Township of York and Auditors' Report on Treasurer's Accounts for the Year 1915

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Township of York and Auditors' Report on Treasurer's Accounts for the Year 1915 YORK TOWNSHIP MINUTES of the Munic!p~f Council of the Corporation of the Township of York and Auditors' Report on Treasurer's Accounts for the Year 1915 TORONTO: THE BRYANT PRESS, LIMITED 131 to 133 Jarvis Street. 1916 INDEX INSTRUCTIONS TO CLERK. RES. No. PAGE 4351 To call tenders for printing. __ .............. ~............................................ 39 4357 To give the necessary notices of the Sitting of a Court of Re- v.ision re certain Local Improvements..................................... .,,.. 42 4358 'ro write to Dr. Bruce Smith, Supt. of Hospitals, re Township patients .......................................................... ·................................. 44 4369 To notify the Trustees of S.S. 's Nos. 15, 28 and 29 re the ·proposed,alte:c:ation of S.S.'s 15 and 28 .................................... ~.- 46 4374 To register Debenture By-law No. 4106, re S.S. No. 32............ 49 4375 To sign agreements re sewers on Arlington Ave. and Oakwood Ave............................................ : ................ ·..................................... 49"' 4377 To publish a notice of the registration of Debenture By-law No. 410(> re S.S. No. 32................................................................. 50 4382 To regi~ter Improvement Debenture By-laws, Nos. 4112 to· 4135 lnC.............................................................................. 54 4402 To register Debenture By-law No. 4150 re S.S. No. 32.............. 63 4424 -To have 500 cbpies of Auditors' Report and Minutes of the Council for 1914 pgnted and bound.:.~~ ........................ .,..... ;....... 7 4 4426 To publish a nottce of the Sitting of a Court of Revision re - --Assessment Appeals....... :............................ :............................... ·.... 74 4438 To certify to the passing of the .Ass~ssment '{{oll for 1915 as revised ... ______ ................................................................................. 78 4440 To give the necessary notices of the sitting of a Court of Re­ vision re certain Local Improvements,....................................... 80 4461 To negotiate with City of Toronto re part of cost of road through Prospect Cemetery....... ~ ............... ,.................................. 85 4489 To register Debenture By-law No. 42Q6 re .S.S. No. 33 ..........,. 95 4504 To execute an agreement with the Toronto J;lydro for the sup- ply of lights in Earlscourt District............................................ 104 4506 To execute an agreement with the Toronto Hydro for the - supply of lights in Kennedy Rd. District.................................. 105 4507 To execute an agreement with the Toronto Hydro for the supply of lights in District South of Dundas St...................... 105 4508 To sign agreements re sewers on Barrington Ave. and Oak- wood Ave... ------··-··--············--·····~·············································· 106 4509 To-register Debenture By-law No. 4229 _re S.S. No. 28 ............ 106 4511 To execute an agreement with the Toronto Hydro for the supply of lights on Yonge St............................... · ..................•...... 108 4520 To register By-law No. 4241 re changing the names of streets.. 110 4536 To register Deed of Land-James S. McLean to the Township of York·--····-··················································································· 117 4537 To sign agreements re sewers on Dufferin St., Kenwood Aye., Earlscourt Ave. and Humewood Ave ........................................ 117 4541 To register Debenture By-law No. 4255 re--S.S. No. 32 ........ :..... 118 4549 To sign agreements re sewer connections on Greenwood ave., ' Annette St. and Runneymede Rd.............................................. 122 4551 To regi&ter Deed of Land-Norman Chas. McEachren to the Township of York·-··----······························································· 122 4556 To register Debenture By-law No. 4260 re S.S. No. 33 .............. 128 ·3 INDEX R~~ ~~ 4567 To sign agreements re sewers on Glenholm· Ave. and Earn- ' cliffe Rd.------·------------------------·-···---------------------------------------------·----· 103 4575 T prepare a draft bill to present to the Legislature granting power to distribute water-within certain areas--~--------------------· 132 4-580 To register Debenture By-law No. 4265 re S.S. No. 22-----------..-- 133 INSTRUCTIONS TO TREASURER. 4320 To allow a rebate on taxes and arrears of E15' of W20' of lot 8 23 4324 To ~a~~iifo!