Curriculum Vitae June, 2014 Stephen B. Perrott Department of Psychology Mount Saint Vincent University 166 Bedford Highway, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M 2J6

Education and Credentials

May, 2010 Qualified Level 1 Firefighter for Halifax Regional Municipality International Fire Service Training Association Advanced Medical First Responder (Recertified 2013)

September, 1993 Registered Psychologist Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology

June, 1992 Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology McGill University. Montreal, Quebec Supervisor: Dr. Donald Taylor; Thesis- Social identity patterns in the police: Attitudinal and performance implications

May, 1986 Bachelor of Arts First Class Honours in Psychology Saint Mary's University Halifax, Nova Scotia

September, 1985 Certificate in Advanced Police Studies Canadian Police College Ottawa, Ontario

June, 1983 Certificate in General Police Studies Canadian Police College Ottawa, Ontario

May, 1981 Certificate in Criminology Saint Mary's University Honours and Awards

2012 Nominee, Alumnae Award for Teaching Excellence 2004 Fellow, Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia 1990-1991 FCAR Scholarship (Québec Provincial Government) 1987-1990 Medical Research Council of Canada Studentship 1987 Alma Mater Scholarship, McGill University (declined) Honorary McGill Fellow 1977 Top Recruit, Halifax Police Department

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Employment History 2014-2015 Visiting Professor School of Global, Urban and Social Studies College of Design and Social Context Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University) Melbourne, Australia

2009-Present Professor of Psychology Mount Saint Vincent University

2001-2004; 2006- Adjunct Professor of Sociology and Criminology Saint Mary's University

1996-2009 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

1991-1996 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, N. S.

1976-1986 Police Constable, Halifax Police Department, Halifax, N. S.

1975-1976 Assistant Manager, Lewis Shoe Stores, Halifax, N.S.

Clinical Training 1990-1991 Internship, Behavior Therapy Unit, Douglas Hospital Center, Verdun, Quebec 1988-1989 Internship, Montreal Children's Hospital, Montreal, Quebec 1987 Practicum, Psychology Services, Douglas Hospital Center, Verdun,

Teaching and Advising of Students

Course Instructor, Mount Saint Vincent University, Undergraduate: Introductory Psychology; Abnormal Psychology; Social Psychology; Community Psychology; Special Topics in Psychology: The Psychology of Policing; Special Topics in Psychology: Controversial Issues in Psychology; Psychological Tests and Measures; Honours Seminar: Ingroup Identification, Intergroup Relations, & Conflict; Honours Seminar: The Psychology of Policing; Honours Seminar: Honours Thesis Seminar; Human Neuropsychology; Childhood Psychopathology; Assessment of the Young Child; Gender Differences; Roots of Modern Psychology.

Graduate School Psychology: Special Topics- Neurological Structure and Theory: Implications for Psychological Practice- Fall Semester; GSPY 6831, Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychological Issues in Childhood- Winter Semester

1996-2002 Faculty Member, Peace and Conflict Group

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Honours Theses Supervised

2014 Krystina Trites- Police Attitudes toward the Growth of Private Sector Securitization

2014 Mallory Guthro- Police Attitudes toward the Vulnerability of Girls in Cyberspace

2013 Lori O’Brien- Motivations for Volunteering: A comparison of firefighters to undergraduates

2012 Brandon Blenkarn- Does Volunteer Versus Paid Work And Type of Motivation Affect The Job-Related Attributions of Young Adults?

2003 Shevaun Corey- Differences in occupational culture among police officers, teachers, and nurses

2002 Catherine Klepsch- Sex-Tourism in the Philippines: Attitudes of the Philippine National Police and Filipino university students

2000 Karen Ketch- Effects of group polarization on vengeance and Right-Wing Authoritarianism attribution styles

1999 Shannon Mack- Assessments of Self in Canada and The Gambia: Culture, gender, and self-construal

1994 Nancy Webber- Attitudes toward male versus female victims of sexual assault

1993 Yolanda Miller-Authoritarianism, belief in a just world, and attitudes toward domestic violence

Master's Thesis Supervised (MSVU School Psychology program)

Ongoing Stefani MacNeill

Master's Thesis Committees (MSVU School Psychology program)

2014 Victoria Klimek

2007 Ainsley Boudreau- Adolescents’ Willingness to Seek Help for Bullying Problems

2000 Loretta Hawley- Locus of control in children with nocturnal enuresis

1997 Bridgett Kendall- The effect of Strabismic Amblyopia on the central visual field of children

1996 Kerri Stuart- Occupational sex stereotyping among sixth-grade children from rural and urban communitie S. Perrott Curriculum Vitae 4

1995 Lauraine Logan-Smith- A study of learned helplessness and attribution in children with attentional deficits

1995 Brent MacDonald- Identity concerns for young adults with chronic inflammatory bowel disease

1994 Dawnette Benedict- Frontal lobe development and social perspective-taking in children

1993 Lisa Mazerolle-The effects of cognitive training on recidivism rates of male young offenders

Master's Thesis Committee (Women’s Studies)

2005 Angela McLellan-Negotiating souls for lives: The situation of Filipina women in the sex tourism industry.

Master's/Doctoral Thesis Committees (Other Universities)

2012 External committee member, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, N.S. Soo Myung Sutherland- The Self-Descriptive Personality Inventory: The search for validity and structure

2011 External Examiner, Master’s Thesis, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University- Lisa Jensen -An Examination of the Relationships Between Social Support and Sexual Risk Taking Behaviours in Adolescents In Northern Nova Scotia

2011 External Examiner, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Community Health and Psychiatry, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica Campus. Carol Mitchell- A comparative study of symptoms of Axis 1 disorders amongst school-based youths with and without the milder levels of intellectual disability

2010 Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Nova Southern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Bridget Barrett- Community Policing as a Conflict Management Tool: A Jamaican Model.

