Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1939-04-22
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It Haw," Maullllini f I Warm.er Flbt Co.rerenee Victory By JOWA-Falr and warmer &oday; Seore or 1Z &0 2 &omorrow becomlilc UIIlIettled. ! cooler In northwest. See Pa,e • alIu I - . it ,. 0 lei a Cit y'. M 0 , n In, New • pap e , FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDA Y, APRIL 22, 1939 VOLUME XXXVllI NUMBER 180. 1 the to 8 d th~ ,Ple!e. SSaid state t4th •••••••••• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " " . .. .. .. .. .. " . • • • • • • • • • • Is in 'nter. n th~ Parade ~ussia Ins~ts t the Nazi' Press Reports Enemies Fearful After : has Entente Align I the .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • .. .. .. .. • .. • .. IF • " . .. .. " " hUn. Against Japan IOWa I Cl'aIDl Mill't arv W here Fleets Gather in lHediterranean Say American HEAR, CHARLIE! trip Of drew Herbie Kay To Divoree Rumania Indicates o the Strength Awed Support Has Dotty Lamour She Doesn't Oppose lUIn· City ,World Capitals Been Decided CHICAGO. April 21 (AP) Pact With Moscow 'end. The harmony of Band Leader , the Herbie Kay and Songstress By The Associated Press Borah, Dennis Give DorothY Lamour ended on a LONDON. April 21 - Great Y of n Duce Reiterates blue note today when he med a Friendship of Italy Like Beliefs Before suit to divorce her on grounds Britain was reported reliably to lably of desertion, night to have accepted as "a basls !,OOO In Long Telegram Congressional Bodies "It is with deep regret on be for negotiations" a proposal by th~ hali 01 both of us that we find it Soviet Russia tor establishment !ases WASHINGTON. April 21 (AP) BERLIN. April 21 (AP)-The -Two congressional committees imposslble to continue our mar of an Anglo-French-Russian mili linn. controlled nazi press. in jubilant riage. Dorothy hilS her career tary alliance. nre considering legislation heard al mood, told Germans tonight tliat most identical statemeAts. one by in Hollywood - one that makes Despite Polish objections to rore, it impossible for her to leave Irvi . ReichsCuehrer Hiller's huge 50th Senator Borah (R-Idaho) and the such an alliance. it was believed there to establish a home else Britain and France were prepared the other by Laurence Dennis. econ birthday parade had struck terror omist and former diplomat. today where. Herbie has his career to resurrect the Triple Entente , the into the hearts of Germany's one which makes it impossible lairs to t.he effect that America already of the World war and even to enemies. has decided where its support for him to remain in one place. meet Russia's insistence that it be val. (Signed) Dorothy and Herbie." Every radio announcement and ALGERIA would lie in the event of a Euro- aligned against Japan as well as - every edition of the afternoon !'RENCH pean war. Germany and Italy. newspapers reported amazement "We have practically made up 'G H t A high authority said Rumania our minds whose side we are on." had indicated lo the two western and awe in the world's capitals fTIILlIIN ermans a e at the military might Germany Borah said. "We bave practically N . European powers she would no1. displayed in a four and one hall Ready for what diplomats term I four major European powers arel one of the greatest displays of Ishows the precious possessions the named the aggressor, nations." aZl Terror' sland in the way of the Soviet hour parade yesterday. "eventualities." the fleets of the massed in the Mediterranean in naval might ever assembled. Map ships guard in the "great basin," "We are already SIgned up 10r proposal. It was a "warning to all op- war." was Dennis' grim way of Commissar Recommends Act putting it. Observers Declare Poland. Rumania and Greece Borah argued that the temper already hold British-French guar rc~~~~~lti;:;~~: F::lniSChe Conllllittee Sends New Bu dget Demand Aid of the public was such that the Untrammeled Vote antees ot their independence I\nd The reception of Paris. said present was an unpropitious time Would Reveal Facts negotiatioDB have been proceed Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Of Two Ask County Help (01' enacting neutrality legislation. ing to enlist Turkey and Russia Goebbels' Del' AngI'm. could be "The world is already at war." WASHINGTON. April 21 (AP) in the bloc, summed up in the words. "Hitler I 21 Million to Legislature In Relief Suit he said. "Already things have - Two first-hand observers. fresh An authoritative source said the can to fal' with this Germany." taken place which make other from Germany. described to a recommendation 01 a flat. recip London. Del' Angrlif added. DE SMOINES. April 21 (AP)- nations look on us as unneutral. congreSSional committee today an rocal military alliance was made thought the German anti-air Mr. and MI·s. Bruce Stone filed Do you think that