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Spring 4-10-1999 A&E Spring, 1999 University of Missouri-St. Louis

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Plus: Tips you should know before leaving St. Lou·s


-.. Did you know that UM - St. Louis' Department of Music is producing the musical Man o.f La Mancha to be perf fIned here on campus ? They are, FILM and we've talked to the director, Milton Zoth, just so M ~IC we could tell you how the production really is com­ Find out who will win and who attk f r"1 'pOlan the ing along. For this story turn to page 3. find oul hould \\'in an scar this year. F. r th i. t ry see page 6 ~ Also, check out the A&E calendar on page 2. Page 2 A&E - Spring '99 .. ,~qcurrent

Stephanie Platt - . &E EdiuJr ~&lE Pam White- Busir IN HIS ISSUE Tom Wombacher • . dt·ettising DU: Judi Unvtl e • Faculty A . ' Mary lindsley • Ad. A ocime Courtney trw'n • Features . - . A&E Calendar lftl Sheil. hal , Pm . Asst. Jeremy Pratte • 1 'eb Editor Cory Blackwood • . It 'c E itor Interview with the Catherine Marquis-Homeyer- FIlm Edil r PAGE Director of Man of La Staff: L i~a Pett - . JoSh Renaud 3 Mancha 7940 Natural Bridge Road Spring Break, St. Louis. Missouri 6312i ewsroom • tJJ./J 5J(i·5r-l stuff you should know Advertising · UJ./I 'i' ',5 16 Business • (31-1) 516-517,­ before leaving town Fax • (314' - 6·6

Who Deserves an email: l1tTTen Q Jilt.: ink"! t'du PA GE 6 Oscar? \ ebsite: htcp lCU'ZC urnsi edu. We'll let you know . IlIden(l~re cun-eIlL

J'le Current AM. sectlon is a spedalinsert. PA GE Music Highlights to The CUrrent. Advertlsing rates 3'IaiabIe 7 Mark Madsen as Don Quixote in Tupon ~ Terms. condtions

TIle \,valh 01' the Go.lax)' nightclub will be The Bard of Avon closes the Mainsta2:e ason of thumping to <.l 11i.Irucore beat on Saturday. March The of.St. Louis with the lu ty 20. TIlree b:1nds are lined lip. prepared to sa ti sfy Elizabethan romp , The Taming of the Shrew, run­ the audience's uesire to get a liltle cro.z),. Drown , ning l\1ar. 17 through Apr. 16. The Clay People, and \Villiam Shakespeare's rich, energetic langu'ic Locash \vill take the fuels one of theatre's most fascinating romantic st

STEPHANIE PLATT the Kirkwood School District. He has staff editor been a free lance director since 1983 and How do you teach someone to believe has directed for the Repertory Theatre of in their dreams? St. Louis, The New Theatre, Arrow Rock For Milton lOth, that is JUSt part of his Lyceum, and numerous community the­ job. 20th is the director of the University ater companies. of Missouri - St. Louis music department's "I like directing because I love to tell a production of Man of La Mancha. The story, to be able to create life on stage," play will be performed April 8, 9, and 10 in lOth said. the le. Penny auditorium. loth said he got involved in the pro­ Huber as set and lighting designer. "I'm working with a very eager cast," duction when someone recommended him loth said he liked directing Man of La loth said. crBased on the talent involved, to Mark Madsen, director of vocal studies Mancha. this will be a very good show. I'm very and producer of the show. loth has "As musicals go this is one of the better pleased." directed Man Of La Mancha twice before. ones. It is very dramatic and powerful. It loth received his Master of Fine Arts From there, loth was able to develop a is an ensemble piece, meaning that every­ and Directing from Webster University. core production staff including Teresa one is on stage doing something all the He is currently the director of theater in D oogett as costume designer and Patrick time. It is much more cohesive and excit­ ing," lOth said. loth said the play is organic. He explained it as a giant game of charades, it University of Missouri-St. Louis which the characters on stage tum it to Department of M usic Other characters as the Story progresses. "It·s more playful than just haying presents scenery move on a.nd off the stage," loth said. lOth has heen rehearsing with the cast since late January. " I was impressed with the sophistica­ tion of their voices and their ability to play April 8, 9, 10 the characters. They are very good actors Photos by Stephanie Platt across the board and they've progressed to Top: Mark Madspp as Don J.e. Penney Auditorium the point that we can get to the meat of the Quixote and Mir helle Ei i,.. .IS stOry and dissect it," loth said. Aldonza inMan of La 4'V1 Cfil cha 8:00 p.DL He said that the chemistry within the Above: Michelle Eise as A l,donza cast has been very good because their is no real lead in the play. "There is a lot of laughter during song about what kind of per ~ n she feels rehearsal. The cast works hard. It can be· she is. We had to dig deer : ) be able to painful at times for certain aqors, but they capture those emotions. T k ?t asking her are all supportive. There have been no questions. I like to ask questions because divas, no prima donnas, everyone is real you can't just ask someone to feel pain. giving." Zoth said. It's artificial. You have to work from the loth said the real breakthrough in pro­ inside out. Michelle has a great voice, but duction came when Michelle Eise, who I was hearing all voice and no emotion. plays Aldonza, truly started to understand When she broke through emotionally, we what her character thought of herself. were blown away," Zoth said. "Aldoma is basically a kitchen slut and Zoth thinks the play will be successful. in the . second act she is violently gang "It is a fascinating play with beautiful raped. It is followed by this wonderful music. It will be a thrilling production," Zoth said. ~~Jiq~¢ .t'e:r'tol~ma~nces Ticket Office Check out our Weekly Columns on the Adults $7.00 Students $4.00 516-5776 web at

