Mccarthy Will Also Be Hearst Derived Much of His Local Sup- Some of the Questions Relating to the Coining Campaign and Election
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"5 V If yon want to- day's Notts, to-du- y SECOND ron can And It In THE STAB THE EDITION I HAWAIIAN STAR. Part III of The World's Fair Portfolios Now Heady n r ' VOL. XII. HONOLULU, T. Hf THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1904. No. 383S YOUNG GIRL econd Days Work 0 WITHJDOWIE A1YSTERIOUS CONVERT BROUGHT BACK WITH THE PROPHET FROM HIS TRIP. TO AUSTRALIA1 AND EUROPE-TH- ZION LEADER Democratic National Convent TRIES TO STOP SMOKING ON BOARD AND IS GIVEN A SEVERE ion LESSON. NEW YORK, June 35 Bringing with him a young and beautiful Swedish noblewoman, whose wealth is to be devoted to the uses of Zion City, John Alexander Dowie, the self-styl- ed "Elijah III" returned from Australia and! V Europe today on the Cunard liner Lucania. With the Chicago "Prophet" DEM OCRATS OVATIONS also were, his wife and the "Unkissed Son," Dr. A. J. Gladstone Dowie, the latter glorying In the fact that neither Europe nor Australia could take that badge of courage from him. RATIFY Never was a jewel guarded so assiduously as the mysterious young wo- TO BOTH man convert. On passenger FOR the list she figured as Miss Ruth Hofer, but A MASS MEETING CALLED EVENINQ AT FOR TOMORROW EMMA (Associated Press Cable to The Star). SQUARE TO RATIFY THE EXPECTED NOMINATIONS AT ST. LOUIS A LONG LIST OF SPEAKERS WHO ARE READY TO ST. LOUIS, July 7. Representative Champ Clark of Missouri was chosen ENTHUSE. as permanent chairman of the Democratic National Convention today. The delegates from Porto Rico were admitted to seats in the convention, but Democrats of Honolulu propose to Wolter, Sam Koloa, John Emmeluth, those from the Philippines were not admitted. have a Brand ratification meeting to- Fiank Harvcv and Fred Turrill are Ovations were given Bryan end Parker. Bryan presented the minority morrow night at Emma square. They other speakers who make up a formid- report of the Committee on Credentials in the case of the Hopkins contest anticipate that the work of the convent- able list. ing delegation from Illinois. ion! at St, Louis will be over bv that The fact tl-i- t Hearst has failed al- t time and that they wlll'therefore know most to get a mention at all in the ac- The Committee on Platform was not ready to report so the platform was whom to shout for. As the Indica- counts of the convrntion, comes as a not considered by the convention today. tions continue to be strongly for Parker rliock to many of the Hawailans who The nominations for presidential candidate wilt be made tomorrow. they are ready to yell for him, but the pinn.'l their faith to him. A lot of matter of a running mate Is all In the them were convinced that he was the dark. real dealing candidate and expected to CLEVELAND SAYS NO. '- 3g SHBaSWH u'Sulllvan is at the head of a long see - Im defea1- : arker hands down and list of orators prepared for the occa- win the nomination and from this PRINCETON, N. J., June 36. Former President Cleveland discussed to-d- sion. Col. C. J. McCarthy will also be Hearst derived much of his local sup- some of the questions relating to the coining campaign and election. heard. J. K. Prendergast, former re- port. Now the llawi Hans are much "If the Democratic National Convention again nominates you for the presentative, will give some Democra- surprised to find that Iaukea and his tic truths and he will be followed by r.sFociatcs m In a hopeless minority Presidency would you accept?" he was asked. Attorney E. M. Watson. W. F. Erving, which does not seem to be even making His first answer was a pantomime. He vigorously shook his head and II. J. Hossman, Nahalowaa, E. H. F. a no!:e. lifted his hand deprecatingly. Then he exclaimed with rapid utterance: "That will not happen, that will not happen, so there is no use of talking about it. HANGED 1IMSEL P WILLER TAKES "I am out of political affairs," he continued. "I have said it often, so that it ought to be well understood." Asked what he thought of the suggestion that the Democrats would do FROM A RAFTER' SCHOONER FOSTER wisely to take their candidate for Vice President from the Southern States, the former President dictated the following: "I must decline to enter into any discussion of political questions at this SAD ENDING OF A JAP AT PAIA CHANGE IN MASTERS OF VESSELS time.. It cannot be possible that my opinion on any question that is about I LAST WEEK HE WAS WELL KNOWN HERE-SMIT- H'S to be involved