This item is the archived peer-reviewed author-version of: Gairo virus, a novel arenavirus of the widespread **Mastomys natalensis** : genetically divergent, but ecologically similar to Lassa and Morogoro viruses Reference: Gryseels Sophie, Rieger Toni, Oestereich Lisa, Cuypers Bart, Borremans Benny, Makundi Rhodes, Leirs Herwig, Günther Step, Goüy de Bellocq Joëlle.- Gairo virus, a novel arenavirus of the widespread **Mastomys natalensis** : genetically divergent, but ecologically similar to Lassa and Morogoro viruses Virology - ISSN 0042-6822 - 476(2015), p. 249-256 DOI: Institutional repository IRUA TITLE PAGE Title Gairo virus, a novel arenavirus of the widespread Mastomys natalensis: genetically divergent, but ecologically similar to Lassa and Morogoro viruses Authors Sophie Gryseels*, Toni Rieger, Lisa Oestereich, Bart Cuypers, Benny Borremans, Rhodes Makundi, Herwig Leirs, Stephan Günther** and Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq** Author affiliations Evolutionary Ecology Group, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium (S. Gryseels M.Sc., B. Borremans M.Sc., H. Leirs Ph.D., J. Goüy de Bellocq Ph.D.) Department of Virology, Bernard-Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany (T. Rieger PhD, L. Oestereich M.Sc, S. Günther MD) Unit of Molecular Parasitology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium (B. Cuypers M.Sc) Biomedical Informatics Research Center Antwerpen (Biomina), University of Antwerp/Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp Belgium (B. Cuypers M.Sc) Pest Management Centre, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania (R. Makundi Ph.D) Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 1 Studenec, Czech Republic (J. Goüy de Bellocq, Ph.D) *Corresponding author Sophie Gryseels Groenenborgerlaan 171 2020 Antwerp Belgium
[email protected] phone:+32 (0)3 2653469-fax:+32 (0)32653474 **These senior authors contributed equally to this article.