r-. , . r ...... : ~--~ I' •

A&E ~ Spring '99 Page

LEAV\ G 5T. • You don't have to go far to findfun on your time off

BY AMY L OM B A RD O staff edito r Spring brcJk i_ l)lrcI1 synonymuus ~ri(h warm \ - arhl'[ \'.lcltion ,pOLS like T.lmp.l r Caneun. If :'ou don't have the tim' .md mum:y to 'Ct off [Q

oS >nle bl.\lch-fr m res rt fur the week, you're no alune. O r, it 's po~. ibk y r pri rity li st has out­ gr wn the 'keg p.1rtit's Jnd :kimp), attire ' level nd yo u're 1 oking fo r J little m re depth during your time off. There ar ' neJ.rb} place - to " j -it that provide fun and emcrtai nmenr in juSt .1 sh rr ro d-trip. D n't f 'd like you have t stay in St. Loui if ou hJ. 'e tho. e ge t-out-of- town urges. hicago i. only fi\ e h ur aW rl, b) car. (There to arc a1. o n~ l "\". n:as n3.b l' :urfar ' rJtcs the \X ind . C ity, and the fligh t is s . 'horr the plane \\;1 11 b to uching dO Von bd n: . u Cc n say "hone ro ted peanuts' .) nee in ~ hi -Jgo, there are cndl e:s possibili ti) . 'h ·Jd qu,lriu n i~ he world's largest ind or a uar­ ium h ) L1 s'll~t nea rly 8 000 aq u ti c ani mals. The re ( re 650 , peL it" of fish, reptile .1lnphibiJIl i!1\ · ~ -Cl' ­ br,ltL's, birds , nd mammals [\1 heck out. n \1 mJays, \'i:irors receive a discount m combin ·d Aqu,ulLilTI ,m J OI..·eJnariuITI admissi(Il1\. The N.1\'y Pier ha. J \',lriery of uniql ~ Jtlr:l 'lion ', \\'j (h till' 150-fr. Ferris wheel probJt I:v bt:ing tht.' 1110 -t ob\'i U~ . It W.lS modele .1fter he \'erv fi rst I :l'rris \V'hccl wh ic h wa. bu ilt fl l!' Chic,lgll' · 189 .3 \V rl J .Cl lomhi:m Expos iti on. ryscal .1. rdens i J Photos By: Stephanie Platt 6-s ror~: ~b: . Jtrium rhJt h II l'S a one-acre b rani ca l Above: Visitors to Chicago can .1sis. There is als\ a beer garden, dining cruise bo, ts, brge-su-cL'1l theater, lltduor rc:staurants and unique see all types of fish, including shops. the one above, at Shedd Since it is Ct '!1sidered the world's first city of Aquarium. modern ;1rchiteCture and design, it would be a good Right: Fountains abound at the ideJ [Q stnp by The Chicago Athen aeum. The price is only 52 for students. Other museums worth the Plaza in Kansas City, the city of time and effort are the Art Institute of Chicago (free fountains. on Tuesdays, $5 all other times) and the Museum of period rooms, plus students are in for $1 . Contemporary An ($4 student admission). The Kansas City Zoo is a nice place to spend the If it 's your first time in Chi-tO\\'Il, it's imperative day, weather permitting. It does cost $5 to get in, to travel up the Sears Tower or look Out of the John but Tuesdays are only £1. Hancock Obsc rY<1tory. For those with the means to Shopping is something of a tradition in KC, and "p,m: some (.1sh, the shopping can't be beat at is considered an enjoyable experience for browsers Michigan Avenue ... at least in the Midwest. Stores and buyers alike. In 1922,]. C. Nichols built the first like Saks fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales and Gucci completely planned shopping center in the US - line the street. Country Club Plaza - which includes over 150 main­ Kans,ls City is located approximately 4 hours stream and 'specialty shops, restaurants and night­ from St. Louis. One of the first things you'll notice clubs. Crown Center is hotel, mall, dining and enter­ as you're driving in on the highway, is the impressive tainment complex in one. It covers 85 acres and 1] 8,000-scn Harry S. Truman SpOrtS Complex. The reaches three levels. River Market is an open-air facility houses stadiums for both baseball and foot­ market featuring small shops and fresh produce ball. stands run by area farmers. Last, but not least, is Once inside the downtown area, there are plenty Westport Square, comprised of shops, galleries, of things to see and do. The Kan sas City Art restaurants and bars in buildings renovated from the Institute, the first cultural institution in the 'Heart days of the Santa Fe Trail outfitting station. of America', is free and open to the public. There's On a final note, if you do decide to venture Out also the Kansas City Museum, set up in a 50-room to either of these fair cities, keep in mind that most mansion, for a mere $2.50. The Nelson-Atkins museums are closed on Mondays and don't forget Museum of Art is made up of 58 galleries and 11 your college ID for discounts. A&E - Spring '99 Page 5 ilL-t .' Do's and Don'ts or traveling Spring Breakers

