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Arxiv:Astro-Ph/0605132 V1 4 May 2006 View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by CERN Document Server PUBLISHED IN THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES,2005 DEC: APJS, 161, 304-360 Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 6/22/04 RESOLVED MASSIVE STAR CLUSTERS IN THE MILKY WAY AND ITS SATELLITES: BRIGHTNESS PROFILES AND A CATALOGUE OF FUNDAMENTAL PARAMETERS DEAN E. MCLAUGHLIN University of Leicester, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University Road, Leicester, UK LE1 7RH AND ROELAND P. VAN DER MAREL Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 Published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2005 Dec: ApJS, 161, 304-360 ABSTRACT We present a database of structural and dynamical properties for 153 spatially resolved star clusters in the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, and the Fornax dwarf spheroidal. This database comple- ments and extends others in the literature, such as those of Harris (1996) and Mackey & Gilmore (2003a,b,c). Our cluster sample comprises 50 “young massive clusters” in the LMC and SMC, and 103 old globular clusters between the four galaxies. The parameters we list include central and half-light averaged surface brightnesses and mass densities; core and effective radii; central potentials, concentration parameters, and tidal radii; pre- dicted central velocity dispersions and escape velocities; total luminosities, masses, and binding energies; central phase-space densities; half-mass relaxation times; and “κ-space” parameters. We use publicly available population-synthesis models to compute stellar-population properties (intrinsic B −V colors, reddenings, and V-band mass-to-light ratios) for the same 153 clusters plus another 63 globulars in the Milky Way. We also take velocity-dispersion measurements from the literature for a subset of 57 (mostly old) clusters to derive dynami- cal mass-to-light ratios for them, showing that these compare very well to the population-synthesis predictions. The combined dataset is intended to serve as the basis for future investigations of structural correlations and the fundamental plane of massive star clusters, including especially comparisons between the systemic properties of young and old clusters. The structural and dynamical parameters are derived from fitting three different models—the modified isothermal sphere of King (1966); an alternate modified isothermal sphere based on the ad hoc stellar dis- tribution function of Wilson (1975); and asymptotic power-law models with constant-density cores—to the surface-brightness profile of each cluster. Surface-brightness data for the LMC, SMC, and Fornax clusters are based in large part on the work of Mackey & Gilmore (2003a,b,c), but include significant supplementary data culled from the literature and important corrections to Mackey & Gilmore’s V-band magnitude scale. The pro- files of Galactic globular clusters are taken from Trager, King, & Djorgovski (1995). We address the question of which model fits each cluster best, finding in the majority of cases that the Wilson models—which are spa- tially more extended than King models but still include a finite, “tidal” cut-off in density—fit clusters of any age, in any galaxy, as well as or better than King models. Untruncated, asymptotic power laws often fit about as well as Wilson models but can be significantly worse. We argue that the extended halos known to character- ize many Magellanic Cloud clusters may be examples of the generic envelope structure of self-gravitating star clusters, not just transient features associated strictly with young age. arXiv:astro-ph/0605132 v1 4 May 2006 Subject headings: globular clusters: general — galaxies: star clusters — Magellanic Clouds 1. INTRODUCTION galaxies and bulges (e.g., Djorgovski 1995; Burstein et al. Next to elliptical galaxies, globular clusters are the 1997; Bellazzini 1998; McLaughlin 2000). Spectroscopic most thoroughly modeled and best understood class of and HST imaging data have also been collected, and fit “hot” stellar system. The simple models of single-mass, with King (1966) models, for a large number of globulars in isotropic, lowered isothermal spheres developed by King M31 (e.g., Djorgovski et al. 1997; Dubath & Grillmair 1997; (1966) have been fit to a large majority of the 150 Barmby, Holland, & Huchra 2002), M33 (Larsen et al. 2002), Galactic globulars currently known, yielding comprehen-∼ and NGC 5128 = Centaurus A (Holland,Côté, & Hesser sive catalogues of cluster structural parameters and de- 1999; Harris et al. 2002; Martini & Ho 2004). These clusters rived physical properties (Djorgovski 1993; Pryor & Meylan appear to follow essentially the same scaling relations and lie 1993; Trager, King, & Djorgovski 1995; Harris 1996). These on the same fundamental plane as Galactic globulars. have been used to explore a multitude of scaling rela- That these data contain important information on the