 Ruth Whitelock bp 27 May 1770 Hudswell m Thomas Greathead 9 Jun 1795 Hudswell

L3 Catherine Whitelock bp 17 Apr 1772 Hudswell m Richard Mason and had 5 children

L4 Matthew Whitelock b 1775?? Hudswell. M 1. Elizabeth Newby 22 Sep 1800 Wycliffe child Bessy Whitelock bp 16 Jun 1801 Richmond Elizabeth Whitelock bur 21 Jan 1802 Wycliffe

M2 Susannah Warren 9 Aug 1804 Richmond

I think that this is the person referred to in the 1813 Will of Matthew Whitelock bp 30 Dec 1746 [ I have yet to send you this] as Matthew Whitelock of Richmond, merchant but I have not been able to find his birth either in the parish records or on the internet. In the census of 1851 he is found at 55 Frenchgate Richmond a widower aged 76, born in Hudswell.

L5 Sarah Whitelock bp 12 Apr 1778 Hudswell d. 30 Apr 1778 Downholme

Have a good day,

Jennifer X7612/11 final 3 children of Christopher Whitelock/ Catherine Ellerton?

Oswald- Sealy


To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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Will of George Whitelock 1778.doc

Catherine Whitelock bp 25 May 1740 Downholme m Richard Ellerton 23 May 1770 Downholme

Jane Whitelock K6 page 7 Whitlock 21 bp 11 Mar 1742 Downholme

George Whitelock K7 page 7 Whitlock 21 m Jane Leemin 7 May 1770 Downholme

George was buried 7 Feb 1778 Downholme

Children: Christopher and Ann but I have no details of these other than that they are named in George’s Will.

The parish register says that a daughter of George’s was buried on 26 Feb 1778 – no name so it could be Ann or another daughter.

Jennifer X7612/12 1778 A bad year for the Whitelocks of Downholme?

Oswald- Sealy


To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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View 1778 Downholme register 001.jpg in slide show

Peter, Attached is a page from the Downholme Parish Records PR/DOW microfilm 566 viewed by me at NYCRO 22 May 2013

The relevant entries read:

The Register for the Year 1778 Jan 29 1778 Peter Whitelock of Thorp Buried Feb 7 1778 George Whitelock of Brunton upon Swale Buried. These two were brothers and sons to Chr Whitelock of Dow Feb 26 A daughter of the above George Whitelock buried Mar 25 Christopher Whitelock the younger of Downholme Buried he was the Brother to the two Whitelocks above they all three died of a short sickness supposed an inflamed sore throat. Apr 30 Sarah a child of Widow Whitelock of Thorp buried

From the website of Keighley and District Family History Society's Epidemics Timeline written by David Feather it mentions the "sore throat" disease. It was evidently similar to scarlatina or scarlet fever of which there were epidemics in 1778 and 1788.

The deaths of Christopher and Catherine's 3 other sons left Francis to inherit the bulk of his father's estate.

These must have been hard times in the Dales.

Jennifer Christopher Whitelock, son of Matthew Whitelock/ Ruth Ellerton? X7612/13

Oswald- Sealy


To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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Download Will of Christopher Whitelock 1813 -full transcript.doc (27.2 KB)

Will of Christopher Whitelock 1813 -full transcript.doc


Christopher Whitelock bp 30 Jun 1740 Downholme d. 19 Sep 1813 , buried at Downholme 22 Sep 1813 [ I have already sent a photo of his grave Downholme 4]

Married 1. Elizabeth Whitelock bp 31 May 1736 on 21 Apr 1767 Downholme. Elizabeth died 13 Jul 1788 at Downholme aged 53

2. Elizabeth Hodgson on 19 Feb 1791 Richmond. This Elizabeth Whitelock was buried 23 Sep 1827.

Children of Christopher Whitelock/ Elizabeth Whitelock

1. George Whitelock bp 31 May 1768 Downholme. I have found no more details about George. He received sizeable cash inheritances from his father Christopher and his uncle Matthew. As he was the eldest son he should have inherited the property. I wonder whether he had a disability which made him unsuitable to manage the estate. Another possibility is that he migrated but I have not checked this out.