special to The Current \X1 hether y u are traveling far or near for spring break, you em take some pre­ cautions to ensure a fun, safe one. Here are some su ~ e, tlons: 1) If you're flymg the friendly skies, you h uld take ome reading and writing m:lt 'n:J. l

Likely winner: Nick Nolte (mostly for -..:C=A~T:....!H~E.!.,!R...!"I ,:..!N...!::E:...... !.M!.!.....:;A~Rw....:::Q~U::....!I...!::S!....----!..,;H~Q::....!M!!!...!::E....!.Y....!:E:..lR.J.-_ for movies buffs who may have missed ofT he Cur r en t s t a f f some of the nominated films, a number of his longevity, but also excellent work) them are at area theaters now, and I'll list Best Actress: Ah, the Oscarsl The enduring appeal of those too. Nominees: (Elizabeth), these awards seems to lie in their position as As a note, I'd like to mention that there Fernanda Montenegro (Central Station), a sym b 0 I 0 f that piece of Americana called was a article in a Post Get Out section on Gv.ryneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Love), "Hollywood') and in their history as the inspiration for an array of other entertain- the Oscars that suggested that people look (One True Thing), Emily ment awards and ceremonies. While the his- up the American Film Institute's 100 Watson (Hilary and JaclUe) movies list. Despite its academic sounding My choice: Cate Blanchett or Fernanda t ory 0 f th e 0 scars revea Is some Iaug h abl e . h d li h name, the AFI is primarily an organization Montenegro (both stand-outs) overslg ts an some puzz 'ng winners, t ey still endure by their combination of popular that promotes the interests of several big Likely winner: studios. While two-thirds of these films Best Supporting Actor. taste (since big moneymakers often win), insider knowledge (since the Academy is could be on a list of great films, other Nominees: James Coburn (Affliction), made up of Hollywood insiders, notably turkeys and less-than-stellar films also Robert Duvall (A Civil Action), Ed Harris producers and studio executives), and artis- appear while films that for years appeared (The Truman Show), Geoffrey Rush tic and academic judgment of film (since the on lists of great films, even in the top ten, (Shakespeare in Love), Billy Bob Thorton creative people who actually make film are were excluded. Any really knowledgeable (A Simple Plan) also represented in the Academy). This film buff would not recommend using the My choice: Billy Bob Thorton combination is unique among movie AFI list as a guide to the best films; plenty Likely winner: Ed Hams of other lists found on the Web or at the Best Supporting Actress: awards, which tend lean either more to pop- ular taste regardless of artistic value, or more library will give a much more accurate guide Nominees: Kathy Bates (Primary to artistic/academic standards regardless of (including the Library of Congress list). Colors), Brenda Blethyn (Little Voice) , Judi Now those Oscars: Dench (Shakespeare in Love), Rachel popularity. Best Picture: Griffiths (Hilary and Jackie), Lynn Personally, I find that looking at the list of nominated films is more representative of Nominees: Elizabeth, Life is Beautiful, Redgrave (Gods and Monsters) the year's best films rather than the VY1nners Saving Private Ryan, Shakespeare in Love, My choice: Lynn Redgrave (remarkable) The Thin Red Line. Likely winner: Judi Dench (although the more artistic but less com- mercial films are still often overlooked). My choice: Lfe is Beautiful (but this Director. Oscar winners are often chosen to reward year's choices are all excellent) Nominees: Roberto Benigni (Life is or recognize individuals involved in those Likely winner: Saving Private Ryan (big Beautiful), Steven