Humphrey Won't Join Race
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LY SKIFF TV Volume 74. Number 100 Texan Christian University . Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Friday, April 30. 1976 DEMOCRATIC PARTY N? 12407 N 7159 FIRST PRIMARY ELECTION N' 7159 (ELECCION PRIMARIA DEL PARTIDO DEMOCRATICO) Tarrant County, Texas s May 1, 1»7» Ma> 1, 1976 MAY 1, 1976 4jif."I If ' DK MAYO DE 1976 (1 de mayQ d^A Official Ballot ( 1 it mayo d- CONlJjADQ/Dlt TA i o.VD !' OpUtOTYITEJ Eoleta Oficial *%P j^iCIAL BALLOT DE\rOCBATIC PKJMARY ELE<! l 15! \ ivum . ' . !.•.(! ION -4T^l».' (Ejection Primaria Del m OFICIAL PaHido Democratico) 1/< I -7. .A VKlilkltl \ I'll f HTl.lh< TtEPl Bl U I \ ote «r the candidate of your en. nlaei'ij; an "x" in the NOjTE: Voter's signature tj V \ square beside tl e candidate's name. be*af fixed on the reverse side. (Vote por el candidatn de su preferencia pa/ ldidaturo marcando (NOTA: Firroa del votante y\£ I sera fijada al l\do reverse) con una "x"' P! cuadro junto al nombre fie'. Candida/ $s* I am a Democrat and pledge myself to support the nominees of this primary. (Yo soy Democrats y mo :omprometo a apoyar a los ondidatos rombradoo de esta P-imaria.) DELEGATES TO NATIONAL .'RESIDENTIAL NOMINATING CONVENTION DELEGADOS A LA CONVENCION NACIONhL QUE NOMBRARA EL CANDIDATO PRESIDENCIAL DflfGATfS TO NATIONAL PRESIDENTIAL NOMINAT.NG CONVENTION DELEGADOS A l/t CONVENTION NACIONAL QUE NOMBRARA El CANDIDATO PWESIDENCIAL VOTK FOR ANY S DELEGATES (VOTF POR CUALESQUIER 8 DELEGADOS) VOTE TOR \\\ I 1)1.1 |(, \|KS Delegate Candidate Presidential Candidate VOTEPORCl iLESQVIER . DELEGADOS (Candidate Delegado) (Candiato Presidencial) N \Ni 'Y DKATON delegate for (delegado a f;, GEORGE C. WALLACE dentim] Candidate □ BILL OWENS delegate for (delegado a favor de) GEORGE C. WALLACE {Canditinti, Pmidencial) TERRY KINCANNON delegate for (delegado a favor de) GEORGE C. WALLACE ■■ • \\"N M \RKK delegate for (de'egado a favor de) . EMMY CARTER v ''• Nl *P - GEKA1 D Minn u;' W. HORTON delegate for (delegado a favor de) JIMMY CARTEI GERA1 I) FORD EBLEY TENNINGS delegate for (delegado a favor de) JIMMY CARTEI F( IRD HOMAS D. BRENNAN delegate for (delegado a favor de) ELLEN McCORMACK I'M I BOATMAN delegate tor (delegado a favor de) ELLEN McCORMACK RON \l 11 Rl MRS PAUL 30ATMAN delegate for (delegaoo a favor de) ELLEN MeCORKACK BAM HAMLETT ml 'gate for (delegado a favor de) UNCOMMITTET) ■ RONA] H RI (Delegado Sin Preferencia) iROTHY DuBOSE delegate for (delegado a favor de) UNCOMMITTED (Deltgado Sin Preferencia) ' □ DOVIE WEBBER delegate for (delegado a favor de) UNCOMMITTED (Delegado Sin Preferencia) □ JIM WEIGH'*' delegate for (deleg?do a favor de) LLOYD BENTSEN K AYE RUCK McDBRMOTT delegate for (de.«gado a favor de; LLC'D BENTSEN ited State.. Senator Q ISLAND HAM delegate for (delegado a favor de) LLOYD BENTSEJ' I /■ MICH \KI. D. SCHATTMAN delegate for (e-elegade a favor de) SARGENT SHRIVES . delegate for (delegado a fa"or de) SARGENT SHRIVER SHEILA I! TAYLOR delegate for (delegado a favo del SARGENT SHRTVER El Vote for the candidate of your choice in each race by placing an "x" in '.he square tesjde the candidate's name. (Vote por el candidate de su preferen. a para cada candid, .tura marcando con una "x" el cuadro junto al mmbre mdidato.) I ..r I mlrd State* Keprcwntllive. District fi For Inited Slater Senator For District Judge, 67th District Para Senador De l,o.; Estados Unidos T ara Juez Del Distrito, Distrito No. 67 □ HUG 1 WILSON □ CLYDE R. ASHWORTH PHIL GRAMM i I iimmi"ii)nrr For District Judge, 96th District □ LLOYD BENTSEN Para Juez Del Distrito, Distrito No. 96 IKON | HAL M LATTIMORE Carter, Ford seek knockout punch Inside: Humphrey won't join race The front-runners B3 STEVE BUTTRY respective partie Editor-in-chief Carter dealt serious blows to the campaigns of Ford, page 7 it Humphrey having decided not to Sen Henry Jackson and Rep. Morris Cdall in - the Democratic presidential nomination, Tuesday's primary in Pennsylvania. Jackson and Carter, page 6 tomorrow's Texas primary could be the last good other Cur;er critics had said Carter couldn't win in chance for other candidates to prevent Democrat a northern industrial state. The challengers Jimmv Carter and Republican President Gerald Rut he shocked the skeptics, winning 37 per cent Ford from getting the nominations of their of the popular vote to 25 per cent for Jackson and 19 Reagan, page 3 per cent for Udall. He alsc won the race for delegates, beating an uncommitted slate by about Bentsen, page 4 Primary issues 20. Then the Democrats who were hoping to stop Wallace, page 4 today, Sunday I Carter's drive for the nomination turned to the Minnesota senator and perennial candidate