Hudswell and District Council Minutes – 2017/18

18 May 2017

21 September 2017

16 November 2017


Present: Cllr J Blackie (NYCC) (JB) Cllr R Blows (RDC) (RB) Cllr A Boyce (AB) Cllr P Chapman (PC) Cllr J Dixon (JD) Cllr B Phillips (BP) Cllr R Phillips (RP) Cllr E Ramage (ER) Mrs C Swainston (Parish Clerk) (CS)

Mr S Acaster Mr D Farrar Ms A Sumner Mrs L Wilson Mr N Wroe

ACTION 1. Declaration of Interests and Lobbying

There were no declarations of interest or lobbying.

2. Public Open Session

Annie Sumner reported that a village Clannet network was being investigated. A survey by Clannet would take place on 7th June 2017 to see if there was a line of sight between the pub and the trading estate. There are currently 13 interested parties; the whole village would receive information in due course once confirmed details were available.

3. Apologies

No apologies were received.

4. Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16th February 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 16th February 2017 were accepted.

5.1 Matters Arising Which Remain Outstanding from 17th September 2015

5.1.1 Planning Applications – Consultation (Item 7)

A general discussion took place about protecting Downholme in the future RB/JD from development. It is such a unique village and needs to be protected. Cllr Ramage agreed to do some research and look into this further. Update 19/11/15: Parish Clerk to instruct a move forward with the formation of a Conservation Area and seek further assistance from Ann Smith. Update 18/02/16: Collaboratively, YDNA and RDC believe that the way forward is to create an appraisal which covers the whole settlement, work to commence later in the year. Update 19/05/16: Cllr Blows agreed to speak directly with Ann Smith for an update. Update 15/09/16: Cllr Blows has spoken to Ann Smith and she confirmed that she has spoken to the Peter Reynolds, of the Dales National Park Authority, who have offered to take the lead on preparing a draft plan. Update 17/11/16: Cllr Dixon reported that some sort of leaflet drop had been made in Downholme. Cllr Blows agreed to prompt the authority. Update 17/02/17: Cllr Blows reported that some responses had been received and a document is being prepared to go online for consultation, probably in April 2017 for comment. A site visit could be arranged when the document is live; all Councillors to be included. Update 18/05/17: Site meeting

Parish Clerk and Financial Officer: Mrs C Swainston, Lynloe, Hudswell, RICHMOND, , DL11 6BQ Tel: 01748 826989 / Email: [email protected]

ACTION expected at the beginning of July, Cllr Dixon to arrange for the pub to be used as the venue.

5.2 Matters Arising Which Remain Outstanding from 15th September 2016

5.2.1 Fly Tipping in Brokes Lane “Old Quarry” (Item 10)

Cllr Blows reported that he had visited the site and informed the Parish RB/JD Council that RDC are currently looking into having the asbestos removed. Cllr Blackie suggested a site visit with Environmental Health and an insistence of signage. CCTV would be a really good deterrent, people need to be aware that they might just get caught. The Parish Council cannot deal with this, the issue is far too big for the parish, this is a District Council matter. Cllr Blows agreed to progress. Update 17/11/16: Cllr Blows reported that the site had been surveyed, to clear it would be extremely costly. RDC have agreed to erect signage and the waste in view currently will be moved prior to signs and/or CCTV. Cllr Ramage remains concerned about asbestos on the site, Cllr Blows remains in contact and will update us regularly. Cllr Blackie suggested that RDC at least commit to a day’s clearance work, men and wagons, at least to move the most visible rubbish. Parish Clerk to email Environmental Health. Update 17/02/17: Cllr Blows informed the meeting that a risk assessment had been carried out on 14/02/17 and the visible rubbish will be removed by RDC, signage has been affixed – great news. There may be some fencing to repair, Cllr Dixon was happy to assist. Update 18/05/17: Site due to be cleared today.

5.3 Matters Which Remain Outstanding from 17th November 2016

5.3.1 Transfer of ‘Public’ Areas of Land at Downholme (Item 12)

The Parish Clerk reported that four areas of land in Downholme had been CS chased as ownership had not yet passed to H&DPC. Cllr Blackie to be kept informed of any developments as he was a lead on the initial negotiations. Update 17/02/17: No response as yet, keep trying. Update 18/05/17: Clare Hetherington from Defence Infrastructure Organisation has made contact and confirmed that final draft documents are with their solicitors.