Spielberg (Saving Private films for previous work rather than for the money maker, serious theme) Ryan)) John Madden (Shakespeare in Loye), Best Actor: current f ilm nominated, hence it's hard to Terrence Malick (The Thin Red Line) , Peter guess who the Academy "rill pick, and we Nominees: Roberto Benigni (Life is Weir (The Truman Show) get those sometimes squirrely winners, Beautiful), Tom Hanks (Saving Private M ychoice: Terrence 1alick ( ut a rea ly I was luck'), enough to see most of the Ryan ), Ian McKellen (Gods and Monsters), tough choice here) films nominated for the major awards this Nick Nolte (Affliction), Edward Norton Likely winner: T erren e M .1.1ic k (ro year, and I'd like to offer my picks for win _ (A merican History X) encourage to make more fil ms!) ners in the top categories, as well as my My choice: Ian McKellen (awesome per- Foreign Film: guess for the Academy picks. Fortunately formance, in a field of excellent choices) Nominees: Central Station C hildren of Heaven, The Grandfath r, Life i BeautifuL Tango 'Two Smokes' has abundance of successful plot twists My choice: Central Station ' but sadlv two of these films didn)t play here) . "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" Likely '>vinner. Life is Beautiful (s ince it Now Playing (R) won't win Best Pictur ) Running Time: 106 minutes Cinematography: Ready for a roller coaster ride? N ominees: A Civil Action, Eli zabeth A fast-paced, wild, downhill ride of a film, "Lock, Stock, and Pleasantville, Saving Private Ryan. Two Smoking Barrels" throws together an assortment of criminals Shakespeare in Love, The Thin Red Line and sleazy types into a cleverly-drawn plot with more twists and My choice: The Thin Red Lin (unique turns than a country road. The film has the feel of a British "Pulp marvelous photography) Fiction," but more humor and less violence. It retains the sur­ Likely v-~nner: The Thin Red L ne prising plot rn~sts, the overlapping stories, and high tension, elec­ Original Screenplay: trifying feel of that film. This film also features unusual, intriguing Nominees: \\;!arren Beatty and Jeremv photographic teclmiques, especially during the poker game scene. Pikser (Bulworth), Roberto Beniani :md The pacing and editing are marvelous, lending the right rhythm to Vincenzo Cerami (LEe is Beautiful) Robert maintain the action and keep you off balance for every surprise in Rodat (Saving Private Ryan), the plot. The acting is exactly right to create the vividly-drawn and Marc Nom'lan (Shakespeare in Love), characters. Andrew Niccol (The Truman Sho ) The story centers on a gang of four young small-time 1v1y choice: Tom Stoppard and Marc criminals. A plot to make some quick money in a high-stakes Norman (Shakespeare in Love) poker game with a local crime boss and pornographer backfires and Likely winner: Tom Stoppard and Marc leaves this group with a huge debt they must repay in one week. Jason Fleming {left}, Jason Statham, Nick Moran, and ' Norman (Shakespeare in Love) The ensuing events weave a variety of colorful characters into a Dexter Fletch in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Oscar nominees still playing in [he area: story that loops and rwists and finally draws every detail into a neat rifically entertaining and a great story, filled with humor, action, Affliction, Saving Private Rvan package, with tOngue-in-cheek humor. and plot-twists in abundance. Elizabeth, Central Station, Life is Beau;iful: While this film has no larger message on life or society, it is ter- Shakespeare in Love, and A Simple Plan. -Catherine Marquis-Homeyer A&E - Spring '99 Page 7 Ca p s aDds Judges select the group to play at Mirthday (99