2007 External Examiner, Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S. Mark Smith- Personality, Affect, and Risky Sexual Behaviour

1996 External examiner, Memorial University, Newfoundland

1993 External examiner, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, N.S. Dan Zhang- The impact of stressful events and critical incidents on law enforcement personnel

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Scholarly and Professional Activity

My primary interest is the psychology of policing and my research can be more broadly conceptualized as applied social research at the interface of social and clinical psychology. My research has focused on police culture, police-community (especially race) relations, and workplace violence and stress. Others areas of interest include intergroup relations, prejudice, discrimination, and coping with chronic disease. I recently completed a study investigating the motivational bases that drive volunteer firefighters and I am currently a partner on a sexual health research project involving universities across the Maritimes. I am looking forward to more criminal justice-related research and a study year abroad at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

Between 1998 and 2010 I primarily focused on international development work. I taught the first psychology course ever offered, and was the CIDA evaluator for a peer health education project in The Gambia. Between 2000 and 2004 I worked as a consultant to the Philippine National Police on a five year CIDA-funded project designed to ameliorate the abuses suffered by sex-trade workers in that country. Finally, in 2010 I completed a six-year term as the project director of the $1,000,000 CIDA funded, AUCC managed, Community-Based Policing in The Gambia project.

I also have spent considerable time consulting to the Halifax Regional Police Force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Department of Community Services, Province of Nova Scotia. Finally, I have served as a lecturer for the Canadian Police College’s Advanced Leadership course.

Scholarly and/or Professional Publications - Refereed Book Chapters

Perrott, S. B. (In Press). Burying community-based policing to protect democratic law enforcement. In Lemieux, F., den Heyer, G, Das. D. (Eds.). Police Reform: The Effects of International Economic Development, Armed Violence, and Public Safety. Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press.

Perrott, S. B. (2013). Community policing in The Gambia: A case study in democratic strategies and best intentions being turned upside down. In A. Saine, E. Ceesay, & E. Sall (Eds.). State and Society in The Gambia Since Independence (pp. 495-515). Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press.

Perrott, S.B. (2012). Reforming the policing of sex tourism in The Philippines and The Gambia. In C. Taylor, D. Torpy and D. Das (Eds.). Worldwide Policing for Terrorism and Illegal Human Movement (3-20). Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press.

Perrott, S.B. & MacNeill, S. (2012). Policing protesters ‘without a cause’: ’s G20 Summit. In C. Taylor, D. Torpy and D. Das (Eds.). Worldwide Policing for Terrorism and Illegal Human Movement (41-54). Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press.

Taylor, C., Perrott, S.B. & Torpy, D. (2012). Concluding comments: The ongoing challenges of policing crime in a global village. In C. Taylor, D. Torpy and D. Das (Eds.). Worldwide Policing for Terrorism and Illegal Human Movement (225-230). Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press.

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Perrott, S.B. (2012). Predatory leadership as a foil to community policing partnerships: A West African case study. In A.Verma, D.K. Das, and M. Abraham (Eds.). Global Community Policing: Problems and Challenges (133-144). Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press.

Perrott, S. B. & Dechman, M. (2012). The role of the police in the administration of juvenile justice in Canada: Balancing criminal justice and social welfare concerns in a risk society. In P. C. Kratcoski, Juvenile Justice Administration (pp. 157-179), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press

Perrott, S. B. & Kelloway, E. K. (2006). Workplace Violence in the Police. In J. Barling & K. Kelloway (Eds.), Handbook of Workplace Violence (pp. 211-229). Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage.

Journal Articles

Perrott, S. B. & Blenkarn, B. (Accepted Pending Revisions). Motivation, sensation seeking, and the recruitment of volunteer firefighters. International Journal of Emergency Services

Perrott, S. B. (2014). Utilizing drama to promote gender equity and social justice in The Gambia: Outcomes from a peer health and a community policing project. Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d’études du développement, 35 (2), 304-314. DOI:

Perrott, S. B. & Kelloway, E. K. (2011). Scandals, sagging morale, and role ambiguity in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police: The end of a Canadian institution as we know it? Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 12 (2), 120-135. Epub ahead of print November 19, 2010. DOI: 10.1080/15614263.2010.508983

Perrott, S. B. (2009). Vertical collectivism as an obstacle to democratic policing and restorative justice in The Gambia. Africa Peace and Conflict Network Occasional Paper No. 3. Available at

Perrott, S. B., Murray, A. H., Lowe J., & Ruggiero, K.M. (2000). The personal/group discrimination discrepancy in persons living with psoriasis. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 22 (1), 57-67.

Perrott, S. B., Murray, A. H., Lowe J., & Mathieson, C.M. (2000). The psychosocial impact of psoriasis: Physical severity, quality of life, and stigmatization. Physiology and Behavior, 70 (5), 567-571.

Perrott, S. B. (1999). Visible minority applicant concerns and assessment of occupational role in the era of community-based policing. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 9, 339-353.

Perrott, S. B., & Miller, Y.M., and Delaney, M. E. (1997). Attitudes toward the mandatory arrest response to domestic battering: Gender differences from a traditional and a women’s university. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 2 (1), 35-49.

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Perrott, S. B., & Webber, N. (1996). Attitudes toward male versus female victims of sexual assault: Implications for services to the male victim. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 8 (4), 19-38.

Perrott, S. B., & Taylor, D. M. (1995). Crime fighting, law enforcement, and service provider role orientations in a sample of community-based police officers. American Journal of Police, 14 (3-4), 173-195.

Perrott, S.B., & Taylor, D.M. (1995). Attitudinal differences between police constables and their supervisors: Potential influences of personality, work environment, and occupational role. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 22 (3), 326-339.

Perrott, S. B., & Taylor, D. M. (1994). Ethnocentrism and authoritarianism in the police: Challenging stereotypes and reconceptualizing ingroup identification. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 24 (18), 1640-1664.

Perrott, S.B., Taylor, H.G., & Montes, J.L. (1991). Neuropsychological sequelae, familial stress, and environmental adaptation following pediatric head injury. Developmental Neuropsychology, 7(1), 69-86.

Conference Presentations/Refereed Abstracts

Trites, K. A. & Perrott, S. B. Police Attitudes toward private sector securitization in a neo-liberal era. Presented at the Special Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium, Trivandrum, India- March 20, 2014.

Guthro, M. M. & Perrott, S. B. Police attitudes towards rape culture and vulnerability in cyberspace Presented at the Special Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium, Trivandrum, India- March 17, 2014

Perrott, S. B. The recruitment and retention of women and visible minorities into the police forces of officially multicultural Canada: Mission accomplished? Presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium, Budapest, Hungary- August 7, 2013

Perrott, S. B. Burying Community-Based Policing to Protect Democratic Law Enforcement. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium, New York, NY- August, 2012

Blenkarn, B. D. & Perrott, S. B. (2012). Do volunteer versus paid work and type of motivation affect the job-related attributions of young adults? Canadian Psychology, 53:2a, 53. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, June 14, 2012, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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Perrott, S.B. & MacNeill, S. (2011). Not enough force and then too much force by the Integrated Security Unit at Toronto’s 2010 G20: A shifting police knowledge and Flashpoints Model analysis. Paper presented to the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium, June 27, 2011, Buenos Aries, Argentina.