2. Matthew Whitelock bp 12 Sep 1769 Downholme d. 15 Apr 1841 I will send lots more details later

Jennifer Matthew Whitelock/ Ann Spencely? X7612/14

Oswald- Sealy


To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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Download Will Whitelock Matthew of Ellerton 1826 Transcription.doc (35.4 KB)

Will Whitelock Matthew of Ellerton 1826 Transcription.doc


Matthew Whitelock K2 page 7 Whitlock 21

Bp 30 Dec 1746 Grinton d. 16 Jun 1825 Downholme aged 78

Married Ann Spencely bp 19 Dec 1742 d. 23 Mar 1797 Downholme m. 11 Feb 1772 Kirkby Ravensworth


Having no children of his own this wealthy man left legacies to his nieces and nephews i.e. the children of his sister Sarah Whitelock bp 1742 who married Peter Whitelock and those of his late brother Christopher Whitelock. As they were all named this helped sort out the relationships in my family tree.

I have a photo of their grave in Downholme churchyard but need to fix it up before sending it.

Hope you are getting close to completing your September newsletter.


Jennifer Matthew Whitelock/ Elizabeth Hutchinson/ Elizabeth Allen? X7612/15

Oswald- Sealy


To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]

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Download Admon Bond George Whitelock 1847.doc (25.7 KB)

Admon Bond George Whitelock 1847.doc


Matthew Whitelock bp 12 Sep 1769 Downholme d. 15 Apr 1841 Cogden Hall [You already have his Will]

Married 1. Elizabeth Hutchinson bp 13 Jun 1774 Kirkby Ravensworth on 9 Apr 1798 Kirkby Ravensworth d. 26 Mar 1808 Cogden Hall

Children: A] Jane Whitelock bp 7 Apr 1801 Grinton married Thomas Greathead bp 16 Mar 1796 Marske on 6 Apr 1830 Downholme Jane d. 20 Nov 1838 Lambeth, Surrey

B] Elizabeth Whitelock bp 25 Apr 1802 Grinton married Richard Greathead Elizabeth died 10 Apr 1880 Gilling

C] Christopher Whitelock bp 1804 d 28 Dec 1804 Downholme

D] Ann Whitelock b. 13 May 1806 Downholme married James Bell Ann died 28 Feb 1884 E] Isabella Whitelock d. 4 Nov 1809. Her death is mentioned on Matthew’s table top grave in Downholme churchyard but I have not seen her birth in any records. I wonder whether Elizabeth died in childbirth.

Married 2. Elizabeth Allen b. 1783 on 5 Jun 1809 Grinton d. 9 Jun 1809 Grinton

Children: F] Christopher Whitelock bp 14 Nov 1813 Grinton d. 7 Dec 1817 Downholme X7612/16 G] George Whitelock bp 18 Jul 1815 Grinton d. 21 Feb 1847. He drowned while crossing the on his way home from Richmond. The attached admon bond also contains a proxy of renunciation document. I am not quite sure what it means but it looks as though Christopher, Ruth and Sarah are renouncing any claim on the estate and leave Matthew to inherit the lot. I notice that George’s half sisters are ignored but I suppose they had been provided for in their father’s Will of 1841.

H] Ruth Whitelock bp 7 Dec 1817 Grinton m John Knowles 21 Nov 1843

I] Matthew Whitelock bp 2 Dec 1819 Grinton m. 1. Elizabeth Sherlock 11 Oct 1849 Grinton d. 1 Feb 1851 2. Jane Ann Harland 6 May 1856 Kennington Surrey

Matthew died 19 Jul 1881 Downholme

J] Sarah Whitelock b. 19 Jun 1821 Cogden Hall died 9 Oct 1902 Downholme. Did not marry

K] Christopher Whitelock bp 16 Oct 1824 Grinton d. 28 Feb 1855 Scorton bur 6 Mar 1855 Downholme

Please let me know if you have any questions about any of my information.

Jennifer Matthew Whitelock/Elizabeth Sherlock/Jane Anne Harland? X7612/17

Oswald- Sealy

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To: 'Peter Whitlock' [email protected]


I have a will for this Matthew Whitelock but it is hard to read and I have not transcribed it yet as he is not a direct connection for me and hence it has not been a priority. When I get round to it I will send it to you.