BY CORY BLACKWOOD music editor Last Saturday, March 6th, in the lC, Penney building) a battle of the bands was held to decide the opening slot for the Mirth Day concert, \X'hile the details of the headlining performer are still classi ied, it is promised that the band \\~ll be big enough to warrant a large crowd, With this knowl­ edge, 20 bands containing UM-St. Louis students entered the competition and six made the cut. The six competing bands- Colorspacc, The Jv1ilTls, Fat Cactus, The Kinetics, The Patrick Clark band, and Hindsiaht- aath- Spaces. a b ered to play to a nearly empty lC, Penney 7. Shania Twain: COr)1e On .:. auditorium, Though the crowd was smail, '''l:; there \':ere six judges present, including bur ¥ nut limited to the manager of the Urge and the legendary Beade Bob, Some of the bands had some- technical Fat acruswas the eventual victor, a ska difficulties, mostly in the way of faulty gui­ band Out of St. Charles, As the six piece tar amps, but the ban~s played an impres­ band including a singer, guitar, ba s guitar, sive show, and the final decision was close dru ms tenor sa.x and trumpet; and while for the judges, In fac t, the \v-inning band none of the band members sta) ed in one took [he first place slat by only three points place vcr ("ri ch the ubvious exc ption f l: on a total of a six hundred point scale, " ' the drummer), watching Fat Cac[Us play is an event. It is difficult to decide which Grammy's Lack Excitement member t focus on, as they are all running and interwea ing onstage thro ughout every By CORY BLACKWOOD Grammr's this year was Rosie O'Donnell _ong. mu s i c ed i tor pe,lite trlshing of pop diva Celine Dion, "\Ve entered because v. e th ugh we had That simply doesn't compare to the shirt­ I v rr \' dT millil n - of people , t 'h as ood a chance as anyone else, and in me rammy-" , . nd not iu. t t S C \\'hich leos freak with Soy Bomb painted on his hop of gettina ome rec gnition n cam­ ici ",in ~'h,H ~n"

TW\5TED ... Citizen King Mobile ptates (Warner Brothers) Not much is known for coming Out of . Milwaukee Wisconsin, other cheese. , Liberace is pretty much the only musician that has come from Milwaukee and led a successful career... until now. Citizen King is perched on the brink of a musical explo­ sion with their Warner Brothers debut, Mobile Estates, and possibly become the ne:x't big hit from the cheesehead state. Citizen King is a five piece band, made up of a guitarist, drummer, bassist/ v caUSt, keyboardist, md a DJ. ~lith both a key­ boanlist and a DJ, the sound of a traru­ tion~ rock band is prett}' much throv,l1 out the \vindow, so instead Citizen King StriVeS to t.:'lke influences from all genres of music neither drowned out nor oyerpowers the music, and meld them into one coherent style. Many but Citizen King have found the perfect balance. bands strive for the same greatness, but fall short With such an original sound and ner en feel where Citizen King excels. Combining hip h P on the album, they are sure t be.:t hit liv d rnon­ with hard rock, funk, and even som pop can cre­ strating the same fun fed t11 y e:Xll de on the Keyboardist Kathleen Supove (left) and composer Eve ate a volatile mL'{ture, normally c n , idered m re album. Lucky for us, because Citizen King is play­ than a little pretentious, but the Mil~;aukee band ing \' ednesday the 17th at M is sissippi Nights at Beglarian of Twisted Thtu performed live Thursday in pulis it off flawlessly. one of the Point dollar five sho\\. . Bern een our J.C. Penney auditorium. T\\'isted Thtu was part of the On the opening track, "Under the Influence," cushion and your car seat a 1.05 should not be Art, Design, and Music in the Electronic Age confer­ is it apparent that the \Olnyl scratching is wriuen toO hard to find, but a show like this would be a ence sponsored by the Center for the Humanities. into the song, and nOt added later, JS is the prac­ shame to mlss. tice in many bands. It is rare to find a DJ that is ~ Cory Blackwood

Tune in ftWII'I..,"~~71 Its q vveek/y show. Its q/7 hour. Its miss/on /5 to document evetyd4Y life in this country.

F O M W E C H ICAG- O . T h 1 S fne-ricaN Lif e:

its q bunch ofstoties - some qte documentqties/ some qte fidion, some qre something else,

Eqch week we choose q theme qnd invite different wtitets qnd petformets Host I rCl Glass to conttibute items on the theme.

We VIew the show 45 4n experiment, Sunday 6-7 p.m. We try th inqs. ldIJJ;Su

A service of the University of Missouri-St. Louis