Issue no. 1970, Feb 21, 2021 Deadline e-mail next issue: 0800 UTC, March 7, 2021 The weeks are moving SWB-info on fast and it’s time for SWB on HCDX: another SWB. Dateline Bogotá 1993-1998: After a very cold pe- SWB latest issue/archive: riod with a lot of snow also down here in the south the weather QSL, comments, etc. changed complete and during tqo days the 10- Manuel Méndez. 6030 kHz, NDR, Gruß an Bord via Armenia, 24-12 program 15 cm of snow disap- "Greetings on Board", received snail mail QSL card in 55 days. Reception report pearedvery fast. sent to:
[email protected] Today it is nearly 12 C with sunshine and al- most spring feeling. For this issue we have got an interest- ing story about how Radio replaces school during the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil. Thanks a lot for sha- ring this article. Also Adrian Peterson in AWR Wavescan produces a lot of inte- resting stuff which we also want to share. In the nostalgia co- lumn by Ronny Fors- lund there is a very in- teresting letter from R Shkodra in Albania QSL card from Egypt Radio 1971 from 1961. Ullmar Qvick is an Albania expert and speaks the language fluently. He also has translated some books from Albanian. Keep on …. ============= R e d a k t i o n: Thomas Nilsson E-mail: thomas.nils-
[email protected] page 1 Log (UTC) 3310 Feb13 2245 R.