Dechman, M.K. & Perrott, S.B. (2011). Processes of social exclusion over the life-course. Crossing boundaries: Moving Among, Between and Around Disciplines. May 26, 2011, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Perrott, S.B. (2010). Predatory Leadership as a Foil to Community Policing Partnerships: A West African Case Study. Paper presented to the special meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium, November, 2010, Kochi City, Kerala State, India.

Perrott, S.B. (2010). Policing Sex-Tourism in The Philippines and in The Gambia: Different Cultures, Actors, and (Ineffective) Strategies. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium, March 18, 2010, Valetta, Malta.

Perrott, S.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2009). Lagging morale and changing identity in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Will a loss of public confidence destroy a venerable Canadian institution? Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium, June 13, 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Perrott, S. B. (2008). Community-Based Policing in The Gambia: A Midterm Look at Successes and Failures. Paper presented at the Justice and Policing in Diverse Societies conference. June 10, 2008. San Juan, Puerto Rico

Perrott, S.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2005). Predicting workplace outcomes in public sector employees: The role of social support, workplace conflict, and locus of control. Poster presented at the IX European Congress of Psychology, July 5, 2005, Granada, Spain.

Perrott, S.B., Corey, S, A. & Kelloway, E.K. (2004). Coping with violence and hostility: Evidence from police officers, school teachers, and registered nurses. Canadian Psychology, 45 (2a), 13. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, June 10, 2004, St. John’s, Newfoundland

Perrott, S.B., & Kelloway, E.K. (2003). Job climate, affective well-being, and occupational health in police officers and school teachers. Poster presented at the VIII European Congress of Psychology, July 11, 2003, Vienna, Austria.

Perrott, S.B., & Kelloway, E.K. (2003). In the line of duty: Police response to citizen and coworker aggression. Canadian Psychology, 44 (2a), p.103. Workplace Violence and Aggression Symposium, CPA Convention, June 13, 2003, Hamilton, Ont.

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Perrott, S. B. (2003). Police Solidarity and Social Identity: Ethnocentric Scourge or Necessary Occupational Foundation? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, June 2, 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Page 41 of conference proceedings.

Dechman, M.K. & Perrott, S.B. (2003). The role of education in promoting inclusion. Annual convention of the Canadian Counselling Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 21, 2003.

Perrott, S.B. & Kelloway, E. K. (2003). Consider the source: Outcomes of workplace aggression among police officers. Poster presented at the X1th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, May 16, 2003. Page 86 of Conference Proceedings.

Perrott, S.B., & Corr, M.A. (2002). Midterm evaluation of a peer health program in Gambia. Proceedings of 9th Canadian Conference on International Health- Poverty Health and Equity: From Global Challenges to Innovative Solutions. Page 32 of proceedings. Poster presented at the 9th Canadian Conference on International Health, Ottawa, Ontario, October 28, 2002

Perrott, S. B., & Mack, S., & Ayuyao, N. (2002). Self-construal in The Philippines: Can collectivism and individualism coexist? Canadian Psychology, 4, (2a), 31. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, May 30, 2002, ,

Perrott, S. B., & Mack, S., (2000). Assessments of self-construal, self-monitoring, and self- handicapping in Canada and The Gambia. Canadian Psychology, 4 (2a), 117.Poster presented at the CPA Convention, June 30, 2000, Ottawa, Ontario.

Perrott, S. B., Murray, A. H., & Lowe, J. (1997). The personal/group discrimination discrepancy in persons living with psoriasis. Page 80 of proceedings. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August 16, 1997,Chicago, Il

Perrott, S. B. (1995). Visible minority police applicant perceptions of the Canadian policing institution. Abstract number P-ORG.07. p. 419 of book of abstracts. Poster presented at the IV European Congress of Psychology, July 5, 1995, Athens, Greece.

Perrott, S. B., Miller, Y. M., & Peach, J. P. (1995). Self-perceptions of responsibility and personal efficacy in adolescents and young adults in the Canadian scouting movement. Canadian Psychology, 36 (2a), 188. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, June 17, 1995, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

Webber, N., & Perrott, S. B., (1994). Attitudes toward male versus female victims of sexual assault: Implications for services to the male victim. Canadian Psychology, 36 (2a), 103. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, June 16, 1995, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

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Perrott, S. B., Miller, Y. M., & Delaney, M. E. (1994). Attitudes toward the criminal justice system response to domestic violence. Canadian Psychology, 35 (2a), 58. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, June 30, 1994, Penticton, British Columbia.

Perrott, S.B., & Taylor, D.M. (1993). Attitudinal characteristics of police constables and supervisors: An examination of occupational homogeneity. Canadian Psychology, 34, 377. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, May 28, 1993, Montreal, Quebec.

Perrott, S. B., & Taylor, D.M. (1992). Police attitudes and behavioral intentions associated with specific police activities. Canadian Psychology, 33, 412. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, June 12, 1992, Quebec City, Quebec.

Perrott, S.B., & Taylor, D.M. (1991). Social alienation, authoritarianism, and stress in the police. Canadian Psychology, 32, 319. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, June 14, 1991, , .

Perrott, S.B., Taylor, H.G., & Montes, J.L. (1989). Neuropsychological sequelae, familial stress, and environmental adaptation following pediatric head injury. Canadian Psychology, 30, 230. Poster presented at the CPA Convention, June 8, 1989, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Invited Guest Chapter to a Single Author Book

Langley, R. G. B. (2005).Psoriasis. Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Medical Association and Key Porter Books. Guest contributor for Chapter 7. The psychosocial effect of psoriasis (pp.75-92).

Government Report Perrott, S.B. & Dechman, M. K. (2002). Psychological Outcomes and Coping Strategies: A Longitudinal Study of Lone-parent and Two-parent Families. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Department of Community Services, Province of Nova Scotia. Available Online at

Evaluation and Position Papers to Agencies

Steenbeek, A., Langille, D., Cragg, A., Wilson, K., & Perrott, S. B. (2014). Mount Saint Vincent University Undergraduate Student Sexual Health Services Survey 2012 (38 pages). Dalhousie and Mount Saint Vincent Universities: Halifax, N.S.

