OREGON WU SE 44Ve444than Aubaoriba
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0 4 4 A The Interprlae la tfc only Claokamae County Tha Waakly Enterpriae 0 Newenapar that prlnta la worth tha prloa. Com 0) ail or tha nawa of thla para It with othara and 4 growing County. OREGON WU SE 44Ve444than aubaoriba. FIFTY-FIRS- T YEAR No. 82 OREGON ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, CITY .AUGUST 10,1917. ESTABLISHED 1886 SHAKE-U- RIVERS IMPROVEMENT KILLE P IN ENGLISH NAVY KILLED Ml MEN AND REJECTS 23 BILL CARRIES 01 10 OF 33 EXAMINED MDkE CHANGES ji AT BORING PROMISED IHgLUCKS 5 LONDON, Augl. Official announce- ought to have been so complete as "to the second sea lord will not be tram- A! ment was made at the admiralty to- give the country a resolute and ener- by Phillip L. Hammond of thla city, ser melled details which subordinates News of the paaage of the river and night that Admiral Sir Cecil Burney, getic admiralty permeated by an of- can handle, but will be ial number 437, wus the first man in associated harbor bill Friday afternoon by con- H phy- second sea lord, had bean replaced by fensive spirit." more closely was Clackamas county to be given the than bis predecessor gress, was received by thla city with THIRTY-FOO- Vive-Admir- Sir Roselyn Werayss. Al- There is no implication of Incapacity preparation BY T sical examination for military service with the of war plana. great satisfaction, for Included in the CLOSE CALL lan Garrett Anderson, hitherto an against Admiral Sir Cecil Burney, change in under the conscription act. Hammond Another the admiralty is appropriations la the sum of $80,000 of the wheat commission, whose services Admiral Jelllcoe's the of William was passed by the hoard. removal Sir Graham to be expended upon the ' remodeling succeed Sir Eric Campbell Qeddei, the second In command of the grand fleet from premanent secretary- During Tuesday forenoon there Green the of the government locks at thla city. new first lord of the admiralty, as con- are recognized, and an official an- passed before the examiners 33 men. ship at the Admiralty to a secretary- The improvement upon which thla troller of naval construction. nouncement states that be will be em- ship in ministry of un- O! these 10 were declared by the board the munitions money Is to be spent will consist of FALL The changes in the British admiral- ployed on special duty. It la assumed Spencer T NEW ERA to be physically unfit, and 23 Were der Winston Churchill. Sir the deepening of the channel in the ty are attracting was Zlol-Inak- much attention, and that as hla record made in active departure from admiralty passed. Among these was Frank l, William's the lower locks to a depth of eight feet at are Interpreted aa the flrat step in a command be may welcome the change. Is regarded aa number 783, of Deachutea coun of considerable Import the lowest season of the year. reorganization which it is supposed An official statement contains the ance, aa the post of permanent secre Hlraer Hlckey, aged 41, waa found ty, the only one examined today from According to local engineers, if the Sir Eric Campbell Qeddes, first lord announcement that an opportunity Is tary, which he has held since 1911, 4444 dead at During Sunday morning at 11 outside of Clackamas county. Of the money is Immediately available, the of the admiralty, waa appointed to car- to be taken of the appointment of Vice-Admir- always has been largely responsible o'clock by hla ton In Uw, Herbert Beera 23 passed by tha board, 11 claimed ex- work could be done this fall during VICTIMS Of THE NEW ERA ry out dlr Roselyn Wemyss to rear- for the continuity of admiralty tradi- boys, Loul Mauldrlng and emption for various reasons. and two -- the low water which will occur with- AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT In quarters where the existing ad- range the dullea of the second sea lord tions and policy. K is this continuity Hoy Chllda, lying In a pool of blood Those passed this morning were in a short Vm. The lower locks are 8UNDAY miralty methods are regarded as un- of tho admiralty, who will be relieved which is regarded by many aa a most where ha bad aptmrantly fallen from Frank Zlellnskl, Deachutea county, 40 by 210 ft: .:, but the fact that the ap- 4 satisfactory the present step is de- of detailed administrative work con- dangerous factor in that it hinders in- tha root of tha Boring achool house, Phillip Hamnmnd, Oregon City; Will proach to the locks would have to be Dead nounced as a procrastlnatory half nected with the personnel of the fleet itiative and adaptability to current which ho waa painting, Until a lata II. Foater, Oswego; Richard Bell, Bor- deepened also, would make MISS OLLIB MARQUISS of measure, and it la declared the change This la interpreted as meaning that itfeda. the work i hour Monday afternoon It waa sus- ing; Fred Blackman, Mullno; Steven cover an area of about 40 by 350 feet , 4 Eugene, pected that hla wife, and William El- - Feather, Eatacada; Edgar Stewart, The channel at this point is worn In Injured klna had mora knowledge of the affair Oregon City; Heppell Shipley, Oswe solid rock and would require the use K. D. Matlock, of Eugene, jaw than they would admit, but tha teat!