in the national canvass C;.n be misunderstood. do not. ex pect actively in phr.s DENT OVEIVSICKNESS. FUNERAL. to be concerned the that are 'nowocciipylngthe4 thought and effort of the Democratic managers, and it is quite proper that 1 should be out of that account, inasmuch as I consider myself as absolutely Despondent because of ill health, 20. SAN FRANCISCO, June Captain from political activities." broken hearted because the onfe he Wilier who commanded "the bark Cey- retired loved spurned his love, Sakamoto Klus-c- hl lon for so long In the Laysan Island a Japanese at Paia, Maul, commit- guano trade, and was until lately as- CANADIAN WINS DIAMOND SCULLS. ted suicide July 1. News of the sistant harbor master at Honolulu has occurrence was brought this week by given been the command of the schoon- of Toronto Rowing Club won the the steamer Llkellke. er Mary E. Foster, owned by Allen & HENLEY, England, July 7. Scholes the The Japanese hanged himself from Robinson, and engaged In the lumber Diamond Sculls here today. The Canadian beat the record for the event the rafter of the house where he had trade between the Sound and Honolulu. defeating Cloutte, his opponent, in 8:23. lived. He hanged himself in the same Captain Thompson who has com- ALEXANDER DOWIE. room where once he had lived with the manded the Mary E. Foster ever since woman loved. His health became ATTACK KAICHOU. he she went into commission, has been is said to be her nom de Zion, as it were. She is not yet cheeks had and one by one his friends seemed given the command of the Helene. that 25, her to lose interest in him. Finally he got Captain Wilier came here from Hono- TCHEKIAO, July The Japanese are attacking Kaichou and have are red with the blush of youth and her dainty little figure and aristocratic neglect and took his life. 7. tired of their lulu by the Alameda, and has gone to a point within five miles of that city. manner betrays the fact that she is an uncommon convert. the Sound to take his new command. As if hypnotized, she followed the truculent figure of the white bearded The schooner Alice Kimball is about prophet eyes during voyage and successfully resisted the bat- ready for the sea. She will take a GUNBOAT SUNK. with her the ova tery of eyes directed at her by the younger male passengers. Every at- k cargo of coal from here to Mahukona, Mm t: mm and will sail thence to Honolulu. Her tempt to scrape an acquaintance with her was intercepted by the prophet TOKIO, July 7. The Japanese gunboat Kaimon was sunk last night at vzi m new owners expect to put her In the and his son. Their efforts betrayed so much alarm that all of the younger v tin " Talienwan by a mine. Twenty-on- e of her crew are missing. i trade between Honolulu and Hamlet. joined forces to worry the prophet day and night. Finally, The funeral of the late Frank M. male passengers H Smith manager of the Royal Hawaiian at his command, she withdrew to her cabin and did not appear on deck again n Hotel was held last Friday. The urn during the last two days of the voyage. containing his ashes was deposited in Compelled to seek refuge from the English reporters on board the ship the the Columbarium at the Odd Fellow's cemetery. The funeral was largely at- mm h by men McCarthy tended hotel and other friends. (Continued on page 6.) 71 It The floral remembrances were numer t mm ous and beautiful. In the matter of the Holt estate ctfse SOME NEW BOOKS. --CM YOUNG CHINESE GRADUATES. Judge Gear this morning rendered a de- The Yoke. The Grafters. The Cross- F. Wong Leone son of Wong Leong surprised cision this morning determining to re- ing. When Wilderness Was King. The the well known local Chinese capitalist, tain Jurisdiction. A motion had been Cost. He That Eateth Bread With Me: graduted at St. Mary's Institute, Day- made to transfer the action to Judge Just received at Wall, Nichols. mm 21. Robinson's court, but Judge Robinson ton, Ohio, June An account of the refused to entertain the suggestion. graduation exercises, together with a SENATOR WOODS' WIRELESS D ECLINING TO BE DEMOCRATIC Twenty-flv- e cents pays for a Want IT picture of the young man, was publish- COMMITTEEMAN RECEIVED ON THE FOURTH BY cents. Dayton newspaper NATIONAL WASHINGTON .June 25. The State MONGOLIA IS DUE. ed in a and was TWO DAYS LATER any sent to his parent by the young men. MCCARTHY AND WOODS WAS APPOINTED Department does not contemplate S. S. Mongolia Is expected to ar- govern- The Young Wong .ueong will visit the St. AT ST. LOUIS. re.lamatlons upon the Moorish rive any time from the Orient.