as their Uncommitted, page I 1 This spu ial issue of the Daily Skiff includes } last hope, but Humphrey announced at a press stories written by our staff about all the i conference Thursday afternoon that he would not idates entered in tomorrow's f run in any primaries or endorse any candidate. The non-challengers presidential primary, and stories about other i He did say he would be "prepared and honored" i .ices on the ballot. to accept a draft nomination, but Carter forces are McCormack, page 9 The Daily Skiff has not endorsed any | talking of a first-ballot victory, which would shut candidates, and we have tried to be fair to all Humphrey out completely. Shriver, page 8 in our coverage. Some of the stories do in- | In the Republican race, political observers see a elude interpretive statements close race for the state's 100 delegates. Ronald Harris, page 9 Sunday, we will print a special edition I Reagan desperately needs a win in Texas to stay in carrying results of the primary. The special | the race realistically. He has won only in North Other races, pages 10, II, 12 edition will be distributed in the lobbies of all Carolina, but has been claiming his strength is in dorms and in the Student Center. the South and West. Choosing delegates, pages 2, 11 (continued on page 2) THE DAILY SKIFF Friday, April 30,1976 Bentsen's bill has a new ring now Each candidate claims to be helped By LISA DEELEY SMITH Thus if 10 candidates were entered in one Arlington who testified in Austin against Previously, Texas chose delegates Associate Kditor district and Bentsen got 11 per cent of the the bill, doesn't think Bentsen will have entirely through the convention system. The bill that gave Texas its first primary vote, only his delegates might go to the any power. "First, you've got to have Gladden said. The conventions, "from the is unlike many other primary bills—and its convention—and the other 89 per cent of something to broker, ' he said. California precinct level up" were winner-take-all, effect might be different from intended. the voters would go unrepresented. Gov. Jerry Brown is run ing as a favorite with the candidate winning the plurality The bill is commonly called the Bentsen But things have changed since he bill son in that state, he said, aiid with taking his candidates to the district con- bill, because everyone but Bentsen's Wiis written. Milton Shapp, along with a lot California's 280 delegates it's more likely vention and leaving other candidates supporters feel it was written specifically of other Democratic candidates, has tha.. Brown, not Bentsen, will be able to unrepresented. to help Sen. Lloyd Bentsen gain power, if dropped out of the race. Jimmy Carter, play power broker. But in the 1968 Democratic Convention, not the nomination itself, at the Morris Udall, Henry Jackson and George Campaign managers' reactions also that was outlawed, Gladden said. For the Democratic National Convention. Wallace are the only national candidates vary. "We think it's an abominable bill," 1S72 primary there was a "delegation Proposed by State Rep. Tom Schieffer cf left. And on Feb. 10 Bentsen announced he said Ann Marek, Carter's manager selection process that w;.s proportional of Fort Worth, the bill is a "winner-take-all in Fort Worth, echoing a phrase Carter the political philosophy of the state. Then primary," said Fcrt Worth attorney Don Was the bill designed used two weeks ago in Houston. But since the winner take-all primary was devised Gladden. things have changed since the bill was Each Democratic candidate has three to make Bentsen The delegates were selected propoi written, she said, "I think it's going to be delegate nominees per state senatorial tionally through the convention system, m a power broker? an advantage for my candidate." district. The two districts in Tarrant a "grassroots democracy," said I)r Hen County are districts 10 and 12, the latter Procter, professor of history at the "I don't believe it is built for Bentsen," one encompassing the University campus. was no longer a national candidate and University and Democratic chairman of said Melinda Vance of the Texas senator's Each Republican candidate has four would run instead as Texas' favorite son. campaign "I really don't. Any other delegate nominees oer U.S. congressional Since the only votes Bentsen will get will Bentsen campaign candidates could come in and use it to their district. The three districts covering part be in Texas now, and since even a full slate advantage. I've nev?r been able to see a of Tarrant County are districts 12, 24, and of Texas delegates (130) is less than 10 per Never been able to see built-in advantage for Bentsen." 6, the latter including the campus.