The Voice of Notre Dame
. , .• _,.._ -·. ·- ... _,_.,._ ... ·~··.-, ,... ,.-,. ,.....,. .,~,.""7"""'7-~ -~·T·-·•;~;~ ··- ~ ~-~·~r--:-·· ·•· ··----·--.. .-- ...... ·-·-· • •• ••· •·• .. ··-···---------·· ..... ·- ........ , ',,,' ',, , •t .·,, i l ' 'I -. ., News When . It.'s News J l ,' t· ~f- NOTRE DAME . ) t ! :Vol. 4, No. 29 ·University of Notre Qame Tuesday, March 22, 19~6 r $8,500,000 FOR. SCHOLARSHIPS T~p Theologi~n_s: . I j· An 86-yeaNld spinstec, who ivmity had no idea why NO:ce .-~tion oon •• ;~ing"holacshiPs, Is DIS( uss Co u nc II '· eli d F b 9 h S ·1· ft N t. e .Dame was picked. The money would a h1'p ·pour. W1·t·h the some four h e . e ruary ·' t a ue · · o ityr .• make possible an increase of 400 rs ·. · . · •. · ·. Little time was wast.ed· in put,;. Collegeville, -~ ~Minnesota, Fat er "'· Darne an d Ge orge own · mvers ---- - University,· ·with its. present small . ting· the· newly dedicated Kellog"' Diekmann. a Benedictine priest, · d f 'gh d -students who could. receive partial !!> j: ·separate en owments o ei tan en~owment, is necessarilyschol- . Center to use~ The :first session was-anofficial advisoroftheCoun- I 1 ! a half million dollars apiece. Miss · ($ ,000) academic aid. badly needed by Notre Dame. The . of the International Conference on cil, • and· he is now a member of ; Florence Daily of Rochester, 'New Tile bequest, however,· may· not hundred-thousand .dollars annual . Vatican II was begun immediately the Commission fortheimplemen- .r . York died virtually unknown toher be realized. A. niece and:twoneph- . after the dedication dinner on the tation of .the Constitution on the_ .I- ~ell ow: Rochester citizens, leaving'.
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