5.4 Matters Arising from 16th February 2017

5.4.1 The Ash Tag Project

Councillors were happy to partake in the project to report the spread of Ash CS die back fungi and identify any Ash tree’s that may have a natural immunity or resistance to it. Parish Clerk to confirm interest to National Park. Update 18/05/17: Two tags to be issued!

6. Accounts

The Parish Clerk presented the accounts.

Cllr Boyce complimented Hudswell Village Hall on their new noticeboard.

7. Planning Applications - Consultation

Applications had been received and duly commented upon for: No.11 Downholme and Middlemoor Farm (General Licensing).

The Parish Clerk raised the issue of electronic planning documents. She

2 ACTION was concerned that not all Councillors had access to computers or indeed the internet due to the lack of broadband connections in the Dales. Cllr Blackie and Cllr Blows noted the concerns.

8. STANDING ITEM: Hudswell Playing Field Risk Assessment

The Parish Clerk reported that Cllr B Phillips had carried out an inspection of the playing field on 17th May 2017.

9. Facebook Initiative

Cllr Boyce raised the possibility of having a Facebook page open to the AB community that could highlight car sharing and such like. Councillors supported the initiative. Cllr Boyce to investigate further.

10. Comments by District and County Councillors

Cllr Blows informed that meeting that a community funding initiative may be introduced in the very near future. All details would be sent to the Parish Clerk; funds were likely to be available for small local schemes.

Cllr Blackie stated that he was delighted to have been re-elected as County Councillor for the Upper Dales, at the end of the term he will have served 24 years as a County Councillor. As always, if there are any issues to be raised he will whole-heartedly campaign on our behalf.

Cllr Blackie raised the current issue of the closure of Downholme Bridge, he has negotiated with Highways to have the road open for a local wedding that is expecting large numbers of visitors. Highways have been responsive to this request.

Cllr Blackie confirmed that he will be a member of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority for the next 4 years.

Cllr Blackie informed the meeting that the Swaledale Shuttle is doing really well, a very successful bus service. Regular passengers are collected from both Hudswell and Downholme.

11. Members Comments

The Parish Clerk reported that the village defibrillator had been called upon by YAS. It had not actually been used but the patient had been referred to it.

The Parish Clerk reported that it was understood that the “L” shaped church PC field (adjoining the National Trust field) had been sold. Concerns were raised about the whereabouts of the proceeds and whether a covenant had been in place to protect any monies from leaving the village. Councillor Chapman agreed to speak to Rev Chambers.

12. Dates of Next Meetings

21st September 2017 and 16th November 2017 at 8.00 pm.


Present: Cllr J Blackie (NYCC) (JB) Cllr R Blows (RDC) (RB) Cllr P Chapman (PC) Cllr J Dixon (JD) Cllr B Phillips (BP) Cllr R Phillips (RP) Cllr E Ramage (ER) Mrs C Swainston (Parish Clerk) (CS)

Mr S Acaster Mrs J Mankelow Mr P Reynolds (YDNPA) (PR)

ACTION 1. Declaration of Interests and Lobbying

There were no declarations of interest or lobbying.

2. Public Open Session

Mrs J Mankelow asked that residents are requested to stop burning CS/RB plastics, the new recycling objectives should prove an incentive to stop such actions. Parish Clerk to include a note to be included in the Hudswell & District Messenger. Cllr Blows said that he would chase the matter up with Stuart Weirs, Environmental Health at District Council.

3. Apologies

No apologies were received.

4. Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 18 th May 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 18 th May 2017 were accepted.

5. Matters Arising from 18 th May 2017

5.1 Facebook Initiative (Item 9)

Cllr Boyce raised the possibility of having a Facebook page open to the AB community that could highlight car sharing and such like. Councillors supported the initiative. Cllr Boyce to investigate further.

5.2 Members Comments (Item 11)

The Parish Clerk reported that it was understood that the “L” shaped church Ends field (adjoining the National Trust field) had been sold. Concerns were raised about the whereabouts of the proceeds and whether a covenant had been in place to protect any monies from leaving the village. Councillor Chapman agreed to speak to Rev Chambers. Update 21/09/17: Councillor Chapman had discovered that the field was sold several years ago, but had actually belonged to a Kirby Hill Charity and not Hudswell!

6. Accounts

The Parish Clerk presented the accounts.

