University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1990s) Student Newspapers Spring 4-10-1999 A&E Spring, 1999 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: http://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "A&E Spring, 1999" (1999). Current (1990s). 304. http://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s/304 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1990s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. :.- :::~ .~ ,~.::~:< ,' . .,; : . .~~ . .:: , ,: .•.• ;~ ....... ~. .r ¥. .. C'<: .. " ~"'-':"'~~·A Ca~;t afford"Florida?· Can't take a week off work? Still want to go somewhere? We'll give you some ideas on weekend get-aways. page 4 Plus: Tips you should know before leaving St. Lou·s OTHER STUFF INSIDE -.. Did you know that UM - St. Louis' Department of Music is producing the musical Man o.f La Mancha to be perf fIned here on campus ? They are, FILM and we've talked to the director, Milton Zoth, just so M ~IC we could tell you how the production really is com­ Find out who will win and who attk f r"1 'pOlan the ing along. For this story turn to page 3. find oul hould \\'in an scar this year. F. r th i. t ry see page 6 ~ Also, check out the A&E calendar on page 2. Page 2 A&E - Spring '99 .. ,~qcurrent Stephanie Platt - . &E EdiuJr ~&lE Pam White- Busir IN HIS ISSUE Tom Wombacher • . dt·ettising DU: Judi Unvtl e • Faculty A . ' Mary lindsley • Ad. A ocime Courtney trw'n • Features . - . A&E Calendar lftl Sheil. hal , Pm . Asst. Jeremy Pratte • 1 'eb Editor Cory Blackwood • . It 'c E itor Interview with the Catherine Marquis-Homeyer- FIlm Edil r PAGE Director of Man of La Staff: L i~a Pett - . JoSh Renaud 3 Mancha 7940 Natural Bridge Road Spring Break, St. Louis. Missouri 6312i ewsroom • tJJ./J 5J(i·5r-l stuff you should know Advertising · UJ./I 'i' ',5 16 Business • (31-1) 516-517,­ before leaving town Fax • (314' - 6·6 Who Deserves an email: l1tTTen Q Jilt.: ink"! t'du PA GE 6 Oscar? \ ebsite: htcp lCU'ZC urnsi edu. We'll let you know . IlIden(l~re cun-eIlL J'le Current AM. sectlon is a spedalinsert. PA GE Music Highlights to The CUrrent. Advertlsing rates 3'IaiabIe 7 Mark Madsen as Don Quixote in Tupon ~ Terms. condtions <n:I restJio. tions apply. The current, Iinanced In part by stir Man of La Mancha dent activities fees, Is rot an publication of UM-St. Uxns. The UniYerstty is rot responstie for the cootent of The Current or Its policies. The Last Page Co~ <n:I coIurTns reftect the opinion of PAGE 8 the ird\ icIuaI authoc Unsigned edtoriaIs reftect the opinion of the majority of the EdtoriaI boa-d. AU material contained In each issue is property of The CUrrem a1d may not be reprinted, reused or reproci..rced without the eltlJressed, v.-rltten c0n­ sent of The Current. Arst copy free; all su.bse­ quent copies. 25 cents. <NailabIe at the offices 0( The CUrrent. A&E CALENDAR OF EVENTS TIle \,valh 01' the Go.lax)' nightclub will be The Bard of Avon closes the Mainsta2:e ason of thumping to <.l 11i.Irucore beat on Saturday. March The Repertory Theatre of.St. Louis with the lu ty 20. TIlree b:1nds are lined lip. prepared to sa ti sfy Elizabethan romp , The Taming of the Shrew, run­ the audience's uesire to get a liltle cro.z),. Drown , ning l\1ar. 17 through Apr. 16. The Clay People, and \Villiam Shakespeare's rich, energetic langu'ic Locash \vill take the fuels one of theatre's most fascinating romantic st<lgc starting CIt 8pm. Dance St. Louis presents-­ comedies and boisterous farces about Petruchio, Parsons Dance TIle show is upen to the dashing JdventureL who meets his bri de Kate's Company as their las t all ages. so everyone fiery temper with J event [or the \998/99 ca n enjoy the rhythms more blistering fire of or th e nighl. But. season at the Fox Theat re at 8 p.m . on April 16 and his ow n. bew~lre. only the 17. For the past 12 years, Directed by Bruce enthusiastic crowds David Parsons and his Longworth, The should attend because -d8nccrs ha ve wun the Taming of the Shrew the show is guaranteed hearts of audiences features Katherine Parsons Dance Company to he full of energy. throughout the world . The Leask as Kate and It's nll t recommended progrtlm includes The John Resenhouse a~ Joel Cochrane of Locash I'or -the weak or the Ellre/ape, AllthelJl, Ring Around th e Ros:\,. Sleep