Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of The Pennsylvania Association of Computer and Information Science Educators 2020 Computing on the Edge Hosted by West Chester University of Pennsylvania TABLE OF CONTENTS 5. Acknowledgements 8. Best Paper Awards Faculty Papers: Refereed 10. Reflection-Based Precise Auto-Grading, Chad Hogg 16. Teaching to Learn and Learning to Teach an Introductory Programing Course Using Learning Theories, Pratibha Menon 22. An Examination of the Ethics of Downloadable Content in Video Games, Brandon Packard 32. Solving A Minesweeper Board By Visually Parsing It, Brandon Packard 39. Assessing a Scholarship Program for Underrepresented Students in Computer Science & Information Technology, Patrick Earl, Lisa Frye, and Dale Parson 49. A Distributed Model-View-Controller Design Pattern for a Graphical Remote Control of a Multi- User Application, Dale E. Parson 56. Design and Implementation of 2D Game Sprites in Java, Krish Pillai Undergraduate Student Papers: Refereed 61. CoNFET: An English Sentence to Emojis Translation Algorithm, Alex Day, Chris Mankos, Soo Kim, and Jody Strausser 70. Improving Code Readability by Transforming Loops to Higher Order Function Constructs, Anthony DePaul and Chen Huo 79. Singular Value Decomposition: Implementation, Analysis, and Optimization, Maxsim Melnichenko and William Killian 90. Instrument Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Kevin Rutter and C. Dudley Girard 100. Does a News Article Exist Within a Web Page?, Adam Standke and C. Dudley Girard Undergraduate Student Abstracts 110. Case Study: Headcount Survival Analytics for Employee Retention Using SAS, Janet Poague and Jay Annadatha Birds of a Feather 112. AUTO-GRADING, William Killian and Chad Hogg 2 Student Posters 114. The First Journey: A Story Driven Adventure Game Written in 8086 Assembly, Devin Kaltenbaugh and Brandon Packard 115.
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