List of Livelihood Projects Dole X, Fy 2014
LIST OF LIVELIHOOD PROJECTS DOLE X, FY 2014 PROJECT NAME PROJECT OBJECTIVES NAME OF BENIFICIARY TOTAL PROPONENT DOLE GRANT DATE RELEASED FUND SOURCE PROPONENT/ACP PROJECT COST EQUITY No. Type. Tarpaulin (Trapal) San Roque 150 Retrenched Making Handmade Paper Workers Products (MPC) 196,394.00 32,732.33 163,661.67 WINAP Coffee Production and SHS Farmers and 21 Farmers Training Project Entrepreneurs Association/Panglin kawas MPC 510,000.00 85,000.00 425,000.00 WINAP Motorista Livelihood Naawan Riders 150 Informal Project Operators Sector Drivers Association/LGU Naawan 120,000.00 20,000.00 100,000.00 WINAP Capital Enhancement for Oro Investment 100 Sendong Informal Workers Micro-Finance victims Cooperative/OIMFC 600,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 WINAP Starter Kits Help Me 90 Women Beneficiaries/Alli ance of Two 544,800.00 90,800.00 454,000.00 WINAP Mini Grocery Project Tibasak United 170 Women Home-owners Association, 177,840.00 29,640.00 148,200.00 WINAP Massage Center Project BlindInc./Oro Living in a 41 PWDs New Direction, Inc.(BLIND)/OIMFC 195,240.00 32,540.00 162,700.00 WINAP Mattress Cover Making Differently-Abled 15 PWDS and Consumer Store Women Network, Inc.(DAWN)/OIM FC 420,000.00 70,000.00 350,000.00 WINAP Rice Trading DOLE 10 Retirees 27 Retirees Association 1,068,000.00 178,000.00 890,000.00 WINAP Peanut Processing Bug-ong Kalipi 32 Farmers Farmers Organization 110,000.00 10,000.00 100,000.00 WINAP Cut-Flower Production Campana Pandan 20 Farmers Cut-Flower Production 220,000.00 20,000.00 200,000.00 WINAP Candle making KALIPI 20
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