~~i~~t~;~~gbffi~;;;-;~d--P~ii ___ ci;;k;--;h~ acted at the Elections for 1915---------------------------------------------------· 24 4325 To pay C. H. MacDonald $50.00 on account of salary___ :__________ 26 4326 To have pay sheets printed for use of Commissioner and Road Foremen__________ ----------------------------------------------·------------------------------· 26 4327 To pay to the W ~ston, York and Etobicoke Agricul~ural Fair the sum of $100 grant for 1914------------------------------------------------------ 26 4328 To pay to the Woodbridge Fair Assoc., the sum of $50.00 being a gral\t for 1914,---------------·----------·------------------------------------------------ 26 4329 To issue a cheque for $15.00 in favor of F. Holden re right of way ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 4333 T0"'3.rranie with the Bank for temporary advances to complete sewer m Oakwood Ave----------------------------------------------'-------------------- 28 4336 To pay the sum of $25.00 to the Runneymede Public Library__ 31 4337 To issue-a cheque in favor oI the Don Public Library for $25.00 31 4338 To issue a cneque-to Mas.ten, Starr & Spence for $100 to enter private bill re granting water__ :__~:-----~=--···-···-------------------------------- 32 4341 To allow a rebate of $4.68 to T. J. Bennett on arrears appearing against lot 27, Plan 1451 for 1911...------------------------------------------- 34 4343 To pay the sum of $25.00 to Robert Barber to be spent in con- · 'nection with Cedarvale Relief Committee_______________________________ 37 4346 To pay to Burroughs Adding Machine Co. the sum of $347.90 being paymen~ for Adding Machine-------------------------------------------· 3 7 4349 To forward cheque for $5.00 to Ontario Good Roads Assoc., being fee of 'York Township Council.. ---------------·---------------------· 39 435~ To refund to 0. R. Macklem the sum of $70-35, being arrears of taxes paid'by him appearing against lots· 72, 73 W 8' 5" of 8 7 and 88, Plan ·841---------------------------------------------------------------------- · 89 4353 To allow a rebate on taxes for 1914 on lots 78, 80, 81 and 83, Plan 824--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 4354 To issue a cheque to David Bennett on account of passage of an indigent man to Glasgow_·--------------·-------------------------------------------·· 40 4356 To accept the sum'of $15.00 in full for taxes appearing against lots 13, 45 and 46, Plan 927-------------------------------------------------------· 41 4359 To write off certain arrears of taxes in Div. No. 3---------------------· 44 4365 To pay .Miss Kavanagh the sum of $3.50 for charity supplies - supplied Mr. Henderson----------·---------- ... -----------------·---------·····---··-··· 46 4366 To pay $25.00 to the Weston Volunteer Fire Brigade__ ···-·····-··· 46 4368 To a~low a rebate of $2.87 on arrears charged against lot 9, Plan 460·----···--··-------------·------------------------·-·------------------------·-·--·· ·..• 46 4376 To issue a cheque in favor of Geo. H. Moses, Sanitary Inspector, for $25.00_________________________________________________________________ · ---------··· ------·· 49 4.381 To issue a cheque for $25.00 in favor of Lamhton Rifle Club____ 54 4387 To issue a cheque in favor of Chas. McDonald, for $200.00 on account of assessing _____ ------··--··--·-·--·----------·--·-·-----------------·---··--·-- 58 4389 To issue a cheque to the Twp. Solicitors for $375 re Hibbert vs. Twp. of York------.-······--···-·········--··----... ---···--··--··-·····--·-----···-··--·· 59 4 INDEX RESr NO. PAGE 4392 To issue a cheque in favor of the Solicitors re ijeck vs. Twp of York_. _______ --·----------------------·-----------------------------------···--/·-------·-···-····- 60 4393 Torebatearrearsoftaxesappearingagainst N. .U 74, S .U 74, 79, N .U 80, S .U 80 and..,81, Plan 1249-----,····--·--······-··--··---·-·-'----· 60 4403 To rebate arrears against Blk. B., Plan 1351.. .. ____ . ____: ____________ :•... ~ 63 · 4407 To pay C. H. MacDonald, John Lownsbrough and Geo. R. Gottlding on account of assessing __ ··---------··-·-·--·-----·--···-·····-:_______ 66 4408 To pay Mr. Boyden the sum of $3.00 for burying horse____________ 66 4409 To allow rebates of arrears of taxes against lots 3 and 4, Plan 1655 __________ -----·-·-------------------------------------------------------··--------------· ·- 66 4423 To allow a rebate of $10.71 on taxes appearing against lots 41 to 44, Blk. A., Plan 877·-----------------------··------------------------·----------- 71 4431 To allow a rebate of $4.03 to J.W. Lainson and Sons an account of arrears against Business Tax____ ··---------------------·-----------------·---- 77 4434 To issue a cheque to Twp. Solicitors for amount of judgment 0 77 4436 To 1s~:~~ "iii:~:f~~ilfJo1it;-f;v~;-~T-i§;~~:i:;;~~-~fy~;k:; · Etobicoke and Weston Fair Assoc·---------------·------,,----·-·--···---------- 77 4439 To accept in full all arrears of taxes, etc., charged against lots
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