Stlldy, and Petruchio Parsons' signJture \vork. Callght. CallghT is a solo work that walillowcrs. Galaxy is For Tickets, call The through creative uses of light and numerous jumps, creates the located dowl1lUw n at 1227 W~L,-;hillgton Avenue. Rep Bu x Office at The cover charge I'm people over 21 is $5, and illusion tbal the dancer never tou ches the ground. Tickets are $18 . $34 for adults and $ \ 5 - $28 for students and (314) 96~-4925 or ~my()l1e under 21 pays $7. For more infonnation, seniors. Tickets are available at the Dance Sl. Louis Box Office Metro Tix at (314) the phone numher Galaxy is (314) 231-2404. or by calling (314) 534-6622 or Metro Tix at (3\4) 534-1111 . 534-1111, _ A&E ~ Spring '99 The Man of LaMancha An Interview with the director of UM-St. ollis's production of Man of La Mancha STEPHANIE PLATT the Kirkwood School District. He has staff editor been a free lance director since 1983 and How do you teach someone to believe has directed for the Repertory Theatre of in their dreams? St. Louis, The New Theatre, Arrow Rock For Milton lOth, that is JUSt part of his Lyceum, and numerous community the­ job. 20th is the director of the University ater companies. of Missouri - St. Louis music department's "I like directing because I love to tell a production of Man of La Mancha. The story, to be able to create life on stage," play will be performed April 8, 9, and 10 in lOth said. the le. Penny auditorium. loth said he got involved in the pro­ Huber as set and lighting designer. "I'm working with a very eager cast," duction when someone recommended him loth said he liked directing Man of La loth said. crBased on the talent involved, to Mark Madsen, director of vocal studies Mancha. this will be a very good show. I'm very and producer of the show. loth has "As musicals go this is one of the better pleased." directed Man Of La Mancha twice before. ones. It is very dramatic and powerful. It loth received his Master of Fine Arts From there, loth was able to develop a is an ensemble piece, meaning that every­ and Directing from Webster University. core production staff including Teresa one is on stage doing something all the He is currently the director of theater in D oogett as costume designer and Patrick time. It is much more cohesive and excit­ ing," lOth said. loth said the play is organic. He explained it as a giant game of charades, it University of Missouri-St. Louis which the characters on stage tum it to Department of M usic Other characters as the Story progresses. "It·s more playful than just haying presents scenery move on a.nd off the stage," loth said. lOth has heen rehearsing with the cast since late January. " I was impressed with the sophistica­ tion of their voices and their ability to play April 8, 9, 10 the characters. They are very good actors Photos by Stephanie Platt across the board and they've progressed to Top: Mark Madspp as Don J.e. Penney Auditorium the point that we can get to the meat of the Quixote and Mir helle Ei i,.. .IS stOry and dissect it," loth said. Aldonza inMan of La 4'V1 Cfil cha 8:00 p.DL He said that the chemistry within the Above: Michelle Eise as A l,donza cast has been very good because their is no real lead in the play. "There is a lot of laughter during song about what kind of per ~ n she feels rehearsal. The cast works hard. It can be· she is. We had to dig deer : ) be able to painful at times for certain aqors, but they capture those emotions. T k ?t asking her are all supportive. There have been no questions. I like to ask questions because divas, no prima donnas, everyone is real you can't just ask someone to feel pain. giving." Zoth said. It's artificial. You have to work from the loth said the real breakthrough in pro­ inside out. Michelle has a great voice, but duction came when Michelle Eise, who I was hearing all voice and no emotion. plays Aldonza, truly started to understand When she broke through emotionally, we what her character thought of herself. were blown away," Zoth said. "Aldoma is basically a kitchen slut and Zoth thinks the play will be successful. in the . second act she is violently gang "It is a fascinating play with beautiful raped. It is followed by this wonderful music. It will be a thrilling production," Zoth said.
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