Perrott, S.B. (2004). Nova Scotia Gambia Association Peer Health Evaluation Programme, 2001- 2004, Final Evaluation Report (27 pages).

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Perrott, S.B., & Corr, M-A. (2002). Nova Scotia Gambia Association Peer Health Evaluation Programme, 2001-2004, Midterm Evaluation Report (32 pages).

Perrott, S.B., & Corr, M-A. (2002). Nova Scotia Gambia Association Peer Health Evaluation Programme, 2001-2004, Midterm Evaluation Report (Executive Summary, 8 pages).

Available Online at

Bell, S., Perrott, S.B., & Peach, J. P. (1995). Developmental, psychological, and social characteristics of Scout and Venturer aged youth (adolescent profile compiled for Scouts Canada leaders' handbook).

Perrott, S.B. (1995). The Halifax Police Visible Minority Police Cadet Training Program: Goals and Concerns of the Applicants. Halifax, NS: Mount Saint Vincent University and Halifax Police Department.

Perrott, S.B., & Beazley, F.A. (1993). The Halifax Police Visible Minority Police Cadet Training Program: An interim report. Halifax, NS: Mount Saint Vincent University and Halifax Police Department.

Contemporary Rover Program Development Task Force (1993). Discovery of the future, J. Peach and S.B. Perrott (Eds.). Halifax: Scouts Canada.

Other Non-Refereed Publications

Perrott, S. B., & Kelloway, E. K. (March, 2005). Workplace hostility: Joint NSGEU/NSNU survey reveals troubling statistics. Nursing News: News for NSGEU Nurses Across Nova Scotia, pp. 1, 3.

Perrott, S. B., & Kelloway, E. K. (February, 2005). Hostility and violence in the workplace for Nova Scotia’s registered nurses. Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union Newsletter, pp. 3-5.

Perrott, S. (Fall-Winter, 2004). CIDA funds community based policing project in The Gambia. Nova Scotia Gambia Association Newsletter, pp. 14-15.

Perrott, S. (October, 2004). Finding community alternatives in The Gambia. Posted to website:

Perrott, S. (Spring-Summer, 2004). Adventures with the NSGA drama troupes. Nova Scotia Gambia Association Newsletter, pp. 14-15.

Perrott, S. B., & Kelloway, E. K. (2003). Preliminary Results- Workplace violence, hostility, and unpleasantness: Gender, School Level, and School Board Differences. The Teacher, 41 (8), 9.

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Perrott, S. B., & Kelloway, E. K. (2003). Preliminary Results- Workplace violence, hostility, and unpleasantness: A novel approach to understanding the experiences of Nova Scotian police officers, teachers, and nurses. The Teacher, 41 (6), 11.

Perrott, S. B., & Kelloway, E. K. (2002). Workplace violence, hostility, and unpleasantness: A novel approach to understanding the experiences of Nova Scotian police officers, teachers, and nurses. The Nova Scotia Psychologist, 14 (4), 11-12.

Perrott, S. B. (2002). Peer health education in Gambia: A West African success story. The Nova Scotia Psychologist, 14 (3), 8-9, 20. Reprinted in Nova Scotia Gambia Association’s autumn, 2002, newsletter, and circulated as an insert to 30, 000 subscribers to the Globe and Mail newspaper, January, 2003.

Perrott, S. B. (1995). A neophyte questions the status and future of community psychology in Nova Scotia. The Nova Scotia Psychologist, 10 (4), 1, 3-4.

Other Non-Refereed Conference Presentations/ Colloquia

A healthy environment: It’s more than education and knowledge. Keynote address delivered to the Community and Hospital Infection Control Association- Nova Scotia Chapter 2011 Educational Symposium: Reaching Out and Looking Beyond. Halifax, November 4, 2011

Panelist in a “Violence In The Classroom” symposium during the Women in Education conference sponsored by the Nova Scotia Teachers Union, December 6, 2003.

Sex-Tourism, Health Promotion, and Community Policing in the Philippines and The Gambia: A Psychologist and Ex-Cop Combines His Training in The Developing World. Acadia University Department of Psychology Colloquium Series, Wolfville, NS, November 14, 2003

The climate for minority police applicants: Views from African Canadian applicants. Presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Atlantic Association of Sociologists and Anthropologists, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, October 23, 1998

The climate for minority police recruitment: Views from African Canadian applicants. Presented at the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Research Seminar Series, November 26, 1996

Race relations and the police in Atlantic Canada: Towards a bright multicultural future or continuing divisiveness? Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Atlantic Association of Sociologists and Anthropologists, Dalhousie University, Halifax, October 14, 1994

Factitious Disorder: The answer to a multiple-choice diagnosis? Douglas Hospital Conference Series Presentation, June 17, 1987, Verdun, Quebec (with B. K. Mathies).

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Death Perspective Scales: An investigation of external validity. Paper presented at the Saint Mary's University Psychology Conference, April, 1986, Halifax, Nova Scotia (with V.M. Catano and I.I. Lenzer).

Invited Addresses/Community Service Presentations

Incivility and Conflict in the Workplace. Invited talk presented to the Administrative Professional Association, Mount Saint Vincent University, January 20, 2010

Thinking About First Contact with the Psychologically Disordered or Emotionally Distressed Person. Invited talk provided to the 7th Annual Atlantic 911 Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 28, 2008.

Self-care in the face of disaster, tragedy, and severe trauma. Invited talk provided to the Emergency Management Coordinators and Departmental Emergency Planning Officers Conference, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, October 16, 2008.

Trafficking in Human Flesh: Modern Day Slavery? Keynote addressed delivered to the Annual General Convention of the Halifax Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. May 10, 2008.

Focus group participant on Mayor’s Roundtable on Violence (Invitation from Mayor Peter Kelly). Multiple dates, June, 2007.

Guest speaker for HRM Police’s Public Safety Unit on the topic of the “Mob Mentality,” September 13, 2006.

Guest Lecturer for Professor Scott MacMillan’s MBA class, June, 2006 on the topic of leadership

Keynote address to the annual Nova Scotia Gambia Association African Supper, May, 2004 regarding peer health project.

An introduction to abnormal psychology for the police recruit. Two days of in-house training for the 2005 Halifax Regional Police Service’s Police Science Recruit Class, January 7-8, 2005.

An introduction to abnormal psychology for the police recruit. Two days of in-house training for the 2003 Halifax Regional Police Service’s Police Science Recruit Class, May 26-27, 2003.

