December 2002
CDA Journal Volume 30, Number 12 Journal december 2002 departments 879 The Editor/Celebrating Leadership 883 Impressions/Dental Practice Patterns Add to Oral Health Disparity 964 Dr. Bob/Dumbing Down of America features 901 DENTISTS FAMOUS IN OTHER FIELDS Literature, business, sports, and politics are some of the arenas in which dentists have gained renown. Malvin E. Ring, DDS, MLS 909 DEBT AND PRACTICE PROFILES OF BEGINNING DENTAL PRACTITIONERS A UOP study finds that no association between educational debt and propensity to engage in unconventional procedures David W. Chambers, EdM, MBA, PhD; Alan W. Budenz, MS, MBA, DDS; Richard E. Fredekind, DMD, MA; and Nader A. Nadershahi, MBA, DDS 916 GEORGE FRANKLIN GRANT, DMD: RENAISSANCE MAN Dr. George Franklin Grant was not only the second African American dental graduate and inventor of the golf tee, he was also one of the pioneers of cleft palate and speech therapy and founder of the Harvard Odontological Society. John M. Hyson, Jr., DDS, MS, MA Editorhead cda journal, vol 30, nº 12 Celebrating Leadership Jack F. Conley, DDS ith the 2002 holiday Our purpose is not to describe season upon us and all, or even a significant part, of these with a new year quickly contributions; nor do we want to slight approaching, it is a any of the other important contributions particularly appropriate made by outstanding leaders during the Wtime to salute the leadership that is so several decades of our observations. important to achieving the mission of the Our purpose is only to highlight a few dental profession. notable accomplishments that have From our experience, colleagues been publicly recognized at American who have not actively participated are Dental Association and California Dental not always fully informed about the Association annual meetings in the past contributions of those who serve.
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