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Sakya Chronicles Fall 2007—Winter 2009 Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Bud- 108 NW 83rd Street | Seattle, WA 98117 | tel: 206.789.2573 | website:| email: [email protected] May the radiant flower of Tibetan Dagchen Rinpoche's Biography Tradition be preserved for the benefit of all beings. Completed CONTENTS By William J. Higareda Message from the Executive 2 Director After five years of anticipation, His Holiness Jigdal Dagchen Sakya's biography is com- Seeds of Compassion and 2 H.H. Dalai Lama’s Visit pleted! The biography covers Dagchen Rin- poche's entire life from birth until the pre- H.H. J.D. Sakya Bestows 3 sent, with more emphasis on his life and Lamdre Teaching training in Tibet than on his life here in America. H.H. J.D. Sakya Teaching, 4 June 3, 2008 Special thanks to the Venerable Tulku Yeshi H.E. Gyana Vajra Invited to 5 Gyatso who put in all the time and effort to Give Teaching and Long Life thoroughly research, edit, and write this pre- cious gSung sNams (lama’s life story). California Travels of H.E. 6 Tulku Yeshi feels that it was his "very good Dagmo Kusho fortune" to have the opportunity in this life H.E. Dagmo Kusho 7 to write H.H. Dagchen Rinpoche's biogra- Represents Buddhism on Seeds phy. The four volume biography is written H.H. Jigdal Dagchen Sakya Rinpoche, of Compassion Panel in Tibetan and will be made available in age five. (Sakya, Tibet) January 2009. Grants are being pursued for Sakya Digital Archive Project 7 the translation into English. Sakya Heritage Foundation 8 The biography was constructed from a series of interviews with Dagchen Rinpoche, Celebration of the Formal 9 Sakya family members, and students, and from a two volume autobiography, A Rain- Completion f Sakya bow Creation, previously compiled by Dagchen Rinpoche in 1987. Sachen Kunga Nyingpo 10-11 An Excerpt from “Entryway 12-13 The biography begins with a condensed version of the first thousand years of the Sa- to the Dharma” kya lineage and then moves on to document Dagchen Rinpoche's experiences with his lamas: his father, H.H. Trichen Ngawang Thutop Wangchuk, H.E. Dzongsar Volunteer Profile: Interpreting 14-15 Khyentse Jamyang Chokyi Lodro Rinpoche, and H.E. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. and Translating Tibetan There is extensive documentation of his bestowal of the Lamdre teachings which he has given five times in his life and his life in exile in India and America. Also in- Sakya Monlam 2008 16 cluded is Dagchen Rinpoche's vision of re-building the Sakya Thubten Trulpe Lha Kang Chenmo, a Sutrayana monastery, in India. These are just a few of the high- lights that we can look forward to! Page 2 Sakya Monastery of Message From the Executive Director Tibetan Buddhism Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism has decided to resurrect the Sa- kya Monastery Chronicles to replace Sakya News. It has been 20 years since the last publication of the Chronicles. These chronicles will be a historical account about Dharma activities at Sakya Monastery and serve as a great re- source for anyone interested in learning about the continuation of the Buddha Dharma in the west and around the world. 108 NW 83rd Street Seatt;e, Washington 98117 In the last year and a half, the Buddha Dharma has continued to flourish under the direction of H.H. Jigdal Dagchen Sakya. Articles documenting several his- torical events are included, such as the completion of H.H.J.D. Sakya’s biogra- [email protected] phy, the precious Lamdre teachings being bestowed to the next generation of 206.789.2573 Sakya Phuntsok Phodrang lamas, the first teaching tour of Seattle by H.E. Gy- ana Vajra Rinpoche, the Seeds of Compassion visit by His Holiness the Dalai Office Hours: M—F, 8 am to Lama, and H.E. Dagmo Kusho’s teachings in California. Additional articles noon explain the meaningful Dharma activities carried out by Sakya Monastery. May you enjoy reading our “new” Sakya Monastery Chronicles and may the blessings of the Triple Gem long endure for the benefit of all sentient beings. Adrienne Chan Executive Director Seeds of Compassion and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Visit to Seattle By Monica Wilson April of 2008 was a very special time for The children of Sakya Monastery’s and extend beyond the five days of the the people of Seattle as the city wel- Dharma School were one of the groups visit of His Holiness. As such, many of comed His Holiness the Dalai Lama for fortunate enough to get tickets for this the people involved with the Seeds of five days, from April 11-15. amazing event. The childrens’ enthusi- Compassion initiative, including mem- asm drew the attention of every media