7. Planning Applications - Consultation

Applications had been received and duly commented upon for: Asgard,

Parish Clerk and Financial Officer: Mrs C Swainston, Lynloe, Hudswell, RICHMOND, North Yorkshire, DL11 6BQ Tel: 01748 826989 / Email: [email protected]

ACTION Manor Park Farm, 10 Downholme, Wharf Croft 1 Dales View, agricultural buildings at Holme Farm Cottage and Meadow Croft.

8. STANDING ITEM: Hudswell Playing Field Risk Assessment

The Parish Clerk reported that Cllr P Chapman had carried out an inspection of the playing field on 18 th September 2017.

9. Downholme Conservation Area

Peter Reynolds from the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority presented his detailed report and asked Councillors if they were happy to proceed with the proposal. All Councillors were delighted.

There will be benefits for planners and planning for a combined conservation area, guiding developments and limiting harm to the area. In terms of permitted development there will be limited impact to home owners. Feedback is welcome at this stage, including concerns and better management of environment of Downholme. Cllr Ramage was mainly concerned about the future development of the village, it is a unique village. New development has to enhance what is already there, not be stopped.

Cllr Dixon suggested speaking to David and Jean Calvert, Thorpe Farm, PR Downholme. The villages longest residents. Cllr Dixon suggested putting a bound copy in the Bolton Arms for general reference.

Cllr Blackie praised Peter Reynolds hard work in preparing the report. Peter Reynolds told the meeting that all householders would be invited to comment on the public document prior to being presented to the YDNPA for approval. The scheduled timespan would be months rather than years, the aim would be to adopt the report in 2018.

10. Transfer of Verges at Downholme to H&DPC

Richmondshire District Council’s solicitor, Mr Phill Newton, would like Councillors to confirm that the Parish is happy to proceed with the Transfer on the terms he has highlighted. Cllrs all agreed.

Cllr Blackie highlighted that he had been involved with the transfer of JB property and land from MOD to RDC ownership. Cllr Blackie is prepared to pay £100 from his Locality Budget to purchase the land, also £400 to put towards environmental enhancement for Stainton, Walburn and Downholme. Peter Reynolds also said that YDNPA have a fund for enhancing conservation areas. Cllr Ramage stated that the precept can also be adjusted accordingly should there be any major expenditure.

Peter Reynold said he would investigate putting utilities underground. PR

11. Grit Bins for Downholme

The Parish Clerk reported that she had received an email from Mr Darren East, 9 Downholme, asking Councillors to consider installing grit bins on the hill above the cattle grid. Unfortunately, the sheep and cattle that graze the moor quickly use it as a salt lick as well as trampling it down, rendering in useless.

Cllr Blackie proposed that the Parish Clerk write to Richard Marr and ask CS for National Park (green) grit bins to be installed on the hill to prevent animals demolishing grit stocks, stating also that it is on the school and Little White Bus routes.


12. Comments by District and County Councillors

Cllr Blackie wanted to thank the Parish Council and many individuals within the parish for supporting his boundary commission proposal. In the end no fewer than 11 parish councils supported the proposal, rather that the RDC one. With that level of support we stand a chance of the Boundary Commission supporting us.

Cllr Blackie raised the issue of one resident taking issue with the Parish Council about his own planning application, he invited that resident to talk to him privately. Cllr Blackie stated that there is no place for such behaviour.

Cllr Blackie is concerned that there are not enough front line ambulances available, due to other care pathways. Plans are afoot to rearrange A&E and other departments. The ambulances are now so stretched that they are not able to do what they should be doing. Can existing resources cope with the demand?

Cllr Blackie said that schools in Bainbridge, Askrigg and West Burton are under threat. This does not serve the communities in the Upper Dales. The building of community housing in small villages is being encouraged, such as those in Hudswell, to increase the number of children in these areas.

Cllr Blackie said he was sorry for all the bad news, however The Little White Bus is thriving!

Cllr Blackie raised the issue of the road closure in Hudswell, the diversion quoted was 14 miles. Diversions need to be the same standard of highway as the original road. NYCC Highways have apologised and blamed the contractors. Cllr Blackie has called for greater control of Traffic Management Companies.

Cllr Chapman raised the issue of A&E services at , the hospital is redirecting patients to Darlington or James Cook during the night. The Friarage Hospital at Northallerton is an urgent care centre only. Cllr Blows said that RDC need to keep an eye on these changes and whether they are right for our area.