-tnon- y go; John Lau, Oregon City; Jottab AUSTRIA IS LEADER of the cofferdam method and blasting. and arm broken; paralyzed from of aoma children of tha neigh- Warren Itogera, Willamette; Hector The appropriating of thla money tor pressire on spine. 4 borhood cleared the pair. Morrison, Oawego; George Mltta, Can-by- ; the district represents a victory gained B. J. Marquise, Southern Pacif- - Will- IN NATURALIZATION Separate A coroner's Jury Monday afternoon Dorcy Oran Smith, Boring; Peace over a waiting. About lc agent at Irving, ribs fractured. 4 after year' a came to the conclualon that death waa iam E. Simons, Mullno; Lawrence year ago when Congressman William 4 Mrs. Matlock, of Eugene, arm and Barnes, Sherwood; Carl Newburger bruised. due to an unavoidable accident EXAMINATIONS HERE C. Hawley waa in this city the matter that the direct cause waa a puncture Oregon City; Alex Anderson, Hoffs; was brought to bis attention and it la Mra. Sarah Marqulss of Eugene, at the baae of tha brain. .Hlckey fell Albert Zerkol, Willamette; Phillip largely through his efforts that the braised and shocked. 4 about SO feet and hla right leg waa Young, Oregon City; Samuel Phillips, appropriation was made. The rush broken Juat above the knee and be-- Oregon City; Fillmore Arnold, Park- - Austria carried oft all honors in the Rn of war legislation sidetracked the har- Oregon City, aldea tha blow on tha head he aua place; Earl Latourette, naturalization examinations here on msm bor appropriation, and although it Maurice Marqulss, an inexperienced talned a bad bruits' on hla left ahoul and Ernest Douglaa, Barton. Monday when Henry B. Hazard, fed seemed assured las year, it failed to driver, drove a large touring car following failed to pass the phy- eral with head- an dr. The naturalization examiner Ti materialize. carrying six persona off a cliff south sical examination: Albert Hubert, Or- quarter in Portland, granted o According to Information gathered citizen- n When the locks were taken over by of New Era at midnight Sunday, kill- egon City; Emll 8che'tx. Oregon City; ship to five Austriana out of a class of by Sheriff W. J. Wllaoh and Justice the government it was understood that ing his slater, Miss Ollle Marqulss, a Erwln Hackett, Oregon City; Chester 17 persons admitted. Switzerland of the Peace John Slevera, acting for the deepening of the channel m the trained nurse of Portland, Injuring E. Carothers, Oregon City; Lule Vera ranked second In number with three, Coroner W. Ilempatead, Mra. Hlckey lower locks waa Included in the speci- D. Matlock, of Eugene, ao severely that A. Schnei- M Dart, Oregon City; Gottlieb while Sweden, Walea and England U. and Elklna, who waa a regular vlaltor fications. Through a technicality thla there is little hope of his sarriving, der, Oregon City; Alexander R. Daus, each contributed two. sail art 1w . at the house and a friend of Mr. Hick was not allowed by congress and an anrtaUU BllfjUU IntimlfiaiIUJU1 IU5 UilthaAA VU1CIi ami9 Clackamas; Olen Harris, Oresham (No. Those place of ey'a, vlalted the husband where ha waa admitted and their additional appropriation waa required. Mrs. E. D. Matlock, Mrs. Sarah Mar- 258 the first called); Charlea Chlnn, birth were: Swe- at work on tha achool house juat be Jena Holstelnson, , PETROGRAD, Aug. 8. Russian that if Russia conclude a dishonora quis, of Eugene, and B. J. Marquise,' Auro- The deepening of the channel at this S Oregon City. Clarence Collins, den; John Dowry, Ireland; Llewelyn troops Cho-ti-n - fore o'clock on Saturday afternoon are on tha offensive In the ble peace to which traitors have been point will provide of Irving. Mrs. Matlock and Mra. ra. Davles, Wales; Aus a minimum water Several paaanra-b- aaw Hlckey and hla Gebhard Entner, region, near the southeastern fron- driving her she will become a German Marqulss were bruised and shaken up Dr. Hugh Mount conducted the phy- depth of six feet from Portland to Sa- wife engaged In conversation at the tria; Ulrlch Brugger, Switzerland; tier of Gallcta. Yesterday they drove colony forever. The Germane would by the accident and Mr. Marqulss, sical by Dr. J. lem. At the present time the channel auaplcloua examination assisted John Moar, Austria; Alexander Hugh Austro-Germa- n two building and because of the the forces from aeize her foodstuffs, enroll ber men here about first of September is who ia Southern Pacific agent at Irv- W.