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VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY Asta Rojutė HUMAN RIGHTS VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND DIPLOMACY DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Asta Rojutė HUMAN RIGHTS IN LATIN AMERICA AFTER MILITARY DICTATORSHIPS: CASES OF CHILE AND ARGENTINA Bachelor thesis World politics and economy study program, state code 6121JX037 Political science study field Supervisor Dr. Gintarė Žukaitė _______________ _____________ (Research degree, name, surname) (Signature) (Date) Defended Prof. dr. Šarūnas Liekis _____________ __________ (PDMF Dean) (Signature) (Date) Kaunas, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................ 1 SANTRAUKA ..................................................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 5 I. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF HUMAN RIGHTS............................................................. 9 1.1 Human Rights and Liberalism..................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Concept and Generations of Human Rights ................................................................................12 1.3 UN Human Rights documents....................................................................................................15 II. MILITARY DICTATORSHIPS IN CHILE AND ARGENTINA.................................................21 2.1. Military dictatorship in Chile ...................................................................................................21 2.2. Human rights violations during the dictatorship in Chile ...........................................................25 2.3. Military dictatorship in Argentina .............................................................................................28 2.4. Human rights violations during the dictatorship in Argentina ....................................................31 III. THE CURRENT HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN CHILE ......................................................36 3.1. Dealing with crimes committed during the military dictatorship................................................36 3.2. Contemporary situation in Chile ...............................................................................................41 IV. THE CURRENT HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN ARGENTINA ...........................................46 4.1. Dealing with crimes committed during military dictatorship .....................................................46 4.2. Contemporary situation in Argentina ........................................................................................52 4.3. Comparison of the human rights situation in Chile and Argentina .............................................57 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................60 LIST OF LITERATURE AND SOURCES .........................................................................................63 ANNEXES .........................................................................................................................................71 ABSTRACT Asta Rojutė. Bachelor thesis. Human rights in Latin America after military dictatorships: Cases of Chile and Argentina. Supervisor Lecturer Gintarė Žukaitė. Vytautas Magnus University/ Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, Department of Political Science. Kaunas, 2020. 79 pages. Dignity, human life is invaluable values that every human being should have. However, even today, human rights are violated worldwide, although they should be protected by law. Many human rights violations were committed during or after the Second World War. Also, many countries are still feeling the effects of these violations, and in many countries, even today, people do not feel safe, and their human rights are being violated. In Latin America, many countries have experienced military dictatorships, through which people have been tortured, murdered, and abducted, with no one thinking about human rights. One of the most brutal military dictatorships were in Chile and Argentina. The main problem of the bachelor thesis - The main problem that will be addressed in this thesis is how the past human rights violations, or more precisely military dictatorships, have affected current human rights and their understanding. Also, whether the human rights abuses committed during the military dictatorship should still be addressed, and whether it is worth returning all the painful memories to society to punish people who committed these crimes. Moreover, why it is worth doing so, and what a huge benefit it brings to the country. The aim of the bachelor thesis - The research aims to compare the human rights situation in Chile and Argentina before and after military dictatorships. Tasks: 1. To define the concept and generations of human rights in the framework of the Liberalism. 2. To describe military dictatorships and human rights situation during them in Chile and Argentina. 3. To analyze current situation of human rights in Chile. 4. To analyze current situation of human rights in Argentina. Methods of the bachelor thesis – The analysis of this topic will be based mainly on qualitative methods. Literature analysis and descriptive methods are going to be used while describing a concept of human rights as well as analyzing the military dictatorships in Chile and Argentina. Also, document analysis will be applied for documents like Charter of the United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Vienna Declaration. I will also analyze the reports submitted by Chile and Argentina 1 and the recommendations made by the UN Committee on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and Human Rights Committee. It will help to find and analyze the human rights issues in the countries and how they are addressed, and how Argentina and Chile have changed and improved over time, and what impact of the military dictatorship is still felt. The structure – This research paper is composed of four major chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to human rights concept. The second chapter will discuss the military dictatorship in Chile and Argentina, how it started, how it changed, what human rights violations were committed, and what human rights problems persist to date. The third chapter will discuss the current situation of human rights in Chile, how the understanding of human rights and the laws human rights change after a military dictatorship, and what remained. In the fourth chapter, we will analyze current situation of human rights in Argentina. Also, we will look at how human rights in Chile and Argentina have changed after the military dictatorships, how the two countries changed, and what are differences and similarities between these two countries. We will try to answer the question of what ongoing cases of violations of the military dictatorship are brought to these countries and why it is worth raising this to the public. The essential conclusion of the bachelor's thesis - During the military dictatorship, Chile and Argentina suffered killings, torture, and abductions, which took place in both countries, and people were deprived of all human rights. Even sometime after the military dictatorships, both countries are struggling to recover from the events in a military dictatorship, and the influence of the military dictatorship is still being felt. These countries still face various human rights violations, and although various organizations are created, and changes are being made, both countries still have room for improvement. All these problems came from the military dictatorship, and there are still many lawsuits pending in the countries related to violations of the military dictatorship. These trials bring back hope to the people of Chile and Argentina, that they will someday receive the coveted justice and that the military dictatorship will remain only a lesson in history, which should be remembered and learned from. Also, these courts are very much needed because criminals must get justice, and it does not matter that many years have passed from these human rights violations. Also, the problems of Argentina and Chile will not end until the influence of the military dictatorship in these countries is removed, and only then will these two countries be able to solve the existing problems properly. The work consists of 79 pages, 2 tables, 5 annexes. 2 SANTRAUKA Asta Rojutė. Bakalauro darbas. Žmogaus teisės Lotynų Amerikoje po karinės diktatūros: Čilės ir Argentinos atvejai. Vadovė lektorė Gintarė Žukaitė. Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas / Politikos mokslų ir diplomatijos fakultetas, Politikos mokslų katedra. Kaunas, 2020. 79 psl. Orumas, žmogaus gyvenimas yra neįkainojamos vertybės, kurias turėtų turėti kiekvienas žmogus. Tačiau net ir šiandien žmogaus teisės pažeidžiamos visame pasaulyje, nors jos turėtų būti saugomos įstatymų. Antrojo pasaulinio karo metu ir po jo buvo padaryta daugybė žmogaus teisių pažeidimų. Daugelis šalių vis dar jaučia šių pažeidimų padarinius, ir daugelyje šalių net ir šiandien žmonės nesijaučia saugūs ir yra pažeidinėjamos jų teisės. Lotynų Amerikoje daugelis šalių patyrė karinę diktatūrą, per kurią žmonės buvo kankinami, žudomi ir grobiami. Viena žiauriausių karinių diktatūrų buvo Čilėje ir Argentinoje. Pagrindinė bakalauro darbo problema
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