for- tions and interdependences between the various properties mation and evolution of globular clusters (GCs) is clear. But (Djorgovski& Meylan 1994), leading to the definition of cleanly separating formative from evolutionary influences on a fundamental plane for globular clusters which is anal- the present-day form of GC structural correlations and the ogous to but physically distinct from that for early-type fundamental plane is difficult in the absence of any rigor- ous, first-principles predictions for the systemic properties of Electronic address: [email protected] newly born star clusters. This issue only gains in importance Electronic address: [email protected] with the emergentconsensus that the “super” star clusters now 2 McLaughlin & van der Marel forming in nearby starbursts and galaxy mergers, and even In their pioneering study of the structure of young clus- massive young clusters in more quiescent disks, may well be ters in the LMC, Elson, Fall, & Freeman (1987) found that close analogues to what globular clusters were a Hubble time King (1966) models are not always capable of describing the ago. What, then, can the properties of GCs tell us about how outer-envelope structures of these objects, which are very ex- star clusters form in general? Conversely, what can a compar- tended spatially and may be better fit by power laws that do ison between the properties of young clusters and GCs add to not include the sharp tidal cut-offs built into King models. our understanding of the globulars? Some subsequent studies of other young massive clusters have Important steps towards addressing these questions have come to the same conclusion (e.g., Larsen 2004; Schweizer been made by studies of the mass-radius relations for young 2004). It has been argued that this reflects the presence of massive clusters in merging galaxies (e.g., Zepf et al. 1999) rather massive halos of unbound stars around the clusters, and relatively nearby spiral disks (Larsen 2004), and, on a which (it is presumed) will eventually be stripped away by somewhat different scale, for the (young) nuclear clusters in tides to leave behind a more familiar, King-like body. How- very late-type spirals (Böker et al. 2004; Walcher et al. 2005). ever, so far as we are aware, there have not been any sys- However, the data on these clusters—all of which are at dis- tematic attempts made to fit large samples of young clus- tances of many Mpc—are necessarily much less complete, ters with structural models that are more extended than King and in some respects more uncertain, than those for globu- (1966) but still spatially truncated rather than formally infi- lar clusters in the Milky Way and even out to NGC 5128. nite like power laws. Nor, for that matter, has any such test A comprehensive study of young cluster properties vs. GC been performed on old GCs. Thus, in this paper we also fit properties requires a catalogue for the former which includes our combined LMC/SMC/Fornax/Milky Way cluster sample the full suite of physical parameters routinely calculated for with a third type of model which is intermediate to King and Galactic GCs, preferably obtained within the same modeling power-law models. For this we have chosen a spherical and framework and to comparable precision and accuracy. isotropic version of the model originally developed by Wilson Our main goal in this paper is to contribute to such a (1975) for application to elliptical galaxies. Wilson’s model database, focusing specifically on the nearby populations of is essentially a single-mass, modified isothermal sphere like a massive clusters in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. King (1966) model in its core but with an ad hoc change in In particular, we fit a variety of models to obtain derived the “lowering” term in the stellar distribution function to give parameters for 53 LMC clusters and 10 SMC clusters with more extended (though still finite) halos for otherwise similar high-quality, HST-based surface-density profiles of their in- clusters. ner parts measured by Mackey & Gilmore (2003a,b). Thir- In §2 below, we discuss in detail the surface-brightness teen of these objects are globular clusters older than 10 Gyr; data that we use to fit models to the clusters in our sample. the other 50 range in age from several Myr to a few Gyr. In the LMC and SMC, we supplement many of the HST- At the same time, Mackey & Gilmore (2003c) have published derived profiles in Mackey & Gilmore (2003a,b) with older new surface-brightness profiles for the 5 old GCs in the For- (ground-based) starcount densities for the same clusters. In nax dwarf spheroidal, so we include these in our catalogue many cases this allows the density profiles to be defined out as well. As we describe below, some aspects of our analyses to substantially larger projected radii. For the Fornax clusters, of these LMC, SMC, and Fornax clusters go beyond what is we rely exclusively on the Mackey & Gilmore (2003c) data.
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