Cllr Blows reported that RDC have not supported the Police Commissioner in her proposal to combine her role with Police and Fire Services.

Cllr Blows reported that he had sent a letter to the church commissioners about the closure of Hudswell Church, reiterating the Parish Councils initial concerns that satisfactory arrangements are made for the future care and maintenance of the building – in particular, that steps are taken to ensure the building remains safe and that its structural integrity is maintained, especially as the church yard and public footpath continue to be used by members of the public and grave visitors.

Cllr Blows reported that Broadband Phase 3 is currently out for RB/CS procurement, hopefully Hudswell will be included, although this is not definite. Watch this space. Cllr Blows agreed to write to Mr Ian Marr and make a case for Hudswell. The Parish Clerk agreed to write to the MP.

13. Members Comments

Councillors asked the Parish Clerk to seek assurances from RDC that the CS wall adjacent to 15 Downholme, demolished prior to the start of unapproved

3 ACTION building work, would be reinstated as soon as possible, several planning applications have been refused on this plot of land.

Cllr B Phillips had attended the YDNPA Parish Forum meeting, a massive amount of interest had been shown in a presentation by Annie Sumner about the new community housing in Hudswell. Cllr Phillips felt that it was important that the link was kept with the YDNPA. The YDNPA is seeking a dark sky designated area for the dales, we are one of the top areas locally. The main concerns of the YDNPA are raptor persecution, the area is sadly renowned for this crime.

14. Dates of Next Meetings

16 th November 2017 and 15 th February 2018 at 8.00 pm.


Present: Cllr J Blackie (NYCC) (JB) Cllr R Blows (RDC) (RB) Cllr A Boyce (AB) Cllr P Chapman (PC) Cllr J Dixon (JD) Cllr B Phillips (BP) Cllr R Phillips (RP) Mrs C Swainston (Parish Clerk) (CS)

Mrs J Mankelow Mr N Wroe

ACTION Cllr Dixon notified the meeting that Cllr Ramage had resigned due to other commitments, he thanked her for her service to the parish.

1. Declaration of Interests and Lobbying

There were no declarations of interest or lobbying.

2. Public Open Session

There were no issued raised.

3. Apologies

No apologies were received.

4. Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 21 st September 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 21 st September 2017 were accepted.

5.1 Matters Arising Which Remain Outstanding from 18 th May 2017

5.1.1 Facebook Initiative (Item 9)

Cllr Boyce raised the possibility of having a Facebook page open to the AB/CS community that could highlight car sharing and such like. Councillors supported the initiative. Cllr Boyce to investigate further. Update 16/11/17: Cllr Boyce reported that a “WhatsApp” group would work better and that she would set it up. Parish Clerk to include an article to the next Hudswell & District Messenger, Spring 2018.

5.2 Matters Arising from 21 st September 2017

5.2.1 Public Open Session (Item 2)

Mrs J Mankelow asked that residents are requested to stop burning Ends plastics, the new recycling objectives should prove an incentive to stop such actions. Cllr Blows said that he would chase the matter up with Stuart Weirs, Environmental Health at Richmondshire District Council. Update 16/11/17: All residents should note that any complaints are handled with complete anonymity and individuals should contact RDC directly.

5.2.2 Transfer of Verges at Downholme to H&DPC (Item 10 )

Cllr Blackie highlighted that he had been involved with the transfer of JB property and land from MOD to RDC ownership. Cllr Blackie is prepared to pay £100 from his Locality Budget to purchase the land, also £400 to put

Parish Clerk and Financial Officer: Mrs C Swainston, Lynloe, Hudswell, RICHMOND, North Yorkshire, DL11 6BQ Tel: 01748 826989 / Email: [email protected]

ACTION towards environmental enhancement for Stainton, Walburn and Downholme. Peter Reynolds also said that YDNPA have a fund for enhancing conservation areas. Cllr Ramage stated that the precept can also be adjusted accordingly should there be any major expenditure. Update 16/11/17: Cllr Blackie to arrange transfer of funds.

5.2.3 Grit Bins for Downholme (Item 11)

Cllr Blackie proposed that the Parish Clerk write to Richard Marr and ask CS for National Park (green) grit bins to be installed on the hill to prevent animals demolishing grit stocks, stating also that it is on the school and Little White Bus routes. Update 16/11/17: The Parish Clerk reported that grit bins had been approved but as yet had not been sited by NYCC.