bers of Sakya Monastery, continue to This visit was made possible by an or- source in the building! This media atten- meet and find ways to expand and build ganization called Seeds of Compassion, tion was aided in part by the fact that a upon the vision of His Holiness the an organization with a unique vision to Tibetan Buddhist Monk in traditional Dalai Lama. bring the teachings of His Holiness to as maroon robes (Tulku Yeshi Gyatso) was many people as possible, and to make seated amidst a sea of children dressed in I want to especially thank His Holiness them available for free! As a result, yellow t-shirts. The children were de- Jigdal Dagchen Sakya and Her Eminence about 150,000 people were able to listen lighted to answer questions and appear Dagmo Jamyang Sakya for their encour- to the wisdom of His Holiness and to on camera, allowing people in the area to agement and support of my efforts with delight in his humor and experience for learn more about Sakya Monastery. Seeds of Compassion on behalf of the themselves his warmth and compassion. Monastery and its members. As always, Her Eminence Dagmo Jamyang Sakya they are greatly appreciated. The five days each had a particular focus, was part of the committee that organized but the overarching theme for the visit Interspiritual Day, on Tuesday, April th was compassion and children. There 15 . Her presence was honored and were many children involved in every treasured by all of the members of the event, especially on Monday, April 14th, committee, and Dagmola was excited Children’s Day at Key Arena, where His and pleased to be a part of the kinds of Holiness spoke directly to children about discussions that took place among this his own childhood and about practicing very diverse group of people. The goals of Seeds of Compassion are far-reaching compassion. Page 3 H.H. Dagchen Rinpoche Bestows Precious Lamdre Teaching to the Next Generation of Sakya Lamas By Laura Ellis father, H.H. Trichen Ngawang Mainland China, India and Ne- Thutop Wangchuk, the last pal. Nine students from the great Sakya throne holder in Seattle area traveled to Nepal to Tibet. Following the passing receive the Lamdre teaching, two of his father, Dagchen Rin- for the second time. poche completed the requisite Lamdre retreats before bestow- After the preliminary teachings ing the Lamdre for the first on the Three Visions lasted from nd th time in Sakya, Tibet in 1951. October 2 to October 6 . On October 7th Rinpoche bestowed In total Dagchen Rinpoche has the Bodhisattva vow. The bestowed the Lamdre teaching monks were up all night prepar- five times: at Sakya Monastery, ing. The entire monastery was Sakya, Tibet, in 1951; in East adorned with marigold garlands Tibet at Minyak Pal Lhagang and bodhi flowers. In addition Monastery in 1955; at Tharlam (Continued on page 15) H.H. Jigdal Dagchen Sakya with two of his grandsons, Dhungsey Avikri- Monastery, Boudhanath, Nepal tar Rinpoche (left) and Dhungsey Asanga Rinpoche (right), Tharlam Mon- in 1990; at Ghoom Monastery astery, Kathmandu, Nepal, October 2007. in Darjeeling, India in 1999, Lamdre (Tibetan, lam- and this most recent teaching 'bras ) is the central Sakya The ground was moving, the sion. As lamas in training, at Tharlam Monastery in statues swaying, everyone look- teaching meaning, liter- these young lineage holders Boudhnath Nepal in 2007. ally, Path and Its ing around in delighted bewil- will bestow great benefits to Fruit. In other words, derment. It was the last day of beings when they bestow the Nepal was chosen by Dagchen what we experience on the five week long Lamdre Lamdre in the future. Rinpoche, for the second time, teachings and inside Tharlam as the site to bestow the Lam- the path actually amounts Monastery in Boudhnath, This Lamdre teaching was spe- dre due to its auspicious excel- to the goal, as enlighten- Kathmandu, His Holiness Jig- cially requested by Dhungsey lence as a holy land. There are ment itself. Based on the dal Dagchen Sakya was leading Ani Rinpoche, the second son many sacred Buddhist pilgrim- Hevajra tantra as a com- a Mahakala Tshok offering of Dagchen Rinpoche, on be- age sites in Nepal, specifically plete path to enlighten- puja. half of his son, Dhungsey Lumbini, the birth place of ment, Lamdre is the Asanga Rinpoche and two Lord Buddha Shakyamuni. transmission of both exo- When the lamas and monks daughters, Jetsun Aloki and Ten Sakya family members teric (sutrayana) and eso- began the Mahakala invoca- Jetsun Mamaki. attended the teachings. Over teric (tantrayana) teach- tion, there was a low rumble 2000 lamas, tulkus, ings by an officially recog- and the earth began to shake. shepdrungs, including It was 3:30 pm on October nized lineage holder.