we can write atmosphere of nazi "terror." which by Soviet Foreign Commissar fratt guns were "a new terror SHIP BLAZE TURTLE TRUDGE suit in district court today to com permanent legislation at t his they said prevailed there. al Maxim Litvinoff to Sir William for bombers." Expect Battle time?" though abhorred by a large ma- Seeds. British ambassador in The Lokalanzeiger found that College Men Give Up pel Polk county to give relief to The Question was addressed to jority of the German people. Moscow. the "German power impressed Court Says Liner Was them and their two children. Mrs. Helen Taft Manning. the Former Governor Philip LaFol Britain. though favoring a less the world" and the Boersen Zel Set on Fire On It Today Fish Eating The petition liled by Attorney daughter of the late President lette of Wisconsin and D. Robert binding agreement. instructed Sir tlllll said a DanJsh general. re Lehan T. Ryan said the Stones Taft. She. testifying before the Yarnall. Philadelphia manufactw' William to accept the recommen COIlQting his obsel'va tion!> of the DETROIT. April 21 (AP) senate foreign relations commit· er. gave sober-faced accounts of dation as "a basis :for negotia LE HAVlU!. France/ April 21. II Okayed, It Will moved to Polk cou~ty ~ore than \llfsde to his cobntrymen. called (AP)-Investigating Magistrate Th~ intercollegIate world tOrn· a year ago. thus establishIng legal tee; rcpliiid (hat she believed "persecution 0 f non - AryallS" tious." It'''the greatest experience of my ed today from goldfish gobbling some revision of the present neu- wbich they attributed to the dread It was believed the British Andre Curbelier said tonight Boost Amount To residence. Ji/e." preliminary inqulI'les estab to turtle trudging-or so the trality law should be undertaken. "Gestapo." German secret police. envoys in Bucharest and Warsaw The fuehrer turned from the lished definitely that a "criml '500,000 Over 1937 publicity agent said. III with cancer. Stone was fOI'ced "There is no neutrality at tbis The two witnesses agreed that were advised to discuss the pro fanfare of his birthday celebra nal act" was responsible for the Anyway. the second annual to quit work and have the atten time. owing to conditioDB through, published accounts of anti-Semi posal with Rumanian and Polish tion to concentrate on the speech burning of tile French liner DES MOINES. April 21 (AP)- UnJversity of Dctroit intercol tion of his wife. thus making it out the world." Borah said. "We tic and other outbreaks in Ger oWcials, he will deli vel' before a specially Paris at her dock here. Iowa legislative compromisers to lcgiate turtle trudge was held impossible for hel' to earn the fam have practically named the ag- many had been "understated." No announcement was expected called session of the reichstag Police believe "foreigners" night settled on a state govern today and a local product. ily's keep. the petition !Isserted. gressor nations." I'ather than exaggerated. until after Chancellor Hitler bas !lext Friday to answer President set the fire on Tuesday night. ment budget ot $21.263.000 a year. Skippy, defeated entries from ------.-------- addressed the Reichstag next ROOsevelt's plea for at least 10 Friday. It was believed an Anglo the magistrate said. up $446.000 from the house ap 20 colleges and universities in years of assured peace. 14 states and Canada. French agreement with Turkey The press of callers represent propriations bill but $1.307.000 Non-Intervention Favored in Student Plebiscite; probably would be announced at ing many foreign countries and under the senate figure. the same time. a considerable accumulation of Wilson Fills 3 The corresponding departments 700 Votes Cast in Observation of Peace Week Seek Polish O. K. ollicl81 business. gave him littlc spent $20.747.030 a year under France Passes The problem now is to get Po- time today. however. to think School Posts the acts of the last legislature. * * * * * * . land to agree to the Soviet pro- about bis response to the appeal. Nearly 700* votes* *were cast in than words but short of war" by sory ROTC at the UnJverSlty of posal. it was said. which his axis partner. Italian Thus. if the two houses approve Armament Tax yesterday's stu den t plebiscite this country to England and Iowa? Y_~'75; nD-4U. It was recalled that a lew Premier Mus60lini. already has Five Appointed To the bill, the state's comparatlve which was conducted in connec France against Germany and . 6. 01' do you favor the substltu- weeks ago, after Germany abo tion with the observance ot Na I called "absurd." • budget will be $526.339 more an Radical Move Also Itllly? Yes-3S.; no-Sn. hon of voluntary for compulsory Is orbed Bohemia and Moravia. Dace PledJeII Friendship State Conservation nually than it was two years tional Peace week on the Iowa 2. In case such aid proves in- ROTC? Y~96; n0-276.