5.2.4 Comments by District and County Councillors (Item 12)

Cllr Blows reported that Broadband Phase 3 is currently out for RB/CS procurement, hopefully Hudswell will be included, although this is not definite. Watch this space. Cllr Blows agreed to write to Mr Ian Marr and make a case for Hudswell. The Parish Clerk agreed to write to the MP. Update 16/11/17: The Parish Clerk reported that an unsatisfactory reply had been received from Superfast Broadband, via our MP, and Councillors had requested that the Parish Clerk press for a more positive outcome. Cllr Blows said that he had spoken to Ian Marr and would continue to pursue Hudswell’s interests and raise the profile of our plight. There will be possible funding strands to investigate soon .

6. Accounts

The Parish Clerk presented the accounts .

7. Setting the Annual Parish Precept 2018/2019

A new precept of £2,500 was agreed. This was to cover increases due to inflation.

8. Planning Applications - Consultation

Applications had been received and duly commented upon for: 6 Downholme and Barn Adjacent to 6 Downholme. Some discussion took place about the Thompson Field development and a forthcoming planning application to install solar panels on the ground to the rear of the houses. Cllrs would prefer to see the panels on the roof as an alternative.

Cllr Boyce asked about the Local Development Plan, she was unsure as to what she was representing and how locals actually feel about issues. Cllr Blackie explained the running of planning committees, which is not straight forward. Cllrs should represent to their best judgement and ability.

9. STANDING ITEM: Hudswell Playing Field Risk Assessment

The Parish Clerk reported that Cllr R Phillips had carried out an inspection of the playing field on 12 th November 2017.

10. Comments by District and County Councillors

Cllr Blows informed the meeting that the consultation on the Downholme Conservation Area ended last Friday. A draft report will go to the YDNPA and RDC for consideration.

Cllr Blows said that South Tees Hospitals Foundation is due to issue

2 ACTION proposals for longer term care for the future. Acute and urgent care is a huge concern amongst constituents. Councillors debated the issue at some length and all were concerned about any possible changes. Further updates will be reviewed once made available.

Cllr Blackie reiterated his concerns about hospital care and thanked everyone for their honest debate noting closure of services by stealth.

Cllr Blackie thanked everyone for supporting his proposal to the Boundary JB Commission to keep the Upper Dales all together, within a rural ward. He is delighted with the outcome, Hudswell will remain in the Upper Dales. Support is needed again prior to the 15 th January 2018 deadline, further advice to follow.

11. Members Comments

Cllr Chapman informed the meeting that he would be meeting with Martin Booth to seek clarification with regards to the Thompson Field planning application.

12. Dates of Next Meetings

15 th February 2018 and 17 th May 2018 (plus AGM) at 8.00 pm.


Present: Cllr J Blackie (NYCC) (JB) Cllr A Boyce (AB) Cllr P Chapman (PC) Cllr J Dixon (JD) Cllr J Mankelow (JM) Cllr B Phillips (BP) Cllr R Phillips (RP) Mrs C Swainston (Parish Clerk) (CS)


1. Co -Opting of New Parish Councillor

Mrs Jaj Mankelow was co-opted onto the Parish Council, all were in favour. Cllr Dixon welcomed her to our small team!

2. Declaration of Interests and Lobbying

There were no declarations of interest or lobbying.

3. Public Open Session

There were no issued raised.

4. Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Blows (RDC).

5. Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16 th November 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 16 th November 2017 were accepted.

6.1 Matters Arising Which Remain Outstanding from 18 th May 2017

6.1.1 Facebook Initiative (Item 9)

Cllr Boyce raised the possibility of having a Facebook page open to the ENDS community that could highlight car sharing and such like. Councillors supported the initiative. Cllr Boyce to investigate further. Update 16/11/17: Cllr Boyce reported that a “WhatsApp” group would work better and that she would set it up. Parish Clerk to include an article to the next Hudswell & District Messenger, Spring 2018. Update 15/02/18: Cllr Boyce reported that a group “Hudswell Lift” has been created. If people want a lift then join the “WhatsApp” group and Cllr Boyce will administrate the group.