Guest Lecture provided to three of Ms. Tania Bainbridge’s Grade 12 Global Geography classes regarding Peer Health Education Project in The Gambia. Sir John A. MacDonald High School, June 10, 2002.

Guest Lecture provided to three of Tania Bainbridge’s Grade 12 Global Geography classes about sex-tourism project in The Philippines. Sir John A. MacDonald High School, June 3, 2002.

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An introduction to abnormal psychology for the police recruit. Two days of inhouse training for the 2001 Halifax Regional Police Services Recruit Class.

An introduction to psychology for the police recruit. Six days of inhouse training for the 1998 Halifax Regional Police Service’s Recruit Class, April, 1998.

An introduction to psychology as a science and as a profession. Invited talk given to the 1996 Shad Valley Program students at Acadia University, July 2, 1996.

Recognizing and coping with psychological disorders and others in distress. General Police Science II In-service Training Course, Atlantic Police Academy, October 25, 1994.

Evaluating expectations and avoiding burnout in the volunteer probation worker. Address given to Bedford volunteer probation workers. March 22, 1994.

An introduction to abnormal psychology for the police investigator. Interview and Interrogation Skills Training Course II, Halifax Police Department, November 17, 1992.

Someone has broken into my home: Why am I feeling so bad? Crime Prevention Society of Nova Scotia Workshop, October 20, 1992.

An introduction to abnormal psychology for the police investigator. Interview and Interrogation Skills Training Course I, Halifax Police Department, May 4, 1992.

Guest lecturer in a variety of criminology, sociology, psychology, and Peace and Conflict courses at Mount Saint Vincent, Saint Mary's, and Dalhousie Universities

External Grant Awards

2012 Co-investigator- Canadian Institutes of Health Research - $ 324,435.00 awarded across three years to support Sexual Health Services and Sexual Health Promotion Among Undergraduate Students in the Maritimes With A. Steenbeek, G. Andrea and D.B. Langille (Principal Investigators) And M. Asbridge, J. Curran, M. Fisher, K. Krug, C. MacDonald, J. MacDonald, P. McLeod, L. O’Sullivan, and A. Whelan (Co-Investigators)

2007 Canadian International Development Agency- Students for Development Program- $12, 000.00 awarded to support Shelagh Abriel, MSVU student, for a three month internship to work on the Community- Based Policing Project in The Gambia project.

2004 Canadian International Development Agency through the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada Community-Based Policing and Restorative Justice in The Gambia $ 1, 000, 000.00 development grant, April 1, 2004-Sept. 30, 2010

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2003 Project Development Grant - Canadian International Development Agency- Community-Based Policing and Restorative Justice in The Gambia $ 15, 000.00: $ 10, 000 from CIDA with $ 5, 000 in matching funds from MSVU

2001 Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation (with K. Kelloway) Dealing with workplace violence, aggression, and mistreatment: model development within and between occupations. $ 41,298.05

Internal Grant Awards

2011 Mount Saint Vincent University Internal Grant Variables affecting motivation and retention in the volunteer fire service $ 7, 500.00

2003 Mount Saint Vincent University Internal Grant Dealing with workplace violence, aggression, and mistreatment: model development within and between occupations. $ 1,011.53

2001 Mount Saint Vincent University Internal Grant Dealing with workplace violence, aggression, and mistreatment: model development within and between occupations- Part 1- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police $ 5, 000.00

1996 Mount Saint Vincent University Internal Grant The Social Identity of Police Officers: A Discourse Analytic Approach $3, 996

1992 Mount Saint Vincent University Internal Grant The recruitment of visible minorities to police forces: Halifax and beyond $3, 888

Collegial and Community Service

University Committees

2013- Committee (Internal Member) for the External Review of the Public Policy Program, Mount Saint Vincent University

2011- Research and Publications Committee

2011- MSVU Representative, St. Mary’s University, Animal Care Committee

2010- Faculty Representative, User Benefits Committee

S. Perrott Curriculum Vitae 16

2000-2003; Senator, Mount Saint Vincent University (Elected Faculty Representative) 2010-2012

2001-2004 Chair and Social Sciences Representative, Mount Saint Vincent University Research Ethics Board

2000-2003 Chair, Senate Student Judicial Appeals Committee

1993-1996 Chair, Senate Student Judicial Committee

1993-1996 Chair, Faculty Association Nominations Committee

Administrative Responsibilities

2012 Acting Chair, Department of Biology

2005-2008 Chair, Department of Psychology

External Service -Grant referee for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Atlantic Institute of Criminology and Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation

-Textbook reviewer, Pearson Education Canada, McGraw Hill, and Wiley.

-Ad hoc referee for the professional journals Canadian Psychology, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine, American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, South African Journal of Criminology and Police Practice and Research: An International Journal.

-Research Consultant, Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia, 1996-1997

Professional Supervision- Psychologists (Candidate Register)

1999-2003 Daniel Stephenson, M.A. 1998-2002 Lauraine Logan-Smith, M.A.

Committees and Professional Organizations 2000-2003 Chairperson, Elections Committee Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia

1997-2000 President-Elect, President, and Past-President Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia

1998-1999 Publications Committee Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia S. Perrott Curriculum Vitae 17

1995-1999 Post-Trauma Services Committee Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia

1993-94 Long-term Planning Committee Service for Sexual Assault Victims (Avalon Centre)

1992-1993 Contemporary Rover Development Program Scouts Canada (National level)

1992-93 Visible Minority Review Committee Halifax Police Department


Member and Fellow, Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia Member, Canadian Psychological Association Member, American Psychological Association

Professional Certification and Recognition

Registered Psychologist, Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology Listee, Canadian Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology Expert Witness, Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Provincial Court of Nova Scotia, and Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board

Professional Development

Introductory Psychology Symposium-On-The-Lake. Workshop sponsored by McGraw Hill Ryerson designed to explore novel pedagogy and developing changes to content in the engagement of large introductory psychology classes. Niagra-on-the-Lake, Ontario, March 27 and 28, 2008.

Teaching and Learning in Psychology Symposium. One day workshop sponsored by McGraw Hill Ryerson designed to explore novel, especially technologically-focused, pedagogical techniques, in the engagement of large introductory psychology classes. Pantages Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, October 19, 2006.

University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development Project Implementation and Management Workshop. Two-day workshop sponsored by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada and the Canadian International Development Agency about how to implement and manage funded Tier II projects. Ottawa, Ontario, May 31-June 1, 2004.