Matthew Whitelock bp 2 Dec 1819 Grinton died 19 Jul 1881 Cogden Hall bur 23 Jul 1881 Downholme. His details are as you have for him as N8 in also from Yorkshire page 5 Whitlock 12.

Married 1] Elizabeth Sherlock 11 Oct 1849 Grinton. Elizabeth died 1 Feb 1851

Child A] Elizabeth Sherlock Whitelock bp 1850 Cogden Hall d 31 Jul 1850 Downholme

Married 2] Jane Anne Harland d. 31 Jul 1872

Children B] Matthew Whitelock b. 23 Feb 1857 Grinton d. 12 May 1857 Downholme

C] Ernest George Whitelock b. 30 May 1858 bp 27 Jun 1858 Grinton died 1932 m. Eleanor Wilson Highmoor, the governess at Cogden Hall in 1896 - NO ISSUE

D] Jane Ann Whitelock b. 2 Aug 1860 Grinton d. 13 Jul 1874 Downholme

E] Marion Whitelock b 29 Jul 1862 Grinton d 3 Aug 1874 Downholme

F] Matthew Whitelock b 16 Aug 1863 bp 26 Aug 1863 Grinton died 5 Nov 1948 Hawera, New Zealand married Laura Louise Nielsen b 16 Sep 1879 Jutland, Denmark on 5 Jun 1901 in NZ. Laura Louise d 1 Apr 1961 NZ

G] Augusta Elizabeth Whitelock b 19 Dec 1864 bp 27 Dec 1864 Grinton d 21 Feb 1943 m Charles Louis Nathaniel Maister on 25 Sep 1890 X7612/18

H] Amy Ellerton Whitelock b 9 Mar 1870 Reeth Richmond d 10 May 1922 Reeth – did not marry

Re Matthew Whitelock b 16 Aug 1863

I have been in correspondence with the New Zealand descendants of this Matthew having initially seen an article written by Raymond Skinner in Family Tree magazine of January 2000 regarding his chance meeting of John Matthew Whitelock who was visiting Grinton from NZ. Matthew’s eldest son George Matthew Whitelock b 22 Feb 1902 wrote a family history called “The Story of the Matthew Whitelock Family from Swaledale to New Zealand” published in 1985. I have a copy of this book and have given copies of the relevant parts of the book to NYCRO and the Swaledale Museum at Reeth with the permission of John Matthew Whitelock, George’s son. It contained lots of interesting information about life at Cogden Hall in the early 20th century.

It is a wonderful account of how Matthew left Yorkshire and after extensive travel abroad arrived in NZ in 1898 where he commenced farming. After his marriage to Laura Louise Nielsen in 1901 they continued farming in NZ until in 1904 Matthew was asked by his brother Ernest, who had inherited Cogden Hall from his father, to return to England to help manage the estate as he was not capable in this regard. In 1905 the family now consisting of 4 young children returned to Swaledale. Because of World War 1 they remained there until they returned to NZ after Cogden Hall was sold in 1923.

The older boys were educated in England and there are Whitelocks from this branch of the family still there. I have the complete genealogy of this family but don’t know whether you want it or not. I would first have to clear it with the NZ family.

It is a wonderful book but has some errors regarding the early genealogy. They were also obviously told that they were descended from Bulstrode Whitelock as John sent me information on him but like you, I can see no connection. John Matthew Whitelock b 22 Nov 1930 is not in good health and his daughter emails me in response now. I have not had the heart to correct his father’s errors. John has been very generous in providing me with the book and a photo of Matthew and Laura Louise Whitelock and their children.

Thank you for your kind words in your last email and I would love to be included in your website in whatever way you like. I did not intend to send you my details as my Whitelock connection is now distant but if you would like more details just let me know. Naturally I have them all.

I will now look back over what I have sent you and see whether I have left anything out. I will also check your website to see whether any of the photos I have could be of interest. Please let me know if I have not given adequate explanation or have omitted anything. Best wishes, X7612/19