6.2 Matters Arising Which Remain Outstanding from 21 st September 2017

6.2.1 Comments by District and County Councillors (Item 12)

Cllr Blows reported that Broadband Phase 3 is currently out for ENDS procurement, hopefully Hudswell will be included, although this is not definite. Watch this space. Cllr Blows agreed to write to Mr Ian Marr and make a case for Hudswell. The Parish Clerk agreed to write to the MP. Update 16/11/17: The Parish Clerk reported that an unsatisfactory reply had been received from Superfast Broadband, via our MP, and Councillors had requested that the Parish Clerk press for a more positive outcome. Cllr Blows said that he had spoken to Ian Marr and would continue to pursue Hudswell’s interests and raise the profile of our plight. There will be possible funding strands to investigate soon. Update 15/02/18: The Parish

Parish Clerk and Financial Officer: Mrs C Swainston, Lynloe, Hudswell, RICHMOND, North Yorkshire, DL11 6BQ Tel: 01748 826989 / Email: [email protected]

ACTION Clerk confirmed that further requests had been made via Rishi Sunak MP but to no avail.

7. Accounts

The Parish Clerk presented the accounts .

Councillors agreed to proceed with an online banking account as the CS Richmond branch was closing later this year.

8. Parish Insurance: Renewal

The Parish Clerk reported that a renewal notice had been received from CS Zurich, the cost would be £167.44. Councillors were happy to renew with Zurich.

9. Planning Applications - Consultation

Applications had been received and duly commented upon for: Thompson Field (Hudswell), High Underbanks Farm (Reeth Road), Swaleview Caravan Park (Reeth Road), Wynburgh (Hudswell), Manor Park Farm (Hudswell) and Low Pasture Farm (Hudswell).

10 . STANDING ITEM: Hudswell Playing Field Risk Assessment

The Parish Clerk reported that Cllr Boyce had carried out an inspection of the playing field on 15 th February 2018.

11. National Park Parish Forum

Cllr B Phillips and Cllr R Phillips confirmed that they wished to attend the forthcoming National Park Parish Forum meeting on Monday 23 rd April 2018, 7pm at West Burton Village Hall.

12. AED Awareness Training

The Parish Clerk reported that several residents had asked for training on CS the defibrillator, it is 2.5 years since it was installed and the initial training was provided free of charge. A Basic Life Support & Automated External Defibrillator Awareness Session would cost £160. Parish Clerk to advertise for interest in Hudswell & District Messenger.

13. Dog Fouling

Cllr Chapman asked that the Parish Clerk requests some Dog Fouling CS signs to attach to the pole opposite Dales View and to the playing field gates, via Sally Dixon or Gary Hudson. Parish Clerk to also mention the problem in the Hudswell & District Messenger.

14. Pinch Point on Road Between 1 Arklie Terrace and Success Cottage

Cllr Chapman highlighted the traffic problem at Arklie Terrace and CS requested that the Highways Department be asked to assist with line of sight problems and a car parking deterrent. Cllr Blackie suggested that the Parish Clerk contact Ian Beighton at North Yorkshire County Council, and request a site meeting with Cllr Chapman.

15. Proposed 5X Council Tax Charge on Second Homes

Cllr Chapman stated that he was appalled at this idea introduced by PC/CS Richmondshire District Council. He sought support from other Councillors

2 ACTION to reply on behalf of Hudswell & District Parish Council, in objection to this proposal. Cllr Blackie was fully supportive of the rejecting of this District Council idea. Cllr Chapman agreed to draft a reply to be sent to Mr Tony Clark, Chief Executive, copied to Cllr Peacock, prior to the next RDC meeting on 27 th February 2018.

16. Comments by District and County Councillors

Cllr Blackie discussed Freedom Of Information and Data Protection Act issues that are currently affecting the Parish Clerk, Parish Council, District Councillor and County Councillor. Further discussions will take place tomorrow with the County Councillor and County Council Monitoring Officer for clarification.

17. Members Comments

The Parish Clerk reported that she had received a request from Sam CS Hutchinson, Community Mapping Project Officer from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, to talk to a representative from the Parish Council on 26 th February 2017. More details to be requested prior to confirmation.

Cllr Phillips asked that the Hudswell & District Messenger include the CS request for grass verge cutting volunteers.

RDC had written to parish councils about their village plans. Hudswell & AB/BP/RP District Parish Council currently don’t have one but Cllr Boyce agreed to lead on the development of a community plan, together with both Cllr Phillips’. In the first instance Cllr Boyce agreed to seek assistance from RDC.

18. Dates of Next Meetings

17 th May 2018 (plus AGM) and 20 th September 2018 at 8.00 pm.