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University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development Project Design and Implementation Workshop. Two-day workshop sponsored by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada and the Canadian International Development Agency about how to prepare, implement, and manage Tier I and Tier II projects. Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 14-15, 2003.

Cross-cultural effectiveness training. Three-day workshop sponsored by the Centre for Intercultural Training, Canadian Foreign Service Institute, Hull, Quebec, March, 2001.

Guided Self-Change: A brief motivational Intervention for alcohol and drug abusers. One day professional workshop led by Linda Sobell and sponsored by the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia, April 7, 1998

The Feeling Good Workshop: Fast and effective treatment for depression and therapeutic resistance. One day professional workshop led by D. Burns and sponsored by the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia, May 7, 1997.

Treatment of adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A cognitive-behavioral approach. One day professional workshop led by D. Meichenbaum and sponsored by the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia, April 11, 1996.

Navigating the quagmire: Ethical and legal guidelines for psychologists. One day workshop led by J. Ogloff and sponsored by the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia, May 5, 1995.

Honours programs and theses in psychology. One-day workshop for Psychology Departments in Atlantic Canada held at Acadia University, July 25, 1994.

Addressing the cross-cultural challenge and psychologists' need for cross-cultural competency. Canadian Psychological Association one day pre-convention workshop led by A. Blue and D. M. Taylor, Penticton, British Columbia, June 28, 1994.

Highlights of the DSM-IV. Three-hour video workshop sponsored by the American Psychological Association Continuing Education Committee, June 4, 1994.

S. Perrott Curriculum Vitae 19

Media Interviews/Contributions

Morgan, J. (June 7, 2012). Interviewed on News 95.7 about the mental state of Luka Magnotta

Hoare, E. (February 14, 2012). Record 19 murders in HRM last year. The Chronicle-Herald, p.3. Article about the meaning of the just released crime statistics for Halifax Regional Municipality.

Kronstein, R. (June 17, 2011). Interviewed for Global Television’s National evening news about the actors, group dynamics, and police performance during Vancouver’s 2011 Stanley Cup riot.

Lord, R. (April 2, 2010). Interviewed for Global Television’s National evening news about the efficacy of “gun amnesty” programs given the escalation of gun-related violence in the greater Halifax area.

Foster, J. (March 19, 2010). Interviewed for CTV’s “News at 6“ regarding demographic variables associated with a rash of indecent exposure incidents in Halifax’s south end.

Embrett, C. (June, 2009). Youth and the kiss of debt. Canadian Living Interviewed for magazine article about how our credit-based culture has affected the attitudes and life-style choices of young adults.

Krystal, A. (June 25, 2009). Interviewed on 95.7, Maritime Morning, talk-radio call-in show about parenting problems, youth alienation, and the Young Offender’s Act.

Krystal, A. (June 22, 2009). Interviewed on 95.7, Maritime Morning, talk-radio call-in show about parenting styles and societal changes facing Canadian youth.

Tremonti, A.M. (April 7, 2009). Taped interview on CBC Radio One’s flagship national program, The Current, about how police are responding to and dealing with their activities increasingly being recorded by unconventional means such as by cell phone video captures. Replayed twice on CBC’s evening program, The Round-Up, April 7th and 8th.

Lord, R. (November, 2008). Interviewed for Global Television’s National evening news about the psychological impact that drive-by shootings by two crime families is having on the community of Spryfield.

Teubner, S. (October 24, 2008). What's Your Emergency? 911 Call Takers Gather for 8th Annual Conference. The Halifax West Weekly News. Interview about my role as a guest speaker at the 911 conference.

Medel, B. (October 18, 2008). Psychologist: Crisis debriefings may actually cause stress. The Chronicle-Herald, p. B2. Interview about my conference presentation dealing with Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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Howe, R. (August 21, 2008) Interviewed for CJNI-FM on potential causes and remedies for youth-initiated vandalism.

Klassen, C. (May 13, 2008). Interviewed on CBC Halifax Radio One’s Mainstreet about whether a recent drop in HRM’s crime statistics represent a real drop in crime.

Trembath, T. (November 15, 2007). Interviewed for Global Television’s evening news about police use of Tasers following the Vancouver Airport death.

Ferguson, C. (October 24, 2007). Interviewed for Global Television’s evening news about potential remedies for youth crime.

Howe, R. (October 24, 2007). Call-in guest on CJCH’s Hotline call-in program to provide commentary on continuing problem of violent youth crime.

Howe, R. (August 27, 2007). Call-in guest on CJCH’s Hotline call-in program to provide commentary on recent outburst of violent youth crime.

Young, R. (August 3, 2007). Convicted pedophile in nursing home a burden for facility staff: Union Rep. The Daily News, p.6. Interview regarding the legitimacy of placing an elderly pedophile in a nursing home and under the custodial care of nursing staff.

Brown, R. (July 24, 2007). Interviewed for Global Television’s local evening and national late night news about swarming incidents in HRM.

Deluce, L. (July 7, 2007). ATV Live at Five. Interviewed about the impact on society and likely prognosis for youth who exhibit cruelty to animals.

Gass, T. (June 18, 2007). Interviewed for Global Television’s National evening news about value of just implemented Canadian “no-fly” list.

Petrone, M. (May 31, 2007). Interviewed for Atlantic Television’s evening news about the problems and sources of bias when police officers investigate other police officers.

Howe, R. (April 20, 2007). Call-in guest on CJCH’s Hotline call-in program to provide commentary on media coverage and the “copycat effect” following the Virginia Tech massacre.

Howe, R. (October 18, 2006). Call-in guest on CJCH’s Hotline call-in program to provide commentary on teen crime.

Lord, R. (September 22, 2006). Interviewed for Global Television’s National evening news about recent vigilante incidents in Nova Scotia.

Ferguson, C. (September 14, 2006). Interviewed for Global Television’s evening news about killer in Dawson College shootings.

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Dooley, R. (September 11, 2006). Shock to our Psyche- Expert. The Daily News, p.9. Interview regarding the long-term impact of the World Trade Centre attacks five years after the fact.

Montana, P., & Sibley, D.-Hosts (September 11, 2006). Call in guest on Country C101.9 Radio call in show about the long-term psychological impact of the World Trade Centre attacks five years after the fact.

Missler, M. (August 3, 2006). Interviewed for Global Television’s evening news about vigilantism on Grand Manaan Island.

