8 May 2019 [52 (LOWLAND) DIVISION (1939)]

nd 52 (Lowland) Infantry Division (1)

Headquarters, 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division

th 155 Infantry Brigade (2)

Headquarters, 155th (Lowland) Infantry Brigade & Signal Section

7th/9th (Highlanders) Bn. The (The Royal ) 4th (The Border) Bn. The King’s Own Scottish Borderers 5th (Dumfrieshire) Bn. The King’s Own Scottish Borderers

th 156 Infantry Brigade (3)

Headquarters, 156th (Lowland) Infantry Brigade & Signal Section

4th/5th Bn. The 6th () Bn. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 7th Bn. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)

th 157 Infantry Brigade (4)

Headquarters, 157th (Lowland) Infantry Brigade & Signal Section

5th (City of ) Bn. The (City of Glasgow Regiment) 6th (City of Glasgow) Bn. The Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) 1st Bn. The Glasgow Highlanders

Divisional Troops

Headquarters, 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Divisional Royal Artillery th 78 (Lowland) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery (5) (H.Q., 309th (1st City of Edinburgh) & 310th (2nd City of Edinburgh) Field Batteries, Royal Artillery) th 79 (Lowland) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery (6) (H.Q., 313th (Ayr) & 314th (Irvine) Field Batteries, Royal Artillery) th 80 (Lowland – City of Glasgow) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery (7) (H.Q., 317th (1st City of Glasgow) & 318th (2nd City of Glasgow) Field Batteries, Royal Artillery) 54th (The Queen’s Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery (8) (H.Q., 213th (Queen’s Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry), 214th (Queen’s Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry), 215th (5th City of Glasgow) & 216th (Clyde) Anti-Tank Batteries, Royal Artillery)

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nd Headquarters, 52 (Lowland) Infantry Divisional Royal Engineers (9) 240th (Lowland) Field , Royal Engineers 241st (Lowland) Field Company, Royal Engineers 242nd (Lowland) Field Company, Royal Engineers 243rd (Lowland) Field Park Company, Royal Engineers

nd 52 (Lowland) Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals (10)

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1. The 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division was a first-line Territorial Army formation, with its headquarters located in Glasgow. It remained in the until it left for France on 10 June 1940, after the main British Expeditionary Force had been evacuated from Dunkirk. 2. A first-line Territorial Army brigade, the headquarters of which were based in Edinburgh. The 7th/9th Bn. The Royal Scots was based in Edinburgh, the 4th Bn. The K.O.S.B. was based at Galashiels, and the 5th Bn. The K.O.S.B. was based at Dumfries. 3. A first-line Territorial Army brigade, with its headquarters located at Glasgow. The 4th/5th Bn. The Royal Scots Fusiliers was based at Ayr, the 6th Bn. The Cameronians was based at Hamilton, and the 7th Bn. was based at Glasgow. 4. A first-line Territorial Army brigade, which also had its headquarters based in Glasgow. The two battalions of the H.L.I. were both based in Glasgow, and 1st Bn. The Glasgow Highlanders (whose parent regiment was the H.L.I.) were based at in Glasgow. 5. A first-line Territorial Army regiment originally formed in 1916 as the 1st Lowland Brigade, R.F.A. The headquarters and both field batteries were based in Edinburgh. The regiment remained with the division until June 1942, when it transferred to Home Forces. In February 1943, the regiment arrived in North Africa. The regiment served with 8th Army until May 1944, when it converted to the 178th Medium Regiment. 6. A first-line T.A. regiment, which also dates from 1916. The H.Q. and 313th Batteries were based in Ayr, with the 314th Battery based in Irvine. The regiment remained with the division throughout the war. 7. A first-line T.A. regiment, dating from 1916. The H.Q. and 317th Batteries were based in Glasgow, with the 318th Battery being based in Maryhill, Glasgow. The regiment remained with the division for the duration of the war. 8. This regiment was formed in 1938 by the conversion of the 101st Army Field Regiment. It remained with the division throughout the war. All the batteries were based in Glasgow, although the 215th Battery was located in the south west of the city, instead of the central area where the others were based. The regiment remained with the division throughout the war. 9. The H.Q. Royal Engineers for the division was based at Rutherglen, where the 242nd Field Company and the 243rd Field Park Company were also located. The 240th Field Company was based at Coatbridge, and the 241st Field Company was based at Motherwell. The 240th Field Company left the division on 20 September 1939 later becoming G.H.Q. Troops in France, and the 242nd Field Company left on 19 October 1939 becoming II Corps Troops in France. Both companies were not replaced immediately, but had been by the time the division was deployed to France. 10. The divisional signals were based at Glasgow.

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