Moreira, C. (Summer, 2006). Educating police, developing community. Nova Scotia: Open to The World, p. 4. Article about Community-based Policing in The Gambia project.

Hayes, B. (May 5, 2006). Expert: Teens need community support. The Chronicle Herald, p. A2. Headline quote carried on p.A1. Interview conducted about criminal gang behaviour in HRM.

Dibba, L. (April 28, 2006). Don explains need for community policing. The Daily Observer, The Gambia. Interview conducted about ongoing Gambia police gender workshop.

Gordon, R. (May 11, 2006). The Gambia Connection: Distant Beat. CBC National news documentary broadcast about Community Policing in The Gambia project (previously broadcast locally on CBC). Documentary repeated on The National in August 2006

Foster, J. (April 7, 2006). Interviewed for Global Television’s evening news about the implications of the Speech From the Throne for criminal justice policy.

(April 6, 2006) Interviewed by the morning hosts of CBC Charlottown, Sydney, Saint John’s, and about the implications of the Speech From the Throne for criminal justice policy (sequential but separate live interviews).

Gordon, R. (March 28, 2006). The Gambia Connection: Distant Beat. CBC News at Six feature documentary on community policing in The Gambia project.

Dobson, S. (January 5, 2006). Interviewed on ATV’s Live at Five evening news program about the “holiday blues” and seasonal affective disorder.

Howe, R. (October 13, 2005). Co-guest, with Dr. Nina Woulf, on CJCH’s Hotline call-in program to provide commentary on the rise of teen gang-related violence.

(October 1, 2005). Interviewed on ASN’s with A/Supt. Bojang and Inspector Mballow about community-based policing project.

Arsenault, D. (September 27, 2005). African officers seek NS know-how. The Chronicle Herald, pp. B1-3. Article about Community-based Policing in The Gambia project.

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Dooley, R. (September 27, 2005). Police training crosses borders: Gambian officers will take home lessons learned. The Daily News, p.4. Article about community policing project.

Lambie, C. (April 24, 2005). Fight or flight?. The Daily News, pp.4-5. Interview about how to best react if you find yourself the victim of a swarming incident.

Danjo, S. (March 4, 2005). Youth crime watch, GPF on community policing. Daily Observer (The Gambia), p. 3. Report on community sensitization workshops in Farafenni focused on the relationship of Youth Crime Watch of The Gambia to the community policing program.

Gambia Radio and Television Services (February 12-17, 2005). A number of television and radio reports and one radio interview about the launch of the community-based policing program.

Petrachek, H. (November 12, 2004). Interviewed on CBC Halifax Radio One’s Mainstreet about Community-based policing project (with Gambian partners B. Senghore and A. Bojang).

Petrachek, H. (November 8, 2004). Interviewed on CBC Halifax Radio One’s Mainstreet about whether there are any solutions for violent or otherwise out-of-control youth.

Howe, R. (November 1, 2004). Guest on CJCH’s Hotline call in program to provide commentary on why so many young people are coming into repeated conflict with the law.

Murphy, T. (October 22, 2004). Interviewed for CBC’s The National about what can be done with a 16-year-old repeat offender who killed a woman while driving a stolen car.

Missler, M. (October 21, 2004). Interviewed for Global Television’s evening news about the reasons for repeat offending of a 16-year-old who killed a woman while driving a stolen car.

Chiu, E. (October 21, 2004). Interviewed for Atlantic Television’s evening news about the reasons for repeat offending of a 16-year-old who killed a woman while driving a stolen car.

Howe, R. (October 21, 2004). Guest on CJCH’s Hotline call in program to provide commentary on the reasons for repeat offending of a 16-year-old who killed a woman while driving a stolen car.

Lambie, C. (October 20, 2004). It’s like a live video game. The Daily News, p.3. Interview regarding repeat offending of a 16-year-old who killed a woman while driving a stolen car.

Boomer, R. (August 6, 2004). Castration not a cure for pedophilia. The Daily News, p.8. Interview regarding the likely efficacy of chemical castration for high profile pedophile, Cesar Lalo.

Johnson, C. (August 2, 2004). Interviewed for ATV evening news about armed cigarette heist at Costco, Bayer’s Park.

Coady, M. (July 16, 2004). Interviewed for Global Television’s evening news about Martha Stewart’s penal sentence for insider trading. S. Perrott Curriculum Vitae 23

(June 1, 2004) Interviewed by Radio Canada International with Superintendent Pah Jallow, Gambia Police Force, about CIDA/AUCC funded Community-Based Policing and Restorative Justice in The Gambia project.

Petrachek, H. (March 5, 2004). Interviewed on CBC Halifax Radio One’s Mainstreet about my successful application for funding for a community-policing project in The Gambia.

Tremonti, A.M. (March 3, 2004). Participation in a panel discussion on CBC Radio One’s flagship national program, The Current, about the best ways to utilize police budgets including expenditures for DNA testing.

Harris, M. (March 4, 2004). Feature guest on CFRN’s (Ottawa) Michael Harris Live call-in program for commentary on the reasons for increasing levels of violent crime by youth.

Howe, R. (March 3, 2004). Guest on CJCH’s Hotline call in program to provide commentary on the reasons for increasing levels of violent crime by Nova Scotia youth.

Lambie, C. (February 2, 2004). Prof: Look to the parents. The Daily News, p.4. Feature interview regarding the causes of youth crime.

Ayyash, M. (December 11, 2003). Interviewed for Global Television’s evening news about my data regarding the violence faced by public schools teachers in a larger story stimulated by a violent schoolyard incident involving a 9-year-old child.

Klassen, C. (November 13, 2003). Interviewed in an occasional piece series about Nova Scotians working overseas on CBC Halifax Radio One’s Mainstreet about the development projects in which I am involved in The Philippines and The Gambia.

Howe, R. (November 6, 2003). In-studio guest on CJCH’s Hotline call in program to provide expert commentary on a number of high profile cases in the Nova Scotia justice system.

Jessome, P. (October 31, 2003). Featured in interview for Halifax portion of CBC’s Canada Now about the case of a sex-offender convicted of serial rapes of a 5-year-old boy.

Lambie, C. (October 30, 2003). 5-year-old boy’s rapist gets 25-month sentence and Child sodomizer gets 25-month sentence. The Daily News, p.1, p.3. Interviews regarding the appropriateness of the sentence for a sex-offender and the likelihood that the offender would profit from therapy.

Tremonti, A.M. (September 16, 2003). Participation in a panel discussion on CBC Radio One’s flagship national program The Current about the state of police-community relations following a number of “swarmings” of police officers by youth nation-wide.

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Interviewed in national broadcasts by The Gambia’s National Television and Radio Services about proposed CIDA sponsored Community-Based Policing/Restorative Justice Project in The Gambia (September , 2003).

CTV Canada AM (July 25, 2003) Feature four-minute interview on Canada AM about implications of decision about whether 10-year-old boy should be forced to testify against his mother in a stabbing and sexual assault trial.

July 21-26 – Interviews and coverage of expert testimony provided in high-profile case involving a 10-year-old boy being required to testify against his mother in a stabbing and sexual assault trial. Covered by the Chronicle Herald, Daily News, CTV National News, ATV News, CBC Radio 1 and 2, Radio Canada, CBC Canada Now, Global Television, CJLS News,, Canada. Com, CTV Newsnet,, British Columbia’s Province, and several others.

Featured guest on Vancouver radio call-in program concerning my data concerning violence and incivility in the classroom, July 24, 2003

Child on the Stand. (June 25, 2003). CBC Halifax Information Morning interview conducted by Don Connolly regarding the psychological impact of placing a small child on the witness stand during court proceedings.

Featured guest on John Gormley Live on News/Talk radio stations CKOM () and CJME (Regina) program hosted by John Gormley concerning violence and incivility in the classroom, March 18, 2003

Verchery, D. (2003, February 20). Radio Canada news piece about my research investigating workplace violence experienced by police officers, teachers, and nurses.

North, R. (2003, February 18). CBC Halifax Radio news piece about my research investigating workplace violence experienced by police officers, teachers, and nurses.

Sherwood, J. (2003, February 15). School a violent place for many N.S. teachers. The-Chronicle Herald and the Mail-Star, p. A3. Article about my research investigating workplace violence experienced by police officers, teachers, and nurses.

Ayaash, M. (2002, December 1). National AIDS Day news segment. Interview broadcast on Global’s evening news program about my work in a peer health program in Gambia.

(2002, December). Interview taped at King’s School of Journalism about peer health program in Gambia (broadcast during news segments on Eastlink Television).

Drewa, A. (2002, November 4). Helping Hands. Human interest/news interview broadcast on ATV’s Live at Five program about my work in a peer health program in Gambia. Rebroadcast on ASN’s Nightside at 11: 00 p.m.

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Brown, L. (2001, December 5). Hanging on to the hope: Unsolved cases leave victims’ families in limbo. The Bridgewater Bulletin, p. A12. Special report regarding the likelihood of perpetrators or witnesses coming forward to reveal what they know about a number of unsolved murders in Lunenburg county.

Johnston, B. (May 27, 2001). Haligonians tackle Filipino sex-trade. The Sunday Daily News, p.9. Article about my role in CIDA funded sex-tourism project.

Global Television Maritimes Today studio guest on program hosted by Duane Lowe about the societal implications of "reality" television. September 11, 2000.

Global Television Maritimes Today studio guest on program hosted by Duane Lowe about serial killers and mass murderers. April 18, 2000.

ATV Evening News Interview with Peter Mallette regarding whether a convicted murderer's confession to a serial killing spree was credible, March 24, 2000

Global Television Evening News Interview with Martha Coady regarding why a convicted murderer would freely confess to a serial killing spree, March 20, 2000

Global Television Maritimes Today studio guest on program hosted by Duane Lowe about whether prostitution should be decriminalized and regulated. September 17, 1999

Global Television Maritimes Today call-in guest on program hosted by Duane Lowe concerning racism in the criminal justice system, September 24, 1998

Wagg, L. (1997, October 4). Feeding the urge to watch: Images of celebrities, disasters automatic lure for readers. The-Chronicle Herald and the Mail-Star, p. C1-2. Article regarding blame attributions surrounding Princess Diana’s death.

Global Television Maritimes Today studio guest on program hosted by Duane Lowe concerning Princess Diana’s death. September 17, 1997

First Edition, CBC Halifax Interview with Linda Kelly about the worldwide impact of Princess Diana’s death, September 3, 1997

MITV Maritimes Today call-in guest on program hosted by Duane Lowe concerning local anti- racism programs, April 10, 1997

MITV Maritimes Today studio guest on program hosted by Duane Lowe concerning cult activity in the Maritime area, April 9, 1997

CBC Halifax Information Morning interview by Don Connolly about the extent to which childhood abuse by considered a mitigating factor when sentencing adult criminals. March 12, 1996.

CBC Commentary, National Radio Broadcast, Wednesday, October 4, 1995 Title- The Police and Contemptuous Reverence S. Perrott Curriculum Vitae 26

Smith, A. (1995, March 13). Incident at school sign of the times. The-Chronicle Herald and the Mail-Star, p.A4. Article regarding possible reasons why a youth threatened others with a gun at Queen Elizabeth High School.

Dorey, B. (1995, February 2). Fear of crime growing issue: Paranoia of being victimized on rise - RCMP boss. The-Chronicle Herald and the Mail-Star, p. A5. Hughes, S., & Smith, A. (1995, January 16). Shooting by woman still 'very rare' despite rising figures. The-Chronicle Herald and the Mail-Star, p. A4. Regarding possible increases in the rate of women committing violent crimes following a shooting on the Dalhousie campus.

Hoare, E., & Dorey, B. (1994, Sept. 24).The last Good Samaritan. The Mail-Star, p.A1. and Dorey, B. (1994, September 24). Beating sends scary message: 'Good guys finish last.' The Mail-Star. p. B1. Two articles from an interview regarding the psychological and sociological impact of the gang beating of a "Good Samaritan."

Scurman, M. (1994, June 7). MITV evening news interview regarding the publication of the names of men found to be procuring the services of prostitutes.

Swick, R. (1993, December 6). It's not easy being blue. The Coast, pp.6-8.

Shaw Cable Television Network. (1993, Dec 3). Stop the Silence on Violence. Atlantic Canada forum on violence on television broadcast nationally on Shaw cable station. and Interviewer unknown. (1993, Dec 3). MITV late news interview regarding Stop the Silence on Violence broadcast.

Hoare, E. (1993, May 29). The counseling beat: Troubled cops find haven to release pent-up feelings. The Mail-Star. pp. A 1-2. Interview regarding Employee Assistance Program for the Halifax Police Department.

Sheppard, N. (1993, May 13). MITV evening news interview regarding youth "swarming" incident on Halifax Commons.